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Module 5: Freedom of the Human Person

(PP. 76 - 92)
Self-Learning Activity Sheet 5
Year and Section:
Brief Discussion:
Put this in your mind always that the human person by nature is a free being and that it
is in his nature to seek freedom. That is why every day, we are free to make choices and
perform actions to what we have chosen. Freedom is rooted in the human person’s self-
determination and exercise of intellect and freewill.
Learning Competency:
1. Realize that: a. Choices have consequences. b. Some things are given up while others are
obtained in making choices
2. Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of their choices
3. Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and not imposing on others
4. Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are different from
Task: (page 76 of the text book)
Fill in the circles with words that you associate with freedom. Create a concept web
based on the one shown below.

As young as you are, when would be the time that you are to free to do things, and what
are those things? In like manner, when would be the time that you are not free to do things and
what are those things? Write this in your journal.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
By: Abella, Roberto A.

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