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Draft Environmental Management Plan and

Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL-RPL)

Project Number: 50156-001

November 2013

INO: Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Project

Prepared by PT Greencap NAA Indonesia for PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (PT SEML)

This environmental management and monitoring plan is a document of the borrower. The views
expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management,
or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Term of Use” section
of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any
designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the
Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status
of any territory or area.

Geothermal Development for

Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW
South Solok Regency,
West Sumatera Province

November 2013

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh


Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh

Power Plant 250 MW
South Solok Regency,
West Sumatera Province

November 2013

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (SEML) plans to conduct "Geothermal Development for
Muaralaboh 250 MW Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) in South Solok Regency, West Sumatra
Province." This activity is expected to address a crisis of electrical energy in Indonesia and in
particular in West Sumatra, to support the Indonesian government's policy of energy diversification
and reduction in the consumption of fuel oil (BBM), reduction of electricity and fuel subsidies, as
well as utilization of geothermal resources, which have high economic potential in Muara Labuh.

Geothermal development plans generally include construction and operation of geothermal wells
and power plants, construction of supporting infrastructure, and electricity distribution. These
activities have potential to cause environmental impacts such as reduced air quality and water
quality, biodiversity changes, changes in land use, improved transportation, increased job and
business opportunities, and modified public perceptions.

Based on Minister of Environment Regulation No. 05 of 2012 regarding Types of Business Plans
and/or Activities Requiring EIA (AMDAL), the proponent plans to conduct the EIA study as part of
the environmentsl feasibility study. The EIA study aims to maximize benefits and minimize negative
impacts on communities and environment from the proposed geothermal power plant construction
and operations.

This document, Environmental Management Plan (RKL), and Environmental Monitoring Plan
(RPL), part of SEML commitment to the management of Health Safety and Environmental (K3LL).

It is expected that utilization of geothermal energy by the Muaralaboh 250 MW Geothermal Power
Plant can provide benefits to all stakeholders. We would like to thank all those who have
contributed to preparation of this RKL RPL document.

Muara Labuh, November 2013

PT Supreme Energy Muaralaboh (SEML)

FOREWORD ……………………………………………………………………………………… I
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... II
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ IV
GLOSSARY ……………………………………………………………………………………… V
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... I-1
I.1 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF RKL-RPL ........................................................ I-1
I.1.1 Aims .................................................................................................. I-1
I.1.2 Objectives ......................................................................................... I-1
I.2 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ......................................................................... I-2
I.3 PURPOSE OF RKL-RPK IMPLEMENTATION .............................................. I-3
I.3.1 For Project Proponent ....................................................................... I-3
I.3.2 For Government ................................................................................ I-4
I.3.3 For Community.................................................................................. I-4
CHAPTER II ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ......................................... II-1
II.1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE ................................................................... II-1
II.1.1 Socio-Economic and Culture Components ....................................... II-1
II.2 CONSTRUCTION STAGE ........................................................................... II-3
II.2.1 Physical and Chemical Components ................................................ II-3
II.2.2 Biological Components..................................................................... II-9
II.2.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components ..................................... II-11
II.2.4 Public Health Components ............................................................. II-16
II.3 OPERATION STAGE ................................................................................. II-17
II.3.1 Physical-Chemical Components ..................................................... II-17
II.3.2 Biological Components................................................................... II-20
II.3.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components ..................................... II-21
II.3.4 Public Health Components ............................................................. II-26
II.4 POST OPERATION STAGE ...................................................................... II-27
II.4.1 Physical-Chemical Components ..................................................... II-27
II.4.2 Biological Components................................................................... II-30
II.4.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components ..................................... II-32
II.5 MANAGEMENT OF OTHER IMPACTS ..................................................... II-36
CHAPTER III ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN........................................... III-1
III.1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE .................................................................. III-1
III.1.1 Socio-Economic and Culture Components ...................................... III-1
III.2 CONSTRUCTION STAGE .......................................................................... III-3
III.2.1 Physical and Chemical Components ............................................... III-3
III.2.2 Biological Components.................................................................... III-7
III.2.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components ...................................... III-9
III.2.4 Public Health Components ............................................................ III-14
III.3 OPERATION STAGE ................................................................................ III-15

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

III.3.1 Physical and Chemical Components ............................................. III-15

III.3.2 Biological Components.................................................................. III-18
III.3.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components .................................... III-19
III.3.4 Public Health Components ............................................................ III-24
III.4 POST OPERATION STAGE ..................................................................... III-25
III.4.1 Physical and Chemical Components ............................................. III-25
III.4.2 Biological Components.................................................................. III-27
III.4.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components .................................... III-29
III.5 OTHER IMPACT MONITORING ............................................................... III-33
IV.1 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................IV-1
IV.2 EPM PERMITS REQUIRED ........................................................................IV-1
STATEMENT LETTER ........................................................................................ V-1
CHAPTER V …………………………………………………………………………………… V-1


APPENDIX I SHE Organization Structure of PT SEML

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh


Table II-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan Matrix of Geothermal Development for

Muara Laboh Power Plan 250 MW by PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh ....... II-39

Table III-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan Matrix of Geothermal Development for

Muara Laboh Power Plan 250 MW by PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh ...... III-35

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW


AMDAL Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup

Environmental Impact Analysis
ANDAL Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Hidup
Environmental Impact Assessment/Statement
API American Petroleum Institute
B3 Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya
Toxic and Hazardous Material
BBM Bahan Bakar Minyak
BCC Binary Combined Cycle
BPN Badan Pertanahan Nasional
National Land Agency
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
DAS Daerah Aliran Sungai
Water Catchment Area
FGD Focus Group Discussions
GOR Gedung Olah Raga
Sports Building
HGU Hak Guna Usaha
Right to Cultivate/Exploit
HL Hutan Lindung
Protection Forest
HPT Hutan Produksi Terbatas
Limited Production Forest
IPA Indeks Pencemaran Air
Index of Water Pollution
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUP Business Permit
Jorong Dusun
A Subvillage Or Hamlet
KA ANDAL Kerangka Acuan Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Hidup
Terms of Reference for Environmental Impact Assessment
KAN Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN)
Convocation of Village Adat
KK Kepala Keluarga
Family Head
LH Lingkungan Hidup
LHR Lalu Lintas Harian Rata-rata
Average Daily Traffic
LPM Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Institute for Community Empowerment
MDL Method Detection Limit

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

MCK Mandi Cuci Kakus

Public Bathroom
MEQ Micro Earth Quake
MKJI Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia,
Indonesian Road Capacity Manual
MW Megawatt
Nagari Desa
ORC Organic Rankine Cycle
PERDA Peraturan Daerah
Regional Regulation
PLN Perusahaan Listrik Negara
National Electric Utility
PLTM Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro
Micro-Hydro Power Station
PLTP Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi
Geothermal Power Station
PP Peraturan Pemerintah
Government Regulation
Pole/Tiang Vegetasi yang mempunyai diameter batang 5 - 10 cm
Vegetation with stem diameter 5 - 10 cm
Pohon Vegetasi yang mempunyai diameter batang >10 cm
Vegetation with stem diameter >10 cm
RSUD Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah
Regional Public Hospital
RTRW Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah
Regional Spatial Plan
RUPTL Rencana Umum Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik
General Plan for Electricity Supply
RKL Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
Environmental Management Plan
RPL Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup
Environmental Monitoring Plan
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
Sapling Vegetation with stem diameter <5 cm and height > 1.5 m
SEML PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh
Anakan pohon muda yang tumbuh dari biji. Dalam analisis vegetasi untuk anakan atau
Seedling seedling (semai) diklasifikasikan sampai ukuran tinggi 1,5 meter
In vegetation analysis, seedling is up to 1.5 meters in height
SIPA Surat Izin Pemakaian Air
Water Usage Permit
SMP Satuan Mobil Penumpang
Passenger Car Unit
TBE Tingkat Bahaya Erosi
Errosion Risk Level
TNKS Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat
Kerinci Sablat National Park
TDS Total Dissolved Solids

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

TSS Total Suspended Solids

TPS Tempat Pembuangan Sementara
Temporary Waste Storage
TPA Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja
Labor Force Participation Rate
UKL Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
Environmental Management Effort
UPL Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup
Environmental Monitoring Effort
UU Undang-Undang
Law or Act (National)
WKP Wilayah Kerja Pertambangan
Mining Working Area

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh



The Environmental Management Plan (abbreviated RKL in Indonesian) and Environmental

Monitoring Plan (abbreviated RPL in Indonesian) compiled in this report are based on the
documented prediction and evaluation of significant impacts. The aims and purposes of the RKL
RPL report are as follows:

I.1.1 Aims

RKL is an action plan to manage significant impacts caused by the project activity, whereas
RPL is a guidance to monitor the results of the environmental management. Thus the RKL RPL
document is intended to:

 Develop management plans for the significant impacts identified to comply with the law and
environmental quality standards and/or minimize environmental impacts, so as to avoid
potential significant negative impacts that may develop and become environmental issues
or social issues that may harm various stakeholders,

 Develop monitoring plans to determine the effectiveness of environmental management

and to continuously evaluate and improve environmental management.

The RKL RPL shall control and manage any significant issues generated by the project
activities, so that these impacts shall not develop into regional, national, or even international
environmental issues.

I.1.2 Objectives

RKL RPL main goal is to control impacts to comply with the norms, standards, procedures and
applicable laws and regulations. More detailed objectives of RKL RPL document are:

 Ensure that the proposed project of geothermal power plant development at Muara Laboh
complies with environmental laws and regulations by managing natural resources to be
utilized wisely for the local, regional, and national economic development,

 Manage significant impacts from the geothermal power plant development at Muara Laboh
Power Plant to comply with applicable environmental standards and minimize the negative
environmental and social impacts,

 Implement environmental management in accordance with the plans set forth in the FS/
Feasibility Study and DED / Detailed Engineering Design (impact mitigation),

 Provide a fund to manage environmental impacts according to the environmental

management plans and involving all stakeholders in accordance with applicable laws and

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Monitor the negative environmental impacts to ensure that the environmental management
plan remains in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations,

 Inform environmental monitoring results to project stakeholders as a reference for further

evaluation and follow-up plans for environmental management.

Thus all significant impacts and mitigated impacts shall be monitored and controlled to comply
with applicable laws and regulations. Mitigated impacts are impacts known or expected since
the project planning stage, which are identified in the FS and DED documents, to be managed
and controlled. These mitigated impacts do not require further assessment in the ANDAL, but
should be clearly stated in the RKL RPL.


PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (SEML) has a strong commitment to its environmental
protection program and occupational health and safety program.

The Company sets a high standard for implementation of environmental protection and
occupational health and safety to ensure that all of the operational area is proactively
maintained as a safe place for stakeholders. The Company is committed to proactively protect
human helath and safety, and also implement environmental protection. The Company regularly
review the policies, programs, procedures, audits, and inspections of all activities,and also has
identified potential of dangers, so the dangers can be prevented and minimized to reduce the
number of accidents and improve labor compliance.

The company policy is grounded to basic principles as follow:

 Comply with health and safety as well as environmental protection standards in accordance
with regulations and applied best practice,

 Comply, review the operations, to assess potential threats to occupational safety, health
risks, and environmental damage potential to enable, wise implementation of risk
management plans,

 Review the occupational health and safety to identify the opportunities to improve the
Company performance,

 Have commitment to effectively minimize the potential impacts of company operations to K3

and environmental protection by managing the potential dangers, preventing accidents,
minimization of wastes, disposal, and emissions while using efficient energy.

In carrying out the policy’s aims, the Company will:

 Ensure that the system developed and established can identify and control dangers in and
around the workplace, and also to monitor performance of K3 and environmental programs,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Ensure that all employees understand that safety operations are good business, and have
level of importance equal to other aspect,

 Motivate and encourage all employees, vendors and contractor, and other stakeholders to
maintain high standards for K3 and environmental awareness,

 Open communication with employees, vendors and contractors, and other stakeholders to
continuously improve standards for environmental and K3 performance,

 Comply with all obligations wherever the Company operates,

 Adopt best practices and implement standard that protect health and safety of employees
and prevent environment damage,

 Ensure that every employee understands they are responsible to prevent accidents and
give health and safety awareness a place in every activity area.

SEML realizes the importance of managing and monitoring the environment. Environment
management is integrated within all activity phases.


RKL-RPL implementation with consistency and continuity provide advantages to the Project
Proponent, the government, as well as the community. Consistency in RKL implementation
should be followed by continuous and sustained RPL implementation, to become a reference
for evaluating and improving the RKL. The purpose of RKL-RPL implementation for
stakeholders, are as follow.

I.3.1 For Project Proponent

Controlled and consistent implementation of RKL-RPL can minimize losses to the community,
equipment, materials, the production process, and the environment. The benefits of RKL-RPL
implementation for the Proponent are:

 Exert efforts for prevention and control of environmental impacts to minimize losses to the
community, equipment, material, the production process, and the environment, so that the
sustainable viability of the project is more secure,

 Maintain a harmonious relation between the project and the natural environment
specifically, and between the project and the social environment, in general, through
beneficial reciprocal relationships,

 Obtain complete information from the results of environmental protection and K3 programs,
to minimize equipment and material damage and deterioration of environmental quality, so
that the sustainable viability of the project is more secure,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Obtain complete environmental information documenting the development of harmonious

relationship between project activity and the surrounding environment, and in particular
between the project and the surrounding social environment through beneficial reciprocal

The implementation of the RKL-RPL is also intended to emphasize the importance of a

harmonious relationship between the project and the communities in the project region.

I.3.2 For Government

The Government has the obligation to provide environmental quality that can promote security
and comfort in the community’s life, but the government should also conduct needed
development that benefits the community. Therefore, a solid and consistent implementation of
RKL-RPL can benefit for the Government as follows:

 As a tool of Government control in the effort of environmental management action plan is

part of efforts to implement environmental management so as to create an atmosphere of a
comfortable living environment for the community around the site of action plan,

 Presence of the action plan that if managed properly, can increase regional revenue
through taxes and levies as well as if open employment opportunities and business
opportunities for the community so that it provides economic benefits, but remains safe for
the environment and public health,

 Develop complete environmental information that can be a tool for Government control in
the effort of environmental management action plan, mainly as part of efforts to implement
an environmental management area that creates an atmosphere of a comfortable living
environment for the community around the location of the action plan,

 Obtain complete environmental information that can become a reference for the
preparation of regional development planning and spatial arrangement taking into account
the carrying capacity of the environment of the region, so that in addition to economic
benefits, people's lives are in harmony with their environment.

Local government still can continue to perform the functions of Government and develop
optimally, to ensure the security, safety, and comfort of people in South Solok Regency. Thus
local government can manage the project and its surrounding environment by means of
managing well the environment in each project activity (think globally, act locally).

I.3.3 For Community

Implementation of RKL properly, consistently, and continuously will provide benefits to the
community as follow:

 With the existence of proper and consistent environmental management, the community
remains guaranteed as able to carry out daily life in an atmosphere of safety and comfort,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL of Geothermal Developmennt for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 With the presence of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), the community feels it is
receiving attention from the project and at the same time acquires a longer life expectancy
to break the shackles of marginality,

 Complete environmental information, from the results of effective and consistent

environmental management, so that people remain guaranteed their safety, comfort, and
quality of life, so as to be able to carry out their daily lives in a comfortable atmosphere,

 Receive complete information about CSR management involving companies, communities,

and Governments, so that people feel they receive attention from projects.

With good implementation of RKL-RPL, people will continue to feel safe and comfortable
because this ensures harmonious relationship between society and the environment. In
addition, CSR from the project will give new hope to the communities around the project site
that they will be able to improve their lives.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh


The plans and activities for geothermal development of the Muara Laboh Power Plant may
create significant impact if not properly managed. To prevent the possibility of important impact
occur, environmental management needs to be carried out. PT SEML’s environmental
management plan includes a variety of approaches, including technological, social-economic,
institutional, or combinations. The Company has a high level of commitment to environmental

In efforts to achieve environmental feasibility, companies must pay attention to technical and
economic feasibility. Environmental Management Plans are implemented to prevent and correct
the significant impacts on the physical-chemical, biological, social, economic, and cultural as
well as public health components of the environment.


II.1.1 Socio-Economic and Culture Components

II.1.1.1 Land Ownership and Land Tenure

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in land ownership and land tenure.

b. Sources of Impact

 Source of impact comes from land acquisition. Most of the land had been released
during the exploration stage.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Changes in land ownership and land tenure that not cause conflict in communities.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs that need to be implemented to prevent or mitigate

potential impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Conduct socialization of land acquisition plans in accordance with Presidential
Regulation No. 36 of 2005,
 Conduct land acquisition wisely and fair in accordance with applicable laws, particularly
the compensation for land and productive plants to communities,
 Consider the aspirations of indigenous people regarding land acquisition with
landowners, regency government, Nagari, and KAN, as well as Niniak Mamak.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the pre-construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :
 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Government of Kecamatan Pauh Duo,
 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.1.1.2 Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Negative perception of communities at pre-construction stage.

b. Sources of Impact

 Source of impact comes from land acquisition. Most of the land had been released
during the exploration stage.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 No negative perceptions arise towards land acquisition.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Identification of land ownership,
 Conducting land acquisition directly to the land owners through negotiation for
compensation for agricultural crops income, in Wali Jorong, Wali Nagari, Niniak Mamak,
KAN Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Following up the aspirations of indigenous people related to land acquisition.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the pre-construction stage.

g. Institution of Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Government of Kecamatan Pauh Duo,
 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation


II.2.1 Physical and Chemical Components

II.2.1.1 Ambient Air Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in air quality.

b. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, and commissioning of
geothermal power plant.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Air quality from fugitive emissions and dispersed TSP meet the applicable standards
(Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 - TSP ambient air standard < 230 µg/Nm ),

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 H2S emission gas meets the applicable standard (Minister of Environment Regulation
No. 21 of 2008 - H2S emission < 35 mg/Nm ),
 Odor level meets the H2S standard (Minister of Environment Decree No. 50 of 1996 -
H2S odor level < 28 µg/Nm ).

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Securing the well location and setting a safe zone limit for surrounding residents
according to SOP of PT SEML,
 Providing safety equipment for workers in vicinity of the wells,
 Installing H2S monitoring equipment at production test sites,
 Maintaining construction vehicles,
 Slowing the speed of vehicles, with maximum speed of 30 km/hour,
 Frequently watering the road during dry season,
 Reducing H2S emissions by technical-economic-environmental approach,
 Installing pipe along the fault line to avoid broken pipe when soil movement occurs,
 Installing the signs for Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment in accordance
with the SOP.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Well drilling and production testing sites,

 Residential areas adjacent to the project access.

f. Duration and Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institution of Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

II.2.1.2 Noise

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in noise level.

b. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Noise levels meet the applicable standards for residential < 55 dB(A) and industrial <70
dB(A) according to Minister of Environment Decree No. 48 of 1996,
 For project workers, Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for working environment according to
Circular Letter of Ministry of Labor No. 01/MEN/ 97 (TLV working environment < 85

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Conducting seminars for surrounding communities.
Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential
impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Setting up a buffer zone for noise,
 Installing rock muffler to reduce noise while operating production tests,
 Use of hearing protection equipment for workers In vicinity of production test locations.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Wells adjacent to residential settlement areas.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation


II.2.1.3 Erosion and Sedimentation

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in erosion and sedimentation.

b. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Erosion rates comply with Minister of Forestry, Directorate General for Reforestation
and Rehabilitation Decree No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 (<15 ton/ha/of).

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Controlling the surface water runoff, for instance by building trenches to direct water
flow to the detention ponds,
 Implementing technical and vegetative erosion control, for instance by planting trees
perpendicular to the water flow or parallel to the contour or in open areas that are prone
to erosion,
 Conducting earth works during the dry season.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Areas prone to erosion in segments of access road, well sites, and geothermal power
plant area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation


II.2.1.4 Surface Runoff

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in surface runoff rates.

b. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Erosion rate comply with Minister of Forestry, Directorate General for Reforestation and
Rehabilitation Decree No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 (<15 ton/ha/year),
 Control sediment loads that will be discharged into river according to Government
Regulation No. 82 Year 2001 (<50 mg/L),
 Control of TSS level to be equal to the Liki River baseline, of 4 mg/L, and comply with
Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 at < 50 mg/L maximum.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Controlling surface water runoff, for instance by building trenches to direct water flow to
the detention ponds,
 Technical and vegetative erosion control, for instance by planting trees perpendicular to
water flow or parallel to the contour or in open areas that are prone to erosion,
 Conducting earth works during the dry season.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Geothermal power plant project area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

4) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.2.1.5 Surface Water Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in surface water quality.

b. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation, production well and injection well drilling, and production well testing.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Controlling TSS levels to be equal to the Liki River baseline, of 4 mg/L, and comply with
Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 at < 50 mg/L maximum.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Controlling surface water runoff, for instance by building trenches to direct water flow to
the detention ponds,
 Technical and vegetative erosion control, for instance by planting trees perpendicular to
water flow or parallel to the contour or in open areas that are prone to erosion,
 Conducting erath work during the dry season.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Geothermal power plant project area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

II.2.2 Biological Components

II.2.2.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Disturbance to terrestrial flora and fauna.

b. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Land clearing in accordance with requirements.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Minimizing open areas without vegetation,
 Gradual land clearance in accordance with activity plan,
 Relocation of protected flora around the project site,
 Revegetation on open land using types of plants suited to climatic and soil conditions,
such as guava types, Ficus sp., and grasses,
 Prohibiting animal hunting and capturing as well as cutting of protected flora.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Environmental management to be implemented in disturbed areas.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Forest Agency of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Forest Agency of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation


II.2.2.2 Aquatic Biota

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Disturbance to aquatic biota.

b. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation, production well and injection well drilling, and production well testing.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Changes in the composition of aquatic biota in the affected river.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Efforts to minimize disturbance to aquatic biota through erosion and sedimentation
controls (refer to section, management of surface runoff (refer to section, and management of surface water (refer to section

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Geothermal power plant project area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

II.2.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components

II.2.3.1 Employment Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Increase in employment opportunities.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Number and proportion of local workers hired for construction activities.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Socializing the job vacancies and skills requirements for construction of Muara Laboh
Geothermal Power Plant to jorong in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pau Duo Nan Batigo, and
surrounding areas,
 Selection and recruitment of labor is in accordance with predetermined proportion by
prioritizing workers from Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pau Duo Nan Batigo, and surrounding
 Providing labor education and training programs in Muara Laboh Geothermal Power
Plant and conducting community development programs.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.2.3.2 Business Opportunity

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Increase in business opportunities.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Number and proportion of local businesses hired for construction activities.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Facilitating and assisting communities in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pauh Duo Nan Batigo
and surrounding areas in setting up business through CSR programs,
 Entrepreneurship education, training, and other community development programs for
Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pauh Duo Nan Batigo, and surrounding areas,
 Industrial training for workers.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo a,nd Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.2.3.3 Community Income

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in community income.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Sources of household income outside of agricultural sector,

 Average level of household expenses.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Determination of wages or salaries in accordance with KHL (Kebutuhan Hidup Layak),
 Conducting community development programs in the field of economy.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.2.3.4 Social Values and Social Norms

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in social values and social norms.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Increasing public trust in Company’s commitment to prioritize lical hiring of jorong and
nagari that are directly engaged to the geothermal development projects.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Socializing the labor recruitment in accordance with the principles of honesty and
transparent justice,
 Initiating and implementing labor recruitment based on the standards and regulations of
the Company,
 Implementing the commitment of prioritizing local hiring from areas directly engaged in
the development of geothermal power plant project.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,

 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.2.3.5 Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in community perception.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor release in construction stage of Geothermal Power Plant.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Decrease of negative perception towards recruitment activity in construction stage.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:

 Providing skill training for laid-off workers to be competitive in getting new and better
 Providing information regarding job opportunities to the laid-off workers.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Government of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, dan Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.2.4 Public Health Components

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Public health disorder / deterioration of public health condition.

b. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation, production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, well
maintenance, and Geothermal Power Plant construction.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 No increase in environmental diseases and no changes to disease patterns. People

around the site location can utilize water resources for daily needs and have easy
access to health services in the site region.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Providing adequate sanitation facilities such as latrines, toilets, and trash bins around
the project area,
 Increasing public awareness of environmental health through direct meetings and
indirect use of learning media.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Health of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Health of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation


II.3.1 Physical-Chemical Components

II.3.1.1 Ambient Air Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in air quality.

b. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, as well as emission
and dispersion from stack cooling tower during operation stage.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Air quality from fugitive emissions and dispersed TSP meets the applicable standards
(Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 - TSP ambient air standard < 230 µg/Nm ),
 H2S emission gas meet the applicable standards (Minister of Environment Regulation
No. 21 of 2008 - H2S emission < 35 mg/Nm ),
 Odor levels meet the H2S standards (Minister of Environment Decree No. 50 of 1996 -
H2S odor level < 28 µg/Nm ). Minimum limit of human sense of H2S gas smell is 181
µg/Nm .

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Securing the well locations and setting a safe zone limit for surrounding residents
according to PT SEML’s SOP,
 Provide safety equipment for workers in vicinity of wells,
 H2S monitoring equipment installed at production test sites,
 Frequently watering the road during dry seasons,
 Reduce H2S emissions by techno-economy-environment approach,
 Installation of signs for Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment in accordance
with the SOP.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Well drilling and production testing,

 Settlement areas adjacent to the project site entrance.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.
3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.1.2 Noise

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in noise levels.

b. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, and Geothermal
Power Plant operation.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Noise levels meet the applicable standards for residential < 55 dB(A) and industrial <70
dB(A) according to Minister of Environment Decree No. 48 of 1996,
 For projects worker, Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for working environment according to
Circular Letter of Minister of Manpower No. 01/MEN/ 97 (TLV working environment < 85

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Setting up a buffer zone for noise,
 Use of hearing protection equipment for workers In vicinity of production test locations.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Working environment and wells adjacent to the settlement area

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.1.3 Surface Water Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in surface water quality.

b. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, as well as turbine and
condenser operation.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Control of TSS levels to be equal to the Liki River baseline, of 4 mg/L, comply with
Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 at < 50 mg/L maximum.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Controlling surface water runoff, for instance by building trenches to direct water flow to
the detention ponds,
 Technical and vegetative erosion control, for instance by planting trees perpendicular to
water flow or parallel to the contour or in open areas that are prone to erosion.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Geothermal power plant project area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.2 Biological Components

II.3.2.1 Aquatic Biota

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Disturbance to aquatic biota.

b. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, and Geothermal
Power Plant operation and maintenance.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Changes in the composition of aquatic biota.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:

 Efforts to minimize disturbance to aquatic biota through management of surface water

(refer to section

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Geothermal power plant project area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency.

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components

II.3.3.1 Employment Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Increase of employment opportunity,

 Increase of small to medium economic sector activity,
 Increase of community income.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Number and proportion of local workers hired for operation stage activities.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Socializing job vacancies and requirements for construction of Muara Laboh
Geothermal Power Plant to jorong in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pau Duo Nan Batigo, and
surrounding areas,
 Selection and recruitment of manpower in accordance with predetermined proportions
by prioritizing workers from Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pau Duo Nan Batigo, and
surrounding areas,
 Provide labor education and training programs for Muara Laboh Geothermal Power
Plant and conduct community development programs,

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, of Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Manpower, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

II.3.3.2 Business Opportunity

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Increasing business opportunities.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Number of local businesses created during the operation stage.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts through socio-economic approach, including:
 Facilitating and helping the communities Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
and in the surrounding area for setting up new businesses through CSR programs,
 Conducting entrepreneurship education and training programs and community
development programs for residents in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
and surrounding area,
 Conducting manpower training in the field of labor-intensive industrial (Presidential
Decree No. 28 of 2008 on National Industrial Policy), in particular training in the fields of
creative industries such as crafts (handicrafts), performance art, interactive games, and

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Utilization of CSR fund shall be further arranged through agreements among the
Company, communities, and Government.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.3.3 Community Income

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in community income (economic growth of small and medium businesses).

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Increase of community income due to labor recruitment in operation stage.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Determination of wages and salaries in accordance with KHL (Kebutuhan Hidup

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Conducting community development programs in the field of economy.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency.,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Manpower, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.3.4 Social Values and Norms

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in social values and norms due to labor recruitment.

b. Sources of Impact

 Operational worker recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Increasing public trust in the Company's commitment to prioritize local hiring of jorong
and nagari that are directly engaged with geothermal development projects.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:

 Socializing labor recruitment in accordance with the principles of honesty and

transparent justice,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Initiating and implementing labor recruitment based on the standards and regulations of
the Company,
 Implementing the commitment of prioritizing local hiring from area that directly engaged
to the development of geothermal power plant project.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.3.5 Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in community perception.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Decrease of negative perceptions toward labor recruitment in the construction stage.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Providing skills training for laid-off workers to be competitive in getting new and better
 Providing information regarding job opportunities to the laid-off workers.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.3.4 Public Health Components

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Public health disorder / deterioration of public health conditions.

b. Sources of Impact

 Drilling of production well and injection well, production well testing, and operation and
maintenance of well and geothermal power plant.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Parameter to be monitored is environmental disease that can cause infection and is

related to degradation of environment quality,
 Sanitation facilities such as water supplies, latrines, and solid waste management.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Providing adequate sanitation facilities such as latrines, toilets, and trash bins around
the project areas,
 Increasing public awareness of environmental health through direct meetings and
indirect use of learning media.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Health Department of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo dan Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Health Department of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation


II.4.1 Physical-Chemical Components

II.4.1.1 Erosion and Sedimentation

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in erosion and sedimentation.

b. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/revegetation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Erosion rates are under control and comply with Minister of Forestry, Director General
for Reforestation and Rehabilitation Decree No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 (< 15 ton/ha/of).

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
 Controlling erosion technically. For example, by planting trees perpendicular to flow or
parallel to contours or on open areas that are prone to erosion,
 Continuing erosion and sedimentation management that have been implemented in the
construction and operation phases.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Areas prone to erosion along the access road, site area, and around geothermal wells
no longer in used.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.4.1.2 Surface Water Runoff

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in surface water runoff.

b. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/revegetation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Sediment load entering river is under control and in accordance with Government
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 (<50 mg/L).

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:

 Controlling erosion technically. For example, by planting trees perpendicular to flow or

parallel to contours or on open areas that are prone to erosion,

 Continuing erosion and sedimentation management that have been implemented since
the construction and operation phases.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Areas prone to erosion along the access road, site area, and around geothermal wells
no longer in used.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental Management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.
3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.4.1.3 Surface Water Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in surface water quality.

b. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/revegetation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 TSS concentrations in the river are in control, which are equal to the baseline conditions
at 4 mg/l and at < 50 mg/l maximum, according to the Government Regulation No. 82 of

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:

 Controlling erosion technically. For example, by planting trees perpendicular to flow or

parallel to contours or on open areas that are prone to erosion,

 Continuing erosion and sedimentation management that have been implemented since
the construction and operation phases.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Areas prone to erosion along the access road, site area, and around geothermal wells
no longer in used.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental Management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.4.2 Biological Components

II.4.2.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Increasing flora and fauna.

b. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/revegetation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Total land of revegetated area,

 Type of flora planted,
 Success rate of revegetation plant growth,
 The existence of protected plants in accordance with Government Regulation No. 07 of

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:

 Conduction revegetation using types of plants suited to the climatic and soil conditions,
such as guava, Ficus sp., and grasses,
 Planting the project area using types of plants that could be used as animal feed,
 Prohibiting animal hunting and capturing and cutting protected flora.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Monitoring will be conducted in areas where rehabilitation/revegetation is done.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.4.2.2 Aquatic Biota

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Disturbance on aquatic biota.

b. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/revegetation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Changes in the composition of aquatic biota.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:

 Soil erosion control, management of surface water runoff, and management of surface
water quality.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Areas prone to erosion along the access road, site area, and around geothermal wells
no longer in used.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

II.4.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components Employment Opportunity

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Loss of employment opportunity.

b. Sources of Impact

 Labor release.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 The number and proportion of unemployment resulting from the loss of jobs in the

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Socializing the project closure plan to the workers,
 Socializing the labor release plan to the workers,
 Providing fair compensation to employees in accordance with applicable regulations,
 Socializing the end of the project activities to the workers.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Government of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation. Business Opportunity

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Loss of business opportunities.

b. Sources of Impact

 Operational workers release.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Number and proportion of failed businesses in the post operation stage,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Amounts of compensation provided as a result of labor release are in accordance with

applicable regulations.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Socializing the project closure plan to the workers,
 Socializing the labor release plan to the workers,
 Providing fair compensation to employees in accordance with applicable regluations,
 Socializing the end of project activities to the workers.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, dan Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation
(EBTKE). Community Income

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in community income (decrease of community income due to labor release.

b. Sources of Impact
 Labor release (compensation provided due to labor release is in accordance with
applicable regulations).

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Limited decrease of community income due to labor release in the post operation stage.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Socializing the project closure plan to the workers,
 Socializing the labor release plan to the workers,
 Providing fair compensation to the employees in accordance with applicable
 Socializing the end of project activities to the workers.
e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental Management will be carried out during the post operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation
(EBTKE). Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in community perception.

b. Sources of Impact

 Operational workers release.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Decreasing negative perceptions toward labor release.

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a socio-economic approach, including:
 Socializing the project closure plan to the workers,
 Socializing the labor release plan to the workers,
 Providing fair compensation to the employees in accordance with applicable
 Socializing the end of project activities to the workers.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 In vicinity of site, including Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo,
Kecamatan Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental Management will be carried out during the post operational stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency.
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation


a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Heavy metals and hazardous materials.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

b. Sources of Impact

 Drilling wells, sump pits, and production wells, which potentially produce hazardous
waste and non-hazardous waste.

c. Indicators of Environmental Management Success.

 Wastewater quality meets the applicable standards,

 Comply with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 045 of 2006
regarding Terms of Drilling Mud Management,
 Comply with applicable regulations of hazardous waste management (Government
Regulation No. 18 of 1999 and Government Regulation No. 85 of 1999).

d. Form of Environmental Management

Environmental management programs to be implemented to prevent or mitigate potential

impacts will be based on a technological approach, including:
Domestic Solid Waste
 Dispose solid waste in landfill.

 Treat domestic wastewater from all activities at the project area in waste water
treatment plants,

 Condense and brine, produced during the production and operational testing of
geothermal power plant, to be injected through reinjection wells,

 Building sump pits covered with waterproof coating. Water collected in the sump pits will
be used in the drilling process as drilling mud component and then will be reinjected to
the well.

Hazardous waste:
 Cuttings in drilling mud will be collected in sump pits,

 Final drilling mud will be collected in sump pits,

 Utilize the drill cutting after the permit for utilization is issued by the authorized agency,

 Ensure equipment and materials used by PT SEML do not contain PCBs, asbestos,
ODS (ozone depleting substances), and other materials that are prohibited for use as
provided by regulations,

 Neutralize battery acid and store used lead acid batteries safely,

 Collect used oil in drums and hand it over to a registered hazardous waste
management company for further treatment,

 Install secondary containment around flammable and dangerous materials as needed,

 Periodically conduct training for workers in handling hazardous wastes.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Hazardous waste temporary storage,

 Waste water treatment plants,

 Non-hazardous waste landfill,

 Well sites.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental management will be carried out from the construction stage until the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Management

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

3) Report receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

Table II-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan Matrix of Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plan 250 MW by PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
A Pre-Construction Stage
1. Land ownership Source of impact Changes in land Environmental management In vicinity of site, During the pre- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency of
and land tenure comes from land ownership and land programs need to be implemented to including Nagari Alam construction stage. of South Solok South Solok Regency.
acquisition. Most of the tenure do not cause prevent or mitigate potential impacts Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency  Department of Energy
land had been released conflict in communities. through socio-economic approach, Duo Nan Batigo,  Government of and Mineral Resources of
during the exploration including : Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Kecamatan Pauh Duo. South Solok Regency.
stage. South Solok Regency.  Department of Energy  Land Agency of South
 Conduct socialization of land and Mineral Resources Directorate General of
acquisition plans with reference to of South Solok New and Renewable
Presidential Regulation No. 36 Year Regency. Energy and Energy
2005. Conservation (EBTKE)
 Land Agency of South
 Conduct land acquisition wisely and Solok Regency.
fairly in accordance with applicable
 Governments of
laws, especially the process of
Nagari, KAN Alam
compensation for land and
Pauh Duo, and Pauh
productive plant to communities.
Duo Nan Batigo
 Consider the aspirations of
indigenous people regarding land
acquisition with landowners, district
government, Nagari and KAN as
well as Niniak Mamak.
2. Community Source of impact No negative perceptions Environmental management In vicinity of site, During the pre- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency of
perception comes from land arise towards land programs need to be implemented to including Nagari Alam construction stage. of South Solok South Solok Regency.
acquisition. Most of the acquisition. prevent or mitigate potential impacts Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency  Department of Energy
land had been released through socio-economic approach, Duo Nan Batigo,  Government of and Mineral Resources of
during the exploration including : Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Kecamatan Pauh Duo. South Solok Regency.
stage. South Solok Regency.  Department of Energy  Land Agency of South
 Identification of land ownership. and Mineral Resources Solok Regency.
 Conduct land acquisition directly to of South Solok  Directorate General of
the land owners through negotiation Regency. New and Renewable
for compensation for agricultural  Land Agency of South Energy and Energy
crops income, in Wali Jorong, Wali Solok Regency. Conservation (EBTKE)
Nagari, Niniak Mamak, KAN Alam
Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan  Governments of
Batigo. Nagari, KAN Alam
Pauh Duo, and Pauh
 Follow up the aspirations of Duo Nan Batigo.
indigenous people related to land
B. Construction Stage
1. Changes in air Production well and  Air quality from  Well drilling and During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
Environmental management programs production testing of South Solok of South Solok
quality injection well drilling, fugitive emissions need to be implemented to prevent or stage
production well testing, and dispersed TSP sites, Regency. Regency.
mitigate potential impacts through
and commissioning of meet the applicable technology approach, including :  Residential areas  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
geothermal power standards adjacent to the and Mineral and Mineral Resources
plant. (Government  Securing the well location and setting project access. Resources of South of South Solok
Regulation No. 41 of a safe zone limit for surrounding Solok Regency. Regency.
1999 - TSP ambient residents according to SOP of PT  Directorate General of
air standard < 230 SEML, New and Renewable
µg/Nm ),  Providing safety equipment for Energy and Energy
 H2S emission gas workers in vicinity of the wells, Conservation (EBTKE)
meets the applicable  Installing H2S monitoring equipment
standard (Minister of at production test sites,
Regulation No. 21 of  Maintaining construction vehicles,
2008 - H2S emission  Slowing the speed of vehicles, with
< 35 mg/Nm ), maximum speed of 30 km/hour,
 Odor level meets the  Frequently watering the road during

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
H2S standard dry season,
(Ministry of  Reducing H 2S emissions by
Environment Decree technical-economic-environmental
No. 50 of 1996 - H2S approach,
odor level < 28
µg/Nm ).  Installing pipe along the fault line to
avoid broken pipe when soil
movement occurs,
 Installing the signs for Occupational
Health, Safety, and Environment in
accordance with the SOP.

2. Changes in noise Production well and  Noise levels meet Environmental management programs to Wells adjacent to the During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
level injection well drilling, the applicable be implemented to prevent or mitigate settlement area stage of South Solok of South Solok
production well testing. standards for potential impacts will be based on a socio- Regency. Regency.
residential < 55 economic approach, including:  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
dB(A) and industrial  Conducting seminars for surrounding and Mineral and Mineral Resources
<70 dB(A) according communities. Resources of South of South Solok
to Ministry of Solok Regency. Regency.
Environment Decree Environmental management
No. 48 of 1996. programs that need to be  Directorate General of
implemented to prevent or mitigate New and Renewable
 For project workers, potential impacts will be based on a Energy and Energy
Threshold Limit technological approach, including: Conservation (EBTKE)
Values (TLV) for
 Set up a buffer zone for noise,
working environment
according to Circular  Install rock muffler to reduce noise
Letter of Ministry of while operating production tests,
Labor No. 01/MEN/  Use of hearing protection equipment
97 (TLV working for workers In vicinity of production
environment < 85 test locations.
3. Erosion and Land preparation Erosion rates comply Environmental management programs to Areas prone to erosion During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
sedimentation with Ministry of Forestry, be implemented to prevent or mitigate in segments of access stage of South Solok of South Solok
Directorate General for potential impacts will be based on a road, well sites, and Regency. Regency.
Reforestation and technological approach, including: geothermal power plant  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
Rehabilitation Decree  Controlling the surface water runoff, area. and Mineral and Mineral Resources
No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 for instance by building trenches to Resources of South of South Solok
(<15 ton/ha/of). direct water flow to the detention Solok Regency. Regency.
ponds,  Directorate General of
 Implementing technical and New and Renewable
vegetative erosion control, for Energy and Energy
instance by planting trees Conservation (EBTKE)
perpendicular to the water flow or
parallel to the contour or in open
areas that are prone to erosion,
 Conducting earth works during the
dry season.
4. Changes in Land preparation  Erosion rate comply Environmental management programs to Geothermal power During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
surface runoff with Minister of be implemented to prevent or mitigate plant project area stage of South Solok of South Solok
rates Forestry, Directorate potential impacts will be based on a Regency. Regency.
General for technological approach, including:  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
Reforestation and  Controlling surface water runoff, for and Mineral and Mineral Resources
Rehabilitation Decree instance by building trenches to Resources of South of South Solok
No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 direct water flow to the detention Solok Regency. Regency.
(<15 ton/ha/year). ponds,  Directorate General of
 Control sediment  Technical and vegetative erosion New and Renewable
loads that will be control, for instance by planting trees Energy and Energy
discharged into river perpendicular to water flow or Conservation (EBTKE)
according to parallel to the contour or in open
Government areas that are prone to erosion,
Regulation No. 82
Year 2001 (<50 mg/L)  Conducting earth works during the

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
 Control of TSS level dry season.
to be equal to the Liki
River baseline, of 4
mg/L, and comply
with Government
Regulation No. 82 of
2001 at < 50 mg/L
5. Changes in Land preparation, Control of TSS level in Environmental management programs to Geothermal power During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
surface water production well and river. TSS baseline for be implemented to prevent or mitigate plant project area stage of South Solok of South Solok
quality injection well drilling, Liki River is 4 mg/L and potential impacts through a technological Regency. Regency.
and production well according to PP No. 82 approach, including :  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
testing. Year 2001 standard TSS  Controlling surface water runoff, for and Mineral and Mineral Resources
level is < 50 mg/L instance by building trenches to Resources of South of South Solok
direct water flow to the detention Solok Regency. Regency.
ponds,  Directorate General of
 Technical and vegetative erosion New and Renewable
control, for instance by planting trees Energy and Energy
perpendicular to water flow or Conservation (EBTKE)
parallel to the contour or in open
areas that are prone to erosion,
 Conducting erath work during the dry
6. Disturbance to Land preparation Land clearing in Environmental management programs to In disturbed areas During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
terrestrial flora and accordance to be implemented to prevent or mitigate stage of South Solok of South Solok
fauna requirements potential impacts through a technological Regency. Regency.
approach, including :  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Minimizing open areas without and Mineral and Mineral Resources
vegetation, Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency. Regency.
 Gradual land clearance in
accordance with activity plan,  Forest Agency of  Forest Agency of South
South Solok Regency Solok Regency
 Relocation of protected flora around
the project site,  Directorate General of
New and Renewable
 Revegetation on open land using Energy and Energy
types of plants suited to climatic and Conservation (EBTKE)
soil conditions, such as guava types,
Ficus sp., and grasses,
 Prohibiting animal hunting and
capturing as well as cutting of
protected flora.
7. Disturbance to Land preparation, Changes in the Environmental management programs to Geothermal power During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
aquatic biota production well and composition of aquatic be implemented to prevent or mitigate plant project area stage of South Solok of South Solok
injection well drilling, biota in the affected river potential impacts through a technological Regency. Regency.
and production well approach, including :  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
testing.  Efforts to minimize disturbance to and Mineral and Mineral Resources
aquatic biota through erosion and Resources of South of South Solok
sedimentation controls (refer to Solok Regency. Regency.
section, management of  Directorate General of
surface runoff (refer to section New and Renewable, and management of surface Energy and Energy
water (refer to section Conservation (EBTKE)
8. Increase of Labor recruitment Number and proportion Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
employment of local workers hired for be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
opportunities construction activities potential impacts through a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Socialization on job openings and job Kecamatan Pauh Duo, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
requirements for construction of South Solok Regency. Resources of South of South Solok
Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant Solok Regency. Regency.
to jorong in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo,  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Pau Duo Nan Batigo and surrounding Labor, and Labor, and

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
areas. Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Selection of candidates for South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
employment and recruitment  Governments of  Directorate General of
correspond to predetermined Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
proportion by prioritizing workers from Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pau Duo Nan Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
Batigo and surrounding areas.
 Education and training programs for
workers employed in Muara Laboh
Geothermal Power Plant and
community development activities
9. Increase of Labor recruitment Number and proportion Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
business of local business hired for be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
opportunities construction activities potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Facilitating and assisting communities Kecamatan Pauh Duo, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Pauh Duo South Solok Regency. Resources of South of South Solok
Nan Batigo and surrounding areas in Solok Regency. Regency.
setting up business through CSR  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
programs, Labor, and Labor, and
 Entrepreneurship education, training, Transmigration of Transmigration of
and other community development South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
programs for Nagari Alam Pauh Duo,  Governments of  Directorate General of
Pauh Duo Nan Batigo, and Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
surrounding areas, Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
 Industrial training for workers. Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
10. Community Workforce recruitment  Sources of household Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
income income outside of be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
agricultural sector. potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
 Average level of economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
household expenses  Determination of wages or salaries in Kecamatan Pauh Duo, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
accordance with KHL (Kebutuhan South Solok Regency. Resources of South of South Solok
Hidup Layak), Solok Regency. Regency.
 Conducting community development  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
programs in the field of economy. Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
 Governments of  Directorate General of
Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
11. Changes in social Labor recruitment Increasing public trust in Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
values and social Company’s commitment be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
norms to prioritize lical hiring of potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
jorong and nagari that are economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
directly engaged to the  Socializing the labor recruitment in Kecamatan Pauh Duo, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
geothermal development accordance with the principles of South Solok Regency. Resources of South of South Solok
projects. honesty and transparent justice, Solok Regency. Regency.
 Initiating and implementing labor  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
recruitment based on the standards Labor, and Labor, and
and regulations of the Company, Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Implementing the commitment of South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
prioritizing local hiring from areas  Government of  Directorate General of
directly engaged in the development Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
of geothermal power plant project. Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
12. Changes in Labor release in Decrease of negative In vicinity of site, During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
community construction stage of perception towards Environmental management programs to including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
perception Geothermal Power recruitment activity in be implemented to prevent or mitigate Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
Plant. construction stage potential impacts will be based on a socio- Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Social,  Department of Social,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
economic approach, including: Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Labor, and Labor, and
South Solok Regency. Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Providing skill training for laid-off South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
workers to be competitive in getting  Government of  Directorate General of
new and better jobs, Nagari, KAN Alam New Energy,
 Providing information regarding job Pauh Duo and Pauh Renewable and Energy
opportunities to the laid-off workers. Duo Nan Batigo. Conservation

13. Public health Land preparation, No increase in Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
disorder / production well and environmental diseases be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
deterioration of injection well drilling, and no changes to potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
public health production well testing, disease patterns. People economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
condition. well maintenance, and around the site location  Providing adequate sanitation Kecamatan Pauh Duo, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
Geothermal Power can utilize water facilities such as latrines, toilets, and South Solok Regency. Resources of South of South Solok
Plant construction. resources for daily needs trash bins around the project area, Solok Regency. Regency.
and have easy access to  Department of Health  Department of Health
health services in the site  Increasing public awareness of of South Solok of South Solok
region.. environmental health through direct Regency Regency.
meetings and indirect use of learning  Government of  Directorate General of
media. Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
C Operation Stage
1. Changes in air Production well and  Air quality from Environmental management programs to  Well drilling and During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
quality injection well drilling, fugitive emissions be implemented to prevent or mitigate production testing, stage of South Solok of South Solok
production well testing, and dispersed TSP potential impacts will be based on a  Settlement areas Regency. Regency.
as well as emission and meets the applicable technological approach, including: adjacent to the  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
dispersion from stack standards  Securing the well locations and project site and Mineral and Mineral Resources
cooling tower during (Government setting a safe zone limit for entrance. Resources of South of South Solok
operation stage. Regulation No. 41 of surrounding residents according to Solok Regency. Regency.
1999 - TSP ambient PT SEML’s SOP,
air standard < 230  Directorate General of
µg/Nm ),
3  Provide safety equipment for workers New and Renewable
in vicinity of wells, Energy and Energy
 H2S emission gas Conservation (EBTKE)
meet the applicable  H2S monitoring equipment installed
standards (Minister at production test sites,
of Environment  Frequently watering the road during
Regulation No. 21 of dry seasons,
2008 - H2S emission
 Reduce H2S emissions by techno-
< 35 mg/Nm ), economy-environment approach,
 Odor levels meet the  Installation of signs for Occupational
H2S standards Health, Safety, and Environment in
(Ministry of accordance with the SOP.
Environment Decree
No. 50 of 1996 - H2S
odor level < 28
µg/Nm ). Minimum
limit of human sense
of H2S gas smell is
181 µg/Nm .

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency

2. Changes in noise Production well and  Noise levels meet Environmental management programs to Working environment During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
level injection well drilling, the applicable be implemented to prevent or mitigate and wells adjacent to stage of South Solok of South Solok
production well testing, standards for potential impacts will be based on a socio- Regency. Regency.
residential < 55 economic approach, including: the settlement area
and Geothermal Power  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
Plant operation. dB(A) and industrial  Setting up a buffer zone for noise, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
<70 dB(A) according Resources of South of South Solok
to Ministry of  Use of hearing protection equipment
Solok Regency. Regency.
Environment Decree for workers In vicinity of production
No. 48 of 1996, test locations.  Directorate General of
New and Renewable
 For projects worker,
Energy and Energy
Threshold Limit
Conservation (EBTKE)
Values (TLV) for
working environment
according to Circular
Letter of Minister of
Manpower No.
01/MEN/ 97 (TLV
working environment
< 85 dB(A)).
3. Changes in Production well and Control of TSS levels to Environmental management programs to Geothermal power During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
surface water injection well drilling, be equal to the Liki River be implemented to prevent or mitigate plant project area stage of South Solok of South Solok
quality production well testing, baseline, of 4 mg/L, potential impacts will be based on a Regency. Regency.
as well as turbine and comply with Government technological approach, including:  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
condenser operation. Regulation No. 82 of  Controlling surface water runoff, for and Mineral and Mineral Resources
2001 at < 50 mg/L instance by building trenches to Resources of South of South Solok
maximum. direct water flow to the detention Solok Regency. Regency.
ponds,  Directorate General of
 Technical and vegetative erosion New Energy,
control, for instance by planting trees Renewable and Energy
perpendicular to water flow or Conservation
parallel to the contour or in open
areas that are prone to erosion.
4. Disturbance to Production well and Changes in the Environmental management programs to Geothermal power During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
aquatic biota injection well drilling, composition of aquatic be implemented to prevent or mitigate plant project area stage of South Solok of South Solok
production well testing, biota. potential impacts will be based on a Regency. Regency.
and Geothermal Power technological approach, including:  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
Plant operation and and Mineral and Mineral Resources
maintenance.  Efforts to minimize disturbance to Resources of South of South Solok
aquatic biota through management of Solok Regency. Regency.
surface water (refer to section  Directorate General of New Energy,
Renewable and Energy
5. Increase of Labor recuitment Number and proportion Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
employment of local workers hired for be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
opportunities operation activities potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Socializing job vacancies and Kecamatan Pauh Duo, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
requirements for construction of South Solok Regency. Resources of South of South Solok
Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Solok Regency. Regency.
Plant to jorong in Nagari Alam Pauh  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Duo, Pau Duo Nan Batigo, and Labor, and Labor, and
surrounding areas, Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Selection and recruitment of South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
manpower in accordance with  Governments of  Directorate General of
predetermined proportions by Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
prioritizing workers from Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, Pau Duo Nan Batigo, and Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
surrounding areas,
 Provide labor education and training
programs for Muara Laboh
Geothermal Power Plant and

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
conduct community development
6. Increase of Labor recuitment Number of local Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
business businesses created be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
opportunities during the operation potential impacts through socio-economic Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
stage. approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Facilitating and helping the Kecamatan Pauh Duo, and Mineral and Mineral Resources
communities Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency. Resources of South of South Solok
Pauh Duo Nan Batigo, and in the Solok Regency. Regency.
surrounding area for setting up new  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
businesses through CSR programs, Labor, and Labor, and
 Conducting entrepreneurship Transmigration of Transmigration of
education and training programs and South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
community development programs  Governments of  Directorate General of
for resisdents in Nagari Alam Pauh Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
Duo, Pauh Duo Nan Batigo, and Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
surrounding area, Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
 Conducting manpower training in the
field of labor-intensive industrial
(Presidential Decree No. 28 of 2008
on National Industrial Policy), in
particular training in the fields of
creative industries such as crafts
(handicrafts), performance art,
interactive games, and others,
 Utilization of CSR fund shall be
further arranged through agreements
among the Company, communities,
and Government.
7. Changes in Labor recuitment Increase of community Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
community income income due to labor be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
(economic growth recruitment in operation potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
of small and stage economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Social,  Department of Energy
medium  Determination of wages and salaries Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Labor, and and Mineral Resources
businesses). in accordance with KHL (Kebutuhan South Solok Regency. Transmigration of of South Solok
Hidup Layak), South Solok Regency. Regency.
 Conducting community development  Governments of  Department of Social,
programs in the field of economy. Nagari, KAN Alam Labor, and
Pauh Duo and Pauh Transmigration of
Duo Nan Batigo South Solok Regency.
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy
Conservation (EBTKE)
8 Changes in social Operational worker Increasing public trust in Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the operation PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
values and social recuitment the Company's be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage of South Solok of South Solok
norms commitment to prioritize potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
local hiring of jorong and economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
nagari that are directly Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Labor,and Labor, and
engaged with geothermal  Socializing labor recruitment in
accordance with the principles of South Solok Regency. Transmigration of Transmigration of
development projects. South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
honesty and transparent justice,
 Initiating and implementing labor  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
recruitment based on the standards and Mineral and Mineral Resources
and regulations of the Company, Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency. Regency
 Implementing the commitment of
prioritizing local hiring from area that  Governments of  Directorate General of
directly engaged to the development Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
of geothermal power plant project. Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
9. Changes in Labor recruitment Decrease of negative Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the operation PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
community perceptions toward be implemented to prevent or mitigate

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
perception recruitment activity in potential impacts will be based on a socio- including Nagari Alam stage Agency of South of South Solok
operation stage economic approach, including: Pauh Duo and Pauh Solok Regency. Regency
Duo Nan Batigo,  Government of  Department of Energy
 Providing skills training for laid-off Kecamatan Pauh Duo,
workers to be competitive in getting Kecamatan Pauh and Mineral Resources
South Solok Regency. Duo of South Solok
new and better jobs,
 Department of Regency.
 Providing information regarding job
Energy and Mineral  Land Agency of South
opportunities to the laid-off workers.
Resources of South Solok Regency.
Solok Regency.  Directorate General of
 Land Agency of New and Renewable
South Solok Energy and Energy
Regency. Conservation (EBTKE)
 Governments of
Nagari, KAN Alam
Pauh Duo and Pauh
Duo Nan Batigo.
10. Public health Drilling of production  Parameter to be Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the operation PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
disorder / well and injection well, monitored is be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam stage Agency of South of South Solok
deterioration of production well testing, environmental based potential impacts will be based on a Pauh Duo and Pauh Solok Regency Regency
public health and operation and disease that can technological approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of  Department of Energy
conditions. maintenance of well cause infection and  Providing adequate sanitation Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
and geothermal power is related to facilities such as latrines, toilets, and South Solok Regency Resources of South of South Solok
plant. degradation of trash bins around the project areas, Solok Regency Regency
environment quality,
 Increasing public awareness of  Department of health  Department of health
 Sanitation facilities environmental health through direct of South Solok of South Solok
such as water meetings and indirect use of learning Regency Regency
supplies, latrines, media.  Government of  Directorate General of
and solid waste Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
management. Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo. Conservation (EBTKE)
D Post Operation Stage
1. Changes in Rehabilitation/ Erosion rates are under Environmental management programs to Areas prone to erosion During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
erosion and revegetation control and comply with be implemented to prevent or mitigate along the access road, operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
sedimentation Minister of Forestry, potential impacts will be based on a site area, and around Regency. Regency.
Director General for technological approach, including: geothermal wells no  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
Reforestation and  Controlling erosion technically. For longer in used. and Mineral and Mineral Resources
Rehabilitation Decree example, by planting trees Resources of South of South Solok
No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 (< perpendicular to flow or parallel to Solok Regency. Regency.
15 ton/ha/of). contours or on open areas that are  Directorate General of
prone to erosion, New and Renewable
 Continuing erosion and Energy and Energy
sedimentation management that Conservation (EBTKE)
have been implemented in the
construction and operation phases.
2. Changes in Rehabilitation/ Sediment load entering Areas prone to erosion During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
surface water revegetation river is under control and Environmental management programs to along the access road, operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
runoff in accordance with be implemented to prevent or mitigate site area, and around Regency. Regency.
Governement Regulation potential impacts will be based on a geothermal wells no  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
No. 82 of 2001 (<50 technological approach, including: longer in used. and Mineral and Mineral Resources
mg/L). Resources of South of South Solok
 Controlling erosion technically. For
Solok Regency. Regency.
example, by planting trees
perpendicular to flow or parallel to  Directorate General of
contours or on open areas that are New and Renewable
prone to erosion, Energy and Energy
Conservation (EBTKE)
 Continuing erosion and
sedimentation management that
have been implemented since the
construction and operation phases.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency

3. Changes in Rehabilitation/ The TSS concentrations Areas prone to erosion During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
surface water revegetation in the river are in control, Environmental management programs to along the access road, operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
quality which are equal to the be implemented to prevent or mitigate site area, and around Regency. Regency.
baseline conditions at 4 potential impacts will be based on a geothermal wells no  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
mg/l and at < 50 mg/l technological approach, including: longer in used. and Mineral and Mineral Resources
maximum, according to Resources of South of South Solok
 Controlling erosion technically. For
the Government Solok Regency. Regency.
example, by planting trees
Regulation No. 82 of  Directorate General of
perpendicular to flow or parallel to
2001. New and Renewable
contours or on open areas that are
prone to erosion, Energy and Energy
Conservation (EBTKE)
 Continuing erosion and
sedimentation management that
have been implemented since the
construction and operation phases.

4. Increasing flora Rehabilitation/  Total land of In area where the During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
and fauna revegetation revegetated area, Environmental management programs to rehabilitation/revegetati operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
 Type of flora planted, be implemented to prevent or mitigate on is done Regency. Regency.
potential impacts will be based on a  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Success rate of and Mineral Resources
revegetation plant technological approach, including: and Mineral
Resources of South of South Solok
growth,  Conduction revegetation using types Regency.
Solok Regency.
 The existence of of plants suited to the climatic and  Directorate General of
protected plants in soil conditions, such as guava, Ficus New and Renewable
accordance with sp., and grasses, Energy and Energy
Government  Planting the project area using types Conservation (EBTKE)
Regulation No. 07 of of plants that could be used as
1999. animal feed,
 Prohibiting animal hunting and
capturing and cutting protected flora.
5. Disturbance on Rehabilitation/ Changes in the Areas prone to erosion During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
aquatic biota revegetation composition of aquatic Environmental management programs to along the access road, operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
biota be implemented to prevent or mitigate site area, and around Regency. Regency.
potential impacts will be based on a geothermal wells no  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
technological approach, including: longer in used. and Mineral and Mineral Resources
Resources of South of South Solok
 Soil erosion control, management of
Solok Regency. Regency.
surface water runoff, and
management of surface water  Directorate General of
quality. New and Renewable
Energy and Energy
Conservation (EBTKE)
6. Loss of Labor release The number and Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
employment proportion of be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
opportunity unemployment resulting potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
from the loss of jobs in economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
the project.  Socializing the project closure plan to Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Labor, and Labor, and
the workers, South Solok Regency. Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Socializing the labor release plan to South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
the workers,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Providing fair compensation to and Mineral and Mineral Resources
employees in accordance with Resources of South of South Solok
applicable reguations, Solok Regency. Regency.
 Socializing the end of the project  Governments of  Directorate General of
activities to the workers. Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
7. Loss of business Operational workers  Number and Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
opportunity release proportion of failed be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
businesses in the potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
post operation stage, economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Social,  Department of Social,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
 Amounts of  Socializing the project closure plan Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Labor, and Labor, and
compensation to the workers, South Solok Regency.. Transmigration of Transmigration of
provided as a result  Socializing the labor release plan to South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
of labor release are the workers,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
in accordance with  Providing fair compensation to and Mineral and Mineral Resources
applicable employees in accordance with Resources of South of South Solok
regulations. applicable reguations, Solok Regency. Regency.
 Socializing the end of project  Governments of  Directorate General of
activities to the workers. Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
8. Changes in Labor release Limited decrease of Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
community income (compensation community income due to be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
(decrease of provided due to labor labor release in the post potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
community income release is in operation stage. economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
due to labor accordance with  Socializing the project closure plan Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Labor, and Labor, and
release. applicable regulations). to the workers, South Solok Regency. Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Socializing the labor release plan to South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
the workers,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Providing fair compensation to the and Mineral and Mineral Resources
employees in accordance with Resources of South of South Solok
applicable regulations, Solok Regency. Regency.
 Socializing the end of project  Governments of  Directorate General of
activities to the workers. Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
9. Changes in Operational workers Decreasing of negative Environmental management programs to In vicinity of site, During the post- PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
community release perceptions toward labor be implemented to prevent or mitigate including Nagari Alam operation stage of South Solok of South Solok
perception release. potential impacts will be based on a socio- Pauh Duo and Pauh Regency. Regency.
economic approach, including: Duo Nan Batigo,  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
 Socializing the project closure plan Kecamatan Pauh Duo, Labor, and Labor, and
to the workers, South Solok Regency. Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Socializing the labor release plan to South Solok Regency. South Solok Regency.
the workers,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
 Providing fair compensation to the and Mineral and Mineral Resources
employees in accordance with Resources of South of South Solok
applicable reguations, Solok Regency. Regency.
 Socializing the end of project  Government of  Directorate General of
activities to the workers. Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
Pauh Duo and Pauh Energy and Energy
Duo Nan Batigo Conservation (EBTKE)
E. Management of Other Impacts
1. Heavy metals and Drilling wells, sump  Wastewater quality Environmental management programs to  Hazardous waste From construction PT SEML  Environmental Agency  Environmental Agency
hazardous pits, and production meets the applicable be implemented to prevent or mitigate temporary storage, stage until post of South Solok of South Solok
materials wells, which potentially standards, potential impacts will be based on a operation stage Regency. Regency.
produce hazardous technological approach, including:  Waste water
 Comply with the treatment plants,  Department of Energy  Department of Energy
waste and non- Minister of Energy Domestic Solid Waste and Mineral and Mineral Resources
hazardous waste and Mineral  Non-hazardous Resources of South of South Solok
 Disposesolid waste in landfill.
Resources Decree waste landfill, Solok Regency. Regency.
No. 045 of 2006  
Wastewater:  Well sites. Directorate General of Directorate General of
regarding Terms of New and Renewable New and Renewable
Drilling Mud  Treat domestic wastewater from all
Energy and Energy Energy and Energy
Management, activities at the project area in waste
Conservation Conservation (EBTKE)
water treatment plants,
 Comply with (EBTKE)
applicable  Condense and brine, produced
regulations of during the production and
hazardous waste operational testing of geothermal
management power plant, to be injected through
(Government reinjection wells,
Regulation No. 18 of
 Building sump pits covered with

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Location of Period of Institution of Environmental Management

No Impact to be Source of Impact Indicator of Success Form of Environmental Management Environmental Environmental
Managed Management Management Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
1999 and waterproof coating. Water collected
Government in the sump pits will be used in the
Regulation No. 85 of drilling process as drilling mud
1999). component and then will be
reinjected to the well.
Hazardous waste:
 Cuttings in drilling mud will be
collected in sump pits,
 Final drilling mud will be collected in
sump pits,
 Utilize the drill cutting after the permit
for utilization is issued by the
authorized agency,
 Ensure equipment and materials
used by PT SEML do not contain
PCBs, asbestos, ODS (ozone
depleting substances), and other
materials that are prohibited for use
as provided by regulations,
 Neutralize battery acid and store
used lead acid batteries safely,
 Collect used oil in drums and hand it
over to a registered hazardous waste
management company for further
 Install secondary containment
around flammable and dangerous
materials as needed,
 Periodically conduct training for
workers in handling hazardous

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh



III.1.1 Socio-Economic and Culture Components

III.1.1.1 Land Ownership and Land Tenure

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in land ownership and land tenure.

b. Indicator of Environmental Monitoring Success

 One of the indicator for successful monitoring is that the changes in land ownership and
land tenure will not cause conflict.

c. Sources of Impact

 Land acquisition.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data collection done through observations and interviews,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Location of Environmental Monitoring

 Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo, Kecamatan Pauh Duo.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once during the pre-construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :
 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Government of Kecamatan Pauh Duo,
 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.
3) Report Receiving Agency :
 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.1.1.2 Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in community perception.

b. Indicator of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Decrease in negative perceptions on land acquisition.

c. Sources of Impact

 Land acquisition.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 Data collection done through observatiosn and interviews,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Location of Environmental Monitoring

 Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo, Kecamatan Pauh Duo.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitroring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once during the pre-construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Government of Kecamatan Pauh Duo,
 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Land Agency of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW


III.2.1 Physical and Chemical Components

III.2.1.1 Ambient Air Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in air quality.

b. Indicator of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Air quality from fugitive emissions and dispersed TSP meet the applicable standards
(Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 - TSP ambient air standard < 230 µg/Nm ),
 H2S emission gas meets the applicable standard (Minister of Environment Regulation
No. 21 of 2008 - H2S emission < 35 mg/Nm ),
 Odor level meets the H2S standards (Minister of Environment Decree No. 50 of 1996 -
H2S odor level < 28 µg/Nm ).

c. Sources of Impact

 Well production and injection well drilling, production well testing, and emission and
dispersion from stack cooling during PLTP operation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Ambient measurement of TSP, sampling using high volume sampler,

 Data analysis using SNI 19-7119.3-2005 method,
 Ambient H2S measurement.

e. Locations of Environmental Monitoring

 Settlement located on project’s main road,

 Ambient gas H2S with distance:
- > 500 m from cooling tower,
- >1,000 m from cooling tower.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental management will be carried out twice during the construction stage (wet
season and dry season).

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agencyof South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.1.2 Noise

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in noise level.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Noise levels meet the applicable standards for residential < 55 dB(A) and industrial <70
dB(A) according to Minister of Environment Decree No. 48 of 1996,
 For projects worker, Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for working environment according to
Circular Letter of Minister of Manpower No. 01/MEN/ 97 (TLV working environment < 85

c. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, and production well testing.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 Noise level measurements using sound level meter,

 Data analysis in accordance with Minister of Environmental Regulation No. 48 of 1996.

e. Location of Environmental Monitoring

 Noise level measurements in settlements located on project’s main road,

 Noise level measurement in PLTP working area and the well pad nearest to settlement.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out twice during the construction stage (dry
season and wet season).

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.1.3 Erosion and Sedimentation

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in erosion and sedimentation.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Erosion rate comply with Minister of Forestry, Directorate General for Reforestation and
Rehabilitation Decree No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 (<15 ton/ha/of).

c. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Land erosion measurement using small square method,

 Rainfall monitoring.

e. Location of Environmental Monitoring

 Areas prone to erosion along access road, well pad, and geothermal power plant area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out twice during the construction stage (land
preparation, dry season and wet season).

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.
3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.1.4 Surface Water Runoff

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in surface water runoff.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Control sediment loads that will be discharged into river according to Government
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 (<50 mg/L).

c. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 Sediment loads sampling in inlet and outlet of detention pond, and laboratory analysis
for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) using SNI 06-6989.3-2004 method, as well as
determine the effectiveness of detention ponds.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Sediment loads in PLTP project sites,

 Inlet and outlet of detention ponds, representing sediment that can be managed.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out twice during land preparation in the
construction stage (dry season and wet season).

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.
3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.1.5 Surface Water Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in surface water quality.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Control of TSS levels in river. TSS baseline for Liki River is 4 mg/L and according to PP
No. 82 of 2001, the standard for TSS level is < 50 mg/L.

c. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 TSS in river sampling,

 Laboratory analysis using SNI 06-6989.3-2004 method.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Sediment loads in PLTP project sites,

 Inlet and outlet of detention pond, representing sediment that can be managed,
 TSS sampling from Bangko Jernih River, Bangko Keruh River, and Liki River at:
- Outfall,
- 20 m upstream of outfall,
- 100 m downstream of outfall,
- 200 m downstreamof outfall,
representing sediment that has discharged into the river.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out twice during the construction stage (dry
season and wet season).

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.2 Biological Components

III.2.2.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Disturbance to terrestrial flora and fauna.

b. Indicator of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Open land as needed.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data collection method through inventory/direct observation of the area to be cleared

and re-vegetation conducted,
 Data analysis through vegetation analysis.

e. Location of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring of the revegetated sites.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out twice during the construction stage, which
is prior and after land preparation phase.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Forestry of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Forestry of South Solok Regency,

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.2.2 Aquatic Biota

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Disturbance to aquatic biota.

b. Indicator of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Changes in aquatic biota composition downstream from land,

 Changes in aquatic biota composition.

c. Sources of Impact

 Land preparation,
 Production well and injection well drilling, and production well testing.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data analysis of plankton and benthos types, composition, abundance, and diversity.

e. Location of Environmental Monitoring

 Rivers near activity locations (Bangko Jenih, Bangko Keruh, and Liki River).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out twice during the construction stage (dry
season and wet season).

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components

III.2.3.1 Job Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Job opportunities.

b. Indicator of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Number and percentage of local workforce employed during the construction stage.

c. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Location of Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the
construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agencyof South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.3.2 Business Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Business opportunities.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Number and percentage of local workforce employed during construction stage,

 Number and percentage of new business opened during operation of PLTP Muara
Laboh development project.

c. Sources of Impact

 Workforce recruitment,
 Workforce layoff.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the
construction stage.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.3.3 Community Income

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in community income.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Changes in community income from labor recruitment and lay off labor activities during
construction stage.

c. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment,
 Labor layoff.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of project location (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the
construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.3.4 Social Values and Norms

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in values and social norms from construction workforce recruitment.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Changes in social values and norms, and also local traditions.

c. Sources of Impact

 Construction workforce recruitment activities,

 Construction workforce layoff activities.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data recorded from formal and informal meetings with community figures and members,
 Data analysis performed in comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the
construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

4) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

5) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,

 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

6) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.3.5 Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in community perception.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Decreased negative perception of workforce recruitment activity during construction

 Decreased negative perception of production well and injection well drilling, production
well testing during construction and development of PLTP.

c. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment,
 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, and development of

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data collection on community perceptions,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

e. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the
construction stage.

f. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,

 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.2.4 Public Health Components

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Disturbance to public health/deterioration in public health status.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Parameters to be monitored are environmental disease types that cause infection as an

impact of environmental quality,
 Environmental sanitation facilities which include clean water supply, toilets, healthy
housse, and solid waste management.

c. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, and production well testing

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Interviews with project head and secondary data collection from clinic (Puskesmas),
 Interviews with community figures and health clinic employees regarding environmental
disease pattern.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the
construction stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Health of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Health of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.


III.3.1 Physical and Chemical Components

III.3.1.1 Ambient Air Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in air quality.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Air quality from fugitive emissions and dispersed TSP meet the applicable standards
(Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 - TSP ambient air standard < 230 µg/Nm ),
 Gas emission and dispersion from cooling tower stack during operation of PLTP,
 H2S gas emission meets the applicable standards (Minister of Environment Regulation
No. 21 of 2008 - H2S emission < 35 mg/Nm ),
 Odor level meets the H2S standard (Minister of Environment Decree No. 50 of 1996 -
H2S odor level < 28 µg/Nm ).

c. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, and emission and
dispersion from cooling tower stack during operation of PLTP,
 Commissioning,
 Turbine and condenser operation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Ambient measurements of TSP, sampling using high volume sampler,

 Data analysis using SNI 19-7119.3-2005 method,
 Ambient H2S measurement.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Settlements located on project’s main road,

 Ambient H2S gas at distances:
- > 500 m from cooling tower,
- >1,000 m from cooling tower.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.3.1.2 Noise

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in noise level.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Noise levels meet the applicable standards for residential < 55 dB(A) and industrial <70
dB(A) according to Minister of Environment Decree No. 48 of 1996,
 For project workers, Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for working environment according to
Circular Letter of Minister of Labor No. 01/MEN/ 97 (TLV working environment < 85

c. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, and production well testing,
 Commissioning,
 Turbine and condenser operation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis,

 Noise level measurement using sound level meter,

 Data analysis in accordance with Minister of Environmental Regulation No. 48 of 1996.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Noise level measurement in settlements located on project’s main road,

 Noise level measurements in PLTP working area and the well pad nearest to

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.3.1.3 Surface Water Runoff

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in surface water runoff.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Control sediment loads that will be discharged into the river according to Government
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 (<50 mg/L).

c. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, and production well testing,
 Turbine and condenser operation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 River TSS sampling,

 TSS laboratory analysis using SNI 06-6989.3-2004 method.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Sediment loads at PLTP project site,

 Inlet and outlet of detention pond, representing sediment that can be managed,
 TSS sampling from Bangko Jernih River, Bangko Keruh River, and Liki River at:
- Outfall,
- 20 m upstream of outfall,
- 100 m downstream of outfall,
- 200 m downstream of outfall,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

representing sediment that has discharged into the river.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.3.2 Biological Components

III.3.2.1 Aquatic Biota

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Disturbance to aquatic biota.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Changes in aquatic biota composition.

c. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, well and PLTP
operation and maintenance.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data analysis of plankton and benthos types, composition, abundance, and diversity.

e. Locations for Environmental Management

 Rivers near activity locations (Bangko Jenih, Bangko Keruh, and Liki River).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.3.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components

III.3.3.1 Job Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Job opportunities.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Number and percentage of local workforce employed during the operation stage.

c. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Laborr, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.3.3.2 Business Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Business opportunities.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Number and percentage of new businesses opened during the operation stage.

c. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.3.3.3 Community Income

a. Environmental Impact to be Managed

 Changes in community income.

b. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Increased community income from workforce recruitmentt activities during the operation

c. Sources of Impact

 Labor recruitment.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

III.3.3.4 Social Values and Norms

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in social values and norms from operational workforce recruitment.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Changes in values and social norms, and also local traditions.

c. Sources of Impact

 Operation workforce recruitment activities

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data recorded from formal and informal meetings with community figure and members,
 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agencyof South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

III.3.3.5 Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in community perception.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Decreased negative perception on land acquisition and from workforce recruitment

activity during operation stage,
 Decreased negative perception of production well and injection well drilling, production
well testing, also well and PLTP operation and maintenance.

c. Sources of Impact

 Workforce recruitment,
 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, and well and PLTP
operation and maintenance.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data collection of community perception,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

III.3.4 Public Health Components

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Disturbance to public health/deterioration in public health status.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Parameter to be monitored is environmental disease types that cause infection as an

impact of environment quality,
 Environmental sanitation facilities, which include clean water supplies, toilets, healthy
houses, and solid waste management.

c. Sources of Impact

 Production well and injection well drilling, production well testing, and well and PLTP
operation and maintenance.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Interviews with project head and secondary data collection from clinic (Puskesmas),
 Interviews with community figure and health clinic employees regarding environmental
disease pattern.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of project site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the operation

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Health of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Health of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW


III.4.1 Physical and Chemical Components

III.4.1.1 Erosion and Sedimentation

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in erosion and sedimentation.

b. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Erosion rate complies with Minister of Forestry, Directorate General for Reforestation
and Rehabilitation Decree No. 041/Kpts/V/1998 (<15 ton/ha/of).

c. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/re-vegetation.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 Land erosion measurement using small square method.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Areas prone to erosion along access road, well pad, and geothermal power plant area.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.1.2 Surface Water Runoff

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in surface water runoff.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Control sediment loads that will be discharged into river according to Government
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 (<50 mg/L).

c. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/re-vegetation.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 Sediment loads sampling in inlet and outlet of detention pond, and laboratory analysis
for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) using SNI 06-6989.3-2004 method, as well as
determining the effectiveness of the detention pond.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Sediment loads at PLTP project site,

 Inlet and outlet of detention pond, representing sediment that can be managed.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.1.3 Surface Water Quality

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in surface water quality.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Control of TSS level in river. TSS baseline for Liki River is 4 mg/L and according to PP
No. 82 of 2001, the standard for TSS level is < 50 mg/L.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/re-vegetation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 TSS river sampling,

 TSS laboratory analysis using SNI 06-6989.3-2004 method.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 TSS sampling from Bangko Jernih River, Bangko Keruh River, and Liki River at:
- Outfall,
- 20 m upstream of outfall,
- 100 m downstream of outfall,
- 200 m downstream of outfall,
representing sediment that has passed into the river.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Management

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.2 Biological Components

III.4.2.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Disturbance to terrestrial flora and fauna.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Re-vegetated area, type of planted flora/vegetation, and success rate of re-vegetated

plant growth, presence of protected flora refers to Government Regulation No. 07 of
1999, and diversity index.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

c. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/re-vegetation.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Data collection method through inventory/direct observation of the area to be cleared

and re–vegetation conducted,
 Data analysis through vegetation analysis.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Monitoring at all rehabilitated/re-vegetated areas.

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Forestry of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Forestry of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.2.2 Aquatic Biota

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Disturbance to aquatic biota.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Changes in aquatic biota composition.

c. Sources of Impact

 Rehabilitation/re-vegetation.

d. Data Collection Method and Analysis

 Data analysis of plankton and benthos types, composition, abundance, and diversity.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Rivers near activity locations (Bangko Jenih, Bangko Keruh, and Liki River).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.3 Socio-Economic and Culture Components

III.4.3.1 Job Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Decrease in job opportunities.

b. Indicators of Environmental Management Success

 Number and percentage of unemployment as a result of workforce layoff from project


c. Sources of Impact

 Workforce layoff.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.3.2 Business Opportunities

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Decrease in business opportunities.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Decreasing number and percentage of businesses during the post operation stage.

c. Sources of Impact

 Workforce layoff.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of site (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.3.3 Community Income

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in community income.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Decreased community income from workforce lay off activities during the post operation

c. Source of Impact

 Workforce layoff.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of project location (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,

 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

III.4.3.4 Community Perception

a. Environmental Impact to be Monitored

 Changes in community perception.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Decreased negative perception to closure activities for production well, injection well,
pipeline demobilization and demobilization of supporting facilities and PLTP at post
operation stage,
 Decreased negative perceptions of workforce layoff activity during the post operation

c. Sources of Impact

 Closure of production well, injection well, demobilization of pipeline and supporting

facilities, also PLTP demobilization.
 Workforce layoff.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Secondary data collection from HRD PT SEML,

 Data analysis performed with comparative and descriptive qualitative methods.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 In vicinity of project locations (Nagari Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

 Environmental monitoring will be carried out once every six months during the post
operation stage.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Governments of Nagari, KAN Alam Pauh Duo, and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.


a. Environmental Impacts to be Managed

 Solid waste non industry: solid waste type and quantities collected, transported,
disposed at landfill and recycled,
 Domestic waste water: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total
Suspended Solids and pH,
 Hazardous waste types and quantitities,
 Spills: spill types and numbers, and quantities spilled.

b. Indicators of Environmental Monitoring Success

 Comply with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 045 of 2006
regarding Drilling Mud Requirement and Management,
 Comply with requirements of applicable hazardous management rules (Government
Regulation No. 18 of 1999 and Government Regulation No. 85 of 1999).

c. Sources of Impact

 Municipal solid waste,

 Domestic waste water from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP),
 Drilling wells, sump pits, production wells (during production testing) that potentially
generate hazardous wastes and non-hazardous wastes.

d. Data Collection Methods and Analysis

 Measure the amount of solid waste generated by counting the numbers of trucks which
carrying solid waste to dispose at landfill,
 Collect, prepare, and analyze water samplea from all domestic waste water treatment
plant outlets according to PT SEML protocol based on SNI, also conduct in situ
measurement of pH, conductivity, and temperature,
 Monitor the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for oil spills,
 Monitor the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of hazardous
waste handling and disposal,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

 Conduct toxicity characteristic leaching procedure tests for drilling mud, mud waste, and
drilling dust.

e. Locations for Environmental Monitoring

 Municipal solid waste landfill,

 Domestic Waste Water Treatment Plant,

 Well location (sump pits and mud waste disposal).

f. Duration and Period of Environmental Monitoring

During construction stage until operation stage:

 Solid waste: every time solid waste is disposed to landfill,

 WWTP: once every month,

 Well location: two times, while drilling and after drilling.

g. Institutions for Environmental Monitoring

1) Organizing Agency : PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

2) Supervising Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency.

3) Report Receiving Agency :

 Environmental Agency of South Solok Regency,

 Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Solok Regency,
 Department of Social, Labor, and Transmigration of South Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

Table III-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan Matrix of Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plan 250 MW by PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
A. Pre-Construction Stage
1. Changes in land One of the indicator for Land acquisition.  Data collection done through Nagari Alam Pauh Duo Once during the pre- PT SEML  Environemntal  Environemntal Agency
ownership and successful monitoring is observations and interviews, and Pauh Duo Nan construction stage. Agency of South of South Solok
land tenure. that the changes in land  Data analysis performed Batigo, Kecamatan Pauh Solok Regency Regency
ownership and land with comparative and Duo.  Government of  Department of Energy
tenure will not cause descriptive qualitative Kecamatan Pauh and Mineral Resources
conflict methods. Duo. of South Solok
 Department of Regency.
Energy and Mineral  Land Agency of South
Resources of South Solok Regency.
Solok Regency  Directorate General of
 Land Agency of New Energy,
South Solok Regency Renewable and
 sf Nagari, KAN Alam Energy Conservation
Pauh Duo, and Pauh
Duo Nan Batigo

2. Changes in Decrease in negative Land acquisition.  Data collection done through Nagari Alam Pauh Duo Once during the pre- PT SEML  Environmental  Environemntal Agency
community perceptions on land observatiosn and interviews, and Pauh Duo Nan construction stage. Agency of South of South Solok
perception acquisition  Data analysis performed iwith Batigo, Kecamatan Pauh Solok Regency. Regency
comparative and descriptive Duo  Government of  Department of Energy
qualitative methods. Kecamatan Pauh and Mineral Resources
Duo of South Solok
 Department of Regency.
Energy and Mineral  Land Agency of South
Resources of South Solok Regency.
Solok Regency.  Directorate General of
 Land Agency of New Energy,
South Solok Renewable and
Regency. Energy Conservation
 Governments of
Nagari, KAN Alam
Pauh Duo, and Pauh
Duo Nan Batigo.
B. Construction Stage
1. Changes in air  Air quality from Well production and  Ambient measurement of  Settlement located on Twice during the PT SEML  Environmental  Environemntal Agency
quality. fugitive emissions injection well drilling, TSP, sampling using high project’s main road, construction stage (wet Agency of South of South Solok
and dispersed TSP production well testing, volume sampler,  Ambient gas H2S with season and dry season) Solok Regency. Regency
meet the applicable and emission and  Data analysis using SNI 19- distance:  Department of  Department of Energy
standards dispersion from stack 7119.3-2005 method, Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
(Government - > 500 m from
cooling during PLTP  Ambient H2S measurement. cooling tower, Resources of South of South Solok
Regulation No. 41 of operation. Solok Regency. Regency.
1999 - TSP ambient - >1,000 m from
air standard < 230 cooling tower.  Directorate General of
µg/Nm ),
3 New and Renewable
Energy and Energy
 H2S emission gas Conservation
meets the applicable
standard (Minister of
Regulation No. 21 of
2008 - H2S emission
< 35 mg/Nm ),

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
 Odor level meets the
H2S standards
(Minister of
Environment Decree
No. 50 of 1996 - H2S
odor level < 28
µg/Nm ).
2. Changes in noise  Noise levels meet Production well and  Noise level measurements  Noise level Twice during the PT SEML  Environmental  Environemntal Agency
level. the applicable injection well drilling, and using sound level meter, measurements in construction stage (dry Agency of South of South Solok
standards for production well testing.  Data analysis in accordance settlements located season and wet season) Solok Regency. Regency
residential < 55 with Minister of on project’s main  Department of  Department of Energy
dB(A) and industrial Environmental Regulation road, Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
<70 dB(A) according No. 48 of 1996.  Noise level Resources of South of South Solok
to Minister of measurement in Solok Regency. Regency.
Environment Decree PLTP working area
No. 48 of 1996,  Directorate General of
and the well pad New and Renewable
 For projects worker, nearest to settlement. Energy and Energy
Threshold Limit Conservation
Values (TLV) for
working environment
according to Circular
Letter of Minister of
Manpower No.
01/MEN/ 97 (TLV
working environment
< 85 dB(A)).

3. Changes in Erosion rate comply with Land preparation  Land erosion measurement Areas prone to erosion Twice during land PT SEML  Environemntal  Environemntal Agency
erosion and Minister of Forestry, using small square method, along access road, well preparation (dry season Agency of South of South Solok
sedimentation Directorate General for  Rainfall monitoring. pad, and geothermal and wet season) Solok Regency Regency
Reforestation and power plant area  Department of  Department of Energy
Rehabilitation Decree No. Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
041/Kpts/V/1998 (<15 Resources of South of South Solok
ton/ha/of). Solok Regency Regency
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy

4. Changes in Control sediment loads Land preparation Sediment loads sampling in inlet  Sediment loads in Twice during land PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
surface water that will be discharged and outlet of detention pond, and PLTP project sites, preparation in the Agency of South of South Solok
runoff into river according to laboratory analysis for Total  Inlet and outlet of construction stage (dry Solok Regency Regency
Government Regulation Suspended Solids (TSS) using detention ponds, season and wet season)  Department of  Department of Energy
No. 82 of 2001 (<50 SNI 06-6989.3-2004 method, as representing sediment Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
mg/L) well as determine the that can be managed. Resources of South of South Solok
effectiveness of detention ponds. Solok Regency Regency
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy

5. Changes in Control of TSS levels in  Land preparation,  TSS in river sampling,  Sediment loads in Twice during the PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
surface water river. TSS baseline for  Production well and  Laboratory analysis using PLTP project sites, construction stage (wet Agency of South of South Solok
quality Liki River is 4 mg/L and injection well drilling, SNI 06-6989.3-2004  Inlet and outlet of season and dry season) Solok Regency Regency
according to PP No. 82 of production well method. detention pond,  Department of  Department of Energy
2001, the standard for testing. representing sediment Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
TSS level is < 50 mg/L. that can be managed, Resources of South of South Solok
 TSS sampling from Solok Regency Regency
Bangko Jernih River,  Directorate General of
Bangko Keruh River, New and Renewable
and Liki River at: Energy and Energy
- Outfall, Conservation
- 20 m upstream of
- 100 m
downstream of
- 200 m
sediment that has
discharged into
the river.
6. Disturbance to Open land as needed. Land preparation  Data collection method Environmental monitoring Twice during the PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
terrestrial flora and through inventory/direct of the re-vegetated site construction stage, which Agency of South of South Solok
fauna. observation of the area to be is prior and after land Solok Regency, Regency,
cleared and re-vegetation preparation phase.  Department of  Department of Energy
conducted, Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
 Data analysis through Resources of South of South Solok
vegetation analysis. Solok Regency, Regency,
 Department of  Department of Forestry
Forestry of South of South Solok
Solok Regency. Regency,
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy, and Energy
7. Disturbance to  Changes in aquatic  Land preparation, Data analysis of plankton and Rivers near activity Twice during land PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
aquatic biota biota composition  Production well and benthos types, composition, locations (Bangko Jenih, preparation in the Agency of South of South Solok
downstream from injection well drilling, abundance, and diversity Bangko Keruh, and Liki construction stage (wet Solok Regency Regency
land, and production well River) season and dry season)  Department of  Department of Energy
 Changes in aquatic testing. Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
biota composition. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy
8. Job opportunities Number and percentage Labor recruitment  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari During the construction PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
of local workforce from HRD PT SEML, Alam Pauh Duo and stage, once every six Agency of South of South Solok
employed during the  Data analysis performed Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) months Solok Regency, Regency,
construction stage. with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

9. Business  Number and  Workforce  Secondary data In vicinity of site (Nagari During the construction PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
opportunities percentage of local recruitment, collection from HRD PT Alam Pauh Duo and stage, once every six Agency of South of South Solok
workforce employed  Workforce layoff. SEML, Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) months. Solok Regency, Regency,
during construction  Data analysis performed  Department of  Department of Energy
stage, with comparative and Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
 Number and descriptive qualitative Resources of South of South Solok
percentage of new methods. Solok Regency Regency
business opened
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
during operation of
Labor, and Labor, and
PLTP Muara Laboh
Transmigration of Transmigration of
development project.
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

10. Changes in Increased community  Labor recruitment,  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari During the construction PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
community income income from labor  Labor layoff. from HRD PT SEML, Alam Pauh Duo and stage, once every six Agency of South of South Solok
recruitment and lay off  Data analysis performed Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) months. Solok Regency, Regency,
labor activities during with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
construction stage descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

11. Changes in values Changes in social values  Construction  Data recorded from formal In vicinity of site (Nagari During the construction PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
and social norms and norms, and also local workforce recruitment and informal meetings with Alam Pauh Duo and stage, once every six Agency of South of South Solok
from construction traditions. activities community figures and Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) months. Solok Regency, Regency,
workforce  members,
Construction  Department of  Department of Energy
recruitment. workforce layoff  Data analysis performed in Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
activities comparative and descriptive Resources of South of South Solok
qualitative methods. Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
Duo Nan Batigo.

12. Changes in  Decreased negative  Workforce  Data collection on community In vicinity of site (Nagari During the construction PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
community perception of recruitment perceptions, Alam Pauh Duo and stage, once every six Agency of South of South Solok
perception workforce  Production well and  Data analysis performed with Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) months Solok Regency. Regency
recruitment activity injection well drilling, comparative and descriptive  Department of  Department of Energy
during construction production well qualitative methods. Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
stage, testing, and Resources of South of South Solok
 Decreased negative development of Solok Regency. Regency.
perception of PLTP.  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
production well and Labor, and Labor, and
injection well drilling, Transmigration of Transmigration of
production well South Solok Regency South Solok Regency.
testing during
 Governments of  Directorate General of
construction and Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
development of Pauh Duo, and Pauh Energy and Energy
PLTP. Duo Nan Batigo. Conservation

13. Disturbance to  Parameter to be Production well and  Interviews with project head In vicinity of site (Nagari During the construction PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
public monitored are injection well drilling, and and secondary data Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh stage, once every six Agency of South of South Solok
health/deterioratio environmental production well testing. collection from clinic Duo Nan Batigo). months Solok Regency Regency
n in public health disease types that (Puskesmas),  Department of  Department of Energy
status cause infection as an  Interviews with community Energy and Mineral and Mineral
impact of figures and health clinic Resources of South Resources of South
environmental employees regarding Solok Regency Solok Regency
quality, environmental disease  Department of Health  Department of Health
 Environmental pattern. of South Solok of South Solok
sanitation facilities Regency, Regency
which include clean  Governments of  Directorate General of
water supply, toilets,
Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
healthy housse, and Pauh Duo, and Pauh Energy and Energy
solid waste Duo Nan Batigo. Conservation
C. Operation Stage
1. Changes in air  Air quality from  Production well and  Ambient measurements of  Settlements located Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
quality fugitive emissions injection well drilling, TSP, sampling using high on project’s main during the operation stage. Agency of South of South Solok
and dispersed TSP production well testing, volume sampler, road, Solok Regency. Regency
meet the applicable and emission and  Data analysis using SNI 19-  Ambient H2S gas at  Department of  Department of Energy
standards dispersion from 7119.3-2005 method distances: Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
(Government cooling tower stack Resources of South of South Solok
Regulation No. 41 of during operation of  Ambient H2S measurement - > 500 m from
cooling tower, Solok Regency. Regency.
1999 - TSP ambient PLTP,
air standard < 230 - >1,000 m from  Directorate General of
3  Commissioning, New and Renewable
µg/Nm ), cooling tower.
 Turbine and Energy and Energy
 Gas emission and condenser operation. Conservation
dispersion from
cooling tower stack
during operation of
 H2S gas emission
meets the applicable
standards (Minister
of Environment
Regulation No. 21 of
2008 - H2S emission
< 35 mg/Nm ),

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
 Odor level meets the
H2S standard
(Minister of
Environment Decree
No. 50 of 1996 - H2S
odor level < 28
µg/Nm ).
2. Changes in noise  Noise levels meet  Production well and  Noise level  Noise level Once every six month PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
level the applicable injection well drilling, measurement using measurement in during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
standards for and production well sound level meter, settlements Solok Regency. Regency
residential < 55 testing,  Data analysis in located on  Department of  Department of Energy
dB(A) and industrial  Commissioning, accordance with project’s main Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
<70 dB(A) according Minister of road, Resources of South of South Solok
to Minister of  Turbine and
condenser operation. Environmental  Noise level Solok Regency. Regency.
Environment Decree Regulation No. 48 of measurements
No. 48 of 1996.  Directorate General of
1996. in PLTP working New and Renewable
 For project workers, area and the Energy and Energy
Threshold Limit well pad nearest Conservation
Values (TLV) for to settlement.
working environment
according to Circular
Letter of Minister of
Labor No. 01/MEN/
97 (TLV working
environment < 85
3. Changes in Control sediment loads  Production well and  River TSS sampling,  Sediment loads at Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
surface water that will be discharged injection well drilling,  TSS laboratory analysis PLTP project site, during the operation stage. Agency of South of South Solok
runof into the river according to and production well using SNI 06-6989.3-2004  Inlet and outlet of Solok Regency. Regency,
Government Regulation testing, method. detention pond,  Department of  Department of Energy
No. 82 of 2001 (<50  Turbine and representing sediment Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
mg/L). condenser operation. that can be managed, Resources of South of South Solok
 TSS sampling from Solok Regency. Regency,
Bangko Jernih River,  Directorate General of
Bangko Keruh River, New and Renewable
and Liki River at: Energy, and Energy
- Outfall, Conservation.
- 20 m upstream of
- 100 m downstream
of outfall,
- 200 m downstream
of outfall,
representing sediment
that has discharged into
the river.
4. Disturbance to Changes in aquatic biota Production well and Data analysis of plankton and Rivers near activity Once every six month PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
aquatic biota composition injection well drilling, benthos types, composition, locations (Bangko Jenih, during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
production well testing, abundance, and diversity Bangko Keruh, and Liki Solok Regency Regency
well and PLTP operation River)  Department of  Department of Energy
and maintenance. Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
5. Job opportunities Number and percentage Labor recruitment  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
of local workforce from HRD PT SEML Alam Pauh Duo and during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
employed during the  Data analysis performed Pauh Duo Nan Batigo). Solok Regency, Regency,
operation stage. with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

6. Increasing Number and percentage Labor recruitment  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
business of new businesses from HRD PT SEML Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
opportunities  Data analysis performed Duo Nan Batigo). Solok Regency, Regency,
opened during the
with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
operation stage. descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

7. Changes in Increased community Labor recruitment  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
community income income from workforce from HRD PT SEML Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
recruitmentt activities  Data analysis performed Duo Nan Batigo). Solok Regency, Regency,
during the operation with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
stage. descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

8. Changes in social Changes in social values Operation workforce  Data recorded from formal In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
values and norms and norms, and also local recruitment activities and informal meetings with Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
from operational traditions community figure and Duo Nan Batigo) Solok Regency, Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
workforce members,  Department of  Department of Energy
recruitment.  Data analysis performed with Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
comparative and descriptive Resources of South of South Solok
qualitative methods. Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

9. Changes in  Decreased negative  Workforce  Data collection of community In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
community perception on land recruitment, perception Alam Pauh Duo and Pauh during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
perception acquisition and from  Production well and  Data analysis performed with Duo Nan Batigo) Solok Regency. Regency
workforce injection well drilling, comparative and descriptive  Department of  Department of Energy
recruitment activity production well qualitative methods. Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
during operation testing, and well and Resources of South of South Solok
stage, PLTP operation and Solok Regency Regency.
 Decreased negative maintenance.  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
perception of Labor, and Labor, and
production well and Transmigration of Transmigration of
injection well drilling, South Solok South Solok Regency.
production well Regency.  Directorate General of
testing, also well and  Government of New and Renewable
PLTP operation and Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
maintenance. Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

10. Disturbance to  Parameter to be Production well and  Interviews with project head In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environemntal Agency
public monitored is injection well drilling, and secondary data Alam Pauh Duo and during the operation stage Agency of South of South Solok
health/deterioratio environmental production well testing, collection from clinic Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) Solok Regency Regency,
n in public health disease types that and well and PLTP (Puskesmas),  Department of  Department of Energy
status. cause infection as an operation and  Interviews with community Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
impact of environment maintenance. figure and health clinic Resources of South of South Solok
quality, employees regarding Solok Regency Regency
 Environmental environmental disease  Department of Health  Department of Health
sanitation facilities, pattern. of South Solok of South Solok
which include clean Regency, Regency,
water supplies, toilets,
 Governments of  Directorate General of
healthy houses, and Nagari, KAN Alam New and Renewable
solid waste Pauh Duo, and Pauh Energy and Energy
management. Duo Nan Batigo. Conservation

D. Post Operation Stage

1. Changes in Erosion rate complies Rehabilitation/revegetatio Land erosion measurement using Areas prone to erosion Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
erosion and with Minister of Forestry, n small square method. along access road, well during the post operation Agency of South of South Solok
sedimentation Directorate General for pad, and geothermal stage Solok Regency Regency
Reforestation and power plant area.  Department of  Department of Energy
Rehabilitation Decree No. Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
041/Kpts/V/1998 (<15 Resources of South of South Solok
ton/ha/of). Solok Regency Regency
 Directorate General of

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy
2. Changes in Control sediment loads Rehabilitation/revegetatio Sediment loads sampling in inlet  Sediment loads at Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
surface water that will be discharged n and outlet of detention pond, and PLTP project site, during the post operation Agency of South of South Solok
runoff into river according to laboratory analysis for Total  Inlet and outlet of stage Solok Regency Regency
Government Regulation Suspended Solids (TSS) using detention pond,  Department of  Department of Energy
No. 82 of 2001 (<50 SNI 06-6989.3-2004 method, as representing sediment Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
mg/L). well as determining the that can be managed. Resources of South of South Solok
effectiveness of the detention Solok Regency Regency
pond.  Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy
3. Changes in Control of TSS level in Rehabilitation/revegetatio  TSS river sampling, TSS sampling from Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
surface water river. TSS baseline for n  TSS laboratory analysis Bangko Jernih River, during the post operation Agency of South of South Solok
quality Liki River is 4 mg/L and using SNI 06-6989.3-2004 Bangko Keruh River, stage Solok Regency. Regency
according to PP No. 82 method. and Liki River at:  Department of  Department of Energy
Of 2001, the standard for - Outfall Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
TSS level is < 50 mg/.L - 20 m upstream of Resources of South of South Solok
outfall, Solok Regency. Regency.
- 100 m  Directorate General of
downstream of New and Renewable
outfall, Energy and Energy
- 200 m
downstream of
representing sediment
that has passed into the
4. Disturbance to the Re-vegetated area, type Rehabilitation/revegetatio  Data collection method Monitoring at all Once every six months PT SEML  Environemntal Agency  Environemntal Agency
flora and fauna of planted n through inventory/direct rehabilitated/re-vegetated during the post operation of South Solok Regency of South Solok
flora/vegetation, and observation of the area to be areas. stage Regency
 Department of Forestry
success rate of re- cleared and re–vegetation  Department of
of South Solok
vegetated plant growth, conducted, Forestry of South
presence of protected  Data analysis through  Department of Energy Solok Regency,
flora refers to vegetation analysis. and Mineral Resources  Department of Energy
Government Regulation
of South Solok and Mineral
No. 07 of 1999, and
Regency. Resources of South
diversity index.
Solok Regency,
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy, and Energy
5. Disturbance to Changes in aquatic biota Rehabilitation/revegetatio Data analysis of plankton and Rivers near locations Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
aquatic biota composition. n benthos types, composition, (Bangko Jernih River, during the post operation Agency of South of South Solok
abundance, and diversity. Bangko Keruh River, and stage Solok Regency Regency
Liki River  Department of  Department of Energy
Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Directorate General of
New and Renewable
Energy and Energy

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
6. Decrease in job Number and percentage Workforce layoff  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environemental
opportunities of unemployment as a from HRD PT SEML Alam Pauh Duo and during the post operation Agency of South Agency of South Solok
result of workforce layoff  Data analysis performed Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) stage Solok Regency, Regency,
from project activity. with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

7. Decreasing in Decreasing number and Workforce layoff  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
business percentage of businesses from HRD PT SEML Alam Pauh Duo and during the post operation Agency of South of South Solok
opportunies during the post operation  Data analysis performed Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) stage Solok Regency, Regency,
stage. with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

8. Changes in Decreased community MWorkforce layoff  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
community income income from workforce from HRD PT SEML Alam Pauh Duo and during the post operation Agency of South of South Solok
lay off activities during the  Data analysis performed Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) stage Solok Regency, Regency,
post operation stage. with comparative and  Department of  Department of Energy
descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
methods. Resources of South of South Solok
Solok Regency Regency
 Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Labor, and Labor, and
Transmigration of Transmigration of
South Solok South Solok Regency.
Regency.  Directorate General of
 Governments of New and Renewable
Nagari, KAN Alam Energy and Energy
Pauh Duo, and Pauh Conservation
Duo Nan Batigo.

9. Changes in  Decreased negative  Closure of production  Secondary data collection In vicinity of site (Nagari Once every six months PT SEML  Environemntal  Environemntal Agency
community perception to closure well, injection well, from HRD PT SEML Alam Pauh Duo and during the post operation Agency of South of South Solok
perception activities for demobilization of  Data analysis performed Pauh Duo Nan Batigo) stage Solok Regency, Regency,

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Environmental Impact to be Monitored Form of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Institution

No. Data Collection Methods and
Type of Impact Indicator/Parameter Source of Impact Monitoring Locations Duration and Period Organizing Agency Supervising Agency Report Receiving Agency
production well, pipeline and with comparative and  Department of  Department of energy
injection well, supporting facilities, descriptive qualitative Energy and Mineral and Resources of
pipeline also PLTP methods. Resources of South South Solok Regency
demobilization and demobilization. Solok Regency  Department of Social,
demobilization of  Workforce layoff  Department of Social, Labor, and
supporting facilities Labor, and Transmigration of
and PLTP at post Transmigration of South Solok Regency.
operation stage, South Solok  Directorate General of
 Decreased negative Regency. New and Renewable
perceptions of  Governments of Energy and Energy
workforce layoff Nagari, KAN Alam Conservation
activity during the Pauh Duo, and Pauh
post operation stage. Duo Nan Batigo.

E. Monitoring of Other Impacts

1.  Solid waste  Comply with Minister  Municipal solid waste,  Measure the amount of solid PT SEML  Environmental  Environmental Agency
non industry: of Energy and  Domestic waste water waste generated by counting  Municipal solid waste During construction stage Agency of South of South Solok
solid waste Mineral Resources from Waste Water the numbers of trucks which landfill, until operation stage: Solok Regency. Regency.
type and Regulation No. 045 carrying solid waste to
Treatment Plant  Department of  Department of Energy
quantities of 2006 regarding (WWTP), dispose at landfill,  Domestic Waste  Solid waste: every Energy and Mineral and Mineral Resources
collected, Drilling Mud  Collect, prepare, and Water Treatment time solid waste is
transported, Requirement and  Drilling wells, sump Resources of South of South Solok
pits, production wells analyze water samplea from Plant, disposed to landfill, Solok Regency. Regency.
disposed at Management, all domestic waste water
landfill and  (during production  Department of Social,  Department of Social,
Comply with testing) that potentially treatment plant outlets  Well location (sump  WWTP: once every
recycled, Labor, and Labor, and
requirements of generate hazardous according to PT SEML pits and mud waste month, Transmigration of Transmigration of
 Domestic applicable hazardous wastes and non- protocol based on SNI, also disposal). South Solok South Solok Regency.
waste water: management rules hazardous wastes. conduct in situ measurement  Well location: two Regency.
Biochemical (Government of pH, conductivity, and  Directorate General of
times, while drilling New and Renewable
Oxygen Regulation No. 18 of temperature, and after drilling.
Demand, 1999 and Energy and Energy
 Monitor the implementation Conservation.
Chemical Government of Standard Operating
Oxygen Regulation No. 85 of Procedures (SOP) for oil
Demand, Total 1999). spills,
Solids and pH;  Monitor the implementation
of Standard Operating
 Hazardous Procedures (SOP) of
waste types hazardous waste handling
and and disposal,
 Conduct toxicity
 Spills: spill characteristic leaching
types and procedure tests for drilling
numbers, and mud, mud waste, and drilling
quantities dust.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW

Map III-1 Location of Environmental Management and Monitoring in Pre-Construction Stage

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh



In reference to Government Regulation No. 28 of 2012 regarding Environmental Permits, related to

Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) with additional arrangements and provisions, this
regulation is an integrated Government Regulation regarding Environmental Permits and
Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) that was prepared for UU No. 32/2009 regarding
Environmental Protection and Management – EPM (Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Hidup – PPLH). The regulation put environmental feasibility as environmental permit principles, and
thus it can be implemented with distinct penalties.

EIA includes a requirement to obtain an environmental permit. Any activities that generate waste
are obligated to request Environmental Protection and Management Permits.


 Permit for temporary storage of hazardous waste,

 Permit for collection of hazardous waste,

 Permit for utilization of hazardous waste,

 Permit for storage and utilization of explosives,

 Permit for emissions,

 Permit for reinjection to formation.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh


The undersigned below:

Supervisor : Priyandaru Effendi

Position : VP Relations and SHE

Office Address : Equity Tower, 18th Floor, Sudirman Central Business

District (SCBD) Lot. 9, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Telephone : (021) 5155 222

Faximile : (021) 5155 333

In this case acts as the initiator of Geothermal Development for Muara Laboh Power Plant 250 MW
in South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province, hereby declare that:
 We will carry out the commitment of management and environmental monitoring as
specified in the document Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental
Monitoring Plan (RPL),
 We are willing to take responsibility as provided by law, if we were proven negligent in
implementing and monitoring environmental management as appropriate.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh


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PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW\

Mackenzie, L.D., and David A.C. 1991. Introduction to Environmental Engineeering. McGraw-Hill
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Mukono, Hj, 2005 Toksikologi lingkungan, penerbit airlangga universitas, cetakan I, Surabaya

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Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd edition. W.E. Sanders Company, Tokyo, Japan.

Pardiaz, S., 1992. Polusi Air dan Udara. Cetakan Pertama. Kanisius, Jogyakarta.

Peavy, H.S., and Rowe, D. R. 1985: Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New

Pennak, R.W, 1978. Fresh Water Intervetebrates of the United States, 2nd edition, John Wiley and
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Perry, R.H., and Chilton, C.H. 1973. : Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 5

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Seinfeld, J.H. 1986. Atmosferic Chemistry and Physic of Air Pollution, A Willey Interscience
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Soekidjo, Notoatmodjo. 2003. Pengantar Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku

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Soerianegara dan Indrawan, 1988. Ekologi Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB.

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John Willey and Sond Inc. N.Y.

PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh

Appendix 1
Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Organisation Structure of PT SEML

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