W12 Application Activity Template: Growth Through Experience Worksheet

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W12 Application Activity Template: Growth Through Experience


Think about a time when you failed at something. Here are some examples: scoring low on
a test or assignment, becoming angry when you could have used self-control, entertaining
bad thoughts, playing or singing music incorrectly, making a mistake while playing a sport.
After failing, you can choose to see your failure in one of two ways. You can see it as a
measurement of your value as a person, or you can see it as an opportunity for growth
(Ether 12:27).

Step 1
Write about your failure and describe at least three ways you can use this failure to grow
(and not pronounce judgment on yourself).

Complete the table below.

Growth through Experience Worksheet

Describe your failure.

What happened? During high school, I was awful in maths, and the teachers
never missed a chance to remind me. They never helped me,
and I did not take Maths in my final year. I was hard on myself
and felt embarrassed that my friends achieved high marks,
but I was failing.

Write one way you can

use this failure to grow I took College maths when I returned from 'mission' and had
a point to prove. I was at a total loss in the beginning before a
good friend of mine took the time to explain it to me. Once I
grasped the concepts, I started enjoying maths.

Write another way you I learned when the world believes you cannot do something
can use this failure to means nothing. Believe in yourself and work hard with faith,
grow and you will not fail. Starting Pathway was a huge decision,
but I learned from the high school math's example that I could
achieve if I'm determined. I achieved 100% in Pathways and
love maths now.

Write a third way you A few years ago there were substantial network problems at
can use this failure to work effecting all the branches in the country, it started late
grow in the afternoon, and there were deadlines for the month-end
the next day. I tried all the troubleshooting resolutions, but
nothing worked. I said a little prayer at 4 am and went to
work, no doubt I will find a resolution. At 6 am when the 1 st
staff started working, the network was up working 100%.
Never give up. Take a step back, say a prayer. Take a break for
30 minutes to clear your mind to be enlightened. I found that
once I did this and cleared my mind, the solution becomes
crystal clear, the spirit brings things to our remembrance.

How will you avoid When I fail, I need to persevere. Don't ever get sorry for
seeing failure as a yourself as this is not what Heavenly Father wants. He tests
measurement of your us and wants us to reach our true potential. We need to call
value as a person? on him regularly and believe in him. Learning from mistakes
in life help me grow more, and my experiences can help
strengthen my fellow brothers and sister who are struggling
with challenges.

Step 2
Think of someone in your life that could be a mentor to you. This may be someone that has
experienced what you are experiencing or it could be someone you are close to that you
trust. It could even be someone from your past that you haven't communicated with in a
while. Think about your goals and your path.

Who could you ask to be a mentor to you?

Douglas Bray

What makes them a good choice as a mentor for you?

A business colleague who I worked with for over twenty years, really knowledgeable. He
studied engineering, has a BA, and also studied computer science. We are still good friends. He
is currently a BYU Idaho mentor.
Step 3
Contact your mentor and ask if he or she would be willing to support you on your academic
**Note-See the University success tip for a reminder about what a mentor is and how to
communicate with them

Did you find and contact your mentor?


Step 4
Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your
course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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