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Create & Post Down Payment Request ME2DP


This transaction code is used for creating & Posting Down Payment Request. Down
Payment usually pays to vendor after PO creation as per the agreement with vendor.


 Down Payment in Purchase Order. Down Payment details have to be given in PO

Header (Payment Processing Tab) or PO Item (Invoice Tab).

Menu Path

We can directly access the transaction by typing t-code in command field: ME2DP

Transaction Code


Helpful Hints

 Press F1 for help

 Press F4 for getting input values

 Click to go to previous screen.

 Click to go to Exit the transaction or to log off.

 Click to go to cancel the transaction.


We can directly access the transaction by typing t-code in command field:


Initial Screen:
2. Press Execute

1. Enter Purchase
Order Number:

We will be redirected to following screen:

3. Select Line Item:
press enter
After pressing enter following screen will be appeared:

4 enter PO No &enter

5 click on radio button

6 click on Execute
8. Set the indicator

Double Click on option A- Down Payments & current Asset:

9 Double Click on Down

Payments & current
10 Press Enter

Pressing Enter will lead to following screen:

Press Enter:

12 Save doc

11 Enter reference doc no

Enter Reference And Save Document as shown above.

For Posting Down Payment Request:

T-Code ME2DP

Initial Screen: Enter Purchase Order Number:

1 Enter PO no

2. Press Execute
Following screen will be appeared:

Select Line Item:

3 Select the line

Pressing enter will lead to following screen:

4 Select the radio


Select Down Payment:

Pressing enter will lead to following screen:

5 press Execute

Below screen will be appeared after pressing Execute

6 Enter Doc Date

7 Select the account

Press F4 in Account:
After Double clicking following screen will appear
8 select special GL

Now select Special G/L indicator:

Press Enter and Save Document:

9 save the document

Down Payment Request is now posted:

10 Message will

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Cross-Topics (MM)

Down Payments

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Created by Lalita Kadambala, last modified by Carla Bussolo on Dec 03, 2015

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The purpose of this page is to explain the concept of down payment in Logistics
Invoice Verification.


This document states the business purpose of down payment in Logistics Invoice
Verification and an example case of setting up and running one cycle.

What is Down Payment?

As the name indicates down payment is the initial upfront portion of the total amount
due. This payment is made during the onset of the purchase of an expensive

Business Function: LOG_MMFI_P2P - available with SAP Enhancement Package 4

for SAP ERP 6.0.

Down payment clearing

Down payments can be recorded in purchase orders and during Invoice Verification.
The down payment clearing function clears the down payments that have not been
cleared in FI. The system posts a down payment clearing document along with an
invoice document.

Down payment data can be recorded at both header level and item level. This data is
copied to financial accounting as default values, and can also be changed their
depending on the need.

Header level in the purchase order:

Item level in the purchase order:

Technical field names:

DPTYP: Down payment Indicator

DPAMT: Down Payment Amount

DPPCT: Down payment percentage

DPDAT: Down payment Due date

Tables on purchasing side: EKKO and EKPO.

Example of a complete down payment cycle

1.Create a purchase order with down payment data at item level:

You can use the Business Add-In Enhancement for processing the purchase order
(ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST) to define the purchase order value as of which down
payments are mandatory.

2. Check the down payment monitor via transaction ME2DP. Observe the red
indicator suggesting down payment does not exist. This turns to green when a down
payment request or down payment is created:

We can create down payments through this monitor. The below path takes you to the
transaction FPDP_CREATE:

3. Create down payment request:

System adopts the down payment amount and due date from the purchase order, but
this can be modified if necessary:

Fill the header data, overview data and save:

4. Check the PO history. The down payment request gets updated in the PO history:

5. Create a down payment via ME2DP transaction:

6. Check PO history:
7. Down payment clearing in MIRO transaction:

The DP clearing can be performed during the invoice verification process only when
the message M8318 is activated to be issued in the system. This message can be
controlled via the customer BAdI MRM_DOWNPAYMENT.

8. Choose the Down Payment Clearing button:

9. Popup shows the down payment document number against which settlement will
take place:

10. Enter the down payment amount that needs to be cleared:

11. When posting the invoice, down payment clearing document is posted as well.

12. Display the Invoice to see two accounting documents:


The DP clearing can only be performed during the invoice verification dialogue

The DP clearing can be performed only when the message M8318 is activated to be
issued in the system. This message can be controlled via the customer BAdI

Only those Down Payments can be cleared that have the same company code and
the same invoicing party as the invoice.

The DP clearing cannot be used together with the prepayment functionality.

The DP clearing cannot be used together with TM reference.

The DP clearing cannot be used together with planned delivery costs. The DP
clearing can be used together with install payment and amount split since note
1749187 (see restrictions in this note).

Important function groups

Function Group MRM_DPC

Function group MRM_DPC is used for the DP clearing handling. It contains function
module MRM_DPC_FACTORY as well as local class LCL_MRM_DPC_FACTORY.
Function Group MRMC

Using the reference object of the interface IF_MRM_DPC the attribute MT_RBDPC
is checked. RBDPC is a new table for Invoice Verification: Down Payment Clearing.

Function Group MR1M

Class LCL_MRM_DPC_DIALOG Method SET_DPC_LIGHT (Set button text for

DPC button)

cs_dpc_dyn-icon_text = text-115.

c_dpc_visible = abap_true.

Check the 1.Entries in mt_rbdpc - no entries no down payments.

2.Invoice Types batch and EDI is not support for DP functionality.

3.DPC is not used with Prepayment functionality.


Note: there is an Automatic Down Payment Clearing in Logistics for PSM customers
but this is entirely different than in LIV.

Related Content

Related Documents

Down Payment Clearing

MM, Integration Materials Management and Financial Accounting

Related SAP Notes/KBAs

SAP KBA 2121740 - Restrictions for Down Payment Clearing when working with
MM invoices

mm_liv hk-ok mm-iv

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