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NPM : 21520002


he famous person that I want to tell is
Basuki Abdullah. Basuki Abdullah was born
in Surakarta,Central Java. Basuki Abdullah
was born on January 25th 1915. His father is an artist and
dancer. Basuki abdullah’s father is a Moii Indie character.
It’s one of some paiting genre the beauty of natural

Basuki abdullah lived in Solo when he was a child.

HIS Katolik and MULO Katolik Solo,they’re where Basuki’s
school used to be. ( Basuki Abdullah)

In 1933 he got a fine arts scholarship in Den Haag, Netherlands. Then he completed
his studies in 3 years by winning the Royal International Certificate of Art (RIA). During the
Japanese Goverments,Basuki joined the Poetra Movement or People’s Power Center. In
Poetra Movement he teaches painting. He married 4 times, his wives were Yoshepin, Maya
Michel, Somwang Noi, Nataya Nareerat. He had 2 daughters, one from his first and one
from his fourth wives. Part of Basuki’s life was spent abroad in Thailand and since 1974 he
has lived in Jakarta.

Basuki lived abroad and in different place. He felt very touched because he could
make Indonesia proud with his artistic achievements at Indonesia and abroad.

Basuki Abdullah well known in world of arts. He liked art especially in painting
because his father was a painter and he inherited his father’s talent. During his life,Basuki
struggled to improve the dignity of the Indonesian nation in the International world. He
helped by Pastor Koch SJ, so that he received a scholarship to study at the Fine Arts
Academy. The most exciting times in Basuki ‘s life is when managed to beat 87 European
painter then to be a winner,and when he was appointed president to became palace
painter. He traveled about 22 countries and some of them were for the exhibitions.

Basuki Abdullah spent the rest of his life in Cilandak,South Jakarta. He lived with his
wife,and he became a palace painter. Basuki Abdullah he also good at dancing and often
perform in Wayang Orang dances as Rahwana or Hanoman. He died on November 5 th 1993.
He died in Cilandak, South Jakarta. He buried in Mlati Village,Sleman,Yogyakarta. He had
known as a maestro and a realist painter.

I feel so proud with Basuki Abdullah because he is a legend in the history of painters
in Indonesia and well known in the International world as a maestro. Because he really well
know as a realism painter in Indonesia and International world. I feel very proud because he
got a scholarship in Fine Arts Academy at Netherlands. On the other hand, I proud because
he struggled to improved the dignity of the Indonesian.

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