12th Chemistry Practice Sheet Unit 14: BIOMOLECULES

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12th; Chemistry Practice Sheet Unit 14: BIOMOLECULES

PART – A (MCQ based)

Q1. Which of the following is a pentose sugar.

a) Glucose b) Fructose c) Ribose d) Galactose

Q2. Hydrolysis of sucrose is called.
a) Esterification b) Saponification c) Inversion d) Hydration
Q3. Cyno cobalamine is the chemical name of –
a) Vitamin B1 b) Vitamin B2 c) Vitamin B d) Vitamin B12
Q4. Which of the following polymer is stored in liver of animals?
a) Amylose b) Cellulose c) Amylopectin d) Glycogen
Q5. Proteins are found to have two different types of secondary structure viz. α – helix and β – pleated
sheet , α – helix structure of protein is majorly stablised by.
a) Peptide bonds b) Vander waals forces c) Hydrogen bonds d) Dipole – dipole interaction
Q6. Which of the following acids is a Vitamin.
a) Aspartic acid b) Ascorbic acid c) Adipic acid d) Saccharic acid
Q7. Nucleic acids are the polymers of-
a) Nucleosides b) Nucleotide c) Bases d) Sugar
Q8. DNA and RNA has four bases each. Which of the following base is not present in RNA?
a) Adenine b) Uracil c) Thymine d) Cytosine
Q10. Sucrose (Cane Sugar) is a disaccharide. One molecule of sucrose on hydrolysis gives.
a) 2 molecules of glucose b) 2 molecules glucose + 1 molecule of fructose
c) 1 molecule of glucose + 1 molecule of fructose d) 2 molecules of fructose
Q11. Dinucleotide is a obtained by joining two nucleotide together by phosphodiester linkage between
which carbon atoms of pentose sugar of nucleotides ?
a) 5’ and 3’ b) 1’ and 5’ c) 5’ and 5’ d) 1’ and 3’
Q12. Which of the following statement is not true about glucose?
a) It is an aldose b) On heating with HI it forms n – hexane.
c) It is present in furanose form d) It does not give 2-4 DNP test.
Q13. The disaccharide present in milk?
a) Sucrose b) Maltose c) Lactose d) Cellulose
Q14. The pH value of the solution in which a particular amino acid does not migrate under the influence
of electric field is called its-
a) Eutectic point b) Neutralisation point c) Isoelectric point d) Effusion point
Q15. α – helical structure refers to the –
a) Primary structure of protein b) Secondary structure of protein c) Tertiary structure of protein
d) Quaternary structure of protein
Q16. The end point of protein digestion is –
a) Peptides b) Peptones c) Proteones d) α – Amino acids
Q17. Continuous bleeding from an injured part of body is due to deficiency of-
a) Vitamin – A b) Vitamin –E c) Vitamin – B d) Vitamin – K
Q18 A nucleoside is
a) Base + sugar b) Base + phosphate c) Sugar + phosphate d) Base+ sugar+ phosphate
Q19. Which of the following is not a reducing sugar.
a) Sucrose b) Galactose c) Glucose d) Lactose
Q20. The similarity between DNA and RNA is that both-

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12th; Chemistry Practice Sheet Unit 14: BIOMOLECULES

a) Are polymers of nucleotides b) Are always double stranded c) Have similar kind of sugar d) Have
similar type of pyrimidine base
Q21. Which pairing is found in DNA-
a) Adenine with thymine b) Thymine with guanine c) Guanine with adenine d) Uracil with adenine
Q22. Those amino acids which cannot ne synthesised by animal bodies are called-
a) Non-essential b) Essential c) Energy yielding d) Active
Q23. Riboflavin deficiency causes:
a) Scurvy b) Pellagra c) Beri-Beri d) Cheilosis
Q24. Peptide bonds are key feature of
a) Polysaccharide b) Proteins c) Nucleotide d) Vitamins
Q25. In DNA ,guanine pairs with-
a) Cytosine b) Thymine c) Adenine d) Uracil
Q26. Which does not show mutarotation
(a) Sucrose (b) Maltose (c) Glucose (d) Fructose
Q27. Artificial silk is
(a) Polyamides (b) Polyesters (c) Polyacids (d) Polysaccharides
Q28.Which of the following is a protein
(a) Pepsin (b) Adrenaline (c) ATP (d) Glutamin
Q29. Glucose reacts with methyl alcohol to give
(a) ALPHA methyl glucoside (b) BETA methyl glucoside (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Q30.Which of the following is not an amino acid
(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Histidine (d) Benzidine
In both DNA and RNA, heterocyclic base and phosphate ester linkages are at [AIEEE 2005]
(a) 5 C and 2 C respectively of the sugar molecule(b) 2 C and 5 C respectively of the sugar molecule
(c) 1 C and 5 C respectively of the sugar molecule(d) 5 C and 1 C respectively of the sugar molecule
Q31.An example of a sulphur containing amino acid is
(a) Lysine (b) Serine (c) Cysteine (d) Tyrosine
Q32. Which of the following is not present in a nucleotide
(a) Cytosine (b) Guanine (c) Adenine (d) Tyrosine
Q33. Glucose gives many reactions of aldehyde, because
(a) It is hydrolysed to acetaldehyde (b) It is a polyhydroxy ketone (c) It is a cyclic aldehyde
(d) It is a hemiacetal in equilibrium with its aldehyde form in solution
Q34. Glucose in blood can be quantitatively determined with
(a) Tollen's reagent (b) Benedict's solution (c) Alkaline iodine solution (d) Bromine water

PART – B (FIB based)

Q1. Carbohydrates which cannot be further hydrolysed into simpler carbohydrates___________.

Q2. Deficiency of vitamin ________________ causes pernicious anaemia.
Q3. The hormone that helps in the conversion of glucose to glycogen is _____________
Q4. In structure of amylopectin α-D- glucose units form branching by ___________ linkage.
Q5. Sucrose is invert sugar which on hydrolysis gives α-D glucose and _______________.
Q6. Vitamin C is ____________in water, so cannot store in body.
Q7. The pH at which amino acid behave as neutral molecule is called_______________
Q8. During Denaturation of proteins____________ type of structure of proteins remains intact.
Q9. Stablisation of secondary structure of proteins is due to _____________ bonds.
Q10. In the structure of lactose β-D- galactose and β-D- glucose are linked by ____________ carbon atoms.
Q11. A person is suffering from delaying in blood clotting time probably vitamin _________ is deficient.
Q12 Amino acids are amphoteric in behaviour due to the formation of ____________ ion.

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12th; Chemistry Practice Sheet Unit 14: BIOMOLECULES

Q13. Glucose on prolonged heating with _____________ indicates that all six carbon atoms are linked in a
straight chain.
Q14. Boiled egg has change in colour and consistency due to ____________of protiens.
Q15. Vitamin C if exposed for long undergoes ___________due to which stored tomatoes are not
considered good.
Q16. Vitamin B12 is complex molecule in which central metal is ___________
Q17. Stability of double helix structure is due to ______________ bond.
Q18. Absence of aldehyde group in D- glucose pentaacetate can be tested by____________
Q19. The polysaccharide which is stored in the liver of animals is ___________.
Q20. A_________ ion on testing with blue and red litmus paper does not give any colour change.
Q21. If one strand of a DNA has the sequence ATGCTTCA , sequence of the base in complementary
strand is ____________
22. DNA contains four nitrogenous bases among them _________is absent in RNA.
Q.23. In peptide bond – NH2 group of one amino acid reacts with ___________functional group of another
amino acid and release water molecule.
Q24. Deficiency of vitamin ____________causes xerophthalmia .
Q25. In structure of β-D-deoxyribose sugar one oxygen atom is less as compared to β-D-ribose sugar at
carbon number______
PART – C (T/F based)

Q1. “ Vitamin D can be stored in our body”.

Q2. All naturally occurring amino acid have L- configuration.
Q3. “ Oligosaccharides are those carbohydrates which on hydrolysis gives more than ten monosaccharide units
Q4. Despite having the aldehyde groups glucose does not give Schiff’s test.
Q5. “Glucose is found to exist in two different crystalline form which are α & β.
Q6. “Pyran is hetrocyclic compound which contain three carbon and one oxygen atom”.
Q7. “Both the monosaccharide units of sucrose are individually optically inactive “.
Q8. “Amylopectin is major component of starch”.
Q9. “Glycogen is stored food in plants
Q10. “Uracil is base present in RNA but not in DNA”.
Q11. “Adrenaline is the hormone that helps in the conversion of glucose to glycogen”.
Q12. “Function of protein haemoglobin is to maintain blood sugar level “.
Q13. “ Vitamin K is synthesized in our body by Sun rays”.
Q14. “Deficiency of Vitamin E causes weakening of muscles.
Q15. “Hormones is the name associated with the chemical substances produced in endocrine ductless gland”?
Q16. “Deammination is the destruction of biological nature and activity of protein by heat or chemical agents”.
Q17. “Glucose and Fructose are anomers of each other”.
Q18. “Glucose gives positive silver mirror test”.
Q19. “Glucose give positive 2,4 – DNP test”.
Q20. “Acetophenone and hexanal both give positive Tollen’s reagent test”.
Q21. “All monosaccharide oxidise Tollen’s reagent”.
Q22. “Cell wall of plants is made up of cellulose”.
Q23. “D-glucose is ketohexose”.
Q24. “Fructose gives negative silver mirror test”.
Q25.”Carbohydrates do not give Biuret test”.

PART – D (CBQ based)

I. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Biomolecules are complex molecules which build up living organisms and required for their growth, maintenance and
ability to

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12th; Chemistry Practice Sheet Unit 14: BIOMOLECULES

reproduce. Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones which are major sources of energy. Monosachharides
simple sugars which cannot be hydrolysed. Oligosachharide, on hydrolysis give 2 to 10 molecules of monosachharides.
Polysachharides like starch and cellulose on hydrolysis give large number of molecules of glucose a-glucose and b-glucose
(Anomers). Proteins are complex nitrogeneous polymers of amino acids connected through peptide bonds. The sequence in
which amino acids are linked is called Primary structure. Secondary structures are of 2 types a-helix in globular proteins
b-pleated structure in fibrous proteins involving H-bonds. Tertiary structure has H-bonds, disulphide linkage, ionic
and van der Waals’ forces. Insulin is hormone for metabolism of glucose, has quarternary structure. Denaturation of
destroys secondary and tertiary structure, loss of biological activity but primary structure remaining the same.
Enzymes are highly specific, work at specific pH, moderate temperature and catalyse biochemical reactions. Hormones
perform specific functions and secreated by endocrine glands. Vitamins are essential for healthy body. A, D, E, K are fat
soluble vitamins. Vitamin C and B1, B2, B6 are water soluble. B12 is neither water, nor fat soluble. Nucleic acids are
polymer of nucleotides. RNA consist of m-RNA, t-RNA, r-RNA. RNA has Adenine, Cytosine, Uracil and Guanine. It helps
in protein synthesis. It cannot replicate. DNA contains deoxyribose, A, C, G and Thymine. It transfers genetic
characteristics. DNA has double helix structure and undergoes replication.

(a) Name a disachharide which on hydrolysis give glucose and galactose.

(b) What tyhpe of protein is albumin?
(c) Name one non-reducing sugar
(d) Which one is complementary base of cytosine in one strand of DNA to that in other strand of DNA?
(e) Which linkage by which nucleotide are joined together between 5′ and 3′ atoms of pentose sugar?
(f) Which vitamin helps in coagulation of blood?
(g) Which enzyme can dissolve blood clots to prevent heart attack?

II. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Living system are made up of complex molecules called Biomolecules. Carbohydrate, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids,
lipids, hormones ATP, DNA and RNA play an important role in our daily life. Carbohydrates provide us energy. Protein
help in growth and maintenance of body. Nucleic acids, RNA helps in protein synthesis, DNA helps in transfer of genetic
characteristics. Fat are source of energy and protect our vital organs.

(a) Why are carbohydrates optically active?

(b) Name two acidic amino acids.
(c) Name a protein which has quarternary structure.
(d) What are products of hydrolysis of fats?
(e) What is role of glycerol in shaving creams?

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