Entroso Shane Mtlbe Activity#1

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Shane D.

Entroso November 18, 2021

BSMT-3A Mr. Jesus D. Villafranca

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics (MTLBE)


1. How important is ethics to the human person?

ANSWER: The ethics is essentially the most fundamental application for every

human person, because this is where a person can initiate their behavior on

society and community even in their personal life. Every human person has their

own understanding in terms of their actions. Ethics is important because we can

live in our own personal decisions whether we could able to act morally. It is

important for us as a human person because we could tell what actions is

morally right from wrong and good from bad.

2. Why should human persons arrive at the objective norm or standard of


ANSWER: For me human persons must arrive at the objective norm or standard

of morality because this is where human actions could tell if they are right and

wrong, however, objective norm is the fundamental measurement that also

guide or assessing the human actions of their own, because norms are

dependently act of humans and every human persons has their own

3. How essential is morality to health care practice?

ANSWER: Morality is what we can tell doing actions in morally right and good. It

is essential to health care workers because it is the primarily the basis to perform

in a good way and judge and to tell what is good to be done. For example, a

patient and a health care worker must have their own moral in terms of that

they could give essential treatment for each other. Like, for health care workers

he/she must have a good intentions to treat his/her patient properly and

provide necessary reliable information depend on their situation, while patient

must be morally act to provide information also on what his/her conditions and

must follow the advice of health care workers.

4. A certain patient is rushed to the emergency room as a victim of “hit and run”

accident. He has no relatives to provide any identification and sign consent

forms for he is just taken by empathetic bystanders. Emergency treatment is

given without much ado as the patient already gets unconscious. Unconscious,

does the patient still have a voluntary nature of the act of submitting for

immediate treatment? Why?

ANSWER: In this case, I definitely provide or give immediately response treatment

to this person even though he has not been able to identify or have his consent.

However, as I remembered if we are the health care workers, we have our

duties to respond quickly and for me as part of medical workers I should give
him treatment or any surgery because every person must be able to live and

therefore that person is your patient and all you have to do is to keep him alive,

and give your best to save his life. That unconscious patient is a victim, so he

must have the rights to submit immediate treatment because he still have

voluntary nature to receive an immediate treatment.

5. Based on his thorough study, a medical doctor discovers a certain medicine

that gives him a well-founded reason to believe that it is probably the most

effective cure whose effect is even the fastest among others for a certain

sickness. Other than his discovery, there is a medicine available at the

pharmacy which is a sure and definite cure for the said sickness. Is the doctor

morally allowed to use the medicine that gives him the solidly probable reason

to be the most effective cure for the sickness? Why?

ANSWER: For me it’s a NO. Because, for every medicine that has been

developed it must provide a reliable evidence that it is proven and tested, so in

this instances, a medicine that has been developed by the doctor should

undergo different trials because it is an effective way to manage that this

medicine is preferable and reliable to be used for curing sickness. So, if I were to

choose I would definitely go to use medicine that is available in pharmacy

because it is proven and duly approved by the department like in DOH.

6. A certain doctor-scientist exerts all his efforts to invent an absolute cure for a

dreaded disease. He invents one and applies it to chimpanzees infected with

the advanced stage of such a disease. The said drug is proven so effective

among the chimpanzees because they are cured altogether. There is no other

newly found cure for the disease but that one. Upon knowing if, several patients

with the disease rush to the doctor-scientist and ask for the cure. The said drug

has never yet been tested among human beings. Should the doctor-scientist

give the drug to the patients when it is not yet tested and proven effective

among human beings?

ANSWER: In this circumstance, I can say that using a drug for tested in curing a

diseases, we cannot decide to use a drug that is proven tested for animals

especially in this cases we are not definitely sure that it will fit to work in humans.

In the case presentation above, animals like chimpanzees is definitely differs

from us a humans, our body, immune system or even our minds are way more

different from them. If the drug that has been tested for animals is effective it is

not applicable to be used the same to humans. The doctor-scientists who made

this drug should not give this to humans because it may lead also to danger and

if it is possibly to be given to humans it should be process correctly into different

trials. The application for trials is important in order to make sure that the drug

must be effectively curable and suit to be used in humans.

7. Share your well-founded opinion on this: Since the person is obliged to follow

what his certain conscience judges as good act to be done and evil act to be

avoided even if that conscience is (inculpably or invincibly) erroneous, then,

does it suggest that there is no more need for him to submit for formation of his

conscience by learning and living the truth, moral principles, and the like which

ethics can give?

ANSWER: For me, there is a need for him to submit information of his conscience

by learning and living the truth, moral principles and ethics, because a person

has his own will, a decision and judgement. He has the right to follow on what

must be done, and it should be also important that a person is obliged to follow

his certain conscience because there is a result that gives right decisions that he

should remember that he must always act in good and right and avoid to do

wrong and bad.

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