Test 15-R4 - New

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The company anniversary party will take place _______August 26, so please mark the
date on your calendars.
(A) in (B) at (C) on (D) for
2. The innovative website allows a traveler to search and find locations of interest that lie
______ a fifty-mile radius of the city.
(A) among (B) within (C) into (D) through
3. We need not remind everyone here today that mobile phones and pagers should be turned
off while the symposium is ________ progress.
(A) at (B) on (C) over (D) in
4. The BCN Company will not accept applications for transfers to overseas branches _______
the first of the month.
(A) by (B) when (C) until (D) through
5. The Travel Holiday Group offers some of the best horseback tours______the coast of
the Eastern Mediterranean basin.
(A) into (B) along (C) under (D) among
6. The workshop teaches managers and employees how to dispute someone else’s ideas
_______ being disagreeable.
(A) except (B) without (C) whereas (D) otherwise
7. The director wants all of the items shipped by the end of the week, _____ of the cost.
(A) regardless (B) regard (C) regarding (D) regarded
8. The data will be posted on a secure password-protected server that is accessible exclusively
_________authorized staff members.
(A) for (B) within (C) to (D) over
9. Country Air offered free tickets to every passenger that missed their flight _____a
malfunction in the plane’s engine.
(A) owed to (B) thanks for (C) resulting in (D) because of
10. Employees who are planning to extend holiday vacations with unused leave days must
inform their supervisors _______ October 31.
(A) at (B) for (C) by (D) until

11. Human resources personnel are trained to the differences ______ a resolvable conflict
and an irresolvable confrontation.
(A) upon (B) about (C) during (D) between
12. We are holding a dinner this evening to congratulate Mr. Brian Banks _____his thirty
years with the Meyers Cold Cuts Company.
(A) to ( B) of (C) on (D) from
13. _______the last ten years, professional and business services comprised 38 percent of the
total job growth in the Washington region
(A) In (B) On (C) Since (D) While
14. The company’s payroll office is located _______ the corner of Faribault and 23rd Streets,
across from the Trade Center.
(A). at (B) in (C )of (D) to
15. It would toe better for business if we were associated _____some of the trade officers
at the embassy.
(A) to (B) on (C) with (D)for
16. Teen magazine is offering a special promotion, which entitles subscribers ______ gifts
certificates at top clothing boutiques.
(A) in (B) on (C) to (D) at
17. The manager hopes to increase production ______ introducing bonuses for all employees
who improve their production quota.
(A) by (B) from (C) since (D) about
18. It seems that after ________to persuade Jane, he decided to try her mother.
(A) failed (B) failing (C) a failure (D) fail
19. I’m sure he can remember the details _______ given enough time.
(A) if (B) since (C) upon (D) until
20. From now ______, we’ll help you the best we can.
(A) to (B) as (C) since (D) on

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