Admiral Byrd and Operation High-Jump

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...In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an
invasion of Antarctica [Operation Highjump and follow-up], but encountered heavy resistance from Nazi
"flying saucers" and had to call off the invasion. A Rear-Admiral who was in that invasion has retired in
Texas, and said he was shocked when he read the "Fire From The Sky" material. He knew there were a
lot of aircraft and rocket shoot-downs but did not realize the situation was so bad.

On March 5, 1947 the "El Mercurio" newspaper

of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article "On
Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas"
which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van
Atta: "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was
imperative for the United States to initiate
immediate defense measures against hostile
regions. The admiral further stated that he
didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it
was a bitter reality that in case of a new war
the continental United States would be
attacked by flying objects which could fly from
pole to pole at incredible speeds. [Earlier he
had recommended defense bases AT the
NORTH Pole.]

Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at
the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service." When Byrd
returned to the States, he was hospitalized and was not allowedRecent Activity
to hold any more press conferences. In 3/29/2011
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March 1955, he was placed in charge of Operation Deepfreeze which was part of the International
Geophysical Year [1957-1958] exploration of the Antarctic. He died, some have suggested he was
murdered, in 1957... UFO researchers are also aware of strange sightings of 'flying saucers' with
swastikas or iron crosses on them, 'aliens' speaking German, etc.

(Note: I have also heard of abductees who have been taken to underground bases with swastika
emblems on the walls, or as in the case of abductee Alex Christopher, have seen Reptiloids and 'Nazis'
working together aboard antigravity craft or within underground bases. So Barney Hill was not the ONLY
one to describe the Nazi connection to UFO abductions. - Branton).

An example is the American Reinhold Schmidt -- whose father was born in Germany -- who tells in his
book "Incident At Kearney" [Nebraska] that he was taken on a 'flying saucer' on several occasions. He
said the crew spoke German and acted like German soldiers. He said they took him to the Polar region
[if someone were making up a story, why would they claim to be taken, of all places, to the pole?] (Note:
Other sources have implied that an -- underground? -- 'Nazi' base exists somewhere in Nebraska. -
Branton) After returning he was subjected to persecution by the U.S. Government. His description [of the
aerial discs] matched pictures captured from the Germans.

In 1959, three large newspapers in CHILE reported front page articles about UFO encounters where the
crew members appeared to be German soldiers. IN the 1960s there were reports in New York and NEW
JERSEY of flying saucer 'aliens' who spoke German, or English with a German accent. In the Julius and
Ethel Rosenberg atomic espionage trials, they spoke of "warships of space." Since they had access to
top secret information, about what were they talking?

One thing that Admiral Byrd stated in a press conference after his defeat at Antarctica was that the
Antarctic continent should be surrounded by a "wall of defense installations since it represented the last
line of defense for America." Although the U.S. and Russia had been allies during the war, suddenly the
"Iron Curtain" was created and we and the Russians became 'enemies'.

(Note: Some say that the animosity of the Cold War directly following WWII was only an outward
smokescreen to justify the expenditure on both sides for massive nuclear armament buildups -- and
more importantly for massive black budget projects in space and underground -- and that in reality top
U.S. and U.S.S.R. officials met regularly via secret submarine meetings that took place below the North
Polar ice pack. This cooperation however was not complete, as there were still many at the higher levels
of U.S. government who were against the military imperialist abuses of the Communist system; and
many at the highest levels of the U.S.S.R. who were against the corporate imperialist abuses of the
Capitalist system. 'Inner Earth' researcher Dennis Crenshaw has written an interesting essay on the
Rockefeller influence behind Admiral Byrd's missions to the Antarctic, stating that the Rockefeller's had
funded many of Byrd's missions. Could we imply from this that, following the war, the Rockefellers were
able to reign-in many of the lower-ranking Nazi's yet many of the higher-ranking Nazi's slipped out of
their control? The corporate elite who backed the Nazi's apparently did not want the products of their
'investments' off doing their own thing. Apparently the Antarctic bases, like the Russian invasion, were
NOT part of the Rockefeller's plan. However there are suggestions that the Rockefeller-backed Nazi's in
America have since made contact with their comrades in Antarctica and have agreed to work together --
along with the Greys -- in an effort to infiltrate America and pave the way for it's fall and assimilation into
a New World Order. As we will see later, there are claims that some 1.5 million 'Nazis' are now operating
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in various levels of American society. Just where did they come from... Antarctica? Physicist Vladimir
Terziski stated that the Nazi presence in Antarctica has passed the 2 million mark, and therefore
Antarctica might conceivably be able to provide a large percentage of this infiltration force. Also
remember that the American, European and Antarctican 'Nazis' -- due to the very secret-society
foundations of their movement -- would have to maintain some level of contact with their occultist 'hosts'
in Bavaria, especially with the THULE and VRIL societies. - Branton)

Both the Soviets and the United States ringed the poles with defense and detection bases, and in
between was the barren no-man's-land of the poles where absolutely nobody lived, or did they? Could it
be that we pretended we were protecting against the Russians and they pretended they were protecting
against us, while really we and they were both scared of what was in between us -- the Nazi Last


The failure of Grossadmiral Karl Doenitz's U-boat offensive by May 1943 freed up dozens of "milk cow"
U- boats. These were large submarines, almost as big as tramp steamers, which Doenitz had used to
supply his U- boat "wolf packs" in remote seas of the world. Himmler now put them to work carting
supplies and personnel to Antarctica. Himmler's rationale for sending thousands of settlers to Antarctica
can only be understood within the context of his mystic beliefs. As a result of his youthful reading of New
Age books, his association with the occultist Dr. Friedrich Wichtl, and his membership in the Artamen,
Himmler became a believer in the Hindu concept of world- ages or yugas. He believed that the current
age, or Kali Yuga, would end in a global cataclysm, thereby giving birth to a new world-age called the
Satya Yuga. By sending a Nazi colony to Antarctica, Himmler was ensuring that a remnant of the "pure
Aryan race" would survive the coming cataclysm with its society and culture intact. They would then take
possession of Antarctica when the cataclysm melted the south polar ice cap. According to believers, the
Neuschwabenland colony survived the end of World War II and Operation High Jump, a battle with
Admiral Byrd's Antarctic task force in the summer of 1947. Ivanenko writes, "The total population of
Nazis in Antarctica now exceeds two0million and that many of them have
Recent undergone plastic surgery in
Activity 3/29/2011
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order to move about with greater ease through South America and conduct all manner of business
transactions." In 1969, author Michael X. Branton wrote a book "alleging that the Nazis had managed to
build rudimentary flying saucers and transfer them to the Antarctic in 1944."

Ivanenko called the Antarctic Reich "one of the most militarily powerful states in the world because it can
destroy the USA several times over with its submarine- based nuclear missiles, remaining itself
invulnerable to U.S. nuclear strikes because of the two-mile-thick ice shield" overhead. The city of
Neuberlin, the colony's capital, sprawls through "narrow subglacial tunnels" under the mountain range,
heated by volcanic vents and adjoining the prehistoric ruins of Kadath, which may have been built by
settlers from the lost continent of Atlantis well over 100,000 years ago. Most amazing of the stories about
Neuberlin is the claim that, like Shambhala, the city has an Alien Quarter, where Pleiadians, Zeta
Reticulans, Reptoids, Men In Black, Aldebarani and other visitors from the stars dwell. Ivanenko reported
that talk about the Antarctic Reich is "becoming more and more popular" in Russia, Poland, the Ukraine,
Belarus and other countries in eastern Europe. He writes, "In the May 10, 2003 issue of the (newspaper)
Frankfurter Allgemeine, Polish journalist A. Stagjuk criticized Poland's decision to send troops to Iraq" to
assist with the Allied occupation. "At the end, he said, 'The next Polish government will sign a treaty with
Antarctica and declare war on the USA.'" Ivanenko added that Stagjuk's words were broadcast on the
shortwave radio station Deutsche Welle the same week. "Some analysts compared this sentence to
famous code phrases which started wars in the Twentieth Century, such as ' Over all of Spain, the sky is
cloudless' in 1936, and 'Climb Mount Niitaka' in 1941."

(Editor's Note: "Climb Mount Niitaka" was the signal Admiral Yamamoto sent to Kido Butai, the Imperial
Japanese Navy's fleet, to begin the attack on Pearl Harbor.) It is strange to think of a large population
living under the ice of Antarctica, totally divorced from the "mainstream" world. Then again, there are
Jivaro indigenous people living on Lago de Yanayacu (lake), less than 50 kilometers (30 miles) east of
Iquitos, Peru, who have never heard of Courtney Love. So, is there a city under the ice inhabited by the
grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the original SS settlers? Or is it just an urban legend stemming
from the chaotic conditions that prevailed in Europe during World War II? Some day we may know for

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