Advocating LGBTQ Youth by Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center

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Advocating for LGBTQ Youth

ll youth rely on their parents for trauma due to being subjected to bullying.
guidance, support, nurturance, and
Allies and Advocates
unconditional acceptance. Foster
An important aspect of advocating for all
and adoptive parents are important allies
youth is acceptance with an open heart and
and advocates for youth. If we provide
mind when a young person instills their trust
guidance, support, nurturance, and advocacy
by informing you of their sexual orientation
for LGBTQ youth, we will be instrumental in
or gender identity.
their successful development.
Barbara Jones, an experienced Wisconsin
Approximately 5% to 10% of the general
foster parent, has had placement of LGBTQ
population is lesbian, gay, bisexual,
children. She suggests that often we lack
transgender, or questioning
knowledge or exposure to
their sexual orientation or
LGBTQ issues, so we may
gender identity (LGBTQ).
shut down or have prejudice
LGBTQ adolescents are
toward LGBTQ foster youth.
estimated to make up a
disproportionate share of the She goes on to suggest that
youth who are in foster care we educate ourselves; we
according to the Child will be more open and
Welfare League of America accepting to work with
and the Lambda Legal Joint children and adults of
Initiative. varying sexual orientations.

Fear Factor As a foster parent, it is

Many young people fear the negative important to be “open, accepting and a good
reactions that come from revealing that they listener,” according to Barbara. Create an
are LGBTQ. Many youth in care may not have atmosphere within your home that allows the
acknowledged or “come out” to share that they child to feel safe and comfortable to speak to
identify as LGBTQ. you about any subject, including sexuality.

LGBTQ youth are also often victims of “Kids need a chance to talk openly,” says
physical, sexual, and verbal abuse and often Barbara. “We also need to be sensitive to
have a high rate of suicide attempts, binge their need for privacy.”
alcohol use, and drug use. They often
experience insecure feelings and emotional
Continued on page 2
6682 West Greenfield, Suite 310
Milwaukee, WI 53214 In
800-762-8063 © 2008; partnership 2013 with
Advocating for LGBTQ Youth, continued Page 2

Supporting Youth in Care by Educating  Be aware that your reaction to your child’s
Ourselves orientation will have a major impact on
Education is the key to becoming more your child’s life; either positively or
knowledgeable about the needs of youth. By negatively.
attending workshops and getting books and
 Examine your beliefs and attitudes that
videos, you can learn about the issues that
might impact your ability to support
LGBTQ youth and adults often face .
LGBTQ youth in your
You may also benefit by care.
meeting with other foster Kids need a chance to
 Do not try to change
or adoptive parents who
care for LGBTQ Youth.
talk openly. We also need your child’s sexual
orientation or gender
Find a local support
to be sensitive to their identity and support the
group through need for privacy. child that is questioning
organizations such as their orientation.
Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians
 Educate yourself about the realities of
and Gays (PFLAG), or LGBT community
LGBTQ individuals and avoid unfounded
myths and negative stereotypes.
If there is not a local organization, develop
 Acknowledge that LGBTQ is a healthy
and create one. See Gay-Straight Alliance
expression of human sexuality, and it is
Network for tips to get started. You may also
not a choice.
want to encourage your licensing agency to
provide training to foster and adoptive  Recognize that sexual orientation and
parents about LGBTQ issues. gender identity make up only part of the
How to Support LGBTQ Youth in Care
Our own family, personal histories, and  Choose and use inclusive language such as
experiences can affect our ability to work with “partner” and “significant other.”
or be sensitive to the needs of others. Take
the time to explore your own personal beliefs  Respect and be sensitive to the youth’s
and values about LGBTQ issues. Will our right to privacy and confidentiality.
thoughts, feelings and behavior toward  Advocate for the youth in care by
LGBTQ people have a positive or negative informing and educating the community
impact on our relationship with the youth? about LGBTQ issues.
 Appreciate diversity and accept  Create an open, accepting, and safe
individuals for who they are.

Continued on page 3
6682 West Greenfield, Suite 310
Milwaukee, WI 53214 In
800-762-8063 © 2008; partnership 2013 with
Advocating for LGBTQ Youth, continued Page 3

home environment for the youth,

Resources Available from the
emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Coalition Lending Library
 Protect young people from verbal, Families Like Mine: Children of Gay
emotional and physical harassment Parents tell it Like it Is, by Abigail
and mistreatment in your home, school Garner
and community.
Breaking the Silence: Lesbian Gay,
 Respect a transgender young person’s Bisexual, Transgender and Queer
Foster Youth, (DVD) by the National
choice of name and gendered pronouns Center for Lesbian Rights
that best reflects their sense of self as
female or male. Two Birthdays for Beth, (children’s
book) by Gay Lynn Cronin
 Become familiar with the resources
available to LGBTQ young people in Survival Guide for Queer and
Questioning Teens, by Kelly Huegel
your community
Youth In the Margins, by Colleen
Successful Connections with LGBTQ
Sullivan, Susan Sommer, and Jason Moff
By identifying our attitudes and beliefs How it Feels to Have a Gay or
toward LGBTQ youth and educating Lesbian Parent, by Judith E. Snow, MA
ourselves as well as others, foster and
Beyond Diversity Day: A Q&A on
adoptive parents will have an incredible and Gay and Lesbian Issues in School, by
affirming impact on the lives of LGBTQ Arthur Lipkin
young people.
In the System and in the Life, by Youth
Remember that you have the opportunity to Communication
make a positive connection with youth who
need you to be their ally and their advocate.

6682 West Greenfield, Suite 310

Milwaukee, WI 53214 In
800-762-8063 © 2008; partnership 2013 with

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