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Misconceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Impact to Education

Artificial Intelligence and Natural Intelligence


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is intelligence displayed by machines. At its core, AI refers to scenarios where a machine mimics
the cognitive functions associated with human minds.

AI is MI
Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes known as machine intelligence, refers to the ability of computers
to perform human-like feats of cognition including: ✓learning, ✓problem-solving, ✓perception,
✓decision-making, ✓and speech and language.

Early AI Systems
Early AI systems had the ability to defeat a world chess champion. Deep Blue and Kasparov played
each other on two occasions.
❖The first match began 10th of February 1996. However, Kasparov won and the match concluded on
17 February 1996.
❖Deep Blue was then heavily upgraded and played Kasparov again in May 1997, winning the six-

AI Sophisticated Applications
Thanks to more advanced algorithms, data volumes, and computer power and storage, AI evolved
and expanded to include more sophisticated applications, such as:
➢giving directions using map streets like Waze
➢compose music
➢self-driving cars
➢improved fraud detection
➢“personal assistants” like Siri and Alexa

AI is driving technological force

Businesses and governments worldwide are pouring enormous sums of money into very wide array
of implementations.

Balancing AI Between Reality and Hype

Per Gartner Diagram, each technology can be said to reside somewhere on the curve at any given

Emerging Technology Trends

Gartner organized the 17 technologies into five major trends.

Educators Challenge
Mike Walker, the Research Vice President at Gartner has stated

“As a technology leader, you will continue to be faced with rapidly accelerating technology
innovations that will profoundly impact the way you deal with your workforce, customers and partners.
The trends exposed by these emerging technologies are poised to be the next most impactful
technologies that have the potential to disrupt your business, and must be actively monitored by your
executive teams”

AI is not Static
It Learns and Thinks - AI is not explicitly programmed to respond a certain way, it learns to respond
that way.

Coupling such learning with the modern capabilities available to software programs, including Internet
connectivity, the ability to store and process huge volumes of data quickly and without fatigue, and
recall data perfectly, leads to machines that can complement and augment human capabilities.

Thierry Karsenti University of Montreal Canada

“training and support for teachers and other school staff are extremely important, since they are the
cornerstone of the action plan”

AI amplifies Human Capabilities

Partners building AI solutions need to see AI not as something that is replacing human capability, but
rather amplifying it with the strengths of the machine.
One of the main advantages is that by automating complicated and time consuming tasks, AI frees up
time that would be spent on them.

AI amplifies Human Capabilities

“Today we don’t think of aviation as ‘artificial flight’—it’s simply flight. In the same way, we shouldn’t
think of technological intelligence as artificial, but rather as intelligence that serves to augment human
capabilities and capacities.” Satya Nadella, Hit Refresh

AI centers around amplifying the unique cognitive ingenuity of humans

AI centers around amplifying the unique cognitive ingenuity of humans (imagining, creating,
reasoning, and problem solving) and marrying it with best traits from intelligent technology
(comprehending, handling of extreme detail, calculation, memory and recall, and organizing).

AI Sophisticated Applications
Today, medical researchers are using AI to develop technology that will detect a range of diseases,
improve radiology imaging, fine-tune radiation treatments, simplify DNA sequencing, and advance
precision medicine for more individualized health care.

AI will assume job tasks, not necessarily eliminate the job.

AI = Machine Learning – NLP, Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Vision

No longer science fiction

- No longer science fiction
- Training, Research, End of Life Care, Treatment
- Keeping Well, Early Detection, Diagnosis, Decision Making

Ethical AI
✓Principles of Trustworthy AI ✓Governance Framework ✓Industry Participation

Principles of Trustworthy AI
There are six principles that should be the foundation of AI: ✓Fairness, ✓Reliability, ✓Privacy and
Security, ✓Inclusiveness, ✓Transparency and ✓Accountability

Governance Framework
A governance model is key to shepherding an organization to a common framework for building and
deploying AI solutions that adhere to the organization’s ethical patterns and practices.

Masayoshi Son, CEO of the Japanese multinational conglomerate SoftBank

He is an enthusiastic investor in AI, recently said that his company seeks
“to develop affectionate robots that can make people smile.” But if AI is truly to make people happier,
let alone make society as a whole better off, we have to get the rules and standards right. To achieve
that goal, governments and the private sector need to conceive robust collaborative models to govern
critical AI today. The outcome of this effort will determine whether humankind will prevail in creating
AI technologies that will benefit us without destroying us.

Industry Participation
A continuing collaboration between ❖Government ❖Business ❖Civil society ❖Academic researchers
will be essential to shape the development and deployment of human-centered AI to be trustworthy.

What kind of Schools do we want in future?

➢Will the technology giants be in sole charge of the ways that artificial intelligence is used for
learning? Or ➢Will students and teachers be able to ask questions and provide clear, constructive,
responsible, and ethical guidelines for how technology is used?

Stephen Hawking…Our Call to Action

“The development of full AI could spell the end of the human race.”
If a superior alien civilisation sent us a message saying, “We’ll arrive in a few decades,” would we just
reply, “OK, call us when you get here – we’ll leave the lights on”?
Probably not – but this is more or less what is happening with AI. Although we are facing potentially
the best or worst thing to happen to humanity in history, little serious research is devoted to these
issues [...].
All of us should ask ourselves what we can do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits
and avoiding the risks

Remember YOU are the cornerstone!

Bridging the gap between Educators and Students in Technology

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