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Name: __________________________________ Class 5__ Monday, 19 March 2012 Exercise

Circle the correct answer.

1. The main source of energy in the world is ________.
a. plants c. the Sun
b. animals d. oxygen

2. The energy that is used by plants to make sugar during the process of photosynthesis is ________.
a. heat energy c. Sun energy
b. light energy d. carbon dioxide

3. Living things need energy for their physical activities, for example ________.
a. moving to look for food c. respiration
b. growth d. digestion

4. Mushroom and bracket fungus get their energy from ________.

a. photosynthesis c. living animals
b. living plants d. rotting / decaying matter

5. The organisms below are producers, except ________.

a. green algae c. mosses
b. toadstools d. mango trees

6. Organism X has the characteristics as below:

i. Cannot produce its own food.
ii. Eats plants to get the energy it needs.
What do you think organism X is?
a. Producer c. Predator
b. Consumer d. Carnivore

7. Some plants, such as pitcher plant and venus flytrap, may get their nutrients from animals. These
plants are called ________.
a. predator plants c. carnivorous plants
b. herbivorous plants d. consumer plants

8. Example of plant-and-animal eater is ________.

a. chicken c. tiger
b. cow d. grasshopper

9. The animals that are hunted and eaten by other animals are called ________.
a. producers c. predators
b. consumers d. prey

10. Which of the following statements is not correctly explaining about food chain?
a. A food chain shows the food relationship between different organisms.
b. A food chain always begins with a producer.
c. A food chain shows how energy is transferred from one organism to another.
d. A food chain shows the amount of organisms in a habitat.

11. Study the following organisms.

i. Fruit fly
ii. Bird
iii. Mango tree
iv. Spider
The correct arrangement of food chain from the organism above is ________.
a. iii – iv – i – ii c. iii – i – iv – ii
b. iii – ii – iv – i d. iii – i – ii – iv
12. How do decomposers get their food?
a. By photosynthesis
b. By feeding the other organisms
c. By breaking down living tissue
d. By breaking down dead matter and animal wastes

13. Which of the following is not an example of decomposer?

a. Vulture c. Bacteria
b. Mushroom d. Bracket fungi

14. The special characteristics that help organisms to survive in their natural habitat are
called ________.
a. Structural c. Adaptations
b. Behavioural d. Survivals

15. Which of the following is an example of behavioural adaptation?

a. Moray eels often hide among the coral.
b. Dolphins have streamlined body to swim.
c. Cacti have thorn like leaves.
d. Desert foxes have large eras.

16. Which of the following is not the purpose of adaptations?

a. To get air, light, water and food. c. To reproduce.
b. To protect from enemies. d. To fashion.

17. Which of the following organisms has adapted for breathing in water by suing gill
a. Shark c. Crab
b. Tadpole d. Crown fish

18. Water stick insects and water scorpions have adapted for breathing in water by suing
a. air tube
b. air bubbles
c. gills
d. special nostrils

19. Example of organism that has blowhole to breath in water is ________.

a. dugong c. seal
b. dolphin d. sea lion

20. An example of organism that has webbed feet for moving in water is ________.
a. chicken c. shark
b. duck d. dolphin

21. The part of a shark’s body that is adapted to help it to stay afloat is ________.
a. swim bladder c. large-oily liver
b. fins d. tails

22. Which of the following is not an adaptation for moving in the air?
a. Well-developed wings c. Hollow bone
b. Streamlined body shape d. Flippers

23. An example of organisms that has sticky tongue to make insects stick to them is _______.
a. pitcher plant c. snake
b. chameleon d. sparrow

24. Which of the following is not an example of organism that has adapted for catching prey
by hunting in teams?
a. Lion c. Killer whale
b. Ants d. Wolf

25. An organism has adaptation as below:

i. Has thick fur.
ii. Has black skin under white fur.
iii. Hibernate during winter.
The organism above has adapted for ________.
a. living in a cold environment c. living in a warm environment
b. living in a hot environment d. living in the desert

26. Which of the following organisms has adapted for protection by camouflaging?
a. Bearded dragon c. Hedgehog
b. Syrphid fly d. Arctic fox

27. An example of organism that is not adapted for protection by having spines is ________.
a. hedgehog c. lizard
b. spiny anteater d. porcupine

28. Which of the following is not an example of adaptation for reproduction?

a. The male peacock spreads out its colourful feathers to attract the females.
b. The male frigate bird has an inflatable red throat sac to attract the females.
c. The tip of a male glow-worm’s abdomen glows in the dark to attract the female.
d. The male bowerbird builds a nest decorated with collected shiny objects to attract the

29. Which of the following plants has adapted for getting seeds dispersed by wind?
a. Coconut c. Guava
b. Dandelion d. Strawberry

30. Which of the following plants has adapted for pollination by wind?
a. Maize c. Jasmine
b. Rose d. Orchid

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