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The Missing Page Project Rubric

CRITERIA: 0 4 6 8 10
Invention and Images There are no images, or Only 1 image is included. 1 or 2 images are 2 or 3 images are The 3 images are detailed
(10 points) the images are not included; however, they included; however, they and exact. They display 3
relevant to the may display the same may display the same different angles of the
assignment or invention angle or are insufficient. angle or are insufficient. invention.
listed. No directions were
Written Description There is no written A physical description and Both a physical Both a physical A physical description and
(10 points) description included. No explanation of how the description and description and explanation of how the
directions were followed. invention works may or explanation of how the explanation of how the invention works are
may not be included or invention works are invention works are included with specific and
relevant. included but may not be included. relevant details.
Sales Pitch There is no sales pitch The pitch includes at least The pitch includes at least The pitch includes the The pitch is creative and
(10 points) included, or information one of the qualifications; two of the qualifications; purpose of the invention, detailed and includes the
is completely irrelevant. the purpose of the the purpose of the how the invention would purpose of the invention,
No directions were invention, how the invention, how the improve people’s daily how the invention would
followed. invention would improve invention would improve lives, and its connections improve people’s daily
people’s daily lives, or its people’s daily lives, or its to the Renaissance. lives, and its connections
connections to the connections to the to the Renaissance.
Renaissance. Renaissance.
Mechanics URLs provided but Citations provided, but Citations provided in
(10 points) sources are not cited. not in proper format. correct format.
Multiple spelling and
grammatical errors that Multiple spelling and Few if any grammatical
take away from meaning grammatical errors. errors.
of project.
TOTAL: 0/40 16/40 24/40 32/40 40/40
(40 points) (0%) (40%) (60%) (80%) (100%)

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