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By: Karyl Mae Baghucan

Dr. Dee D. Silva, DPA CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent, DR.

Rebecca C. Sagot, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Eduard C.
Amoguis, Chief-Curriculum Implementation Division, Dr. Ana N. Redaniel, Public
Schools District Supervisor of San Isidro, Dr. Grace Santa T. Daclan, Education
Program Supervisor in Senior High School, Maryline C. Jara, Principal IV of
Sawata National High School, teachers, guests, parents, and classmates, good

I know that finishing this school year has never been easy since we have
been fighting the invisible foe, this covid-19. It is really hard and frustrating that
we could hardly help our situation, and we are left only to mesmerize the past,
like how we were able to have physical interaction, giggle, and laugh till our
stomachs hurt. We had paid so much attention to those moments. But now we
are living and dreaming that soon enough, everything will go back to normal.

Before the pandemic, we used the Internet to feed our satisfaction into
social media and other platforms of different hobbies and talents or asking
Google how to solve a math problem. But when the lockdown started, the
Internet has become a powerful tool to communicate despite that personally we
could hardly meet our friends, teachers, and other relatives.

Everything has changed and that included our school modalities. We have
fallen into modular, and that is quiet a disadvantage for us, since every time that
we are trying to answer and understand all the lessons all by ourselves, we just
scratch our head because of frustration. We are used to face to-face class and
dependent on our teachers' guidance, so our situation now would test our
patience and motivation. I salute all of us, graduates for conquering this year, as
well to the teachers who patiently understand every student's situation, for
accepting projects even beyond the deadline. Also to our parents who support
our needs and all.

Though there were times that we felt incapable and unworthy, even if we
felt disappointed and had so many doubts of not graduating, despite having
these mixed emotions, we have fought back. We have stood still and firm to
show our strengths in this challenging situation. We have pushed through a huge
wall of discouragement. We have kicked off self-limitation and unskilled
experiences. So much hindrance, yet we are here today, saying goodbye to the
bitter reality brought by this pandemic. Now, we can say that we are fine and
have been molded better. It made us realize so much about ourselves and others.
Yes! We have been taking a rough road, but let us all believe that this would
lead to beautiful destinations. It is not the end, but a new start for the next
journey. Once again, congratulations!

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