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Which determines philosophy, goals, objectives, policies,

procedures, and rules is which part of the management Which element of reductive theory belongs when jobs that
process? ascend to the top reflect increased authority and represent
Controlling the right or power to direct the activities of those of lesser
Organizing rank?
*Planning Degree of specialization
Staffing *Chain of command
Division of labor
When the nurse manager identifies the recruitment Span of control
process, scheduling, employee socialization, and team
building, which of the following management process does Which addresses the issue of effective supervision as
he/she uses? expressed in number, function, and geography and direct
Controlling reports to someone with authority?
Directing Division and specialization of labor
Planning Organizational structure
*Staffing Chain of command
*Span of control
Which management process involves establishing quality
control? Which structure is MOST used in the healthcare
*Controlling organization?
Organizing *Service line structure
Directing Functional structure
Planning Parallel structure
Matrix structure
The nurse supervisor assigns competent nurses in caring for
critically ill patients in the ICU. Which of the following Which of the following leadership theories assumes a
functions does the nurse supervisor perform? capacity for leadership is inherent?
Controlling Contingency theories
*Directing Behavioral theories
Planning Great man theories
Staffing *Trait theories

Being in an administrative role, you know that managerial Which of the following choices do transformational theories
decisions necessary in organizational and departmental focus on?
planning as the basis for future actions and decisions are Connections between leaders and followers
____________. *Ability to do exceptional things
Procedures Teaching and observation
*Policies Employee satisfaction
Rules Which is NOT an essential element of shared leadership?
Understanding boundaries
Concrete and specific action commitments that are decided *Benefits or rewards
in advance by the administrator are called _________: Partnership
Procedures Dialogues
Policies Which contemporary leadership theory is based on the
Goals concept of chaos theory with the reality constantly shifting?
Servant leadership
Manager values more on __________. *Quantum leadership
new direction Transactional leadership
achievement Transformational leadership
Which of the following is the correct sequence of the What type of decision is usually made by first-level
management process? managers than by top administration?
Directing, Staffing, Controlling, Planning, Organizing Innovative decision
Planning, Directing, Organizing, Controlling, Staffing Adaptive decision
Organizing, Staffing, Planning, Controlling, Directing *Routine decision
*Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling Random decision

Which process involves examining underlying assumptions, Which leadership theory is referred to when leaders are
interpreting, and evaluating arguments, and developing a born or innate with it?
reflective criticism for the purpose of reaching a conclusion *Trait theory
to be justified? Behavioral theory
Decision making Contingency theory
Problem-solving Quantum leadership
*Critical thinking
Creativity Which leadership theory is observed when leadership can
be trained and learned?
Which nurse managers’ ability refers to develop and Trait theory
implement new and better solutions? *Behavioral theory
Problem-solving Contingency theory
Decision making Quantum leadership
Critical thinking
*Creativity Which management process addresses what, why, where,
when, how, and by whom?
When the nurse managers diagnose a problem and solve it, *Planning
he/she is conducting a process of _______. Organizing
* Problem-solving Directing
Decision making Controlling
Critical thinking
Creativity What level of a manager is a charge nurse in the medical
Which problem-solving method involves testing of theory *First line manager
(hypothesis) to enhance knowledge and understanding or Middle manager
prediction? Top manager
*Experimentation Executive
Trial and error
Use of senses If you are a nurse supervisor, what level of manager are
Interview you?
First-line manager
What type of decision is involved when the manager uses *Middle manager
established rules and policies and procedures? Top manager
Innovative decision Executive
Adaptive decision
*Routine decision Which statement correctly describes planning at the
Random decision managerial levels of an organization?
Middle- and first-level managers perform mostly strategic
What type of decision is necessary when both problem and planning.
alternative solutions are somewhat unusual and only *Strategic planning is mostly performed by the top
partially understood? executives.
Innovative decision Operational planning is mostly performed by top
*Adaptive decision executives.
Routine decision Top executives perform mainly operational planning.
Random decision
What type of model of patient care is applied when Peer reviewers
providing all nursing care and interventions intended for a *Time-wasters
patient? Organizers
Functional Nursing Evaluators
*Total Patient Care
Team Nursing What tasks are considered important responsibilities of the
Case Management nurse managers?
*Staffing and scheduling
What is the best model of nursing care that should be Under-delegation
applied when several patients are admitted for care, but Over-delegation
few nurses are on duty? Delegation
*Functional Nursing
Total Patient Care Which of the following are the systems, policies,
Team Nursing procedures, position descriptions, and evaluation
Case Management components essential to provide consistent, high-quality
nursing practice?
What is the best nursing model of the patient that should *Performance management
be applied if the area is the Intensive Care Unit? Staffing and scheduling
Functional Nursing Communication
*Total Patient Care Delegation
Team Nursing
Case Management Which one of the goals of effective communication refers
to what we want to happen or focus of the interaction?
The nurse is assigned to the Operating Room, what model *Instrumental
of patient care should be applied? Relational
Functional Nursing Personal
Total Patient Care Identity
Team Nursing
*Case Management A two-dimensional model that allows all participants of
communication are influenced by past experiences is
Which process is a complex, ongoing, dynamic one that commonly known as ___________________.
individuals may employ symbols? Organizational culture model of communication
*Communication Effective listening model of communication
Organization Transformational model of communication
Controlling *Transactional model of communication
Which channel of communication refers to rapid feedback,
When getting work done through others is called multiple cues, and natural language?
____________. Asynchronous
Performance evaluation *Synchronous
Managing conflict Downward
Scheduling Lateral
A direction of communication that involves individuals or
What is the consequence of real or perceived differences in department at different hierarchical levels is commonly
mutually exclusive goals, values, or ideas? called as_______________.
Effective listening Downward
Under delegation *Diagonal
Managing time Upward
*Conflict Lateral

Which are considered something that prevents a person Which one of the following is considered a barrier to
from accomplishing the job? effective listening?
Decide on the medium, based on relationship, content, and Overt behavior
setting. *Felt conflict
Craft message with a goal and how to answer responses
*Preconceived beliefs, defensiveness, and habit. When participants in leadership and management webinars
Consider the relationship with the receiver simultaneously create shared meaning in interaction, they
evidently do ____________.
In delegating, accepting ownership for the results or lack *Communicate
thereof is commonly called ______. Delegate
Responsibility Manage
*Accountability Lead
Authority A two-dimensional model that is dynamic, irreversible, and
contextual where all participants are influenced by their
When an appropriate setting and available resources are past experiences or situation.
identified, what type of rights of delegation is this? *Transactional model of communication
Right level of supervision Transformational model of communication
*Right circumstances Channels of communication
Right person Directions of communication
Right task
As the head nurse in the emergency area, you received an
Which of the following rights of delegation refers to a clear, announcement from the chief nurse via an email message
concise description of the tasks, objectives, limits, and regarding staff development and training programs. What
expectations? kind of channel of communication have you received?
*Right direction and communication *Asynchronous
Right level of supervision Synchronous
Right task and person Verbal message
Right circumstances Upward communication

When there is a conflict between two or more individuals, All the following goals are included to achieve effective
what type of conflict is expected? communication, EXCEPT:
Intrapersonal conflict *Departmental
*Interpersonal conflict Instrumental
Intragroup conflict Relational
Intergroup conflict Identity

To manage and address conflict is to provide In communicating within the healthcare organization,
______________. verbal and non-verbal messages are essentially useful
*Communication especially when clear messages are supplemented by non-
Termination verbal messages such as:
Delegation *Gestures of the shoulders, arms, hand, or fingers
Direction Using unfamiliar words
Spending too much time on details
What process model is shown below that its outcome can Using inadequate reasoning
be positive or negative, healthy, or dysfunctional?
ABC performance management process A staff nurse went to his nurse supervisor to discuss his
Transactional process model need for training and development related to Basic Life
Delegation process model Support (BLS). The staff nurse uses ___________.
*Conflict process model *Upward communication
Downward communication
It describes the negative feelings that exist between two or Diagonal communication
more parties is called ________. Lateral communication
Perceived conflict
Covert behavior
You are the charge nurse in the morning shift, and you
made discussion with the afternoon charge nurse for shift To achieve effective communication within the
arrangements. What direction of communication did you organization, there is likewise a need for being an effective
use? listener.
*Lateral communication *True
Upward communication False
Downward communication Partially true
Diagonal communication Partially false

To a greater or lesser degree, communication in all Which of the following can be established as a leader to
directions may likewise need not involve information achieve effective communication to your employees?
sharing, discussion, and negotiation. *Give clear, concise instructions
*False Lack of self-confidence
True Flagging energy
Partially true Defensive
Partially false
A process of employing symbols that are either verbal or
To help bridge the gap between the way men and women nonverbal to establish and interpret meaning within the
communicate, there is a need to ____. organization.
*Use gender-neutral language *Communication
Understand individual cultural heritage Delegation
Raise more questions Problem-solving
Communicate much formal Effective listening

All the following are powerful forces that shape behavior You asked permission from your nurse supervisor regarding
within the organization, EXCEPT: your request for a leave of absence the next day of your
Customs duty. You saw her nodding to you and eventually had eye
Norms contact for a minute and left. What kind of messages have
Expectations you received?
*Language *Non-verbal
During synchronous channels of communication, you can Asynchronous
expect for ________. Delegated task
*Rapid feedback
Fewer cues As the head nurse in the medical ward, you reminded your
Less naturally occurring language staff nurses regarding proper documentation in the
Less personal focus patient’s chart. Such communication you used is known:
*Downward communication
When the goal of effective communication is more focused Upward communication
on what we want to happen in the interaction, we then Lateral communication
trying to become: Diagonal communication
Relational Generational differences affect communication style,
Departmental patterns, and expectations such as when Traditional people
Organizational tend to be more formal, follow the chain of command
without questions while baby boomers' questions more.
When communication involves individuals or departments *True
at different hierarchical levels, this reflects the use of False
________. Partially true
*Diagonal communication Partially false
Lateral communication
Upward communication
Downward communication
When communication exists between individuals or Due to repetitive tasks assigned to you as the medication
departments at the same hierarchical level, this is known as nurse in the medical ward, it increases your efficiency and
__________. thus promotes mastery in preparing and administering
*Lateral communication medications to all patients. Which element of reductive
Diagonal communication theory have you experienced?
Upward communication
Downward communication *Specialization of labor
Division of labor
Which of the following are the beliefs or attitudes that form Chain of command
a basis for the behavior which will become the culture of an Span of control
*Values Which of the following organizations is considered the
Philosophies ideal, intentionally rational, and most efficient as it
Visions delineates workgroup arrangements based on the concept
Missions of departmentalization?
When an organization foresees its future role and function, Democratic
this pertains to organizational _____. Autocratic
*Vision Delegative
Objectives Seeing in the organizational wall illustration the persons
Goals holding supervisory authority over other employees located
at the top, you are looking at the organizational ________.
It is known as the highest priority in the planning hierarchy *Chart
in designing an organization. Structure
*Mission Picture
Philosophy Image
Rule The higher the rank in the organization, the lower the chain
of command or authority.
When an organization exists, it is because of its ______. *False
*Mission True
Goals Partially true
Objectives Partially false
Which of the following is the authority used in a lesser
All the following are the focus of reductive theory, EXCEPT: complex organizational structure?
*People desire social relationships *Decentralized
Nature of the work to be accomplished Flat
Creating structures to achieve the work Tall
Dissecting the work into component parts Centralized

You are the charge nurse in the medical ward, but few staff The chief nurse went to a surprise visit in the medical ward
nurses are assigned to a very busy shift. Therefore, you where you are assigned. The tendency, you perform in an
assigned a medication nurse, an IV nurse, a nurse for expected manner because of the special attention and
monitoring the vital signs of all patients. What element of focus on what you do in the ward. Which of the following is
reductive theory have you applied? therefore observed to you?
*Division of labor *Hawthorne effect
Organizational structure Specialization
Chain of command Innovation
Span of control Authority
Which of the following theories asserts that individuals Which of the following healthcare organizational structures
cannot be bribed to do things they consider unreasonable, that the field of medicine usually adopts because of the
and that formal authority may not be working without field of complexity and the desire to self-monitor its own
willing participants? members?
*Humanistic theory *Parallel structure
Reductive theory Service-line structure
Adaptive theory Functional structure
Systems theory Matrix structure

The College of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is an educational Which of the following is considered a modified parallel
organization that requires teaching and non-teaching structure and is a nursing response to organizational
personnel, financial, and teaching-learning material structures that represents the voice of the nursing
resources to provide services to the students like education. profession in healthcare agencies?
Which theory is adapted by the College? *Shared governance
*Systems theory Parallel structure
Contingency theory Matrix structure
Chaos theory Functional structure
Humanistic theory
Which of the following is considered the most concern
When a leader match organization’s human and material when using the matrix structure in a healthcare
resources in a creative way to respond quickly to social and organization?
clinical needs, that leader applies the theory of ________. *Its dual authority which can frustrate and confuse
*Contingency departmental managers and employees.
Systems Its appropriateness in a highly uncertain environment that
Quantum changes frequently but also requires organizational
Chaos expertise.
Its problems with continuity as it has difficulties with
Which theory links to complexity science and asserts that all follow-ups.
systems will self-regulate over time with leadership aims to Its lack of understanding of the total patient care.
establish simple rules that promote adaptation?
*Chaos theory A healthcare organizational structure that provides clinical
Systems theory services which are organized around patients with specific
Reductive theory conditions.
Humanistic theory *Product-line structure
Parallel structure
Employees are grouped in the department by specialty, and Matrix structure
groupings of similar tasks. Which healthcare organizational Functional structure
structure is used?
*Functional structure In a tall organizational structure, what authority is used
Service-line structure especially that its organization is complex with numerous
Matrix structure highly specialized departments?
Parallel structure *Centralized
You are the nurse manager for the oncology clinic may Parallelized
report to the vice president for nursing and the vice Functionalized
president for outpatient services. What healthcare
organizational structure is expected you are working with? When a person holding supervisory authority over the
*Matrix structure employees located at the top of the organizational
Service-line structure structure, this type of authority is known as ______.
Functional structure *Line
Parallel structure Staff
When the nurse provided the purposes of the preoperative
The lower the rank reflected in the organizational consent to assure in writing that the healthcare team
structure/chart, the lesser authority, and power but has the respects the patient’s independence by obtaining
obligations to perform certain functions or responsibilities. permission to proceed. Which of the following ethical
*True principles the does nurse respect in the patient?
False *Autonomy
Partially true Justice
Partially false Beneficence
Which of the following gives the appearance of orderliness
and clarity around who is in charge? Which of the following promotes taking positive, active
*Organizational chart steps to help others?
Organizational structure *Beneficence
Span of control Nonmaleficence
Chain of command Fidelity
It is depicted from the organizational chart through job
titles listed in the magnitude of authority and responsibility. What ethical principle refers to a nurse is telling the truth or
*Chain of command intentionally deceiving or misleading a patient?
Division and specialization *Veracity
Organizational structure Beneficence
Span of control Fidelity
All the following are the purposes of an organizational
structure, EXCEPT: A child immunization causes discomfort during
*To respond to group pressure administration but the benefits of protection from disease
To maintain command both individual & society, outweigh the temporary
To reinforce authority discomforts. Which ethical principle does this imply?
To provide a formal communication network *Beneficence
It specifies how nursing care provided on the unit will Fidelity
correspond with nursing service and organizational goals. Autonomy
*Unit philosophy
Nursing service philosophy An agreement to keep promises, commitments,
Organizational philosophy responsibilities that one has made oneself and others is an
Vision and mission statements ethical principle known as:
Which of the following actin commitments are more Justice
specific and are concrete to identify how and when these to Code of ethics
be accomplished? Veracity
Goals It is promulgated by the PRC that indicates the hallmark of
Procedures all Filipino professionals is their willingness to accept a set
Rules of professional & ethical principles which they will follow in
the conduct of their daily lives while performing their
It involves systematizing, defending & recommending duties.
concepts of right & wrong conduct, often addressing *Code of good governance
deputies of moral diversity Ethical principles in nursing
*Ethics Nursing standards of care
Laws RA no. 9173 and RA no. 7305
Nursing standards of care
A nurse reports the abuse to protect the patient from an Social and civic responsibilities
incompetent healthcare practitioner who takes care of the Solidarity and teamwork
patient. This is an example of:
*Nonmaleficence When a nurse is faced with a situation in which a choice
Beneficence must be made between 2 equally undesirable actions,
Fidelity he/she is challenged by the presence of ________.
Justice *Ethical dilemma
Legal lawsuit
If you assess a patient for pain and then offer a plan to Liabilities
manage it, this principle encourages you to do your best to Responsibilities
keep the promise to improve the patient's comfort.
*Fidelity Which of the following general principles of good
Veracity governance that implies professionals shall remain open to
Justice the challenges of a more dynamic and interconnected
Autonomy world, rise up to global standards and maintain levels of
professional practices fully aligned with global best
A specific set of professional behaviors & values the practices?
professional interpreter must know and abide by includes *Global competitiveness
confidentiality, accuracy, privacy & integrity. Social and civic responsibilities
*Code of ethics Solidarity and teamwork
Code of legal liabilities Equality of all professions
Code of Philippine law
Code of good ethics Filipino professionals shall always carry out their
professional duties with due consideration of the broader
Which of the following principles refers to the principle of interest of the public, serve with professional concern
fairness and implies equal treatment of all clients? consistent with their responsibilities to society & contribute
*Justice to the attainment of the country's national objectives.
Veracity * Social and civic responsibilities
Autonomy Solidarity and teamwork
Beneficence Equality of all professions
Global competitiveness
When commitment to a life of sacrifice & genuine
selfishness in carrying out their professional duties even at A nurse expresses obligation to keep up with new
the expense of personal gain, the nurse implies a knowledge & techniques in their field & upgrade their level
commitment towards _______. of competence, taking part in a lifelong continuing
*Service to others education program, he/she therefore expresses ________.
Integrity and objectivity *Professional competence
Professional competence Global competitiveness
Solidarity and teamwork Solidarity and teamwork
Equality of all professions
Each professional shall maintain and support one
professional organization that promotes a deep spirit of A national multidisciplinary committee strives for fairness
solidarity & teamwork among its members. by ranking recipients according to need, rather than
*Solidarity and teamwork resorting to selling organs is an example of _________.
Service to others *Justice
Integrity and objectivity Fidelity
Professional competence Veracity
All professionals shall treat their colleagues with respect &
strive to be fair in their dealings with one another. This When families go to treatment lengthens to protect a dying
indicates: patient from the harsh truth of his prognosis, and the
*Equality of all professions patient himself may not wish to know, this is an example of
Global competitiveness an ethical dilemma related to ________.

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