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Correlation between Learning Interest with Learning Difficulties

Assessment Task 3

Ummi Uswatun Khasanah Rahman

Class C
Universitas Negeri Makassar

1. Hipothesis

H0 (Null Hipothesis) :

There are the positif correlation between learning interest and learning

difficulties of fiifth grade students of elemenatary school.

H1 (First Hipothesis) :

There are no correlation between learning interest and learning difficulties of

fiifth grade students of elemenatary school.

2. Variable

a. Students' learning interest (variable X) as an independent variable is a

variable that influences or causes the dependent variable to arise.

b. Student learning difficulties (variable Y) as the dependent variable is a

variable that is influenced or is the result of the independent variable.

3. Sample and Data Collection Technique

a. The sample is 30 student for grade 5 in Elementary School

b. The technique to data collection is using questionnaire. The type of

questionnaire used is a closed questionnaire questionnaire that is prepared

by providing complete answer choices so that respondents only choose one

of the available answers. The measurement scale uses a Likert scale model.

4. Result and Discussion

A. Data analysis

a. Interest Learning (X)

The measured components of learning interest in fifth grade students of

can be seen in the following grid:

Table 4.1 Learning Interest Questionnaire

Variable X Student attention in learning
Learning Interest in the subject matter

Student pleasure in learning

Student involvement in learning

The results of the fifth grade students' interest in learning can be

seen in the following table:

Tabel 4.2 Student Interest Questionnaire Answer Score

No Interest Frequensi
1 95 2
2 94 2
3 93 3
4 92 2
5 91 2
6 90 3
7 89 2
8 87 3
9 86 4
10 85 4
11 84 1
12 82 1
13 81 1
Total 30

Table 4.3 Calculations to Find the Mean and Standard Deviation

of Students' Interests

X F FX x’ fx’ x’2 fx’2

95 2 190 7 14 49 98
94 2 188 6 12 36 72
93 3 279 5 15 25 75
92 2 184 4 8 16 32
91 2 182 3 6 9 18
90 3 270 2 6 4 12
89 2 178 1 2 1 2
87 3 261 0 0 0 0
86 4 344 -1 -4 1 4
85 4 340 -2 -8 4 16
84 1 84 -3 -3 9 9
82 1 82 -4 -4 16 16
81 1 81 -5 -5 25 25
Total 30 2663 13 39 195 379
1) Mean Variable X

∑ 𝑓𝑥 2663
𝑀𝑥 = = = 88,77
𝑁 30

2) Standart Deviation Variable X

∑ 𝑓𝑥 ′ 2 ∑ 𝑓𝑥 ′
𝑆𝐷𝑥 = √ − [ ]

379 39 2
𝑆𝐷𝑥 = √ − [ ]
30 30
𝑆𝐷𝑥 = √12,63 − 1,69
𝑆𝐷𝑥 = √10,94

𝑆𝐷𝑥 = 3,307567082

To determine the level of student interest in learning is high, medium

or low, groupings are made using the following formula:

a) A score of more than Mx + 1.SD is a high level of student

interest in learning is high.
b) A score of less than Mx – 1.SD is a low level of student
interest in learning is low.
c) And the score between Mx – 1.SD to Mx + 1.SD is the level of
interest in learning is medium.

Tabel 4.4 Categorization of Student Interests

No Score Frequency Percentage Category
1 >92 7 23,33% High
2 86 – 92 16 53,34% Medium
3 <86 7 23,33% Low
Total 30

From these levels, it can be seen that those who expressed

interest in learning for fifth grade students were in the high category
with a frequency of 7 children with a percentage of 23.33%, in the
medium category with a frequency of 16 children with the percentage
is 53.34%, and in the low category with a frequency of 7 people with a
percentage of 23.33%. Thus in general it can be said that the learning
interest of the fifth grade students of the elementary school is in the
medium category with 30 respondents.
b. Difficulties Learning (Y)

The measured components of learning difficulties in fifth grade students

of can be seen in the following grid:

Table 4.5 Learning Difficulties Questionnaire

Variable Y Low learning achievement
Learning The learning outcomes achieved are
difficulties not balanced with the efforts made

Slow in doing tasks

Unnatural attitudes, such as

indifferent, pretending, lying, easily
Different behavior, such as gloomy,
grumpy, always confused, always sad.
Have a high IQ but low achievement.

Achievements are not stable.

The results of the fifth grade students' difficulties in learning can be

seen in the following table:

Tabel 4.6 Student Difficulties Questionnaire Answer Score

No Learning Difficulties Frequensi
1 52 1
2 49 2
3 47 2
4 44 1
5 43 3
6 42 2
7 40 3
8 39 2
9 37 4
10 36 3
11 35 2
12 34 2
13 32 1
14 30 1
15 29 1
16 38 1
Total 30

Table 4.7 Calculations to Find the Mean and Standard Deviation

of Students' Difficulties
Y F FY y’ fy’ y’2 fy’2

52 1 52 10 10 100 100
49 2 98 9 18 81 162
47 1 47 8 8 64 64
44 1 44 7 7 49 49
43 3 129 6 18 36 108
42 2 84 5 10 25 50
40 3 120 4 12 16 48
39 2 78 3 6 9 18
37 4 148 2 8 4 16
36 3 108 1 3 1 3
35 2 70 0 0 0 0
34 2 68 -1 -2 1 2
32 1 32 -2 -2 4 4
30 1 30 -3 -3 9 9
29 1 29 -4 -4 16 16
28 1 28 -5 -5 25 25
Total 30 1165 40 84 440 674

1) Mean Variable Y
∑ 𝑓𝑦 1165
𝑀𝑦 = = = 38,83
𝑁 30

2) Standart Deviation Variable Y

∑ 𝑓𝑦 ′ 2 ∑ 𝑓𝑦 ′
𝑆𝐷𝑦 = √ − [ ]

674 84 2
𝑆𝐷𝑦 = √ − [ ]
30 30
𝑆𝐷𝑦 = √22,47 − 7,84

𝑆𝐷𝑦 = √14,63

𝑆𝐷𝑦 = 3,8249183

To determine the level of student difficulties in learning is high,

medium or low, groupings are made using the following formula:

a) A score of more than Mx + 1.SD is a high level of student

difficulties in learning is high.
b) A score of less than Mx – 1.SD is a low level of student
difficulties in learning is low.
c) And the score between Mx – 1.SD to Mx + 1.SD is the level of
difficulties in learning is medium.

Table 4.8 Categorization of Student Difficulties

No Score Frequency Percentage Category
1 >43 5 16,67% High
2 35 – 43 19 63,33% Medium
3 <35 6 20% Low
Total 30

From these levels, it can be seen that those who state learning

difficulties for fifth grade students are in the high category with a

frequency of 5 children with a percentage of 16.67%, in the medium

category with a frequency of 19 children with a percentage of 63.33%, and

in the low category with a frequency of 6 people with a percentage of 20%.

Thus in general it can be said that the learning difficulties of fifth grade

students of the elementary school is in the medium category with 30

c. The Correlation between Interest in Learning and Students' Learning

To analyze data on the relationship between interest in learning and learning

difficulties of fifth grade students, will used Person formula. With the
following formula:

(∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)
∑ 𝑥𝑦 −
𝑟𝑥𝑦 = 𝑛
(∑ 𝑥)2 (∑ 𝑦)2
√(∑ 𝑥 2 − ) (∑ 𝑦 2 − )
𝑛 𝑛
104061 −
𝑟𝑥𝑦 = 30
√(236833 − 7091569) (46243 − 1357225)
30 30

104061 −
𝑟𝑥𝑦 = 30
√(236833 − 236385,633)(46243 − 45240,8333)

104061 − 103413,167
𝑟𝑥𝑦 =

𝑟𝑥𝑦 =

𝑟𝑥𝑦 =

𝑟𝑥𝑦 = 0,967522582

Table 4.9 Correlation Product Moment Person

No X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 95 52 9025 2704 4940
2 95 49 9025 2401 4655
3 94 49 8836 2401 4606
4 94 47 8836 2209 4418
5 93 44 8649 1936 4092
6 93 43 8649 1849 3999
7 93 43 8649 1849 3999
8 92 43 8464 1849 3956
9 92 42 8464 1764 3864
10 91 42 8281 1764 3822
11 91 40 8281 1600 3640
12 90 40 8100 1600 3600
13 90 40 8100 1600 3600
14 90 39 8100 1521 3510
15 89 39 7921 1521 3471
16 89 37 7921 1369 3293
17 87 37 7569 1369 3219
18 87 37 7569 1369 3219
19 87 37 7569 1369 3219
20 86 36 7396 1296 3096
21 86 36 7396 1296 3096
22 86 36 7396 1296 3096
23 86 35 7396 1225 3010
24 85 35 7225 1225 2975
25 85 34 7225 1156 2890
26 85 34 7225 1156 2890
27 85 32 7225 1024 2720
28 84 30 7056 900 2520
29 82 29 6724 841 2378
30 81 28 6561 784 2268
Total ∑ 𝑥 = 2663 ∑ 𝑦 = 1165 2 2
∑ 𝑥 =236833 ∑ 𝑦 =46243 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 =104061
(∑ 𝑥)2 =7091569 2
(∑ 𝑦) =1357225

After the Product Moment value is known, then the results of the analysis
can be interpreted that, based on the analysis of the data with the statistics above,
it was found that ro is smaller than rt. Thus, the hypothesis proposed in this
study, namely H0 which reads "There is a correlation between interest in
learning and learning difficulties of fifth grade students is accepted. From this
discussion, the correlation coefficient found at 0.96 is included in the strong
category. So there is a strong relationship between interest in learning and
learning difficulties for fifth grade students..

Thus, it can be concluded that the level of interest in learning for fifth
grade students is closely related to student learning difficulties. The relationship
of interest in learning with learning difficulties of students is as a basis or
reference for students to overcome difficulties in learning and increase attention
and enthusiasm in learning, as explained by Abu Ahmadi and Widodo
Supriyono that the absence of a child's interest in a lesson learning difficulties
will arise, learning that has no interest may not be in accordance with his talents,
not according to needs, not in accordance with the skills, not in accordance with
the special types of children cause a lot of problems for him.

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