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Week 2 Date Day Monday

Time 11.35 Class 6 Subject Mathematics

- Pavalam


Content Standard 1.2 Prime numbers.
Learning Standard (i) Identify prime numbers within 100.
Learning Objective 1. Pupils able to list down prime numbers within 100 and state the meaning of prime
Success Criteria Pupil will be able to
1: state what is prime numbers (individual)
2: define prime numbers (in group) ( individual)
3: identify prime numbers within 100 (in group) ( individual)
Activity 1. Pupils discuss on two groups of number of number shown in board.
2. Pupils list down differences between two groups of numbers.
3. Teacher introduce prime number and composite numbers to students.
 -prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself
-Numbers that have more than two factors are called composite numbers.
-The number 1 is neither prime nor composite.
4. Pupils define and list down prime number and composite numbers (I-think / traffic
light card)
5. Pupils discuss relationship between prime number and composite numbers
6. Pupils Identify prime numbers within 100 using 100 chart. (pair)
7. Pupils solve few questions and discuss in class. (cooperative/ traffic light card)
8. Pupils solve questions individually and the discuss in a group .(cooperative/ traffic
light card)
9. Pupils present their work to their friend and do correction if necessary. (Collaborative).
10. Teacher assist to students who still having problem with prime numbers
11. Teacher give rewards to group that perform well. (reward chart)
12. Pupils do exercise in the given worksheets. Teacher guide and check pupil’s answer
13. Pupils will continue with extra questions after finish the worksheet. (anchor activity)
14. Teacher rotate around the classroom and assist struggling students.  Pair struggling
students with students who have a strong understanding of the concepts presented.
Teacher recall back today’s lesson
Cross Curricular Thinking Skills Moral Values Generous

Teaching Aids Number cards, text book School-Based Assessment Pupils' Work

Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Reflection / Impact ___ /___ pupils able to achieve required skills and objectives.

___ / ___ need(s) extra guidance in

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