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Means-ends Analysis

& Meccas Model

Group 8
Aria Ananda (29120418)
Rifqi Faiz Argiansyah (29120520)
Rizqi Ghani Faturrahman (29120382)
Talitha Assyura (29120506)
Putri Puspa (29120445)
Task Part 1
Create a Means-End Map that contains the
Means-End.Chains representing the relationship
uncovered by laddering interview related to
cell-phones and service
Features Valued End State
(Benefit/ Disadvantages)

Instant Messaging Flexible Interaction Social Connection

More Cost Feels Bad

Funky Color of Changeable

Trendy Social Approval
Task Part 2
Develop ad related to Cell-Phones and Services
using MECCAS Model. Describe Ads, Identify Five
Parts of the MECCAS Model.
Five Element

Message Elements Cell-phone that have IM and Funky Color

Changeable Faceplates

Consumer Benefits Flexible Social Connection, Trendy

Driving Force Feeling connected and Self-esteem

Leverage Points ● Many People Smiling when connect with

friends using cell-phones
● Funky cell-phone faceplates with many

Executional Framework Descriptive and performance advertisement

Here are our
developed ads for
product based on
the Mecca Model
Available at:

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