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As defined, morality is

CHAPTER 4 the standard of human acts that is

considered and recognized as right
or wrong, good or evil.

An individual is responsible for his own
In contrast, an act that has no moral
actions and somehow these actions are judged
significance or simply unrelated to morals is
by others based on what they commonly see on
called unmoral or nonmoral.
the outside. A person knows when he is judged
by others through comparing people’s
Examples of moral acts:
judgement with his own action and putting
1. Always tell the truth.
together both to arrive at a final perception
2. Do not destroy property.
forming a reflective knowledge of his own
3. Keep your promises.
responsibility. This action of recognizing his
4. Do not cheat.
own responsibility is more properly a form of
5. Treat others as you want to be treated.
consciousness, sometimes interchangeably
mistook with conscience.
Examples of Nonmoral acts:
1. Stealing
A person does not only judge and thinks
2. Lying
about how far his own responsibility is, but he
3. Murdering
also weighs the goodness and badness of his
4. Anything is considered to give harm to
acts. Whether he choose to do a certain good or
oneself or others
bad act, this power to do is called conscience,
wherein it renders a decision appealed from our
Thus, moral and nonmoral is contradicting with
own inner voice. All men, regardless of what
each other.
their morals are, make judgements of
conscience. Thus, the study of conscience
In judging the morality of an
should be beyond the scope. It is where we find
individual’s actions, the subjective peculiarities
an equitable basis and moral judgement for it.
of an agent looking into his act as per
Nonetheless, an individual must be honest to
conditioned with knowledge and consent,
himself and follows the good of what he sees.
background, prejudices, emotional stability and
In this chapter, the following points are
personal traits are to be considered. Asking
to be discussed:
whether a certain action reflects good or evil.
1. What is morality?
Morality is examined as a subjective morality
2. What is conscience?
and set on whether the act reflects or disagrees
3. How is the judgement of conscience formed?
with the agent’s own conscience or inner voice.
4. Must we always follow the dictate of
However, morality is also considered as an
objective morality, it is when we judge an
5. May we act with a doubtful conscience?
individual’s action by looking only at the kind of
6. How can doubts of conscience be solved?
act performed and the external circumstances it
displays. Disregarding any other reasons behind
that certain act and just deliberate the will of that
kind of act.
Examples of Subjective and Objective judgements. What an individual accepts is
morality: correct and how an individual chooses what is
Situation: A student who works during the night correct. By educating a person regarding his
and attend school at daytime cheated on the own qualities and perceptions, it turns into the
midterm exam. standard we use to judge whether our activities
Subjective morality: Asking “Is his reason valid are moral. Therefore, conscience may be
about cheating?”, “Did he considered and recognized as good or evil based on its practical
discern the circumstances of his act regardless of reason. The following is applied in the term of
his situation?” conscience:
⦁ The intellect as the ability to discern
Objective morality: Asking “Is cheating an evil individual acts.
act?” “Is dishonesty forbidden?” ⦁ The procedure of reasoning that the
intellect goes through to reach such a decision.
In its completeness, morality includes ⦁ The acumen itself which will be the
both objective and subjective aspects, pertaining conclusion of this reasoning procedure
equal treatment on both, unless certain acts are
just and invalid of their own with the judgement In the judgement of conscience
of conscience. Ethics as defines as a study reasoning process is somewhat similar to logical
stresses equitable moral. An individual has his deductive argument. Wherein the major premise
own way to live life but he must be utmost is the moral principle, the minor premise as the
accounted for his own actions and deeds as what particular act to be done under the scope of the
he sees them. He is responsible for assessing the moral principle and the conclusion is the
goodness and badness of his acts by sincerely judgement of conscience itself. This reasoning
following his conscience even if human process happens naturally inside of us but
judgement is objectively incorrect. If this somehow, we didn’t notice doing it but in
happen, the subjective morality is predominant. general, we have been acting upon this naturally
for years now.
Conscience is frequently thought of as Changing answers during the checking of papers
an “inner voice” that tells an individual about is considered as an act of cheating.
what is the true or correct act to be done, I changed my answer during checking time.
sometimes it is also called the “voice of God”. What I did what an act of cheating.
A person experiences a reaction of
subconsciousness due to their past experiences. KINDS OF CONSCIENCE
Sometimes these experiences can often give
moral estimates resulting to a feeling of doubt, Conscience is an individual’s moral
worried or uneasiness or even guilt when in fact sense of good and bad. It views as the acting
it is not reasonable. Though this is somewhat guide to one's behavior. Conscience judges the
close to the definition of conscience, in the morality of a human act, how it is performed,
traditional sense conscience is not recognized by and the consequences an action can attain.
this. Decisions under conscience is always Conscience may be guided to the future actions,
rational and it doesn’t mean that it is always prompting a person to do them or avoid them, or
correct. Since conscience came from the a judge of an individual’s past actions, the
cognitive aspect of a person, it is considered the source of his self-approval or remorse.
intellect itself in a special function where in it
assess the goodness and evilness of an action Antecedent Conscience
displayed by an individual. Conscience serves as ⦁ The judgment of a person deciding on a
a guide a person in his human activity, but since moral matter prior to acting on it. Antecedent
nothing is made perfect, conscience can also conscience either commands or forbids, counsels
dispute to mistakes forming false moral or permits the performance of an act. For the
purpose of ethics, this kind of conscience is - Example: You think it’s a fast day, but
more important. you are not sure, but you want to eat this
snack right now. You don’t go look it
Consequent Conscience up, to make sure it is or is not a fast day.
⦁ Either approves the act thus promoting a You eat the snack. If it had been a fast
sense of peace, well-being and spiritual joy. On day, you would have sinned, out of your
the other hand, it could also disapprove act negligence.
resulting the feeling of remorse or guilt.
Perplexed Conscience
Correct Conscience ⦁ When the mind sees both in the performance
⦁ Tells a person when something is a good and in the omission of some human act to be
choice or a bad choice and judges what is good done here and now.
as good and what is evil as evil. - Example: A poor widow who has
- Example: You want to buy a new set of received benefits from an important
novels but your cash is not enough. person, that person committed a crime
Then, you saw your father’s wallet on about which she knows. Her conscience
the table at your house, your conscience is indecisive whether she will witness
will tell you not to steal or get money and tell the truth in court or not because
from your father’s wallet because your whichever alternative she’ll choose, her
mind knows that as part of the ten conscience tell it seems wrong.
commandments, stealing is bad.
Erroneous Conscience Scrupulous Conscience
⦁ On the common-sense suppositions that ⦁ When the mind is unduly swayed by fear and
moral judgements are true or false, and judges judges that something is wrong that in fact is
incorrectly that what is good is evil and what is lawful. In short, you see one when there is none.
evil is good. - Example: Keyshane did not asked for
- Example: Choni is still not permitted by permission to her parents that she will
her parents to have a boyfriend, and yet go swimming. You, as her close friend,
she has one. When her parents asked her was asked by her parents the
if she has a boyfriend, her conscience whereabouts of Keyshane, without
tells her to lie to her parents about it. knowing what Keyshane did, you told
her parents that she went swimming.
Certain Conscience And so, Keyshane was scolded by her
⦁ is a subjective assurance of the lawfulness of parents and was grounded for a week.
unlawfulness of certain act. This implies the You think that it was your fault that
person is sure of his/her decision. It is possible Keyshane was grounded where in fact it
however to be sure of something as good when is not.
it is just the opposite, and vice versa.
- Example: Even if it is unnecessary, in a FOLLOWING THE JUDGEMENT OF
crime situation, a policeman is sure that CONSCIENCE
killing the suspect with a weapon is the
best alternative under the principle of Having seen what conscience is the
self-defense. main form it takes, we must learn the
responsibility in following what conscience
Doubtful Conscience disapproves or approves. Chief rules that
⦁ A state of mind when it cannot certainly involves a problem are:
decide for or against a course of action and  Always obey certain conscience.
leaves the person unsure about morality of what The difference between certain and
one is to do, or may have. correct conscience. The correct describes the
objective truth of the person’s judgment
while certain describes the subjective of a and intends to not avoid the probability
person’s judging. of that act as a wrongdoing. Thus,
There are two possibilities: doubtful conscience should never be
- A certain and correct conscience. followed. A person with a doubtful
It conducts a judgement of a person with conscience must learn how to correct or
absolute certainty or correctness. It is gather correctness against his doubts
required that the conscience should be about the rightness or wrongness of a
prudentially certain which defines as certain act. Before doing something, he
excluding all means of reasonable fear must assess it carefully first. The direct
of errors. method and indirect method can be
formed by conscience by the principles.
Example: You witnessed a scenario in Note that they are not offered a choice
which an employee was blamed for between direct and indirect method.
something he didn’t do. Following the Always do direct first then indirect after.
certain and correct conscience, you can
say that the employee is honest and not FORMING ONE’S CONSCIENCE
guilty and should not be blamed.
- A certain but erroneous conscience The doubting person was
A person who doesn’t know that he is in exhausted the direct method without
error and has no means of correcting it, getting the knowledge:
his conscience is invincibly erroneous. ⦁ What is the actual truth on the matter
But since a person does not recognize in hand?
his error, it is not subjectively wrong, ⦁ What is one obliged to do in such a
hence, a certain conscience must be situation?
followed not only when it is correct but First theoretical doubt, and this is the
also when it is invincibly erroneous to question that cannot be answered. It is the
serve as a guide for the performance of uncertainty of mind concerning the mere truth or
concrete actions. error of something and does not presently
concern one's own personal action. The second
Example: During online class, your is practical doubt, it is the uncertainty of mind
classmate’s internet connection concerning the prudent course of action or the
fluctuated and cannot join the google moral rectitude of something to be done here
meet, thus, you logged in her account and now. This alone can be solved in a every
instead on her behalf. You think that instance.
what you did is good but somehow there
is a hint of error in your action because Forming one’s conscience is the process
you are representing a virtual lie to the of correcting a practical doubt without touching
whole class. But you think that what you the theoretical doubt. It is accomplished using
did is just opted to help your classmate. the reflex principles in which a person uses his
You are not responsible for the error, mind while reflecting on the doubt and
but is responsible for your own choice. ignorance which eventually finds itself.

 Never act with a doubtful conscience. MORALLY SAFER COURSE

Every doubtful conscience can
be turned into a certain conscience, that This means that a person with utmost
no one will need to remain in doubt certainty to avoid wrongdoings and preserves
about what he will do. However, it is rightness of his actions. An individual is always
just sometimes accidental. It is still more allowed to choose the morally safer course.
likely about not being sure of the
rightness and wrongness of your action, Example: In the classroom, your teacher scolded
your classmate for being late. You knew the
reason behind your classmate’s action, but you you are morally justified in doing actions based
are not obliged to act upon, so you are doubting on this principle.
if you are allowed to help explaining or not, so
the safer course is to just omit the act you How doubtful does the law or duty have
planned. to be to lose its binding force? The view that as
most maintained in theory is the practice of
Another example: In a situation wherein you are probabilism. Probabilism requires solid
allowed to act but you are doubting if you are probability or the law or duty does not exist or
obliged to act, example is you borrowed a pen apply to a person’s case for an individual to be
from your classmate, and you in doubt if you free from an obligation. Solid probability means
already returned the pen or not but you found a that the reasons against obligations are valid. If
similar pen beside your chair, so the morally it is not certain then it is doubtful, and when it is
safer course is to do the act and give the pen you doubtful, it does not bind. Generally, decisions
saw to your classmate and risk giving the wrong and actions must be made with certain
pen. conscience which enabled through this theory of
However, there are also situations when we are
obliged to do the morally safer course, it is when CONCLUSION
there is an end certainly to be obtained and the
doubt is concern in the effectiveness used for its In forming one’s conscience in general
purpose. displays precision or more likely digging into its
simplest aspect. Ethics is not just about the
Example: It is your birthday, and someone morals that a person should have, but it also
blindfolded you surprisingly, you were startled tackles about what an individual is strictly
you wanted to slap the person who blindfolded obliged to do. Knowing one’s perception about a
you but you doubt whether the intention of the certain conduct is essential. However, it is
person’s act is for surprising you on your difficult to determine the rightness and
birthday or just joking around. wrongness of an act basing on our willingness of
judgements. Thus, we need to carefully learn the
DOUBTFUL OBLIGATION specific details of these principles.

It is applicable only when a person SUMMARY

doubts whether he is bound by an obligation, or
a person’s doubt of conscience is concern on the Morality is the standard of human act
lawfulness and unlawfulness of an act that he that distinguishes good from evil. It can either
ought to do. This principle is used in the be subjective or objective, depending on the
following situations: doer of an action taken as per conditioned.
1. Doubting whether an obligation exists Conscience is thought to be an inner
2. Doubting whether the obligation applies voice of a person that dictates an individual to
to the person’s case. do the right thing and arriving at a judgement
towards an act if it is wrong or good. The
Example: Since online class is conducted at reasoning used in the process is similar to
home, you are sick at the moment and you are logical deductive argument which consist of the
doubting whether you are excused in class or not major principle, minor principle and the
given the fact that you are not going to leave the conclusion.
house and just attend the class at home. This There are several kinds of conscience.
bring up a question: “Am I allowed to absent in The antecedent conscience which counsels or
class when I’m sick though I am just at home? Is permits the performance of an act. Consequent
there any law that is applicable to my case?” conscience which disapproves act resulting the
Then if the direct method fails to prove any, then feeling of guilt. Correct conscience which
judges an act of goodness as good and evilness
as evil. Erroneous conscience, which is the
opposite of correct conscience. Certain
conscience assurance of a certain act base on its
lawfulness, in contrast is the doubtful
conscience. Perplexed conscience sees both the
performance and omission of an act to be done.
Lastly, scrupulous conscience sees something
wrong when there is none.
In following the judgement of
conscience, the chief rules are: 1. always obey
certain conscience which has two possibilities,
the certain and correct conscience which
conducts a judgement of a person with certainty
and rightness and the certain but erroneous
conscience in which a person doesn’t recognize
his error and has no plans of correcting it. 2.
Never act with a doubtful conscience. Before
doing something, a person must assess his
judgement and learn to correct them because
every doubtful conscience can turn into a certain
In forming one’s conscience, direct
method of inquiry is to be used then the indirect
method to he followed thereafter is no results are
found. Indirect method includes the theoretical
doubt that is defined as cannot be answered and
practical doubt which is solved in an instance. In
forming one’s conscience, the practical doubt is
corrected without touching the theoretical doubt.
The practical doubt can be solved using
two reflex principles and this are morally safer
course and doubtful obligation. Morally safer
course is being preferred to use, this means that
a person avoids wrongdoings and preserve the
goodness of his acts. On the other hand, doubtful
obligation is applicable only when a doubt is
bound by an obligation.
Probabilism requires solid probability
(reasons against obligations are valid) for an
individual to be free from an obligation. A
doubtful act does not bind thus actions must be
made with full certainty enable through this

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