Customs of The Tagalogs by Juan de Placensia Fray Juan Was Born To Illustrious Family of The Portocarreros in Placensia in The Region of

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Name: Warren Syt G.

Bojos Year & Section: BSEd Science – 1A

Customs of the Tagalogs by Juan de Placensia

Fray Juan was born to illustrious family of the Portocarreros in Placensia in the region of
Extremadura, Spain in the early 16th century. His father is Don Pedro Portocarrero who was a
captain of a Spanish schooner,and died in Naples, Italy.
The author was a Spanish friar of the Franciscan Order. He was among the first group of
Author’s background
Franciscan missionaries who arrived in the Philippines.
The author spent his most of his missionary life in the Philippines, where he founded
numerous towns in Luzon and author several religious and linguistic books.
He is the author also of what is believed to be the first book printed in the Philippines, the
Doctrina Cristiana.

The Customs of the Tagalogs document by Juan de Placensia was written within the
context of its situation and observation when he arrived in the Philippines together with the other
missionaries in 1577. The document was written as a task to him given by the Kind of Spain that he
should make an account about the customs and traditions of the colonized-country which is based
Historical Background of the
Document from his own observation and judgment. As he wanders in different places in Luzon, he was able to
get some information about the Filipino customs such as how Filipino live under the government
system, their statuses, and different traditions and beliefs. He had also the chance to observe our
religion way before the Christianity came. During his stay in the Philippines, he successfully
recorded his observation about the customs of the Tagalogs.
 Each Filipino population are called as Barangays and each barangay was governed by a
chieftain called “Datu”. The Datus of every population are the leaders and the decision
-makers of their community. They are also the captain during wars.
 The society was categorized into classes based on their social standing: The Datu, Maharlikas
or the Nobles, Aliping Namamahay or Commoners, and Aliping Saguiguilid or Slaves.
 The Maharlikas are not required to pay taxes and pay respect to the Dato but they should
Political Customs escort the Dato in everything he does. The Commoner or so called Aliping Namamahay was
described as slaves but they have their own house and they can own a property. The Slaves,
also known sa Aliping Saguiguilid was those slaves who live in the house of their master and
can be sold to other people. The Maharlika’s can also become a slave, the main reason is their
failure to pay their debts and the other slaves were prisoners and were captured during and
after the war. The slaves have a chance to be free but they need to pay their master at least a
minimum amount of gold.

 Filipinos do their worships and devotion in a temple or place of adoration called Simbahan
from the word Sambahan.
 Bathala is whom the Filipinos worshipped. The title seems to signify as “All Powerful” or
Religious Customs
“Maker of all things”.
 Filipinos also adored idols called anitos or diwatas that they even provide offerings. They also
respect animals and plants because they were thought to be divine and are dwelling places of

Marriage Customs  The man has to show his patience and dedication to both the lady and her parents in order to
win the lady’s hand through courtship called Paninilbihan wherein he does the chores under
the lady’s family. If the man wins the trust of the parents, he doesn’t immediately marry the
woman but he has to satisfy several conditions like giving dowry to the lady.
 The wedding ceremonies vary depending on the social status of the couple. Weddings are
officiated by the priestess or the Babaylan.
The document of Plasenncia was able to depict to the modern Filipinos the past of the

Contribution and Relevance Filipino people and upon the arrival and influence of Spain. It has mainly provided us with
of the Document in significant and meaningful information to help us more appreciate the culture legacy from our
Understanding the Grand
Narrative of Philippine ancestors. It was able to instill in us the sense of patriotism that we have a culture that we must be
History proud of and show to the world. Placensia’s document about our customs made a huge contribution
as bases to make a progress and support in making our own history.
My readings on the Customs of the Tagalogs by Juan de Plasencia gave me a glance of
reverse chronological features from the Philippines’ past. It widens my imagination after reading
the text and visualizing some images in my mind aside from the pictures provided. It explains as
Learning Experiences well to me the origin of some of our customs today like the different superstitious beliefs. It sounds
ridiculous that even up to this day, we still be able to follow and believe those practice despites of
the modernization and changes of our Filipino customs. Lastly, the document also provide a
realization of how our culture and tradition drastically change and develop.

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