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Recount text:

My Holiday In Bandung

 Orientation

Last year, I went to Bandung. I spent my holiday there. I went to bandung by

train. The train schedule from Cirebon was at 08.00 AM and arrived in
Bandung at 12.00 AM 

 Events

In the first day, I went to Bandung zoo because I loved animals. The ticket
price was only Rp 25.000. The animlas there was very complete. 

In the second day, I went to geological museum and talked with the guide
about geology. It made me understood about geology. I saw rocks collection t
there. After that, I went to Bandung train station because I had to go home to

 Reorientation

My holiday in Bandung was only two days but It was a very interesting holiday.

Ringkasan:Tahun lalu,ia pergi ke Bandung menaiki kereta api.Ia Pergi

kebandung hanya dua hari.Pada hari pertama,ia pergi ke kebun binatang di
Bandung karena ia sangat menyukai binatang.Pada hari kedua ia pergi ke
musium geologi.Setelah itu,ia pulang ke Cirebon.

Disscussion Text:

Should the death penalty be allowed?

Issue:Some people were executed in Indonesia through July 2016. Most

death penalty cases involve the execution of drug peddlers although capital
punishment can also be applied for treason, espionage, and other crimes.
Many for and against reactions came after the execution. Then, should the
death penalty be allowed in Indonesia?

Arguments for and against:Proponents of the death penalty say that it is an

important tool for law enforcement, deters crime, and costs less than life
imprisonment. They also argue that retribution or "an eye for an eye" honors
the victim, helps console grieving families, and ensures that the perpetrators
of heinous crimes never have an opportunity to cause future tragedy.

Opponents of capital punishment say that it has no deterrent effect on crime,

gives governments’ overlapped power to take human life, and potentially
makes social injustices by disproportionately targeting people of color (racist)
and people who cannot afford good attorneys (classist). They say lifetime jail
sentences are a more appropriate than death.

Conclusion: In conclusion, death penalty will always exist in our society as

well as its pros and cons. For the proponents of this action, they think that it
will be very effective to deter crime. While for those who are against this
policy, they argue that this punishment will potentially make social injustice.

Ringkasan:Beberapa orang di eksekusi mati di Indonesia,sebagian besar

yang dihukum mati itu adalah orang ynag terkena narkoba,bisa juga dihukum
mati karena korupsi,penghianatan,atau kejahatan lainnya.Tetapi banyak yang
tidak setuju kalau mereka dieksekusi mati karena ketidakadilan sosial,ada
juga yang setuju karena untuk mencegah kejahatan.

Descriptive text:

My Lovely Persian Cat

If you want to pet an animal, I suggest you to pet a Persian cat. Persian cats
are the most beautiful cats, I think. And from all Persian cats, Georgy, is the
cutest and the sweetest. Here is the description of my Persian cat, Georgy.

Georgy is my beautiful Persian cat. Georgy has a large round head, a short
nose, big eyes, full cheeks, and small ears with rounded tips. He has short
legs and a short tail. He is so fat with a long, thick, shiny golden coat with a
fine texture. He is so cute.

He likes to sit beside me when I watch TV. He likes to enjoy TV commercials,

especially cat food commercials.  Playing a game on my tablet is another
hobby of his. He likes to play Tetris on my gadget. He always pads it with his
paws like he wants to win the game. Unfortunately, he never does. He is so
sweet, isn't he?
I love Georgy so much. That is why I always take care of it. The most
important thing to understand about caring for a Persian is the need for daily
grooming. That long, beautiful coat doesn’t stay clean and tangle-free on its
own. It must be gently but thoroughly combed and brushed every day, and
regular bathing—at least once a month—is a good idea.

Ringkasan: Georgy is adalah kucing Persia emas ku yang cantik. Georgy

mempunyai kepala bundar yang besar, hidung kecil, mata besar, pipi tembem,
dan telinga yang kecil.Saya sangat menyukai kucing saya.Hal yang paling
penting dalam merawat kucing adalah kebersihannya. Bulu panjang cantiknya
itu tidak bertahan bersih dan bebas dari kusut. Bulu tersebut harus disisir dan
disikat dengan lembut setiap hari, dan dimandikan teratur paling tidak sebulan

Explanation text:
How a Solar Eclipse Happens

General Statement:A total solar eclipse is a rare phenomenon with stunning

visual effects. Many people are so eager to see this phenomenon when it
happens since it can be considered as an extraordinary phenomenon. But,
what causes this extraordinary phenomenon?

Explanation:Several things need to occur at once and in a straight line to

create a total solar eclipse. A total solar eclipse appears as the result of
sequenced events. First, The Moon orbits the Earth once a month and eclipse
happens when it lines up exactly with the Earth and the Sun. The moon must
be exactly in the right size and distance to block the sun. Eclipse does not
appear every month because the orbits of the Moon and Earth are sometimes
tilted at an angle. Next, the sun, moon, and Earth need to line up in a straight
line, with the moon between the sun and Earth. Finally, to see the full eclipse,
you need to be standing in the correct spot on Earth because not all of the sun
shine is covered by the moon since its size is 400 times bigger than the
diameter of the moon even though it’s also 400 times farther away from us
than the moon.

Closing:Their different sizes and distances from the earth make the sun and
the moon appear the same size and when the moon is exactly in front of the
sun, it seems covering the entire disc of the sun. Therefore, for some areas
which are located exactly under those two things will be dark because the sun
light is blocked by the moon. When moon passes in front of the sun at the day
time, it begins to cast a partial shadow (called the penumbra) onto Earth. At
the height of the eclipse, the sun’s light is entirely blocked, and the moon
casts a full shadow called the umbra.

Ringkasan:Gerhana matahari total adalah fenomena langka yang sangat

ditunggu oleh banyak orang,karena fenomena ini jarang sekali terjadi.Jika kita
ingin melihat gerhana matahari secara total kita harus berdiri di tempat yang
benar di bumi.Karena tidak semua dari matahari bersinar ditutupi oleh bulan.

Procedure text:

How to Make a Milkshake

Goal:A milkshake is a sweet, cold beverage which is usually made from milk,
ice cream, or iced milk, and flavorings or sweeteners such as butterscotch,
caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, or fruit syrup. If you want to make a delicious
milkshake by your selves, then this is the way how to make it.

Materials:The ingredients that you need to make a milkshake are:

 4 cups vanilla ice cream

 2 cups milk
 4 teaspoons chocolate sauce (optional)
 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries

Steps:How to make a milkshake:

1. Place milkshake glasses into the freezer. Using cold glasses will help
the shake stay cool to give you time to enjoy. Leave for up to an hour if
2. Soften ice cream. It is easier to make a shake when the ice cream is
slightly soft. Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few minutes before
making your shake.
3. Place the ingredients into a blender. Mix the ice cream, milk and added
flavors into the blender. Blend on high for one minute. Don’t leave in the
blender for longer or the shake will melt quickly.
4. Pour shakes into frosty glasses. Take the glasses out of the freezer as
soon as the blending is complete. Then pour the shake mixture in.
5. Drop a straw into the shake, then enjoy. You can sip a shake right from
the glass but somehow the straw adds to the flavor and the experience.

Kesimpulannya adalah minuman ini diberi nama “Milkshake”karena nama

minumannya shake(kocok).Maka pembuatannya meggunakan alat bantu yaitu
menggunakan blender bisa juga mixer atau yang lainnya.

Spoof text:
Penguin in the Park

Once a man was walking in a park when he come across a penguin.

He took him to a policeman and said, "I have just found this penguin. What
should I do?" The policeman replied, "take him to the zoo".

The next day the policeman saw the same man in the same park and the man
still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather supriseed and
walked up to the man and asked "why are you still carrying that penguin
about? Didn't you take it to the zoo?"
"I certainly did" replied the man.
("Saya melakukannya" jawab pria tersebut.)

"And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I am taking him
to the moviest, and the next day I'll take it to the beach. It'll be so much fun"
said the man.

"Owh my God. You are so stupid. I asked you to take the penguin and give it
to the zoo. I didn't ask to take it to the zoo and had fun there with it."
policemen said.

Kesimpulannya:Seorang pria yang sangat bodoh.Polisi menyuruhnya untuk

membawa pinguin tersebut dan memberikannya ke pihak kebun binatang
Tetapi pria tersebut bersenang-senang dengan pinguin tersebut di kebun

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