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What is printed learning material?

Print material – consists of all written material, excluding non-

print resources, which convey planned course information. Examples of print resources include,
but are not limited to: textbooks, workbooks, reference books, newspapers, journals and

What is the importance of printed materials in teaching?

Advantages of Print

It is extremely portable, cost effective, readily available, and comfortable to use.

Students don't need special equipment to use it, and with adequate light, print materials
can be used anywhere at anytime. Students can review the materials at their own

Audio Visual Materials (AVMs) are those things can be understood by observing visual
aspect of anything's. According to The Librarian Glossary (1987) “AVMs as non-book
materials like tapes, slides, films which are renewed and recent to rather then read as books.”

The goal of audio-visual aids is to enhance teacher's ability to present the lesson in simple,
effective and easy to understand for the students. Audiovisual materials make learning more
permanent since students use more than one sense. ... The visual instruction makes abstract
ideas more concrete to the learners.

What are the importance of audio visual materials?

Audio visual aids are important in education system. Audio visual aids are those
devices which are used in classrooms to encourage teaching learning process and
make it easier and interesting. Audio -visual aids are the best tool for making teaching
effective and the best dissemination of knowledge .

What are the examples of audio visual materials?

Audiovisual materials, such as videotapes, DVDs, audio tapes, audio CDs and
microforms, can be difficult to identify and access. Unlike books and journals, which
are covered by regular bibliographic tools, audiovisual materials are not systematically

What are audio materials?

Definition of Audio Materials. Materials on which sounds (only) are stored
(recorded) and can be reproduced (played back) mechanically, electronically, or both.
These materials include audiocassettes, audio cartridges, audio discs, audio reels,
talking books, and other sound recordings.
What are the examples of audio materials?
Audiovisual materials, such as videotapes, DVDs, audio tapes, audio CDs and
microforms, can be difficult to identify and access. Unlike books and journals, which
are covered by regular bibliographic tools, audiovisual materials are not systematically

Visual aids are those instructional devices which are used in the classroom to encourage
learning and make it easier and motivating. The material like models, charts, film strip,
projectors, radio, television, maps etc called instructional aids.

What are multimedia tools in education?

Multimedia simply means using a combination of different content forms in an integrated
way. This can be text, audio, graphics, animation, video, virtual and augmented
reality, interactions, etc.

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