Assignment KD 3.9 (2nd Task)

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NO : 08
DATE : Friday, May 8, 2020


A. Complete the following English proverbs.
1. Haste makes …. (waste)
2. A …(leopard) can’t change its spot.
3. Ignorance is …. (bliss)
4. A bird in the hand is … (worth) two in the brush.
5. … (Honesty) is the best policy.

B. Match the proverbs (column A) and their meaning (column B)

No. A (Proverbs) B (Meaning)
1. Every cloud has a silver lining. d.There’s always something good in bad
2. Out of the frying pan into the fire. b.From one problem to another.
3. A stitch in time saves nine. a.Act early and you can save a lot of time.
4. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. c.You have to try or you won’t get anything.

C. Read the following proverbs and analyze the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia.
1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
 Ketika orang yang kita cintai tidak sedang bersama kita maka kita akan
merasakan cinta yang lebih dalam daripada saat sedang bersama.
2. All good things must come to an end.
 Semua hal yang ada dunia pasti akan berakhir, tidak peduli hal baik maupun hal
3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
 Tidak semua orang memiliki pemikiran yang sama tentang cantik atau cantik itu
4. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
 Jangan melihat sesuatu hanya dari luarnya saja. Belum tentu yang di luar terlihat
baik, tetapi di dalam nya terdapat kejelekan.
5. Practice makes perfect.
 Banyak-banyaklah untuk berlatih sebab dengan seringnya kamu berlatih sesuatu,
maka sesuatu itu akan menjadi sempurna.

6. United we stand, divided we fall.

 Bersatu dapat membuat kita bisa menghadapi berbagai masalah, tetapi jika
bercerai atau tidak bersatu dapat membuat kita runtuh

A. Match the riddles (column A) with the answers (column B)
No. A (Riddles) B (Answers)
1. Why is water like a horse? f.They both run
2. What is the first thing you do when you lie down in a bath e.Get wet
full of water?
3. You cannot study for this test. a.A blood test
4. It grows down. d.A beard
5. What doesn’t get any wetter, no matter how much rain falls c.Water
on it?
6. What kind of cup doesn’t hold water? b.Cupcake

B. Answer the following riddles.

1. I will always follow you whenever and wherever you go. Who am I?
 A shadow
2. The bigger it is, the less heavy it becomes.
 Baloon
3. They have tongues, but they can’t talk with you. They have no legs, but they walk
with you. What are they?
 Shoe
4. My favourite is a hot summer’s day. When you take a break, I go on display. Just
don’t look close at my dark ugly spots. If you wait too long, I might start to rot. Have
a try! Who am i?
 A tree

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