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Bohemian Grove Roster Sent Anonymously to Infowars Page 1 of 7

Bohemian Grove Roster Sent Anonymously to Infowars

Membership List Reveals Former Presidents, Host of Academics and NWO Operators

Aaron Dykes / JonesReport | June 22, 2007

An interesting package came into the
398 Infowars mailbox recently-- sent OTHER NEWS
anonymously with no return address- __________
NY Police Report Bomb
- but the contents revealed the reason to Frame Activist as
for secrecy. Someone has shipped Terrorist
our office the 2006 membership roster for the Giuliani Caught in
secretive and exclusive Bohemian Grove, Bizarre WTC Building 7
which Alex Jones infiltrated and exposed in Lie
2000. Brzezinski Exposed for
9/11 Culpability
A number of high profile elites appear on the
Dutch TV Exposing 2007
list, including David Rockefeller (and son), BILDERBERG Meeting
Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush,
Gerald Ford, David Gergen (who Alex John Kerry: WTC 7 Was
a Controlled Demolition?
Jones confronted about his grove
membership), Colin Powell, George P. Hillary Names "Activist"
to Campaign-- fmr. La
Shultz, Donald Rumsfeld and even Kenneth Raza President & North
Starr, who gained attention after prosecuting American Union Architect
Bill Clinton.
Long-Term University
See a 1981 news report on the grove. Officer Alleges Black Op

Many U.S. Presidents have gone to the grove, but most do not appear on the Matt Kazee Witnesses
VA Tech Aftermath
membership roster, though we know that Reagan, Nixon (both pictured below Drill...
at the Grove), George W. Bush, Herbert Hoover and many other presidents
EU Nations Agree to New
have also attended but are not listed, as is the case for presidential advisor Racism Rules
Karl Rove.
2nd Amendment in
Danger Under Bush

VA Tech Shootings: Cell

Phone Reporter on Campus

Unprecedented Nuclear
Drills in U.S. on April 23

Fed. Reserve of Dallas to

Host 'Cross-Border
Banking' Meet in TX May
11 3/29/2011
Bohemian Grove Roster Sent Anonymously to Infowars Page 2 of 7

NASCO, Lockheed, &

'Total Domain Awareness'
Thomas Jefferson Transportation Tracking
Law Out-Flanked: New Ethanol
Earn an Accredited Bush Energy Empire in
Master of Laws at South America
Thomas Jefferson Law
E-Mails Sent to VA Tech

Shop Bobby Jones David Arquette a Truther

Today N.Dakota First to Ban
Bobby Jones Official Forced RFID Chipping
Site For All Your
Golfing Needs. Shop Vonnegut a 9/11 Truther?
Today! Mob-Connected Giuliani
Parading Mafia Voice
During Campaign Stops
Washington College
of Law O'Reilly: Rosie is a Huge
Ame ican U LL M La Story (9/11 Claims Aren't)

Help Defend Rosie & Save

Free Speech

9/11 Physicist Contacted

to Appear on The View

The Eleventh Day of

Every Month: 9/11 Truth
in the Third Stage

Kissinger: Iraq Victory

Not Possible

CNN, BBC Reports

Conclusively Prove Media
Prior Knowledge on WTC7
Former Presidents Reagan and Nixon Controlled Demo.
at Bohemian Grove Brzezinski Suggests False-
Flag Event Could Kick-
Start Iran War
Walter Cronkite, the infamous and notable TV journalist, is also a member Get TERRORSTORM on
and listed in the directory. The 'P' next to his name denotes "Regular - DVD now
Professional." Also listed is the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf. 9/11 and more at 3/29/2011
Bohemian Grove Roster Sent Anonymously to Infowars Page 3 of 7

Beyond Presidents and elite world controllers, the exclusive male-only club has obviously used the
appeal of the retreat to influence the world of academia-- at least 50 well-known universities are
represented at Bohemian Grove, including almost every school in California, at least any that come
to mind. The members-- which includes listings of older and deceased members who no longer
attend-- are influential faculty members, board members, trustees or presidents of universities.

Stanford University with 17 members and U.C. Berkeley with 19 members, were the most heavily
represented schools. (See members from academia below-- note: only those members with schools
listed by their name were counted as academia, with many other members listed by city and name or
only by name).

Stanford University (David Michael Kelley, David Beaven Abernethy, Michael J. Boskin, David
W. Brady, Carlos A. Camargo, James P. Collman, Thomas H. Henriksen, Ken Jowitt [Hoover
Institute], Michael A. Keller, Arjay Miller, Charles G. Palm, John Raisian, Channing Rex Robertson,
D.A. Skoog ["Old Guard" member in 1964], John B. Taylor, Bill Walsh, Pete Wilson [Hoover

U.C. Berkeley (Walter Alvarez, Jesse H. Choper, Charles Faulhaber, Michael A. Harrison, Andrew
G. Jameson, Howard R. Katz, Watson M. Laetsch, Hayne E. Leland, Donald A. McQuade, Charles
H. Mel, Richard A. Muller, Kevin Padian, Thomas H. Pigford, P. Buford Price, Vincent H. Resh,
Arthur H. Rosenfeld, George W. Rutherford, David A. Shirley [Emeritus], Charles H. Townes),

OTHER UNIVERSITIES IN CALIFORNIA: Claremont-McKenna, (Jack L. Stark),Pepperdine

University (Charles B. Runnels, Kenneth W. Starr), CA Institute of Technology (David Baltimore,
Charles Elachi), U.S.C. (Shelton Berg, Michael L. Garrett, Brian E. Henderson, M.D. [School of
Medicine], Stephen J. Ryan, Steven B. Sample), Scripps College, Claremont, CA (John H.
Chandler [member since 1983), U.C. Irvine (Robert C. Combs), U.C. Davis (Arthur H. Smith,
Lloyd H. Smith, Jim L. Sochor [Emeritus], Joe P. Tupin, Larry N. Vanderhoef, Julian R. Youmans),
University of the Pacific (Donald V. De Rosa), California Academy of Science (Robert C.
Drewes), U.C. Hastings School of Law (Geoffrey C. Hazard, William T. Hutton, Frederick W.
Lambert, Stephen A. Lind), U.C. Santa Barbara (Robert A. Huttenback), University of California
(Hugh D. McNiven, Rudi Schmid), Scripps Institute, UCSD (Charles F. Kennel), CA Academy of
Sciences (John P. Kociolek), UCLA (James Q. Wilson [also Harvard emeritus]), U.C. San
Francisco (Jay A. Levy, Robert G. Miller, Ronald D. Miller, William R. Murray, Stanley B.
Prusiner, Arthur N. Thomas), University of San Francisco (John LoSchiavo, John P. Schlegel), SF
State University (John E. McCosker, Arthur Mejia), S.F. Conservatory of Music (Colin Murdoch),
Cal State University (Ward M. McAfee), Harvey Mudd College (Joseph Platt), U.C. San Diego
(Kirk L. Peterson), Santa Clara University (Peter O'Malley Pierson)


Ashenfeler), Universit of WA (Thomas L. Bosworth, Edward D. Verrier), Yale Uninversity (Gerad
N. Burrow), University of Calgary (Barry Cooper), Vermont Law School (Douglas M. Costle),
Bates College, ME (Edward S. Harwood), Universite Paris (Bertrand Jacquillat), University VA
Law School (Charles W. Johnson), Sante Fe Institute (Edward A. Knapp), University of Texas
(Bobby Ray Inman, Darwin R. Labarthe, Jeffrey C. Smith), University of Maryland (John
Lenczowski), University of Nevada-Reno (Warren L. Lerude), Morehouse College (Walter E.
Massey), Howard University (Kurt L. Schmoke), Rockefeller University (Frederick Seitz [labeled
as "old guard"; obtained membership in 1966], Wake Forest University (James F. Toole), Duke
University Law School (Francis E. McGovern), University of North Carolina (David F. Merten),
Amherst College (Joseph G. Moore), Syracuse University (Sean O'Keefe), Columbia University
(Ralph M. Richart), Middlebury College (John Spencer), Oberlin College (S. Frederick Starr),
George Mason University, VA (Walter E. Williams)

The list of notables also includes a number of foreign dignitaries and heads of institutes throughout
the U.S. and abroad. Notable Bohemian Grove member Helmut Schmidt, who wrote about his love
for the club in his autobiography, Men and Powers, is not listed in 2006 volume.

Institute of International Education (founded in 1919, in the same time-frame of the League of
Nations and the C.F.R.) (Richard M. Krasno)

One of the world's foremost oceanographers, Robert D. Ballard-- who made his name
investigating the wreckage of the Titanic, the Bismarck and other famous ships, is listed as
representing the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, a member since September 12, 1991.
Robert Berj Gagosian also represents Wood Hole. 3/29/2011
Bohemian Grove Roster Sent Anonymously to Infowars Page 4 of 7

Bobby Ray Inman, former head of the NSA and defamed candidate for Secretary of Defense under
Clinton, now at the University of Texas LBJ School of Public Affairs in Austin, TX.

Christopher C. DeMuth of the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.

Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. and Edwin Meese III of The Heritage Foundation.

James A. Kelly of the Pacific Forum CSIS in Honolulu.

Consul General of Japan, Makoto Yamanaka

Dennis M. Power, Director of the Oakland Museum

Fmr. Surgeon General of the U.S., Richard Carmona (term: 2002-July 2006)

Consular Mexico - Alfonso de Maria y Campos

The Consul General of Luxembourg, Robert Biwer.

Also, the Indian Ambassador to the U.S., K Shankar Bajpai (Jan 25, 1968), also a CFR member.

I've also included the so-called 'LIST OF FIFTY' a list honoring regular attendees, though few of the
names stand out on first pass. 'Honorary Associates' and 'Honorary Regulars' are also distinguished in
the 104-page directory with thousands of names.

Notably, in addition to the anonymous shipping of this directory, Alex Jones received a call at his
home from the BOHEMIAN GROVE, which was listed on caller-id, but no one identified
themselves. It is not clear if this member roster was sent by an employee of the Grove, a member or
came to this office through other means. 3/29/2011
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"HARD COPY 3/29/2011

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