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Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

Grand Canyon University: EAD-533

Shanaye Packineau-Williams

Dr. Joanie Hudson

November 11, 2021


Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

Part 1: Analyze the Case

I am an elementary school principal meeting with team lead Ms. Juarez, to discuss Ms.

Monroe, who is considered the outlier of the third grades DIBELS benchmark data.

I consider the responsibility of the team lead/department chair in assisting Ms. Monroe, who

is the outlier to be a mentor. “Teacher-leader roles do have a common purpose, however: to

enable teaching peers to improve and ultimately increase their students’ academic achievement”

(Public Impact, 2021). It is the team lead’s responsibility to help a teacher who is struggling get

up to par with the rest of the team by offering extra support and collaborate with her to ensure

that the teacher is up to par with the rest of the team. Beside the team lead/department chair the

stakeholders that should be included in the next steps conversation about how to help Ms.

Monroe make improvements in her teaching are the whole third grade team, administration,

instructional coaches, and the district curriculum coach for her grade level. “If schools are going

to build support for on-going success, they also need advocates for improved program outcomes

outside the immediate organization—constituents who understand the mission of the school, who

share the champions’ vision and passion for student success, and who have a personal stake in

the performance of the school and its students” (Engaging Stakeholders 2009). The process

should start with individual conversations to ensure that everyone is understanding the full

picture and getting information needed. After that they can meet in groups to help discuss

strategies and next steps. Some questions that should be considered when deciding about the next

steps in the group discussion are:


Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

 What current supports are in place to help assist Ms. Monroe in increasing her test

 Why do you believe that the participation for the grade level planning meeting is low?

 What strategies have been used to ensure participation from all teachers in the grade

When I am meeting with Ms. Monroe about her struggling, I would open up and first talk to

her and ask how she is doing and how things are going with her team. This would help me

understand if something is going on amongst the team or if something is going on in her personal

life that is holding her back. I would then ask why she is not participating with her team during

meetings, and if there are anything thing that I can helps support her with to ensure that she get

on track with the pacing guide. Talking with her and offering support shows that I care and am

there to support her through this difficult time.

Part 2: Identify the Larger Issues

In my district, our team meets 3 times a month for 2 hours, to ensure that there is

collaboration in our grade level during a 1:00 release on Mondays. Not all schools offer this, so

if there is not time embedded into the workday to do this, this might change the amount of time

expected for the team to collaborate. Additional information that I would need as part of my

decision-making process is the amount of teaching experience the teacher has, along with

anything that may be holding her back personally or professionally.

The potentially negative outcomes of doing nothing is that the teacher may leave the

profession, and the students are falling behind. I do not see any positive outcomes coming from

Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

not doing anything, because if we do nothing then it not only hurts the students, but the teacher

will not grow or overcome the struggle that she is going through with the pacing guide and low

DIBELS scores.

Part 3: Create an Action Plan

Moving forward the plan is to meet and plan with the 3rd grade team to not only support, but

to also add accountability. I would also make sure to be present in all data talks with the

instructional coach and team to make sure that there is follow up and reflection going on.

Through this process, I believe that it will help sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning,

and high expectations by modeling and living through the process with them. I would also have

professional development on backwards design, PLCs, and time management to support not only

the 3rd grade team, but all grade levels. I would also meet with Ms. Monroe bi-weekly to check in

on her and provide supports to see growth.

Some challenges that I anticipate through this process to begin with can be push back due to

the amount of stress or pressure that Ms. Monroe is encountering and with the team not wanting

to have to be meeting with me in their team planning time to ensure that they are proving support

for Ms. Monroe who is struggling. I will continue to provide ongoing support to the team

lead/department chair by giving resources, and meeting with her to come up with collaboration

strategies and an agenda during planning time. I will evaluate the results by meeting with the

team on participation and by looking at data to see growth not only on the DIBELS data, but also

by looking at the pacing guide.


Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

During this process, the timeline is not something that can be done in one week, or one

month. It would be gradual over time. The process would start immediately, and I would expect

to see growth by the end of each quarter.


Performance Evaluation and Action Plan


Public Impact, L. L. C. (2021). Opportunity culture overview. Opportunity Culture. Retrieved

November 18, 2021, from

US Department of , E. (2009). Engaging Stakeholders. Engaging Stakeholders . Retrieved

November 17, 2021, from 

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