Primary Desmoplastic Small-Round-Cell Tumor of The Ovary: Casereports Open Access

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Atef et al.

Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute
(2019) 31:4
Journal of the Egyptian
National Cancer Institute


Primary desmoplastic small-round-cell

tumor of the ovary
Ahmed Atef1, Khaled Gaballa1, Mohammad Zuhdy1* , Khalid Atallah1, Wagdi Elkashef2, Shadi Awny1,
Basma Gadelhak3 and Basel Refky1

Background: Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor (DSRCT) is an extremely rare and highly aggressive malignancy.
It is of yet unclear origin, but it is assumed to be of a mesothelial origin based on its tendency for widespread
metastasis in serosal linings.
Case presentation: In this report, we describe a young female who presented with bilateral ovarian masses that
mimicked the classic clinical picture of ovarian cancer. The patient had a cytoreductive surgery done in the form of
total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, omentectomy, pelvic peritonectomy, low para-
aortic and bilateral iliac lymphadenectomy. Postoperative course was smooth with no adverse events. The final
pathology report revealed desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor. Afterwards, the patient was referred to medical
oncologist to receive her adjuvant therapy.
Conclusions: DSRCT is still an unknown disease to us given the limited number of cases and poor survival. Given
the lack of clear guidelines, treatment is offered based on the best available evidence and the collaborative effort
of a multi-disciplinary team.
Keywords: Ovarian cancer, Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor, Case report, Neoplasm, Metastasis

Background presented by bilateral ovarian masses that was later re-

Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor (DSRCT) is an ex- vealed to be DSRCT.
tremely rare and highly aggressive malignancy that was
first described in 1987 by Sesterhenn et al. [1]. Then, it Case presentation
was more elaborately described by Gerald and Rosai in A 22-year-old female presented with abdominal pain. She
1989 [2]. It tends to have a predilection for adolescent had no significant medical and surgical history and had
males with an annual incidence of about 0.1 cases per only been married for 4 months. Abdominal ultrasonog-
million. It usually presents as intra-abdominal masses raphy showed bilateral ovarian masses. CT scan and diffu-
that might mimic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) sion MRI revealed bilateral malignant-looking ovarian
or retroperitoneal sarcoma [3]. It is of yet unclear origin, masses with associated peritoneal deposits and retroperi-
but it is assumed to be of a mesothelial origin based on toneal lymphadenopathy. Also, an anomaly of horseshoe
its tendency for widespread metastasis in serosal linings. kidney was noted. Tumor markers cancer antigen 125
An epithelial, neurogenic and blastomeric origin had (CA-125) and CA19–9, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA),
also been reported [4]. This malignant entity with its lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), and
atypical clinical, pathological, radiological features, ag- beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (B-HCG)
gressive course, and extensive intra-abdominal dissemin- were all within the normal range. Upper and lower gastro-
ation may confer a diagnostic dilemma when it is first intestinal endoscopies were done and excluded the possi-
encountered. Here, we describe a young female who was bility of gastrointestinal primary. After informed consent,
surgical exploration aiming at complete cytoreduction was
* Correspondence: performed. Intraoperative exploration showed both ovaries
Surgical Oncology Unit, Oncology Center, Mansoura University, 70
Gomhoriya Street, Mansoura 35516, Egypt to be totally replaced by malignant masses, with ascites
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article and pelvic peritoneal deposits. The diaphragmatic surfaces
© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Atef et al. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute (2019) 31:4 Page 2 of 4

and para-colic gutters were free from disease. One of the (Cytoxan), doxorubicin (Adriamycin), ifosfamide (Ifex),
ovaries was excised and frozen section examination was re- and etoposide (Vepesid) respectively were ensued soon
quested which suggested the possibility of dysgerminoma. after full recuperation. Patient is still receiving the pro-
Cytoreductive surgery was done in the form total posed chemotherapy protocol, and she is planned to re-
abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, ceive adjuvant external beam radiation therapy.
omentectomy, pelvic peritonectomy, low para-aortic and
bilateral iliac lymphadenectomy (high para-aortic lymphad- Discussion
enectomy could not be done due to the presence of horse- DSRCT is a rare and highly aggressive tumor that com-
shoe kidney). Apart from the high para-aortic lymph nodes, monly affects the abdomen and or pelvis of young males.
no gross residue was left at all. In their cases series, Al-Ibraheemi et al. reported 16 cases
Postoperative pathology examination revealed tumor tis- of extra-abdominal DSRCT. These reported sites included
sue formed of malignant cells with intervening desmoplasia. the head, neck, intracranial, thigh, axilla/shoulder, inguinal,
The tumor cells were small with a marked degree of atypia paratesticular, intraosseous, and uterine body [5]. More-
and pleomorphism and high mitotic activity (Fig. 1). Three over, Lae et al. reported DSRCTs originating from the eth-
out of ten iliac lymph nodes and seven out of seven para- moidal sinus and soft tissue of the scalp [6]. To the best of
aortic lymph nodes were infiltrated by tumor tissue. Pelvic our knowledge, DSRCT was reported to be originating
peritoneal nodules, uterine wall, and cervix were free from from the ovary in 18 cases [7]. Interestingly, two of them
tumor infiltration. Immunohistochemical markers (IHC) presented during pregnancy and labor. Most of the re-
were performed using monoclonal antibodies against pan- ported cases presented with bilateral ovarian involvement
cytokeratin, cytokeratin 7, cytokeratin 20, placental alkaline with widespread peritoneal nodular infiltration [8, 9].
phosphatase (PLAP), desmin, leukocyte common antigen Its early presentation is usually non-specific, with symp-
(LCA), caudal type homeobox 2 (CDX-2), inhibin and toms varying between vague abdominal pain, distension,
GATA binding protein 3 (GATA-3), and Wilms’ tumor 1 and altered bowel habits. Such a tendency to late presenta-
(WT-1) (truncated human WT1 protein corresponding to tion accounts for its difficult management, as it often man-
N-terminal amino acids 1–181, FLEX, Monoclonal Mouse, ifests in advanced disease stage. Radiologic findings usually
Anti-Human Wilms’ Tumor 1 (WT1) Protein Clone 6F-H2 describe abdominal masses of variable sizes in association
Ready-to-use (Dako Corporation)). Tumor tissue was posi- with peritoneal deposits, omental cakes, and ascites, find-
tive for desmin and cytokeratin (Fig. 2) and negative for ings that are usually found in the advanced colon, ovarian,
each of cytokeratin 7, cytokeratin 20, PLAP, WT-1, LCA, and gastric cancer, hence the encountered diagnostic diffi-
CDX-2, inhibin, and GATA-3 (Fig. 3) confirming the diag- culty [10]. Differential diagnosis of small-round-cell tumor
nosis of desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor. includes lymphoma, Ewing sarcoma, medulloblastoma,
The patient had an insignificant postoperative course. Wilms’ tumor, synovial sarcoma, neuroblastoma, and
Afterwards, the patient was referred to a medical on- embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma [11]. Diagnosis is often
cologist to receive the appropriate adjuvant treatment. confirmed after ultrasonographic- (U\S) or computerized
Adjuvant chemotherapy (VACA-IE) protocol: vincristine tomography (CT)-guided biopsy from these lesions. Tumor
(Oncovin), doxorubicin (Adriamycin), cyclophosphamide markers’ elevation is non-specific. Only immunohisto-
chemistry (IHC) and cytogenetic study are the tools that
can confirm the diagnosis [12, 13]. The typical histopatho-
logical appearance of DSRCTs includes large necrotic area,
sharply demarcated nests of different sizes containing small
round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty faint
eosinophilic cytoplasm, or spindle cells embedded in a des-
moplastic stroma. These cells mostly exhibit epithelial,
mesenchymal, and neural markers like cytokeratin, desmin,
and smooth muscle actin (SMA) [14]. Desmoplastic small-
round-cell tumor arises from mesenchymal cells of the
abdominopelvic peritoneum. The gene fusion between
Ewing sarcoma (EWS) and WT1 genes resulting in the
characteristic translocation t(11;22)(p13;q12), is the unique
molecular hallmark and no other genetic factor has been
linked to this aggressive tumor [15]. Horseshoe kidney is
the most common fusion anomaly of the kidneys account-
Fig. 1 The tumor cells were small with marked degree of atypia and
ing for 0.25% of the population [16]. One of the major con-
pleomorphism and high mitotic activity (Hx&E)
cerns that affected the treatment decision in the present
Atef et al. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute (2019) 31:4 Page 3 of 4

Fig. 2 a–c Tumor tissue was positive for IHC desmin, cytokeratin, and WT-1

case is the encountered technical difficulty of retroperiton- beam radiotherapy is now considered the standard of care
eal lymph node dissection. Also, the radiation oncologist for those patients without extra-abdominal spread [18].
should have a good radiotherapy field planning to avoid ra- Honoré et al. reported improved overall and progression-
diation nephritis as most of the renal parenchyma overlies free survival in patients treated with multimodality treat-
the para-aortic lymph nodes. In the abovementioned case, ment including whole abdominopelvic radiotherapy (WAP
the patient was presented by bilateral ovarian masses, a RT) of 30 Gy. Fewer side effects were encountered with in-
finding that usually first directs the oncologist’s attention tensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) than two and three
to the possibility of either Krukenberg tumor or primary dimensional radiotherapy [19]. Despite relapse which was
ovarian cancer [17]. Indeed, this case was handled as such reported in most of the patients during long-term follow-
and it was only the final pathology that revealed the diag- up, prolonged progression-free survival was best reported
nosis of this rare tumor. In this case, a complete surgical after multimodality treatment [20]. Prognosis is still dismal
staging—as if it was a case of primary ovarian cancer—was with 5-year survival barely exceeding 30%.
done given the presenting intraoperative situation and the
result of frozen section analysis. Young age in and of itself Conclusions
might raise the suspicion of such malignancy, yet the rarity DSRCT is still an unknown disease to us given the limited
of the disease should keep us in the lane of common differ- number of cases and poor survival. Efforts are being maxi-
ential diagnoses for such age in an algorithmic fashion. It mized as much as possible to better find the optimal man-
should be noted that until now there is still no consensus agement. Given the lack of clear guidelines, treatment
regarding the optimal management of this disease. The should be offered based on the best available evidence and
treating physician should follow the previously reported the collaborative effort of a multi-disciplinary team.
multimodality treatment to achieve the best disease re-
sponse [7]. Based on the available data from the literature, Abbreviations
a multimodality therapy of neoadjuvant multiagent chemo- AFP: Alpha-fetoprotein; B-HCG: Beta subunit of human chorionic
therapy followed by cytoreductive surgery and external gonadotropin; CA 125: Cancer antigen 125; CA 19-9: Cancer antigen 19-9;
CDX-2: Caudal type homeobox-2; CEA: Carcinoembryonic antigen;
CT: Computed tomography; DSRCT: Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor;
EWS: Ewing sarcoma; GIST: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor; Gy: Gray;
IHC: Immune histochemical stains; IMRT: Intensity modulated radiotherapy;
LCA: Leukocyte common antigen; LDH: Lactate dehydrogenase;
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; PLAP: Placental alkaline phosphatase;
SMA: Smooth muscle actin; WAP-RT: Whole abdominopelvic radiotherapy;
WT-1: Wilms’ tumor-1

Not applicable.

Authors’ contributions
AA was responsible for writing the manuscript; KG was responsible for the
revision and reformatting of the manuscript; MZ was responsible for writing,
revising, and reformatting the manuscript and was an assistant in the
operation; KA was an assistant in the operation and was responsible for the
patient follow-up and manuscript reformatting; WE was responsible for the
pathological interpretation; SA was responsible for writing the manuscript
and the case presentation; BG was responsible for the revision of the manuscript;
Fig. 3 Tumor tissue was negative for IHC PLAP and BR was the principal operator and was responsible for the revision and final
approval of manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Atef et al. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute (2019) 31:4 Page 4 of 4

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Availability of data and materials Diagnosis of desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor by cytogenetic analysis: a
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this case report. Clin Case Rep. 2016;4(5):520–3.
published article. 16. Kim JW, Park JH, Cho HJ, Kwon JH, Koh Y, Kim SJ, et al. A case of
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Ethics approval and consent to participate Cancer Res Treat. 2009;41(4):233–6.
Not applicable. 17. Schiappacasse G, Aguirre J, Soffia P, Silva C, Zilleruelo N. CT findings of the
main pathological conditions associated with horseshoe kidneys. Br J Radiol.
Consent for publication 2014;88(1045):20140456.
A written informed consent was taken from the patient included in this 18. Thway K, Noujaim J, Zaidi S, Miah AB, Benson C, Messiou C, et al.
report. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: pathology, genetics, and potential
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19. Honoré C, Amroun K, Vilcot L, Mir O, Domont J, Terrier P, et al. Abdominal
Competing interests
desmoplastic small round cell tumor: multimodal treatment combining
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy is the best option. Ann Surg
Oncol. 2015;22(4):1073–9.
Author details
1 20. Kushner BH, LaQuaglia MP, Wollner N, Meyers PA, Lindsley KL, Ghavimi F,
Surgical Oncology Unit, Oncology Center, Mansoura University, 70
et al. Desmoplastic small round-cell tumor: prolonged progression-free
Gomhoriya Street, Mansoura 35516, Egypt. 2Pathology department, Faculty of
survival with aggressive multimodality therapy. J Clin Oncol. 1996;14(5):
medicine Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. 3Radiology department,
Mansoura University hospitals, Mansoura, Egypt.

Received: 4 September 2019 Accepted: 12 September 2019 Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
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