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The covid-19 pandemic this 2020 has brought extra ordinary challenges and has
affected the educations, sections, and government has known when it will end. Every country
has a problem these presently implementing plans, roles, and procedures on how to contain
the virus, and the infections are still continually rising. In the educational context to sustain
and provide quality education despite lockdown and community quarantine. The new normal
should be taken into consideration in the planning and implementation all around the
Philippines. ‘New Normal Educational Policy’ even discipline in the Philippines and around
the world. The present opportunity has responded to issues, problems, and trends in the
country. These currently arise in the future due to the pandemic through the lens of
educations in the Philippines. The new normal education around the Philippines and another
country around even these calamities, during typhoons and global pandemic crisis.

One of the most important is attained education, but if all people have not to do the
studies these are challenges to both the teacher and students was nothing can be learned and
the value of learning is low for almost eight pandemic months, around the world, many
educational institutions were temporarily close cause of the pandemic. To control the spreads
of the covid-19 pandemic and reduce infection ( UNESCO 2020) that caused by affected in
the closure was more than 1.2 billion learners worldwide and approximately 28 billion
learners in the Philippines. It, responses in the community lockdown quarantine which can
lead to the delivery of online learning platforms for the student and teachers to study and
work from home.

Educational readers decided to adopt the new normal in education. The Department of
Education. (DEPED) will be implementing the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP), which will
be in affect Academic Year 2020-2021, and classes will be open on October 5, 2020. Instead
of June 2020 (Deped,2020) in the Philippines, there are increasing cases that lead to apply
and adopt new normal education in blended. Learning like Online Distance Learning (ODL)
and Modular Distance Learning (MDL). To make sure that all of the teachers to their student
can educate themselves from homeschooling. It will be adjustable in new normal, be

strengthening educational planning and by the concern about in health to provide quality,
inclusive, and accessible education for every student to engage in the new normal education
in our country. To learn hoe to do to ensure that even at home, the students learned.
Educational Institution will be benefit because there is a teacher, and also there are students
who are locking for a better future even pandemic. Last years’ enrollment figures are to be a
basis, The Philippines Education System will be expecting around 27 billion students to
enroll in the basic education system in coming school year with the early closure of the
school year in march. The enhanced community quarantine in affect, and the still unclear
future that the covid-19 pandemic will be bring, The Department of Education (DEPED) and
our millions of learners are facing enormous challenges.

‘Implemented the new normal educational policy present opportunities for responding to
issues, problems, a amid covid-19 pandemic through education in the Philippines THE NEW


This study will seek to answer the problem in the New Normal Education implementation
in Batan National High School (BNHS), specifically the objectives for the mention aim are
the following:

Specifically, it sought to answer the:

1.What are the problems encountered during the implementation of new normal education as
perceived by the students?

2.What are the advantages of new normal education for teachers and students?

3.What are the disadvantages of new normal education for teachers and students?


The ultimate purpose of this research study to know the perception regard the advantages
and disadvantages of having a new normal education in Batan National High School (BNHS).
This study includes the different types of instruction for student acquiring knowledge
intervention of implementing new normal education learning for their study. This rent search

uses an informal survey that the maximum respondent are thirty (30) only and they currently
studying in Batan National High School (BNHS)


The result of the research will be Help the School Admin, helping the learners to
improving the skills and intelligent of learners by using even if facing the covid-19 pandemic.
This study will help teachers to improve the programmed by improving new development
skill new acted of comprehension, and strategy skills.

To help the learners developed the skills like, read comprehension, development,
operational, vision and mission. Also help the learners know the way of solving the problems
by using modular and online class that submit the task activities before the deadline and
parents to be more knowledgeable because of choosing the alternative way if modular or
online class at the time.

The researchers hope to raise awareness and consciousness about the issue for them to
understand and perceived that the normal education is the one of the challenges faced by our
country today. This research will also provide a new direction for further studies that can be
explored related to the research topic.


This study would help the students to know the types of instructions has the new
normal education learning for their knowledge or perceptions for a situation or awareness.


This study would also help the teacher to give an awareness campaign or information
dissemination regarding to instructions of new normal education learning and how it can
affect on the students learning performance and study habits.


The study would serve as an eye opener for them, give an advice and education their
children, showing support and guide, to pursued their child to study hard for the sake of their


This study could be a springboard for them who wish to have a study which have the
same bearing on their research and can be a source of related studies.


The data gathered through this research would help them understand the real scenario
that the new normal education learning has a serious affect on the study of students.



A style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media. As well as
traditional face learning.


Is a disease by a new strain of corona virus.CO’ stand for corona VI for virus and D for


Emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from a given area’


Relating to, or based on a module or a modulus.


A unit, chapter, topic, or segment of instruction.


A state to which an economy, society etc. Settles following a crisis, when the differs from
the situation that prevailed prior to the start of the crisis.


A course conducted over the Internet.


Is a worldwide spread of a new disease


The situation of being kept. Away from others to prevent a disease from spreading.



This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generation or conclusion,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter in familiarizing that that
are relevant and similar to the present study.

The governments facilitate lockdowns will begin to see school adopting the blended
learning approach. Those who are to move to online learning distance during the COVID 19
crisis will start to realize the full benefits of virtual education as teacher and students return to
their physical classroom. The understanding and through blending of the face to face class by
January 2020 methods can draw the best of both worlds and create the best teaching and
learning experience.

Some schools will also start combining blended learning with a flipped- classroom
approach. In a flipped classroom. The typical classroom lectured and homework elements at
home, the students watch short videos lectures and other asynchronous content, while
activities traditionally assigned as homework now done in class with the teacher answering
student questions and helping them to apply course concepts during class time.


Marian Joy Ceniza (2020) New Normal is often heard nowadays as result of the
pandemic that is going on now. There is a lot of ‘new normal’ that took place in every daily
routine, on jobs, on every government process and in education. Moreover ‘new normal’
breaks the norms that people have live by. In the daily human routine ‘new normal’ means to
ware facemask every people go out. In government, everything most first be done through
online. But how about the Philippines.

Education System? What does ‘new normal’ looks in education? For years,
Philippines Education System has been traditional but gradually changing to cater the
demands of the new generation. As a matter of fact before this ‘new normal’ came to light,
teachers and learners are already using the internet computer and other technologies in
education. But the difference lies between having a face to face class and now in ‘new
normal’ classes are done virtually. Department of Education introduced 3 modalities of how

learning shall be delivered in ‘new normal’. These are distance learning, blended learning,
and home schooling respectively.

The first modality is the distance learning which itself has also 3 forms. First is the
Modular Distance Learning where modules will be given to the learners and will be collected
every end of the week by the teacher. In this modality parents must a drop box or called as
learning package ware the teacher can place the modules and in return the parents will also
place the activities done by the learners. Second form is the Online Distance Learning,
learners who opt to choose this modality must have internet connection. In this modality the
teacher and learner will meet virtually and do their activities Synchronous or Asynchronous.
Third is the television radio-based instruction. This kind of modality is flitted to the learners
who are committed to learn on their own.

Second modality is the blended learning. This common tagged as ‘hybrid learning’
since this is affected at helping a diverse student body. This modality is the combination of
anything that is mentioned above. It may or may not requires internet connection and parents
shall also pick up the learning modules in the school.

Third and lastly is the home school modality. This kind of modality is effective if the
learner has an available tutor or parents who is qualified and always available to facilitate the
learning of the child. This is a great’s challenges ahead of this ‘new normal’. There’s a lot to
adjust and to embrace. But one thing is for sure, these modalities is learning presented can
continually deliver quality education to our learners. As what DepEd secretary Leonor
Magtolis Briones has said

‘Learning will continue. COVID or NO COVID.

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