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Vanilla Farming: The Way Forward

Presentation · July 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18451.02087


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2 authors:

Sagar S Arya Sangram Keshari Lenka

Deakin University The Energy and Resources Institute


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Vanilla Farming:
The Way Forward
Sagar Sanjay Arya Dr. Sangram K. Lenka
PhD Scholar FacultySenior
Member Scientist
Deakin University, Victoria, Australia TERI-Deakin Nano Biotechnology Centre
TERI-Deakin Nano Biotechnology Centre Sustainable Agriculture Division
Sustainable Agriculture Division The Energy and Resources Institute, Delhi, India
The Energy and Resources Institute, Delhi, India

Vanilla: The Flavour of beatitude

Vanilla lavour is obtained from the seed pods of Vanilla
planifolia orchid and is arguably one of the most popular
lavour in the world. This lavour constitutes as an
important ingredient of ice-cream, confectionery, milk,
scent and even liqueur and cordial industry. Thus,
Vanilla lavour forms a whooping multimillion-dollar
History of Vanilla Vanilla Icecream
From the pre-Columbian Maya to the realms of Aztecs,
vanilla was ascribed as a delicious food ingredient of
back to Europe, where vanilla vines were cultivated in
nobility. It was a classi ied lavour, until the Spanish
botanical gardens of France and England. However, for
invasion on Aztecs in 1519. Spanish rulers were
over 100 years vanilla growers in Europe were unable to
astonished by the new lavour of nobility and sailed

Chronological distribution of Vanilla plant

EDEN HORTI | 20 Vol-2/Issue-3/May-June2019/Karnal


understand its inability to produce the glorious vanilla Seychelles and Mauritius are derived from a single
seed pods. It was in 1841 on Reunion Island, 30 miles cutting. The vanilla plants that are grown in Reunion
long volcanic hotspot in Indian ocean, where a 12-year- Island, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles are
old enslaved boy Edmond Albius developed an effective derived from a single cutting of V. planifolia resulting in
hand-pollination method for vanilla vines. This lack of genetic variation. Today, Madagascar is the
technique resulted in a far- lung spread of vanilla vines largest vanilla producer and together with Reunion
across the globe. From Reunion Island the vines were Island accounts for nearly 75% of the world production.
sailed to Southern part of Asia and other eastern Vanilla beans from Madagascar and rest of the eastern
countries, where they are now cultivated in abundance. Africa holds the status ‘Bourbon’ and are considered as
Madagascar is world’s largest vanilla producing country best vanilla beans.
with an output of 2,926 tons followed by Indonesia at V. planifolia orchid is a perennial vine with green, leshy
2,304 tones. China, Mexico and Papua New Guinea are and succulent photosynthetic stem. The leaves are
among the top producer of vanilla. In India, amongst the bright green, oblong and are smooth in texture and
3 southern states Karnataka tops the country’s vanilla adventitious aerial roots growing opposite to every leaf
cultivation followed by Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Owing to aid to the lateral support. The roots are symbiotically
the environmental conditions and uncertainties associated with endotrophic mycorrhiza which supplies
involved in the vanilla market many Indian farmers water and minerals to vanilla orchid. Vanilla vine starts
refrained from cultivating vanilla vines. However, lowering when it archives approximately 4–5 m long.
buoyed by the recent surge in vanilla pricing and The lowers are yellow, bisexual and sprout towards the
assistance provided by nationalised banks, farmers are top of the plant and survive for only 24 hr after
now shifting their focus back on the cultivation of vanilla blooming. Although bisexual, they can’t self-pollinate
vines. but requires human intervention for transferring pollen
Vanilla orchid, lower and pods from anther to the stigma. Unlike the natural pollinators
It is a climbing orchid belonging to the Orchidaceae in Mexico, vanilla pollens are largely inaccessible to
family and is one of the largest families of lowering natural pollinators and was the key issue while
plants. According to DNA-based systematics and introducing vanilla vine to the rest of the world. Owing
phylogenetic studies, vanilla orchid belongs genus to the shape of lower, it is only accessible by small bees
Vanilla, tribe Vanilleae, subfamily Vanilloideae and or hummingbirds with a capacity to penetrate tough
family Orchidaceae. Genus vanilla consists of about 110 membrane that delineates plant’s pistils and stamen.
vanilla species, amongst them three species are Therefore, arti icial pollination is widely used for the
important for commercial cultivation i.e. V. planifolia, V. production of vanilla pods.
tahitensis and V. pompona. V. planifolia originated in Vanilla pod is basically a seed capsule and are referred
current day Mexico and is most valued amongst the as vanilla bean. The bean reaches its full size after 10–15
three species because of its lavour quality. Vanilla weeks of successful pollination. Mature pods are about
orchids grown in Madagascar, Reunion Islands, 15 cm in length and pale green to yellow in colour. The
pod consists of various tissues i.e. epicarp, mesocarp
and endocarp. The meso-layer covers majority of the
fruit volume and consists of a cavity illed with black
seeds attached to a long narrow funicle. Mature beans
are harvested when they are 8–9 months old. Freshly
harvested pods processed and cured to inhibit the
natural vegetative processes. This prevents microbial
growth and promotes the enzyme responsible for the
formation of lavour constituents. The curing process
varies across the country and thus has a major in luence
on the quality and aroma pro ile of the vanilla extract.
Protected cultivation of vanilla
Like other orchids, vanilla orchid grows best in bright
Vanilla lower
iltered shade with high humidity. Think of the wild

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greenhouse condition it is necessary to keep this vine

length to a manageable 20 to 30 feet. Moreover, growing
vanilla vines horizontally instead of vertical climbing
allows accommodating more vines in less space.
Planting the Vanilla Orchid
One may start germinating vanilla orchid in a 1:1
mixture of bark and potting mix. which is slightly denser
and heavier than most of the orchid growing media. This
media works as an excellent combination for drainage
and supply of nutrients to nourish the plant while the
vine develops. As the vines develop their epiphytic
Protected cultivation of vanilla orchid
roots, they will no longer rely on their roots present in
the potting mixture.
native habitat of vanilla orchid; we can simulate this Vanilla Plant Care
growing conditions with a combination of temperature While the vanilla orchid grows, it requires a sturdy
controls and pampering mists and irrigation. support system. Usually, in tropical climates under
Favourable temperatures are between 15-21ºC at night, natural conditions, a large tree trunk ful ils this task. If
and 26-35ºC during the day. Vanilla orchids are not frost we wish to cultivate our vines in a conservatory or
tolerant, which means for tropical climatic conditions greenhouse, a solid wood trellis can be a better
we have to use a greenhouse to cultivate these plants. alternative support for the plant. Moreover, orchid
Additionally, in its native habitat, mature vanilla vine needs fertigation at least once in every two weeks
can grow up to 300 feet or even greater. However, in a during the spring and summer. This fertigation requires

Manual Pollination in vanilla

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devised for managing these pests and pathogens.

Harvesting Your Vanilla Pods
After successful pollination, your three-year-old orchid
will produce green bean-like pods from the month of
October to March. Length of the pod will also signify the
quality of the pods i.e. at least six inches long is
considered to be of good quality bean. The curing
process is laborious involving sweating and drying of
pods, contributing to the premium price of vanilla beans
which are marketed. On a day-to-day basis and at least
for a period of six-weeks, you must wrap the beans in a
blanket at night in order to facilitate moisture
condensation on the pods.
Withering is performed to stop the process of
respiration occurring in the fruit. This process kills the
fruit cells without reducing the enzymatic activity in
them. Withering process is carried out by using boiling
water- illed box (¾) with temperatures between 65-
95ºC. Perform curing in a box closed with lid and keep
sack as its base. Perform natural drying in the sun on
regular basis, in order to reduce the water content up to
25-30% by roasting and aerating.
Following this process, you should keep the now brown
and shriveled pods in a dark and dry place for an
additional period of three months. After this curing
process, you must store the beans in an air tight
Vanilla beans container. Then place the dried vanilla beans in the box
coated with paper/thin plastic bag and store at room
temperature and that is ready for sell.
orchid fertilizer and mist regularly while maintaining Patience is essential for those who wish to harvest
humidity to 80% level. vanilla pods, as these vines take anywhere from three to
Due to the absence of natural pollinators, we required to ive years from potting, cuttings, lowering to having a
hand-pollinate the lowers in the late morning with a lot of cured beans.
chopstick or tiny paint brush. Pollen needs to be Vanilla and vanillin market
removed from the stamen of one lower and place it on
Although, vanilla is a mixture of 200 compounds, the
the stigma of another lower. It is also observed that
principal and characteristic lavour of vanilla comes for
pollinator insect access to greenhouse enhances the
one ingredient i.e. vanillin. Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-
chances of successful pollination. Flowers that are
methoxybenzaldehyde) is the most abundant
successfully pollinated will wither on the vine rather
compound in the vanilla extract and corresponds to 2.5-
than falling off within a day or two. Small green pods
4.5% dry weight of the pod. The current annual
emerge within a week after successful pollination and
consumption of vanilla pods, extract and vanillin is over
eventually elongate to attain a length of 6 inch. These
18 million Kg. Production of 1kg natural vanillin
pods are then ready to harvest after a period of 9-10
corresponds to pollination of nearly 40,000 vanilla
orchid lowers. Therefore, the cost of natural vanillin is
Vanilla vines are also affected by numerous plant very high (1200-4000 US$/Kg) and luctuates because
pathogens causing various diseases. For instance, root of the unpredictability in the environmental conditions.
rot, stem rot, rotten fruits, antraknosa, red rust, etc.
Today, only 1% of the vanillin is extracted from
However, different successful methods/techniques are
natural source and rest is derived from chemical and

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microbial synthesis routes. Lignin and guaiacol are used pathway. This pathway runs in almost all the plants and
as a starting material for the chemical synthesis of thus plants with high ferulic content are amenable for
synthetic vanillin. Though cost effective (15 US$/Kg), the synthesis of vanillin, if genetically engineered with
synthetic vanillin is traded as arti icial lavour and thus VpVAN gene.
face huge consumer dissatisfaction. An interesting Interesting would be to improve the traits of Vanilla vine
alternative devised by biotech industries is to use i t s e l f . Fo r i n s t a n c e , i n c re a s i n g t h e y i e l d o f
genetically engineer microbes to synthesize vanillin. vanilla/vanillin, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses,
Numerous proprietary strains are developed to bio enhancing its shelf life, etc. Some of these traits are
transform abundantly available starting materials like monogenic while others are polygenic and are
glucose, curcumin, eugenol and ferulic acid into vanillin. dif icult to improve by traditional breeding. However,
Although the gap for the demand and supply of vanillin with the advent of next generation sequencing tools,
is narrowed by chemical and microbial synthesis of the genomic data is becoming easily accessible and
vanillin, the demand and popularity of natural vanillin is genetic modi ication is also becoming possible in
still huge. Reluctance of customers for natural vanillin many plants including orchids. Similarly, molecular
from plant sources over synthetic and microbial routes engineering tool like CRISPR/Cas9 will play a major
have now compelled the researchers to resort to plant- role in the enhancement of vanillin content in near
based alternatives. future. Through CRISPR/Cas9 system it is possible to
Future of vanilla lavour mutate multiple genes in plant genome as well as
Recent discovery of VpVAN (vanillin synthase) gene that introduce multiple genes through homologous
is essential to carry out the signature step of converting re c o m b i n a t i o n . S i m i l a r a p p ro a c h i s a l re a dy
ferulic acid into vanillin has enabled researchers to reported on tomatoes, where CRISPR based editing
synthesize vanillin in other plants as well. A report on has enable the researchers to enhanced lavour,
vanillin producing bioengineered Capsicum (Capsicum aroma as well as the sugar content. This concept can
frutescence) cells with VpVAN gene has highlighted the be translated in V. planifolia vines using CRISPR
signi icance of this gene. Ferulic acid is a precursor for mediated editing and which can revolutionize the
vanillin and is synthesised via phenylpropanoid vanilla industry.

EDEN HORTI | 24 Vol-2/Issue-3/May-June2019/Karnal

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