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1st QUIZ

1.A line, known to be 150.000 m long, is measured .five
times with a steel tape in the following order: 150.004,
149.998, 149.997, 150.005, and 149.996 meters, respectively. The more accurate of
the five measurements is the?

2.The base and altitude of a triangular lot were measured with certain estimated
probable errors as follows: b =
215.50 ± 0.18 m and h = 69.40 ±0.16 m. The probable error
in the resulting calculation and the true area of the lot probably?

3.A slope distance of 465.82 m is measured between two points with a slope angle
of 12° 35’. The corresponding horizontal distance between the points is?


1.The most probable value of several measurements of a line is 546.75 m. If ±0.15

represents the probable error of the mean value, the chances are .even that the true

2.Five measurements were made to determine the length of a line and Recorded ’as
follows: 350.33, 350.22, 3 J50.3^0,
350.27, and 350.30 meters. If these measurements were given weights of 4, 5, 1, 4,
and 6, respectively, the most probable value of the length measured is ?

3.Two points, A and B, are established along the same direction from-a theodolite
station. If the subtended angle read on a subtense bar held at A and B are 0°55'20"
and 0° 23'44", respectively, the horizontal distance between the two points is?


1.If for a particular measurement the probable error of the mean is 0.09 m and the
most probable value of the measurement is 362.70 m, the relative precision would
be expressed as

2. The interior angles of a hexagon were observed and recorded as follows:

A = 122°31’02", B = 123°26'17", C = 130°05'07", D = 120 015’47", E = 160°50’35",
and F = 62053’07’’. The discrepancy of the measurement ,and the sum of the most
probable values of angles A, B, and C is?
3.A surveyor counted 50, 52, 53, 51, 53, and 51 paces in
walking along a 45-m course laid out oil a concrete pavement. He then took 768,
771, 772, 770, 769, and 770 paces in walking an unknown distance XY. His pace
factor and the length of XY based on the-pace factor of the surveyor is equal to?

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