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Lesson 1 Activity
1. Create a concept map for each concept based on what you understood from the reading material
and your own research if you did. That will be a total of three (3) concept maps. Your output may be
type-written or handwritten (as long as it is neat and legible).




2. Based on your concept map, create your OWN DEFINITION of (a) communication, (b) culture,
and (c) society.
A. Communication
 Communication is an exchange of meanings between individuals in which transmission of
information, ideas, attitude or emotion occur. It is also a social interaction that involves
telling and listening to gain mutual understanding. As communication is the basic
foundation of Human Society, it is essential for us to be able to connect to our surroundings
and build relationships. Communication of today plays a major role in society’s interaction
through the use of Mass Media. Moreover, we use communication to share and gain
knowledge, explore new things, preserve culture, build connections, express feelings and
to entertain. The eight elements of communication are Sender, Message, Channel,
Receiver, Noise, Feedback, Context, and Effect.
B. Culture
 Culture is a set of shared values that a group of people holds. It includes language, customs,
values, norms, mores, rules, tools, belief, and behavior which are acquired by man as
member of the society. Members of a particular society shares the same way of life,
thoughts, and pattern of behaviors that can be learned for it is not biologically inherited.
Culture can also be material (materials and physical products) and nonmaterial (thoughts
and behaviors). These Material and nonmaterial culture both serves as Toolbox in a way
that it gives us solutions to certain problems and provide us formulas on how to be a human
being in a society.
C. Society
 Society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture. For society has
a cultural bond, this means that a group has shared beliefs, values, and activities, and this
bond may be ethnic or racial and may be based on gender. Society and culture are link
with each other because of the power of communication. Communication enables the
spread and reiteration of culture and the culture acts as the defining element for a society
to be formed.

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