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Advantages and disadvantages of eating out

 Advantages:
1) Strong family bond
=>it helps in families getting close and spending good time together
because when one is at home than there are many distractions which
do not allow all people of the family to eat together but when it
comes to going out for dinner there are no such distractions which
help the families in creating a strong emotional bond between family
2) Welcome change- refresh the family life
=>try new twists to the cuisine and refresh the family atmosphere:
sometimes it gets so boring and tedious to eat at home with familiar
dishes. Eating out makes everyone feel more enjoyable and exciting
with different kinds of food and new experience.
3) Time-saving
=> We go to a restaurant and wait a few minutes or so, around 10-15
minutes, and then we get a meal with a variety of foods that saves us
time from going to the grocery to buy supplies and prepare for
ourselves. When we dine out, we just pay and go without having to
clean anything since the restaurant staff does it for us.
4) Delicious, unique and eye- catching.
=> Today's society has evolved, and the need for services, particularly
in food and beverage, is rising on a daily basis. The dishes are
generally prepared by chefs or persons with many years of cooking
expertise, thus the cuisine is delicious. Furthermore, the menu of
meals is becoming increasingly diversified, not only with dishes from
their own nation but also with many famous cuisines from other
countries across the world that have been imported. The meals are
now not only excellent, but also beautifully designed and presented
to pique the interest of guests and create a sense of luxury.
5) Makes Occasions more special and comfortable.
=> Eating out makes special occasions like birthdays and
anniversaries more special because these occasions come once in a
year and if on that day also one does not do differently by going out
for dinner rather than eating at home than it will make that occasion
Advantages and disadvantages of eating out

less special.Furthermore, Whether you're throwing a party or just

planning on meeting with a large group of people, planning food for a
lot of people can get quite difficult and costly. Eating out or catering
can make this issue a lot easier, as it allows you to relax when it
comes to preparing food for everyone. In some cases, catering from
restaurants can also be cheaper than preparing food yourself for
large groups.

 Disadvantages:
1) Expensive
=> If we compare the cost of buying home-cooked food against the
cost of eating out. Cooking for yourself may save you a lot of money
if you budget properly.When we cook for ourselves, we may do
whatever we want; there are no restrictions on how we prepare or
cook the food... edible or not.Futhermore, Eating out often will
become a waste and affect the cost of living of the family. Many
families fall into financial straits when they pay too much for eating
out instead of cooking at home. Therefore, middle-class families in
Vietnam seldom go to restaurants because paying for a meal at a
luxury restaurant is not necessary for them.
2) Hygiene and food safety
=> The biggest problem with eating outside is that it is less hygienic
and sometimes people get sick after eating out because the kind of
hygiene which one gets at home cannot be replicate anywhere as
even reputed restaurants find it difficult to match the hygiene
standards of home cooked food. When you go out to eat, you cannot
know the origin as well as the spices and additives in the outside.
This will lead to digestive problems after we eat out. Besides, we also
do not know the nutritional value of the dishes outside and their
quality. So this can more or less affect the health of family members.
3) Taste
=> there is no surety that one will get tasty food in a restaurant;
hence even after paying so much money, you do not get the right
food then it will naturally be a disappointment for the whole family.
4) Security can’t be assured
Advantages and disadvantages of eating out

=> Because the eateries are open to the public, complex issues such
as disputes and theft are common.
5) Uncomfortable
=> When eating out, members are not as comfortable chatting to one
other, speaking at a low voice so as not to disturb others, and
restaurants have many different restrictions.
6) Not suitable for the present epidemic context
=> during the time of complicated developments of the Covid 19
epidemic, eating out also increases the possibility of spreading the
disease, affecting the health of individuals and communities.
Stopping eating out at this time is also an expression of each
individual's sense of responsibility to the community and to the
government's social distancing regulations. Even when 16 Directive is
gradually being removed, limiting unnecessary outings or eating out
are also effective measures to respond and protect yourself against
the pandemic. Prevention is better than cure.
7) You can’t control the way the dish is prepared.
=> A lot of us tend to have preferences when it comes to the way
that our food is prepared, whether it be how well cooked we want
our food done or what ingredients we want in our dish. Eating out
limits the adjustments we can make to our food. This can especially
be a problem for people who have dietary restrictions. Such as those
with gluten allergies or who are vegetarian. Preparing dishes at home
lets you adjust the ingredients in your meal as you please.

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