Accessories For HV and EHV Extr - Pierre Argaut

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CIGRE Green Books

Study Committee B1: Insulated Cables

Accessories for
HV and EHV
Extruded Cables
Volume 1: Components
CIGRE Green Books

Series Editor
International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)
Paris, France
CIGRE presents their expertise in unique reference books on electrical power
networks. These books are of a self-contained handbook character covering the
entire knowledge of the subject within power engineering. The books are created
by CIGRE experts within their study committees and are recognized by the engi-
neering community as the top reference books in their fields.

More information about this series at

Pierre Argaut

Accessories for HV and

EHV Extruded Cables
Volume 1: Components

With 217 Figures and 111 Tables

Pierre Argaut
Héricy, France

ISSN 2367-2625 ISSN 2367-2633 (electronic)

ISBN 978-3-030-39465-3 ISBN 978-3-030-39466-0 (eBook)
ISBN 978-3-030-39467-7 (print and electronic bundle)
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
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Message from the President

CIGRE is the global expert community for electric power systems. It is a nonprofit
organization based in Paris. It consists of members from over 100 countries
representing 61 national committees. It functions as a virtual organization with
members who are experts in their technical field, forming working groups dealing
with issues facing the power delivery industry. In 2019, 230 working groups
including more than 3000 experts were working together to resolve the identified
issues. The output of the working groups is technical brochures. There are over 700
technical brochures, which contain the combined knowledge and practice of engi-
neering experts from all over the world. The brochures are practical in nature
enabling the engineer to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain the power
delivery systems as required. CIGRE has over 10,000 reference papers and other
documents supporting the brochures and dealing with other relevant technical
This Green Book on Accessories for HV and EHV Cable Systems, compiled by
Study Committee (SC) B1, “Insulated Cables” provides state of the art in the design
and application of Accessories in HV and EHV Cable Systems. The book comprises
material from published technical peer-reviewed publications and technical experts
in the field. CIGRE is a source of unbiased technical information. Engineers can
refer this book without fear of favoring one supplier or country. It is a compilation of
the combined expertise of many international experts.
Like other CIGRE Green Books this book contains input from several tens of
experts; not only one or two. These international experts have provided technical
information relevant to readers irrespective of where the readers reside. The views
expressed and suggestions made are unbiased objective statements. These can be
used as references for engineers to develop standards such as IEC Standards and
guidelines within their organizations. This book is a reference book for academia,
power transmission engineers, consultants, and users. For each of the chapters of this
book, a tutorial has been prepared by the members of the Working Group who
published the content of the chapter as a technical brochure or a report in Electra to
disseminate this unbiased information.
By collecting the knowledge and experience gained over time in the field of cable
accessories and systems, this book not only explains the know-how but also the
know why.

vi Message from the President

I would like to congratulate those involved from SC B1 who have compiled this
book. Many of them have had to work in their spare time for hours to complete this
task, for which they worked as volunteers. I specifically want to address on behalf of
Cigre all my thanks and gratitude to Pierre Argaut, Past Chair of Study Committee
B1 for leading this formidable task. I would recommend this book in forming the
basis for Underground Transmission System design activities now and in the future.

December 2020 Michel Augonnet

Michel Augonnet is a graduate electrical engineer from

Centrale Supelec (1973).
Forty-two years of his career was related to Alstom
Group in the field of power generation, transmission,
and distribution, with a focus on electrical systems,
control and instrumentation, project management, and
Michel is currently the president of SuperGrid Institute
(an electrical research and testing laboratory in Lyon,
France); a board member of AEG Power Systems,
Mastergrid SA; and an alternate board director for
ACTOM (PTY) South Africa.
Michel is president of CIGRE, and outgoing treasurer
and former president of the French NC.
Message from the Chairman of the Technical
Council of CIGRE

This Green Book on Accessories for HV and EHV cable systems aims at describing
the cumulated experience gained by CIGRE experts in the domain of accessories for
transmission underground systems.
It is well known that the reliability and performance of a cable circuit is dependent
in equal measures on the design of the cable and accessories and on the skill and
experience of the person who is assembling the accessory. The cable insulation is
manufactured in the factory under controlled process conditions using selected
materials of high quality. It is equally important that the same quality measures are
employed for the manufacture of the accessories in the factory and for their assembly
on site onto the specially prepared cable.
It is essential to select the design of accessory to be exactly compatible with the
particular cable type and the particular service application. Compatibility should be
validated by electrical type approval tests and be supported by prequalification tests,
and satisfactory service experience. In particular, the performance of the accessory is
dependent on the quality, skill, and training of the jointing personnel and on the use
of the specialized tools required for a particular accessory.
The chapters of this book form the basis of the information that is needed by the
manufacturer and installer of the cable and accessories. For many applications the
cable manufacturer also manufactures, supplies, and installs the accessories as part
of the complete cable circuit. In the event that the user purchases the accessories
separately from the cable, the Green Book will also provide the basis of the
information (including tests reports) that should be needed to obtain the appropriate
performance of the system, both in the case of a new underground line of “the Power
System of the Future” or in the upgrading process of an existing line “to make the
best use of the existing power system”.
This Green Book has been authored by leading industry, research, and academic
professionals, acting as members of Working Groups within Study Committee B1,
who published technical brochures and prepared tutorials, providing all stakeholders
with high quality and unbiased information.

viii Message from the Chairman of the Technical Council of CIGRE

I take the opportunity to acknowledge the editor, the chapters’ authors, and all the
numerous contributors in working bodies for this contribution from which the entire
global power systems will benefit. Also, I especially acknowledge the leading role of
Study Committee B1 – Marco Marelli on the realization of this Green Book.

Marcio Szechtman
CIGRE Technical Council Chair

Marcio Szechtman graduated and received his Ms. Sc.

degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of
Sao Paulo – Brazil, in 1971 and 1976, respectively.
He joined CIGRE in 1981 and became the Study Com-
mittee Chair of B4 (DC Systems and Power Electron-
ics) between 2002 and 2008. He received the CIGRE
Medal in 2014 and was elected as Technical Council
Chair in 2018.
Marcio has a long career in R&D Power Systems
Centers and since April 2019 was appointed as
Eletrobras Chief Transmission Officer.
Message from the Secretary General

In 2014, I had the pleasure to comment on the launching of a new CIGRE publica-
tion collection in an introductory message about the first CIGRE Green Book, the
one on Overhead Lines, the second one being on Accessories for HV Extruded
The idea to valorise the collective work of the study committees accumulated
over many decades, by putting together all the technical brochures of a given field in
a single book, was first proposed by Dr. Konstantin Papailiou to the Technical
Committee (now Council) in 2011.
In 2015, cooperation with Springer allowed CIGRE to publish the Green Book on
Overhead Lines again as a “Major Reference Work” distributed through the vast
network of this well-known international publisher. In 2016, the collection was
enriched with a new category of Green Books, the CIGRE “Compact Series,” to
satisfy the needs of the study committees when they want to publish shorter, concise
volumes. The first CIGRE compact Book was prepared by Study Committee D2,
under the title Utility Communication Networks and Services.
The concept of the CIGRE Green Books series has continued to evolve, with the
introduction of a third subcategory of the series, the “CIGRE Green Book Technical
Brochures” (GBTB). CIGRE has published more than 720 technical brochures since
1969, and it is interesting to note that in the first one, on tele-protection, the first
reference was a Springer publication of 1963.
A CIGRE Technical Brochure produced by a CIGRE working group, following
specific Terms of Reference, is published by the CIGRE Central Office and is
available from the CIGRE online library, e-cigre, one of the most comprehensive,
accessible databases of relevant technical literature on power engineering. Between
40 and 50 new technical brochures are published yearly, and these brochures are
announced in Electra, CIGRE’s bimonthly journal, and are available for down-
loading from e-cigre.
In the future, the Technical Council of CIGRE may decide to publish a technical
brochure as a Green Book in addition to the traditional CIGRE Technical Brochure.
The motivation of the Technical Council to make such a decision is to disseminate
the related information beyond the CIGRE community, through the Springer

x Message from the Secretary General

All CIGRE Green Books, are available from e-cigre in electronic format free of
charge for the co-authors of the Book. CIGRE plans to co-publish new Green Books
edited by the different study committees, and the series will grow progressively at a
pace of about one or two volumes per year.
This new Green Book, a Major Reference Work prepared by Study Committee
B1 on Insulated Cables, is an updated version of the Green Book published in 2014,
and is the seventh of this subcategory.
This new edition comprises two additional chapters related to the most recent
work of SC B1. A second volume of the book will address Accessories in submarine
and DC applications. Some chapters will also cover distribution cable systems.
It is important to know that each of the chapters of this book is the topic of a
dedicated Tutorial prepared by the members of the WG who published the content of
the chapter as a Technical Brochure or an Electra Report.
I want to congratulate all the authors, contributors, and reviewers of this book,
which gives the reader a clear, comprehensive, and unbiased vision of the past,
recent, and future developments of Accessories for HV and EHV Cable Systems.

Secretary General Philippe Adam

Philippe Adam was appointed secretary general of

CIGRE in March 2014. Graduate of the École Centrale
de Paris, he began his career in EDF in 1980 as a
research engineer in the field of HVDC and was
involved in the studies and tests of outstanding projects
like the Cross Channel 2000 MW link and the first
multiterminal DC link between Sardinia, Corsica, and
Italy. After this pioneering period, he managed the team
of engineers in charge of HVDC and FACTS studies of
the R&D division of EDF. In this period, his CIGRE
membership as a working group expert and then as a
working group convener in Study Committee 14 was a
genuine support to his professional activities. Then,
Philippe held several management positions in the
EDF Generation and Transmission division in the fields
of substation engineering, network planning, transmis-
sion asset management, and international consulting
until 2000. When RTE, the French TSO, was created
in 2000, he was appointed manager of the Financial and
Management Control Department, in order to install
this corporate function and the necessary tools. In
2004, Philippe contributed to the creation of RTE inter-
national activities first as project director and then
Message from the Secretary General xi

deputy head of the International Relations Department.

From 2011 to 2014, he has been the strategy director of
Infrastructures and Technologies of the Medgrid indus-
trial initiative. In the meantime, between 2002 and
2012, he served CIGRE as the technical committee
secretary and as the secretary and treasurer of the
French National Committee from 2009 to 2014.
Philippe was appointed secretary general of CIGRE in
March 2014.

Dear Reader,
This CIGRE Reference Book on Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables is
the first in a series of Reference Books regarding High and Extra High Voltages
Cable Systems.
This first volume of the Book provides information regarding Recommendations
and Guidelines from CIGRE for Design, Installation, and Testing of Accessories for
AC extruded cables. Accessories for HVDC extruded cables will be introduced in a
second volume together with accessories for submarine applications.
The Book compiles the results of the work by several Working Groups and Task
Forces of CIGRE Study Committee 21/B1 and Joint Working Groups and Joint Task
Forces with other Study Committees. Many experts from Study Committees 21/B1
(HV Cables), 15/D1 (Materials and Emerging Test Techniques) and 33/B3 (Sub-
stations) have participated in this work in the last 30 years in order to offer
comprehensive, continuous, and consistent outputs. I would like to express my
deepest thanks to these WG members who made all this possible.
This volume is divided into 11 chapters as follows:

▶ Chapter 1, “Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables”

is the output of WG 21.06, published as TB 177 in 2001 and convened by
Z. IWATA (Japan). This chapter is a compendium of accessory types made in
1995. Of course ▶ Chap. 1, “Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV
Extruded Cables”, which was written by WG 21.06 around 20 years ago, does not
describe some designs of accessories currently offered in the market. Since 2001
new designs of accessories (plug-in connectors, cold shrinkable premoulded
accessories) have been introduced in the market. Nevertheless, they are still of
the same type as the family of accessories inventoried in 2001. It is thus possible
to manage the extension of qualification of the “classical” designs towards the
newer innovative designs through the functional analysis described in ▶ Chap. 4,
“Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable
Systems” and since the basics of interfaces in accessories have been carefully
studied and explained in ▶ Chap. 3, “Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV
and EHV Cables”.

xiv Preface

▶ Chapter 2, “A Guide to the Selection of Accessories” contains further outputs of

WG 21.06, (published in TB 177) and proposes a Guide for the Selection of
Accessories. The goal was to establish and recommend good practice to obtain
the expected performance from accessories.
▶ Chapter 3, “Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables” is the
output of TF 21.15, published as TB 210 in 2002 and convened by H. GEENE
(Netherlands). This chapter deals with the many interface aspects both electrical
and mechanical between cables and joints/sealing ends.
▶ Chapter 4, “Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground
Cable Systems” is the output of WG B1.03, published as TB 303 in 2006 and
convened by J. BECKER (Belgium). This chapter deals with the Prequalification,
Type, Sample, and Routine Testing of Extruded Cables and Joints/Sealing Ends
in the range of 170 to 550 kV.
▶ Chapter 5, “Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables” is
the output of WG B1.22, published as TB 476 in 2011 and convened by
K. LEEBURN (South Africa). This chapter contains Guidelines with
recommended practices in Workmanship. As the continuous increase in voltage
levels also resulted in increase of electrical stresses at the interface of cables and
accessories, it was necessary to produce Guidelines with recommended practices
in Workmanship to ensure reliable installation of joints and sealing ends.
▶ Chapter 6, “Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accesso-
ries” is the output of WG B1.29, published as TB 560 in 2013 and convened by
E. BERGIN (Ireland). This chapter deals with how to maintain the Integrity of
Accessories for Extruded Cables and is one of the most important issues, both for
new and existing installations. It takes into account the recommendations for a
better workmanship as proposed in ▶ Chap. 5, “Cable Accessory Workmanship
on Extruded High Voltage Cables” and indicates new ways and procedures to
obtain higher reliability from joints and sealing ends.
▶ Chapter 7, “Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and
Power Cables above 52 kV” is the output of JWG B1.B3.33, published as TB
605 in 2014 and convened by P. MIREBEAU (France). This chapter is dedicated
to the design and testing of dry type/plug-in GIS terminations. In the conclusion
of this report, a new work is recommended to propose a standard design of a GIS
termination at voltages up to 145 kV.
▶ Chapter 8, “Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up
to 500 kV” is the output of WG B1.24, published as TB 415 in 2010 and
convened by M. MARELLI (Italy). This chapter gives recommendations for
testing AC transition joints. Transitioning from old Cable Technology (LPOF)
to New Cable Technology (Extruded) is one of the ways to prepare the Network
of the Future while making the Best Use of the Existing Equipment. For DC
systems this is also achieved by means of transition joints. A chapter in the second
volume of the book will deal with DC Transition joints.
▶ Chapter 9, “Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories” is the output of TF 21.10,
published in Electra 212 in 2004, and convened by R. SCHROTH (Germany) and
later on by H. GEENE (Netherlands) and is mainly of historical value. It is very
Preface xv

useful to help the reader to better understand how to match the thermal perfor-
mance of an accessory with the thermal performance of the cable. This has been
taken into account in the existing IEC Standards (IEC 60840 and 62067) and also
in Chap. ▶ 4, “Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Under-
ground Cable Systems”.
▶ Chapter 10, “Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors” deals with Cable
Connectors. It is the output of TB 758, published in 2019 by WG B1.46 and
convened by M. UZELAC (USA) to cover Test regimes for HV and EHV various
types of cable conductors, both in Copper or Aluminum.
▶ Chapter 11, “Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS
and Power Cables up to 145 kV” is the output of TB 784, published by JWG B1.
B3.49 in 2019 to propose a “Standard Design of a Common, Dry type, Plug-in
Interface for GIS and Power Cable up to 145 kV” as recommended in ▶ Chap. 7,
“Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power Cables
above 52 kV”. This JWG was convened by P. MIREBEAU (France) as JWG B1.

As immediate past Chairman of SC B1, as well as being a Member of several of

the Working Groups, I have reviewed these chapters. I can confirm that all of them
give unbiased information, which will be useful for those involved in new cable
systems’ projects or in upgrading old systems.
In this task of reviewing and with the help of the Conveners of the Working
Groups, I have been assisted by Mrs. LIU Ying (CN). I would like to express my
deepest thanks to all of them.
Among all these experts and co-authors, a special mention should be made to two
of them who are sadly missed by our community: Jean BECKER (▶ Chap. 4,
“Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable
Systems”) and Eugene BERGIN (▶ Chap. 6, “Guidelines for Maintaining the
Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories”). This book is dedicated to their memory.
We will never forget how good friends and colleagues they were for all of us.
Of course, this first volume of the Book will be updated, as soon as new relevant
official documents from B1 are available.

1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded

Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Zensuke Iwata
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories ..................... 59
Zensuke Iwata
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables . . . . . 81
Henk Geene
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded
Underground Cable Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Jean Becker
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage
Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Kieron Leeburn
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Eugene Bergin
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS
and Power Cables above 52 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Pierre Mirebeau
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages
30 kV up to 500 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Marco Marelli
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Henk Geene and Reinhard Schroth

xviii Contents

10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

Milan Uzelac

11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface

for GIS and Power Cables up to 145 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Pierre Mirebeau
About the Editor

Pierre Argaut was graduated as electrical engineer

from the “Institut d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble” in
1971. He joined Delle-Alsthom (HV Switchgear Manu-
facturer) in November 1971 and took several positions
before heading the R&D Department on GIS. After
being operation manager of South European Pipeline,
he joined SILEC in 1988 and retired at the end of 2010.
His last position with SILEC was senior vice president.
In Study Committee B1 (Insulated Cables), Pierre
has held position of working group member
(21.09;21.06;21.07;21.17), French SC member, work-
ing group convener (B1.19), special reporter (2010),
advisory group convener (Tutorial Advisory Group till
2010), and chairman of SC B1 from August 2010 to
August 2016. He received the Technical Committee
Award in 2000, the Distinguished Member Award in
2002, and the title of Honorary Member of CIGRE in


Jean Becker Charleroi, Belgium

Eugene Bergin Dublin, Ireland
Henk Geene Prysmian Group, Product Management HV Accessories, The Hague
Area, Netherlands
Zensuke Iwata Kamakura, Japan
Kieron Leeburn CBI Electric African Cables, Chief Engineer Process and Product
in HV, Vereeniging, South Africa
Marco Marelli Prysmian Group, System Engineering, Land and Submarine HV
and EHV AC/DC Power Cable Systems and Telecom Cable Systems, Milano, Italy
Pierre Mirebeau Villebon sur Yvette, France
Reinhard Schroth Berlin, Germany
Milan Uzelac G&W Electric Co, R&D, HV Cable Accessories, Bolingbrook, USA

Jean Becker: deceased.

Eugene Bergin: deceased.
Zensuke Iwata has retired.
Pierre Mirebeau has retired.
Reinhard Schroth has retired.
Compendium of Accessory Types Used
for AC HV Extruded Cables 1
Zensuke Iwata

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Types of Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Types of Straight Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.2 Types of Transition Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2.3 Types of Y Branch Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.3 Types of Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3.1 Types of Metal Enclosed GIS Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3.2 Types of “Oil Immersed Transformer” Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3.3 Types of Outdoor Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.3.4 Types of Indoor Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.3.5 Types of Temporary Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Appendix: Glossary of Component Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Glossary of Names for Components Used in Accessories for Extruded Cables . . . . . . . . . . . 34

1.1 Introduction

Chapter 1 categorises the types of accessory designs available for use on HV cables
with extruded insulation for ac transmission voltages of 60 kV (75.5 kV) and above.
The typical types of extruded cable insulation being low density polyethylene
(LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
and ethylene propylene rubber (EPR).

Zensuke Iwata has retired.

Z. Iwata (*)
Kamakura, Japan

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 1

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
2 Z. Iwata

The contents were compiled by Cigré Working Group 21-06, as part of a survey
into the world-wide usage of accessories up to the year 1992. The purpose of
Chapter 1 is twofold;

• To organise the designs into logical categories based upon their function and
principle of design and
• To provide a glossary of the names of their component parts.

The collection of accessory designs has been compiled from those known to have
been used in service applications or to have been developed in the first thirty year
period since the emergence of the extruded type of HV cable. It is important to note
that the inclusion of an accessory design does not imply that it has technical merit or
is preferred for any particular voltage category, nor does the exclusion of a design
imply any censure. Similarly the details of the designs shown are typical and it is
acknowledged that design variations exist of equal utility.
The Chapter 1 is divided into two parts:

Sections 1.2 to 1.3.5: “COMPENDIUM OF ACCESSORY TYPES”


The work has been published as Cigré TB 89 (also included in TB 177) in both
English and French versions, these being the dual languages of Cigré. It has been
additionally translated into the German language for reference. The dual language
versions of the Glossary, cross reference each other, for example, the English version
lists each component name together with its French counterpart.
Sections 1.2 to 1.3.5 is a compendium of the generic types of accessories. The
accessory designs are divided firstly into the main categories of joints and termina-
tions and secondly into sub-categories. For example Type, Fig 1.6, is a
“straight joint” of the “prefabricated” type, employing “composite” insulation. A
diagram is provided for each category of design, together with a description of the
accessory and its function. The preferred names of components have been used.
Appendix is a glossary in alphabetic order of the preferred names of the compo-
nent parts. Each preferred name is accompanied by a definition and a list of
alternative names. For completeness the list of each type of accessory name have
been included under the headings for “straight joint”, “transition joint”, “Y joint”,
“metal enclosed GIS termination”, “oil immersed transformer termination”, “out-
door termination”, “indoor termination” and “temporary termination”, together with
a cross reference by item number to the Compendium of Accessory Types in Sects. 1.2
to 1.3.5. For example under the heading of “outdoor termination” can be found the
“stress cone and insulator” type together with its Part I item number

1.2 Types of Joints

A joint is the insulated and fully protected connection between two or more cables.
Also termed “splice”. The following types exist:
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 3

• Straight Joint
• Transition Joint
• Screen Interruption Joint
• Y Branch Joint.

Each of the above joint designs is illustrated by a diagram to show the type of
insulation. For the purpose of clarity other important design details have been
omitted. The design requirements common to each type of joint are:

• A high current connection between conductors.

• A joint insulation which meets the same performance standard as the cable.
• A high current connection to permit the flow of short circuit current between the
two cable sheaths or screen wires.
• A metallic joint shell or screen wire connection electrically insulated from earth
potential to match the insulating integrity of the cable oversheath.
• A protection of the joint and cable insulation against the ingress of water.
• A protection against corrosion of the joint metal work.

In the HV voltage class of greater than 60 kV the majority of extruded cables are of
single core construction, thus straight joints of the single core type have been illustrated.
Three core joints employ the same types of insulation and are grouped together in one
housing as illustrated in Sect. 1.2.2 for transition joints to three core paper insulated cable.
Single core joints with screen interruption, Fig. 1.1, have:

• A gap in the insulation screen.

• An insulated flange in the joint shell.
• Bonding leads to permit the adjacent cable sheaths to be connected in the
configuration necessary for a specially bonded cable system.

Fig. 1.1 “Taped” straight joint with screen interruption

4 Z. Iwata

The insulated flange can be electrically shorted to make the joint suitable for a
solidly bonded cable system.
Joints without screen interruption have an electrically continuous insulation
screen and continuous joint shell; such joints are used for solidly bonded single
core and three core cable systems (Figs. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 are examples of taped
joints without screen interruption).
For the purpose of comparison the diagram for each type of joint shows the
insulation contained within a metallic joint shell which is plumbed to the cable
sheaths, as shown in Fig. 1.1. This provides a complete water barrier and a connec-
tion between the cable sheaths. For buried direct installations it is usual to protect
and to insulate the metallic shell within a compound filled joint box as shown in
Fig. 1.3. For indoor installations, such as tunnels, the joint shell can be insulated by
either a) a polymeric sleeve or wrapping, or b) by pedestal insulators as shown in
Fig. 1.4. For cables which do not have a metallic sheath an alternative design of joint
protection is shown in Fig. 1.5. The cable screen wires are connected across the joint
and the joint is protected within either a compound filled waterproof joint box as
shown, by a heat shrink sleeve or by a wrapping of elastomeric or adhesive tape.

Fig. 1.2 “Taped” straight joint without screen interruption

Fig. 1.3 Typical protection for a joint with metallic shells for direct burial
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 5

Fig. 1.4 Typical protection for a joint with metallic shells for indoor installations

Fig. 1.5 Typical protection for a joint without metallic shells for direct burial and for indoor

1.2.1 Types of Straight Joints

A straight joint connects two cables of the same type. Also termed “straight splice”.

• “Taped” Joint
• “Prefabricated” Joint
• “Field Moulded” Joint
• “Heat Shrink Sleeve” Joint
• “Back-to-back” Joint. “Taped” Joints

“Self Amalgamating Tape” Type

Elastomeric semi-conducting and insulating tapes are wound onto the cable to form the
conductor screen, the insulation, the stress control profile screens, the insulation screen
and the screen interruption insulation, Figs. 1.1 and 1.2. Stretching the tape during
application activates amalgamation between the layers of tape to form a solid mass.

“Adhesive Tape” Type

Semi-conducting and insulating tapes which have been pre-coated with an adhesive
layer are wound onto the cable as described for the “self amalgamating tape” type.
6 Z. Iwata “Prefabricated” Joints

Prefabricated straight joints employ insulation that has been preformed and tested in
the factory. The usual methods of manufacture are to mould elastomeric insulation
and to cast thermoset resin insulation.

“Composite” Type
Two factory premoulded elastomeric stress cones are inserted into a central insulator
of cast thermoset resin, Fig. 1.6. Pressure at the stress cone to central insulator
interface and at the cable core interface is maintained by a compression device which
is usually comprised of metallic springs.

“Premoulded One-Piece” Type

A single premoulded elastomeric sleeve forms the insulation as shown in Fig. 1.7, it
is complete with insulation, connector screen, stress control profile screens, insula-
tion screens and, where applicable, screen interruption. Interfacial pressure at the
sleeve to cable core interface is maintained by the elastic memory of the sleeve.

Fig. 1.6 “Prefabricated composite” joint

Fig. 1.7 “Premoulded one-piece” joint

1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 7

Fig. 1.8 “Premoulded two-piece” joint

Fig. 1.9 “Premoulded three-piece” joint

“Premoulded Two-Piece” Type

A two-piece joint, Fig. 1.8, is similar to the one-piece type, but the elastomeric
insulation is comprised of a large diameter premoulded sleeve which is stretched to
fit on top of a smaller diameter elastomeric adaptor moulding.

“Premoulded Three-Piece” Type

The three-piece joint, Fig. 1.9, has insulation comprised of a large diameter, cylin-
drical sleeve, elastomeric moulding which is stretched to fit onto two elastomeric
adaptor mouldings. “Field Moulded” Joints

Field moulded joints employ insulation that is melted, moulded and consolidated to
the prepared cable insulation in situ ie. “in the field”.
The following types of joints differ in the processes used to form the insulation, these
are summarised in Table 1.1. The completed joints all have a similar design as shown in
Fig. 1.10.
8 Z. Iwata

Table 1.1 The Typical Methods Used to Form the Insulation of Field Moulded Joints
Forming Process of Joint
Types of Joint Insulation Diagram
Tape moulded Taping ! Moulding
Crosslinked tape Taping ! Moulding !
moulded Crosslinking

Extrusion moulded Extrusion ! Moulding

Crosslinked Extrusion ! Moulding !

extrusion moulded Crosslinking

Injection moulded Pellets ! Injection

Crosslinked Pellets ! Injection !

injection moulded Crosslinking

Block moulded Premoulded block ! Moulding

Crosslinked block Premoulded block ! Moulding

moulded ! Crosslinking

“Tape Moulded” Type

The insulation is applied in the form of layers of elastomeric or polymeric tape. A
heated mould is fitted around the insulation. The insulation is softened and melted by
the heat. Pressure which is generated by the thermal expansion consolidates the
melted insulation both to itself and to the cable insulation. The connector screens and
insulation screens are usually applied separately to the insulating process.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 9

Fig. 1.10 “Field moulded” joint

“Crosslinked Tape Moulded” Type

As above, but with the addition of a prolonged heating process at elevated temper-
ature, which activates a chemical agent within the tapes to crosslink the insulation.
External pressure (hydraulic, pneumatic or mechanical) is applied to prevent the
formation of voids.

“Extrusion Moulded” Type

The prepared cable core is housed within a mould. An extruder containing a rotating
screw is used to heat and soften the insulating material before injection into the mould.
The insulation is allowed to cool under pressure to consolidate the insulation to the
prepared cable core.

“Crosslinked Extrusion Moulded” Type

As above, but with the addition of a prolonged heating process at elevated temperature
to activate the chemical agent within the insulation material after the insulation has been
formed around the cable. External pressure is applied to prevent the formation of voids.

“Injection Moulded” Type

As for the extrusion moulded type, but the insulating material is heated and melted in
a cylinder or pot, it is then injected into the mould, either mechanically by a piston,
or by the direct application of gas or liquid pressure.

“Crosslinked Injection Moulded” Type

As above, but with the addition of a prolonged heating process at elevated temperature
to activate the chemical agent within the insulation material after the insulation has been
formed around the cable. External pressure is applied to prevent the formation of voids.

“Block Moulded” Type

The insulation is premoulded in the form of two mouldings which are divided
longitudinally. These half mouldings are fitted to the prepared cable core and are
themselves encased in a heated mould tool to consolidate them to the cable.
10 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.11 “Heat shrink sleeve” joint

“Crosslinked Block Moulded” Type

As above, but with the addition of a prolonged heating process at elevated temperature
to activate the chemical agent within the insulation material once the insulation
material has been formed around the cable. External pressure is applied to prevent
the formation of voids. “Heat Shrink Sleeve” Joint

A crosslinked polyolefin sleeve is heated to above its crystalline melting point and is
expanded to a large diameter in a factory process. It is then allowed to cool and freeze at
the larger diameter. During assembly of the joint the sleeve is positioned over the
conductor connector and is again heated to above the crystalline melting point such that
the sleeve contracts to form an intimate fit with the cable. The insulation and screens
may be supplied as one integral sleeve or as several individual sleeves. Stress control
sleeves which are pre-loaded with either a resistive or high permittivity filler may also
be applied over the joint to control the stress distribution as shown in Fig. 1.11. “Back-to-Back” Joint

These joint designs are derived from certain types of cable terminations and as such
are part insulated with either a dielectric liquid or pressurised SF6 gas. Provision is
made in the design to withstand the effects of the thermal expansion of these fluid
insulants (see item 1.3).

“Back-to-Back” Joint with Two Insulators

The joint, as shown in Fig. 1.12, is comprised of either a) two metal enclosed GIS
terminations which are connected with a short length of SF6 gas insulated busbar
trunking, as described in item 1.3.1, or b) two oil immersed terminations which are
connected with a short length of liquid insulated busbar trunking, as described in
item 1.3.2. These joints can be single phase or three phase. For the latter type, three
termination insulators are mounted on a barrier plate. The insulators anchor the
conductors and segregate the SF6 gas or insulating liquid from each cable. Some
designs employ a mixture of SF6 and N2 gas.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 11

Fig. 1.12 “Back-to-Back” joint with two insulators

Fig. 1.13 (a) “Back-to-Back” joint with one insulator and fluid insulation. (b) “Back-to-Back”
joint with one insulator and solid insulation
12 Z. Iwata

“Back-to-Back” Joint with One Insulator

One half of the joint employs an insulator as described in item for the “back-
to-back” joint with two insulators. In the second half of the joint, Fig. 1.13a, the
cable termination is “open”, that is it is terminated as in a “directly immersed” GIS or
oil immersed transformer termination. Alternatively, as shown in Fig. 1.13b, the
second half of the joint can be insulated by solid insulation formed from tape or an
elastomeric sleeve. The single insulator anchors the conductors and centralises the
corona shield within the SF6 gas or liquid filled joint shell. It is necessary to seal the
“open” cable to prevent ingress of the SF6 gas or liquid into it.

“Back-to-Back” Joint Without Insulator

Both of the cable terminations are “open” as shown in Fig. 1.14, that is they are terminated
as in a “directly immersed” GIS or oil immersed transformer termination. It is necessary to
seal both of the “open” cables to prevent ingress of the SF6 gas or liquid into them.

1.2.2 Types of Transition Joints

A transition joint connects two cables of different types, for example a polymeric
extruded cable to a self-contained oil filled cable. Transition joints are sometimes
employed to connect cables of the same type, but with different conductor sizes. In
the latter application they are designed to withstand imbalanced conductor thermo-
mechanical force.
• “Polymeric extruded cable to mass impregnated cable” transition joint.
• “Polymeric extruded cable to oil filled paper cable” transition joint.
• “Polymeric extruded cable to gas pressurised paper cable” transition Joint.
▶ Chapter 8, “Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages
30 kV up to 500 kV” of this book is dedicated to tests procedures for HV
Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV to 500 kV.

Fig. 1.14 “Back-to-Back” joint without insulator

1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 13

Fig. 1.15 “Polymeric extruded cable to mass impregnated cable” transition joint

Fig. 1.16 “Polymeric extruded cable to oil or gas filled paper cable” transition joint, three core type “Polymeric Extruded Cable to Mass Impregnated Cable”

Transition Joint
The hydrocarbon compound impregnant in the paper cable is segregated from the
polymeric cable by a) a stop ferrule which contains a solid barrier and b) a barrier
tape or sleeve which is usually applied over the core of the paper cable to seal onto
the ferrule. The joint, as shown in Fig. 1.15, is then insulated with tape or sleeves in
the conventional manner.
Alternatively the two cables can be segregated using a solid central barrier as
described in “Polymeric Extruded Cable to Oil or Gas Filled Paper Cable”

Transition Joint, Three Core Type
The two cables are segregated by a solid central barrier comprised of three insulated
conducting rods in the form of bushings, Fig. 1.16. The barrier is usually premoulded
in thermoset resin and is designed to withstand the pressure in the oil or gas filled
cable. The joint insulation on the polymeric cable side may be formed of any of the
types described for the straight joint (i.e. taped, premoulded elastomeric sleeve, heat
14 Z. Iwata

shrink sleeve etc.). The joint on the paper cable side is usually insulated with either
impregnated plain or crepe paper tapes.
The solid barrier can also be formed, as shown in Figs. 1.12 and 1.13a, by either a)
two sets of three back-to-back GIS terminations, which are connected within a short
length of SF6 gas or oil insulated busbar trunking, or b) one set of three back-to-back
oil immersed terminations within a short length of oil insulated busbar trunking.
For the “oil immersed termination” design of joint, one set of insulators can be
omitted and the cable oil can be used to insulate both the busbar trunking and the
paper insulated cable, as shown in Fig. 1.13a (but with each paper cable termination
of the “open” unscreened type). “Polymeric Extruded Cable to Oil or Gas Filled Paper Cable”

Transition Joint, Single Core “Non-Fed” Type
The solid barrier contains one bushing, Fig. 1.17, of the type described for the three
core cable. With this design of joint it is not possible to feed the oil or gas directly
into the central conductor duct of the paper cable. The oil or gas is fed indirectly via
the annular gap between the cable core and the metallic sheath. “Polymeric Extruded Cable to Oil or Gas Filled Paper Cable”

Transition Joint, Single Core “Fed” Type
The joint in Fig. 1.18 employs a central barrier, usually of cast thermoset resin, which
closely resembles the stop joint employed to segregate pressure between two single
core oil filled cables. The barrier is cylindrical and contains an embedded metallic HV
electrode, which is bolted to the conductor connection to form the oil seal. Paper
insulation is hand applied onto the paper cable, often with the addition of a stress
cone cast in thermoset resin, such that a thin annular channel is formed to permit oil or
gas to be fed to the central conductor duct. The insulation on the polymeric cable side
can be in the form of the “prefabricated composite” design, as shown in Fig. 1.18, in
which an elastomeric stress cone is compressed by springs into the bore of the barrier, or
in the form of tape or premoulded elastomeric sleeves, as shown in Figs. 1.7 and 1.17.
Alternatively the “back-to-back” type of straight joint, Figs. 1.12, 1.13a, b, can be
used to permit gas or oil to be fed directly to the conductor central duct.

Fig. 1.17 “Polymeric extruded cable to oil or gas filled paper cable” transition joint, single core,
‘non-fed’ type
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 15

Fig. 1.18 “Polymeric extruded cable to oil or gas filled paper cable” transition joint, single core,
“fed” type

1.2.3 Types of Y Branch Joints

A Y branch joint joins together three cables. In principle any of the types of
insulation employed for the straight joint can be considered, however in practice
this is a specialised application in which the “prefabricated composite” design,
Fig. 1.19, has been the most frequently employed. The three conductor connectors
are plugged into an HV electrode. The HV electrode is embedded in a factory cast

Fig. 1.19 “Prefabricated composite” Y branch joint

16 Z. Iwata

thermoset resin barrier from which protrude three half joints of the “composite type”,
described in

1.3 Types of Terminations

A termination is the connection between a cable and other electrical equipment. Also
termed “pot-head”.

• Metal or Sealing End enclosed GIS termination

• Oil immersed transformer termination
• Outdoor termination
• Indoor termination
• Temporary termination.

Each of the above termination designs is illustrated by a diagram to show the type
of insulation. For the purpose of clarity other important design details have been
omitted. The design requirements common to each type of termination are:

• A high current connection from the cable conductor to an external busbar.

• Insulation to the same performance standard as the cable.
• Provision of support to the cable.
• Ability to withstand cable thermomechanical loads and external forces such as
wind, ice and busbar loading.
• A high current connection to permit the flow of short circuit current from the
cable metallic sheath or shield wires via a bonding lead to the system earth.
• A connection to the cable metallic sheath or earth wires which is electrically insulated
from earth potential to match the insulating integrity of the cable oversheath.
• Protection to the cable insulation and sheath against the ingress of atmospheric
water and the ingress of pressurised dielectric liquid or gas from adjacent meta-
lclad busbar trunking.

Some termination designs are filled with either a dielectric liquid or pressurised
SF6 gas to provide insulation. Provision is required in such designs to withstand the
effects of the thermal expansion of these insulants. The incompressible nature of a
dielectric liquid requires that an expansion volume be provided. The expansion
volume can be formed by an air or gas filled space, usually at the HV end of the
insulator, or by either a) an external header tank, b) an external pressurised feed tank,
or c) an internal flexible accumulator containing gas usually at the LV end of the
termination. In the case of an internal air volume these terminations are only suitable
for vertical installation or for max inclined angle or 30 . If they are to be installed
inclined, horizontally or inverted then it is usual to fill the termination completely
with insulating liquid and to provide either external compensation or an internal
flexible accumulator containing gas. An expansion volume is not necessary for
gaseous insulation because of its compressible nature, however the termination
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 17

must either be designed to withstand the increased pressure or an external gas

cylinder must be connected to limit the pressure to an acceptable level.

1.3.1 Types of Metal Enclosed GIS Terminations

This is a cable termination which connects to a busbar within metal trunking,

insulated with gas. The gas is usually pressurised SF6. The busbar is usually
connected to switchgear.
This type is also termed an “SF6 termination” or “metal enclosed pothead”

• “Stress cone and insulator” termination

• “Deflector and insulator” termination
• “Prefabricated composite dry type” termination
• “Capacitor cone and insulator” termination
• “Directly immersed” termination. “Stress Cone and Insulator” Metal Enclosed GIS Termination

A hand taped or premoulded one or two-piece moulded elastomeric stress cone or
moulded plastic stress cone, is fitted to the prepared cable core, as shown in
Fig. 1.20. The cable core can be wrapped with polymeric or paper rolls to a
predetermined diameter before the stress cone is fitted.
Alternatively the stress cone can be field moulded using one of the methods
described for the straight joint (item
The prepared cable is housed within an insulator, which is filled with either
insulating fluid or SF6 gas. The SF6 gas inside the insulator is usually at a signifi-
cantly lower pressure than the SF6 gas within the GIS busbar trunking. In some
designs either a passageway through the insulator or an external pipe is used to
permit the SF6 gas from the GIS to also provide the insulation for the cable
termination. It is necessary to seal the cable to prevent ingress of SF6 gas or
insulating fluid. In some designs employing a moulded elastomeric stress cone, the
stress cone is sealed to the insulator baseplate by a tube to segregate the dielectric
fluid or gas from the cable. Some designs employ a mixture of SF6 and N2 gas.
The insulator both centralises the conductor within the trunking and anchors it to
prevent longitudinal movement due to thermomechanical conductor force. The
insulator is usually formed from a cast thermoset resin. Porcelain is also employed. “Deflector and Insulator” Metal Enclosed GIS Termination

This is similar to that described in item, Fig. 1.20, but has the stress cone
replaced by a deflector cone, which is directly insulated by either the dielectric fluid
or the SF6 gas contained within the termination. Additional stress control can be
employed in the form of a high permittivity layer applied over the cable insulation
adjacent to the insulation screen termination. A typical “deflector” cone is shown
within an outdoor termination in Fig. 1.29.
18 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.20 “Stress cone and insulator” metal enclosed GIS termination Prefabricated Composite “Dry” Metal Enclosed GIS Termination

A premoulded elastomeric stress cone is inserted into a cast thermoset insulator,
Fig. 1.21. Pressure at the stress cone to insulator interface and at the stress cone to
cable core interface is maintained by metallic springs or similar compressing device.
It is not necessary to fill the insulator with either gas or insulating liquid, thereby
dispensing with the need to provide equipment for pressure monitoring, pressure
compensation and/or a thermal expansion reservoir. This design is now more and
more used. ▶ Chapters 7, “Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for
GIS and Power Cables above 52 kV” and ▶ 11, “Standard Design of a Common,
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 19

Fig. 1.21 Prefabricated composite “dry” metal enclosed GIS termination

Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power Cables up to 145 kV” of this book
which are dedicated to this design. “Capacitor Cone and Insulator” Metal Enclosed GIS Termination

This is similar to the “stress cone and insulator” type (item in general layout,
but with capacitor stress control instead of geometric stress control.
20 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.22 “Capacitor cone and insulator” metal enclosed GIS termination

Pre-shaped rolls of polymeric film are wound onto the cable, with sheets of
conducting film interleaved in the rolls to form a linear longitudinal voltage distri-
bution, Fig. 1.22. Alternatively a) the capacitor cone can be assembled onto a tubular
insulator in the factory and then loosely fitted over the prepared cable core on site, or
b) the capacitor cone can be formed from individual toroidal capacitors as shown in
Fig. 1.32. The prepared cable is housed in an insulator which is filled with either
insulating liquid or SF6 gas. “Directly Immersed” Metal Enclosed GIS Termination

The insulator is not employed in this design. The pressurised SF6 gas from the
GIS provides the electrical insulation. The stress cone method of stress control
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 21

Fig. 1.23 “Directly Immersed” metal enclosed GIS Termination

is usually employed in this design, Fig. 1.23. It is necessary to seal the

conductor and sheath of the cable to prevent ingress of the SF6 gas. It is
also necessary for the busbar adaptor to centralise the conductor within the
trunking and to prevent or contain longitudinal movement due to conductor
thermomechanical force.

1.3.2 Types of “Oil Immersed Transformer” Terminations

This is a termination into oil insulated metalclad busbar trunking, which is usually
part of the transformer housing. These closely resemble the types of metal enclosed
GIS terminations shown in Figs. 1.20, 1.21, 1.22 and 1.23. A corona shield larger
than the one of GIS Termination is usually fitted on HV side of Oil Immersed
Transformer Terminations.
Also termed “oil immersed transformer potheads”.
22 Z. Iwata “Stress Cone and Insulator” Oil Immersed Transformer

See item and Fig. 1.20. “Deflector and Insulator” Oil Immersed Transformer

See item and Figs. 1.20 and 1.29. Prefabricated Composite “Dry” Oil Immersed Transformer

See item and Fig. 1.21. “Capacitor Cone and Insulator” Oil Immersed Transformer

See item and Figs. 1.22 and 1.32. “Directly immersed” Oil Immersed Transformer Termination

See item and Fig. 1.23.

1.3.3 Types of Outdoor Terminations

This is a cable termination which interfaces with air insulated equipment and which
is subjected to full climatic conditions.
Also termed “outdoor pothead” or Outdoor Sealing End.

• “Prefabricated” elastomeric sheds and stress cone outdoor termination

• “Heat shrink sleeve” outdoor termination
• “Elastomeric sleeve” outdoor termination
• “Stress cone and insulator” outdoor termination
• “Deflector and insulator” outdoor termination
• “Prefabricated composite and insulator” outdoor termination
• “Capacitor cone and insulator” outdoor termination
• “Prefabricated composite and capacitor cone, and insulator” outdoor termination. “Prefabricated” Elastomeric Sheds and Stress Cone Outdoor

A factory premoulded elastomeric moulding, complete with stress cone profile and
sheds, is stretched onto the prepared cable insulation, as shown in Fig. 1.24.
Alternatively the termination can be formed from a separately moulded stress cone
which interlocks with a set of individually moulded sheds. This terminations are
generally not self supporting.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 23

Fig. 1.24 “Prefabricated”

elastomeric sheds and stress
cone outdoor termination “Heat Shrink Sleeve” Outdoor Termination

Heat Shrink “Stress Control Sleeve” Type

This termination, Fig. 1.25, is similar to the heat shrink sleeve joint ( The
insulation is formed from a heat shrink sleeve, usually with the assistance of a
resistive, or high permittivity method of longitudinal stress control. It is in the form
of either a secondary sleeve, a taped winding or a mastic pad. The sheds are usually
heat shrunk onto the longitudinal sleeve as the final assembly operation on site. This
terminations are generally not self supporting.

Heat Shrink “Capacitor Cone Stress Control” Type

Stress control is provided by a capacitor cone which is formed from layers of
insulating and semiconducting polymeric tapes, usually of the self-amalgamating
type. A heat shrink sleeve and sheds are applied overall, as shown in Fig. 1.26. This
terminations are generally not self supporting. “Elastomeric Sleeve” Outdoor Termination

This type, Fig. 1.27, is similar to the heat shrink sleeve termination shown in
Fig. 1.26, except that the insulation is supplied in the form of a moulded elastomeric
sleeve, which is stretched onto the prepared cable. Premoulded elastomeric sheds are
then stretched onto the sleeve. Sleeves which are pre-loaded with either a resistive,
24 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.25 Heat shring stress control sleeve outdoor termination

or a high permittivity filler may be applied over the insulation to control the
longitudinal stress distribution. This terminations are generally not self supporting. “Stress Cone and Insulator” Outdoor Termination

A stress cone is fitted onto the prepared cable core, as shown in Fig. 1.28. The stress
cone can be a factory premoulded one or two piece type or alternatively it can be
formed in situ by hand taping or field moulding. The cable core can be wrapped with
either polymeric or paper rolls to a predetermined diameter before the stress cone is
fitted. Alternatively the stress cone can be field moulded using one of the methods
described for the straight joint (item The prepared cable is housed within an
insulator, which is filled with insulating liquid or gas. The insulator can be formed
from either porcelain, thermoset resin or may be of a composite design as shown in
Fig. 1.28, inset, with a rigid core of cylindrical or conical shape onto which
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 25

Fig. 1.26 Heat shring

capacitor cone stress control
sleeve outdoor termination

premoulded elastomeric sheds have been fitted or moulded. In Fig. 1.28 an expan-
sion volume is shown above the liquid level. In some cases the termination is
completely filled with liquid and in these terminations external or internal compen-
sation is required for expansion in the form of a pressure tank or a header tank. “Deflector and Insulator” Outdoor Termination

A deflector stress control profile made of metal or semiconducting elastomer is fitted
onto the prepared cable core, as shown in Fig. 1.29. The prepared cable is housed
within an insulator, which is filled with insulating liquid or gas. The insulator can be
formed from either porcelain, thermoset resin or may be a composite design with a
rigid core of cylindrical or conical shape onto which premoulded elastomeric sheds
have been fitted or moulded. Variations of this design exist with and without a high
26 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.27 “Elastomeric sleeve” outdoor termination

permittivity stress control layer applied adjacent to the cable insulation screen
termination. “Prefabricated Composite and Insulator” Outdoor Termination

An elastomeric moulded stress cone is inserted into a conical thermoset casting,
as shown in Fig. 1.30. Pressure at the stress cone to cable interface is maintained
by metallic springs. In the design shown, the stress cone and conical casting
also segregate the insulating liquid or gas from the cable. The prepared cable
core is housed within an insulator which is filled with either insulating liquid
or gas. “Capacitor Cone and Insulator” Outdoor Termination

Capacitor Cone and Insulator “Cylindrical Capacitor Cone” Type

As shown in Fig. 1.31, pre-shaped cylindrical rolls of polymeric film are wound onto
the cable in situ, with sheets of conducting film interleaved to form a linear
longitudinal voltage distribution. Alternatively the cylindrical capacitor cone can
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 27

Fig. 1.28 “Stress cone and insulator” outdoor termination

be assembled onto a tubular insulator in the factory and then loosely fitted over the
prepared core on site.

Capacitor Cone and Insulator “Toroidal Capacitor” Type

This capacitor cone, Fig. 1.32, is formed of discrete toroidal shaped capacitors,
which are stacked vertically on top of one another and are loosely fitted over the
prepared cable core. The prepared cable is housed in an insulator which is filled with
either insulating liquid or gas. “Prefabricated Composite and Capacitor Cone, and Insulator”

Outdoor Termination
As shown in Fig. 1.33, a cylindrical capacitor cone and premoulded elastomeric
stress cone is fitted onto the cable to form a linear longitudinal voltage distribution.
The premoulded elastomeric stress cone is described in, Fig. 1.30, and the
cylindrical stress cone is described in, Fig. 1.31. The prepared cable is
housed in an insulator which is filled with either insulating liquid or gas.
28 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.29 “Deflector and insulator” outdoor termination

1.3.4 Types of Indoor Terminations

These are essentially outdoor terminations for which the creepage length and sometimes
the height of the insulator have been reduced for those situations in which the termina-
tion is subjected to neither wet atmospheric conditions nor to air pollution. When sheds
are not required, the insulator is of a simple cylindrical or conical shape. The methods of
stress control are the same as those described for the outdoor termination, item 1.3.3.
Indoor terminations closely resemble the types of outdoor terminations shown in
Figs. 1.24, 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, 1.32 and 1.33.
Also known as “indoor potheads” or Sealing Ends.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 29

Fig. 1.30 “Prefabricated composite and insulator” outdoor termination

30 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.31 “Capacitor cone and insulator”, “cylindrical capacitor type” outdoor termination “Prefabricated” Elastomeric Sheds and Stress Cone Indoor

See Fig. 1.24. “Heat Shrink Sleeve” Indoor Termination

Heat Shrink “Stress Control Sleeve” Type

See Fig. 1.25.

Heat Shrink “Capacitor Cone Stress Control” Type

See Fig. 1.26.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 31

Fig. 1.32 “Capacitor cone

and insulator”, “toroidal
capacitor type” outdoor
termination “Elastomeric Sleeve” Indoor Termination

See Fig. 1.27. “Stress Cone and Insulator” Indoor Termination

See Fig. 1.28. “Deflector and Insulator” Indoor Termination

See Fig. 1.29. “Prefabricated Composite and Insulator” Indoor Termination

See Fig. 1.30.
32 Z. Iwata

Fig. 1.33 “Prefabricated composite and capacitor cone and insulator” outdoor termination “Capacitor Cone and Insulator” Indoor Termination

Capacitor Cone and Insulator “Cylindrical Capacitor Cone” Type

See Fig. 1.31.

Capacitor Cone and Insulator “Toroidal Capacitor” Type

See Fig. 1.32.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 33 “Prefabricated Composite and Capacitor Cone, and Insulator”

Indoor Termination
See Fig. 1.33.

1.3.5 Types of Temporary Terminations

These terminations are usually required to be assembled quickly, to be light in weight

and to be small. Their purpose is to enable a cable to be terminated quickly and to be
connected in service for a comparatively short duration. It is usually accepted that the
temporary termination only has to withstand the system ac voltage and not the full
basic insulation level (BIL) of the cable system. The designs and the methods of stress
control are the same as those described for the outdoor termination, item 1.3.3. The
designs are essentially the same as the outdoor terminations shown in Figs. 1.24, 1.25,
1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, 1.32 and 1.33. The types, and
are light in weight and small. The use of the light weight “composite insulator”
Fig. 1.28, inset, can make types to suitable.
Also known as “temporary potheads” or temporary Sealing Ends. “Prefabricated Elastomeric Sheds and Stress Cone” Temporary

See Fig. 1.24. “Heat Shrink Sleeve” Temporary Termination

Heat shrink “Stress Control Sleeve” Type

See Fig. 1.25.

Heat shrink “Capacitor Cone Stress Control Cone” Type

See Fig. 1.26. “Elastomeric Sleeve” Temporary Termination

See Fig. 1.27. “Stress Cone and Insulator” Temporary Termination

See Fig. 1.28. “Deflector and Insulator” Temporary Termination

See Fig. 1.29. “Prefabricated Composite and Insulator” Temporary

See Fig. 1.30.
34 Z. Iwata “Capacitor Cone and Insulator” Temporary Termination

Capacitor Cone and Insulator “Cylindrical Capacitor Cone” Type

See Fig. 1.31.

Capacitor Cone and Insulator “Toroidal Capacitor” Type

See Fig. 1.32. “Prefabricated Composite and Capacitor Cone and Insulator”

See Fig. 1.33.

Appendix: Glossary of Component Names

Glossary of Names for Components Used in Accessories for Extruded


Adaptor Moulding
Pièce moulée d’adaptation
A type of “elastomeric moulding” usually of the “stress cone” type employed in
prefabricated accessories such as the “premoulded straight joint” of the two and
three piece types (, Figs. 1.8 and 1.9) and some types of stress cones for
terminations. These mouldings are designed a) to fit a range of cable sizes, by
having different internal bore diameters and b) to have a constant external
diameter such that an outer elastomeric cylindricai moulding of constant size
can be fitted. The outer moulding is usually designed to be slid back over the
cable sheath during jointing.

Adhesive Tape
Ruban adhésif
Tape that is supplied pre-coated with an adherent layer. The tape is usually a
polymer with insulating or semi-conducting properties.

Anchor Plate
Plaque d’ancrage
The component which rigidly connects the joint shell of an anchor joint to a
concrete or steel structure for the purpose of segregating unequal mechanical
loading between two cables.

Back-to-Back Straight Joint (

Jonction “tête-bêche”
The joint insulation is part formed from either a “dielectric liquid” or “dielectric gas”
under pressure, contained within “trunking”. The design is essentially based upon
either two “metai enclosed GIS terminations” or two “oit immersed transformer
terminations” connected together within the same trunking. Also termed “back-to-
back” splice.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 35

Types of Back-to-Back Straight Joint

• Back-to-back joint with two insulators
Jonction “tête-bêche” à 2 isolateurs (, Fig. 1.12)
• Back-to-back joint with one insulator
Jonction “tête-bêche” à 1 isolateur (, Fig. 1.13)
• Back-to-back joint without insulator
Jonction “tête-bêche” sans isolateur (, Fig. 1.14).

Barrier Insulator
Isolateur d’arrêt
A shaped insulator, usually formed from porcelain or cast resin, which is used a)
in a transition joint to prevent the impregnant in the paper cable from entering
the polymeric cable, b) in straight joint designs which employ oil of SF6 insula-
tion and c) in some types of straight joint designs to prevent the migration of
moisture from a damaged polymeric cable to a sound cable.

Barrier Plate
Plaque d’arrêt
A metal plate to which bushing insulators are clamped within a three core
transition joint. Alternatively the thermoset resin plate which is cast integrally
with the three bushing insulators. See “bushing”.

Base Plate
Plaque de base
A metal support plate to which the insulator of a cable termination is rigidly
bolted. The base plate is usually connected to earth potential a) directly by a local
connection or b) by connection to the insulation screen, metallic sheath or shield
wires of the cable. See “bonding lead”.

Bifurcating Joint
Jonction de dérivation
See “Y branch joint”.

Blind-Head Insulator
Isolateur borgne
A cylindrical insulator used in a metal enclosed GIS termination which is perma-
nently sealed at its high voltage end in the factory to prevent SF6 gas from entering
the termination in service. One method is to have a solid high voltage electrode
embedded into an insulator cast in thermoset resin. A plug-in connector is required
to transmit current from the conductor to the high voltage electrode. An external
adaptor is usually employed to transmit current to the off-going busbar. See “metal
enclosed GIS termination”, “busbar adaptor” and “plug-in connector”. Also termed
a “closed-top” insulator and a “plug-in” insulator.

Bonding Lead
a ble de raccordement d’écran
36 Z. Iwata

An ancillary cable comprised of an insulated conductor, which is connected to the

cable metallic sheath or screen wires at a) terminations and b) screen interruption
joints. The conductor area is normally sized to carry the specified short circuit
current of the cable system. The insulation is required to meet the same or a higher
voltage performance than the cable oversheath, depending on whether the bond-
ing lead is of the single or concentric conductor type.
In all cable systems the bonding leads connect the lower metalwork of the
cable terminations to an approved earth system usually via a link box, such that
the system short circuit current can be carried along the cable screening wires or
metallic sheaths from one earth system to the other.
In a “cross bonded” single core cable system one bonding lead conductor is
connected to each side of the insulated flange in each screen interruption joint.
Concentric bonding leads are recommended, because the reduced surge imped-
ance helps to protect a) the insulated flange and b) the insulated screen gap from
flash-over. The concentric bonding leads from the three adjacent joints are usually
terminated in a link box, which contains a) links to transpose the cable sheaths or
screen wires and b) sheath voltage limiters (SVLs) which are designed to limit the
magnitude of transient voltages on the cable oversheath and across the insulated

Barre collectrice
The off-going conductor that connects to a) the “conductor stalk” on an outdoor,
indoor or oil immersed transformer termination and b) the “busbar adaptor” on a
GIS termination.

Busbar Adaptor
Pièce de connexion
The off-going current carrying connection on a “metal enclosed GIS termination”
(–, which on one face fits to the embedded electrode or to the
conductor stalk, and on the second face fits to the particular design of off-going

Borne traversée
A type of “barrier insulator” employed in either a three core transition joint, or a
single core transition joint of the non-fed type, to prevent the impregnant in the
paper insulated cable from entering the polymeric cable. It is usually formed from
cast resin into which a solid conductor rod has been embedded. It has a central
flange which is designed to be sealed either to a “barrier plate” or to a “joint shell”
The insulation on each side is normally conical or cylindrical in shape, with
sufficient length to provide the “creepage” distance.

Cable Chamber
Cuve d’extrémité
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 37

The metallic “trunking” into which a “metal enclosed GIS termination” is bolted.
The trunking at this position is sometimes of different diameter to the trunking
that screens the rest of the SF6 gas insulated busbar.

Capacitor Cone
Cône à répartition capacitive ou cône condensateur
Insulation which contains a number of capacitors in series. It is designed to
give a linear voltage distribution along either a) the prepared cable core, b) the
surface of an insulator, or c) both. Capacitor cones are usually employed in
terminations (eg,,, and The cylindrical
type of capacitor cone (, Fig. 1.31) is constructed from metallic or
semiconducting foils, which form a series of overlapping cylinders insulated
from each other by rolls of polymeric film. This type of cylindrical capacitor
cone can be wrapped directly onto the cable core or can be preformed in the
factory. Alternatively the capacitor cone can be formed from discrete toroidal
shaped capacitors (, Fig. 1.32), which are slipped over the prepared
cable core and stacked one on top of the other. Also termed a “condenser

Cast Barrier
Corps isolant en résine thermodurcissable
See “resin casting”.

Central Insulator
Corps isolant en résine thermodurcissable
A type of resin casting used in a prefabricated composite type of joint (,
Fig. 1.6). See “resin casting” and “prefabricated straight joint”.

Closed Top Insulator

Isolateur borgne
See “blind-head insulator”.

Composite Insulator
Isolateur composite
An “insulator” used in cable terminations of the “outdoor” (1.3.3), “indoor”
(1.3.4) and “temporary” (1.3.5) type. The “composite” insulator has a rigid
cylindrical core onto which pre-moulded elastomeric or polymeric “sheds” have
been fitted. The “sheds” are usually formed from silicone rubber. The core is
usually formed from thermoset resin reinforced with glass fibre.

Compression Device
Dispositif de compression
The device employed to compress the elastomeric “stress cone” in prefabricated
designs of joints and terminations of the “composite” type (,, and, to achieve an intimate fit with a) the cable core and b) the
38 Z. Iwata

“resin casting”. The device is usually an assembly of components which includes

a thrust cone and a set of metallic springs. See also “stress cone”, “resin casting”
and “central insulator”.

Condenser Cone
Cône condensateur
See “capacitor cone”.

Conductor Rod
Barre conductrice
A metal rod embedded in a thermoset bushing to enable connection to be made
between two cable conductors in a transition joint (, Fig. 1.16 and,
Fig. 1.17). See “bushing”.

Conductor Screen
Ecran sur conducteur
The conducting or semiconducting layer at high voltage, which is applied over
the conductor and upon which the insulation is applied. See “screen”. Also
termed “HV screen”, “HT screen”, “inner screen” and “conductor shield”.

Conductor Stalk
Tige de sortie
A metal connector which terminates the cable conductor to enable a current
carrying connection to be made to a busbar. See “busbar”.

The generic name for the conducting connection between a) cable conductors, b)
cable screen wires and c) one cable conductor and a conductor stalk at a
termination. The connection can be of the permanent type or of the separable
type. See “ferrule”, “MIG weld”, “thermit weld” and “conductor stalk”.

Connector Screen
Ecran sur connecteur
The conducting or semiconducting layer at high voltage, which is applied over
the conductor connector and upon which the joint insulation is applied. See
“screen”, “connecte” and “ferrule screen”. Also termed “HV screen”, “HT
screen” and “connector shield”.

Corona Shield
Ecran pare-effluves
A shaped conducting component positioned around a conductor or busbar con-
nector in a back-to-back straight joint (, Figs. 1.12, 1.13 and 1.14) and in a
termination (e.g.– Its purpose is to control the electrical stress
distribution and thereby prevent the occurrence of corona (partial discharge) in
the surrounding liquid or gaseous insulation.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 39

Creepage Distance
Ligne de fuite ou chemin rampant
The shortest distance measured along an insulating interface between conducting
components at high and Iow voltage.
In a joint the creepage distance is that between the end of the “insulation
screen” and the exposed “conductor screen”, measured along the interface
between the cable core and the applied joint insulation.
For a termination the “external creepage” distance is the distance between the
upper and Iower metalwork of the insulator, which includes the upper and Iower
surfaces of the “sheds”.
For an outdoor termination the “protected creepage” is the cumulative surface
distance of the underside of each shed. The “external” creepage and “protected”
creepage lengths are often specified to meet a particular level of atmospheric pollution.

Crosslinked Insulation
Isolation réticulée
Electrical insulation that has been changed from a thermoplastic to a thermoset
material by a chemical reaction which forms links between adjacent long chain
molecules. Crosslinked insulation has improved mechanical performance at high
operating temperatures because it does not melt. The cross-linked insulation can be
formed from a polymer with a semi-crystalline structure such as polyethylene
(PE) or from an elastomer with an amorphous structure such as ethylene propylene
rubber (EPR). Crosslinking can be achieved by a chemical reaction or by radiation.
In the chemical reaction method, an agent termed a curative is contained within the
insulation to promote the crosslinking process, usually with the application of heat.
Also termed “vulcanised” or “cured” insulation. This process also applies to the
crosslinked screens.

Cured Insulation
Isolation réticulée
See “crosslinked insulation”.

Deflector Cone
A factory formed “stress control profile” of metal or semi-conducting polymer,
positioned adjacent to the termination of the cable insulation screen to control stress.
it is usually employed in combination with either a liquid or gaseous insulation of
high electric strength in accessories such as terminations of the “deflector and
insulator” type ( and straight joints of the “back to back” type.

An insulating material with high electric strength.

Dielectric Fluid
Fluide diélectrique
40 Z. Iwata

A “dielectric gas” or “dielectric liquid” with high insulating properties.

Dielectric Gas
Gaz diélectrique
A gas with high insulating properties, such as SF6, N2 or SF6/N2 mixture. These
gases are usually pressurised to achieve the required dielectric strength. N2
requires a significantly higher pressurisation than SF6.

Dielectric Liquid
Liquide diélectrique
A liquid with high insulating properties, eg. silicone liquids, synthetic hydrocar-
bon liquids and minerai oils.

Earth Screen
Ecran de terre
See “insulation screen”.

Elastomeric Moulding
Corps isolant en élastomère
An insulating component that has been premoulded in the factory from an
insulating polymer, which has elastic properties (low modulus of elasticity) in
the working temperature range of the accessory. The component usually has one
or more integral screens formed from a semiconducting elastomer.
Also termed a “rubber moulding” or “synthetic rubber” moulding.

Embedded Electrode
Electrode encastrée
See “HV electrode” and “HT electrode”.

A powered machine used to prepare a) the cable insulation in the factory and b) the
joint insulation for some types of field moulded joints (, Table 1.1). The
machine is comprised of a long rotating “screw” with a helical thread-form of
“flights” of varying pitch, which is contained within a heated “barrel”. The polymer
is fed into one end of the barrel, usually in the form of small pellets. The polymer is
melted and compressed into a viscous liquid termed the “melt”, which is homog-
enous and void free. The melt is extruded from the end of the barrel under the
pressure generated by the screw into either a) the cable insulation die tool or b) the
joint mould tool).

Douille de raccordement
A cylindrical metal connector between cable conductors or between cable screen
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 41

Types of ferrule:
Types de douilles de raccordement
• Compression Ferrule
Douille à sertir
A metal tube into which the conductors to be joined are inserted. The tube is then
compressed by a hydraulic press tool.
• Flush Ferrule
Douille équidiamétrale
The ferrule is nominally made flush with the diameter of the conductor, either by
a) compressing, b) removing a layer of wire, or c) welding.
• Mechanical Bolted Ferrule
Douille mécanique à visser
The current carrying connection is made by compressing the conductor inside the
ferrule by tightening threaded bolts. The bolts are finished flush with the surface
of the ferrule.
• Soldered Ferrule
Douille soudée (à basse température)
A metal ferrule is placed around the two conductors. The assembly is then filled
with hot molten solder (a lead alloy).
• Stop Ferrule
Douille borgne
The ferrule has a central internal barrier to segregate the conductors. Used a) in a
transition joint to prevent the flow of impregnant from a paper cable and b) in a
straight joint to prevent the migration of moisture from a damaged cable to a
sound cable.
• Welded Ferrule
Douille soudée (à haute température)
The two conductors are fused together by the application of molten metal. See
“MIG weld”, “TIG weld” and “thermit weld”.

Ferrule Screen
Ecran sur douille
The conducting or semiconducting layer at high voltage which is applied over the
ferrule and upon which the joint insulation is applied. See “screen” and “ferrule”.
Also termed “connector screen”, “HV screen”, “HT screen” and “ferrule shield”.

Field Moulded Straight Joint (

Jonction moulée sur site
The joint insulation is melted, moulded and consolidated to the prepared
insulation of both cables in situ, ie. “in the field”. Also termed “field moulded

Types of Field Moulded Straight Joint (, Table 1.1)

• Tape moulded
42 Z. Iwata

• Crosslinked tape moulded

Rubanée-formée et réticulée (rubanée cuite)
• Extrusion moulded
Moulée par extrusion
• Crosslinked extrusion moulded
Moulée par extrusion et réticulée
• Injection moulded
Moulée par injection
• Crosslinked injection moulded
Moulée par injection et réticulée
• Block moulded
Moulée par blocs
• Crosslinked block moulded
Moulée par blocs et réticulée.

Filling Compound
Matière de remplissage
An insulating material used to fill some types of accessories. At amblent and at
operating temperatures it is substantially solid. During assembly of the accessory
it is heated to elevated temperature to reduce the viscosity and permit it to be
poured. See “waterproof compound”.

Filling Liquid
Liquide de remplissage
An insulating liquid used to f II some types of accessories, for example straight
joints of the “back-to-back type” and terminations which are protected within
hollow insulators. See “insulating liquid” and “dielectric liquid”.

Filling Oil
Huile de remplissage
An insulating liquid used to fill some types of accessories. The term “oil”
specifically relates to a minerai oil.

Flashover Distance
Ligne de contournement
The shortest distance between high voltage and low voltage metalwork in gaseous
or liquid insulation through which an electric discharge (flashover) can occur.

GIS Termination
Extrémité pour PSEM
A termination into Gas Insulated Switchgear. See “metal enclosed GIS

Glass Fibre Box

Coquille en fibres de verre.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 43

A particular type of “joint box”. The box is placed around the joint shell and is
filled with compound to provide electrical insulation and corrosion protection
(1.2, Fig. 1.3). The box is pre-moulded from a thermoset or thermoplastic resin,
which has been reinforced with glass fibres. See “filling compound” and “water-
proof compound”.

Glass Fibre Reinforcement

Renforcement en fibres de verre
A bandage of woven glass fibre tape which is impregnated with a thermoset resin.
It is applied over a plumb to mechanically reinforce it against a) longitudinal
sheath forces and b) internai pressure.

Heat Shrink Sleeve

Manchon thermorétractable
An extruded tube of crosslinked polyolefin is heated in a factory process to above
its crystalline melting point and is expanded to a large diameter. It is then allowed
to cool and freeze at the larger diameter. During assembly the sleeve is positioned
over the accessory and is again heated to above the crystalline melting point, such
that the sleeve contracts to form an intimate fit. The insulation and screens may be
supplied as one integral sleeve or as several individual sleeves. Stress control
sleeves which are pre-loaded with either a resistive or high permittivity filler may
also be applied over the accessory to control the stress distribution. Heat shrink
sleeves can also be used to form a) the joint protection and b) seals at the
conductor, sheath and oversheath.

Heat Shrink Sleeve Straight Joint (

Jonction thermorétractable
The joint insulation is formed from one or more “heat shrink sleeves”. Also
termed a “heat shrink sleeve splice”.

HT Electrode (High Tension)

Electrode HT
See “HV electrode”.

HT Screen (High Tension)

Ecran HT
See “HV screen” and “conductor screen”.

HV Electrode (High Voltage)

Electrode HT
A shaped conducting component which is embedded within a moulded insulator
to electrically screen the conductor connection. Also termed electrode and
“embedded” electrode.

HV Screen (High Voltage)

Ecran HT.
44 Z. Iwata

The conducting or semiconducting layer which is applied over all components at

high voltage. See “screen”, “conductor screen” and “ferrule screen”. Also termed
“HT screen” and “HV shield”.

Indoor Termination (1.3.4)

Extrémité intérieure
A cable termination which interfaces with air insulated equipment, but which is
protected from climatic conditions. These are essentially outdoor terminations,
which have had the insulator creepage length and height reduced. Also termed
“indoor pothead”.

Types of Indoor Terminations:

Prefabricated elastomeric sheds and stress cone (
A jupes en élastomère et à cône déflecteur préfabriqués

Heat shrink sleeve type (

A manchon thermorétractable
-stress control sleeve (, Fig. 1.25)
avec manchon de contrôle du champ
-capacitor cone stress control (, Fig. 1.26)
avec cône condensateur

Elastomeric sleeve (, Fig. 1.27)

A manchon élastomère

Stress cone and insulator (, Fig. 1.28)

A cône déflecteur et isolateur

Deflector and insulator (, Fig. 1.29)

A déflecteur et isolateur

Prefabricated composite and insulator (, Fig. 1.30)

A cône déflecteur composite et isolateur

Capacitor cone and insulator (

A cône condensateur et isolateur
-cylindrical capacitor cone (, Fig. 1.31)
avec condensateurs cylindriques
-toroidal capacitor (, Fig. 1.32)
avec condensateurs toroïdaux

Prefabricated composite and capacitor cone and insulator (, Fig. 1.33)
A cône déflecteur composite, cône condensateur et isolateur.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 45

Inner Screen
Ecran intérieur
See “conductor screen”.

Insulated Flange
Flasque isolant (
The generic name for the cylindrically shaped insulator which electrically sepa-
rates a) the two halves of a metallic joint shell or b) the lower metalwork of a
termination. The insulated flange can be a) an individuel annular ring of porcelain
or thermoset resin (1.2, Fig. 1.1,, Fig. 1.23), b) an integral part of a cast
resin barrier in a joint (,,, Figs. 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19 and
1.1.3) or c) an integral part of a cast resin insulator in a termination (– The insulated flange together with the insulated screen gap are essential
parts of a specially bonded cable system. See “sectionalising ring” and “screen
interruption”. Also termed “insulated ring” and “resin ring”.

Insulated Gap
Interruption d’écran
See “screen interruption”.

Insulating Liquid
Liquide isolant
A liquid with high electrical strength used principally to fill and insulate some
types of terminations and back-to-back joints. Examples are minerai oil, synthetic
hydrocarbons (such as polyisobutene) and silicones. See aise “dielectric liquid”,
“filling liquid” and “filling oil”.

Insulating Tape
Ruban isolant
Tape with high electrical strength can be used to form the insulation or part
insulation of an accessory. It can be of the “adhesive” or “self-amalgamating”
type or simply of the non-adherent type.

Material of high electric strength which is applied between the conductor screen
and the insulation screen.

Insulation Screen
Ecran sur isolation
The conducting or semiconducting layer at earth potential applied over the
insulation. Also termed “earth screen”, “LV screen”, “ground screen”, “outer
screen” and “insulation shield”.
46 Z. Iwata

The generic name for pre-formed solid insulation and particularly of the hollow
insulators used in cable terminations.
In addition to their insulating duty, the “Insulators” employed in cable termina-
tions ( to and to are designed to a) support the cabie,
b) protect the cable insulation, c) contain oil or gas insulation from leakage, d)
segregate the cable from external atmospheric conditions e) segregate the cable
from the oil or gas insulation used in other manufacturer’s equipment and f)
withstand conductor thermomechanical forces. Insulators employed in cable termi-
nations are usually formed from a thermoset casting or from porcelain, with a
hollow interior and either a cylindrical or a conical exterior shape. The outer surface
of the insulator is often formed in the shape of annuler protrusions termed “sheds”.
Insulator designs of the metal enclosed GIS and transformer termination types
are sometimes employed in transition joints and straight joints of the “back-to-
back” type ( See also “porcelain”, “composite insulator”, “pedestal
insulator”, “resin casting”, “shed”, “barrier insulator” and “bushing”.

Joint (1.2)
The generic name for the insulated and fully protected connection between two or
more cables. It provides an insulated path for the flow of current between the
conductors. Also termed a “splice”.

Types of Joints
• “Straight joints” (1.2.1)
Jonctions droites
• “Transition joints” (1.2.2)
Jonctions de transition
• “Y branch joints” (1.2.3)
Jonctions en Y ou en T – Jonction de dérivation.

Joint Box
Boı̂te de jonction
The generic name for the waterproof housing which is fitted around the joint as
part of the “joint protection” (1.2, Figs. 1.3 and 1.5). The box is normally formed
from a moulding of thermoplastic polymer or thermoset resin, the latter usually
being reinforced with glass fibre (termed a “glass fibre box”). After being
assembled around the joint, the box is usually filled with a waterproof insulating
compound, such as bitumen, or thermoset resin. See also “joint protection”,
“glass fibre box” and “waterproof compound”.

Joint Protection
Protection de jonction
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 47

The generic name given to the outer coverings of the joint which, depending upon
the particular application, a) protect the joint metalwork from corrosion, b)
prevent water from entering the joint and c) electrically insulate from earth
potential the insulation screens, shield wires and joint shell. Types of protection
are “joint shell protection”, “joint” be and “glass fibre box”. Protection can also
be formed from tape and heat shrink sleeves.

Joint Shell
Enveloppe de jonction ou enveloppe métallique
The metal tube which contains the joint insulation (1.0, Fig. 1.1), to a) provide
electrical continuity between sheaths, b) contain short circuit current within the
cable system, c) form an impervious water tight barrier and d) contain the filling
of liquid or gas.

Joint Shell Protection

Protection de l’enveloppe de jonction
The covering applied to the joint shell which provides a) anti-corrosion protection
and b) electrical insulation from earth potential for insulated sheath systems.

Lower Metalwork
Pot d’entrée
The metal tube or gland connected to the base of a termination insulator which a)
seals the cable and b) enables electrical connection to be made to the metal sheath
or wire screen. Also termed “bottom” metalwork, “end bell”, “plumbing gland”
and “wiping gland”.

LV Electrode (Low Voltage)

Electrode de terre
The shaped conducting component which is embedded within a moulded
insulator to provide stress control. Also termed “LV Screen” and “earth

Metal Enclosed GIS Termination (1.3.1)

Extrémité pour station blindée - Extrémité pour PSEM
A cable termination which connects to a busbar within metal trunking, insulated
with gas. The gas is usually pressurised SF6. The busbar is usually connected to
switchgear. Also termed “GIS” termination, “metalclad” termination, “SF6”
termination and “metal enclosed GIS pothead”.

Types of Metal Enclosed GIS Terminations

• Stress cone and insulator (
A cône déflecteur et isolateur
• Deflector and insulator (
A déflecteur et isolateur
48 Z. Iwata

• Prefabricated composite “dry” type (

A cône déflecteur composite et isolateur, type sec
• Capacitor cone and insulator (
A cône condensateur et isolateur
• Directly immersed (
Type directement immergé

MIG Weld
Soudure MIG
A weld made by the Metal Inert Gas process in which a consumable wire
electrode, usually aluminium, is fed continuously into an electric arc under a
shield of inert gas, where it is melted and propelled to fuse into the conductor.

Off-Going Connector
Raccordement de sortie
The device that connects the “conductor staik” in a termination to an off-going
busbar. Also termed a “busbar connector”.

Oil Immersed Transformer Termination (1.3.2)

Extrémité pour transformateur
A termination into oil insulated metalclad busbar trunking, this usually being
part of the transformer housing. Also termed “oil immersed transformer

Types of Oil Immersed Transformer Terminations

• Stress cone and insulator (
A cône déflecteur et isolateur
• Deflector and insulator (
A déflecteur et isolateur
• Prefabricated composite “dry” type (
A cône déflecteur composite et isolateur, type sec
• Capacitor cone and insulator (
A cône condensateur et isolateur
• Directly immersed (
Type directement immergé

Outdoor Termination (1.3.3)

Extrémité extérieure
A cable termination which interfaces with air insulated equipment and which is
subjected to full climatic conditions. See “termination”. Also termed an outdoor

Types of Outdoor Terminations

• Prefabricated elastomeric sheds and stress cone (, Fig. 1.24)
A jupes en élastomère et à cône déflecteur préfabriqués
• Heat shrink sleeve type (
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 49

A manchon thermorétractable
-stress control sleeve (, Fig. 1.25)
avec manchon de contrôle du champ
-capacitor cone stress control (, Fig. 1.26)
avec cône condensateur
• Elastomeric sleeve (, Fig. 1.27)
A manchon élastomère
• Stress cone and insulator (, Fig. 1.28)
A cône déflecteur et isolateur
• Deflector and insulator (, Fig. 1.29)
A déflecteur et isolateur
• Prefabricated composite and insulator (
A cône déflecteur composite et isolateur
• Capacitor cone and insulator (
A cône condensateur et isolateur
-cylindrical capacitor cone (
avec condensateurs cylindriques
-toroidal capacitor (
avec condensateurs toroïdaux
• Prefabricated composite and capacitor cone and insulator (
A cône déflecteur composite, cône condensateur et isolateur.

Painted Screen
Ecran graphité
A semiconducting screen normally formed by brushing Iiquid paint onto poly-
meric insulation. The paint is loaded with a conducting filler, usually dispersed in
a resin binder and rendered liquid by a solvent, which subsequently evaporates.
See “screen”. Also termed “painted shield”.

Pedestal Insulator
Isolateur support
A short insulator of porcelain or thermoset resin which is used to insulate either
a termination baseplate (– or a joint shell (1.2, Fig. 1.4) from
earth potential. Also termed “stand-off” insulator and “post” insulator. See

The conical shape into which the insulation of the cable core is formed in a joint
(1.2, Fig. 1.1) or termination. Pencils are usually employed in taped joints and
in field moulded joints. They are designed to withstand the electrical stresses at
the interface between the insulation of the cable and joint. Pencils of shorter
Iength are often employed in a cable termination adjacent to the conductor
connector to facilitate the application of either a sealing tape or a heat shrink
50 Z. Iwata

Plug-In Connector
Connecteur embrochable
A metal connector which terminates the conductor. It is inserted into a mating
electrode usually embedded in a thermoset casting. Current carrying contact is
made by sprung connectors or by elasticity of the component. See “blind-head

Plug-In Insulator
Isolateur borgne
See “blind head insulator”.
Soudure au plomb lissé
A conducting connection and seal which is formed between the metal sheath and
a) the joint shell, or b) the termination lower metalwork, by the hand application
of a hot lead alloy. Also termed a “wipe”.

Solid insulation formed from vitrified clay, used primarily for outdoor termination
insulators and “pedestal insulators”. The name is sometimes used in the abbrevi-
ated foret for “porcelain insulator”. See “insulator”.

See “termination”.

Prefabricated Straight Joint (

Jonction préfabriquée
Prefabricated straight joints employ insulation that has been preformed and tested in
the factory. The usual methods of manufacture are to mould elastomeric insulation
and to cast thermoset resin insulation. Also termed “prefabricated splice”.

Types of Prefabricated Straight Joint

• Composite (, Fig. 1.6)
• Premoulded one-piece (, Fig. 1.7)
Prémoulée en une pièce
• Premoulded two-piece (, Fig. 1.8)
Prémoulée en deux pièces
• Premoulded three-piece
Prémoulée en trois pièces (, Fig. 1.9).

Resin Barrier
Corps isolant en résine thermodurcissable
See “resin casting”.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 51

Resin Casting
Corps isolant en résine thermodurcissable
A rigid insulating component manufactured from a thermoset resin (usually
epoxy resin), used to form a) the central insulator in joints of the prefabricated
composite type (, b) the barriers in some types of transition joints (1.3.2
and 1.3.3) and c) the insulator in metal enclosed terminations (–
Also termed “resin barrier” and “cast barrier”. See “barrier insulator” and “central

Rubber Moulding
Corps isolant en élastomère
See “elastomeric moulding” and “synthetic rubber moulding”.

Ecran semi-conducteur
A smooth conducting layer in intimate contact with the insulation. It is designed
to a) contain the electric field within the insulation and b) minimise the magnitude
of the electric stress by the elimination of irregularities in the surface, (termed
“stress raisers”). Also termed a “shield”.

Screen Interruption
Interruption d’écran
The “insulated gap” formed in the insulation screen of a joint, which together with
the “insulated flange” in the joint sheil, electrically separates the cable screen on
one side of the joint from that on the other. Screen interruption joints are
necessary for specially bonded cable systems, which together with “bonding
leads” and link boxes permit the metallic sheaths or screening wires to be
transposed for cross bonding. See “bonding leads”. Also termed “insulated
gap”, “sheath interruption” and “sheath segregation”.

Screen Termination
Arrêt d’écran
The name given during jointing to the end position of the cable insulation screen
during jointing, after the screen has been removed from the core and the insula-
tion prepared. See “screen”.

Sealing End
See “termination”.

Sectionalizing Ring
Anneau de sectionnement
A type of “insulated flange”. An insulating ring which electrically separates two
halves of a) a metal joint shell (1.0, Fig. 1.1) or b) the lower metalwork of a
termination (2.1.1, inset and 2.1.5). The ring can be made from a thermoset
52 Z. Iwata

moulding, a reinforced thermoset component or porcelain. Also termed a “resin

ring”, when formed from a thermoset moulded or machined component.

Self Amalgamating Tape

Ruban auto-amalgamant
An elastomeric tape which is consolidated to itself by the action of stretching and

Semiconducting Screen
Ecran semi-conducteur
A polymeric or elastomeric resin that has been loaded with an electrically
conducting filler to give it sufficient conductivity to act as a screen, whilst
exhibiting similar thermomechanical properties to the cable and joint insulation.
It has a significantly lower conductivity than a metallic screen. The semiconduct-
ing screening material can be extruded, moulded or applied in tape form. See
“screen”. Also termed “semiconducting shield”.

Sheath Closure
Etanchéité de gaine
The generic name for the seal between the metallic sheath of the cable and either
the joint shell or termination lower metalwork. See “plumb”.

Sheath Interruption
Interruption d’écran
See “screen interruption”.
Sheath Segregation
Interruption d’écran
See “screen interruption”.

Ailette, Jupe
One of the disc shaped protrusions on the outer surface of a termination (– which increases the effective surface length of the insulator without
increasing its height. These are mainly used on outdoor terminations, which are
exposed to rain, ice, fog, salt, mist and to atmospheric pollution. Small sheds are
sometimes used on indoor, oil immersed transformer and GIS terminations. See
“creepage distance”. Also termed a “weather” shed.
See “screen”.

See “joint”.
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 53

Straight Joint (1.2.1)

Jonction droite
A joint which connects two cables of the same type.

Types of Straight Joint

• Taped Joint (
Jonction rubanée
• Prefabricated Joint (
Jonction préfabriquée
• Field Moulded Joint (
Jonction moulée sur site
• Heat Shrink Sleeve Joint (
Jonction thermorétractable
• Back-to-Back Joint (
Jonction “tête-bêche”

Stress Cone
Cône déflecteur
A shaped insulating component with a screened “stress control profile”. It is used
for stress control at the end of either the low voltage insulation screen or the high
voltage electrode (,, 1.3,,,,,
and It is usually formed from a moulded or machined polymer, elastomer
or thermoset resin.

Stress Control Electrode

Electrode de contrôle de champ
The conducting component which controls the electric field in an accessory, it can
be placed:
a) Adjacent to the end of the insulation screen
b) Adjacent to the conductor in a premoulded joint.

Stress Control Profile

Ecran déflecteur
The name for the shape of the conical insulation screen that is positioned
adjacent to the termination of the cable insulation screen (1.2, Fig. 1.1). The
screen shape can be a) preformed in the factory as part of a “stress cone”
moulding or as a “deflector cone” or b) formed during the assembly of the
accessory on site by “field moulding” or by the application of insulating

Synthetic Rubber Moulding

Corps isolant en élastomère
See “elastomeric moulding”.
54 Z. Iwata

Taped Straight Joint (

Jonction rubanée
Semiconducting and insulating tapes are wound onto the cable to form the
conductor screen, the insulation, the stress control profile screens, the insulation
screen and the screen interruption insulation. Also termed “taped splice”.

Types of Taped Straight Joint

• Self amalgamating tape
Ruban auto-amalgamant
• Adhesive tape
Ruban adhésif

Temporary Termination (1.3.5)

Extrémités temporaires
A cable termination that is designed to be assembled quickly and to be
connected in service for a comparatively short time. They are typically smaller
and lighter in weight than the permanent types of “outdoor termination” and
“indoor termination”. It is usually accepted that they only have to withstand the
system ac voltage and not the full basic insulation level (BIL). Also termed
“temporary pothead”.

Types of Temporary Terminations

• Prefabricated elastomeric sheds and stress cone ( to
A jupes en élastomère et à cône déflecteur préfabriqués
• Heat shrink sleeve (
A manchon thermorétractable
-stress control sleeve type (Fig. 1.24)
avec manchon de contrôle du champ
-capacitor cone stress control type (Fig. 1.26)
avec cône condensateur
• Elastomeric sleeve (
A manchon élastomère
• Stress cone and insulator (
A cône déflecteur et isolateur
• Deflector and insulator (
A déflecteur et isolateur
• Prefabricated composite and insulator (
A cône déflecteur composite et isolateur
• Capacitor cone and insulator (
A cône condensateur et isolateur
-cylindrical capacitor cone type (Fig. 1.31)
avec condensateurs cylindriques
-toroidal capacitor type (Fig. 1.32)
avec condensateurs toroïdaux
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 55

• Prefabricated composite and capacitor cone (, Fig. 1.33)

and insulator
A cône déflecteur composite, cône condensateur et isolateur.

Termination (1.3)
The generic name for the connection between a cable and other electrical equip-
ment. Also termed “sealing end” and “pothead”.

Types of Terminations
• Metal Enclosed GIS Terminations (1.3.1)
Extrémités pour PSEM
• Oil Immersed Transformer Terminations (1.3.2)
Extrémités pour transformateur
• Outdoor Terminations (1.3.3)
Extrémités extérieures
• Indoor Terminations (1.3.4)
Extrémités intérieures
• Temporary Terminations (1.3.5)
Extrémités temporaires

Thermit Weld
Soudure aluminothermique
A weld formed by igniting a mixture of combustible material and powdered metal
that melts and fuses to connect two cable conductors.

TIG Weld
Soudure TIG
A weld made by the Tungsten Inert Gas process in which an electric arc is struck
between a tungsten electrode and the conductor under a shield of inert gas. A
consumable hand held welding rod, usually aluminium, is fed into the arc where it
is melted and fused to connect the conductors.

Transition Joint (1.2.2)

Jonction de transition A joint which connects two cables of different types, for
example a polymeric extruded cable to a self-contained oil filled cable. Transition
joints are sometimes employed to connect cables of the same type, but with
widely differing conductor sizes. Also termed “transition splice”.

Types of Transition Joints

• Polymeric extruded cable to mass impregnated cable (
C^able à isolation synthétique – c^able au papier imprégné
• Polymeric extruded cable to oil or ( gas filled paper cable three core
56 Z. Iwata

C^able à isolation synthétique unipolaire c^able tripolaire à huile ou à gaz

• Polymeric extruded cable to oil ( or gas filled paper cable single core,
non-fed type
C^able à isolation synthétique unipolaire c^able unipolaire à huile ou à gaz, type
• Polymeric extruded cable to oil or gas ( filled paper cable single core, fed
C^able à isolation synthétique unipolaire - c^able unipolaire à huile ou gaz, type

Enveloppe d’extrémité
The metallic cylinder that contains a) the SF6 gas in metal enclosed GIS (1.3.1) or
b) the oil in a transformer termination. The trunking also forms a) the insulation
screen and b) the return conductor for short circuit current. The trunking adjacent
to a GIS termination is termed a “cable chamber”. The short length of trunking
used to contain the SF6 gas or oil in a joint, of the “back-to-back insulator” type
( is termed the “joint shell”.

Upper Metalwork
Tête d’extrémité
The high voltage metal components at the top end of a cable termination, which
are normally comprised of the top sealing plate, the clamp ring and the corona

Vulcanized Insulation
Isolation vulcanisée
See “crosslinked insulation”.

Waterproof Compound
Matière d’étanchéité
The generic name for the viscous liquid used to fill a) the joint box and b) the
metallic joint shell of some types of joint (1.2, Fig. 1.3). The compound conforms
and adheres to the joint components (ie joint shell or screened insulation). It
provides electrical insulation and sealing against moisture ingress. Bitumen is one
form of compound, this is normally poured hot and cools to a high viscosity
liquid. Thermosetting resin is another form of compound, which upon curing
forms an adherent solid or elastic mass. See “joint box”, “glass fibre box” and
“joint protection” and “filling compound”.

Waterproof Seal
Etanchéité extérieure
1 Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables 57

The seal between the “joint box” and the cable oversheath. It is usually formed
from a) thermoset resin putty, b) fibre glass reinforced resin, c) heat shrink sleeve,
or d) waterproof tape. The seal is required to contain the compound filling and to
prevent the ingress of water.

Weather Shed
Ailette, jupe
See “shed”.

Soudure au plomb lissé
See “plumb”.

“Y Branch Joint” (1.2.3)

Jonction en Y ou T - Jonction de dérivation
A joint that connects three cables of nominally the same type. The joint is usually
configured in the shape of the letter Y. Also termed “bifurcating joint” and “Y
branch splice”.

Zensuke Iwata was born in Tokyo, Japan, on October 5, 1944.

He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1968. In 1968 he joined the
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Japan, where he has been engaged
several years in research and development of high-voltage power
cables and their accessories before taking other positions in the
Furukawa Electric Co. In 2003 he successfully carried out the
long-term field test of the real scale H.T. superconducting cable
system as the Managing Director and CTO of the Furukawa
Electric Co. In 2004 he was appointed as the President of Nuclear
Fuel Industries, Japan, and retired in 2014. Zensuke Iwata con-
vened Cigré WG 21.06 which published Technical Brochures 89
and 177. He received the TC Award in 1995. He chaired the ISTC
of Jicable in 2003.
A Guide to the Selection of Accessories
Zensuke Iwata

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.2 Compatibility of the Accessory with the Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.2.1 Number of Cable Cores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.2.2 Cable Constructional Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.2.3 Conductor Area and Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.2.4 Operating Temperature of the Cable Conductor and Sheath under Continuous,
Short Term Overload and Short Circuit Current Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.2.5 Compatibility of the Accessory with the Type of Cable Insulation
and Semiconducting Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.2.6 Cable Electrical Design Stresses to be Withstood by the Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.2.7 Mechanical Forces and Movements Generated by the Cable on the Accessory . . . 64
2.2.8 Short Circuit Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.3 Compatibility of the Accessory Performance with that of the Cable System . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.3.1 Circuit Performance Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.3.2 Circuit Life Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.3.3 Metallic Screen Bonding Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.3.4 Earth Fault Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.4 Compatibility of the Accessory with the Cable System Design and Operating
Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.4.1 Type of Cable Installation Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.4.2 Standard Dimensions for Cable Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Zensuke Iwata has retired.

The guide in this Chapter 2 has been prepared by WG 21.06 and published in Cigré TB 177. At the
end of the chapter some references are given. They are the original references. Proposed further
readings are given in Chapter 4 and following chapters.

Z. Iwata (*)
Kamakura, Japan

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 59

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
60 Z. Iwata

2.4.3 Type of Accessory Installation Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

2.4.4 Jointing Limitations in Restricted Installation Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.4.5 Mechanical Forces Applied to the Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.4.6 Climatic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.4.7 Type of Accessory Outer Protection Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.4.8 Situations Requiring Special Accessory Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.5 Verification of Accessory Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.5.1 Use of the Specific National or International Type Test Specification
for the Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.5.2 Use of the Cable Test Specification in the Absence of an Accessory
Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.5.3 Type Test Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.5.4 Type Tested Accessory in Combination with the Particular Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.5.5 Pre-Qualification Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.5.6 Satisfactory Service Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.5.7 Test for Accessories in Specially Bonded Cable Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.5.8 Tests for Water Tightness of Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.5.9 Additional Tests for Cable Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.5.10 Pressure Vessel Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.6 Quality Assurance Scheme for Accessory Design and Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.6.1 The Routine Test Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.6.2 Quality Assurance Approval for Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.6.3 Routine Tests on Prefabricated Moulded Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.6.4 Sample Tests on Individual Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.7 Quality Assurance Scheme for Accessory Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.7.1 Quality Assurance Approval for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.7.2 Quality Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.7.3 Training of Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.7.4 Assembly Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.7.5 Special Assembly Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.7.6 Preparation of the Assembly Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.8 Compatibility of the Accessory with Specified after Laying Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.8.1 Voltage Test on Main Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.8.2 Partial Discharge Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.8.3 Voltage Withstand Test on the Cable over Sheath and Joint Protection . . . . . . . . . 75
2.8.4 Current Balance Test on the Cable Sheath and Screening Wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.9 Maintenance Requirements of the Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.9.1 Monitoring of Fluid Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.9.2 Voltage Withstand Tests on the over Sheath and Joint Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.9.3 Shelf Life of Accessories for Emergency Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.9.4 Availability of Accessory Kits for Emergency Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.10 Economics of Accessory Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.10.1 Cost of the Accessory Complete with all Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.10.2 Cost of Guarantee and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.10.3 Cost of Assembly Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.10.4 Cost of Preparing the Installation Environment for the Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.10.5 Cost of Safe Working Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.10.6 Cost of Special Jointing Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.10.7 Cost of Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.10.8 Comparative Cost of Cable and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.10.9 Cost of Verification of Accessory Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 61

2.1 Introduction

The reliability and performance of a cable circuit is dependent in equal measures on

the designs of the cable and accessory and on the skill and experience of the person
who is assembling the accessory. The cable insulation is extruded in the factory
under controlled process conditions using selected materials of high quality. It is
equally important that the same quality measures are employed for the manufacture
of the accessories in the factory and for their assembly on site onto the specially
prepared cable.
It is essential to select the design of accessory to be exactly compatible with the
particular cable type and the particular service application. Compatibility should be
validated by electrical type approval tests and be supported by either prequalification
tests, or service experience. In particular the performance of the accessory is
dependent on the quality, skill and training of the jointing personnel and on the
use of the specialised tools required for a particular accessory.
The itemised sub-headings below form the basis of the information that is needed
by the manufacturer and installer of the cable and accessories. For many applications
the cable manufacturer also manufactures, supplies and installs the accessories as
part of the complete cable circuit, thus the information is immediately available
inhouse. In the event that the user purchases the accessories separately from the
cable, then the following items form the basis of the questions that should be asked to
the manufacturers of the cable and accessories to ensure that the accessories are

2.2 Compatibility of the Accessory with the Cable

2.2.1 Number of Cable Cores

The user should determine whether the cable construction is of single, three core or
triplex construction (i.e. three single core cables twisted together). The design of the
accessory and the method of assembly is dependent upon the number of cable cores;
however it is unusual for three core extruded cables to be employed above 60 kV.

2.2.2 Cable Constructional Details

For satisfactory service performance it is most important that the correct size of
accessory is selected to suit the particular cable. The outer diameter of the cable
insulation, its tolerance and shape are particularly important in the selection of an
accessory employing a pre-moulded component, such as an elastomeric stress cone
or an elastomeric joint moulding. Such components are designed to fit a specific
range of diameters of prepared cable insulation (that is with the insulation screen
removed and the insulation smoothed and shaped). The components must not be
62 Z. Iwata

used outside this range. The minimum diameter is determined by the need to achieve
sufficient pressure to eliminate voids at the interface with the cable insulation. The
maximum diameter is determined by such considerations as a) preventing damage by
over stretching during assembly and b) limiting the maximum pressure at the
interface such that compression set of the cable insulation and moulded insulation
is minimised.
The diameter and tolerance ratio of the conductor and of its compaction (the radio
of the effective cross sectional area of the metal to the total area occupied) are needed
in selecting a connector that will exhibit stable conductivity and high mechanical
The diameters and tolerances of the cable metallic barrier and over sheath are
needed to ensure that accessory metallic flanges and other components can be passed
back over the cable during assembly.
The following dimensional and constructional details should be obtained by the
user to ensure compatibility of the accessory with the cable:
The detailed cable construction should be obtained from the cable manufacturer,
which includes the following information as a minimum requirement. Diameters,
maximum and minimum tolerances, eccentricity dimensions, construction and mate-
rial need to be obtained for each of the following cable components:

• Conductor and special features (e.g. water blocking), if any

• Conductor screen
• Insulation (ovality and eccentricity dimensions are required)
• Insulation screen
• Screen wires, if any
• Longitudinal water blocking, if any
• Metallic barrier, if any, for example whether an extruded sheath, a welded sheath,
or a laminated foil barrier. Also whether of cylindrical or corrugated form
• Over sheath
• Armour, if any
• Special features (e.g. presence of optical fibre or pilot wires).

2.2.3 Conductor Area and Diameter

The user should ensure that the accessory has been designed and tested for the
particular cable conductor size. The electrical performance of an accessory design
can become critical on large conductor cables because of the high cable insulation
screen stress.
The user should ensure that the conductor connections in the complete kit of
components are supplied to suit the particular conductor construction. The conductor
connection must be capable of carrying the same current as the cable conductor and
must be capable of withstanding the cable longitudinal thermomechanical forces,
these being proportional to the cross sectional area.
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 63

2.2.4 Operating Temperature of the Cable Conductor and Sheath

under Continuous, Short Term Overload and Short Circuit
Current Loading

The materials of the accessory must be capable of operating satisfactorily at the

operating temperatures specified for the cable. For example, cables with LDPE
insulation have a typical continuous maximum operating temperature of 70 C and
cables with XLPE insulation have an operating temperature of 90 C, (IEC
840 1988). The short term overload temperatures depend upon the type of cable
and application. The temperature of the conductor under short circuit is typically
taken as 250 C for XLPE and 160 C for paper insulated cable, (IEC 986 1989). The
permitted short circuit temperature of the cable extruded metallic sheath or screen
wires is determined by the type of metallic sheath and thermoplastic over sheath, this
temperature usually being significantly less than that of the cable insulation.

2.2.5 Compatibility of the Accessory with the Type of Cable

Insulation and Semiconducting Screens Physical Compatibility with the Extruded Cable

The insulation of the polymeric cable must be identified by the user. There are
significant differences between the electrical and mechanical characteristics of
extruded insulation. The usual insulants for extruded polymeric cables in the voltage
class of 60 kV and above being XLPE (crosslinked polyethylene), LDPE (low
density polyethylene), HDPE (high density polyethylene) and EPR (etylene propyl-
ene rubber). Chemical Compatibility with the Extruded Cable

The type of insulating liquid or lubricant used in joints and terminations should be
identified to ensure that these do not affect the properties of the polymeric insulation
and semiconducting screens employed in the cable and accessories. For example a)
hydrocarbon liquids at elevated temperature can cause swelling of XLPE and EPR
insulation and reduction of the conducting properties of screens and b) silicone
liquids can have an effect on silicone rubber components. Compatibility with the Paper Insulated Cable

In the case of transition joints between polymeric cable and paper insulated cable it is
important to establish whether the cable is of the internally or externally pressurised
type and whether the fluid dielectric is a gas or a liquid; these details will determine the
performance requirements of the barrier plate that segregates the two cables. In the
case of mass impregnated non pressurised cables it is important to determine the type
of impregnating compound and whether it is of the liquid type or of the non draining
type; these details will determine the chemical suitability of the materials employed
within the joint to segregate the impregnating fluid from the insulation of the poly-
meric cable and joint. Penetration of a hydrocarbon impregnating into the polymeric
64 Z. Iwata

cable can result in swelling and modification of the electrical characteristics of the
semi-conducting screens and insulation of both the cable and accessory components,
thereby reducing their electrical performance. Loss of the impregnating fluid into the
polymeric cable can result in eventual electrical failure of the paper cable.

2.2.6 Cable Electrical Design Stresses to be Withstood by

the Accessory

The user is advised to obtain the magnitude of the cable stresses at the conductor and
insulation screens, or obtain the dimensions of the cable, thereby permitting the stresses
to be calculated. The unit of stress is kV/mm calculated at Uo voltage. There are
significant differences in the magnitude of the electrical design stress employed in
cables, these being dependent upon the type and thickness of insulation, the conductor
size, the system voltage and the lightning impulse voltage. It is essential that the
accessory has been designed and tested to operate at the particular cable design stress.
The stress at the cable insulation screen is of particular significance because this
normally determines the maximum design stress in the accessory. The insulation
screen stress is usually of higher magnitude in those cables designed for high system
voltages and large conductor diameters.

2.2.7 Mechanical Forces and Movements Generated by the Cable

on the Accessory

The magnitude of the forces and movements generated by the cable on the accessory
depends upon the cable materials, the method of cable manufacture and the type of
cable installation design (i.e. rigid or flexible installation).
The following mechanical strains are dependent on the cable construction:

• Insulation retraction (shrink back)

• Insulation radial thermal expansion
• Over sheath retraction (shrink back).

The following forces are dependent upon the cable construction, current loading,
operating temperature, method and type of cable constraint and accessory design:

• Conductor thermomechanical thrust and retraction

• Sheath thermomechanical thrust and retraction.

2.2.8 Short Circuit Forces

Electromagnetic forces are present during a short circuit between the individual
conducting components of the accessory and between the adjacent cables and the
accessory. The following information is applicable:
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 65

• Method of constraint of the accessory and cable

• Dimensions of the individual accessory components
• Method of constraint and the spacing of adjacent cables.

2.3 Compatibility of the Accessory Performance with that

of the Cable System

2.3.1 Circuit Performance Parameters

The current rating and optimum circuit economics are dictated by the cable conduc-
tor size, cable material costs and the method of installation. To achieve the optimum
economical solution it is important that the accessory design is not allowed to limit
the performance of the cable. The accessory must therefore match the following
cable performance:

• Rated voltages (Nominal system voltage U and maximum Um)

• Current rating
(Current magnitude)
• Continuous, cyclic and short time overload.
(Current magnitude, time and temperature).
• Short circuit rating, “phase to earth” and “phase to phase”
(Current magnitude, asymmetry, time and temperature).
• Basic impulse level
(Withstand voltages for lightning impulse and switching surge).
(Flash over voltage for the system insulation co-ordination of outdoor termi-
nations, if specified (IEC 71 1993)).

2.3.2 Circuit Life Required

The accessory should match the design life specified for the particular cable circuit.
This is typically requested to be from 20 to 40 years, however some cable circuits are
installed as temporary links, for example in an overhead line circuit. Such accesso-
ries may be designed to be suitable for quick assembly with a reduction in perfor-
mance and service life.

2.3.3 Metallic Screen Bonding Requirements

The following information is required on a) the type of bonding leads, (concentric or

single conductors) and their conductor size and overall dimensions and b) the type of
cable bonding scheme, for example solidly earthed or specially bonded metallic
66 Z. Iwata

• Magnitude of induced sheath or screen wire voltage under normal and short
circuit current.
• Magnitude of circulating sheath or screen wire current under normal loading.
• Magnitude of short circuit current.
• Magnitude of specified over sheath lightning withstand voltage and dc withstand
voltage, (ELECTRA 128; E.R. C.55/4 1989; ANSI/IEEE 575-1988 1988).

It is important that the accessory design incorporates means of connecting the cable
screen wires, metallic tapes or sheath and joint shell to the insulation screen.

2.3.4 Earth Fault Requirements

Some Utilities require that short circuit currents be returned within the cable system.
The user should ensure that the accessory is also able to contain this current.

2.4 Compatibility of the Accessory with the Cable System

Design and Operating Conditions

The user is advised to ensure that accessory design is a) compatible with the
particular cable installation design, as this determines the mechanical loading
applied, b) capable of being assembled in the site environmental conditions and c)
capable of a satisfactory service performance under adverse climatic conditions.

2.4.1 Type of Cable Installation Design

• Rigidly constrained (cable laid direct in the ground or close cleated)

• Flexible unconstrained (cable horizontally snaked or vertically waved)
• Semi-flexible (cable constrained, but permitted to exhibit a controlled deflection,
for example at a bridge crossing or adjacent to gas immersed switch gear)
• Unfilled duct.

2.4.2 Standard Dimensions for Cable Termination

The user is advised to ensure the following dimensional compliancies:

• Outdoor and indoor termination: Harmonisation with existing equipment of the

overall height of the off-going bus bar connector and of the bottom metalwork
fixing arrangements to the support structure.
• GIS and transformer termination: Harmonisation of the cable termination with
both the design of the metal clad switch gear (internal diameter, overall length,
off-going bus bar connector, bottom metalwork sealing arrangements and
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 67

pressure) and the design of the support structure (fixing arrangements for the
particular cable constraint selected) (IEC 859 1986).

2.4.3 Type of Accessory Installation Environment

• Laid direct and buried in the ground

• Jointing chamber (in air)
• Tunnel
• Above ground
• Bridge
• Tower
• Shaft.

2.4.4 Jointing Limitations in Restricted Installation Locations

• Space limitations
• Time limitations (for example arising from road or rail traffic influences)
• Tolerance limitations of assembly personnel (for example arising from extremes
of temperature, humidity, vibration, noise and induced voltage).

2.4.5 Mechanical Forces Applied to the Accessory

• Thermomechanical forces
• Earthquake
• Vibration
• Off-going bus bar at terminations
• Wind loading on bus bars at terminations
• Ice loading on bus bars at terminations
• Short circuit loading on bus bars at terminations
• GIS pressure
• Angle of installation of terminations
• Hydraulic or pneumatic pressure forces at transition joints.

2.4.6 Climatic Conditions

Accessories require to be suitable for the extremes of climatic conditions expected

both in service and during assembly. Some types of accessories are required to be
assembled under controlled environmental conditions.

• Altitude (reduction of electrical strength of air)

• Air pollution (reduction of electrical strength of outdoor insulator surface)
68 Z. Iwata

• Precipitation (reduction in electrical strength of air and outdoor insulator surface)

• Salt fog (reduction in electrical strength of outdoor insulator surface)
• Moisture condensation (reduction in electrical strength of insulator surface)
• Temperature
• Atmospheric humidity.

2.4.7 Type of Accessory Outer Protection Required

The accessory protection is required to provide corrosion protection and, for a

specially bonded cable circuit, insulation from ground.

• Joint box (laid direct in the ground or in air)

• Pedestal insulator (in air)
• Moulded sheet insulation (in air, to protect personnel against electric shock)
• Metallic fences or screens (in air, to protect personnel against electric shock).

2.4.8 Situations Requiring Special Accessory Protection

• Submerged under water

• Termite infestation
• Fire risk.

2.5 Verification of Accessory Performance

It is strongly recommended that the performance of the accessories is proven on test

with the particular cable type, material, size and manufacture.
The following verification items should be checked by the user.

2.5.1 Use of the Specific National or International Type Test

Specification for the Accessory

If an applicable type test specification is available for the accessory, then these tests
should be undertaken or a type test report provided. A list of world wide test
specifications is given in the References.

2.5.2 Use of the Cable Test Specification in the Absence of an

Accessory Specification

If a type test specification for the accessory does not exist, then it is recommended to
use the type test specification for the cable.
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 69

2.5.3 Type Test Report

The type test report should be obtained, this will give details of the accessory
together with the cable size, performance levels and test specification reference.
The type test usually includes elevated high voltage testing and load cycle testing of
a comparatively short duration (e.g. 20 daily load cycles).

2.5.4 Type Tested Accessory in Combination with the Particular


The cable size recorded in the type test report should be compared to the required
cable for the particular application. The radial design stress of the test cable should
be equal to or higher than that of the required service cable. The conductor area
recorded in the type test report should be equal to or larger than that of the required
cable. If the conductor size of the particular cable has not been tested it is permitted
to accept tests already performed on a larger conductor (for example on the largest
conductor size in the range). Some specifications require the testing of both the
largest and smallest conductor sizes in the range, (IEC 840 1988).

2.5.5 Pre-Qualification Tests

The pre-qualification test is an endurance test of extended duration (for example one
year). If a recognised pre-qualification test specification does not exist then the user
is recommended to ask for confirmation that long term development tests have been
undertaken. For pre-qualification tests on accessories for use at system voltages
above 150 kV see (ELECTRA 151 1993a, b).

2.5.6 Satisfactory Service Record

Although not essential if the cable and accessories have passed recognized type
approval tests and pre-qualification tests it is advisable to check that the accessories
have a satisfactory service experience.

2.5.7 Test for Accessories in Specially Bonded Cable Circuits

Type approval reports should be provided to demonstrate the adequacy of the electrical
insulation of a) the joint protection and b) the screen interruption. These tests are usually
required to be undertaken on the complete accessory together with the cable. The
exception is for discrete components, such as pedestal insulators, which for some
applications may be tested individually. The tests usually require a combination of
lightning impulse, ac and dc voltage withstand tests (ELECTRA 128; E.R. C.66/1 1979).
70 Z. Iwata

2.5.8 Tests for Water Tightness of Joints

Type approval reports should be provided for those joints required to operate
partially or fully submerged under water. Typical applications being installation in
water logged ground or in jointing chambers or tunnels which are liable to flood.
These tests are usually undertaken on the completed joint together with the cable and
should require the application of either temperature cycles or current loading cycles
whilst under water immersion.
For installation in the ground, the test specification may also require the addition
of mechanical tests to demonstrate the ability to withstand forces imposed by soil
loading and by heavy vehicles, (E.R. C.66/1 1979).
For joints in specially bonded cable circuits, installed in the ground, it is usual to
provide a type test report which demonstrates performance when subjected to a
combination of mechanical loading, water immersion, temperature cycling and
elevated voltage withstand tests (item 2.5.7) (E.R. C.66/1 1979).

2.5.9 Additional Tests for Cable Terminations

In addition to the basic electrical type approval test report, the user is advised to seek
confirmation of test performance for the following items:

• Outdoor and indoor terminations:

– Electrical performance of the insulator when subjected to atmospheric pollu-
tion in both wet and dry conditions (IEC 815 1986).
– Electrical performance of the insulator when subjected to strong sunlight for
prolonged periods. This is applicable to polymeric insulators only and not to
porcelain insulators.
– Mechanical performance of the insulator when subjected to a) cantilever loading
to simulate forces from wind, bus bar loading and short circuit electromagnetic
loading and b) axial loading to simulate the thermo-mechanical thrust and
retraction of the cable conductor.
– Electrical withstand performance of the cable termination, complete with cable,
under rain spray conditions (IEC 840 1988; IEEE 48-1990 1990; KEMA S10-2).
– Measurement on the complete termination of the radio interference level due to
partial discharges (corona) in air (IEEE 48-1990 1990).
– For application in those countries subject to severe earthquakes, the measure-
ment of the vibration characteristics of the termination complete with its
support structure and cable (IEC 1463).
• GIS terminations and transformer terminations:
– Mechanical performance of the terminations when subjected to a) cantilever
loading to simulate the expansion forces of the off-going bus bar and b) axial
loading to simulate the thermomechanical thrust and retraction of the cable
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 71

– Vibration performance of the termination to simulate a) the high frequency

vibration generated by the operation of a circuit breaker, b) when applicable,
the low frequency vibration generated by an earthquake and c) the vibration of
a transformer.

2.5.10 Pressure Vessel Regulations

If the accessory contains fluid under pressure or is connected to GIS metal clad
trunking it is advisable to check the requirements of National Regulations, if they
exist, concerning approval of the design, routine test and type test.

2.6 Quality Assurance Scheme for Accessory Design

and Manufacture

Type approval testing is intended to verify that the design has met the specified
performance. To ensure consistent manufacturing quality, the user should verify the
following items.

2.6.1 The Routine Test Schedule

Compliance with a routine test national specification should be stipulated. Most

manufacturers use a more rigorous in-house routine test specification, in which case
this should be approved by the user (for example (KEMA S10-2; ENEL spec. DJ

2.6.2 Quality Assurance Approval for Manufacture

The user should ensure that the accessory supplier or manufacturer provides evi-
dence of an approved Quality Assurance system for design, manufacture, routine test
and traceability complying with an internationally recognised standard, e.g. (BS EN
ISO 9001:1994 1994).

2.6.3 Routine Tests on Prefabricated Moulded Insulation

It is strongly recommended that the user specifies that each factory moulded
insulating component be subjected, as a minimum requirement, to a routine test
comprising an ac voltage withstand test and a partial discharge measurement test.
Consideration should also be given to the application of additional routine tests, for
example, dielectric loss angle measurement, X-ray examination and ultrasonic
examination (KEMA S10-2; ENEL spec. DJ 4585).
72 Z. Iwata

2.6.4 Sample Tests on Individual Components

In addition to the tests on moulded insulation described above, there should be

electrical and mechanical tests performed on either all or on representative samples
of production. For example (BS EN 50069:1991 1991; EATS 09-10 1976).

2.7 Quality Assurance Scheme for Accessory Installation

Assembly of the accessories onto cable with extruded insulation is the most vulnerable
part of a project involving the manufacture and installation of a new cable circuit.
Accessories and cables are manufactured and tested under controlled factory conditions,
whereas the in-service performance of the accessory is dependent upon the training, skill
and reliability of the personnel, who are often required to work under adverse site
For many project applications one company will manufacture the cable and acces-
sories and undertake to complete the installation of the circuit. In other applications the
installer may complete the circuit using cable and accessories supplied by different
manufacturers. In some applications the installer may only assemble the accessories. For
each application the requirements of the QA system are equally rigorous.

2.7.1 Quality Assurance Approval for Installation

The user should ensure that the installer provides evidence of an approved quality
assurance system for installation to an internationally recognised standard (BS EN
ISO 9001:1994 1994).

2.7.2 Quality Plan

The installer is required to produce a Quality Plan for each project, this includes the
project time schedule together with the requirements for suitably qualified personnel,
training, on-site storage of components and accessories, tools, testing equipment,
constructing materials, assembly instructions, preparation of the jointing environment
and records of the assembly work. It is important that the records of assembly are
traceable to the location of each accessory in the cable circuit. If purchasing separately,
the user is advised to ensure that, for the purposes of traceability, the quality systems of
the cable manufacturer, accessory manufacturer and installer are compatible.

2.7.3 Training of Personnel

When selecting the designs of accessories the user should ensure that training courses are
available for the jointing and supervisory personnel. It is strongly advised that personnel
receive training on the particular designs of accessories and cable.
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 73

Examples of the elements of a training course for assembly personnel are:

• General training at specific system voltages with the standard range of accessories
required by the user
• Repeat training after a defined period for those personnel who have completed
general training
• Specified training on a new accessory or cable design for those personnel who
have completed general training.

At the end of the training course the proficiency of the assembly personnel is
normally assessed, for example, by a verbal or written examination, by a practical
test and preferably by performing on the assembled accessories an electrical partial
discharge test and voltage withstand test.
Proficiency is recognised at the completion of training by the issue of a certificate,
which should be checked by the user as part of the quality plan for a specific project. In
many instances a kit of general jointing tools and a set of general assembly instructions
is also issued to the personnel following satisfactory completion of training.

2.7.4 Assembly Instructions

The accessory manufacturer is required to supply a complete set of assembly

instructions together with drawings of the particular accessory.
The instructions should also include lists of the specified assembly tools, the
specified consumable materials and the health and safety precautions. Recommen-
dations for the preparation of the assembly environment should also be given.
It is important that the user studies the instructions before work begins to ensure
that the workplace is correctly prepared and that all the tools and consumable
materials are available.

2.7.5 Special Assembly Tools

Most designs of accessories, particularly those operating at higher system voltages,

require special tools which are purchased or hired from the accessory manufacturer. The
user should ensure that full instructions are provided and that the personnel are trained in
their use. These tools may take the form, for example, of a) hydraulic compression
presses or welding equipment for connecting the conductors, b) cutting equipment to
remove the insulation screen and to shape the cable insulation c) assembly machines
which stretch and position pre-moulded elastomeric components, d) taping machines
that apply tape and e) heated mould tools and mobile extruders for field moulded joints.

2.7.6 Preparation of the Assembly Environment

It is strongly recommended that the assembly area for both joints and termination to
be enclosed within a tent or temporary building, with the objective of providing a
74 Z. Iwata

clean and dry environment. The enclosure should be a) well lit to facilitate accurate
preparation of the cable insulation, b) provided with a sound floor and c) lined with
sealed materials to facilitate cleanliness. In extremes of climate it is good practice
to provide control of temperature and humidity to ensure a) consistent performance
of the personnel and b) consistent properties of the polymeric materials. Joint Assembly

• An appropriately sized joint bay or chamber.
• The provision of a temporary and/or permanent support for the completed joint. Termination Assembly

• A permanent support structure.
• A temporary weatherproof structure during assembly.
• Means of lifting the cable and insulator into position.

2.8 Compatibility of the Accessory with Specified after Laying


When the installation of the cable and accessories has been completed it is standard
practice to perform electrical tests to demonstrate that the assembly of the accesso-
ries is of satisfactory quality and that mechanical damage to the cable and accessories
has not occurred during installation.
The following tests can be performed. It is important to ensure that the accessory
design is suitable for the particular test:

2.8.1 Voltage Test on Main Insulation

DC tests have been traditionally applied to transmission circuits, however their use
on cable with extruded polymeric insulation is not recommended. Experience has
shown that the dc voltage test is not always sufficiently sensitive to detect damaged
cable insulation or incorrectly assembled accessories and hence prevent them from
entering service. In particular the electrical stress distribution under dc voltage in an
accessory is usually significantly different from that under ac voltage in normal
service. The application of an ac voltage is now under evaluation as an after laying
test, either by the application of service voltage from the transmission system or by
the application of test voltage from mobile test equipment (ELECTRA 173 1997).

2.8.2 Partial Discharge Detection

Partial discharge detection techniques are at present being developed for some cable
and accessory applications to check for the absence of damage to the cable during
installation and incorrect assembly of the accessories. Methods are not yet available
for this to be done in a simple manner as a routine commissioning test on normal
cable circuits (ELECTRA 173 1997).
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 75

2.8.3 Voltage Withstand Test on the Cable over Sheath and Joint

It is usual for specially bonded cable systems, including their accessories, to be

subjected to an after laying test comprised of the application of a dc withstand
voltage applied to the metallic sheath or screen wires (ELECTRA 128; E.R. C.55/4
1989; IEC 229 1982).

2.8.4 Current Balance Test on the Cable Sheath and Screening


This test is performed on cross bonded cable systems at or adjacent to accessory

positions to confirm that a) the bonding connections of the accessory are correct and
b) the cable lengths and spacing are symmetrical, such that the magnitude of residual
circulating current is of an acceptably low magnitude (E.R. C.55/4 1989; IEC
229 1982).

2.9 Maintenance Requirements of the Accessory

The user should ensure that adequate maintenance tests and checks have been
recommended by the cable and accessory suppliers, for example:

2.9.1 Monitoring of Fluid Insulation

Liquid and gas levels: some types of termination, straight joints and transition joints
are filled with insulating liquid or gas and may require to be regularly inspected or
monitored in service to ensure that neither the liquid or gas have escaped.

2.9.2 Voltage Withstand Tests on the over Sheath and Joint


These tests are similar to the after laying tests, but are usually performed at reduced
voltage levels (ELECTRA 128; E.R. C.55/4 1989).

2.9.3 Shelf Life of Accessories for Emergency Spares

The user should ensure that information is provided on the shelf life of the compo-
nents in an accessory for long term storage as these may vary according to the type of
material, the way they are packed and the appropriate temperature and humidity
conditions of storage.
76 Z. Iwata

2.9.4 Availability of Accessory Kits for Emergency Spares

The user is recommended to obtain either a sufficient stock of spare accessories or to

have an agreement with the manufacturer to supply accessories at short notice. The
design of an accessory for emergency use may be different from that installed.

2.10 Economics of Accessory Selection

A comparison of the relative costs of different designs of accessory kits should not
be undertaken without giving due consideration to the total costs of installation and
assembly. The following are the main items of cost.

2.10.1 Cost of the Accessory Complete with all Components

The accessory design should be checked to ensure that it is a complete kit and will be
supplied with all the components and assembly instructions for the particular applica-
tion. Some components that may not necessarily be supplied by all accessory manufac-
turers are for example a) conductor connections and anti-corrosion protection for joints
and b) bus bar take-off connectors and support metalwork for termination.

2.10.2 Cost of Guarantee and Insurance

At the higher system voltages it is more usual for the cable and accessories to be
supplied, installed and guaranteed as a “turn-key” project. Under such circumstances
the guarantee will usually extend to a specified number of years in service. If the user
decides to divide the supply and installation of accessories between companies, it is
recommended that the cost of financial self insurance be considered, because the
responsibility for an accessory failure in service can be difficult to apportion between
the accessory manufacturer, the cable manufacturer and the installer.

2.10.3 Cost of Assembly Time

The jointing time required to assemble accessories can differ dependent on their
design. Similarly the time required to assemble the anti-corrosion protection and the
final mechanical support to the accessory can be the over-riding factors in determin-
ing the jointing time.
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 77

2.10.4 Cost of Preparing the Installation Environment

for the Accessory

Accessories require the provision of a weatherproof enclosure together with the

environmental conditions necessary for jointing (e.g. good lighting, cleanliness and,
when necessary, air conditioning. The supply of electricity and gas may be required).
Details are given in item 2.7.6.

2.10.5 Cost of Safe Working Conditions

In addition to the cost of constructing the installation environment to comply with

the regulations for safe working practices (items 2.10.4 and 2.7.6), the provision may
be required for temporary and permanent protection to a) the installer’s personnel
from electric shock during assembly and b) the user’s personnel when the accessory
is in service.

2.10.6 Cost of Special Jointing Tools

There may be significant differences in purchase cost and hiring charges of the tools
required for different accessories.

2.10.7 Cost of Training

Qualified jointers who are trained to assemble the particular accessory should always
be employed. The user should decide whether it will be more cost effective to a)
employ qualified and experienced personnel to assemble the accessories, or b)
employ qualified and experienced personnel to install the cable and assemble the
accessories as part of a turn-key contract, or c) incur the on-going costs of training
and regular repeat training for his own personnel.

2.10.8 Comparative Cost of Cable and Accessories

The design of the cable can influence the cost of the accessory design. Thus a
reduction in the cost of the cable construction may result in an increase in the cost
of the accessories. Similarly an increase in the cost of installation by laying longer
lengths of cable may achieve a reduction in overall costs by requiring fewer joints.
78 Z. Iwata

2.10.9 Cost of Verification of Accessory Performance

If a type test report is not available for the particular cable and accessory in
combination then the user is advised to allow for the cost of performing a type
approval test. This cost may be born by the supplier, in the case of a turn-key project,
but this is less usually so in the case of separately supplied cable and accessories.

ANSI/IEEE 575-1988.: Guide for the application of sheath-bonding methods for single-conductor
cables and the calculation of induced voltages and currents in cable sheaths (1988)
BS EN 50069:1991.: Specification for welded composite enclosures of cast and wrought aluminium
alloys for gas filled high voltage switch gear and control gear (1991)
BS EN ISO 9001:1994.: Quality Systems: Model for Quality Assurance in design, development,
production, installation and servicing (1994)
E.R. C.55/4.: Insulated sheath power cable systems (1989)
E.R. C.66/1.: Type approval testing procedure: protective boxes for use with buried accessories
employed on 33kV–400 kV insulated sheath power cable (and for sheath sectionalising insula-
tion embodied in such accessories) (1979)
EATS 09-10.: Porcelain insulators for 33, 66, 132, 275 and 400 kV pressure assisted cable outdoor
sealing ends (1976)
ELECTRA 128.: Guide to the protection of specially bonded cable systems against sheath over
voltages (Report of WG 21.07)
ELECTRA 151.: Recommendations for electrical tests pre qualification and development on
extruded cables and accessories at voltages > 150 (170) kV and  400 kV (420) kV. (December
1993 pp. 15–19: WG 21.03) (1993a)
ELECTRA 151.: Recommendations for electrical tests, type, sample and routine on extruded cables
and accessories at voltages > 150 (170) kV and  400 kV (420) kV. (December 1993 pp. 21–
29: WG 21.03) (1993b)
ELECTRA 173.: After laying tests on high voltage extruded insulation cable systems (Report of
WG 21-09) (1997)
ENEL spec. DJ 4585.: Prescrizioni per il collaudo di giunti e terminali unipolari cavi isolati con
gomma etilenpropilenica
IEC 1463.: Bushings – Seismic Qualification
IEC 229.: Test on cable over sheaths which have a special protective function and are applied by
extrusion (1982)
IEC 71.: Insulation Coordination. Part 1 (1993): Definitions, principles and rules. Part 2 (1976):
Application guide
IEC 815.: Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions (1986)
IEC 840.: Tests for power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼
36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV)) (1988)
IEC 859.: Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch gear for rated voltages of
72.5 kV and above (1986)
IEC 986.: Guide to the short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables with a rated voltage from
1.8/3 (3.6)kV to 18/30 (36)kV (1989)
IEEE 48-1990.: Test procedures and requirements for high-voltage AC cable terminations (1990)
KEMA S10-2.: KEMA specification of requirements to be met by accessories for single-phase
power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages between 50 and 220 kV
Section 3.: Summary of world wide usage of accessories for HV extruded cables (Chapter 4.1)
(Report of WG 21-06)
2 A Guide to the Selection of Accessories 79

Zensuke Iwata was born in Tokyo, Japan, on October 5, 1944.

He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1968. In 1968 he joined the
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Japan, where he has been engaged
several years in research and development of high-voltage power
cables and their accessories before taking other positions in the
Furukawa Electric Co. In 2003 he successfully carried out the
long-term field test of the real scale H.T. superconducting cable
system as the Managing Director and CTO of the Furukawa
Electric Co. In 2004 he was appointed as the President of Nuclear
Fuel Industries, Japan, and retired in 2014. Zensuke Iwata con-
vened Cigré WG 21.06 which published Technical Brochures 89
and 177. He received the TC Award in 1995. He chaired the ISTC
of Jicable in 2003.
Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded
HV and EHV Cables 3
Henk Geene

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.1.1 Terms of Reference of JTF 21/15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.1.2 Interfaces to be Studied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.1.3 Materials Involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.2 Interface Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.2.1 Smoothness of the Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.2.2 Contact Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.2.3 Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.2.4 Electrical Field Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.2.5 Temperature and Temperature Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.2.6 Quality of Accessory Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.3 Long Term Performance of Interfaces in Cable Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.3.1 Migration of the Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.3.2 Movements in the Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.3.3 Reduction of the Interface Pressure due to Relaxation of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.3.4 Electrical Ageing of Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.4 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.5 Recommendations and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

3.1 Introduction

Interfaces in joints and terminations of extruded HV cables have been identified as

crucial parts. Some of the mechanisms related to ageing are not well understood. For
this reason, a task force has been established to study the behaviour of interfaces in

H. Geene (*)
Prysmian Group, Product Management HV Accessories, The Hague Area, Netherlands

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 81

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
82 H. Geene

accessories for HV and EHV extruded cables. The scope was limited to non-bonded
interfaces between solid insulating materials, but included the applied lubricants.
The Joint task force 21/15 (JTF21/15) was installed by Study Committee SC21
(Insulated Cables now SC B1) and SC15 (Materials now SC D1) and called
“Interfaces in accessories for extruded HV and EHV cables” The members of the
task force were cable systems and/or material experts. The report of the work has
been published as Cigré TB 210.
Within Cigré, interfaces was also subject of study for WG15.10. This working
group was concentrating on the material aspects of interfaces and had developed and
selected interface models for laboratory testing.

3.1.1 Terms of Reference of JTF 21/15

The joint task force is reviewed the state of the art regarding the interface behaviour
in accessories for extruded HV and EHV cables.
The targets objectives for JTF 21/15 were:

• To evaluate short term behaviour of interfaces (parameters influencing withstand

• To evaluate ageing behaviour and relevant parameters
• To make practical recommendations for evaluating, testing and installing inter-
faces in extruded HV and EHV cable systems.

The task force did not deal with partial discharges and electrical treeing in interfaces,
since these processes are strongly influenced by the type of accessories (materials,
design, etc.).
The focus was on the parameter settings to prevent partial discharges in interfaces
and those phenomena that could lead to partial discharges in service. Partial dis-
charge detection on installed Cable Systems was the subject of Cigré WG 21-16
which published Cigré TB 182 (Cigré WG B1-16 2001).

3.1.2 Interfaces to be Studied

The interfaces to be studied are those in accessories for extruded HV and EHV cables
between solid insulating materials. Although the cable is an essential part of the
accessory, it will not always be explicitly mentioned (Fig. 3.1).
Interfaces in accessories are between:

• Rubber insulating body and cable insulation, in a liquid or gas filled termination
(a) dry-type termination (b), in a composite joint (c) or joint (d),
• Stress-cone and epoxy joint body, in a dry-type termination (b) or composite
joint (c)
• Adapter sleeve and joint body (e)
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables 83

Fig. 3.1 Typical accessory

arrangements for HV extruded
cables (Peschke and
Olshausen 1999)

3.1.3 Materials Involved

Interfaces exist between two solid polymer parts. The materials involved in these
interfaces and various related abbreviations are summarized in Table 3.1. The
international standards dealing with symbols and abbreviations of polymers respec-
tively rubber and latex latices appear not to be harmonized yet.
Polyethylene mainly divides into two big families: LDPE (Low Density Poly
Ethylene, density in the range of 0.910-0.925 g/cm3) and HDPE (High Density Poly
Ethylene, density in the range 0.941–0.965). In addition to these two main families,
it is worth mentioning LLDPE (Linear Low Density Poly Ethylene). In cable
manufacturing PE is used both for insulation and for jacketing; the cross-linking
of PE (peroxide or silane) leads to XLPE (Cross Linked Poly Ethylene) and is widely
used both for MV and HV cables, particularly for allowing high operating temper-
atures up to 90 C.
The general term EPR is used as an abbreviation for Ethylene Propylene Rubber
(see Table 3.1). EPR divides into two kinds of polyolefin polymers: EPM and
EPDM. EPM represents an Ethylene Propylene copolymer while EPDM denotes a
84 H. Geene

Table 3.1 Summary of symbols and abbreviations of plastics

Abbreviation DIN ISO DIN EN ISO
Abbreviation Material (as used in this (as used in this 1629 Mar 1043 Part
in literature paper) paper) 1992 1 Jan 2000
SiR, SIR, Silicone rubber SiR MVQ, SI
RTV Room Temperature RTV
RTV-2 Vulcanising, 2-component
silicone rubber
LR, LSR Liquid Rubber, Liquid LR
XLR Silicone Rubber, Extra
Liquid Rubber
HTV, HCR High Temperature HTV
Vulcanising, High
Consistency Rubber
EPR Ethylene Propylene Rubber EPR EPMb E/P
EPM Ethylene Propylene EPM EPM E/P
EPM, P Copolymer
(‘EPM, P’ stands for
peroxide vulcanised EPM)
EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene EPDM EPDM –
EPDM, S Terpolymer
EPDM, P (‘EPDM, S’ stands for
sulphur vulcanised; ‘EPDM,
P’ see above)
EP Epoxy resin Epoxy – EP
HDPE, High Density Polyethylene, PE – PE
LDPE Low Density Polyethylene PE-LD
XLPE Cross-linked polyethylene XLPE – PE-X
Grease, silicone oil, paste, Lubricant – –
Q indicates rubbers with poly-siloxane-groups in the main chain, e.g. MVQ ¼ Methyl-Vinyl-Poly-
M indicates rubbers with saturated poly-methylene main chain; R indicates rubbers with unsatu-
rated poly-carbon main chain. Note: this deviates from the wide spread use to indicate rubbers in
general by R

terpolymer based on three monomers: Ethylene, Propylene and a non-conjugated

Diene. Both grades EPM and EPDM are suitable for peroxide cross-linking while
only EPDM allows sulphur cross-linking. Mixing of EPR with other components
leads to the final EPR compounds for power cables and accessories applications.
SiR consists of a so-called silicone-oxygen (polysiloxane) polymeric main chain,
which exhibits high thermal and high UV stability. This main polymeric chain
carries methyl-groups as well as other functional groups like vinyl- or hydrogen-
functions. RTV, XLR, LR or HTV (definitions see Table 3.1) rubbers are the most
widely used grades in electrical applications. Whereas RTV-2, XLR and LR are
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables 85

vulcanised by a so-called addition curing reaction of A- and B-component, HTV

rubber normally is peroxide cross-linked. The main differences in RTV-2 versus LR
or HTV are viscosity and processing. SiR can be formulated to obtain very low Shore
hardness and modulus of elasticity (Strassberger and Winter 1997).
Various types of Epoxy and fillers are used for electrical applications. Among
them a typical resin system is solid Bisphenol A type [2,2-Bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-
propane)] epoxy resin. Technical production of oligomeric epoxy resins involves
reaction of Bisphenol A with Epichlorhydrin to give a reactive intermediate. These
reactive epoxy resin intermediates are the basis, which is polymerized (polyaddition)
with so called hardeners. Hardeners could be either solid powdery acid anhydrides or
aliphatic polyamines resp. polyamidoamines. Cycloaliphatic epoxy resins are cured
normally with acid anhydrides. Aminic systems can be hardened at room tempera-
ture or below 80 C, acidic systems need temperatures over 80 C for hardening.
Results are the various Epoxies, which are classified as duroplastics.
Lubricants are widely used as slip-on materials to ease the installation of cable
accessories. Silicone greases as well as silicone fluids can be used with either SiR or
EPR accessories. Other materials are greases based on fluorinated polymers or
polyethylene glycol modified greases. Generally spoken, grease is formulated of a
liquid basis polymer and a thickener, mostly silica flour and some additives. In
contrast to grease e.g. silicone fluid is a pure silicone polymer. Regarding installation
and interface, the degree and speed of migration of the paste into the insulating
material are of interest. In the case of a pure fluid the interface may get dry after a
certain period of time, while for greases the thickener may remain in the interface
(Willems et al. 1995).

3.2 Interface Parameters

Interfaces are characterized by the initial or short-term breakdown strength and long-
term ageing properties. In Sect 3.3 the ageing phenomena will be discussed while in
this section the focus will be on the initial breakdown strength.
The electrical withstand strength of interfaces is influenced by a combination of
several parameters. In the design of interfaces the following parameters should be
taken into account:

• Smoothness of the surfaces

• Contact pressure on the interface
• Type of lubricant in the interface
• Electrical field distribution in the interface
• Temperature and temperature changes
• Quality of accessory installation.

Most of the parameters mentioned, interact with each other. In the following
paragraphs, the parameters will be discussed separately.
86 H. Geene

3.2.1 Smoothness of the Surfaces

According to literature (Kreuger 1989), the discharge in a cavity in insulating materials

occurs at approximately the same (or higher) voltage as between equally spaced metal
electrodes. This voltage is for a certain gas given by the Paschen curve. According to
this curve, the breakdown stress of a gap is depending on the gap distance, type of gas
and pressure in the gap. At fixed pressure, the Paschen curve indicates higher breakdown
stresses for smaller gaps. In line with the diagram in Fig. 3.2 the smaller the cavities, the
higher the stresses at which partial discharges incept.
Interfaces without microscopic cavities do not exist. Surface scratches in the order
of a few microns are inevitable. In order to avoid partial discharges arising form these
scratches, the size of cavities should be limited to a few microns (depending on the
electrical stress). Therefore an accurate adaptation of the insulating surfaces in the
interface is needed. This can be achieved by smoothening of the insulation surfaces.
The surface smoothness of moulded rubber or epoxy insulators can be achieved
by equivalent surface smoothness of the moulds. Smoothness in the order of a few
micrometers can be achieved without difficulties. The surface smoothness of the
cable insulation, however, is depending on the applied peeling and smoothing
techniques, performed on site in a less well-controlled environment. This part of
the interface depends on the jointer skills. Therefore it is desirable, particularly for
high stress accessory designs, to prescribe the required smoothing technique for the

Fig. 3.2 Breakdown strength of air gaps, derived from the Paschen Curve (Kreuger 1989)
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables 87

preparation of the cable insulation. Although interface pressure is discussed in a

separate paragraph, it is mentioned here, that the pressure in the interface and the
adaptability of the insulating materials, determine the sensitivity to surface
Typical example for calculating the surface smoothness from the Paschen curves
(Kreuger 1989).
Assume a typical radial stress in the cable insulation, adjacent to the interface, of
3.6 kV/mm at Uo (radial stress at the insulation screen of the cable) and assume that
the accessory is required to be free of partial discharges at 2 Uo, then the inception
stress in a possible gap has to be higher than:

Egap ¼ er,PE =er,cav  Emin  2

¼ 2:3=1  3:6  2 ¼ 16:7 kV=mm

Reading from Fig. 3.2, the cavity size in such case has to be smaller than about
20 μm.
Sanding with grade 400 leads to a roughness Rz ¼ 10 μm (Rz ¼ RmaxRmin).
Assuming that the mould irregularities are significant smaller (order of 1 μm) the
achieved cable insulation smoothness with paper grade 400 is sufficient.

3.2.2 Contact Pressure

As described in paragraph 3.2.1, the sensitivity of the interface to irregularities

depends on the interface pressure (Fig. 3.3). High interface pressures minimize the
size of micro cavities in the interface. In practice, two different methods to achieve
the required interface pressure have proven to be suitable (Fig. 3.3):
• Application of external mechanical forces, using springs. This method is often
used in the so-called inner cone model of composite joints or dry-type termina-
tions, pushing a rubber part against an epoxy body
• Use of elasticity of the rubber body expanded on the cable insulation. This
method is often used in slip-on joints and stress-cones. Expansion percentages
of 5–50% are common practice. The interface pressure obtained by this method
depends on:
– E-modules of the applied rubbers
– Strain of the rubbers
– Wall thickness of the rubber.

3.2.3 Lubricant

Lubricants are basically used to relieve the friction between rubber parts and the
other insulating materials during installation. Silicone fluids and greases are com-
monly used for this application.
88 H. Geene

p y
x z material strength


electrical interface strength


strength of air


(nearly) only (nearly) no

cavities cavities

Interface pressure, surface smoothness

Fig. 3.3 Electrical interface strength vs. interface pressure and surface smoothness (Kunze 2000a)

Lubricants also tend to increase the initial breakdown strength (Fig. 3.4). How-
ever it is not recommended to use lubricants for filling cavities. On the long-term,
lubricants probably migrate (at least partly), resulting in a more or less dry interface,
possibly leaving air gaps behind.
The migration rate of the lubricant depends on:

• Type of lubricant
• Type of insulating materials
• Contact pressure
• Temperature.

Another issue regarding lubricants is the presence of air bubbles trapped in the
interface during installation. In particular greases with a high viscosity are more
likely to enclose air bubbles. The design of the accessory or the applied installation
method should prevent the formation of air bubbles (Fig. 3.4).

3.2.4 Electrical Field Distribution

During operation of the cable system, the interfaces are subjected to electrical
stresses (Fig. 3.5). The following stress characteristics can be distinguished:

• Direction
• Amplitude
• Distribution.
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables 89

Fig. 3.4 Effect of lubricant oil on the breakdown strength of a typical XLPE-SIR interface (Kunze

Fig. 3.5 Typical electrical

field distribution in the 90%
interface of a pre-moulded 70%
joint 50%


E tan

The component along the surface of the insulators is called the parallel, longitudinal
or tangential electrical stress and is generally regarded as the most important one.
Also the amplitude (e.g. for inception of partial discharges) and the distribution
(e.g. for electrical treeing) will affect the interface behaviour.
It is preferred that areas with highest electrical stress coincide with highest
interface pressure. In most of the accessory designs the shape of the stress-cones
and embedded electrodes control the electrical field distribution (Fig. 3.5).
90 H. Geene

3.2.5 Temperature and Temperature Changes

It is known that operating temperatures influence the withstand stresses of insulating

materials. Although this might contribute to the weakening of the interface, thermo-
mechanical effects usually have a much larger influence at the interface, as they
could lead to movements along the interface. Reasons are e.g. differences in thermal
expansion coefficients or external mechanical forces. In this respect temperature
changes i.e temperature cycling and/or temperature gradient (are of more) are of
more importance than temperature itself.
High temperatures in cable and accessories can lead to deformations of the cable
insulation. During the cooling down period of cable and accessories thermal shrink-
age of materials will occur. This may result in pressure changes at the interface and
should be properly taken into account during design of accessory design.

3.2.6 Quality of Accessory Installation

The installation of accessories is considered as the most critical step in realizing a

cable system. In particular the interfaces are influenced by the installation, since in
most cases the cable insulation is prepared on site. The insulation surface must be
prepared most carefully. Installation instructions must clearly indicate the cable
preparation, including the smoothing technique and/or the required smoothness.
During installation, also the positioning of components is of utmost importance.
The installation procedure and instructions, including the drawings, must be clear
and unambiguous.
During the installation the following aspects should be taken into account,

• Final cable diameter and roundness

• Straightness of the cable
• Smooth and regular insulation surface
• Smooth and regular transition from insulation screen to cable insulation
• Correct positioning of accessory parts
• Dryness and cleanliness.

It is essential that the jointers shall be well trained, to provide the necessary skills.
See ▶ Chaps. 2, ▶ 5 and ▶ 6 of this book for further information.

3.3 Long Term Performance of Interfaces in Cable Accessories

The ageing of interfaces can be considered as a change in one or more parameters

mentioned above, leading to a decrease of the electrical withstand strength of the
interface. Electrical ageing of interfaces, as a result of intrinsic electrical ageing of
the applied materials, is not likely to occur. The electrical stresses in the interface are
low compared to the withstand stresses used for cables or accessories (Kunze
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables 91

2000a). More likely, mechanical and thermo-mechanical effects change the interface
parameters. Thermo-mechanical effects can cause formation of cavities and in
extreme situations even gaps between the insulating materials. It is obvious that
gaps or large voids cause partial discharging, followed by electrical treeing or
tracking in the interface.
The formation of cavities and gaps in interfaces can be the result of a combination
of effects, such as:

• Migration of the lubricant

• Movements in the interface
• Reduction of the interface pressure due to relaxation of materials
• Electrical ageing of interfaces
• Contamination of the interface.

3.3.1 Migration of the Lubricant

It is general practice to use lubricants in accessories to relieve the friction between

cable and accessory parts during installation. Already during the installation most of
the lubricant is pushed out of the interface. The remaining film of lubricant will
disappear in time, due to migration into the insulation materials. Depending on the
type of lubricant and the materials applied, the migration time can vary between
hours and years. Greases composed of fluid and solid filler can dry out (migration
into the insulating materials), leaving filler behind. Sufficient interface pressure in
combination with the smoothness of the surfaces will prevent the formation of

3.3.2 Movements in the Interface

Interfaces have been shaped carefully in order to obtain a secure fit between the
insulating surfaces. If the insulating surfaces can move in respect to one another, due
to thermal expansion or external forces, the interface pressure can decline locally
causing a weak spot and in some extreme cases even gaps in the interface. The
insulating surfaces shall be shaped in such a way that if movements can occur, this
will not lead to the formation of gaps.

3.3.3 Reduction of the Interface Pressure due to Relaxation

of Materials

Interface pressure can decrease due to deformation of the cable insulation or due to
relaxation of the rubber.
Deformation of the cable insulation can occur at high temperatures. The acces-
sory design has to prevent unacceptable deformation of the cable insulation.
92 H. Geene

Relaxation of the rubber can occur in those designs where the interface pressure is
achieved by expanding the rubber sleeve onto the cable insulation. To prevent
critical low interfaces pressures, the setting of the rubber should stabilize at a safe
value. Important parameters describing the setting of rubber are the so-called
compression set and tension set.
In the case of interface pressure applied by external means (i.e. springs), their
mechanical design has to secure a sufficient pressure level during the lifetime.

3.3.4 Electrical Ageing of Interfaces

Due to the fact that partial discharge is a symptom of an insulation defect, the
inception and occurrence of partial discharges may accompany the electrical ageing
of interfaces as well.
Because of the different accessory designs on the market, it is impossible to deduce
a single relationship between the magnitude of partial discharges and the remaining
lifetime. However, in individual cases, partial discharge characteristics and its devel-
opment may give indications for the incipient failure (Smit et al. 1997; Smit 1999).

3.4 Testing

There are several ways interfaces in HV accessories can be tested. Roughly speaking
we can distinguish between laboratory testing and on site testing. Laboratory tests
can be performed on many levels:

• Material test
• Model tests on material samples
• System tests on cable and accessories.

As none of these tests can solely represent the characteristics of the interface
completely, the optimum has to found in a combination of these tests.
Regarding an interface, the breakdown strength of the insulation materials itself is
of minor importance, due to the lower electrical stresses in the interface section.
More important for the interface breakdown strength are the mechanical properties
of the materials, i.e.:

• Modulus of elasticity
• Hardness
• Compression set or tension set
• Surface roughness.

The right combination of these mechanical properties has to ensure a tight fit

between the insulation surfaces, thus leading to the required electrical interface
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables 93

Tests on interface models offer the possibility of a statistical result evaluation of

different interfaces at relatively low cost. Cigré WG15.10 has dealt with the subject
of models intensively (Nagao et al). An important conclusion that can be drawn from
their work is that different model types should be used to investigate different aspects
of electrically and/or mechanically stressed interfaces.
A model for real accessory design purposes should be a realistic simulation of the
practical interface situation (Kunze 2000b; Nagao et al) or e.g by using a lower
voltage class accessory of the same design (Smit et al. 1997).
A good interface design has to prevent inception of partial discharges. Therefore
the models studying electrical treeing in interfaces can be of importance for basic
material investigation. For the evaluation of interface design parameters, partial
discharge free arrangements are more suitable. The results of model tests can directly
be used for comparison of different parameter settings. The absolute values can be
transferred to real accessory designs, using special algorithms, but should be done
with great care.
Once a design is completed, prototypes subjected to system tests are indispens-
able for the qualification of interfaces.
Development tests on systems should represent electrical, thermal and thermo-
mechanical service conditions. For this reason it is recommended to include the
following conditions in the development test program:

• Elevated electrical stresses to accelerate ageing

• Mechanical stress due to simulate installation and service conditions
• Thermo-mechanical stress during load cycles
• Transient voltages as impulse voltage
• Partial discharge monitoring (continuously or periodically).

In particular the thermo-mechanical conditions are most complicated to predict. The

thermo-mechanical forces highly depend on the design and the way of installation
e.g.: flexible and rigid installations, load and environmental conditions. During the
development and qualification of HV cable systems, the accessories should be
installed in practical worst-case condition (maximum mechanical forces). Testes
should incorporate heating cycles and voltage simultaneously. During the cycle
period, partial discharge measurements should be made at different conductor
temperatures. After thermo-mechanical ageing it is recommended to perform the
impulse voltage test, in order to detect possible weakening of the interface.
Outdoor terminations sometimes have to operate at low temperatures. This
circumstance can represent a more critical condition for interfaces than elevated
temperatures. Testing of these terminations in cold conditions and varying temper-
atures should be taken into account during the development.
To verify the performance of the interface and the complete accessory, the
prequalification test as recommended by Cigré (WG 21.03 1993) and standardized
by IEC (62067) is a necessary and reliable method for testing.
The final step in commissioning a cable system is the after laying test. The AC
voltage test is an important one to verify the correct preparation and installation of
94 H. Geene

the accessories on site (Nagao et al). Testing with DC voltage is not recommended.
The electrical field distribution in the interface for DC voltage can differ completely
from AC voltage (IEC60840 1999).
If there is a need for monitoring accessories in service (e.g. higher failure rate than
normal), the most appropriate test method is on-line partial discharge monitoring.
The partial discharge tests are preferably executed under different environmental
and/or load conditions, in order to determine the thermo-mechanical impact on the
interface. The recommended frequency of testing will highly depend on the nature of
the discharge pattern and accessory type. In high stress accessories (e.g. slip-on
joints for EHV) partial discharges in interfaces in the order of a few pico-coulombs
can lead to breakdown within hours, while for some low stress accessories
(e.g. outdoor termination) partial discharges in interfaces can be withstood some-
times for several years.

3.5 Recommendations and Conclusions

Interfaces in HV and EHV cable accessories should be designed in such a way that
under operating conditions always a tight fit between cable and accessory or between
other insulating bodies is secured. Once the insulating surfaces do not adapt care-
fully, cavities will be formed leading to inception of partial discharges.
A proper interface design does not allow partial discharges. Below the inception
level of partial discharge, no detectable ageing will take place. Once discharges have
been ignited, accelerated ageing will start, most probably leading to electrical treeing
in the interface and finally failure of the accessory.
The reliability of interfaces in HV and EHV extruded cable accessories is strongly
dependent on the mechanical and thermo-mechanical design of the accessories and
the interaction with its environment, i.e. way of installation and service conditions.
During the development of cable systems, these circumstances have to be taken into
account. For this reason the long term or prequalification tests of the entire system
(cable and accessories) is of eminent importance.
The quality of the interface depends on the cable surface preparation. This has to
be ensured by clear procedures, adequate quality management systems (e.g. ISO
9001 (1994)) and skilled jointers.
Although there is no general relation between the partial discharges and the
remaining lifetime, trend analyses by means of online partial discharge monitoring
can give indication if risk of failure is involved for the type of PD patterns observed.

Cigré WG 21.03.: Recommendations for electrical tests prequalification and development on
extruded cables and accessories at voltages > 150 (170) and  400 (420) kV, Elektra No
151 (December 1993)
Cigré WG B1-16.: Partial Discharge Detection in Installed HV Cable Systems. Cigré Technical
Report 182 (April 2001)
3 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables 95

Densley, J., Nadolny, Z.: PD characteristics of model interfaces for extruded cable systems –
influence of contaminants, Cigré WG15-10
Fournier, D., Lamarre, L.: Effect of pressure and length on interfacial breakdown between two
dielectric surfaces. In: IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Baltimore, June
7–10, 1992, pp. 270–272
Geene, H.T.F., van der Wijk, G.P., Pultrum, E.: Development and qualification of a new 400kV
XLPE cable system with integrated sensors for diagnostics, Cigré 1998, paper 21-103
Gockenbach, E., Kunze, D.: Makroskopische, innere Grenzflächen in Hochspannungskabel-
garnituren, VDE Fachtagung ‘Einfluss von Grenzflächen auf die Lebens-dauer elektrischer
Isolierungen’ (Bad Nauheim, 21–22 Sept 1999)
IEC 62067.: Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above
150kV (Um¼170 kV) up to 500kV (Um¼550 kV) – Test methods and requirements
IEC 60840.: Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above
30 kV (Um¼36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um¼170 kV)-Tests methods and requirements (1999)
Imai, N., Andoh, K.: Development of pre-fabricated joints for 275 kV XLPE cables, Jicable (1991),
paper A.5.4
ISO 9001.: Quality Systems-Model for quality assurance in design, development, production,
installation and servicing (1994)
Kärner, H., Kodoll, W., Seifert, J., Tanaka, T., Nagao, M.: Interfacial phenomena affecting electrical
insulating properties in composites, Cigré WG15-10
Kreuger, F.H.: Partial Discharge Detection in High-Voltage Equipment. Butterworth & Co, London
Kunze, D.: Eine neue Muffengeneration für VPE-isolierte Höchstspannungskabel, Elektrizitäts-
wirtschaft, Jg. 96 (1997), Heft 26
Kunze, D.: Untersuchungen an Grenzflächen zwischen Polymerwerkstoffen unter elektrischer
Hochfeldbeans-pruchung in der Garniturentechnik VPE-isolierter Hochspannungskabel. Dis-
sertation Uni Hannover, Shaker Verlag Aachen (2000a). ISBN 3-8265-7721-3
Kunze, D.: Macroscopic internal interfaces in high voltage cable accessories, Cigré session (2000b),
paper 15-203
Nadolny, Z., Braun, J.M., Densley, R.J.: Effect of mechanical pressure and silicone grease on partial
discharge characteristics for model XLPE transmission cable joint. In: Proceedings of ISH’99
(London, August 1999)
Nagao, M., Ka, S., Murramotto, Y., Tanaka, T.: Model specimens for testing interfacial properties in
EHV extruded cable splices and preliminary results, Cigré WG15-10, 15-10-Nagao-01-98
Nagao, M., Ka, S., Murramotto, Y., Tanaka, T.: Model specimens for testing interfacial properties in
EHV extruded cable splices and preliminary results, Cigré WG15-10, 15-10-Nagao-01-99
Peschke, E., Olshausen, R.V.: Cable Systems for High and Extra-High Voltage. PIRELLI, Publicis
MCD Verlag, Erlangen (1999). ISBN 3-89578-118-5
Report on Internal interfaces of modern electrical insulation systems, Cigré WG 15-10 Meeting
Palais des Congres Paris, France, September 1, 1998
Ross, R.: Dealing with interface problems in polymer cable terminations. IEEE Electr. Insul. Mag.
15(4), 5–9 (1999)
Ross, R.: Investigating and monitoring the reliability of interfaces in polymer cable terminations. In:
Proceedings at IEEJ Kansai Meeting on Insulation Diagnosis
Ross, R., Megens, M.G.M.: Aging of interfaces by discharging. In: Proceedings of ICPADM (2000)
Ross, R., Megens, M.G.M.: An interface testing cell for multi-stress ageing. In: Proceedings ISEIM
Smit, J.J.: Life management of electrical infrastructure. In: Cigré SC15-Symposium “Service
Ageing of Materials in HV Equipment”, Sydney (1999), key-note paper
Smit, J.J., Gulski, E., Pultrum, E.: Partial discharge fault analysis of SIR-based cable terminations.
In: Proceedings of International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Montreal, vol.
4, p. 513 (1997)
Strassberger, W.: Silicone Elastomers for Transmission and Distribution
Strassberger W., Winter H.-J.: Silikonelastomere in der Mittel- und Hochspannungstechnik. ETG
Fachbericht Nr. 68, pp. 7–14. VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Offenbach (1997)
96 H. Geene

Strassberger, W., Winter, H.-J.: Silikonelastomere . . ., ETG-Fachbericht

Tanaka, T.: Polymer interfaces, associated with electric insulation systems. Cigré Colloquium on
Advanced Materials (Boston, 18 Aug 1997)
Willems, H.M.J., Geene, H.T.F., Vermeulen, M.R.: A new generation of HV and EHV extruded
cable systems, Jicable (1995), paper A.1.6

Henk Geene has a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering

from the Technical University in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Shortly after graduation, he joined the Dutch cable manufac-
turer NKF (nowadays part of the Prysmian Group) where he
started as an engineer to develop High and Extra High Voltage
cable accessories. Currently, he is responsible for product man-
agement and sales of the Prysmian high voltage accessories.
He is past Dutch Member of Cigré Study Committee D1,
Convener TF15/21 “interfaces in HV cable accessories,” Con-
vener TF21.10 “thermal ratings of HV cable accessories,” par-
ticipated as a Member in several Cigré Working Groups, and is
currently Chairman of the IEEE Insulated Conductors Commit-
tee (ICC).
He is author of several papers and publications on a wide range
of subjects in the field of high voltage cable accessories and
their interaction with other components in the cable systems.
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC
Extruded Underground Cable Systems 4
Jean Becker

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.1.2 Scope and Terms of Reference of WG B1.06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.1.3 Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.2 Long Duration Test on EHV Cable Systems (170 < Um < 550 kV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.2.2 Revision of the Present Prequalification Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.2.3 Changes in a Prequalified Cable System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.2.4 Recommendations to IEC 62067 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.3 Long Duration Test on HV Cable Systems (36 < Um  170 kV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
4.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
4.3.2 Prequalification Test for HV Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
4.3.3 Exchanges and Modifications in a Prequalified HV Cable System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.3.4 Recommendations to IEC 60840 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
4.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
4.5 Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
4.5.1 Terms of Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
4.5.2 Sensitivity of Partial Discharges in XLPE Cable Insulation to Change
of Electrical Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
4.5.3 Functional Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
4.5.4 Tests From Functional Analysis not in IEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
4.6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Jean Becker: deceased.

J. Becker (*)
Charleroi, Belgium

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 97

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
98 J. Becker

IEC test requirements have evolved over the years from the component-based approach
in IEC 840 to the system based approach. Accessories are considered together with the
cable, in IEC 62067 Ed.1 and in the most recent edition of IEC 60840 Ed.3.
In its meeting in Madrid of 2001, Study Committee B1 decided to install a Task
Force TF 21.11 to get SC B1 prepared to issue future recommendations for evolu-
tions of IEC 62067 taking into account the expected innovations in cable technology,
the need to reduce the time-to-market and the overall cost to introduce new evolu-
tions as well as service experience collected by the Cable Industry.
TF 21.11 issued in 2002 a proposal of Terms of Reference and Scope of Work for
a new Working Group which was launched as WG B1.06 in Paris Study Committee
meeting in 2002.
In July 2005 WG B1.06 circulated its final draft of report for approval by SC B1.
Comments were received from France, Japan, The Netherlands and Italy.
As time schedule for issuing the new Edition of IEC 62067 Ed.1 was critical, SC
B1 agreed to go in more detailed recommendations and decided in its meeting of
Rosenön (SE), September 2005 to launch a Task Force to finalise the report and write
clear and practical recommendations for appropriate changes in IEC 62067 Ed.1 and
IEC 60 840 Ed.3.
This chapter published as Cigré TB 303 is the result of the Work of WG B1.06
and of the Task Force.
Section 4.1 of this chapter is an Introduction, which recalls and details the Scope
of Work and the Terms of Reference and gives an overview of the service experience
of HV and EHV cable systems so far as well as a survey of experience obtained by
testing EHV cable systems.
At voltages up to and including 150 kV extruded insulation has largely super-
seded paper-insulated cables for new installations.
Much of the service experience with HV XLPE cable systems is based on cables
with moderate design stresses. A new generation of “slim-design” HV cables is being
developed, with similar technology and design stresses to those seen in EHV XLPE
systems. Hence historical service experience with HV cable systems is not necessarily
a good guide to the likely future service experience of these novel systems.
XLPE has only recently become the insulation of choice for many utilities for
EHV transmission circuits. The introduction of XLPE for longer transmission
circuits has been facilitated by the use of a one-year heat cycle voltage test called
Prequalification (PQ) test, which was recommended by Cigré in 1993 and afterwards
specified in IEC 62067 Ed.1 in 2001.
Following the successful completion of a number of PQ programmes, some large
400 and 500 kV cable circuits have been installed and commissioned.
There is still limited experience with EHV XLPE cable systems. The designs,
manufacturing methods and materials employed in joints and terminations differ
significantly amongst manufacturers. Thus the service experience from any particular
system cannot necessarily be taken as a guide to the likely service experience of other
systems. The long term behaviour of an EHV system has to be demonstrated by a well
specified PQ test.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 99

Section 4.2 covers long duration tests on EHV cable systems and the different
features, which are examined:

• Design concept
• Electrical performance of cable and accessories
• Performance of a cable system under prolonged heat cycling
• Aspects of installation design and practice
• Ability of the Installer to joint in realistic conditions rather than laboratory

From the existing service experience in both long duration tests and in operation
as mentioned in Sect. 4.1, it is confirmed that a Prequalification test (PQ test) is still
necessary to demonstrate the long-term reliability. Improvements of this test are
proposed such as measurement of partial discharges as a mean to provide early
warning and offer possibility of repair before failure.
A procedure to be adopted in case of failure of a component during the PQ test is
introduced and a modification to the final impulse test is proposed.
Then changes in an already prequalified cable system are evaluated. A procedure of
extension of qualification is recommended and a table is given to indicate in main
cases of changes the test sequence to adopt, instead of repeating the complete PQ test.
A new test called Extension of Qualification Test (EQ test) is proposed mainly in
case of changes of or in accessories. This test shall be performed in a laboratory on
one or more samples of complete cable of the already prequalified cable system. At
least two accessories of each type that need the extension of qualification shall be
tested. A total of 80 heating cycles shall be carried out of which the last 20 cycles
shall be under a voltage of 2 U0.
As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 62067:

• To maintain a Prequalification (PQ) test for the basic qualification of a new cable
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory the continuation and completion of
the PQ test for the undisturbed components of the loop.
• To introduce in case of less significant changes/modifications at prequalified
components a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of Pre-
qualification (EQ) test”.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test at the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, in any other test
arrangements, which include the accessories.
• To include sample tests at accessories in IEC 62067 Ed.1 as in IEC 60840 Ed.3.
These tests are intended to check not only the intrinsic quality of the accessory,
but also the quality of the installation, which is critical at the EHV level.

Section 4.3 similarly covers long duration tests on HV cable systems.

Due to experience on EHV cable systems it becomes more common nowadays to
produce cables with reduced insulation thickness at the high voltage level. This leads
100 J. Becker

to higher dielectric stresses nearly as high as in the EHV field not only at main
insulation but also at the interfaces between cables and accessories.
In the meantime, new types of accessories are appearing on the market, of
course with no earlier experience. These accessories should be able to fit to the
older types of cables with thicker insulation and the newer types of cables with
reduced insulation (changes of an existing HV link with a new cable type or repair
of an older link).
Taking into account that service experience collected so far on HV cable systems
working at usual stresses was rather good, the Working Group recommend that cable
systems should be considered rather than cables or accessories alone when higher
stresses are adopted.
After giving detailed examples of calculated stresses (AC and impulse) in differ-
ent types of accessories, the WG recommends to adopt a prequalification procedure
when electrical stresses are above given limits.
A Prequalification (PQ) test shall be performed only on cable systems where the
calculated nominal electrical stresses at the conductor screen will be higher than
8 kV/mm and/or at the insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm. This Prequalification
test can be omitted in some special cases listed in Sect. 4.3.
Contrary to the Prequalification test for EHV systems, in this case the test is
simplified because it can be performed in a laboratory and 180 cycles are
The proposed layout of cable system is described as well as the test sequence.
Then changes in a prequalified cable system are addressed. The Extension of
Prequalification test (EQ) is proposed to be the same as for EHV systems.
As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 60840:

• To introduce a Prequalification (PQ) test for those HV cable systems where the
calculated nominal electrical stress at the conductor screen will be higher than
8 kV/mm and/or at the insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm. This test needs not
to be performed if
– Cable systems with the same constructions and accessories of the same family
have been prequalified for higher rated voltages
– Equivalent long term tests have been already successfully carried out
– Good service experience at cable systems with equal or higher stresses can be
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory the continuation and the completion
of the PQ test for the undisturbed components of the test loop.
• To introduce in case of less significant changes/modifications at prequalified
components a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of Pre-
qualification (EQ) test”.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test at the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, in any other test
arrangements, which include the accessories.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 101

Section 4.4 lists the conclusions of the Working Group. Main ones are:

• EHV Cable systems: there is not sufficient service experience on EHV cable
systems collected so far to introduce major changes to the existing
initial Prequalification test. This PQ test has to be repeated in case of
extension of the range of approval. Within the range of approval, a new
test called Extension of Qualification test is proposed to control changes in
already prequalified cable systems instead of repeating the complete PQ test.
This new test can be carried out on a laboratory loop and will comprise
80 heating cycles combined with voltage application at 2 U0 for the last
20 cycles.
• HV Cable systems: a Prequalification test is recommended for design stresses
above 8 kV/mm on the conductor or 4 kV/mm over insulation. This test can be
carried out on a laboratory loop and will comprise 180 heating cycles combined
with voltage application at 1.7 U0. This PQ test has to be repeated in case of
extension of the range of approval.

Section 4.5 contains all the Annexes introduced in previous sections

Annex 4.5.1: Terms of Reference
Annex 4.5.2: Sensitivity to PD
In this Annex the sensitivity of partial discharges in XLPE cable insulations to
change of electrical stresses is investigated. The conclusion is that dimensional
changes, especially reduction of insulation wall thickness, can result in considerable
higher stresses at defects such as voids or fissures, thus increasing the risk of
inception of partial discharges.
Annex 4.5.3: Functional analysis

• A “Functional Analysis Method” is recommended as means for a systematic

assessment of the significance of changes/modifications at components of a cable
system and thus for the choice of the appropriate test (e.g. PQ or EQ).
• Based on the application of the “Functional Analysis Method” to the most
important components of actual cable systems, guides to test procedures are
given in case of
– Exchange of a cable and/or accessory in a prequalified cable system
– Modification of a cable in a prequalified cable system
– Modification of an accessory within the same family in a prequalified cable

Annex 4.5.4: Tests missing in IEC

As a result of the functional analysis exercise (see Annex 4.5.3), a number of tests
that are not included in IEC 60840 Ed.3and IEC 62067 Ed.1 have been identified.
These tests are generally performed as development tests and are summarized in
Annex 4.5.4 for future consideration by IEC.
Annex 4.5.5: References.
102 J. Becker

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 General

Extra high voltage (EHV) cable systems are designed and built to transmit bulk
electrical power. For this reason, it is imperative that they attain the highest possible
reliability. At the same time, the transmission capacity of the high voltage (HV) cable
links is continuously increasing. This is why reliability considerations of cable
installations in this category are also becoming very important.
Accessories are an integral part of a cable system. Their performance together
with that of the cable determines the overall reliability of the circuit. Accessories are
installed by hand, and therefore their reliability is determined by a combination of
good design, clear instructions, quality assurance (QA) and the skill of the fitters.
The long-term Prequalification (PQ) test was developed to build confidence in the
operation of XLPE cable at EHV levels. A PQ test demonstrates the quality of the
overall design of the system together with the quality of assembly.
IEC test requirements have evolved over the years from the component based
approach in IEC 840 to the system based approach, where accessories are considered
together with the cable, in IEC 62067 Ed.1 and the most recent edition of IEC 60840
The IEC has published series of test specifications for HV and EHV cables,
accessories and cable systems:

• In 1988, the first specification was published. IEC 840 (renamed later as IEC
60840) is for cables up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) [1]. In this specification, type
tests, routine and sample tests were prescribed for cables only.
• In 1999 IEC revised this specification and IEC 60840 Ed.2 was published, in
which accessories were included in type testing [2].
• In 2004 IEC published a third edition, IEC 60840 Ed.3, in which type tests on cable
system and routine and sample tests on prefabricated accessories were introduced [2].
• In December 1993 Cigré Working Group 21.03 published in Electra recommenda-
tions for PQ tests, type tests, sample and routine tests for extruded cables and their
accessories for voltages above 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) up to 400 kV (Um ¼ 420 kV)
[3, 4]. In 1997, the voltage range was extended to 500 kV (Um ¼ 525 kV) [5, 6]. In
these recommendations, type tests, routine and sample test procedures were based on
those from IEC 840. Long term AC stressing together with heat cycles up to the
maximum operating temperature followed by impulse tests were prescribed to
demonstrate the long-term electrical and thermo-mechanical performance of the
system (PQ test). It was considered to be imperative that the test set-up reflected
real installation conditions. Test specifications recommended by WG 21.03 were then
implemented in IEC 62067 Ed.1 [7] published in October 2001.

The PQ tests recommended by Cigré and incorporated into IEC 62067 Ed.1 have
been accepted worldwide. As a result, only those manufacturers whose products
have passed long-term PQ tests have been allowed to participate in subsequent EHV
cable projects.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 103

4.1.2 Scope and Terms of Reference of WG B1.06

It is inevitable that over a period of time an approved cable system undergoes some
changes, such as modifications to the cable construction, higher stress, new type of
accessories, new manufacturing processes, etc. However, there is little incentive to
the manufacturer to make incremental improvements to the product, since these
might invalidate the previous “approval” and require the long and expensive PQ test
to be repeated. Reducing the amount of testing needed would encourage manufac-
turers to introduce design improvements or measures to reduce cost. For this reason,
Cigré Study Committee B1 launched Working Group WG B1.06 with the task of
revising the qualification procedures for underground high voltage cable systems.
The WG was asked to examine how it might be possible to qualify a modification
to a cable system without making the full set of tests which are presently
recommended or specified in standards. All tests, PQ and type tests were to be
reviewed, although the PQ test has received greatest attention, as it is the most costly
and the longest.
The full scope and terms of reference of the WG are given in Annex 4.5.1.

4.1.3 Experience Ageing of Extruded Polymeric Insulation

The ageing behaviour of extruded insulation of cables under dielectric and/or
thermal stress has been studied extensively [8–16]. No significant ageing could be
detected, even with the most sophisticated test methods presently available [15].
Locally there may be weak points in the insulation: impurities or voids in the
insulation or protrusions at the interface with the semi-conductive screens. These
defects may initiate ageing or accelerate degradation of the cable insulation. In
modern cable factories great care is taken to avoid these defects: extrusion of
extremely clean insulation materials, extrusion of very smooth semi-conductive
materials, careful handling of insulation and semi-conductive materials, etc. Before
leaving the factory, the finished cable is submitted to a routine electrical withstand
test together with measurement of partial discharges. The effectiveness of these
routine tests on HV cables is good as there are very few cable breakdowns on
installed systems.
Other ageing factors (i.e. factors that may affect the capability of components to
fulfil their roles) are described in the 1992 report from WG 21.09 published in
ELECTRA 140, “Considerations of ageing factors in extruded insulation and acces-
sories” [17]. The main “ageing” factors considered in this report are the locked-in
mechanical stresses and shrinkage of cable insulation or outer sheath, maximum
operating or overload temperatures affecting radial expansion and possible perma-
nent deformation and reducing AC and impulse break down strength, deformation
under temperature and externally applied mechanical stress, etc.
The conclusion of this report is: “the extruded polymeric insulants used in high
voltage cables do not appear to exhibit property changes that can be measured easily
or that can be said to be significant in terms of cable life reduction when
104 J. Becker

contaminants from external sources, e.g. water, oil and sulphur are avoided. For
accessories the same may be stated.”
In order to evaluate, to some extent, the electrical ageing aspects of a cable
system, a type test is prescribed in IEC 60840 Ed.3. In IEC 62067 Ed.1, the PQ
test is supposed to evaluate the long-term electrical, thermal and mechanical behav-
iour of the cable system in an environment near to the conditions in the field. Experience with HV Extruded Cable Systems up to and Including

150 kV
The evolution of XLPE MV and HV systems commenced in the 1960s. In the 1970s,
the first commercial 90-132-154 kV XLPE systems were installed in Europe and in
The results of a survey made by Cigré WG 21.09 on cable, associated accessories
and service stresses and lengths installed in different countries were published in
ELECTRA 139 in 1991 [18].
Cigré WG 21.10 has published in Electra 137 [19] a survey on the service
performance of HV AC cable systems. The failure rate of extruded cable systems
was very low (0.1 failures per 100 circuit km per year on cables and accessories -
external failures were not included). A new Working Group (WG B1.10) was set up
in 2004 to update the service experience data. Results are published in Cigré TB
579, April 2009.
There are a number of designs of joints and terminations currently in use and an
industry standard has not yet evolved. WG 21.06 has described and illustrated the
different types of accessories in use [20], ▶ Chap. 1, “Compendium of Accessory
Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables” of this book.
At voltage up to and including 150 kV extruded insulation has largely superseded
paper-insulated cables for new installations.
Much of the “good” experience with HV XLPE cable systems is based on older
cable with moderate design stresses. A new generation of “slim-design” HV cables is
being developed, with similar technology and design stresses to those seen in EHV
XLPE systems. Hence historical service experience with HV cable systems is not
necessarily a good guide to the likely future service experience of these novel systems. Experience with EHV Extruded Cable Systems at Voltages above

150 kV
Whilst cable with extruded insulation is in general use for electricity distribution and
at the lower transmission voltages, XLPE has only recently become the insulation of
choice for many utilities for EHV transmission circuits. The introduction of XLPE
for longer transmission circuits has been facilitated by the use of the PQ test. Prequalification Test Experience

As cable makers started to develop EHV XLPE cable systems, they needed testing
programmes both to monitor their own progress and to give customers confidence in
the products being developed. Initially, these testing programmes were agreed on a
local or national basis. For example, France used a 250-cycles test for 6000 hours at
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 105

3 U0, while Belgium adopted a 100-cycles test at 2 U0. Japan used a half-year test
at relatively low electrical stress based on the degradation factor of the insulation
Plans to install major 400 kV cable systems led Cigré to set up a working Group
to consider an international test specification. The tests were developed to give
confidence that cable systems passing the tests would have a fault rate in service
lower than 0.2 faults/100 km/year. In 1993 Cigré WG 21.03 published a test program
for cable systems above 150 (170) kV [3, 4] and IEC published a specification based
on these documents IEC 62067 Ed.1 in 2001 [7].
In IEC 62067 Ed.1 the definition of the PQ test is as follows: “a test made before
supplying on a general commercial basis a type of cable system covered by this
standard, in order to demonstrate satisfactory long term performance of the complete
cable system. The PQ test need only be carried out once unless there is a substantial
change in the cable system with respect to material, manufacturing process, design
and design levels”.
It is useful to examine some of the early French experience of prequalification
testing. The French (EDF) specification required a long-term test of duration
6000 hours, p although
ffiffiffi many of the tests were continued beyond this. The specified
voltage was 3 U0 for 250 heat cycles (167 cycles at maximum service temperature
and 83 cycles at emergency temperature).
Figure 4.1 summarizes long-term test results on 220 kV cable at the EDF
laboratories. Design stresses for the cables (at U0) were 8.5 kV/mm at the conductor
screen and 4.2 kV/mm at the insulation screen.



Number of failures

<100 100- 300- 400- 500- 1200- 1450- 2500- 3000- 4000- 5000- 6000- 7000- 11000- 1200- 14000- 16000- >
300 400 500 1200 1450 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 11000 12000 14000 16000 30000 30000
Time (hours)

Fig. 4.1 Results of long-term tests on 220 kV cable

106 J. Becker

The defects causing breakdown in less than 10 hours were mounting errors in
accessories (5 in joints and 2 in terminations). Eight of the test lengths that failed
prematurely contained artificial defects in their terminations. These tests were to
simulate a defect found in the field. They showed that this type of PQ test is effective
in distinguishing between defective and well-made accessories.
The tests are all from the early stages of development of 220 kV cable systems
(pre 1980). Only 2 breakdowns occurred on cables themselves (150 h and 36000 h).
All the other breakdowns were in the accessories. This indicates the important role of
accessories in determining the overall reliability of the cable system and the impor-
tance of carrying out tests on the cable and accessories as a system.
Some of the tests carried out by connecting the cable between phase and earth of
the 400 kV network highlighted the problems associated with this approach. Four of
breakdowns occurring after about 6000 hours happened during a thunderstorm with
lightning strikes falling on the adjacent overhead line. The defects responsible for the
cable failures could not be determined because the cables had experienced the full
short circuit current of the 400 kV network and suffered significant local damage at
the failure site. The use of a dedicated test transformer provides far better control of
the test voltage (avoiding system disturbances) and limiting the short circuit current
allows better forensic examination of the failure site.
The occurrences of failures over a wide range of times (up to 16000 hours)
suggests that it is not advisable to reduce the duration of the 8760 hours PQ test.
In 2001 Parpal [22] summarized the early experience from a number of PQ tests
[23–30]. Subsequently, most of the major EHV cable makers have successfully
completed PQ tests on 400 or 500 kV XLPE cables often with large conductors
(2000 and 2500 mm2). Service Experience

The evolution of EHV systems followed with the first EHV XLPE systems being
installed in the voltage range 220–275 kV in the late 1970s. Widespread commercial
use of XLPE cables up to 230 kV was not seen until the 1980s. The first 275 kV
XLPE systems with joints were installed in Japan in 1989 [21]. These were qualified
using Japanese utility specifications.
In France cables insulated with low-density polyethylene (LDPE) preceded
XLPE and were first installed at 225 kV in 1969. Since then more than 1000 km
of LDPE cable has been installed with field-moulded joints and around 600 km of
high-density polyethylene (HDPE) cables with good service experience (Fig. 4.2).
The first 400 kV LDPE cables were installed in France in 1985 and XLPE in
1999. In total, 40 km of cable and 21 back-to-back joints have been installed.
The world’s first 500 kV XLPE system was commissioned in Japan in 1988 and
two subsequent circuits were commissioned in 1988 and 1991. These were relatively
short circuits without joints.
Following the successful completion of a number of PQ programmes, some large
400 and 500 kV cable circuits have been installed and commissioned. These are
summarized in Table 4.1.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 107

Fig. 4.2 345 kV Cables

installed in a long Tunnel in

Although the service experience is limited, all the EHV installed systems sub-
jected to the IEC 62067 Ed.1 PQ procedures have, to date, demonstrated satisfactory
behaviour. A more precise picture about the service experience of these cable
systems became available when WG B1.10 “Update of service experience on
underground and submarine cables” concluded his task in 2009. See Cigré TB
379 [19 bis].

4.2 Long Duration Test on EHV Cable Systems

(170 < Um < 550 kV)

4.2.1 General

The prequalification (PQ) test was introduced to compensate for the lack of service
experience with XLPE insulated cables above 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV).
The PQ test checks the performance of the cable/accessory system under realistic
conditions. Features examined include:

• Design concept (for example, some early PQ tests at CESI Laboratory showed
that a number of taped joints designs did not perform well in long-term tests).
• Electrical long-term performance of accessories and cable.
• Performance of the cable system under prolonged heat cycling (e.g. thermal-
mechanical aspects, shrinkage). The 20 thermal cycles specified in the type test
are not sufficient to test for the effect of cable insulation shrink-back within the
assembled accessories.
• Aspects of installation design and practice. For example, PQ tests have shown
that insufficient attention was paid by some installers to arrangements for
clamping the cable adjacent to the joint.

Table 4.1 Major XLPE cable systems at 400 kV and above. (Data supplied by Cigré WG B1.07, March 2006-TB 338)
Conductor cross-
Rated section/
(ϕ–ϕ) Number of Route Number Transmission
voltage Type of Number outdoor/SF6 Type of length of capacity in Winter Commissioning
Country (kV) joints(1) of joints terminations installation(2) (km) circuits Mm2/(MVA) year
Denmark 400 CPFJ 72 3/3 DB 22 1 1600 Cu/975 1997
Southern cable
route) [54]
Denmark 400 PMJ 42 3/3 DB 12 1 1600 Cu/800 1999
Northern cable
Germany (Berlin/ 400 CPFJ+ 48 0/12 (double T 6.3 2 1600 Cu/1100 1998
BEWAG Mitte- PMJ systems)
Germany (Berlin/ 400 CPFJ+ 30 0/12 (double T 5.5 2 1600 Cu/1100 2000
BEWAG PMJ systems)
Japan (Tokyo)(3) 500 EMJ 264 0/12 T 39.8 2 2500 Cu/2400 (4) 2000
J. Becker

United Arab 400 PMJ 12 12/12 D&M 1.3(5) 4 800 Cu/not available 2000
Emirates (Abu
Spain (Madrid) 400 CPFJ 96 12/0 T 12.8 2 2500 Cu/1720 2004
Denmark (Jutland) 400 PMJ 96 36/0 DB&D 14.5 2 1200 Al/1200 2004
United kingdom 400 CPFJ 60 0/6 T 20 1 2500 Cu/1600 2005
The Netherlands 400 PMJ 3 6/0 DB&D 2.25 1 1600 CU/1000 2005
Austria 380 PMJ 30 6/6 DB&T&M 5.2 2 1200 Cu/1400 2005
Italy (Milan) 380 PMJ 66 12/0 8.4 2 2000 Cu/2100 2006
CPFJ ¼ Composite prefabricated joint, PMJ ¼ premoulded joint and EMJ ¼ extruded moulded joint
(2) T ¼ tunnel, DB ¼ directly buried, D ¼ ducts, D&M ¼ ducts and manhole
(3) Cable system prequalified following Japanese Specifications [48]
(4) 1200 MVA/circuit with forced cooling in the future. 900 MVA/circuit now
(5) 15 core kms/4 circuits X3 phases ¼ 1.3 km
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .
110 J. Becker

• The ability of the installer to mount accessories under realistic conditions rather
than in the test laboratory. In some cases, this has highlighted the need for
improvements in jointer training. Although not every aspect of the work is tested,
the PQ process gives a good indication of the overall competence of the supplier
of the cable system.

Although some manufacturers have learnt rapidly from problems in the early PQ
tests, this knowledge has not been widely shared. Accessories (and sometimes
cables) are still experiencing problems during PQ and type testing and sometimes
also in service. The WG has the opinion that the state of the art of XLPE cable
technology is not sufficiently advanced that the competence of every manufacturer
can be assumed without evidence. Until such time that a significant body of service
experience has built up, the WG feels that a PQ test is still necessary.

4.2.2 Revision of the Present Prequalification Test Procedure

The prequalification test procedure detailed in IEC 62067 Ed.1 has been reviewed by
the WG.
The main items addressed in order to look for a possible simplification/optimi-
zation were:

• The range of Type and PQ approval in relation with the calculated nominal
electrical stresses
• The duration of the heating cycle voltage test
• The procedure in case of a component failure during the test
• The voltage control at the end of the test.

Regarding a possible widening of the present range of type and PQ approval WG

looked very carefully to the sensitivity to change of electrical stress in relation with
the generation of partial discharges. It is recommended to keep the relevant
sub-clauses in IEC 62067 Ed.1 and in IEC 60840 Ed.3 as they are, see Annex 4.5.2. Duration of the Heating Cycle Voltage Test

There is no clear evidence for recommending that the number of 180 heat cycles,
presently specified, should be reduced. It is well known that, if the heating cycles
were not correct in terms of temperature drop, the thermo-mechanical behaviour of
the cable system would not be checked adequately.
There is, also, no possibility to reduce the overall length of the test to 180 days,
because a daily heat cycle is not possible in many practical conditions.
In fact, for cables installed in air or for buried smaller conductor cables with one
day cycle it will be possible to reach, at the end of the cooling period, a conductor
temperature near to ambient temperature. When testing a large conductor cable
buried in the ground it is not always possible to achieve a correct cooling temper-
ature in 16 hours, due to the long thermal time constant of the cable and/or its
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 111

surrounding. Thus the actual duration of the test could vary from 6 months for a
cable system installed in a tunnel to one year for large conductor cables installed in
the ground.
In order to avoid a significant difference in duration of the prequalification test as
a function of the cable construction and installation conditions, WG B1.06 suggests
for the heating cycle voltage test of the prequalification test the duration of one year.
In addition, the practical experience detailed at Sect. has shown that the
duration of the voltage application is an important factor, because failures in
accessories during PQ testing have occurred throughout the one-year test period
[22, 23, 28, 29, 49, 50, 52]. This is another reason why the one-year heat cycle test
with AC voltage on the system is needed to check the long-term electrical behaviour
of the system under test.
Because of these two reasons, it is recommended to maintain the present one-year
duration (8760 hours).
Where partial discharge (PD) tests have been performed at regular intervals
during the long-term test, it was noted that PD activity could initiate at any moment
during the test. For this reason it is recommended to perform partial discharge
measurements on the test assembly to provide an early warning of possible degra-
dation and to enable the possibility of a repair before failure.
The WG considers that it is not easy to specify a PD test on the whole loop as
compulsory, because it can be difficult to achieve an adequate sensitivity when
carrying out a PD test at an unscreened location. This makes it currently difficult
to define a level of background noise that can be achieved in practice. Procedure in Case of a System Component (Cable and/or

Accessory) Failure during the Test
The present IEC 62067 Ed.1 standard does not allow any failure during the heating
cycle voltage test.
However, taking into account that this test is very onerous, the WG considers that
replacement/repair of an accessory failed during the test should be allowed and the
test continued because the replaced/repaired accessory cannot influence the behavior
of the other ones.
On the contrary it is not allowed to repair a cable failure, unless it is caused by an
accidental external damage or the same cable has already been prequalified.
At the end of the 180 loading cycles/one year test and impulse test only the
successfully tested accessories will be prequalified, while the accessory/ies subjected
to repair or replacement will not be prequalified.
However, it is in the option of the cable/accessory manufacturer to continue the
test on the replaced/repaired accessory/ies until it/they complete the 180 loading
cycles/one year test and impulse test. In this case also these accessories are
In the event that during this test another component, fully prequalified (including
the final impulse test), fails, it is possible to repair it and continue the test until the
second run is completed on the replaced accessory/ies.
112 J. Becker

The failure of the component already prequalified (which in this case acts as a
laboratory test component) does not violate its prequalification and should not be
mentioned in the test report. Final Control Test

A lightning impulse withstand test is an effective way of demonstrating that interfacial
pressure within accessories has not relaxed during the PQ test. Also it enables to check
that no irregularity in the semi-conducting screen of the cable has been generated due
to thermo-mechanical forces at for instance bends. As such, the impulse test on the
complete test loop should form an important part of the PQ test sequence.
At present, IEC 62067 Ed.1 requires a hot lightning impulse test on one or several
pieces of cable cut from the PQ test loop. As an alternative to this, a test on the whole
loop is permissible.
The WG has the opinion that after long-term testing, a hot lightning impulse test
on the whole test loop is desirable as a check on the insulation properties at the
interfaces, in the accessories and in the cable. In fact a check on the insulation
properties of the cable only is not sufficient. The WG recommends that IEC 62067
should require a test on the whole loop.
Only in case suitable impulse test equipment is not available at the test site, the
impulse test can be carried out in any other test arrangement on cable sections, which
include the accessories from the test loop, again as a check on the insulation
properties at the interfaces, in the accessories and in the cable (1).

4.2.3 Changes in a Prequalified Cable System Evaluation of Changes in a Prequalified System

According to IEC 62067 Ed. 1 the PQ test need only be repeated if there is “a
substantial change in the cable system with respect to material, manufacturing
process, design and design levels”. A substantial change is defined as one, which
might adversely affect the performance of the cable system and puts the responsi-
bility on the supplier to make the detailed case that a change is not substantial.
There is however no internationally agreed method by which the supplier and
purchaser can evaluate the evidence and come to a decision as to whether the PQ test
or other tests need to be repeated or not.
In order to cover this matter and to evaluate what changes must be considered as
“substantial”, the WG has adopted the Functional Analysis Method described in
Annex 4.5.3. This method correlates the function performed by a certain item to the
tests required to check that function. As a result a number of changes to the compo-
nents of a cable system that require the repetition of the long-term test were identified.

Note: If the energy of the impulse generator is not sufficient to test the whole cable length, the test
loop could be cut, without moving the accessories, into appropriate sections, which then are
available to be tested with auxiliary terminations.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 113

However it was realized that some of these changes do not require the repetition
of a full Prequalification test, but a simplified long-term test called “Extension of
Prequalification (EQ) test” could be adopted (see Sects and
The Working Group considers that allowing a shorter laboratory based long-term test
rather than requiring the cable/accessory maker to repeat the full PQ test, will encourage
incremental improvements in technology, whilst reducing the risk to the customer.
The main situations of changes that can be found in practice are:

• The exchange of components (cable or accessories) already prequalified in

systems from different manufacturers and/or from different plants of the same
• The modification to cable components in a prequalified system
• The modification to accessory components in a prequalified system.

As far as the accessories are concerned, it is important to observe that accessories

of different manufacturers may significantly differ in design, material and construc-
tion. For instance a premoulded joint and a taped joint are substantially different and
require a specific Prequalification test (if not already prequalified). For this reason the
concept of accessory families for each type of accessory, i.e. joints, metal enclosed
terminations and outdoor/indoor terminations has been introduced. The names of the
accessory families are defined in ▶ Chap. 1, “Compendium of Accessory Types Used
for AC HV Extruded Cables” (Cigré TB 89 [20]) and are summarized in Table 4.2.
The three main types of changes that can occur in a prequalified system and the
relevant type of qualification test required in each case are discussed below. Exchange of Cable and/or Accessory in a Prequalified Cable System

In Table 4.3 a guide to the selection of test procedures is given for the extension of
the prequalification of a prequalified cable system in case of an exchange of cable
and/or an accessory by another cable and/or accessory (from the same family or from
another family), see Table 4.2.
The selected procedure depends on the calculated electrical stresses at the insula-
tion screen of the other cable and/or accessory with respect to the calculated electrical
stresses at the insulation screen of the originally prequalified cable system and on the
prequalification of the cable system containing that other cable and/or accessory. Modification to the Cable in a Prequalified Cable System

In Table 4.4 a guide to the selection of test procedures is presented for the extension
of the prequalification tests or of the type tests in case of a modification to the cable
in a prequalified cable system.
The selected test procedure depends on the type of modification of the relevant
cable component. As far as type tests are concerned, in some cases only the relevant
clauses of IEC 62067 Ed.1 type test procedure covering the function of the specific
item changed are considered. The origin of the type of modification may be a change
in material, manufacturing process, design or design level, as indicated for informa-
tion in Table 4.4.
114 J. Becker

Table 4.2 Accessory family definitions

Accessory families
1 Joints
1.1 Taped joints
1.2 Pre-moulded joints
1.3 Composite joints
1.4 Field moulded joints
1.5 Heat shrink sleeve joints
1.6 Back to back joints
1.7 Transition joints
1.8 Branch joints
2 Metal enclosed terminations families (SF6 and oil immersed)
2.1 Stress cone and insulator type
2.2 Deflector and insulator type
2.3 Prefabricated composite dry type
2.4 Capacitor cone and insulator type
2.5 Directly immersed termination type
3 Indoor and outdoor terminations
3.1 Prefabricated elastomeric sheds and stress cone type
3.2 Heat shrink sleeve type
3.3 Elastomeric sleeve type
3.4 Stress cone and insulator type
3.5 Deflector and insulator type
3.6 Capacitor cone and insulator type
3.7 Prefabricated composite and capacitor cone and insulator type

Table 4.3 Test procedures in case of an exchange of a cable and/or accessory in a prequalified
cable system
Already qualified on another cable Already qualified on another cable
Cable and/or system within the same or higher system with a lower insulation screen
accessory insulation screen stress stress or not qualified
cable 12.5 + XX2) 12 + 13.2
(non electrical TT + EQ1) (electrical and non electrical TT + PQ)
Joint XX2) 12 + 13.2
(EQ) (TT + PQ)
Metal XX2) 12 + 13.2
Termination (EQ) (TT + PQ)
Outdoor XX2) 12 + 13.2
Termination (EQ) (TT + PQ)
The numbers given refer to the respective clauses in IEC 62067 Ed.1
EQ consists of the bending test, 60 heat cycles without voltage and the electrical type tests
(XX) Clause to be added in the standard

Table 4.4 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to a cable in a prequalified EHV cable system
IEC 62067 Ed.1 Clause
Modification number
Component Type of modification M P D DL T-test test test
Cable Conductor Larger cross-section ✓ ✓ ✓ 12 13.21) –
Copper to Aluminium ✓ ✓ 12 – –
Insulated wires (enamelled or oxidized...) ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.5 – (xx)
Stranded to solid conductor ✓ 12.5 – (xx)
Water tightness ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.5.14 – –
Cable semi-conductive inner and/or Change of origin (supplier or production plant) ✓ ✓ 123)
outer screen Transfer extrusion line (see cable insulation) ✓ ✓ 2) 2)
Different quality of semicon ✓ 123) – –
Cable Insulation Change of base resin ✓ 123) – –
Change in cross linking package (peroxide/ ✓ 12 – –
Nature of polymer (XLPE, LDPE, HDPE, EPR) ✓ ✓ ✓ 12 13.2 –
Higher conductor stress, no increase of insulation ✓ 12 – –
screen stress
Increase of insulation screen stress ✓ 12 13.2 –
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .


Table 4.4 (continued)

IEC 62067 Ed.1 Clause
Modification number
Component Type of modification M P D DL T-test test test
New extrusion line or transfer of extrusion line ✓ ✓ 12 –
with earlier experience in-house
New extrusion line, or transfer of extrusion line ✓ v 12 13.2
without earlier experience
Cable Bedding (layer over extruded Change of laying, material, thickness ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.5.4 – –
semicon screen) 12.5.14
(if required)
Cable Metallic screen Different types of metal screen ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.4.4 + 12.4.10 – –
Cable Different type of materials ✓ ✓ 12.54) – –
Outer sheath Different processes ✓ 12.54) – –
Change in bonding material and/or process to ✓ ✓ 12.54) – –
metal screen
(XX) Clause to be added in the standard
Remark: in type test, only the relevant clauses are applicable

M: change in material; P: change in manufacturing process; D: change in design (construction); DL: change in electrical design stress level
If higher calculated dielectric stresses at the insulation screen, clause 13.1
Same as for insulation
If outside Range of Type Approval, clause 12.2
As appropriate to outer sheath materials
J. Becker
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 117 Modification to an Accessory within the Same Family

in a Prequalified Cable System
In Table 4.5 a guide to the selection of test procedures is presented for the extension
of the Prequalification tests or of the Type tests in case of a modification to an
accessory (joint and/or termination), within the same accessory family (see
Table 4.2) in a prequalified cable system.

Table 4.5 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to an accessory within the same
family in a prequalified EHV cable system
IEC 62067
Ed.1 Clause
Modification number
Component Type of modification M P D DL T-test Test test
Joints Higher calculated ✓ – – (xx)
electrical stress
design and
Compound of main ✓ ✓ – – (xx)
insulation body
(same base resin)
Changing nature of ✓ ✓ ✓ – 13.2 –
polymer, (EPR,
Material of semi-con ✓ – – (xx)
Fixation of cable ✓ – – (xx)
ends on either side of
the joint
Screen interruption ✓ Annex – –
Outer screen and Annex – –
Protection design, D
tightness), Outlet of
bonding leads
Terminations: Higher electrical ✓ – – (xx)1)
- outdoor stress design of stress
- indoor cone (or smaller
- metal metal clad for GIS or
enclosed transformer
+ SF6 terminations)
+ oil-immersed Change in nature of ✓ – – (xx)1)
Filling medium
(e.g. oil to gas....)
Change in the ✓ ✓ – – (xx)1)
formulation of the
stress cone
118 J. Becker

Table 4.5 (continued)

IEC 62067
Ed.1 Clause
Modification number
Component Type of modification M P D DL T-test Test test
compound but with
the same base
Change of the base ✓ ✓ ✓ – – (xx)
polymer (EPR, 2) 2)
Silicone, . . .) of the
stress cone
Change of insulator ✓ ✓ 12 – –
material for indoor or 2) 2)
outdoor terminations.
Change of insulator ✓ 12 – –
design or
manufacturer of
(xx) Clause to be added in the standard

M: change in material; P: change in manufacturing process; D: change in design (construction);
DL: change in electrical design stress level
When can be demonstrated that the thermo mechanical aspects have no significant influence on the
performances of the termination a Type Test may be sufficient
In case of elastomeric insulators (“silicone” or “EPR”) climatic and pollution test according to IEC
61109 Annex C should be considered

The selected test procedure depends on the type of modification of the relevant
accessory. The origin of the type of modification may be a change in material,
manufacturing process, design or design level, as indicated for information in
Table 4.5. Basic Principles of the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) Test

The Extension of Prequalification consists of a period of 60 days of thermal
pre-conditioning without applied voltage, carried out in laboratory conditions,
followed by the electrical part of the type test.
The 60 daily heat cycles without voltage plus the 20 heat cycles of the type test
applied to the test loop are intended to allow relaxation of most of the mechanical
stresses trapped in the cable insulation during manufacture.
This relaxation results in retraction of the XLPE insulation wherever the cable
is cut.
The retraction of the cable insulation within an accessory, if not provided with a
specific anti-retraction device, can initiate partial discharge activity, leading to failure
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 119

Retraction of
30.0 oversheath

25.0 Retraction of
Retraction (mm)



5.0 Evelution of
the retraction
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of heat cycles

Fig. 4.3 Retraction test on a 5-meter long 1000 mm2 500 kV cable with XLPE insulation and PE

of the accessory. In fact the considerations made at paragraph Sect. and the
TB “Interfaces in accessories for extruded HV and EHV cables” [53], indicate that
thermal cycles stressing is the main failure mechanism in accessories, which typi-
cally include due to their intrinsic construction a number of interfaces.
As shown by Fig. 4.3 the retraction of the XLPE insulation is practically
completed after about 60–80 heat cycles.
In addition the heat cycles are producing a radial expansion and retraction of the
cable insulation and of the accessory components that can also influence the inter-
facial pressure in accessories.
In order to be able to perform the EQ test in a laboratory, limiting the engagement
of the HV test equipment, it has been decided to perform these pre-conditioning
cycles without applied voltage. Being the EQ test performed in a laboratory, i.e. with
well-defined thermal conditions, it is possible to carry out the heat cycles in
approximately one day also with very large cross-section cables.
To prove that the heat cycling has not affected the integrity of the test loop a
complete electrical type test (as defined in IEC62067 Ed.1) is used.
As the installation design conditions can significantly affect the thermo-mechanical
behaviour of the accessories, the test arrangement shall take this into account.
For instance a rigid installation can be simulated by suitably cleating the cable at
each side of a joint. In order to comply with this requirement a minimum length of
10 m of free cable between accessories is specified for the EQ test.
To maintain a similar degree of risk for the shorter duration of the EQ test
compared to the duration of Prequalification test, at least two accessories of the
same type, instead of one, shall be included in the test loop submitted to the
extension of prequalification.
120 J. Becker

Fig. 4.4 Extension of

Prequalification test loop for a
joint intended for flexible and
rigid installations

Rigid installation

>10 m
Flexible installation Procedure of the Extension of Prequalification Test

The sequence of tests for the extension of prequalification is summarized below. The
numbers in brackets refer to clause numbers of present tests in IEC 62067 Ed.1.

• Check of the insulation thickness of cable for electrical type test to determine the
test voltage values (12.4.1)
• Bending test without final PD test (12.4.4)
• The test assembly may be installed in a laboratory and shall consist of at least
2 accessories of the same type that is to be prequalified. There shall be at least
10 m of cable between accessories. The minimum length of the test loop shall be
at least 30 m. If a joint submitted to EQ has to be used in both flexible and rigid
installations, one joint shall be installed in a flexible configuration, the other rigid.
Where a joint is designed for use only in rigid installations, then both joints shall
be rigidly fixed. Similarly, for a joint intended only for flexible installations, both
joints shall be installed in a flexible test configuration. An example of the test loop
is shown in Fig. 4.4.
• The loop shall have a U bend with a diameter specified in 12.4.4
– The partial discharge test defined in 12.4.5 shall be carried out here to check
the quality of the assembled accessories.
• The thermal preconditioning test consists of 60 heat cycles with no voltage applied.
The heat cycles shall be as given in 12.4.7, i.e. a minimum of 8 hours of heating
followed by at least 16 hours of natural cooling. The steady state conductor temper-
ature shall be between 5  C and 10  C above the maximum cable operating
temperature for at least two hours. At the end of the cooling period the conductor
temperature shall be within 15  C of ambient temperature, with a maximum of 45  C.
• Continue with the partial discharge test (12.4.5) followed by the full sequence of
electrical type test. No failure shall occur.

Note: In case of modification of the cable, in order to cover all the require-
ments of the type test it is necessary to perform also the non-electrical test on
the cable as specified in 12.5.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 121

4.2.4 Recommendations to IEC 62067

As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 62067:

• To maintain unchanged the present one-year Prequalification (PQ) test for the
basic prequalification of a new cable system (as a check on e.g. the long-term
electrical and thermal-mechanical behaviour).
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory the continuation and completion of the
PQ test for the undisturbed components (cable and other accessories) of the loop.
• To perform partial discharge measurements on the prequalification test assembly
during the PQ test to provide an early warning of possible degradation and to
enable the possibility of repair before failure.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test on the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, on cable samples
including each type of accessory. The intention is to check the insulation prop-
erties at the interfaces, in the accessories and in the cable.
• To maintain unchanged the present range of Type and PQ approval, see Annex 4.5.2.
• To introduce a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of Pre-
qualification (EQ) test” (see Sect. in case of exchange of prequalified
components (cable and/or accessories) with other components that are already
prequalified in other cable systems with the same or higher calculated electrical
stress at the insulation screen of the subjected system or in case of modification of
a cable or an accessory within the same family in a prequalified cable system (see
Sect. 4.2.3).
• For engineering purposes a “Functional Analysis Method” (see Annex 4.5.3) is
recommended as a mean for a systematic assessment of the significance of
changes/modifications at components (cables and accessories) of a cable system
and thus for the selection of the appropriate test (PQ or EQ test).
• To introduce guides to the selection of appropriate test procedures, based on the
application of that “Functional Analysis Method”, to the most important compo-
nents of actual cable systems, in case of
– Exchange of a cable and/or accessory in a prequalified cable system
(Table 4.3)
– Modification of a cable in a prequalified cable system (Table 4.4)
– Modification of an accessory within the same family in a prequalified cable
system (Table 4.5)
• To include sample tests on accessories, which are presently “under consideration”
within IEC 62067 Ed.1, following the wording of IEC 60840 Ed.3. For accesso-
ries, where the main insulation cannot be routine tested, the partial discharge and
high voltage test should be introduced, but only on one accessory of each type per
contract. These tests are intended to check not only the intrinsic quality of the
accessory (design and materials), but also the quality of the installation (equip-
ment and jointers skill), factors that are very important at the EHV level.
• To align the definition of type tests (sub-clause 3.2.3 of IEC 62067 Ed.1) to the
definition of the prequalification test to ease the potential use of the Tables 4.3,
122 J. Becker

4.4, and 4.5 as a guide for the selection of test procedures in case of changes on
prequalified cable systems.
• It is worth noting that, as a result of the application of the “Functional Analysis
Method” (see Annex 4.5.3), a number of tests have been identified that are not
included in IEC 62067 Ed.1. These tests are generally performed as development
tests and are summarized in Annex 4.5.4 for future consideration by IEC.

4.3 Long Duration Test on HV Cable Systems

(36 < Um ≤ 170 kV)

4.3.1 General

Traditionally EHV cables are working at a significantly higher stress than HV cables
(see Fig. 4.5).
Due to increased competition and good experience with (very) high AC
stresses (12–15 kV/mm and even more) on EHV cable systems it becomes
more common nowadays to produce cables with reduced insulation thickness
[31–33] at the HV level. This leads to higher dielectric stresses nearly as high as
in the EHV field not only at main insulation, but also at the interfaces between
cables and accessories.
The development of reduced insulation thickness cables at the HV level was
successful due to the experience gained by the major cable makers at the production,
testing, installation and good service of EHV cable systems.
Also new types of accessories are appearing on the market, of course with no
earlier experience [34–40]. These accessories should be able to fit to the older types of
cables with thicker insulation and the newer types of cables with reduced insulation
(changes of an existing HV link with a new cable type or repair of an older link).
The following remarks are of major importance:


Impulse stresses
Working stress (kV/mm)

AC stresses

10 100 1000
Voltage level (kV)

Fig. 4.5 AC and impulse conductor stresses of XLPE cables

4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 123

• The new highly stressed cables with reduced insulation thickness are generally
produced by experienced cable makers that are using their know-how from EHV
technology: development and production teams, production equipment and pro-
cess, material handling and control as well as their well trained teams for
installation in the field.
• Failures, if any, during type or after installation tests, tend to occur at the
interfaces between accessories and cables when new systems are tested [41,
42, 45–47]. To assess the reliability of a new HV cable system whose working
stresses are similar to those of the EHV systems, the experienced cable
makers rely on the PQ and type tests they have performed on EHV cable
• For highly stressed cable systems, type tests are not necessarily sufficient [52].

In several countries long-term tests have been performed on new HV cable

systems [32, 33, 43, 44, 48].
Working Group members recommend that cable systems should be considered
rather than cables or accessories alone, see also [46].
There exist arguments for and against long-term tests on HV cable systems.

• The electrical service stresses and mainly lightning impulse stresses at the core
(interface with prefabricated accessories) of HV cables are becoming almost as
high as the stresses of EHV cables.
• Practical shrinkage tests on cable lengths of 5 meters or more have shown that
cable insulation and over-sheath is only stabilized after around 60 to 80 heat
cycles (see Fig. 4.3). This is confirmed by experts and by the outcome of PQ tests
[23, 28, 49, 50]
• New accessory designs are coming to the market
• The countries that have performed long-term tests on new cable systems before
installing them in the network have reported very good service experience
• Test laboratories that conduct type tests for many suppliers have published the
results of their experience: the failure rate of MV and HV type tests is growing
[45]. The reasons for this could be the lack of experience of some manufacturers
with higher dielectric stresses in cables, the lack of experience with new type of
accessories or all these combined
• Breakdowns in service are recorded on recently commissioned systems.


• The good and sometimes long experience of some cable makers with HV cables
and cable systems (cables with “reasonable” stresses)
• In some countries where long-term tests are not performed on new cable systems
before installing them in the network, service experience is good, as know-how
has been gained during many years in the HV field
• The reluctance of some utilities or other end-users to test entire systems if they
wish to buy their HV cables and accessories separately.
124 J. Becker

4.3.2 Prequalification Test for HV Systems Range of Prequalification Test

As accessories typically include due to their intrinsic construction a number of
interfaces, the thermal cycles stressing is their most common failure mechanism
(apart from jointing errors). That’s why the critical dielectric stresses in service for
which long term testing should be recommended for HV cable systems depend very
much on the interface stresses with accessories.
For prefabricated accessories (joints or stress-cones), mainly impulse stresses at the
cable insulation screen are most critical. For instance a 400 kV cable has a ratio BIL/U0
lower than HV cables. That means that HV cables with an AC stress of 4 kV/mm at
insulation surface reach an impulse level of 36 kV/mm, as high as a 400 kV system,
which has an AC interface stress of 5.5 kV/mm, etc. (see Table 4.6).
A practical example: A 1600 mm2 400 kV cable with an insulation thickness of
26 mm has a service stress at the insulation surface of 6.5 kV/mm and an impulse
stress at the insulation surface of 40 kV/mm. A 1600 mm2 150 kV cable with an
insulation thickness of 15 mm has a service stress of 4.7 kV/mm at the insulation
screen, i.e. 30% lower than the 400 kV cable, but an impulse stress of 40.3 kV/mm at
the insulation surface, the same as the 400 kV cable.
Based on the above considerations, a PQ test is recommended for cable systems
with insulation screen stresses above 4 kV/mm.
As shown in Fig. 4.5 HV cables have operated at conductor stresses below 8 kV/mm.
In addition, for joints that are taped or field-molded also the AC and impulse
stresses at the conductor screen are critical.
So, if the conductor stresses are higher than 8 kV/mm, it is recommended to
perform the long-term test on the system.
These conclusions are also supported by the evaluation of the sensitivity of
electric stress to changes in dimensions reported in Annex 4.5.2. In fact these
calculations show that for a reduction of the insulation thickness of 5%, the thickness
of a defect between the cable insulation and the premoulded accessory must be
reduced of about 21%, in order to avoid partial discharges.
If the operating stresses at the insulation screen and at the conductor screen are
below 4 kV/mm and 8 kV/mm respectively, they compare with those found in cable

Table 4.6 AC and BIL stresses at the insulation screen for different voltage levels
Um (kV) 52 72.5 123 145 170 420
U0 (kV) 26 36 64 76 87 220
BIL (kV) 250 325 550 650 750 1425
Ratio BIL/Uo 9.6 9.0 8.6 8.5 8.6 6.5
Routine Test (kV) 65 90 160 190 218 440
AC-stress for a BIL-stress of 3.74 3.99 4.19 4.21 4.18 5.56
36 kV/mm at insulation surface
AC-stress for a BIL-stress of 4.16 4.43 4.65 4.68 4.64 6.17
40 kV/mm at insulation surface
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 125

systems already installed for a long time. Even if most of these cables and accesso-
ries have only been type tested, service experience is generally considered good.
So the prequalification test shall be performed only on cable systems where the
calculated nominal electrical stresses at the conductor screen will be higher than
8 kV/mm and/or at the insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm. The prequalification
test shall be performed except:

• If cable systems including a cable of similar construction and accessories of the

same family have been prequalified for higher rated voltages or
• If an alternative long term test has been carried out on cable systems with the
same construction and accessories of the same family and the manufacturer can
demonstrate good service experience (2) with cable systems with equal or higher
calculated nominal electrical stresses on the conductor and insulator screens, in
the main insulation part(s) and in boundaries of the accessories. Prequalification Test Procedure

As HV cables are less rigid and have generally smaller conductor cross sections than
EHV cables, the thermo-mechanical aspects are less critical than for EHV cable
systems, so the WG has considered that laboratory conditions, instead of an actual
outdoor installation, could be adopted, in this case, for the PQ test.
Being the test performed in a laboratory, i.e. with well defined thermal conditions,
it is possible to carry out correctly the heat cycles in approximately one day also with
very large conductor cross section cables, so 180 daily cycles instead of one year
duration is permissible. This has the advantage of halving the time to market of these
new HV cable systems, combined with a reduction of the overall cost of the PQ test.
The disadvantage is that the long-term behavior of the electrical insulation of the
cable system is checked in only half a year. For these kinds of cable systems, it was
judged as acceptable.
The proposed layout of cable system is:

• Length of cable: one length with a minimum of 20 m without accessories and at

least 10 m for the other lengths between two accessories. The total length
depending on the number of accessories in the system under test
• Number of accessories: at least one of each type
• Test could be performed in a laboratory and not necessarily in a situation
simulating the real installation conditions. Where thermo-mechanical aspects
have to be considered, special test arrangements could be considered. Figures 4.6
and 4.7 show examples of methods to simulate the thermo-mechanical forces on
joints, when a cable is installed in a duct or rigidly fixed.
• The test is to be performed on the cable system (cables and accessories).

() Unfortunately it is difficult to give a specific rule about the evaluation of a good service
experience, but the matter has to be dealt with, case by case, between the supplier and the
126 J. Becker

Fig. 4.6 Possible test layout

for cable installed in a duct


J3 J2

Fig. 4.7 Possible test layout for cable anchored on the ground

The test procedure is:

• Test voltage: 1.7 U0

• Number of heating cycles: 180 cycles, cycle duration not less than 24 hours. The
heating by conductor current shall be applied for at least 8 h. The cable conductor
temperature remote from the accessories shall be maintained within the temper-
ature limits of 0  C to 5  C above the maximum conductor temperature in normal
operation for at least 2 h of each heating period. This shall be followed by at least
16 h of natural cooling to a conductor temperature within 10  C of the test
ambient temperature, with a maximum of 45  C. No breakdown shall occur.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 127

Note: partial discharge measurements are recommended to provide an early

warning of possible degradation.

• Tests after long term testing: hot lightning impulse test on the complete loop
• Examination of the test loop after completion of these tests.

Note: The replacement/repair of an accessory failed during the heating cycle

voltage test is allowed and the test can be continued, because the replaced/
repaired accessory cannot influence the behavior of the other ones.

On the contrary it is not allowed to repair a cable failure, unless it is caused by an

accidental external damage or the same cable has already been prequalified.
At the end of the 180 loading cycle voltage test and the impulse test, only the
successfully tested accessories will be prequalified, while the accessory/ies subjected
to repair or replacement will not be prequalified.
However, it is in the option of the cable manufacturer to continue the test on the
replaced/repaired accessory/ies until it/they complete the 180 loading cycles voltage
test and the impulse test. In this case also these accessories are prequalified.
In the event that during this continued test another component, fully prequalified
(including the final impulse test), fails, it is possible to repair it and continue the test
until the second run is completed on the replaced accessory/ies.
The failure of the component already prequalified (which in this case acts as a
laboratory test component) should not be mentioned in the test report.

4.3.3 Exchanges and Modifications in a Prequalified HV Cable

System Evaluation of Changes and Modifications in a Prequalified

As far as the guide to the selection of test procedures in case of an exchange of a
cable and/or an accessory with another one or of a modification of a cable and/or an
accessory of a prequalified cable system is concerned, the same considerations made
at paragraph Sect. 4.2.3 apply.
Also the extension of prequalification test (EQ) is the same as for EHV systems
(see Sect., where Tables 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 (for IEC 62067 Ed.1) have to be
replaced by Tables 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 (for IEC 60840 Ed.3). Procedure of the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) Test for HV

Cable Systems
The basic principles of Sect. 4.2.3 apply.
128 J. Becker

Table 4.7 Test procedures in case of an exchange of a cable and/or accessory in a prequalified HV
cable system
Already qualified on another cable Already qualified on another cable
Cable and/or system within the same or higher system with a lower insulation screen
accessory insulation screen stress stress or not qualified
cable 12.4 + YY2 12 + ZZ3
(non electrical TT + EQ1) (electrical and non electrical TT + PQ)
Joint YY2) 12 + ZZ3)
(EQ) (TT + PQ)
Metal YY2) 12 + ZZ3)
Termination (EQ) (TT + PQ)
Outdoor YY2) 12 + ZZ3)
Termination (EQ) (TT + PQ)
The numbers indicate the respective clauses in IEC 60840 Ed.3
EQ consists of the bending test, 60 heat cycles without voltage and the electrical type tests
(YY) Clause to be added in the standard
(ZZ) Clause to be added in the standard

Table 4.8 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to a cable in a prequalified HV
cable system
IEC 60840 Ed.3 Clause
Modification number
Type of PQ- EQ-
Component modification M P D DL T-test test test
Cable Larger cross- ✓ ✓ ✓ 12 (ZZ)1 –
Conductor section
Copper to ✓ ✓ 12 – –
Insulated wires ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.4 – (YY)
(enamelled or
Stranded to ✓ 12.4 – (YY)
solid conductor
Water tightness ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.5.14 – –
Cable Change of ✓ ✓ 123
semi- origin (supplier
conductive or production
inner plant)
and/or Transfer ✓ ✓ 2 2
outer extrusion line
screen (see cable
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 129

Table 4.8 (continued)

IEC 60840 Ed.3 Clause
Modification number
Type of PQ- EQ-
Component modification M P D DL T-test test test
Different ✓ 123 – –
quality of
Cable Change of base ✓ 123 – –
Insulation resin
Change in cross ✓ 12 – –
linking package
Nature of ✓ ✓ ✓ 12 (ZZ) –
Higher ✓ 12 – –
stress, no
increase of
screen stress
Increase of ✓ 12 (ZZ) –
screen stress
New extrusion ✓ ✓ 12 –
line or transfer
of extrusion line
with earlier
New extrusion ✓ ✓ 12 (ZZ)
line, or transfer
of extrusion line
without earlier
Cable Change of ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.4.4
Bedding laying, material, 12.4.18
(layer over thickness (if required)
Cable Different types ✓ ✓ ✓ 12.3.3 + 12.3.8 – –
Metallic of metal screen
130 J. Becker

Table 4.8 (continued)

IEC 60840 Ed.3 Clause
Modification number
Type of PQ- EQ-
Component modification M P D DL T-test test test
Cable Different type ✓ ✓ 12.44 – –
Outer of materials
sheath Different ✓ 12.44 – –
Change in ✓ ✓ 12.44 – –
material and/or
process to metal
Note: (YY) and (ZZ), Clauses to be added in the standard
Remark: only the relevant clauses are applicable for type tests

M: change in material; P: change in manufacturing process; D: change in design (construction);
DL: change in electrical design stress level
If higher calculated nominal dielectric stresses at the insulation screen, clause 16.1
Same as for insulation
If outside Range of Type Approval, clause 12.1
As appropriate to outer sheath materials

The sequence of tests for the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) test is summa-
rized below. The numbers in brackets refer to clause numbers of IEC 60840 Ed.3.

• Check on the insulation thickness of cable for electrical type test to determine the
test voltage values (12.3.1)
• Bending test without final PD test (12.3.3)
• The test assembly may be installed in a laboratory and shall consist of at least
2 accessories of the same type that is to be prequalified. There shall be at least 10 m
of cable between accessories. The minimum length of the test loop shall be at least
30 m. If a joint submitted to EQ has to be used in both flexible and rigid installations,
one joint shall be installed in a flexible configuration, the other rigid. Where a joint is
designed for use only in rigid installations, then both joints shall be rigidly fixed.
Similarly, for a joint intended only for flexible installations, both joints shall be installed
in a flexible test configuration. An example of the test loop is shown in Fig. 4.4.
• The loop shall have a U bend with a diameter specified in 12.3.3
– The partial discharge test defined in 12.3.4 shall be carried out here to check
the quality of the assembled accessories.
• The thermal preconditioning test consists of 60 heat cycles with no voltage
applied. The heat cycles shall be as given in 12.3.6, i.e. a minimum of 8 hours
of heating by conductor current followed by at least 16 hours of natural cooling.
The steady state conductor temperature shall be between 5  C and 10  C above
the maximum cable operating temperature for at least two hours. At the end of the
cooling period the conductor temperature shall be within 15  C of ambient
temperature, with a maximum of 45  C.

Table 4.9 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to an accessory within the same family in a prequalified HV cable system
IEC 60840
Modification Clause number
Component Type of modification M P D DL T-test Test test
Joints Higher calculated electrical stress design and construction ✓ – – (ZZ)
Compound of main insulation body (same base resin) ✓ ✓ – – (ZZ)
Changing nature of polymer, (EPR, Silicone....) ✓ ✓ ✓ – (YY) –
Material of semi-con electrodes ✓ – – (ZZ)
Fixation of cable ends on either side of the joint ✓ – – (ZZ)
Screen interruption ✓ Annex – –
Outer screen and Protection design, (Filling/water tightness), Outlet of bonding Annex – –
leads D
Terminations: Higher electrical stress design of stress cone (or smaller metal clad for GIS or ✓ – – (ZZ)1
- outdoor transformer terminations)
- indoor Change in nature of Filling medium (e.g. oil to gas....) ✓ – – (ZZ)1
- metal Change in the formulation of the stress cone compound but with the same base ✓ ✓ – – (ZZ)1
enclosed polymer
+ SF6
Change of the base polymer (EPR, Silicone, . . .) of the stress cone ✓ ✓ ✓ – – (ZZ)
2 2
Change of insulator material for indoor or outdoor terminations. ✓ v 12 – –
2 2
Change of insulator design or manufacturer of GIS/Transformer insulator ✓ 12 – –
NOTE: (YY) and (ZZ) Clauses to be added in the standard
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

M: change in material; P: change in manufacturing process; D: change in design (construction); DL: change in electrical design stress level
When can be demonstrated that the thermo mechanical aspects have no significant influence on the performances of the termination a Type Test may be
In case of elastomeric insulators (“silicone” or “EPR”) climatic and pollution test according to IEC 61109 Annex C should be considered.
132 J. Becker

• Continue with the partial discharge test (12.3.4) followed by the full sequence of
the electrical type test (see 12.3.2 item b to h). No failure shall occur.

Note: In case of modification of the cable, in order to cover all the require-
ments of the type test it is necessary to perform also the non-electrical test on
the cable as specified in 12.4.

4.3.4 Recommendations to IEC 60840

As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 60840:

• To introduce a prequalification (PQ) test for those HV cable systems where the
calculated nominal electrical stress at the conductor screen will be higher than
8 kV/mm and/or at the insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm (see Sect. 4.3.2).
This test need not to be performed if
– Cable systems with the same constructions and accessories of the same family
have been prequalified for higher rated voltages
– If equivalent long term tests have been already successfully carried out on
cable systems with the same construction and accessories of the same family
and a good service experience at cable systems with equal or higher stresses
can be demonstrated
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory during the test the continuation and
the completion of the PQ test for the undisturbed components (cable and other
accessories) of the test loop.
• To perform partial discharge measurements on the prequalication test assembly
during the PQ test to provide an early warning of possible degradation and to
enable the possibility of repair before failure.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test on the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, on cable samples
including each type of accessory. The intention is to check the insulation prop-
erties at the interfaces, in the accessories and in the cable.
• To maintain unchanged the present range of Type and PQ approval, see Annex 4.5.2
• To introduce a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of
prequalification (EQ) test” (see Sect. in case of exchange of pre-
qualified components (cable and/or accessories) with other components that
are already prequalified in other cable systems with the same or higher
calculated electrical stress at the insulation screen of the subjected system or
in case of modification of a cable or an accessory within the same family in a
prequalified cable system (see Sect. 4.3.3).
• For engineering purposes a “Functional Analysis Method”, see Annex 4.5.3, is
recommended as means for a systematic assessment of the significance of
changes/modifications at components of a HV cable system and thus for the
choice of the appropriate tests (PQ or EQ) or Type Tests (TT).
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 133

• Based on the application of the “Functional Analysis Method” to the most

important components of actual HV cable systems (see Annex 4.5.3), guides to
the selection of test procedures are given in case of
– Exchange of a cable and/or accessory in a prequalified cable system
(Table 4.7)
– Modification of a cable in a prequalified cable system (Table 4.8)
– Modification of an accessory within the same family in a prequalified cable
system (Table 4.9)
• To align the definition of type tests to the definition of the prequalification test
(see sub-clause 3.2.3 of IEC 62067) to ease the potential use of the tables
(Tables 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9) as a guide for the selection of test procedures in case
of changes on prequalified HV cable systems.
• To include an electrical sample test as a check on the properties of the insulation
of HV cables, see Table 4.17, item 25
• It is worth noting that, as a result of the functional analysis exercise (see
Annex 4.5.3), a number of tests that are not included in IEC 60840 Ed.3 have
been identified. These tests are generally performed as development tests and are
summarized in Annex 4.5.4 for future consideration by IEC.

4.4 Conclusions

In this chapter the testing procedures of HV and EHV extruded cables and related
accessories have been reconsidered extensively. Improvements in both effectiveness
(can it be done better) and efficiency (can it be done faster) have been proposed. In
the final proposals the desirable improvement and its practical feasibility are bal-
anced carefully, resulting in a series of well thought practical propositions to
improve extruded cable testing. The main results are summarized below:

• EHV Cable systems: there is no sufficient service experience on EHV cable

systems collected so far to change the existing initial Prequalification test. This
PQ test has to be repeated in case of extension of the range of approval.
Within the range of approval, a new test called Extension of Qualification
(EQ) test is proposed to control changes in already prequalified cable systems
instead of repeating the complete PQ test. This new test can be carried out on a
laboratory loop and will comprise 80 heating cycles combined with voltage
application at 2 U0 of the electrical type test.
• HV Cable systems: a prequalification test is recommended for design stresses
above 8 kV/mm on the conductor or 4 kV/mm over insulation. This test can be
carried out on a laboratory loop and will comprise 180 heating cycles combined
with voltage application at 1.7 U0. This PQ test has to be repeated in case of
extension of the range of approval. Within the range of approval, a new test called
Extension of Qualification (EQ) test is proposed to control changes in already
prequalified HV cable systems. This new test can be carried out on a laboratory
loop and will comprise 60 heating cycles without voltage and followed by the full
134 J. Becker

sequence of the electrical type tests, with 20 heat cycles combined with voltage
application at 2 U0.
• For both EHV and HV cable systems the PQ test will be completed with an
impulse test on the full loop to check that no degradation in the system, especially
at the interface with accessories, has occurred. (Only in case suitable impulse test
equipment is not available at the test site, the impulse test can be carried out in any
other test arrangement including each type of accessory taken from the loop).
• For both PQ and EQ tests, PD tests are recommended to provide an early warning
of possible degradation and to enable the possibility of a repair before failure.
• Several tables are provided as guides to determine the appropriate test sequence in
case of changes or modifications.
• Functional Analysis is a good tool to help engineers to manage a wide range of
potential changes. Examples are given in Annex 4.5.3.
• In Annex 4.5.4 tests from Functional Analysis, not yet published in IEC stan-
dards, are summarized. This list of tests will be handed to IEC TC 20 for further

4.5 Annexes

4.5.1 Terms of Reference Title
Revision of Qualification Procedures for High Voltage and Extra High Voltage AC
Extruded Underground Cable Systems. Scope
After the official qualification of a cable system, there are possible changes (new cable
construction, higher stress, new extrusion line, new process, new type of accessories. . .)
especially if this cable system is manufactured over several years, and the question
raised is to examine how it is possible to qualify this new system without making the full
set of tests which are presently recommended or specified in standards.
A WG has been launched on this item limited to AC extruded cable systems. All
tests, prequalification and type tests will be reviewed, even if the prequalification test
should be examined first, as it is the most costly and the longest. Terms of reference

For the range of AC extruded underground cable systems for voltages above 30 kV
up to 500 kV, review and complete the qualification procedures for the different HV
voltage ranges with the goal to come quickly and economically to the market with
innovative solutions but without jeopardizing the reliability of the installed system:

• Propose tests where there are lacks e.g. short circuit tests, climatic tests on
terminations. . .
• Evaluate whether in high voltage systems up to 150 kV a long term test has to be
recommended above given dielectric service stresses or where the innovation is
not built on earlier experience
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 135

• Define what “earlier experience” means

• In case of major innovation in EHV cable systems, evaluate whether long term
test can be replaced by shorter ones, which should be defined by the WG.

In order to build up a guide of qualification procedures depending on earlier

qualification(s) at the same and/or different voltage levels and on field experience.

4.5.2 Sensitivity of Partial Discharges in XLPE Cable Insulation

to Change of Electrical Stress

1. Introduction
2. Cable standards and electric stress
3. Sensitivity of electric stress to change of cable dimensions
4. Determination of risk of discharge caused by change of dimensions
5. Effect of change of cable dimensions on discharge free operation
6. Conclusions Introduction
In Cigré WG B1.06, a question was raised whether the range of type approval and of
PQ approval could be widened. This Annex provides details of the analysis made for
this purpose. Dielectric stress level variations specified in relevant sub-clauses of the
current IEC standards were used as a starting point in this work.
As a first step of the process, we can determine the rate of change of electric field
strength inside a radial cable with respect to:

• The change of the insulation inner radius, without changing the insulation thickness
• The change of the insulation thickness, without a change of the inner radius.

The obtained relationships are the so-called sensitivities of field strength to a

dimensional change. They can indicate, for example, what effect a 1% change of the
insulation thickness has on the field strength at the insulation outer surface.
In the next step, the sensitivity values together with Paschen’s curve can be
used to calculate the change of the discharge inception voltage in insulation
defects. The Paschen curve describes the relationship between breakdown volt-
age and size of defect together with gas pressure within the defect. In this study
we are concerned with discharge free operation of the cable. Therefore, it is more
useful that instead of the discharge inception voltage the maximum defect size is
determined from the above relationship at a given voltage across the defect and at
a given pressure.
Two types of defects are considered in this study: a spherical void located on the
conductor screen interface and a fissure located on the outer insulation surface. The
former can be seen as a worst-case scenario of a manufacturing fault while the latter
can represent a defect at the interface to accessories.
The model calculations presented in this study are first order estimations of the
risk of electrical discharge in voids from a change in electric stress at insulation
136 J. Becker

interfaces caused by dimensional changes of insulation. In the practical situation,

stresses at the interfaces may be different because of the actual geometry. However
the model calculations describe the worst-case situation. Cable Standards and Insulation Stress

Sub-clauses 12.3.1 of IEC 60840 Ed. 3 and 12.4.1 of IEC 62067 Ed. 1 state that the
test voltage values have to be adjusted if insulation thickness of the tested cable
system exceeds 105% of the nominal insulation thickness with the upper limit at
which the adjustment is allowed of 115%.
The range of type approval sub-clause 12.1 of IEC 60840 and sub-clause 12.2 of
IEC 62067 state that the approval is valid for systems in which:

• Calculated nominal conductor stress at the conductor screen does not exceed
110% of the tested system
• Calculated nominal insulation stress at the insulation screen does not exceed the
insulation screen stress of the tested system.

In this context, we are considering whether it is possible to widen the range of

approval without jeopardizing performance of the cable system. Sensitivity of Insulation Stress to Change of Cable Dimensions

Electric field strength at a radial location x in a concentric cable is expressed as

U0 1
Ex ¼ ð4:1Þ
x ln Rr


r is the inner radius of the insulation,

R is the outer radius of the insulation
w is the insulation thickness

We are interested in the field strength at two locations within insulation, namely,
on the inner surface and on the outer surface. Using R ¼ r + w, we get

U0 1
Er ¼ ð4:2Þ
r ln rþw

U0 1
ER ¼ ð4:3Þ
r þ w ln rþw

which is also shown in Fig. 4.8.

Electrical stress sensitivity is defined as the rate of change of field strength with
respect to a given dimension. In this work, we consider the rate of change of field
with respect to insulation inner radius, r, and with respect to insulation thickness, w.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 137

Fig. 4.8 Electric field strength in a concentric cable Sensitivity to Change of Inner Radius

Sensitivity to change of inner radius only is obtained by differentiating Equations
(4.2) and (4.3) with respect to r, which gives
dEr U w kV 1
¼ 2 0rþw  1 ð4:4Þ
dr r ln r ðr þ wÞ ln rþw r
mm mm
dEr U0 w kV 1
¼ rþw  1 ð4:5Þ
dr ðr þ wÞ2 ln rþw r ln r
mm mm

if U0 is in kV and all dimensions are in mm. Sensitivity to Change of Insulation Width

Differentiating (4.2) and (4.3) with respect to w gives the following expressions of
sensitivity to change of insulation width only

dE r U0 kV 1
¼ ð4:6Þ
dw r ðr þ wÞ ln rþw2 mm mm
dER U 0 ln r þ 1 kV 1
¼ 2 ð4:7Þ
dw ðr þ wÞ ln rþw mm mmr Sensitivity Per Unit

The absolute value of sensitivity, as described by Eqs. (4.4), (4.5), (4.6), and (4.7), is
useful only for a specific cable if its operating voltage and relevant dimensions are
known. To make sensitivity expressions more general, we can represent them in per
unit terms. The per unit base for the field change dEr and dER will be the respective
nominal field intensities Er and ER. The per unit base for the dimension change dr
and dw will be the respective dimensions r and w. These lead to the following results.
138 J. Becker

dE r dE =E dE r w 1
¼ r r¼ r ¼ 1 ð4:8Þ
dr PU dr=r dr Er r þ w log rþwr
dE R dER =ER dE R r r w 1
¼ ¼ ¼  1 ð4:9Þ
dr PU dr=r dr ER r þ w r log rþw r

dEr dE =E dE w w 1
¼ r r¼ r ¼ ð4:10Þ
dw PU dw=w dr Er r þ w log rþwr
dE R dE R =ER dER w w 1
¼ ¼ ¼ þ1 ð4:11Þ
dw PU dw=w dr ER r þ w log rþwr

The obtained expressions can now be used to estimate sensitivity values for a
range of cable designs. The operating voltage will be reflected in the value of the
insulation width, w, while the conductor size will be reflected in the value of the
inner radius r. Numerical Example

To provide a more specific numerical example of sensitivity calculations we consider
two cables whose dimensions are tabulated in Table 4.10. These data were applied to
sensitivity Eqs. (4.8), (4.9), (4.10), and (4.11) and the obtained results are shown in
Table 4.11.
Table 4.11 results show that a decrease of insulation thickness by 1% leads to an
increase of the field strength at the insulation screen by approximately 1.2% in both
types of cables. At the same time, an increase of the inner radius by 1% leads to an
increase of field intensity at the insulation screen by approximately 0.2%.
Similar calculation results are shown graphically in Fig. 4.9a, b for a range of
values of r and w. The obtained plots show that variations of the field strength

Table 4.10 Dimensions of Rated voltage Uo/U (kV) 127/220 kV 220/380 kV

two example cables
Conductor cross-section 2000mm2 1600mm2
Conductor radius 28.95 mm 24.4 mm
Insulation inner radius (r) 30.95 mm 27.0 mm
Insulation thickness (w) 20.80 mm 26.6 mm
Insulation outer radius (R) 51.75 mm 53.6 mm

Table 4.11 Sensitivity to dimensional change in two example cables

Rated voltage dEr/Er dER/ER
Change of r only 127/220 kV 0.22 dr/r + 0.18 dr/r
Change of w only 127/220 kV 0.78 dw/w 1.18 dw/w
Change of r only 220/380 kV 0.28 dr/r + 0.22 dr/r
Change of w only 220/380 kV 0.72 dw/w 1.22 dw/w
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 139

Field sensitivity to change of insulation inner radius

a 0.4
dEr/dw 220 kV
dER/dw 220 kV
0.3 dEr/dw 380 kV
dER/dw 380 kV
Field sensitivity (PU)





20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Inner radius (mm)

Field sensitivity to change of insulation width

b 0
dEr/dw 220 kV
dER/dw 220 kV
-0.2 dEr/dw 380 kV
dER/dw 380 kV
Field sensitivity (PU)





15 20 25 30 35
Insulation width (mm)

Fig. 4.9 Field strength sensitivity to change of dimension for a range of values of the insulation
inner radius and width

sensitivity to dimensional change are relatively small within a large range of

dimension values. The sensitivity values are also very similar for the two types of
cables considered. This is an important observation, which allows the definition of
sensitivity to be generalized for the entire range of practical cable designs.
140 J. Becker

Now, we will consider how these changes of electric field strength affect the risk
of discharge in the interface regions in the presence of voids. Determination of Risk of Discharge Caused by Change

of Dimensions Size of Discharge-free Defects

We consider two types of defects in which discharges can occur

• Spherical void located on the conductor screen interface

• Fissure located on the insulation screen interface.

Spherical defects near the conductor screen usually originate from manufacturing
faults and they can be detected by factory quality control tests. Fissure defects at the
interface with accessories pose a greater risk because they can be introduced during
installation and they are not as easily detected.
Both types of defects are found in most practical cable systems in operation. At a
given field strength a discharge free operation is possible if size of defects is
sufficiently small. A discharge free operation may be still possible even under
increased field strength if the defect size is further reduced. The maximum size of
discharge free defects at operating voltage Uo can be estimated from sensitivity of
defect size to a relative increase of the field strength in the insulation, dEins/Eins, at
the defect location. This is done with the help of Paschen curve shown in Fig. 4.10.
In the context of this analysis, the Paschen curve can represent relationship
between breakdown voltage, Ubd, within a defect of given size at given gas pressure
inside the defect (Bar-mm). Instead of breakdown voltage, the breakdown field
strength can be obtained from the curve, as shown in Fig. 4.11.

Ubreakdown [kV]



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Bar mm

Fig. 4.10 Paschen’s curve for air at 20  C

4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 141

Ubd (kV)
Ebd (kV/mm)



25 Ubd (kV) from Paschen

20 Ebd (kV/Barmm)
and (kV/mm, 1B)


0.01 0.0 1
Defect dimension (Barmm)

Fig. 4.11 Breakdown voltage and breakdown field strength as a function of defect dimension in
mm from Paschen curve at p ¼ 1 Bar


εe εi E
Ei E0=U/d d
d Ee
E0=U/d εe


(a) Ei=1.23E0 (b)

Fig. 4.12 Electric field calculations inside a fissure (a) and spherical defect (b)

The field intensity within the defect can be determined from the field strength in
the insulation at the defect location considering also permittivity difference between
the defect (gas, ε ¼ 1) and surrounding insulation (XLPE, ε ¼ 2.26). In a radial field,
such as in the case of fissure at the interface to an accessory, a simple ratio of
dielectric permittivity of insulation material and of gas inside the defect gives the
field increase factor inside the fissure. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.12a. For a gas filled
sphere the field increase factor is equal to 1.23, as shown in Fig. 4.12b.
Taking into account the field increase factors from Fig. 4.12 and the breakdown
field strength of the defect from Fig. 4.11 we can obtain the relationship between
the size of a breakdown free defect and the field strength in the surrounding
dielectric. It is quite clear that nearly twice stronger field is needed to initiate
142 J. Becker

Fig. 4.13 Maximum field

intensity in the surrounding 30.
dielectric at p ¼ 1 Bar, with no
partial breakdown in the 25.



0.0 0. 1
-mm 1B

discharges in a spherical void in comparison with fissure. The related curves are
depicted in Fig. 4.13.
Using Eqs. (4.2) and (4.3) we can calculate partial discharge inception voltage
from field intensity for a defect located on the conductor screen interface and the
insulation screen interface respectively. Typically, we consider a fissure on the
insulation screen and a spherical void at the conductor screen interface.

1 R
U sphere
i ¼ pffiffiffi Er r ln kVrms ð4:12Þ
2 r

1 R
U fissure
i ¼ pffiffiffi ER R ln kVrms ð4:13Þ
2 r

A range of values of inception voltage as a function of defect size can be obtained

for the two cables listed in Table 4.10 by substituting to Eqs. (4.12) and (4.13)
appropriate field intensity values from Fig. 4.12 together with respective cable
dimensions. The obtained results together with the cable nominal voltage are
shown in Figs. 4.14 and 4.15.
The comparison of the discharge inception voltage Ui with the nominal voltage
U0 on these plots gives the maximum size of a discharge free defect of approxi-
mately 30 μm (at p ¼ 1 Bar) in the 127/220 kV cable and approximately 20 μm
(at p ¼ 1 Bar) in the 220/380 kV cable. Size Sensitivity of Discharge Free Defects to Change of Field

The Paschen curve in the form of field strength vs. defect size, Fig. 4.11, shows that
the higher the field intensity the smaller defect size must be for a discharge free
operation of the cable. We are interested in determining the relative rate of change of
the defect size with respect to the relative change of field intensity in the dielectric at
a given location.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 143

Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 127/220 (245) kV Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 127/220 (245) kV
XLPE cable, 2000 mm2, at conductor screen, XLPE cable, 2000 mm2, at insulation screen
Inception voltage (kg-rms)

Inception voltage (kg-rms)

0.00 0.01 0.1 1 10
0.01 0.1 1 10

Ui (kV-rms) spleet
Ui (kV-rms) bol U0 (kV-rms)
U0 (kV-rms)

Fig. 4.14 Partial discharge inception voltage, as a function of the size at p ¼ 1 Bar, in a spherical
void at the conductor screen interface and in a fissure at the insulation screen interface in a
127/220 kV, 2000 mm2 cable

Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 220/380 (420) kV

Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 220/380 (420) kV
XLPE cable, 1600 mm2, at insulation screen,
XLPE cable, 1600 mm2, at conductor screen,
Inception voltage (kg-rms)

Inception voltage (kg-rms)

400.00 450.00
350.00 400.00
300.00 350.00
250.00 300.00
0.00 0.00
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10

Ui (kV-rms) bol Ui (kV-rms) spleet

U0 (kV-rms) U0 (kV-rms)

Fig. 4.15 Partial discharge inception voltage, as a function of the size at p ¼ 1 Bar, in a spherical
void at the conductor screen interface and in a fissure at the insulation screen interface in a
220/380 kV, 1600 mm2 cable

dðBar  mmÞ dEi
¼f ð4:14Þ
Bar  mm Ei

These parts of the Paschen curve where Barmm > 0.01 (> 0.01 mm at p ¼ 1 Bar)
can be modelled in sections as an exponential function of the following form

Ebd ¼ bðBar  mmÞa ð4:15Þ

144 J. Becker

Differentiating both sides of (15) with respect to Barmm gives

dE bd =dðBar  mmÞ ¼ baðBar  mmÞa1 ¼ a Ebd =ðBar  mmÞ ð4:16Þ

At the same time

Ebd ¼ εi Ei
dE bd ¼ εi dEi

Substituting (4.17) to (4.16) and rearranging gives the desired form of sensitivity

dðBar  mmÞ 1 dE i
¼ ð4:18Þ
Bar  mm a Ei
in which a is the exponent coefficient of the exponential function modelling the
Paschen curve.
Equation (4.18) allows us to obtain sensitivity values from estimating the value of
exponent a from the Paschen curve. Taking the logarithm of both sides of (4.15)

log Ebd ¼ a log ðBar  mmÞ þ log ðbÞ ð4:19Þ

Now, the values of a and b can be found from the curve Ebd ¼ f(Barmm) in
Fig. 4.11. The obtained results are shown in Tables 4.12 and 4.13.
Values of 1/a shown in Table 4.13 indicate that within the pd. area of 0.03–
0.1 mm at p ¼ 1 Bar a 1% increase of the electric field strength will require a 2%
reduction of the defect size for a discharge free operation of the cable. Within the
pd. area of 0.1–0.3 mm at p ¼ 1 Bar the corresponding reduction of the defect size is

Table 4.12 Data points from Paschen’s curve in Fig. 4.10

Barmm log (Bar-mm) Ubd (kV) Ebd (kV/mm) log Ebd
0.01 2 0.35 35 1.544
0.03 1.5228 0.55 18.3 1.262
0.1 1 1.00 10 1.000
0.3 0.5229 2.10 6.67 0.824
1 0 5.00 5 0.699
3 0.477 11.0 3.67 0.565

Table 4.13 Estimated Barmm a Log (b) 1/a

0.01–0.03 0.59 0.34 1.7
0.03–0.1 0.50 0.50 2.0
0.1–0.3 0.26 0.74 3.8
0.3–1 0.30 0.70 3.3
1–3 0.28 0.70 3.5
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 145

3.8%. For the range of 0.1–3 mm, the reduction of the defect size is stated to be 3.5%
in case of a 1% increase of the electric field strength. Effect of Change of Cable Dimensions on Discharge Free

A change of insulation dimensions will result with a change of electric field intensity.
This was considered in Sect. and defined as field strength sensitivity to
change of inner radius and to change of width of insulation. We will combine
these findings with results of Sect. to determine conditions of discharge
free operation if dimensions of cable insulation change. There are two main cases
that need to be considered

• Decreased insulation thickness (“slim” design)

• Increased conductor size.

At the same time, we concentrate on the case of possible discharges occurring in a

fissure located at the insulation screen interface as more important from the practical
point of view. Cable Systems with “Slim” Design

By recalling results from Table 4.11 in Sect. we know that a 1% reduction of
insulation width will result with a 1.2% increase of the field strength at the insulation
screen interface. At the same time, the defect size sensitivity to change of field for a
discharge free operation is stated to 3.5, see Table 4.13. Therefore, the combined
effect will be 1.2%  3.5 ¼ 4.2% of reduction of permissible size of defects for a
discharge free operation. From this, it is straightforward to see that a 5% decrease of
insulation width leads to a necessary reduction of the size of contributing defects by
21%. Cable Systems with Increased Conductor Size

Results presented in Table 4.11 show that a 1% increase of the conductor radius
contributes to a 0.2% increase of the field strength on the insulation screen interface.
This gives the total effect of 0.2%  3.5 ¼ 0.7% decrease of permissible size of
contributing defects. An increase of the conductor cross-section from 1600 mm2 to
2000 mm2 results with an approximate increase of the insulation inner radius by
12%. This corresponds to a necessary decrease of permissible size of contributing
defects by approximately 8.4%. Conclusions
The effect of change of insulation dimensions on the size of discharge free defects in
high voltage cables was analyzed in this Annex. The following results were obtained
for the two types of design considered.
146 J. Becker “Slim” Design

For each 1% reduction of the insulation width the reduction of fissure radial
dimension by approximately 4.2% is necessary for a discharge free operation.
Considering reduction of insulation width of 5%, as specified in the current range
of type approval, will require a reduction of the fissure size by 21%. Increased Conductor Size

An increase of the conductor cross-section size from 1600 mm2 to 2000 mm2
without changing the insulation width will result with a necessary decrease of
permissible size of contributing defects located on the insulation screen interface
by approximately 8.4%. Conclusion
The above results show that widening the current range of type approval described
by IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 will lead to an unacceptable increase of risk of partial
discharge in operating cable systems. Therefore, it can be concluded from this study
that the range of type approval in relevant IEC standards ought not to be changed.

4.5.3 Functional Analysis

Use of Functional Analysis in case of Changes in Cable and Accessory Components

of HV and EHV Systems. Introduction
International Standards provide plant manufacturers with a consistent set of tests that
allows them to demonstrate that their equipment meets certain minimum criteria. For
the purchaser, testing to International Standards provides a degree of assurance that
the plant or equipment can be operated safely and reliably. Although testing to
International Standards is often time consuming and expensive, once a manufacturer
and purchaser have agreed that the test requirements have been met, the product is
“approved” and further purchases of the same product are relatively simple. One
advantage of testing to International Standards is that many purchasers worldwide
will accept the test evidence, without the tests having to be repeated.
A significant disadvantage of International Standards is that once a product is
“approved” there is little incentive to the manufacturer to make incremental
improvements to the product, since these would invalidate the “approval” and
require the type approval tests to be repeated.
This Annex sets out a process whereby the significance of any change can be
evaluated and the need for further testing agreed. Functional Analysis Method

In principle, it should be possible to classify any change to a cable as a change that
might change the performance characteristics (“major” change), requiring a repeat of
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 147

type testing, or as a “substantial change” requiring a repeat of prequalification

testing, or a “minor” change requiring little or no repeating of testing.
The tests in international cable standards have evolved either to simulate the
service conditions experienced by the cable (system) (often in an accelerated man-
ner) or to test for the presence of specific defects and deficiencies. The tests have
evolved to ensure that a cable (system) is able to survive the various functions that it
has to perform during its lifetime and their resulting stresses (electrical, mechanical
and chemical). For example, a cable has to be bent during production, transportation
and installation, so the IEC Standards include a bending test. The Working Group
has extended this principle to examine how a change to the cable design or
manufacture might affect its performance and hence what further testing might be
The methodology adopted by the WG was first to perform a functional analysis to
consider the functions performed by each part of a cable’s and accessories construc-
tion and how each function is tested presently in IEC 60840 Ed.3 and IEC 62067
The WG then considered a number of possible changes a manufacturer might
make to the cable system. The functional analysis was then used to determine what
further testing might be required.
The result of this exercise is summarized in Table 4.14 as far as the constituents of
the cable itself are concerned and in Tables 4.15 and 4.16 for the components of
joints and terminations respectively. It must be mentioned that this analysis is based
on the present knowledge and could be updated and used as guidance for future
For each constituent part, the table identifies;

• The functions performed by that component

• The feature which identifies if the function is being fulfilled or the threat posed if
it is not
• Comments that give further details of the threat or alternative test procedures. The
tests in IEC 60840 Ed.3 or IEC 62067 Ed.1 which check that the function is being
performed satisfactorily
• Some tests described in the Functional Analysis are missing in IEC60840 Ed.3
and 62067 Ed.1 (e.g. short-circuit, side-wall pressure, etc.). The full list of
missing tests is given in Annex 4.5.4.

The main changes to cables and accessories in a prequalified cable system, which
require the repetition of the type test (or part of it) or of the prequalification tests or of
the extension of qualification, are summarized in Tables 4.4 and 4.5 in part 4.2 of this
The cable supplier and purchaser may use the functional analysis to discuss if any
change to a constituent part might lead to a change in the performance characteristics
or reliability of the cable system. This is particularly useful where the change is
outside the scope of Tables 4.4 and 4.5 of part 4.2.
Table 4.14 Functional Analysis of a High Voltage Cable and cable components (Abbreviations: Routine: R, Sample test: S, Type test: T, Development: D,

Prequalification: PQ)
Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Cable’s Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets –IEC
component Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
Conductor 1 -a. No overheating with nominal current -a. Resistance measurement a. Measurement to check design
Electrical (S: §10.5/§ 10.5) Verification of AC resistance of large
conductivity conductors with insulated wires or other
special properties: See WG B1-03 –
Large cross-sections and composite
screen designs: For large cross-sections,
AC resistance test should be performed
as type test (see TB TB 272 of Cigré
WG B1-03 from 2005)
-b. Limit temperature with thermal short -b. Calculation of thermal short b. If temperature rise is considered
circuit current circuit temperaturre dangerous, a short circuit test is
proposed as a development test. Check
that there is no degradation of tapes and
extruded semi-con after short circuit
2 -a. Satisfy the minimum bending radius -a. Bending before type tests (S:
Mechanical without harmful mechanical §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
properties deformation
-b. Support pulling during installation -b. No test b. Limitation of pulling force to be
given by the manufacturer
3 -a. Prevent longitudinal water -a. Water penetration test (T: a. Test if water blocking properties
Water blocking penetration §12.4.18/§12.5.14) required
4 -a. No corrosion when using Al -a. Examination a. If Al conductor avoid: water ingress
Chemical conductor after type test (IEC60840/ IEC +chemical species (e.g. contaminations,
properties 62067) or long solvents)
term PQ test (IEC 62067)
-b. No degradation due to layers over - b. Compatibility
J. Becker

conductor (tape or semi-con) test (T: §12.4.4/§124)


5 -a. Low interface resistivity with -a. See accessories a. Taken into account in accessories part
Interface with connectors
other components -b. Thermal-mechanical expansion/ -b. Thermal cycles: 20 (T: b. PQ not in IEC 60840 Ed.3
or accessories deformation (Influence of shape of §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or 180 (PQ: §13.2.3
wires on interface of extruded semi-con on cable system)
with insulation)
-c. Avoid water penetration -c. Water penetration test (T: c. Water penetration may lead to
§12.4.18/§12.5) chemical degradation of the insulation
mainly if the conductor metal is
Tape over 1 -a. Resistance sufficiently low to avoid -a. PD measurement (R,T; §9.2/§9.2- a. Covered by type tests
conductor Electrical PD and to avoid voltage over semicon §12.3.4/§12.4.5)
(optional) resistance during fast transients +Lightning impulse test (T; 12.3.7/
§12.4.9) + examination (T: §12.3.8/
2 -a. Good mechanical properties -a. Bending test (T: §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
Mechanical Examination after completion of the
properties type test
(T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
3 -a. No degradation of conductor or -a. Compatibility test on whole cable
Chemical semi-con (T:§12.4.4/§12.5.4)
properties -b. Stability of electrical resistivity after -b. Resistance measurement after b. Can be confirmed by test §12.3.9/
heat cycles heat cycles §12.4.11 on semicon indirectly and its
data should be shown by manufacturer
if required
4 -a. Avoid penetration of semi-con into -a. Visual examination after
Interface with conductor manufacturing in hot oil + impulse
other components test (S; 12.3.7/§12.4.9)
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

Table 4.14 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Cable’s Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets –IEC
component Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
Inner extruded 1 -a. Smoothening of electrical field at the -a. AC (R, T, PQ §9.3/§9.3, §12.3.6/ a. Some standards and customer’s
semiconducting Electrical insulation interface (avoid protrusions, §12.4.7, §13.2.3 and impulse test (T, specifications prescribe to check on a
screen properties voids, contaminants). PQ: §12.3.7/§12.4.9, §13.2.4 sample that there are no protrusions,
-b. Avoid PD at inner surface of -b. PD tests (R, T: §9.2/§9.2- voids or contaminants larger than their
insulation §12.3.4/§12.4.5) permissible level. It is a good tool to
-c. Resistivity sufficiently low, to avoid -c. Resistivity measurement check the quality of interfaces-
PD, in the whole range of service (T: §12.3.9/§12.4) protrusions and contamination.
temperatures and to avoid voltage over However electrical routine tests are
semicon during fast transients considered necessary to have a view of
the quality on the full length of the cable
and are still mandatory.
2 -a. Resistance to mechanical bending -a. Bending + 20 thermal cycles (T:
Thermal- during manufacturing and installation §12.3/§12.4)
mechanical -b. Stability of form with thermal -b. Bending (T: §12.3.3/§12.4.4) + 20 b. 20 cycles are considered sufficient by
properties constrains thermal cycles (T§12.3.6/§12.4.7) the WG to evaluate this functionality
-c. Shrinkage of semicon -c. Heat cycles (T§12.3.6/§ 12.4.7) and c. For type tests, the shrinkage test acts
shrinkage test (T §12.4.13) as a check on the properties of the
material. For the long term test, the
shrinkage test is not necessary when
these long term tests are performed
successfully on the cable system
3 -a. Stability of electrical properties with -a. Resistivity measurement before
Chemical ageing and after ageing
properties (T: §12.3.9/§12.4.11)
-b. Stability of electrical resistivity after -b. Resistivity measurement before
heat cycles and after ageing
(T: §12.3.9/§12.4.11)
J. Becker

-c. Compatibility with layers or -c. Compatibility test on whole cable c. PIXE (Particle induced X-ray
conductor below and with insulation (T:§12.4.4/§12.5.4) Emission) measurements have shown
+Resistivity measurement of semicon that there is no ionic migration from the
before and after compatibility test (T: semi-con into the insulation during heat
§12.3.9/§12.4.11) cycling tests or in service. However,
there is some diffusion of the
antioxidant and low molecular weight
species during the curing process and
afterwards Some customers ask to
check the moisture content in the
semicon (<1000 ppm content)
Influence on the dielectric behavior of
the insulation system?
4 -a. Compatibility with conductor or -a. Compatibility
Interface with layers below and with insulation test on whole cable (T:§12.4.4/
conductor and (See above and underneath) §12.5.4)
insulation -b. No degradation of insulation by -b. Type test (T: §12.3/§12.4) or long b. No PQ long term test in IEC 60840
migration of low molecular species term test (PQ: §13.2) Ed.3
-c. Good bonding of extruded semi- -c. Bending + heat cycling (min c. Good bonding of extruded
conducting screen with insulation 80 cycles -D) + PD: ((T: §12.3/§12.4 semiconducting screen with insulation
is generally not a problem but should be
checked at least once with a new
Tests could be performed on model
cables. 20 cycles are not considered
enough to check whether the bonding
with insulation remains correct. When
180 PQ cycles are performed, this
property is indirectly checked
-d. No deformation of semicon surface -d. Examination of surface in hot oil d. Quality control
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

due to penetration of semicon between

the conductor’s wires

Table 4.14 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Cable’s Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets –IEC
component Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
Insulation 1 -a. Withstand to AC stresses and -a. AC: routine test on each length a. Following a study made in Japan,
Dielectric lightning/switching impulses and type test and regular impulse switching impulse breakdown values
properties tests: on samples and with type test on cables are higher than for lightning
AC (R, T, PQ) §9.3/§9.3, §12.3.6/ impulse.
§12.4.7, §13.2.3 and For EHV cable systems switching
Lightning (S, T, PQ) §12.3.7/§12.4.9, impulse is still relevant
§13.2.4 Switching (T, PQ) §12.4.8 on Some customers prescribe to check on a
EHV system sample that there are no protrusions,
voids or contaminants larger than their
permissible level. WG has considered
that protrusions and contamination
examination on a small sample is less
relevant than an electrical routine test
on the whole length of cable (Same as
before. See page 2)
-b. No harmful voids in the bulk or in -b. PD routine test (§9.2/§9.2) b. No PD shall be allowed, as they may
the interface with semiconducting be harmful. Good sensitivity
-c. Stability of dielectric properties with -c. Thermal cycles: 20 (T: §12.3.6/ c. PQ not in IEC 60840 Ed.3. Thermal
thermal and electrical ageing §12.4.7) or 180 (PQ: §13.2.3) cycles check mainly the possible
deformation of the insulation. No
thermal or electrical ageing was ever
demonstrated under normal service
conditions. Some physical-chemical
parameters presented changes after
pre-qualification tests but they were not
J. Becker

correlated to any degradation of the

dielectric properties of the insulation.
Microscopic defects may, however, lead
to local degradation. This possible
degradation can be expressed by a
power law
-d. Low dielectric constant -d. Capacitance (S: §10.10/§10.10)
-e. Low dielectric losses, -e. Tanδ measurement (T: §12.3.5/ e. Preliminary test can be performed on
§12.) insulating material before extruding it
on cable
2 -a. Resistance to mechanical bending -a. Bending test followed by PD and
Thermal- during manufacturing and installation dielectric tests + examination after
mechanical tests (T: §12.3/§12.4)
properties -b. Stability of mechanical and -b. Hot set test (S: §10.9/§10.9, T:
dielectric properties with temperature §12.4.10/§12.5.10)
and thermal ageing Ageing and mechanical test on
material (T:§12.4.2/§12.5.2)
-c. Stability of form under the pressure -c. Heating cycles with bending in test c. In IEC 60840 Ed.3 no long-term PQ
of accessories and under the pressure of set up (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) test is performed on cable systems. (This
the thermal- mechanical expansion of Long term test with cable system problem is considered in Sect. 4.3) The
the conductor installed in conditions near reality experience in the field shows whether the
(PQ: 180 cycles §13.2.3) behavior of the cable system is correct. It
would be wise to make a long term cycles
test also on new cable systems below
220 kV at a relatively high value of
electrical stress except if a similar system
has been tested for higher voltage
3 -a. Compatibility with inner and outer -a. Compatibility test- (T: ageing test
Chemical semi-con on complete cable §12.4.4/§12.5.4)
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .


Table 4.14 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Cable’s Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets –IEC
component Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
-b. Resistance to oxidation and thermal -b. 20 cycles (T) §12.3.6/§12.4.7 or b. In IEC 60840 Ed.3 no long-term PQ
degradation (see above) 180 cycles (PQ §13.2.3) test is performed. Presence of water
prohibited avoiding electrochemical
(water) treeing. This can be avoided by
a metal sheath over the cable core
4 -a. Compatibility with inner and outer -a. Compatibility test. Ageing test on
Interface with semi-con: see above complete cable (T:§12.4.4/§12.5.4)
inner and outer -b. Compatibility with accessories -b. 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or b. In IEC 60840 Ed.3 no long-term test
semicon and interfaces 180 cycles (PQ:§13.2.3) PQ is performed on cable systems.
accessories Long term tests would be useful as a
development test D for new designs on
cables or accessories under specific
conditions. (This problem is considered
in Sect. 4.3)
-c. Shrinkage of insulation -c. Shrinkage test (T: §12.4.13/—) or c. No need for a shrinkage test if long-
long term cycling test in presence of term tests with cycles are performed.
accessories D or (PQ: §13.2.3) For type tests it acts as a test on the
material properties
-d. Smoothness of surfaces and purity -d. Test in hot oil as a production test
of insulation useful
Outer extruded 1 Same as inner semicon See inner semicon
semi- Electrical
conducting properties
screen 2 Same as inner semicon See inner semicon
J. Becker

3 -a. Same as inner semi-con, but a. See inner semicon a. Some customers ask to check the
Chemical compatibility with outer layers or (and) moisture content in the semicon
properties metal screen (<1000 ppm content) as for the inner
semicon. Influence on the dielectric
behaviour of the insulation system?
-b. Stability of electrical resistivity after b. See inner semicon
heat cycles
4 a. Same as inner semicon, but a. See inner semicon
Interface with compatibility with outer layer or (and)
insulation and metal screen
outer layer or
(and) metal screen
and accesses
Layer over 1 -a. Low resistivity to avoid PD at -a. PD measurement (R: §9.2/§9.2,
Semicon Electrical interface with screen and T:§12.3.4/§ 12.4.5)
(optional) properties
2 -a. Resistance to mechanical bending -a. Bending test before type test (T:
Thermal- during manufacturing and installatn §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
mechanical Examination after completion of the
properties type tests (T:§12.3.8/§12.4.10)
- b. Prevent deformation of the semicon -b. 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) + PD
and the insulation... test (§ 12.3.4/§ 12.4.5) + examination
-c. Water-blocking tapes possibly avoid -c. Water penetration test (T:
the longitudinal water penetration §12.4.18/§12.5.14)
(if required)
3 -a. Compatibility with semi-con and -a. Compatibility test. Ageing on
Chemical screen complete cable (T: §12.4.4/§12.5.4)
properties -b. Stability of electrical resistivity after -b. 20 cycles (T: § 12.3.6/
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

heat cycles §12.4.7) + measurement of resistivity

after ageing

Table 4.14 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Cable’s Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets –IEC
component Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
4 -a. Compatibility test (see above) -a. Ageing on complete cable (T) but
Interface no measurement on tape (see above)
with semi-con -b. Avoid deformation of insulation (see -b. 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7+
and metal screen above) examination §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
Metal Screen/ 1 -a. Satisfy the short-circuit conditions -a. Calculation of
Sheath Electrical cross section needed (following IEC
properties 60949 and 61443)
-b. Resistance measurement
as for conductor (S, T: §10.5/§ 10.5,)
and dimensions of the screen (§10.7/
-b. Collects capacitive current and -b. Calculation of losses (depending
induced currents on installation conditions - see IEC
-c. Electrical connection when more -c. T: Heat cycling and temperature
than one metallic screen is applied measurements
-d. Current sharing in two metal layer -d. Current sharing following d. Missing in IEC! Cigré WGB1-03 has
constructions conductivities. made a report TB 272 on this subject in
-e. Good contact between metal screen/ - e. PD test + cycles + PD (T: §12.3./
sheath and semicon layer below §12.4.)
2 -a. Supports mechanical bending -a. Bending test before type test (T:
Mechanical §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
properties -Examination after completion of the
type tests
(T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
J. Becker

-b. Limited deformation of insulation -b. Thermal short-circuit test on b. No official thermal short-circuit test
and outer semicon in case of short screen (D) in IEC specifications concerning HV
circuit temperature rise cables
-c. Supports radial pressure during -c. Thermo-mechanical test with heat c. To be defined: sidewall pressure test
heating cycles as recommended Cigré in ELECTRA
141 and IEC 61901 TR
Only to be performed if needed for a
special application
-d. Radial water tightness in case of -d. Technical Report of IEC (IEC
composite metal foil screen 61901 TR) recommending a long
term test in water (see also Cigré
recommendations from ELECTRA
141): D
-e. Fatigue in case of lead or lead alloy: -e. Check in relevant standards e. Other tests like slow elongation (O.
possible growth of crystals and dealing with lead alloys that the lmm/h) or “cone” test could be
Assuring chosen alloy is well adapted to the proposed to check the quality of the
application in the field: lead extrusion?
EN 12548, EN 50307 or equivalent.
Micrographic tests could be useful to
evaluate the grain size of the
extruded lead (Quality control
during extrusion of lead sheath)
-f. Fatigue in case of composite metal -f. A fatigue test (: repeated bending) f. To be defined: number of bendings,
foil screen when installed in non buried could be recommended as a diameter of bending...
conditions development test D
-g. Side wall pressure in case of -g. Technical Report of IEC(IEC
composite metal foil screen 61901 TR) recommending a side wall
pressure test (see also Cigré
recommendations from ELECTRA
141): D
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

3 -a. No corrosion of the metal -a. Corrosion test following

Chemical ELECTRA 141 or IEC Technical
properties Report (IEC 61901 TR) when using
Aluminium foil or IEC 60229, Clause
4.2 for Aluminium metallic layer


Table 4.14 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Cable’s Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets –IEC
component Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
-b. Compatibility with layers or semi- -b. Compatibility test
4 -a. Satisfy temperature measurement -a.b.c. Short circuit test with the Check that the sensor is not destroyed
Temperature -b. Satisfy short-circuit conditions installed sensors (mainly if sensors by the short circuit temperature and the
Monitoring (if any) -c. Satisfy mechanical conditions are optical fibers) would be useful as electromagnetic forces
a development test D
5 -a. Compatibility (see above) -a. Compatibility test: -Ageing of a. See electric contact properties after
Interface with complete cable (T: §12.4.4/§12.5.4 compatibility test
semi-con or layer with visual examination)
and over-sheath -b. Correct connection with accessories -b. Heat cycles: 20 cycles (T: b. Long term PQ test not in IEC 60840
and with accessories screens §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or 180 cycles (PQ: Ed.3
And thermal short-circuit test
(development test D)
-c. (Especially in case of lead or lead -c. To make the right choice of lead: c. Fatigue of lead may lead to cracks but
alloy sheath: fatigue problem possible) see EN 12548 and EN 50307 may be they do not yet appear during
long-term PQ tests
-d. Radial water tightness in case of -d. Corrosion test following
metal foil or sheath ELECTRA or IEC Technical Report
(IEC 61901)
Over sheath 1 -a. Electrical insulation of screen from -a. AC/DC test on sheath (R: §9.4/
Electrical properties earth if required §9.4) or a spark test during
-b. Insulate for AC and impulse -b. Test combined with test on outer
voltages in case of cross bonding or protection of joints
single point bonding
J. Becker

-c. No degradation of this property -c. 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) + AC

and impulse test on sheath
-d. Correct behavior in case of short- -d. Short circuit test on screen in
circuit on outer screen network conditions as a development
test D
2 -a. Supports mechanical bending during -a. Bending test (T: §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
Thermal- installation
mechanical -b. Resistance to mechanical impact -b. Mechanical impact: see
properties during and after installation ELECTRA 141 for metal foils or IEC
Technical Report (IEC 61901 TR)
and in addition to §12.4.19
-c. Resistance to abrasion during -c. Tests according to IEC 60229,
installation Clause 4.1
-d. Good mechanical qualities before -d. See the different tests on the
and after ageing e.g. no cracking of the different types of materials in IEC
outer sheath (§12.4., §12.5.)
-e. Resistance to fire if required -e. Tests under fire following the
relevant tests in IEC (§12.4.17,
3 -a. Compatibility with screen -a. Compatibility test: -Ageing on
Chemical properties complete cable (T: §12.4.4/ §12.5.4)
-b. Resistance to UV -b. Carbon black content in PE
oversheaths: (T: §12.4.12/§12.5.12)
-UV stabilizer in other materials:
accelerated weathering test
-c. Resistance to the chemicals in -c. Choice of material depending on
ground the application
-d. Resistance to termites and rodents -d. Special tests depending on type of
where needed (special additives or termites and rodents: D
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .


Table 4.14 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Cable’s Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets –IEC
component Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
4 -a. See above –
Interface with -b. Shrinkage of over-sheath may give -b. Long term cycling in presence of b. Included in long-term
screen, accessories problems with accessories accessories: PQ or D (T: §12.4.14/-) pre-qualification test of IEC 62067 (§
or external 13.2.3) but not in IEC 60840 Ed.3.
aggression Shrinkage, if any, is not necessarily
finished after 20 cycles.
Complete 1 -a. No degradation because of -a. Examination after completion of
cable Different electrical interactions between all components the type tests
and mechanical and of components themselves (T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
needs -b. No ingress of water to avoid -b. Short circuit test as D depending
insulation degradation and dielectric on the network conditions (to be
problems with accessories decided with the network engineers)
-b. Water penetration test (T:
- Long-term tests could be performed where necessary as development tests when not prescribed in specifications. See the recommendation from the WG in this report.
(See Table 4.17)
- The functions are determined by the construction. The construction, the materials applied and the production process applied determine the functional properties. The
standards take this into account with the Range of Type Approval.
- A short circuit between conductor and metal screen/shield may influence most of the functions described by thermal effects and mechanical effects (thermal expansion
and shrinkage of materials). Adherence of layers/screens is also tested with this test. Should this lead to an extension of the test series with a type test or a development test?
After discussion it was concluded that a short circuit test should be recommended as a development test.
- In the IEC 62067 and the IEC 60502-2, there is an electrical Sample test as a check on the properties of the insulation. In the IEC 60840 there is no electrical sample test
on the insulation. It would be wise to perform a lightning impulse test as soon as the stress level near the inner semi-conducting screen reaches values as in IEC 62067. This
may be the case when reducing the insulation thickness so that the inner AC service stress is becoming as high as 8 kV/mm.
- The current standards IEC 60840 Ed.3 and IEC 62067 Ed.1 cover the most important functions. No tests should be deleted. May be tanδ could be performed on
materials instead of being performed on cable insulation (but be careful, as it seems that tanδ can be influenced by the diffusion of some products into the insulation)
J. Becker
Table 4.15 Functional analysis of High Voltage cable joint and joint components (Same as in Table 4.14)

Test to check the functionality

(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets-IEC
Joints components Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
Metallic connection 1 -a. Transports nominal current -a. Heat cycles on connections Use a. No prescription in IEC 60840 ed3 or
and its eventual Electrical without overheating IEC 61238-1 when appropriate (5 62067 ed1
covering continuity/ not welded): D IEC61238-1 is presently only
electrical prescribed for 30 kV connections and
resistivity below but could be useful for HV
connections Short circuit temperature
shall not be at 250  C but derived from
short circuit currents selected from the
data of IEC 61443
-b. Supports short circuit current -b. Short circuit test following the b. No short circuit test prescribed in
and temperature network needs: D IEC 60840 ed3 or 62067 ed1
(Such a test is part of IEC 6121)
2 -a. Supports the compression and -a. Heat cycles of cable loop with a. Are 20 cycles enough to see the
Mechanical extension efforts during cycles from joint installed: 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/ effects of longitudinal efforts? In IEC
properties cable conductor §12.4.7+ examination §12.3.8/ 60840 ed3 long term PQ tests are
(Does not allow wrinkling of §12.4.10) missing to check the long term
conductor during heating cycles) Or long term test (PQ: §133) behavior of joints
See tensile strength of welded
3 -a. Dissipates correctly the heat -a. Heat cycles, but without voltage, a. If a reliable program to calculate the
Thermal generated in the connection and avoids of connections (D: §12.3.6/ temperature profile in a joint is
function overheating in the center of the joint §12.4.7) + Measurement of available, it may replace the test on
temperature of connector versus cable system
conductor + examination §12.3.8/
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

4 -a. Compatibility of the possible used -a. Long- term test (D or PQ: § a. Such a PQ test is not prescribed in
Interface additives with the semi-con of the joint 13.2.3 + examination) IEC 60840 ed3
with joint (Grease, mastic, water sealant) Test is also possible on materials: semi-
semi-con con plates in air oven exposed to the

Table 4.15 (continued)

Test to check the functionality

(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets-IEC
Joints components Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
Possible additives 1 -a. No negative influence on the -a. Heat cycles on connections (see
(grease, mastic, Electrical conductivity of the contact above)
water sealant...) function
2 -a. Supports the temperature of the -a. Heat cycles of connections: see
Thermal connection during service without above. Examination of the additive
properties degradation after cycling
3 -a. Gives some protection against -a. Heat cycles of connections: see
Chemical electrical degradation of the contact above. Examination of the additive
properties of the connection after cycling
4 -a. Compatibility of the possible used -a. Long- term test (D or PQ:§
Interface with additives with the semi-con of the 13.2.3 + examination) Or test on semi-
joint semi-con joint conducting materials in air oven
exposed to the additives
Insulation (field 1 -a. Continuation of the insulation of -a. Partial discharge test (R, S,: § 9.2
grading) Dielectric the cable: Withstand to AC stresses and 11.2.a) and (T:§ 12.3.4/§12.4.5)
function and lightning/switching impulses and voltage test (R, S: § 9.3 and 11.2.
b), heating cycle test (T: § 12.3.6/
Lightning impulse test during type
tests (T:§ 12.3.7/§ 12.4.9) or long
term test (PQ: §13.2.4)
-b. Reasonably low tanδ, to avoid too -b. Tanδ test (T: §12.3.5/§12.4.6)
high dielectric losses during voltage
-c. Maintenance of the dielectric -c. Long term tests + impulse test on c. PQ Test missing in IEC 60840 ed3.
qualities of the system during the assembly + (PQ: Impulse test may be sufficient to detect
lifetime §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) + PD test after lack of adherence.
after long term test PD monitoring during type testing or
long term testing would be a good tool
J. Becker

to check the evolution of the adherence.


2 -a. Maintenance of good contact with -a. Long term tests + impulse (PQ: a. A long-term PQ test is not
Thermal- cable insulation (good elasticity and §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) prescribed in IEC 60840 ed3. A
mechanical compatible shrinkage of the different development test: “pressure versus
properties layers) with time at ambient and with time of contact of joint insulation to
cycles cable insulation”, would be an
alternative for pre-molded type
No such test in IEC 62067 ed1 nor in
IEC 60840 ed3
-b. Maintenance of mechanical quality -b. Short circuit test following the
in case of short circuit needs of the network would be useful
as a development test D
-c. Good heat dissipation -c. Development test D: check of
temperature drop in the insulation
during heat cycling
-d. No slipping on cable with pressure -d. Long term test on system installed d. Long term PQ test missing in IEC
from one side (prefabricated: in a test arrangement representative of 60840 ed3
composite or pre-molded joint) installation design (PQ:
§13.2.3 + §13.2.:
3 -a. Maintenance of good contact with -a. Long term tests + impulse +PD a. Long term PQ test missing in IEC
Interface cable insulation (see above) or interface (PQ: §13.2.3+ §13.2.4) 60840 ed3
properties with other joint components
-b. Compatibility with cable insulation, -b. Heat cycles (T: §12.3.6/§72.4.7) b. Long term PQ test missing in IEC
lubricants and joint’s semi-con Long term tests (PQ: §13.2.3 for EHV) 60840 ed3
-c. Shrinkage of cable materials -c. Long term shrinkage test as D on c. The shrinkage test made following
5 m long cable: see French the French specifications shows that the
specification for high voltage and extra insulation and sheath materials shrink
high voltage cables NFC 32 352 or C back during a quite long time:
33 253 80 cycles or even more are often
needed to stabilize the shrink back
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .


Table 4.15 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets-IEC
Joints components Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
-d. Compatibility of interface additives -d. Development test D to check the d. Manufacturers responsibility
(lubricants..) with cable insulation/ good behavior of materials in contact
semicon material and joint insulation/ with additives: check of mechanical
semicon material properties of cable materials and joint
materials after ageing in airen
4 -a. No harmful ageing of material -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) 60840 ed3
Interface matters 1 -a. The materials used to clean or to -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD a. Long term test followed by PD tests
including cleaning Electrical lubricate the surfaces of the cable or the (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4 will give an indication whether the
material, properties joint insulation shall not degrade the contact between the the surfaces remain
lubricants.. dielectric properties of the system. The correct
lubricant is also filling up the micro- Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
holes between the two insulating 60840 ed3
2 -a. No harmful ageing of material -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) 60840 ed3
3 -a. No slipping on cable with pressure
Thermal- from one side (prefabricated or
mechanical pre-molded joint)
4 -a. Compatibility of lubricants with -a. Development test D to check the
Interface cable and joint’s insulation, and cable good behavior of materials in contact
properties and joint’s semi-con with additives: check of mechanical
properties of cable materials and joint
materials after ageing in air oven
J. Becker

Metal screening, 1 -a. Transfers currents circulating in -a. Thermal cycles with current a. Currents in the screen may be
connection to cable Electrical cable screen, transfers short circuit circulating in the screen:D important and the ability of the screen
screen function current. connection not to overheat during
cycling should be checked (not in
cycling tests in IEC)
Thermal short circuit test following No such short circuit test in IEC 62067
the needs of the network would be ed1 nor IEC 60840 ed3
useful as a development test D (see
IEC 61443)
-b. Current sharing between double -b. Development test D:Thermal
screens if present cycling with current circulating in the
screen and temperature measurement in
the screen area + examinon
2 -a. No hot spot at connection -a. 20 Thermal cycles (T: §12.3.6/§ a. No short circuit test in IEC 62067
Mechanical 12.4.7). ed1 nor in IEC 60840 ed3
properties Thermal short circuit test following the
needs of the network would be useful
as a development test D
-b. No harmful deformation of cable or -b. 20 Thermal cycles (T: §12.3.6/
joint insulation §12.4.7). + Examination
-c. No cracking near the connection in -c. Be sure that the correct lead alloy c. Cracking may need more than
case of lead or lead alloy sheath of for the metal sheath of cable has been 180 cycles to appear (180 cycles: long
cable chosen following EN 50307 and EN 18 term test following IEC 62067 ed1).
Severity depends largely on the
installation environment and
3 -a. Compatibility with cable and joint -a. Thermal cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7)
Chemical materials
4 -a. Withstands dielectric transients -a. AC and impulse tests on outer
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

Screen protection of joints (T Annex

disconnection H/Annex D)
(for cross-
Table 4.15 (continued)

Test to check the functionality

(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets-IEC
Joints components Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
5 -a. Avoid water ingress to the -a. Water tightness test
Water insulation Long term heat cycles with joint
tightness immersed or in ground followed by a
sheath voltage test
(Eventual) Filling 1 -a. Avoid high thermal resistance a. Design aspect
Filling of
2 -a. Compatibility with surrounding -a. Development test to check the good
Chemical material behavior of materials in contact with
properties additives: check of mechanical
properties of cable materials and joint
materials after ageing in air oven
3 -a. Avoid water ingress to the -a. Water tightness test
Water insulation Long term heat cycles with joint
tightness immersed or in ground followed by a
sheath voltage test
4 -a. Eventually rigidifies the joint a. Design aspect
Outer 1 -a. Isolation of joint from earth -a. Test on outer protection (T: Annex
protection Electrical H/Annex D)
function -b. No degradation of dielectric -b. Long term test (PQ:§ b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
function with ageing and during 13.2.3 + §13.2.4) Short circuit test on 60840 ed3
short circuit metal screen
2 -a. Mechanical protection of joint a. Design aspect of system
J. Becker


3 -a. Avoid water ingress into the cable -a. Test in water on outer protection (T:
Water Annex H/Annex D)
4 -a. Compatibility with inside -a. Long term test (PQ: §13.2.3 for a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical material, resistance against soil EHV) + voltage withstand test on outer 60840 ed3
properties aggression (if cable installed in protection after long term test
ground) or other surroundings
5 - a. Possible shrinkage of cable over- -a. Check the shrinkage of the cable a. May be 20 cycles are not enough to
Interface with sheath and/ or shrinkage of joint sheath and joint protection after heat see the long term behavior of the
cable over- outer protection to be taken into cycling of 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§ shrinkage effect Long term PQ tests
sheath consideration when designing the 12.4.7) or 180 cycles (PQ: §13.2.3) missing in IEC 60840 ed3
outer protection
Complete joint 1 -a. No degradation because of -a. Examination after completion of the
Overall interactions between all components type tests (T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
properties and of components themselves
-b. No water penetration before and -b. Test in water on outer protection (T: b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
after heat cycling into the cable Annex H/Annex D) or better: Long 60840 ed3
system term test (PQ: §13.2.3 for
EHV) + insulation resistance test on
outer protection after long term test
- Long-term tests could be performed where necessary as development tests when not prescribed in specifications.
- See the recommendation from the WG in this report (See Table 4.17)
- A short circuit between conductor and metal screen/shield of the cable system may influence most of the functions described by thermal effects and mechanical effects
(thermal expansion and shrinkage of materials). Adherence of layers/screens is also tested with this test. Should this lead to an extension of the test series with a type test or a
development test? After discussion it was concluded that a short circuit test should be recommended as a development test
- In IEC 60840/Ed.3, sample tests on accessories are included. (In the IEC 62067 yet under consideration). They should be included also in the IEC 62067
- General remark: what about checking of skill of the jointers and effectiveness of mounting instructions? People responsible for installation of the accessories shall
consider this in their quality assurance and quality control process. See ▶ Chap. 5, “Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables”.
Note: to compare the clauses of the IEC specifications IEC 60840 Ed. 3 and IEC 62067 Ed. 1 table with the equivalent clause of IEC Specifications published in
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

2011 in 2011, see the list of correspondence in pages 71 to 73


Table 4.16 Functional analysis of High Voltage terminations and components of terminations (Same as in Table 4.14)
Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Component of Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets IEC
termination Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
Metallic connection of 1 -a. Transfers nominal current without -a. Heat cycles on connections Use a. No prescription in IEC 60840 Ed.3
conductor to network Electrical overheating IEC 61238-1 when appropriate (5 or 62067 Ed. 1 Short circuit test
continuity/ not welded): D values could be selected from the
electrical data of IEC 60859
resistivity -b. Supports short-circuit current and -b. Short circuit test (D) following b. No short circuit test prescribed in
temperature the network ds IEC 60840 Ed.3 or 62067 Ed. 1
2 -a. Supports compression/ extension -a. 20 cycles (T) §12.3.6/§ 12.4.7 or a. System aspect
Mechanical efforts during cycling of cable long term test (PQ § 13.2.3 for Long term PQ tests missing in
properties conductor EHV) IEC 60840 Ed.3
-b. Supports the thermal short circuit -b. Short circuit test following the b. No such test in HV IEC
efforts needs of the network would be specifications
useful as a development teD
3 -a. Resistance to corrosion a. Humidity and pollution test as a
Chemical development test D
4 -a. Connection fits with terminal lugs -Matter for engineering of network
Interface with of network interface –(Sliding
network contacts, bimetallic interfaces...)
Electrical field grading 1 -a. Field grading of dielectric stresses -a. Partial discharge (R §9.2) and a. PD after long term test shows that
(stress cones, capacitive Dielectric in order to pass AC and lightning/ voltage test (R §9.3) Lightning adherence between stress relieve
or non linear grading function switching impulses impulse (T §12.3.7/§12.4.9) components is still good Long term
Switching impulse on EHV PQ tests missing in IEC 60840 Ed.3
material (T)§12.4.8) Long term test
(PQ §13.2.3) followed by lightning
impulse (PQ: 13.2.4) and PD
-b. Maintenance of these qualities -b. See above
with ageing
J. Becker

-c. Reasonably low tanδ, to avoid too -c. Tanδ test on loop with
high dielectric losses during voltage terminations (T: §12.3.5/§12.)
2 -a. Maintenance of good contact with -a. Development test: pressure of a. PD after long term test shows that
Thermal- cable insulation (good elasticity and contact versus time and long term adherence between stress relieve
mechanical compatible shrinkage of the different AC test with cycles, Long term test: components is still good. Long term
properties layers) with time at ambient and with (PQ: §13.2.3) and PD) after long PQ tests missing in IEC 60840 Ed.3
cycles term test
-b. Dissipation of thermal losses -b. b. Calculation. Not measurable
-c. No harmful cable deformation -c. Long term test: (PQ: §13.2.3) c. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
and PD after long term 60840 Ed.3
test + examinon
3 -a. Resistance to thermal ageing -a. Long term test: (D: §13.2.3) a. Long term test needed if no earlier
Chemical anD experience with a similar product
properties Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
60840 Ed.3
4 -a. Good compatibility with cable -a. Long term test: (PQ: §13.2.3) a. Long term test needed if no earlier
Interface insulation system and lubricants and PD after long term experience with a similar product
quality (between cable insulation and stress test + examination Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
relieve component) if any 60840 Ed.3
-b. Resistance to filling medium -b. Development test D on b. Manufacturers responsibility
(oil...) materials in contact with filling
medium: check of mechanical,
chemical and dielectric properties
of cable materials and termination
materials after ageing in airen
Interface matters 1 -a. The materials used to clean or to -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD a. Long term test followed by PD
including cleaning Electrical lubricate the surfaces of the (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4 tests will give an indication whether
material, lubricants... properties insulation of the cable or the the contact between the surfaces
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

termination shall not degrade the remains correct Long term PQ tests
dielectric properties of the system. missing in IEC 60840 Ed.3
The lubricant is also filling up the
micro-holes between the two
insulating surfaces


Table 4.16 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Component of Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets IEC
termination Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
2 -a. No harmful ageing of material -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) 60840 Ed.3
3 -a. No slipping or restraining on cable
Thermal- due to pressure
4 -a. Compatibility of lubricants with -a. Development test D to check the
Interface cable, insulation, semiconductor and good behavior of materials in
properties termination components contact with additives: check of
mechanical properties of cable
materials and terminations
materials after ageing in air oven
Insulator/Envelope 1 -a. Correct creep distance and length -a. Lightning impulse (T: §12.3.7/ a. Switching impulse for voltages of
(Porcelain, synthetic Dielectric in air or gas §12.4.9) Switching impulse (T: § 300 kV and above
insulator, epoxy...) functions 12.4.8) for voltages above 300 kV
-b. Resistance to leakage currents and -b. For outdoor terminations, Salt b. Length of creep distance adapted
evacuation of these currents fog test. Climatic test following to the degree of pollution
IEC 61442: development tes
2 -a. Resistance to mechanical forces -a. Cantilever test: D a. Not prescribed by IEC HV specs;
Thermal- from the HV connection Internal test
mechanical -b. Resistance to seismic activity -b. Calculations according to IEC
properties 61463
-c. Good long term resistance to -c. Long term test: (PQ: c. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
higher temperatures §13.2.3) + examination 60840 Ed.3, but useful even for this
(PQ:§13.2.5) range of voltages
J. Becker

-d. Resistance to internal arcing in -d. Short circuit test with internal d. No test in IEC HV specs for cable
case of breakdown in the termination electrical fault: D terminations or similar equipment
(no harmful projections) Internal overpressure test: such as bushings and instrument
-e. Good heat dissipation e. Engineering problem; depends
very much on surrounding and
protection means
3 -a. Resistance to climatic and -a. Development test D: Climatic
Interface polluting surrounding tests following IEC 61109
quality with -b. Compatibility with filling medium -b. Long term test (PQ b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
filling medium §13.2.3) + examination (PQ: 60840 Ed.3
and §13.2.5)
4 -a. Resistance to UV, climate, water -a. Development test: Climatic tests
Chemical and pollution following IEC 61109
Filling medium (if any) 1 -a. Good dielectric breakdown values -a. Development test on filling a. Manufacturers responsibility
Electric material: breakdown tests
properties -b. Low dielectric losses -b. Long term test (PQ: b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
§13.2.3) + examination (PQ: §13.2 60840 Ed.3
-c. Maintenance of dielectric
properties with ageing
2 -a. No harmful degradation of the -a. Long term test (PQ: a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Thermal material with ageing §13.2.3) + examination (PQ: 60840 Ed.3
properties §13.2.5)
3 -a. Good compatibility with cable -a. Long term test (PQ a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical material in contact (insulation, §13.2.3) + examination (PQ: 60840 Ed.3 Responsibility of the
properties eventually semi-con) and stress §13.2.5) manufacturer
and interface controlling material Development test to check the good
behavior of materials in contact
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

with additives: check of

mechanical properties of cable
materials and joint materials after
ageing in airen


Table 4.16 (continued)

Test to check the functionality
(Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840
Component of Function or Ed.3/62067 Ed. 1 in brackets IEC
termination Property Specification/Threat 62067 Ed. 1 in Italics) Comments
Screen/Earth connection 1 -a. Fixation of earth potential a. Engineering problem, to be
Electrical considered when installing the
functions system. Bimetallic connections to be
considered with special care
-b. Evacuates short circuit current -b. Short circuit test following the b. No short circuit test in IEC 60840
and circulating currents with both needs of the network would be Ed.3 nor in IEC 62067 Ed. 1
ends earthed useful as a development test D Currents in the screen may be
Thermal cycles with current in the important and the ability of the
screen (D) screen connection not to overheat
during cycling should be checked
(not in cycling tests in IEC)
-c. In case of disconnection from -c. Impulse and DC/AC test
earth, electrical withstand between between earth and screen as a type
earth and screen test
-d. Suppression of screen currents T d. Engineering problem: -Single end
with single end earthing or special – earthing High frequency waves at
bonding GIS ends to be solved by coaxial
connections to earth
2 -a. No degradation of connection and -a. Thermal short circuit test of the
Thermal- surrounding with thermal short earth connection following the
mechanical circuit needs of the network would be
properties useful as a development test
D With visual examination
-b. No cracking near the connection -b. Be sure that the correct lead b. Cracking does not necessarily
in case of lead or lead alloy sheath of alloy for the metal sheath of cable appear already after long term
cable has been chosen following EN cycling tests
50307 and EN 12548
J. Becker

3 -a. Resistance to climatic and -a. Development test D: Climatic

Interface polluting surrounding tests following IEC 61109
quality with -b. Compatibility with filling medium -b. Long term test (PQ b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
filling medium §13.2.3) + examination (PQ: 60840 Ed.3
and §13.2.5)
4 -a. No corrosion of contact points a. Design: choice of metals and
Chemical protection
Base plate 1 -a. Supports the weight of a. Design aspect
Mechanical termination and cantilever forces on
properties termination
2 -a. No corrosion of the base plate -a. Examination when making a. Design aspect
Chemical climatic tests
3 -a. Withstand AC/DC/Impulse in -a. AC/DC and impulse test on a. Design aspect
Base plate specially bonded systems screen connection versus base plate
Complete 1 -a. No degradation because of -a. Examination of deterioration a. Leakage may come up with time in
termination Overall interactions between all components after completion of the type tests service and, may be, will not be
properties and of components themselves (T) §12.3.8/§12.4.10 and short detected during long-term
circuit test development tests. It needs regular
inspection or special protection if no
inspection is possible
-b. Correct sealing and no fluid
- Long-term tests could be performed where necessary as development tests when not prescribed in specifications.
- See the recommendation from the WG in this report. See Table 4.17
- A short circuit between conductor and metal screen/shield of the cable system may influence most of the functions described by thermal effects and mechanical effects
(thermal expansion and shrinkage of materials). Adherence of layers/screens is also tested with this test. Should this lead to an extension of the test series with a type test or a
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

development test? After discussion it was concluded that a short circuit test should be recommended as a development test
- General remark (same as for joints):
- What about checking of skill of the jointers and effectiveness of mounting instructions? People responsible for installation of the accessories shall consider this in their
quality assurance and quality control process. See ▶ Chap. 5, “Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables”.
Note: to compare the clauses of the IEC specifications IEC 60840 Ed.3 and IEC 62067 Ed.1 table with the equivalent clause of IEC Specifications published in

2011 in 2011, see the list of correspondence in pages 71 to 73

174 J. Becker

The process for determining if further testing is required is described in the

attached Flowchart.
When a supplier proposes a change to an approved cable system, the functional
analysis tables may be used to determine the functions performed by the component
of the cable or the accessory that may be changed. The development test evidence is
then considered by the supplier and purchaser to see if the change has increased the
risk that this cable or accessory will not perform as well as before.
If the development tests prove that there is no or only a “minor” increase in risk,
then no further testing is required.
If there is a “major” increase in risk, because of a change in a component of cable
or accessory that might change the performance characteristics, then further short-
term (type) testing is required but the PQ tests need not to be repeated. The
functional analysis table shows which IEC tests are appropriate for each component
of cable or accessory that will be changed. In some circumstances a threat may be
identified, which is unlikely to be revealed in a normal type test. There are other
situations in which other even more efficient tests can be used (for example in the
accelerated thermal ageing of accessories). In these circumstances it is appropriate
for the supplier and purchaser to agree a further program of development tests rather
than repeating the type tests.
If the proposed change introduces a “significant” increase in risk, then both the
Type tests and PQ tests should be repeated.
The analysis described above can be extended to cover any components and
materials not specifically listed in the functional analysis tables. It must be remem-
bered that a small change in a component of cable and/or accessory does not
necessarily mean a small increase in risk. Changing a small component, such as a
lubricant or the material used for a wiping cloth can dramatically increase the risk for
a cable system failure.
Using a combination of functional analysis and risk assessment should allow the
supplier and purchaser to agree on the optimum program of tests to minimize the cost
of testing whilst managing the risk of potential future cable system failure. Functional Analysis Tables

The functional analyses is divided in the following tables

• Table 4.14 Cable components

• Table 4.15 Joint components
• Table 4.16 Termination components

The tables are structured as follows:

• Column A describes the components from the inner part to the outer part.
• Column B describes per component the functions or properties of the components
such as electrical properties, mechanical properties, etc.
• Column C describes per function or property the specification that has to be taken
into account in the design of the component or the possible threat during operation.
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 175

• Column D describes per function the test to check the functionality. Where
possible, reference is made to the relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed. 3 and
IEC 62067 Ed.1.
• Where tests do not exist in these standards, reference is made to other IEC
standards or test recommendations. Distinction has been made between Routine
test (R), Type test (T), Sample tests (S), Development tests (D), and Pre-
qualification tests (PQ).
• Column E gives, when necessary, further comments or clarifications

List the components that have been changed

List the functions performed by these components

Review development tests to establish if

the risk to the cable system has changed

Haw the risk increased?

No further testing required

YES Is the increase in NO

risk small?

test and type test

Is the threat YES
adequately covered
by the type test?

Repeat the type test

Carry out enchanced type

testing or further
development testing to
show there is no

Perform EQ test

Fig. 4.16 Flowchart showing how functional analysis can be used to determine the extent of
testing required following a change to a component of the cable system

Table 4.17 Tests from functional analysis not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC 62067 but recommended by WG B1-06
Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC
Item 62067 Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations
1 Short circuit tests on cable and a) Cable conductor’s conductivity: a. If temperature rise is considered a. – f. Development test
accessories Limit temperature with thermal dangerous, a short circuit test is
short circuit current proposed as a development test
b) Electrical properties of the outer
metal screen: - Satisfy the short-
circuit conditions
c) Short circuit on outer metal screen. c. Short circuit test on screen in
Limited deformation of insulation network conditions as a development
and outer semi conductive layers in test
case of short circuit temperature rise
d) Correct behavior of over-sheath in d. Check that the sensor is not
case of short-circuit on outer screen: destroyed by the short circuit
influence of temperature or temperature and the electromagnetic
mechanical effort forces
e) Short circuit test on screen to check e. Short circuit test following the
thermal monitoring sensors if any network needs
f) Short circuit on metal connections f. Short circuit test following the
(joints and terminations): hot spot? network needs (Such a test is part of
IEC 6123)
g) Check that here is no degradation
of dielectric function with ageing and
during short circuit on outer
protections (oversheath, outer
protection of joints or terminations
h) No degradation of the conductivity
of connections after short circuit tests
J. Becker
2 Sheath voltage test combined with a) Check the shrinkage of the cable a. When making pre-qualification Development test
long term prequalification test on sheath versus the accessories long term test this test is indirectly
cable protection and the absence of water done if after long term test a sheath
ingress below the outer protection voltage test is performed
(can be done without voltage
b) Check that there is no degradation
on outer protections
3 Long term heat cycling test (not in a) Cable conductor chemical a. If Al conductor avoid: +water
IEC 60840) on cable or system (With properties: No corrosion when using ingress +chemical species
or without voltage application) Al conductor (e.g. contaminations, Solvents)
b) Cable conductor’s interface with b. Water penetration may lead to b. We propose a PQ test
insulation and accessories: chemical degradation of the and an EQ test for the high
-Thermal- mechanical expansion/ insulation mainly if the conductor stress designs
deformation-Avoid water penetration metal is aluminum
c) Semi-con interface with c. Part of development test
insulation: -No
degradation of insulation by
migration of low molecular species
d) Insulation: Stability of dielectric d. Thermal cycles check mainly the d. We propose a PQ test
properties with thermal and electrical possible deformation of the and an EQ test for the high
ageing insulation. No thermal or electrical stress designs
ageing was ever demonstrated
under normal service conditions.
Some physical-chemical
parameters presented changes
after pre-qualification tests but
they were not correlated to any
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

degradation of the dielectric

properties of the insulation.
Microscopic defects may, however,
lead to local degradation. This
degradation can be expressed by a

power law
Table 4.17 (continued)
Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC

Item 62067 Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations

e) Thermal-mechanical properties of e. We propose a PQ test
insulation: -Stability of form under and an EQ test for the high
the pressure of accessories and stress designs
under the pressure of the thermal-
mechanical expansion of the
f) Chemical properties of insulation f. Long term test with cable system f. We propose a PQ test
and filling media of accessories: installed in conditions near reality and an EQ test for the high
-Resistance to oxidation and thermal (PQ: 180 cycles §13.2.3): the stress designs
degradation of insulation behavior of the cable system is
correct. It would be wise to make a
long term cycles test also on new
cable systems below 220 kV at a
relatively high value of electrical
stress except if a similar system has
been tested for higher voltage
g) Interface of insulation with inner Presence of water prohibited g. We propose a PQ test
and outer semicon and accessories: - avoiding electrochemical (water) and an EQ test for the high
Compatibility with accessories treeing. This can be avoided by a stress designs
interfaces and filling media (joints, metal sheath over the cable core
h) Correct connection of screens with Long term tests would be useful as h. We propose a PQ test
accessories screens a development test for new designs and an EQ test for the high
(Especially in case of lead or lead on cables or accessories in all cases stress dess
alloy sheath: fatigue problem
i) Mechanical properties of i. Part of development
connections of joints or terminations: tests
-Supports the compression and
extension efforts during cycles
J. Becker

from cable conductor (Does not

allow wrinkling of conductor
during heating cycles) lead
behavior at connection
(no cracking,)
j) No slipping of joint on cable with j. Long term test on system installed j. We propose a PQ test
pressure from one side in a test arrangement representative and an EQ test for the high
(prefabricated: composite or of installation den stress designs
pre-molded joint
4 Climatic and salt fog tests on outdoor a) Resistance to leakage currents and Part of development test
terminations (mainly on synthetic evacuation of leakage currents (IEC
and composite terminations) 61109?), Resistance to UV on
synthetic insulators
5 Cantilever test on termination a) Resistance to mechanical forces Part of development test
from the HV connection
6 Dielectric test on screen a) Withstand the dielectric constraints Part of development test
disconnections (terminations) (Ac and impulse)
7 Dielectric test on base plate a) Withstand the dielectric constraints Part of development test
insulators of terminations (Ac and impulse)
8 Measurement of stability of the a) Chemical properties of semi- a. Can be confirmed by test §12.3.9/ Quality control
resistance of semi- conductive tapes conductive tapes-Stability of §12.4.11 on semicon indirectly and
on cable electrical resistivity after heat cycles its data shall be shown by
manufacturer if required
9 Examination of XLPE cable a) Interface of tape over conductor Quality control
insulation in hot oil with semicon:-Avoid penetration of
semi-con into conductor
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

10 Examination of protrusions and a) Smoothness of interface between a. Some customers or standards Possibly as quality control
contaminants on cable semicon and insulation and prescribe to check on a sample that
cleanness of insulation there are no protrusions, voids or
contaminants. WG has considered
that protrusions and contamination


Table 4.17 (continued)

Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC
Item 62067 Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations
examination on a small sample is less
relevant than an electrical routine test
on the entire length of cable
11 Moisture content in inner and outer Some customers ask to check the Possibly as quality control
extruded semi-conductive layer on moisture content in the semi-con
cable (<1000 ppm content) Influence on
the dielectric behavior of the
insulation system?
12 Grain size measurement on lead a) Evaluate the extrusion quality of a. To make the right choice of lead: Quality control
sheath on cable the lead to have an idea of its fatigue see EN 12548 and EN 50307
13 Evaluate Fatigue in case of lead or a) Speed of crystal growth due to heat a. Possible growth of crystals and Development test where
lead alloy on cable: cycling and vibration fissuring applicable
-Check in relevant standards dealing
with lead alloys that the chosen alloy
is well adapted to the application in
the field:
EN 12548, EN 50307 or equivalent
14 Evaluate Fatigue in case of a) Fatigue in case of composite metal Development test where
composite metal screen on cable foil screen when installed in non applicable
buried conditions Test to be defined
15 Side wall pressure test on cable a) Side wall pressure in case of a. To be defined: sidewall pressure Development test where
composite metal foil screen test as recommended Cigré in applicable
ELECTRA 141 (also future IEC
Only to be performed if needed for a
special application
J. Becker

16 Long term thermal cycling test in a) Radial water tightness in case of a. Radial water tightness in case of Development test where
water on cable metal foil or sheath composite metal foil screen applicable
A technical specification in IEC
recommending a long term test in
water (see also Cigré
recommendations from ELECTRA
141) (also IEC 61901TR)
17 Mechanical impact on oversheath a) Check mechanical behavior of a. Mechanical impact: see ELECTRA Development test
oversheath and metal screen 141 (also IEC 61901TR) for metal
(mainly if metal foil bonded to foils
18 Accelerated weathering test a) Test of UV behavior of over-sheath Development test
19 Test on outer protection to check the a) Mechanical behavior of over a. Special tests depending on type of Development test where
resistance to rodents and termites on sheath termites and rodents applicable
cable N.B. There is no international
standard dealing with criteria of these
kind of resistance.
20 Heat cycles on connections (joints a) Electrical continuity/electrical a. Use IEC 61238-1 when Development test
and terminations) resistivity: -Transports nominal appropriate: D
current without overheating IEC61238-1 is presently only
prescribed for 30 kV connections
and below but could be useful for
HV connections
b) Evaluate how currents are
distributed when a double screen is
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . .

c) Evaluate heat dissipation in the c. Can be replaced by calculation if

joint effective method is available

Table 4.17 (continued)

Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC
Item 62067 Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations
21 Compatibility test of additives and a) Check whether the additives do not Development test
filling material with cable and harm the quality of insulations or
accessories material semi-con materials of cable and
22 PD test on accessories after long term a) Evaluate whether the cycles have, Development test
test or not, created a ionizing defect at the
interface between the cable insulation
and the accessories insulation
23 Evaluate heat dissipation in a) Check of temperature drop in a. Can be replaced by calculation if Development test
accessories either by calculation or the insulation during heat cycling effective method is available
temperature measurement Evaluate heat dissipation in the
24 Sample tests on accessories in IEC They are yet in the IEC 60840 ed.3. Sample test
62067 are currently “under Thy should also be included in the
consideration” IEC 62067
25 Electrical sample test as a check on In IEC 62067 and IEC 60502-2, but Perform a lightning impulse test as Sample test in IEC 60840
the properties of the insulation not in IEC 60840 soon as the stress level near the inner on cable sample
semicon screen reaches values as in
IEC 62067, meaning higher than
8 kV/mm
J. Becker
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 183 Remark
A number of tests are identified in the functional analysis tables that are neither
in IEC 62067 Ed.1 nor in IEC 60840 Ed.3. These tests are considered by the WG as
Prequalification tests, Extension of Prequalification tests, Type tests, Sample tests
and development or quality control tests. These tests are enumerated in Annex 4.5.4.

4.5.4 Tests From Functional Analysis not in IEC

A number of tests are identified in the functional analysis tables, see Annex 4.5.3,
that are neither in IEC 62067 nor in IEC 60840.
Most of these tests are recommended by the WG as development or quality
control tests.
One test, the Long Term Heating Cycling Test, is currently not in IEC 60840
Ed.3. For high stress designs it is proposed to include such a test as a Prequalification
(PQ) test and as an Extension to Prequalification Test.
Another test (item 24) is considered to be a Sample test, namely the Sample Tests
on accessories in the IEC 62067. They are yet under consideration and should follow
the regime of the IEC 60840 Ed.3.
Electrical sample test on cable insulation for IEC 60840 (item 25) is
recommended, see also Table 4.14. It is included in the IEC 62067 and the IEC
60502-2 (Fig. 4.16).
All these tests are enumerated in Table 4.17.

List of Clause Numbers of IEC 62067 and IEC 60840 Tests

In the functional analyses tables the clause numbers are those of IEC 62067 Ed.1
from 2001 and IEC 60840 Ed.3 from 2004.
In the editions of 2011 the clause numbers of IEC 60480 Ed.4 and IEC 62067
Ed.2 have been changed. In the introduction IEC made the following comment:
“The clause numbering of IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 (which has been revised at the
same time) has been coordinated to achieve as much commonality as possible to
assist users who use both standards.”
Those who want to use the functional analyses tables might only have the last
versions of the IEC specifications and would not easily find the clauses mentioned in
the tables. So a comparison has been prepared to find easily the equivalent clauses in
the new versions of the relevant specifications.
Here a list of clause numbering of tests in IEC 60840 Ed.3 (2004) and Ed.4 (2011)
and in IEC 62067 Ed.1 (2001) and Ed.2 (2011).
184 J. Becker

Clause Number Clause number

60840 62067 60840 62067
Ed.3 Ed.1 Ed.4 Ed.2
2004 2001 Clause 2011 2011
9 9 Routine tests on cables and on the main 9 9
insulation of prefabricated accessories
9.1 9.1 General 9.1 9.1
9.2 9.2 Partial discharge test 9.2 9.2
9.3 9.3 Voltage test 9.3 9.3
9.4 9.4 Electrical test on oversheath of the cable 9.4 9.4
10 10 Sample tests on cables 10 10
10.1 10.1 General 10.1 10.1
10.2 10.2 Frequency of tests 10.2 10.2
10.3 10.3 Repetition of tests 10.3 10.3
10.4 10.4 Conductor examination 10.4 10.4
10.5 10.5 Measurement of electrical resistance of 10.5 10.5
conductor and metal screen
10.6 10.6 Measurement of thickness of cable 10.6 10.6
insulation and oversheath
10.6.1 10.6.1 General 10.6.1 10.6.1
10.6.2 10.6.2 Requirements for the insulation 10.6.2 10.6.2
10.6.3 10.6.3 Requirements for the cable oversheath 10.6.3 10.6.3
10.7 10.7 Measurement of thickness of metal sheath 10.7 10.7
10.7.1 10.7.1 Lead or lead alloy sheath 10.7.1 10.7.1
10.7.2 10.7.2 Plain or corrugated aluminium sheath 10.7.2 10.7.2
10.8 10.8 Measurement of diameters 10.8 10.8
10.9 10.9 Hot set test for XLPE, EPR (and HEPR) 10.9 10.9
10.10 10.10 Measurement of capacitance 10.10 10.10
10.11 10.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation 10.11 10.11
– 10.12 Lightning impulse voltage test 10.12 10.12
– Water penetration test 10.13 10.13
– Tests on components of cables with a 10.14 10.14
longitudinally applied metal tape or foil,
bonded to the oversheath
Under Sample tests on accessories 11 11
11.1 – Tests on components 11.1 11.1
11.2 – Tests on complete accessory 11.2 11.2
12 12 Type tests on cable systems 12 12
12 12.1 General 12.1 12.1
12.1. 12.2 Range of type approval 12.2 12.2
12.2 12.3 Summary of type tests 12.3 12.3
12.3 12.4 Electrical type tests on complete cable 12.4 12.4
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 185

Clause Number Clause number

60840 62067 60840 62067
Ed.3 Ed.1 Ed.4 Ed.2
2004 2001 Clause 2011 2011
12.3.1 12.4.1 Test voltage values (check of insulation 12.4.1 12.4.1
12.3.2 12.4.2 Tests and sequence of tests 12.4.2 12.4.2
– 12.4.3 Special provisions – –
12.3.3 12.4.4 Bending test 12.4.3 12.4.3
12.3.4. 12.4.5 Partial discharge tests 12.4.4 12.4.4
12.3.5 12.4.6 Tan δ measurement 12.4.5 12.4.5
12.3.6 12.4.7 Heating cycle voltage test 12.4.6 12.4.6
12.3.7 – Lightning impulse voltage test followed by a 12.4.7
power frequency voltage test
– 12.4.8 Switching impulse voltage test
– 12.4.9 Lightning impulse voltage test
12.3.8 12.4.10 Examination 12.4.8 12.4.8
12.3.9 12.4.11 Resistivity of semi-conducting screens 12.4.9 12.4.9
12.4 12.5 Non-electrical type tests on cable 12.5 12.5
components and on complete cable
12.4.1 12.5.1 Check of cable construction 12.5.1 12.5.1
12.4.2 12.5.2 Tests for determining the mechanical 12.5.2 12.5.2
properties of insulation before and after
12.3.3 12.5.3 Tests for determining the mechanical 12.5.3 12.5.3
properties of oversheaths before and after
12.4.4 12.5.4 Ageing tests on pieces of complete cable to 12.5.4 12.5.4
check compatibility of materials
12.4.5 12.5.5 Loss of mass test on PVC oversheaths of 12.5.5 12.5.5
type ST2
12.4.6 12.5.6 Pressure test at high temperature on 12.5.6 12.5.6
12.4.7 12.5.7 Test on PVC oversheaths (ST1, ST2) at low 12.5.7 12.5.7
12.4.8 12.5.8 Heat shock test for PVC oversheaths (ST1 12.5.8 12.5.8
and ST2)
12.4.9 12.5.9 Ozone resistance test for EPR and HEPR 12.5.9 12.5.9
12.4.10 12.5.10 Hot set test for EPR,(HEPR) and XLPE 12.5.10 12.5.10
12.4.11 12.5.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation 12.5.11 12.5.11
12.4.12 12.5.12 Measurement of carbon black content of 12.5.12 12.5.12
black PE oversheaths (ST3 and ST7)
12.4.17 12.5.13 Test under fire conditions 12.5.13 12.5.13
186 J. Becker

Clause Number Clause number

60840 62067 60840 62067
Ed.3 Ed.1 Ed.4 Ed.2
2004 2001 Clause 2011 2011
12.4.18 12.5.14 Water penetration test 12.5.14 12.5.14
12.4.19 – Tests on components of cables with a 12.5.15 12.5.15
longitudinally applied metal tape or foil,
bonded to the oversheath
12.4.13 – Shrinkage test for PE, HDPE and XLPE 12.5.16 –
12.4.14 – Shrinkage test for PE oversheaths (ST3 and 12.5.17 –
12.4.15 – Determination of hardness of HEPR 12.5.18 –
12.4.16 – Determination of the elastic modulus of 12.5.19 NA
HEPR insulation
NA 13 Prequalification test of the cable system 13 13
13.1 General and range of prequalification test 13.1 13.1
13.2 Prequalification test on complete system 13.2 13.2
13.2 Summary of prequalification tests 13.2.1 13.2.1
13.2.1 (Check of insulation thickness) Test voltage 13.2.2 13.2.2
13.2.2 Test arrangement 13.2.3 13.2.3
13.2.3 Heating cycle voltage test 13.2.4 13.2.4
13.2.4 Lightning impulse voltage test 13.2.5 13.2.5
13.2.5 Examination 13.2.6 13.2.6
– Tests for the extension of the 13.3 13.3
prequalification of a cable system
– Summary of the extension of 13.3.1 13.3.1
prequalification test
– Electrical part of the extension of 13.3.2 13.3.2
prequalification tests on complete cable
13 NA Type tests on cables 14 NA
13 General 14.1
13.1 Range of type approval 14.2
13.2 Summary of type tests 14.3
13.3 Electrical type tests on completed cables 14.4
14 NA Type tests on accessories 15 NA
14 General 15.1
– Range of type approval 15.2
– Summary of type tests 15.3
14.3.2 Electrical type tests on accessories 15.4
14.3.1 Test voltage values 15.4.1
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 187

Clause Number Clause number

60840 62067 60840 62067
Ed.3 Ed.1 Ed.4 Ed.2
2004 2001 Clause 2011 2011
14.3.2 Tests and sequence of tests 15.4.2
15 14 Electrical tests after installation 16 16
15 14 General 16.1 16.1
15.1 14.1 DC voltage test of the oversheath 16.2 16.2
15.2 14.2 AC voltage test of the insulation 16.3 16.3

4.6 References

[1] IEC 60840 Ed.1 1998, “Tests for Power Cables with Extruded Insulation of
Rated Voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV)”
[2] IEC 60840 Ed.2, February 1999 and Ed.3, April 2004, “Power Cables with
extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼
36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) - Test methods and requirements”
[3] ELECTRA 151, December 1993, Cigré Working Group 21.03 “Recommenda-
tions for electrical tests type, sample and routine, on extruded cables and acces-
sories at voltages >150 (170) kV and  400 (420) kV”
[4] ELECTRA 151, December 1993, Cigré Working Group 21.03 “Recommenda-
tions for electrical tests prequalification and development on extruded cables and
accessories at voltages >150 (170) kV and  400 (420) kV”
[5] Cigré SC21 Website paper Doc 97.08, 1997, Working Group 21.03 “Recom-
mendations for electrical tests (type, special and routine) on extruded cables and
accessories at voltages >150 (170) kV and  500 (525) kV”
[6] Cigré SC21 Website paper Doc 97.07, 1997, Working Group 21.03 “Recom-
mendations for electrical tests prequalification and development on extruded
cables and accessories at voltages >150(170) kV and  500 (525) kV”
[7] IEC 62067 Ed.1, October 2001,” Power Cables with extruded insulation and their
accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um ¼
550 kV) – Test methods and requirements”
[8] “Evolution of ac breakdown strength of XLPE HV cable after long term test, and
correlation with physical properties” 4th International Conference on Conduction
and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics, Sestri Levante, Italia (1992). J. Bezille,
H. Janah, J. Becker and H. Schädlich
[9] “Evolution of ac and impulse breakdown strength of HV cable after long
term test. Correlation with physical properties” C.E.I.D.P., Arlington, Texas,
USA 94, Annual Report, pp. 582–87 (1994). J. Bezille, H. Janah, J. Chan
and M. D. Hartley, See also Jicable 95, Versailles, France, paper A.8.3
(pp. 212–14)
188 J. Becker

[10] “Les limites des études de vieillissement sur le polyéthylène”, Jicable 95, Ver-
sailles, France, paper B.9.1 (pp. 476–80) F. Duchateau et al.
[11] “Optimisation des procédures physico-chimiques d’analyses destinées à l’étude
du vieillissement du polyéthylène, isolant pour c^ables d’énergie” Jicable 95, Ver-
sailles, France, paper B.9.2 (pp. 481–87) F. Duchateau et Co-auteur
[12] “Investigation of XLPE insulations after high stress ageing”, Jicable 95, Ver-
sailles, France, paper B.9.4 (pp. 494–99) H. Schädlich and J. Klass
[13] “AC field ageing of power cables”, Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper B 3.3
(p405) J. L. Parpal, P. Mirebeau, D. Coelho, H. Janah, F. Gahungu, J. Cardinaels
et D. Meurer
[14] “Assessment under high dielectric field of the long term behaviour of power
polyethylene insulant”, Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper B 4.2 (pp 424–429)
R. Clavreul, M. H. Luton, J. Berdala, H. Janah and P. Laurenson
[15] “Evaluation of modelling of thermo-electric ageing of XLPE insulated power
cables: the ARTEMIS outcome”, Jicable 03, Versailles, France, paper B.7.5
(pp 525–530) C. Laurent and A. Campus
[16] “Electrical Degradation and Breakdown in Polymers”, IEE Materials and
Devices Series 9, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1992, ISBN 0-86341-196-7 Dissado L.
A and Fothergill J.C
[17] ELECTRA 140, February 1992, Working Group 21.09 “Considerations of
ageing factors in extruded insulation cables and accessories”
[18] ELECTRA 139, 1991, Working Group 21-09 “Working Gradient of HV and
EHV Cables with Extruded Insulation and its Effects”
[19] ELECTRA 137, 1991, Working Group 21-10 “Survey of the service perfor-
mance on HV AC cable systems”
[19 bis] Cigre TB 379, April 2009, Working Group B1,10 “Update at Service
Experience of HV Underground and Submarine Cable Systems”
[20] Cigré TB 89, 1994, Working Group 21.06, “Accessories for HV extruded
cables, types of accessories and terminology”
[21] “Development and Installation of Long-Distance 275-kV XLPE Cable Lines in
Japan”, Cigré paper 21-102, Paris 1990. K. Kaminaga, T. Asakura, Y. Ohashi,
Y. Mukaiyama
[22] “Prequalification testing of EHV XLPE cable system”; Understanding and
Managing Underground Transmission and Distribution Cables, CEA Workshop,
June 10–13, 2001. Jean-Luc Parpal.
[23] “New 400kV XLPE Long Distance Cable Systems, Their First Application of
the Power supply of Berlin” Cigré paper 21-109, Paris 1998 Henningsen C. H.,
Muller K. B., Polster K. and Schroth R. G
[24] “Development of High Stress HV and EHV XLPE Cable Systems”, Cigré paper 21–
108, Paris 1998 Attwood J. A., Gregory B., Dickenson M., Hampton R.H. and Svoma R
[25] “Development of a 420 kV XLPE Cable System for the Metropolitan Power
Project in Copenhagen”, Cigré paper 21-201, Paris 1996 P. Andersen,
M. Dam-Andersen, L. Lorensen, O. Kjaer Nielsen, S.H. Poulsen, B.S.Hansen,
T. Tanabe, S. Suzuki
[26] “State of the Art in EHV XLPE Cable Systems”, Jicable 99, Versailles, France,
paper A 2.2 (pp 44–49) A. Bolza, D. Kunze, S. Norman, S. Pöhler
4 Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable. . . 189

[27] “Long term test of 500kV XLPE cables and accessories” Cigré, Paper 21-202,
Paris 1996 Kaminaga K., et al.
[28] “Prequalification Testing of 345kV Extruded Insulation Cable System” Cigré
paper 21-101, Paris 1998 Parpal J.L. et al.
[29] “Prequalification testing of 290/500(525) kV extruded cable system at IREQ”,
Jicable99, Versailles, France, paper A.2.3 (pp 50–55) Parpal J. L. et al.
[30] “Development and Qualification of a new 400 kV Cable System with Integrated
Sensors for Diagnostics”, Cigré paper 21-103, Paris 1998 G.P. Van der Wijk,
E. Pultrum, H.T.F. Geene
[31] “Qualification of a highly electrically and mechanically stressed AC cable
system”; Jicable 03, Versailles, France, paper A.2.1 (pp 38–44) Erisson et al.
[32] “Design of a new 150 kV cable system for the Belgian electrical network”,
Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper A.1.5 (pp 25–30) Couneson/Argaut et al.
[33] “150 kV underground links in Belgium: A new technical stage for XLPE
insulated cables”; Cigré paper 21–101, Paris 2000 Couneson/Becker et al.
[34] “Development of factory expanded cold shrinkable joint for HV XLPE
cables”; Jicable 03, Versailles, France, paper A.5.1 (pp 148–153)
Kobayashi et al.
[35] “Development of cold shrinkable joints for 110-230 kV XLPE cables”; Jicable
03, Versailles, France, paper A.5.3 (pp 164–169) Nakamura et al.
[36] “Super compact rubber block joint with high dielectric constant layer”; Jicable
03, Versailles, France, paper A.6.1 (pp 175–180). Ninobe et al.
[37] “Micro varistor based field grading elements for HV terminations”; Jicable
03, Versailles, France, paper A.6.3. (pp 186–190) Gramespaker et al.
[38] “Anti explosion protection for HV porcelain & composite terminations”; Jicable
03, Versailles, France, paper A.6.2 (pp 86–190) Gahungu et al.
[39] “New dry outdoor termination for HV extruded cables”; Jicable 03, Versailles,
France, paper A.6.4 (pp 191–196) Dejean et al.
[40] “Plug-in type connection technique using HV-connex on encapsulated compo-
nents in high voltage equipment up to Um ¼ 245 kV”; Jicable 03, Versailles,
France, paper A.6.5 (pp 197–198) Deister et al.
[41] “Type testing of cables and accessories”; Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper
C.10.1 (pp 880–883) Berlijn et al
[42] “Type testing of cables and their accessories, some statistics”; CIRED May
2003 Pultrum et al.
[43] French specification for HV cables: NF C 32 352 “Insulated or protected cables
for power systems. Single core cables with polymeric insulation of rated voltages
above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV)”
[44] French specification for EHV cables: C 33 253 “Insulated cables for power
systems. Single core cables with polymeric insulation of rated voltages above
150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 525 kV)”
[45] “Testing of extruded cables: experiences in type testing, PQ testing and test after
installation. What do we learn from it?”; Cigré paper B1-104, Paris 2004
E. Pultrum, S.A.M. Verhoeven
[46] Contribution to the discussion of the Cigré SC B1 session, Paris 2004
E. Dorison
190 J. Becker

[47] ELECTRA 205, December 2002, TF21-05 “Experiences with AC Tests after
installation on the main insulation of polymeric (E) HV cable systems”
[48] JEC-3408-1997, Standard of The Japanese Electrotechnical Committee, “High
Voltage Tests on Cross-Linked Polyethylene Insulated Cables and their Accesso-
ries for Rated Voltage From 11kV up to 275kV”; The institute of Electrical
Engineers of Japan
[49] “Prequalification testing of EHV XLPE cable systems”; CEA Workshop, June
10–13, 2001 J.L Parpal.
[50] “Prequalification testing of 290/500 kV Extruded cable system at IREQ”;
Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper A 2.3 (pp 50–55) J.L Parpal at al.
[51] “EHV XLPE cable systems up to 400 kV – more than 10 years filed experi-
ence”; Cigré paper B1-102, Paris 2004 W. G. Weissenberg, U. Rengel, R. Scherer
[52] “Prequalification test of 400 kV XLPE cable system “; Jicable 95, Versailles,
France, paper A.1.3 (pp 11–15) Helling K., Henningsen C.G., Polster K., Bosotti
O., Mosca W., Tellarini
[53] Cigré TB 210, 2002, Joint Task Force 21/15 “Interfaces in accessories for
extruded HV and EHV cables”
[54] “Development of a 420kV XLPE Cable System for the Metropolitan Power
Project in Copenhagen”; Cigré paper 21-201, Paris 1996
[55] “Construction of the world’s first long-distance 500kV XLPE cable line”; Cigré
paper 21-106, Paris 2000

Jean Becker was born on 30 August 1938. He got a diploma as

Electrical engineer AIM AILG in Electronics and Electro-
technique from the University of LIEGE in Belgium as: “Master
of Science in Engineering.” From 1964 to 2003 he has been in the
Electrical Cable Business. Involved in the development and test-
ing of all kinds of cables (low, medium, and high voltage, com-
munication cables, special cables), in the manufacturing of low,
MV, HV, and EHV cables, in the development and testing of HV
and EHV accessories in the design of HV and EHV links, and the
installation of HV and EHV cables. He was the Competence
Center Manager of the Extra High Voltage Cables for the Nexans
Group during the last 10 years of his career in this business career.
Since 1978, he was a Member of IEC TC20-WG16, dealing with
the international specifications of low, medium high, and extra
high voltage cables, accessories, and cable systems. Since 1985 he
was in Cigré as an expert in HV and EHV cable systems. He has
been the Convener of two Cigré Working Groups and contributed
to several other Cigré WGs as an expert. Since his retirement in
2003, he was a consultant. As such he continued to work with
Cigré and has been involved as an expert in breakdown problems
of HV and EHV cable systems.
Jean was serving as Secretary of the ISTC of Jicable 2015 when he
suddenly passed away in April 2015, leaving the Cable Commu-
nity in great sorrow.
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded
High Voltage Cables 5
Kieron Leeburn

5.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5.3 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.3.1 Inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.3.2 Exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.4 Related Literature and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.4.1 Related Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.4.2 Additional Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
5.5 General Risks and Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
5.6 Technical Risks and Required Specific Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
5.6.1 Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
5.6.2 Insulation Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
5.6.3 Metallic Sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
5.6.4 Oversheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
5.6.5 Installation of Joint Electric Field Control Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
5.6.6 Installation of Termination Electric Field Control Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
5.6.7 Outer Protection of Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
5.6.8 Filling of Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
5.6.9 Handling of Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
5.7 Skills Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
5.7.1 Aspects to be Tested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
5.7.2 Methods of Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
5.7.3 Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
5.7.4 Duration of Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
5.7.5 Upskilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
5.7.6 New Accessory Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

Published as Cigré TB 476 in October 2011

K. Leeburn (*)
CBI Electric African Cables, Chief Engineer Process and Product in HV, Vereeniging, South Africa

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 191

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
192 K. Leeburn

5.8 Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

5.8.1 Organisation of Jointing Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
5.8.2 Positioning of Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
5.8.3 Environmental Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
5.8.4 Cable End Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
5.8.5 Verification of Each Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
5.8.6 Measuring of Diameters, Ovality, Concentricity, Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
5.8.7 Safety and Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
5.8.8 Environmental Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
5.8.9 Quality Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Appendix A: Model Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Appendix B: QA Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256

5.1 Summary

This Chapter 5 (Published as Cigré TB 476) covers workmanship associated with the
jointing and terminating of AC land cables incorporating extruded dielectrics for the
voltage range above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 550 kV). Cigré TB
476 is a complement of Cigré TB 177 (See ▶ Chaps. 1, “Compendium of Accessory
Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables” and ▶ 2, “A Guide to the Selection of
Accessories”), the recommendations of which are not questioned in this chapter. A short
section covers general risks and skills, but the bulk of the chapter focuses on the specific
Technical Risks and the associated skills needed to mitigate these risks. This is done for
each installation phase. This Chapter is not an Instruction Manual, but rather gives
guidance to the reader on which aspects needs to be carefully considered in evaluating
the execution of the work at hand. The supplier’s Instruction Manual is considered the
primary source of technical information. A section on skills assessment helps the
qualification of jointers. Finally, attached appendices give samples of a certificate and
QA documentation.
This chapter is intended for a broad range of readers. It is risk mitigation focussed
so the reader can develop his personal use for the document.

5.2 Introduction

High Voltage cable accessories are manufactured using high quality materials and very
sophisticated production equipment. Recent technical and technological developments
in the field in their design, manufacturing and testing have made it possible to have pre
moulded joints and stress cones for terminations up to 500 kV as well as cold shrink
joints for up to 400 kV. One conclusion of Cigré TB 379 – Update of service
experience of Underground and Submarine cables – is that internal failure rates of
accessories, particularly on XLPE cable are higher than other components and are of
great concern. Focus on quality control during jointing operations must be maintained.
Many utilities have adopted the “system approach” by purchasing the cables as
well as the major accessories from same supplier. Some of these utilities would also
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 193

request that the link should be installed by the supplier or by a contractor under the
supplier’s supervision in a “turn Key” fashion. The main advantage of this approach
is that the entire responsibility for the materials and workmanship is clearly the
Some customers have adopted the component approach by purchasing the cables
and the accessories from different suppliers and to entrust the installation to a third
In all cases, it is imperative that, the installation be carried out by qualified
jointers who follow the jointing instructions provided by the supplier.
International standards such as IEC and IEEE provide the necessary guidelines
concerning the interface between cables and accessories. However, it is highly
recommended that the responsible engineer should satisfactorily verify the compat-
ibility of the different components of the link.
It is of vital importance to manage the interface between the cables and the
accessories in order to reduce the potential technical risk.
One of the trends that have been developing in the international cable technology
is the reduction of the cable insulation thickness and the corresponding increase of
electrical stresses. This tendency is based on a better knowledge and an improved
quality of the insulating material and the extrusion process. The cables and acces-
sories are made under well-defined factory conditions. Their quality and reliability
are assured by adherence to well defined specifications. The accessories, however,
are mounted on site, and notwithstanding that this job is done by skilled and trained
jointers, it is often performed in more delicate and undefined conditions than in the
It is noted that most of the new HV links will be built using XLPE insulated
cables. With the imminent retirement of experienced jointers, a major shortage in this
field has been identified. There are few well structured training programmes and
accreditation processes in place in order to meet demand. Jointer skills are vital in
ensuring the reliability of the new links.
This chapter captures the state of the art of Jointing. It is considered the Best
Practice by the members of the SC B1 Study Committee as of 2009. It is acknowl-
edged that other practices which are not explicitly covered in this brochure are not
necessarily bad practices. Great care should be exercised and the approach agreed
where a departure from this chapter is envisaged. Where alternative techniques are
detailed, no preference is intended nor implied unless specifically mentioned.
Diagrams are provided to illustrate the concept described and should not be
interpreted literally.
Working under induced voltages or currents is not considered in this Chapter. As
mentioned in Sect. 5.8.7, in this case precautions have to be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk further work is in progress by WG B1.44.

Note: For the range above 36 kV, the risks associated with jointing are
considered significant due to the risk of a Medium 7Voltage (MV) jointing

194 K. Leeburn

philosophy being applied to High Voltage (HV) cables. Cigré TB 303

(▶ Chap. 4, “Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded
Underground Cable Systems” of this book) indicates the qualification pro-
cedures for HV and EHV AC extruded underground cable systems.

5.3 Scope

5.3.1 Inclusions

The Scope is limited to all accessories of:

• Extruded dielectric cables;
• AC cables;
• Land cables;
• HV Cables covered by IEC 60840;
• EHV Cables covered by IEC 62067;

Note: Asymmetric joints (eg different conductor material; conductor size;

insulation thickness; . . .etc. . .) are not specifically covered as the permuta-
tions are too numerous. Where these are encountered, each of the compo-
nents should be evaluated in terms of the Technical Risks and the required
General and Specific Skills needed.

5.3.2 Exclusions

The scope specifically excludes:

• After installation tests;

• Cable pulling and Laying;
• Direct Current Cables;
• Fault finding;
• Fluid Filled Cables;
• Maintenance;
• Submarine Cables;
• Superconducting Cables;
• Transition joints between Fluid Filled and Polymeric cables.

5.4 Related Literature and Terminology

5.4.1 Related Literature

• IEC 60050 Chapter 461: electric cables.

5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 195

The defined vocabulary can be assumed valid throughout this brochure except
where specific note to the contrary is made.
• Cigré TB 177 –Accessories for HV cables with extruded insulation.
This brochure is still a valid guide to the selection of accessories (▶ Chaps. 1,
“Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables” and ▶ 2,
“A Guide to the Selection of Accessories”). Annex in ▶ Chap. 1, “Compendium
of Accessory Types Used for AC HV Extruded Cables” concerns the terminology
(update of TB 89). It is adopted in its entirety except where specific note to the
contrary is made.
• Cigré TB 194 – Construction, Laying and installation techniques for
extruded and self contained fluid filled cable systems.
• Cigré TB 210 JTF 21/15 – Interfaces in high voltage accessories (▶ Chap. 3,
“Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables”).
• AEIC CG4-97 Guide for installation of extruded dielectric insulated power
cable system rated 69 kV through 138 kV (2nd ed.)
• TB 379 Update of service experience of HV Underground and Submarine
Cable Systems (2004–2008)

5.4.2 Additional Terminology

• Jointing – A process referring generically to all types of assembly/mounting of

both joints and terminations. The term splicing is used in North America.
• Jointer – A person skilled in the art of Jointing. The term splicer is used in North
• Due Care – This refers to familiarity with the specific activity, tool or material
being handled. It is intended to stress the importance of understanding and
precisely executing the work to be carried out.
• Technical Risk – An aspect, which, if not mitigated, could lead to the premature
failure of the cable and/or accessory.
• Good practices – Recommendation, based on practical experience, which can
mitigate Technical Risks.
• Work phases – Installation steps during cable workmanship of cable accessories.
• General skills – Skills normally acquired by jointers through training/exposure to
common HV cable accessories.
• Specific skills – Skills not commonly acquired. Requires specific training.

In this brochure tables conclude the general and specific skills and technical risks
related to a work phase.

5.5 General Risks and Skills

The quality and performance of any new link or replaced joints and terminations are
highly dependent on the skills and competence of the jointers who need to ensure the
proper installation of these accessories under less than ideal field conditions (Table 5.1).
196 K. Leeburn

Table 5.1 General risks and required skills

Work Phase Risks General skills
Preparing the Accidents leading to cable or Sense of organisation and selection
jointing area accessories damage of proper tools and equipment
Electric shocks Knowledge of electricity (voltage
Traffic accidents induction, absence of voltage,
Collapse of joint bay or trench phasing etc.)
Proper grounding connections
Familiarity with safety and security
Proper bracing
Cable preparation Underside cable is blind Due care
Cable straightening Over heating of insulation Use of electric heaters
Mechanically damaging the cable Use of hydraulic equipment
Cable outer sheath Incomplete removal of graphite or Due care
cleaning semi-conductive coating
Cutting the cable Cutting cable too short Proper measurements
Use of an electric saw
Preparing cable Rough insulation surface leading Proper use of sanders
insulation to bad interface between cable and Meticulous sanding
Plumbing Local fire Mastering the use of an open flame
Burns and loss of life or materials (torch)
Mastering the use of fire
Installing Falling, injury Working on scaffolding and at
terminations heights
All phases Personal injuries First aid help and reanimation
Access to site with Personal injuries Training to have the authorisation
installation under to work on site with installation
voltage under voltage

Systematic and compulsory training is required by all High Voltage jointers.

However, other basic and general skills are also important. These include:

• Sense of observation and organisation;

• Environmental and safety awareness;
• Problem solving, sometimes called “common sense”;
• Ability to read and interpret drawings and instructions in the relevant language;
• Good knowledge of materials and their physical and mechanical properties;
• Good familiarity and handling of different electric and hydraulic tools;
• Good understanding of electricity;
• Precision in taking physical measurements.

Other essential basic attributes include:

• Patience;
• Dexterity;
• Discipline;
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 197

• Sense of engagement;
• Responsibility;
• Physical fitness;
• Mental fitness.

5.6 Technical Risks and Required Specific Skills

The primary source of technical information is the instruction manual supplied by

the accessory manufacturer. The required skills listed here are generally ordered
from the conductor outwards. It should be emphasised that this is not the order of
assembly of the accessory (some components need to be “pre-parked” before the
conductor is joined as these components cannot be added later).
It is essential that the jointer be well trained in the necessary skills.
Each element below first describes the procedure and then the associated known
risks as well as the essential skill set needed.
In addition it is emphasised that adherence to the instruction manual is essential.

5.6.1 Conductors Conductor Preparation

The preparation phase includes:

• Cutting conductors according to the relevant instruction manual;

• Removing insulation using an approved tool;
• Protecting the cable from damage and metallic particles, while cutting the
• Cleaning the insulation surface with an approved solvent, if it has been
• Removing tapes and powders;
• Cleaning conductor wires of fillers or coating compounds before jointing. Compression
Deep indentation, hexagonal and other techniques of crimping are considered here.
These techniques include:

• Cleaning any enamel coating e.g. by applying heat or abrasion if applicable,

otherwise MIG/TIG welding must be adopted (Figs. 5.1 and 5.2);
• Deforming the ferrule and conductor by deep indentation or compression. It is
suitable for both copper and aluminium conductors;
• Using an hydraulic press;
• Carefully choosing the correct dies or punch and ensuring their compatibility with
the press jaws;
• Checking the number, position and sequence of compression as it may vary
depending on the conductor size and the compression tool capability. Aluminium
198 K. Leeburn

Fig. 5.1 Cable end prepared

for top connector application

Fig. 5.2 Copper ferrule

suitable for compression

conductors usually require longer ferrules and more compression positions than
copper conductors;
• Removing, any sharp edges or marks from the ferrule, after compression, unless it
is screened by a metallic shield (Figs. 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5).

Good practice includes:

• Performing a trial compression on a spare sample of the actual conductor using a

spare ferrule and the actual tools and dies available. MIG/TIG Welding

This technique includes:

• Using arc welding in gas with a feed wire of copper or aluminium;

• Ensuring that the wire is appropriate to the welding machine/method;
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 199

Fig. 5.3 Examples of presses for compression

Fig. 5.4 Hexagonal


• Cutting the conductor ends diagonally to form a V shape when placed in the
welding jig;
• Avoiding overheating of insulation during welding. Heat sinks or forced coolers
are generally applied on both sides of the exposed conductor and temperature
monitored with thermocouples;
• Removing enamel where enamelled copper wires are MIG/TIG welded, prior to
• Removing any sharp edges or marks from the connector, after welding.

Good practice includes:

• Performing trial MIG/TIG Welds on a spare sample of the actual conductor using
the actual jigs and welding equipment.
200 K. Leeburn

Fig. 5.5 Deep indentation Thermit Weld

Sometimes called exothermic welding or Cadweld. It uses chemical reagents in a
reusable crucible, placed above a mould specifically designed for the conductors
being welded.
This technique includes:

• Placing the correct quantity of reactants in a crucible;

• Taking care to avoid porosity and cavities in the welding mass due to any
presence of moisture or filler in the conductor;
• Carefully setting the gap between the conductors;
• Setting the crucible and mould assembly;
• Firing the reactants so they drop into the mould, melting the ends of the conduc-
tors together (Fig. 5.6);
• Dressing the weld. During this process, the presence of any porosity should be

Note: A safety and health risk is the high explosive reaction and formation
of gases that prevent this technique being used in confined areas.

Good practice includes:

• Preheating the mould to remove moisture;

• Performing a trial thermit weld on a spare sample of the actual conductor
(or connector) and the actual weld metals and moulds available (Fig. 5.7). Mechanical Connection

This technique uses bolts to apply pressure to the underlying conductor. It can be
used on both copper and aluminium conductors. Either bolts are tightened until they
shear ensuring the correct connection force or they are tightened by a torque wrench
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 201

Fig. 5.6 MIG welding

Fig. 5.7 Thermit Weld

to a specified torque. One connector may cover multiple conductor sizes. These
connectors do not require special tools.
This technique includes:

• Tightening the bolts in sequence as prescribed by the instruction manual;

• Removing any sharp edges or marks from the connector after breaking the head of
bolts by torque;
• Filling any holes if applicable (Figs. 5.8 and 5.9).

Good practice includes:

• Restraining the connector while applying tightening torque for small conductor
sizes (Table 5.2).
202 K. Leeburn

Fig. 5.8 Mechanical connectors with shear bolts

Fig. 5.9 Mechanical

connectors tightened with
torque wrench

Table 5.2 Technical risks and specific skills for conductor connection techniques
Work phase Technical Risks Specific Skills
Conductor Contamination of Cleaning of conductor and filler removal
preparation insulation
Compression and Wrong dies or punch Due care
indentation Wrong press
MIG/TIG Overheating of the Cleaning of conductor and filler removal Specific
welding cable MIG/TIG WeldingTechniques
Thermit weld Moisture Cleaning of conductor and filler removal Thermit
Porosity Welding
Overheating of the
cable insulation
Incorrect gap
Mechanical Bolt too deep Due care
Finishing of Sharp edges Due care
connectors Depressions

5.6.2 Insulation Preparation

The preparation of the cable insulation is considered to be the most critical step in the
installation of accessories on extruded cables.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 203 Straightening
In general, accessories require straightness of the cable during preparation. This can
be achieved by either cold straightening or hot straightening techniques. Cable has
the tendency to bend again as a result of the elastic memory of the insulation. Cold Straightening

This technique includes:

• Straightening cable by bending if it has a solid Aluminium conductor. After

mechanical straightening, the cable will remain in its corrected position;
• Straightening of cables with stranded conductors by bending the cable beyond its
straight position and letting it return to a straight neutral position. Hot Straightening

This technique includes:

• Heating the insulation to the specified temperature for the specified duration;
• Cooling it down while the cable is fixed in a straight position. The temperature
and duration can vary depending on conductor size as well as, insulation material
and thickness (Table 5.3). Stripping of Insulation Screen

During this step, it is essential to follow the instruction manual requirements
especially with regard to:

• prepared core diameter;

• required roundness of the cable insulation.

Methods used for removing the screen are peeling, scraping and hot stripping or a
combination of these. Peeling
This common technique includes:

• Carefully setting the tool to minimise the loss of insulation;

Table 5.3 Technical risks and specific skills for cable straightening techniques
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Cold Excessive bending Due care
Hot Overheating due to inadequate temperature control Hot Operation of
straightening core is more prone to mechanical damage heating equipment
204 K. Leeburn

• Moving the peeling tool which contains a specially shaped knife in a circular
direction to remove the screen. It is inevitable that during peeling some core
insulation will be removed too (Figs. 5.10 and 5.11).

Good practice includes:

• Performing a peeling trial on an off-cut of the actual cable to be jointed to check

the setting of the tool. Scraping
In most cases this technique uses glass and includes:

• Moving a fragmented, sharp piece of glass at a shallow angle over the insulation
screen, thereby removing the semiconducting layer until the cable insulation
becomes visible;

Fig. 5.10 Hot straightening of cable while fixed in straight position

Fig. 5.11 Examples of peeling tools

5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 205

• Repeating around the circumference ensuring even removal while avoiding flat
spots, cuts and dents. The scraping method results in a minimum loss of cable
insulation, but requires great skill.

Scraping can be combined with peeling in order to reduce the installation time
(Fig. 5.12). Hot Stripping

This can only be performed on cables with strippable screens. This technique

• Heating the insulation screen with a torch or hot air gun;

• Cutting the screen longitudinally;
• Stripping the pieces like a banana. Hot stripping is a common method for cables
with EPR insulation.

The amount of heat applied should be carefully controlled (Table 5.4). Preparing the End of the Insulation Screen

It is essential that the transition from the insulation screen to the cable insulation
surface is:

• Correctly tapered without depression particularly in the insulation;

• Smoothly prepared without any step;

Fig. 5.12 Scraping by glass

Table 5.4 Technical risks and specific skills for removing the insulation screen techniques
phase Technical risks Specific skills
Peeling Uneven travel of the peeling tool Blunt tool Removing Appropriate to insulation
too much insulation if the cable is not completely round type
Scraping Flat spots on the insulation surface Cuts/dents in the Glassing
insulation surface
Hot Burning of cable surface Handling the torch on
stripping semiconducting layer
206 K. Leeburn

• Within the specified dimensional tolerances.

Irregularities in this area can lead to a mismatch between field control body and
the cable insulation causing field enhancement and reduction of the interface
The end of the insulation screen can be chamfered by means of peeling or
scraping. Peeling tools used for this purpose contain a specially angled knife. The
chamfer can also be achieved by carefully scraping with glass.
Sometimes semi-conducting paint is used to achieve a fine tapered transition.
Good practice includes:

• Checking the peeling tool settings by performing a trial on a spare piece of cable. Smoothening the Insulation Surface

The quality of the interface between the cable insulation and field control body
significantly affects the reliability of the joint (▶ Chap. 3, “Interfaces in Accessories
for Extruded HV and EHV Cables”: ref. Cigré TB 210, Cigré JTF 21/15 Interfaces in
high voltage accessories).
Installation instructions should clearly indicate the cable preparation details,
including (Fig. 5.13):

• The smoothing technique

• The required degree of smoothness
• Dimensional tolerances.

The methods of smoothing the insulation surface include polishing, melting and a
combination of polishing and melting. Polishing
This common technique involves circumferential sanding of the insulation to
remove grooves remaining from the peeling or scraping process. Generally emery
cloth is used with grain sizes ranging from 150 to 400 grit. For EHV accessories, a
grain size finer than 400 grit may be needed to achieve sufficient smoothness.

Fig. 5.13 Chamfering of the

end of the insulation screen
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 207 Melting
This phase achieves a smooth insulation surface by melting and deforming the cable
insulation surface (Figs. 5.14; Table 5.5).
Melting techniques include:

• Applying a heat shrinkable tube made from fluorine or silicone rubber over the
cable insulation and shrinks it to fit on the insulation surface. The temperature of
the insulation surface is then controlled to above the melting point of the cable
insulation. The smoothness of the inner surface of the tube is transferred to the
insulation surface during the application of heat;
• Applying heat directly to the surface of the insulation. This is usually done with a
hot air gun rather than a flame which could scorch the surface of the insulation
(Table 5.6).

Flat spots in the cable surface should be avoided, as these could result in areas of
low interfacial pressure. Cleaning of Insulation

The cable insulation surface has to be thoroughly cleaned in order to remove any
residue left during the insulation preparation.

Fig. 5.14 Polishing of the insulation

Table 5.5 Technical risks and specific skills for preparing the end of the insulation screen
phase Technical risks Specific skills
Peeling Uneven travel of the peeling tool Blunt tool Handling peeling
Removing too much insulation if the cable is not completely tools
Scraping Cuts/dents in the insulation surface Glassing
Painting Thick edge (untapered) Due care
208 K. Leeburn

Table 5.6 Technical risks and specific skills for smoothening the insulation surface
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Polishing Surface roughness Incorrect diameter Excessive ovality Due care
(sanding) Eccentric core preparation Flat spots on the insulation surface
Melting Overheating, burning and deformation of cable surface Heating
Damage during removal of heat shrink tube technique Due

Table 5.7 Technical risks and specific skills for cleaning the cable insulation surface
Work phase Technical risk skills
Cleaning with Wrong solvent Too long exposure Dissolving of semiconducting Due care
solvent paint Cross contamination

This is best achieved by using a lint free cloth or tissue wetted with an appropriate
cleaning fluid. Only solvents supplied with the jointing kit, or specifically defined
(full chemical name), should be used due to the risk of incompatibility.
Where semi-conducting paint has been used, be aware that the solvent can
remove the paint.
Water based cleaning fluids are strongly discouraged as they might leave moisture
or residues like soap on the surface.
Good practice includes

• Cleaning from the conductor end towards the semiconducting screen cut and
disposing of the cloth thereby preventing contamination (Table 5.7). Shrinkage
Some insulation has stretch memory introduced into its molecular structure during
the extrusion process. When heated (during load) the insulation may revert to its
relaxed state. This shrinkage can cause a mismatch of the field control components.
Three known methods of mitigating this risk are:

• Locking the insulation e.g. by applying a clamp over the joint connector which
grips into specially peeled grooves in the insulation;
• Pre-shrinking the insulation to ensure all potential shrinkage in the joint has
already taken place;
• Tolerating the anticipated shrinkage in the design of the joint. Lubrication
Lubricants are used to relieve the friction between different surfaces (cable and
accessories) during installation. Lubricants can fill possible gaps and increase the
initial breakdown strength. It is recommended that jointers do not take advantage of
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 209

Table 5.8 Technical and specific skills for limitation of the cable insulation shrinkage
Work phase Technical risk Specific skills
Insulation groove Wrong dimensions Due care
Pre-shrinking Overheat the insulation Handling of equipment

Table 5.9 Technical risks and specific skills for lubrication phase
Work phase Technical risk Technical skill
Lubrication Polluting of lubricated surface Due care

this feature, as lubricants will eventually be absorbed by the insulating materials,

resulting in reduced breakdown strength.
Lubricants used are commonly based on silicone oil or silicone grease.
The lubricant should be supplied in the jointing kit, or specified by the accessory
manufacturer to ensure compatibility with cable and accessory components
(Tables 5.8 and 5.9).
Care should be taken to avoid contamination by pollutants sticking to the

5.6.3 Metallic Sheath

The metallic sheath on cables is usually applied as a moisture barrier and mechanical
protection and/or to conduct sheath currents (inductive and capacitive) and fault
The connection between metallic sheath and accessory casing (joint shell or
wiping bell of the termination) should maintain these characteristics. Welded Aluminium Sheath (WAS) Preparation of Cable Sheath

This preparation phase includes:

• Cutting the welded aluminium sheath and the outer sheath perpendicular to the
cable axis;
• Taking great care to avoid damaging the underlying cable core;
• Using specifically designed tools for these operations;
• Making longitudinal cuts to remove the sheath and facilitate the mechanical and
electrical connections to other metallic components and allowing more room for
subsequent steps. Metallic Sheath Continuity

Two methods can be used to maintain the earth screen continuity:
210 K. Leeburn

Fig. 5.15 Connection on top Welded aluminium sheath

of the aluminium sheath
Accessory casing Outer



Connection on Outside of the Aluminium Sheath

This connection phase includes (Fig. 5.15):
• Peeling of the non-metallic outer sheath. This is usually done by applying heat to
the outer sheath;
• Cleaning of the aluminium surface to eliminate, amongst other things, the factory
applied glue and the aluminium oxide;
• Tinning of the accessory casing which is generally in copper or aluminium;

Connecting the WAS to the accessory casing by using the plumbing technique.

Connection under the Aluminium Sheat

This connection phase includes:

• Making longitudinal cuts of the aluminium sheath and the outer sheath;
• Opening out the aluminium sheath bonded to the outer sheath;
• Inserting a connecting piece under the aluminium sheath;
• Ensure an electrical and mechanical contact between the connecting piece and the
• Tinning the accessory casing which is generally in copper or aluminium;

Joining the connecting piece to the accessory casing by using the plumbing
technique or by mechanical assembly.

Additional Copper Wire Insulation Screen

Where a copper wire screen is applied in combination with the WAS, the connection
can include the following:

• Plumbing the wires into the tin wipe;

• Connecting the copper wires with the accessory casing using mechanical means
(eg lug);
• Connecting the copper wire screen of both cable ends (for joints) using mechan-
ical means (eg ferrule);
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 211

• Connecting the copper wires directly with the bonding cables. (This can only be
applied if the copper wire screen is rated to handle the sheath currents).

Glass fibre reinforced epoxy resin may be required over the tin wipes to improve
their mechanical strength (Fig. 5.16; Table 5.10). Corrugated Sheaths: Aluminium (CAS); Copper (CCS); Stainless

Steel (CSS)
The techniques described apply to all three types unless specifically indicated
otherwise. The corrugation can be helical or discrete ring shape. Preparation of Cable Sheath

The preparation phase includes:

• Removing of the outer sheath perpendicularly to the cable axis;

• Cleaning of bitumen and other coatings;
• Removing of the oxide layer (CAS) by brushing vigorously;
• Applying tin coating to a section of the corrugated sheath using the appropriate
• Removing of the corrugated sheath at the tinned section and rounding the
remaining edge.

Note: On CSS, longitudinal cutting is not recommended due to the hardness

of the stainless steel. One method of preparation is to drill a hole on a crest of
the corrugation and insert a special cutter in the hole. The sheath is cut
along the helical crest. After completion of one revolution, the trough is cut
by special scissors.

Accessory casing

Plumbing or Welded aluminium sheath

mechanical assembly
Tightening device

Liaising piece

Fig. 5.16 Connection under the aluminium sheath

212 K. Leeburn

Table 5.10 Technical risks and specific skills for WAS connection
Work phase Technical Risks Specific Skills
Preparation of • Cutting into the underlying • Handling of specific tools for this
cable sheath layers work
Metallic screen • Overheating underlying layers • Removing the glued outer sheath
continuity • Weak metallic screen continuity • Removing glue
Connection on top due to an incomplete cleaning or • Tinning and Plumbing Techniques
of WAS preparation of the aluminium • Controlling the heat of the torch
sheath or/and the metallic
connection before plumbing
Metallic screen • Faulty earth screen continuity • Due care
continuity due to an improper mechanical
Connection under connection
WAS • Damage to underlying layers
Plumbing • Overheating the cable core • Plumbing Techniques
• Melting of the aluminium sheath • Controlling the heat of the torch
• Enclosing voids in the tin wipe,
which could lead to a weak
Copper wire screen • Poor plumbing connection of • Plumbing technique
the wire screen • Crimping techniques
• Poor mechanical connection due
to wrong dies or press
Reinforcement • Uncured resin • Resin mixing and glass-fibre
• Faulty glass-fibre tape application techniques

Good practice includes:

• Cutting the metallic sheath on the crest of the corrugations. Metallic Screen Continuity

Two common methods used to make electrical connection onto corrugated sheaths
are Plumbing and Soldering (Fig. 5.17).

This technique includes:

• Applying a special tin alloy under heat to the surface of CAS;

• Applying plumbing grease as a soldering flux, while heat is applied with a torch;
• Deforming, compacting and smoothening the tin alloy by means of wiping;
• Building up the valleys to provide a flat surface (platform) for making earthing
connections easier;
• Joining the connecting piece using similar plumbing techniques. These connec-
tion pieces can be solid or flexible.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 213

Outer Cut on crest and

sheath Apply tin round remaining

Fig. 5.17 Preparation of cable sheath

Good practice includes:

• Leaving as much metallic sheath on the cable as possible to act as a heat sink
during the plumbing process as well as protecting the underlying layers from
splatter during the wiping process;
• Moving the torch circumferentially to ensure even heat distribution;
• Applying generous amount of tallow will keep the area of the wipe cool.

Note: Making a good, solid and smooth tin wipe, requires specific skills from
the jointers. Jointers that have been used to work with fluid filled accessories
should have the required specific skills.

Where the connecting piece is braided tinned copper, this technique includes:

• Tinning the surface of the sheath using the appropriate flux;

• Fastening the braid to the tinned sheath using tinned copper binding wire;
• Soldering the braid and binding wire to the tinned aluminium (copper) sheath;
• Repeating the above on the joint or termination casing as appropriate. Additional Copper Wire Insulation Screen

Where a copper wire screen is applied (specifically for CSS), the connection can
include the following:

• Plumbing the wires into the tin wipe;

• Connecting the copper wires with the accessory casing using mechanical means
(eg lug);
• Connecting the copper wire screen of both cable ends (for joints) using mechan-
ical means (eg ferrule);
• Connecting the copper wires directly with the bonding cables. (This can only be
applied if the copper wire screen is rated to handle the sheath currents).
214 K. Leeburn

Good practice includes:

• Leaving as much metallic sheath on the cable as possible to act as a heat sink
during the plumbing process as well as protecting the underlying layers from
splatter during the wiping process;
• Moving the torch circumferentially to ensure even heat distribution;
• Applying generous amount of tallow will keep the area of the wipe cool;
• Cutting the metallic sheath on the crest of the corrugations. Reinforcement
Glass fibre reinforced epoxy resin may be required over the tin wipes to improve
their mechanical strength. Lead Sheath Preparation of Cable Sheath

This preparation phase includes:

• Cutting the lead sheath taking great care to avoid damaging the underlying cable
core. A safe method is to make one shallow (partial) circumferential cut and two
shallow longitudinal cuts toward the end. A tool specifically designed for this
operation should be used;
• Tearing the lead strip between the longitudinal cuts;
• Tearing the sheath along the circumferential cut (Table 5.11). Metallic Screen Continuity

Plumbing is the most common method for connecting the lead sheath with the
accessory casing. Additional Copper Wire Insulation Screen

Where a copper wire screen is applied in combination with the lead, the connection
can include the following:

• Plumbing the wires in the tin wipe;

• Connecting the copper wires with the accessory casing using mechanical means
(e.g. lug);
• Connecting the copper wire screen of both cable ends (for joints) using mechan-
ical means (e.g. ferrule);
• Connecting the copper wires directly with the bonding cables. (This can only be
applied if the copper wire screen is rated to handle the sheath currents). Reinforcement
Glass fibre reinforced epoxy resin may be required over the tin wipes to improve
their mechanical strength.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 215

Table 5.11 Technical risks and specific skills for Corrugated Sheath connections
Work phase Technical Risks Specific skills
General Connecting cable screens where not intended Know risks and
function of screen
Cable Overheating the cable core during oversheath Controlling the heat of
Preparation removal the torch
Cutting into underlying layers Handling of specific
tools for this work
Tinning Use of wrong metal Tinning Techniques
Lack of brushing into valleys Controlling the heat of
Uneven circumferential heat (dry joint) the torch
Excessive heat damaging underlying layers
Accidental oxidization of surface by touching or
other material contamination
Use of wrong gas
Platform Wipe Use of wrong metal Due care
(CAS) Excessive heat damaging underlying layers Wipe Plumbing Techniques
exceeds tinned area
Use of wrong gas
Copper wire Poor plumbing connection of the wire screen. Plumbing techniques
screen (CSS) Poor mechanical connection due to wrong dies or Crimping techniques
Connection Weak metallic screen continuity due to a bad Tinning and Plumbing
cleaning or preparation of the aluminium sheath Techniques
or/and the metallic connection before plumbing
Cutting of Cutting into underlying layers Handling of specific
metallic sheath tools for this work
Braided tinned Wrong flux Soldering Techniques
copper soldering Overheating underlying layers Due care
Insufficient braided copper pieces
Reinforcement Uncured resin Resin mixing and
Faulty glass-fibre tape application glass-fibre application
techniques Laminated Sheaths: Aluminium Polyethylene Laminate (APL);

Copper Polyethylene Laminate (CPL) Preparation of Cable Sheath

This preparation phase includes:

• Carefully applying heat;

• Scraping until a clean surface is achieved. Metallic Screen Continuity

This connection phase can include:

• Connecting the APL/CPL layer directly to the accessories with a roll spring, or
216 K. Leeburn

• Folding the aluminium (APL) or copper (CPL) back over the spring and applying
an additional external connection. Sometimes an additional copper fabric tape is
used under the contact spring on either side. Folding back requires multiple
longitudinal cuts before bending outwards to ensure there is a clean aluminium
surface facing outwards. Where a semiconducting coating is bonded to the inside
of the APL this will need to be removed as well to ensure a good contact.

CPL also allows for:

• Plumbing, which makes it possible to establish a metal enclosed, moisture proof

connection between the cable sheath and the accessory casing. Great care has to
be taken when applying the heat for plumbing (Table 5.12; Fig. 5.18);
• Soldering with a soldering iron which is usually preferred. However this can be
achieved only if an additional tinned copper foil is used to cross the gap between
the cable sheath and the accessory casing. Additional Copper Wire Insulation Screen

If a copper wire screen is applied in combination with APL/CPL, it is essential to
establish an electrical contact between the copper wire screen of the cable and the
laminated aluminium/copper sheath.
This can be achieved by:

• Bending the copper wires back and clamping using a roll spring, or
• Collecting the wires together and crimping in a lug or ferrule.

Table 5.12 Technical risks and specific skills for lead sheath connection
Work phase Technical Risks Specific skills
Cable Overheating the cable core during Controlling the heat of the
Preparation oversheath removal torch
Handling of specific tools for
this work
Cutting of lead Cutting into the cable core Handling of specific tools for
sheath this work
Plumbing Overheating the cable core Plumbing Techniques
Melting of the lead sheath Controlling the heat of the
Enclosing voids in the tin wipe, which torch
could lead to a weak connection
Copper wire Poor plumbing connection of the wire Plumbing techniques
screen screen. Crimping techniques
Poor mechanical connection due to wrong
dies or press
Reinforcement Uncured resin Resin mixing and glass-fibre
Faulty glass-fibre tape application application techniques
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 217

Fig. 5.18 Arranging metallic sheath continuity with a contact spring

5.6.4 Oversheath

Prior to work, jointer should be aware about the cable design e.g. extruded semi-
conductive layer or graphite applied on the PVC or Polyethylene oversheath. Case of Graphite Coating

This phase includes:

• Cleaning the graphite for a specified distance from its end;

• Removing all traces of graphite using a clean cloth moistened with a suitable
• Abrading the previously washed area using aluminium oxide tape or coarse glass
paper to ensures that the embossed lettering is completely removed. It is essential
that the serving is abraded and any graphite that may be embedded in the extruded
sheath is removed;
• Performing an appropriate resistance measurement to confirm effective removal
of any conductive layers (Table 5.13). Case of Extruded and Bonded Semi-Conducting Layer

Removal by shaving with a spoke shave or glass slides.

• Cleaning the semi-conducting layer for a specified distance from its end;
• Performing an appropriate resistance measurement to confirm effective removal
of any conducting layer. Low Smoke, Zero Halogen, Enhanced Flame Performance

In the case of “special sheath materials”, advice should be sought from the cable

5.6.5 Installation of Joint Electric Field Control Components

Check that the body is in good condition and that all surfaces (inside and outside) are
completely clean and free from defects. On joints, the accessory body is temporarily
parked on one cable core before connecting the conductor. Special tools are
218 K. Leeburn

Table 5.13 Technical risks and specific skills for laminated sheath connections
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Cutting the cable sheath Damaging the cable core Handling of specific tools
(cutting) for this work
Removing the PE cable sheath Overheating the cable core Controlling the heat of the
by heating Poor contact due to bad torch
Damage to thin Aluminium/
Copper layer
Opening the Aluminium/ Damaging the cable core Handling of specific tools
Copper foil (cutting) for this work
Plumbing/soldering Excessive heat damaging Plumbing and soldering
underlying layers techniques

Table 5.14 Technical risks and specific skills for oversheath preparation
Work phase Technical Risks Skills
Cleaning or removing of the Local overheating and fire risk due to Due
conductive or semiconducting incomplete cleaning which can lead to surface care
layer currents
Removing of the embossed Graphite concentration Due
lettering care

generally required to guide the movement of the accessory body into the final
position and subsequently to align it correctly. The tools may include:

• Movable supports;
• Chain hoists;
• Special clamps;
• Special seals;
• Dry nitrogen;
• Lubricating grease which reduces the friction between cable core and the acces-
sory body. Only use the lubrication specified in the instruction manual
(Tables 5.14 and 5.15). Slip on Prefabricated Joint

The slip on technique represents the most common way of installing field control
components. These field control components are usually made from silicon rubber,
(e.g. RTV, LSR and HTV) or EPDM and have an integrated conductive deflector.
This deflector takes over the field control at the end of the semi-conductive insulation
screen of the prepared cable core. The joint body should be checked to ensure that it
is in good condition and that all surfaces (inside and outside) are completely clean
prior to installation.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 219

Table 5.15 Common Technical risks and specific skills for joint field control components
phase Technical risk Specific skill
Core Dimension/tolerance Due care
Joint Cutting or damaging the joint body Handling of sensitive
parking Damage to conductive varnishes Selection of components
wrong tools
Use of wrong tools
Use of wrong grease

Fig. 5.19 Lubrication of the


The installation phase includes:

• Lubricating the inner surface of the joint body and the cable core with grease or
other liquids specified by the manufacturer;
• Slipping the joint body on the cable core into a parking position in order to
prepare the conductor connection. It is advisable to temporarily cover the con-
ductor during the positioning phase (Figs. 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22);
• Checking for smoothness and cleanliness before the joint body is slipped on to the
prepared cable core;
• Slipping the joint body into the final position after making the conductor
• Using chain hoists or other auxiliary tools to help move the joint body.
• Good practice includes:
• Special movable supports are used in order to guide the movement of the
accessory body;
• Chain hoists with suitably auxiliary slip-on rings might be used in order to pull
the accessory body;
• The use of reference marks on the cable core to ensure correct positioning of the
joint body;
• Check the correct position of the accessory body which should be in accordance
with the instruction manuals. During positioning the accessory body, any slight
bulging of the body caused by the pulling process may in some cases be smoothed
out by slightly turning the body on the cable;
220 K. Leeburn

Fig. 5.20 Lubrication of the


Fig. 5.21 Joint body slipping

on the cable core

Fig. 5.22 Final position of

the joint body

• Temporary cover on cable conductor to ensure that the joint body is not damaged
during parking;
• Ensuring that instructions are followed where a specific installation tool is to be
used for locating the accessory body. Expansion Joints

Cold-shrink pre-moulded bodies are expanded either in the factory or on site.
In the case of factory expanded joints, no expansion is required on site. All that
has to be checked is that the joint has not exceeded its expiry date.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 221

Site expanded joints have to be expanded onto a carrier tube in the field, just
before fitting them on the cable. Particular skills and tools are required for making a
field expanded joint or termination. The tools vary with each manufacturer and the
jointer must be trained in their use.
The jointer should ensure that the expanded body is positioned correctly as
specified by the manufacturer (Table 5.16).
Field expansion steps:

• Environmental aspects include:

– Checking to ensure that accessory components and expansion tools are in good
conditions, perfectly clean and free of defects;
– Carrying out expansion in a protected (dust-free environment in order to avoid
having impurities trapped between the carrier tube and the pre-moulded body);
– Ensuring that ambient temperature and humidity are in accordance with
manufacturer instructions (Fig. 5.23).
• Lubrication:
– Applying the specified quantity and type of lubricating oil/grease on the carrier
tube and/or inside the body before starting the field expansion operation;
– Applying lubrication, if specified, to the surface of cable insulation where the
body will be positioned.

For both factory and field expanded joints:

Table 5.16 Technical risks and specific skills for the “slip-on” prefabricated joint installation
phase Technical risk Specific skills
Accessory Any damage or cutting into the Due care
pulling body
Preparation Wrong joint body Due care
Mis-alignment of the cable Cleaning with specified solvents and the
Contamination of components prior correct use of grease
to slide on
Incorrect application of lubrication
Wrong preparation dimensions
Parking Damage while positioning in Due care
parking position due to sharp edges
of the conductor
Slipping Incorrect positioning of joint body Due care
on Damage by use of chain hoists Awareness of the behaviour of accessory
Damage of joint body and/or cable bodies with different sizes during
core due to use of wrong tools movement on the cable core
Damage due to improper fixation of Application of formulas or graphs for
the accessory body calculating the premoulded body position
Damage to semi-conductive paint respect to reference marks made on the
Handling of specific tools
222 K. Leeburn

Fig. 5.23 Joint body

expansion onto a smooth
carrier tube

• Positioning on the cable.

The expanded body must be initially parked over the cable during the conductor
jointing operations. The body can remain expanded only for the time specified by
the manufacturer according to the material characteristics and the expansion rate.
Then it will be moved and positioned to the final position and the carrier tube
• Shrinking on the cable.
According to the different design of carrier tubes (i.e. helical tube or smooth one-
the tube can be removed by hand or by a specific tool) (Figs. 5.24, 5.25, 5.26, and
5.27; Table 5.17). Field Taped Joints

These cable accessories are formed by applying an insulating tape on suitably
prepared cable ends in the field (installation site). Fusing is only effective if the
tapes are stretched by the correct amount. The taping can be done manually or with
the help of a machine. Taping by the machine achieves a higher quality and/or
performance of the joint.
Field taped joints include:

• Self-fusing (or self-amalgamating) rubber tape, which is usually made of EPR;

• Semi-conductive self-fusing rubber tape;
• Lead tape or copper braid;
• PVC tape;
• Waterproofing rubber tape;
• High permittivity field grading tape (if required), etc...

Some tapes are impregnated with silicon oil to fill overlap gaps.
The taped profile and geometry forms the electrical stress control of the joint.
The taping phase includes:
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 223

Fig. 5.24 Example of lubrication and fitting of a smooth carrier tube for a stress cone and a
joint body

Fig. 5.25 Removal of helical carrier tube from the joint body

Fig. 5.26 Removal of

smooth carrier tube from joint

Fig. 5.27 Cutting of tube

from cable core
224 K. Leeburn

Table 5.17 Technical risks and specific skills for field expansion of premoulded body
phase Technical risks Specific skills
General The risks listed under Table 6.5.1 The skills listed under Table 6.5.1 apply here
apply here
Expansion Presence of defects on the carrier Due care
of the body tube (e.g. sharp edges or cracks)
Presence of defects on the
expansion tooling (e.g. damaged
Carrier Breaking of the carrier tube during Ability to correctly remove the carrier tube.
tube removal Damage to the cable Knowledge about handling the special tools
removal insulation required for the removal of the smooth
carrier tube Handling of special tools and

Table 5.18 Technical risks and specific skills for field taped joints
phase Technical risk Specific skills
Preparation Contamination Mis-alignment of Due care
the cable
Taping Wrong tension during taping High skill in hand taping
Wrong stress control profile Knowledge of setting and operating taping
(diameter and length) machines Reading technical drawings and
Wrong settings of taping machine measuring

• Applying the tapes at the right pace, stretch, tension (Table 5.18);
• Ensuring that the correct profile is achieved and that air gaps and voids are
managed. Frequent measurement is required;
• Ensuring that the transition point between the taped insulation and the cable core
semiconducting layer is correctly applied;
• When a tapping machine is used, setting the parameters as per operating and
jointing instruction manuals. These settings include tension, pitch and return
• Continuing the semiconducting layer over the joint with a semiconducting tape;
• Depending on the instruction, lead tape may be applied over the semi-conducting
tape to ensure continuity (Fig. 5.28). Field Moulded Joints (Extruded or Taped)

Tape Moulded and Extrusion Moulded joints are highly specialised. These propri-
etary joints are usually installed by the manufacturer and are thus not covered here. Heatshrink Sleeve Joint

Heatshrink insulation is commonly used in Medium Voltage cable joints and has
recently been available for some High Voltage applications.
Heatshrink preparation phase includes:
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 225

Stress control B
dy (x, y)
A dx
Cable insulation
x Conductor

Fig. 5.28 Taped profile and geometry

Table 5.19 Technical risks and specific skills for heatshrink joint
phase Technical risk Specific skills
Shrinking Wrong order of tube insertion Change in positioning during Shrinking of thick
shrinking Uneven shrinking Folds in tube wall tubes

• Careful positioning of the insulation in the heat shrinkable tube;

• Taking into account dimensional changes of the tube with the application of heat;
• Uniformly applying the heat and controlling the temperature in order to ensure
thetubes are shrunk uniformly. Prefabricated Composite Type Joint

This joint consists of an epoxy insulation unit in which an electrode for shielding the
electric field of the connector is embedded and the premoulded stress cones are made
of rubber. Pressure is applied at the interfaces by a compression device which is
usually comprised of metallic springs.
These joints can also be used to connect cables having different conductor cross
sections and/or different insulation thicknesses (Table 5.19).
Assembly phase includes:

• Ensuring the straightness of the cable is within the prescribed limits given in the
instruction manual;
• Parking the joint shells, epoxy and rubber insulators;
• Lubricating the appropriate surfaces with the specified lubricant;
• Connecting the conductors with compression type connector.;
• Fixing the Epoxy insulation unit and Connector completely by fitting the HV
electrode embedded in the Epoxy insulation unit to connector;
226 K. Leeburn

Cable Epoxy insulation unit Connector Joint shell

Compression device Premoulded insulator HV electrode

Fig. 5.29 Prefabricated composite joint

Table 5.20 Technical risks and specific skills for prefabricated composite joint
Work phase Technical risk Specific skills
Insert parts Wrong order of inserting parts Due care
Setting the epoxy unit and Slide of Setting in wrong place Handling of specific
premoulded stress cone Wrong centering of the cable to tools for this work
epoxy insulation unit
Damage to cable insulation Due care
Assemble the spring unit Lack of the designed pressure Due care

• Fitting and compressing with the springs the premoulded stress cones against the
epoxy insulation unit (Fig. 5.29; Table 5.20)
• Wiping the joint shells to the cable sheaths if applicable. Plug-in Joint

Plug-in type joints are based on a premolded joint body, with integrated metal ring
for locking the cable ends in the joint.
The cable end preparation, i.e. installing the plugs, peeling and smoothening of
the cable insulation, require equivalent skills and tools as other premolded or
prefabricated joints. This applies also to the installation of the joint covering.
These joints can also be used to connect cables having different conductor cross
sections and/or different insulation thicknesses.
Specific tools and skills are needed to plug in the prepared cable ends. The tool
can be based on hand driven chain hoists or a hydraulically driven plug-in frame
(Fig. 5.30). Pre-moulded Three Piece Joint

This joint consists of three pre-moulded parts. Two cable adapters containing the
stress control profiles and the main joint sleeve.
Assembly phase includes:

• Ensuring the straightness of the cable is within the prescribed limits;

• Parking the joint main sleeve and other outer components;
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 227

Fig. 5.30 Cable plug-in tool

Table 5.21 Technical risks and specific skills for plug-in type joints
Work phase Technical risk Specific skills
Inspection of Damaged plugs Check plug and cable
cable end ends
Inserting cable Mis-alignment of the cable in case of hand driven Due care
ends chain hoists
Locking of the Not locking Pull back check of
plugs cable

• Lubricating the appropriate surfaces with the specified lubricant

• Pushing on the cable adapters;
• Connecting the conductors including installation of corona shield;
• Pushing over the joint main sleeve (Table 5.21; Fig. 5.31).

5.6.6 Installation of Termination Electric Field Control Components

In order to successfully install terminations, the jointer must possess certain skills
and abilities. These depend on the following aspects: the technology of the termi-
nations, the voltage levels and the manufacturer of the cable and accessories. The
procedures and skills as detailed in Sect. 0 above apply.
Installation of HV cable terminations present an additional set of challenges. As
most terminations are installed in a vertical position at a few meters from the ground,
special preparation of the work area is needed. Usually, a scaffolding system is built
around each cable (or the three cables) to facilitate access to cable and reduce strain
on the jointers. Some environmental protection against dust, wind, rain and snow is
also advisable.
228 K. Leeburn

Joint main sleeve Corona shield HV electrode Cable adapter

Stress profile

Screen connection
Conductor Shrinkable sleeves with
connection moisture barrier

Fig. 5.31 Three piece joint

Table 5.22 Technical risks and specific skills for pre-moulded three piece joint
Work phase Technical risk Specific skills
Parking Wrong placing Due care
Core preparation Wrong measures Handling of specific tools for this work
Bad surface
Pushing on of elastomeric parts Wrong position Due care
See also Table 5.16

Particular situations such as installation on poles, high voltage pylons and in

underground power generating station transformer vaults may require special work
area arrangement to ensure safety and ease of access. Slip-on Prefabricated Field Control Components

The risks and skills as detailed in Sect. 0 above apply (Table 5.22). Plug-in Terminations

Plug-in type terminations consist of a field control component usually made from
silicon rubber (e.g RTV, LSR and HTV) or EPDM, and an insulator made from
epoxy resin. This insulator represents the interface to switchgears, transformers or
Two designs are commonly available:

• Inner Epoxy Cone – based on a rubber stress cone pushed into the epoxy
insulator, achieving the required interface pressure by means of metal springs;
• Outer Epoxy Cone – based on a rubber mould, pushed onto a conical bushing of
the epoxy insulator, achieving the interface pressure by stretching the rubber
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 229

Table 5.23 Technical risks and specific skills for cone plug-in terminations
Work phase Technical risk Specific skills
Installing the epoxy insulator Damaging the insulator Due care Check
Unequal tightening of the bolts torques
Inserting cable ends (with or without Mis-alignment of the cable Due care
stress cone) Damaging the cable and or
stress cone
Locking of the plugs (if applicable) Not locking Check locking

Fig. 5.32 Plug-in

terminations based on inner
cone and outer cone model

The cable related part is based on slip-on or plug-in technology.

In this chapter only the plug-in technology is considered.
Installation skills and risks for field control components and insulators can be
taken from Sect.
In addition, the handling of the insulator has to be considered representing an
additional interface to be cleaned and prepared according to given instructions
specified by the manufacturer (Table 5.23; Fig. 5.32). Taped Terminations

This kind of cable accessory is formed by taping (paper) a field control element
(taped cone) in the field (installation site). This technique includes:

• Applying impregnated papers (conductive and insulating) specified by the man-

ufacturer, according to the given measurements and instructions. Alternating
layers of conductive and non-conductive tapes establish a field control element
230 K. Leeburn

to be embedded finally in an insulator with a fluid insulation (insulating oil

e.g. silicone oil or polyisobutylene). The papers (width, length and thickness),
number of layers and profile of the taped cone are specified by the manufacturer;
• Checking the profile several times during taping. At each time, the jointer should
estimate the final diameter and length of slope based on the diameter of remaining
tape. Usually the profile angle is smaller at the start of the slope and increases
further up;
• Applying vacuum treatment to ensure that voids included in the paper wrapped
cone will disappear;
• Heating and degassing the filling compound using special equipment in order to
remove any water and gas content. During this procedure the termination has to
be evacuated according to the given instructions. This procedure can last several
hours. During this time all values have to be controlled and monitored;
• Avoiding contamination of the vessels and other equipment with water. The
environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, dust) should be
considered here. Heatshrink Sleeve Insulated Terminations

The risks and skills, as detailed in Sect. 0, Heat-shrink sleeve joint apply here. Prefabricated Composite Dry Terminations

The risks and skills, as detailed in Sect., Prefabricated composite type joint
apply here.

5.6.7 Outer Protection of Joints Polymeric Outer Protection by Taping and/or Heatshrink Tubes

Heat shrink tubes allow the installation of a watertight joint without the application
of a compound filled outer protection. The heat shrink tubes are often equipped with
an internal hot-melt glue layer (Fig. 5.33).
The application of tubes includes:

• Parking heat shrink tubes on one or both cable ends, prior to joint installation;
• Moving heat shrink tubes into place after inner joint components have been
• Shrinking the tubes in position;
• Avoiding excessive heat as it will lead to melting or even burning of the material;
• Ensuring sufficient heat is applied to enable the shrinking process and melting of
the glue;
• Installing an under lying tape layer if the heat shrink is not adequate to withstand
the sheath voltage requirements. A self fusing polymeric tape is often used for this
purpose (Tables 5.24 and 5.25).
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 231

Fig. 5.33 Dry type


Table 5.24 Technical risks and specific skills for taped terminations
Work phase Technical risk Specific skills
Taped Wrong order of material Wrong High skill in taping.
Accessories positioning and diameter of the Operation of taping equipment
(terminations) specified layers as specified by the Dealing with measuring tools such as
manufacturer vernier-callipers Read technical
Wrong positioning of conductive drawings well
layers Lack of cleanliness and dryness
of all components during taping
Inclusion of particles or voids during
taping must be avoided
Vacuum Improper degassing Handling of the equipment and basic
treatment knowledge about the behavior of
fluids and vacuum treatment

Table 5.25 Technical risks and specific skills for polymeric outer protection (taping and/or
heatshrink tubes)
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Shrinking Burning the polymeric material in case of too much heat Heat control
Insufficient melting of the hot-melt glue in case of too little heat Taping
Folds in the tubes
Gaps between overlapping layers, resulting in leaks
Wrong amount of tension during taping

Alternatively, a fully taped outer sheath is possible. A special tape is needed to

establish a water tight barrier, an insulating sheath and mechanical protection at the
same time.
232 K. Leeburn Outer Protection Assembly

Outer protection housings (including metal protectors, coffin boxes, etc) represent a
cover for joints to be filled with compounds. They can be made from e.g. PVC, PE,
GRP (glass reinforced polyester) or ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). They may
consist of a tube (to be positioned in the correct parking position) or two half pipes
(installed after positioning of joint body). The function of the outer protection
housing is to act as a container for the filling compounds referred to in 0 below.
This assembly phase includes:

• Parking of the outer protection if applicable;

• Positioning the components according to the instruction manual;
• Sealing all interfaces and openings to the environment by means of recommended
methods and materials like silicone, putty or self amalgamating silicone tapes;
• Filling as soon as possible to ensure no build up of moisture in the outer protector
due to humidity.

In the case where a joint is to be fixed to a support structure this should be done
before the outer protector is filled with compound. Filling Compounds for Joint Protections (Joint Boxes)

The function of the filling compound is to establish a corrosion protection of the joint
body (joint shell) and cable, to improve the thermal conductivity, to avoid the
penetration of water into the joint (waterproof compound) and to ensure that the
screen interruption design is maintained. Products used for the filling include:

• Cold pouring RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanization);

• Mixed (Two component resin);
• Heated (bitumen);
• Insulating fluid or gas.

The filling phase includes:

• Preparing the work taking account of the environmental conditions such as

temperature, humidity, dust and dirt;
• Heating of the compound (if applicable);
• Mixing of the filling compound. Taking care to ensure the correct amounts of
additives are added, the mixing creates a chemical reaction and can be easily
influenced. Too little catalyst/hardener can result in undercuring. Too high tem-
perature can cause precuring in the mixing pot (Table 5.26);
• Filling by using a pump or pouring the compound.

Good practice includes (when applicable):

• Taking a sample from each batch or joint in order to ensure that it has cured
• Considering the physical position of the joint in order to avoid air pockets;
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 233

Table 5.26 Technical risks and specific skills for outer protection assembly
Work phase Technical risks skills
Outer protection Poor sealing of interfaces leading to loss of compound, poor Due care
assembly filling, etc. and leading to water penetration
Over tightening of bolts leading to cracking of outer protection
Incorrect horizontal positioning of outer protector leading to
poor filling

• Not moving the joint before the compound is vulcanized or stable;

• Preventing contamination to ground and waterways.

5.6.8 Filling of Terminations

There are types of terminations that are to be filled with insulating compound,
typically they are metal enclosed GIS terminations and outdoor terminations. They
can be filled with insulating liquid or gas. For taped terminations the process is
covered in Sect. In the case where the termination is to be filled with
compound the manufacturers filling instruction is to be followed; filling compound
may include such items as polybutene, silicon oil or other dielectric fluid, gas or
mixed two component resins.
The different filling compounds involves different steps, the main steps in
preparation phase includes:

• Preparing the work taking account of the environmental conditions such as

temperature, humidity, dust and dirt;
• Heating of filling compound to the correct temperature in order to facilitate filling
(if applicable);
• Evacuating the chamber (if specified);
• Mixing of components (if applicable);
• Filling by using a pump (compound or gas) or pouring the compound.

Good practice includes (when applicable):

• Taking a sample from each batch or termination in order to ensure that it has cured
properly (when applicable);
• Considering the physical position of the termination and be aware about the risk
of including air bubbles inside the chamber;
• Preventing contamination to ground and waterways.

5.6.9 Handling of Accessories Supporting of Accessory

The support structure design for cable and accessories should be part of the civil
engineering. This should be done prior to cable installation and should not be
improvised on site.
234 K. Leeburn

Jointers need to ensure that the supporting structure is installed according to

prepared drawings and/or instructions (Table 5.27; Fig. 5.34).
This assembly phase includes:

• Applying the right amount of torque to the closing screws. Too much torque can
result in deformation of the polymeric jacket, while too little torque will reduce
the friction between cable (and/or joint) with the support structure and give
inadequate support and constraint.

Flame treating the extruded polythene sheath and applying a resin impregnated tape
system, in order to mechanically reinforce the cable/accessory interface where thermo-
mechanical forces and movement might be experienced (Tables 5.28 and 5.29).

Table 5.27 Technical risks and specific skills for filling compounds
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Preparation Contamination Due care in cleanliness of equipment
and components
Heating filling Overheating of compound General skills and knowledge in
compound Underheating of compound handling the equipment
Filling of Insufficient hardeners or accelerators The use of special equipment
compounds Premature curing due to heat (e.g. mixer) under clean conditions
(joints) Enclosed air pockets Able to check and verify the correct
position Able to check the status of
the vulcanization.
Check of outer Wrong order of materials General skills and knowledge in
protection May be impossible to visually check handling the equipment
condition the vulcanization status afterwards

Fig. 5.34 Wet type

5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 235

Table 5.28 Technical risks and specific skills for filling of terminations
Work phase Technical risk Specific skills
Preparation Contamination Due care in cleanliness of
equipment and components
Heating filling Overheating of oil Handling the equipment
compound Underheating of oil
Evacuating Not evacuated enough Handling of equipment
Mixing of Incorrect curing of compounds with A Mixing and handling compounds
components and B mixing components and tools
Filling Water or humidity presence during filling Handling the specific tool or
Underfilling or overfilling method required
Air bubbles if the compound is filled or
mixed improperly

Table 5.29 Technical risks and specific skills for installation of supporting of accessory
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Closing the clamps Applying the wrong torque on the closing General skills and
on the cable (and screws knowledge in handling
joint) with equipment
Erecting steelwork Steelwork modification or the adjustment General skills
on site may weaken the support or cause
steelwork corrosion at a later date
Mechanical Burning of the PE oversheath Wrong resin Heating techniques
reinforcement of and/or deficient application
accessories Lifting of Accessories

It is sometimes necessary to lift accessories. It is necessary to lift all or part of the
terminations when fitting to the structure.
The lifting phase includes:

• Setting up the lifting equipment

• Adopting appropriate safety techniques and adherence to sling load ratings
• Securing the lifting device to the accessory taking care not to damage any
components. Supplier guidance should be adopted
• Lifting the accessory ensuring that the cable is not restrained as this may dislodge
some internal components (Fig. 5.35; Table 5.30). Special Bonding Configurations and Link Box Installation

The jointer must have the skill to install the bonding leads (single and concentric),
the link boxes, SVLs, etc. associated with the particular bonding scheme adopted for
the cable circuit. Particular attention is drawn to the removal of the conducting layer,
if supplied, on the bonding leads in order to ensure integrity of the bonding design. Sensor Connections

Many types of sensors can be installed on the cable accessories. These include:
236 K. Leeburn

Fig. 5.35 Example of lifting

of cable terminations by fixing
the lifting device in a) the
cable respectively b) the upper
metalwork of the termination

Table 5.30 Technical risks and specific skills for lifting/moving accessory
phase Technical risks Specific skills
Lifting/ Cable damage and displacing the General skills and knowledge in handling
moving internal parts due to bending or twisting with equipment Operator to be trained in
of the cable Broken insulator Cracked relevant aspect of lifting/moving for
Porcelain Scratched polymeric sheds accessory Rigging skills

• Temperature;
• Distributed temperate sensing;
• Pressure (leak);
• Partial discharge;
• G as density, etc.

The kind of sensors used depends on the accessories and the requirements of the
manufacturer or the user. It should not be assumed that the HV cable jointer
automatically has the required sensor connection skills. The specific sensor supplier
should provide input on the suitable skill set needed.
Special care should be taken where insulated sheath systems are employed as the
sensors must not compromise the earth isolation.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 237

Table 5.31 Technical risks and specific skills for special bonding configurations
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Connecting bonding lead Sheath bonding connection error Knowledge of
Disturbed seal on bonding lead may bonding design
lead to water ingress Due care
Filling link box with Similar risks as in 0 General skills and
compound e.g. bitumen as 0

Table 5.32 Technical risks and specific skills for sensor connections
Work phase Technical risks skills
Connecting Sheath bonding connection error Disturbed seal on bonding lead Due Care
sensors may lead to water ingress

Note, these activities can be done by a third party (Tables 5.31 and 5.32). Fibre Optics

In some specific installations, cables may be installed with optical fibres, mainly
used for temperature sensing.
Fibre optic cables can be:

• Integrated in the cable;

• Attached to the cable sheath from outside;
• Blown/pulled into a separate tube.
Usually the fibre optics have to be connected in splice boxes. Additional and very
different skills are necessary in order to make fibre optic connections. The general
handling of fibre optics has to be done very carefully.
For fibre optics integrated in the cable, the splice box is usually attached to the
cable close to the joint. It is common practice to integrate the splice box into the
coffin box or protection housing of the joint.
In order to connect the fibre optics to the splice box, one side of the cable must be cut
with an over length, taking the position of the splice box beyond the joint into account
(Table 5.33).
When sheath interruption joints are installed (eg cross bonding), it is common to use
two splice boxes (one on each side of the joint) with an additional intermediate fibre optic
splice box made from non conductive material without any outer metallic protection.

5.7 Skills Assessment

Since education and training differs for each country, it is not appropriate to dictate
the method of assessment and certification. It is recommended that the certifying
authority, normally the accessory manufacturer, keeps an up to date record of the
jointing competencies tested and certified. The methodology of assessment should
also be stated. Where no formally structured assessment and certification is
238 K. Leeburn

Table 5.33 Technical risks and specific skills for installation of fibre optics
Work phase Technical risks Specific skills
Handling the optical fibre Breaking the optical fibre Fibre splicing Knowledge
in handling optical fibre
Removing the stainless Damaging the cable core with the Due care
steel fibre protection tube steel tube
Short circuiting of the sheath
interruption of the joint with the steel

available, the methodology described in Sects. 5.7.1, 5.7.2, 5.7.3, 5.7.4, 5.7.5, and
5.7.6 should be used.

5.7.1 Aspects to be Tested

Modern high voltage accessories often seem fairly simple in design e.g. pre-molded
joints. This may lead to the incorrect assumption that a jointer with a skill-set suitable for
assembling low voltage accessories can be easily up skilled to high voltage accessories.
However, very careful assembly is needed for high voltage accessories, as these
accessories will operate at very high voltage stresses and, as a result, the margin for
error in assembly is very low. Further, the impact of a system outage is very high.
It is essential that the jointer has the skill-set appropriate to the accessory being
assembled or, if a team is assembling the accessory, then the team should have the
full skill-set between them. Of course in the latter case each jointer should be limited
to working only in his area of competency.
In order to determine the jointer’s skill-set he should be tested for relevant
competencies, as outlined in Sect. 5.6 above.
There may be three levels of competence:

• Apprentice (not allowed to do jointing on their own);

• Jointer (allowed to do jointing on their own);
• Supervisor (highly experienced and could train others).

5.7.2 Methods of Qualification

It is advisable that qualification involve three elements:

• Theoretical understanding of WHY a particular aspect is important;

• Observation that a jointer has understood and executed the instructions correctly;
• Electrical and mechanical testing of the final accessory assembly. Theoretical
This test should demonstrate the jointer’s basic understanding of the theoretical
aspects of the assembly processes e.g. importance of smooth surfaces, cleanliness,
avoiding nicks, etc.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 239 Training on the Job and Observation

In this case the jointer has to demonstrate his skill-set under the supervision of a
jointing supervisor, experienced in the type of accessory being assembled and in the
skill-set required.
Quality assurance checklists provide a useful tool for on the job training
The full assembly of the accessory should be developed into a check list, starting
at materials checking, jointing tent conditions, tools checking, etc. – a typical
overview check list is contained in “5.Appendix A” The jointer must complete the
checklist, as he/she assembles the accessory and the jointing supervisor certifies it is
done correctly.
It is recommended that each jointer keeps a logbook of all the accessories
assembled (type and voltage class). Testing: Electrical & Mechanical

Extensive testing is not always possible, because of practical reasons or is not
financially feasible. Higher voltage systems generally have higher stresses. They
also have higher consequence of failures. As the stress increases, the risk of failure
also increases. It is thus prudent to conduct as many of the following tests as is
financially or technically practical. Following the tests the accessory should be
disassembled to see if there are any problems and, if noted, the jointer should be
further trained in this area until his competency is established.
The tests proposed must considered the particular skills that jointers will use.
Some tests which can be done are HV tests, PD tests or impulse tests at specified
IEC levels.

5.7.3 Certification

A Jointing Supervisor or an Installation Engineer, who has suitable experience and

authority, should certify the jointer, following their completion of Sect. 5.7.2 above.
The Certificate should indicate:

• Voltage class applicable;

• Accessory cover;
• List of skill-sets covered.

Mechanism used for Certification (Sects.,, and – if Sect., give test details.

5.7.4 Duration of Certification

While it is preferable that a jointer keeps his skills up to date by having a continuous
programme of work, it is recognised that this rarely happens. Very often there can be
240 K. Leeburn

long breaks between periods of jointing activity and there may be a possibility that
there would be a reduction in skills. It is for this reason that the concept of a duration
attached to certification is introduced. If the jointer is regularly using his skill-set
then there is no need for re-certification. In the event that there is a significant gap in
the jointer’s work programme, then the jointer may need to be re-certified. The
re-certification should take place in accordance with the relevant parts of Sects. 5.7.2
and 5.7.3 above. The log book described in Sect. above will help in the
evaluation of the need for re-certification.

5.7.5 Upskilling

A case may arise where a jointer has a fairly good skill-set, but needs to gain some
more skills for a new accessory to be installed that is not too different from
accessories he has previously installed. In this case it may be sufficient for the
jointer to be tested and certified for the additional skills required. We would advise
to err on the side of caution.

5.7.6 New Accessory Type

If the jointer is required to install an accessory, with which he is not familiar, then he
should be fully trained in all of the necessary skills outlined in Sect. 5.6 above, tested
as per Sect. 5.7.2 and certified as per Sect. 5.7.3, as appropriate, before he com-
mences installation.

5.8 Set Up

While, not part of the accessory, set up is complimentary to the accessory, and is thus
covered here. It is recommended the steps outlined below are followed:

5.8.1 Organisation of Jointing Location

Joints are installed in different locations such as, joint bays, manholes, vaults,
tunnels, etc.
The installation crew should ensure that:

• The jointing kits are verified for contents and expiry dates where appropriate;
• The layout of the jointing space is compatible with the required dimensions to
carry out the jointing activities;
• There is adequate space available for tools and equipment as well as the joint
• There is adequate electric power supply, lighting, ventilation and other necessary
• Safety of the personnel is assured through careful planning.
5 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables 241

5.8.2 Positioning of Joint

The jointer should ensure that:

• The joint is positioned and supported in accordance with designs;

• The design instruction is followed to ensure the joint does not overheat during
operation due to incorrect depth or backfill;
• The joint should be positioned in the joint bay in such a manner that in the event
of a failure that replacement is possible without serious disruption.

Allowance should also be made for those designs that incorporate rigid joint

5.8.3 Environmental Conditions

The jointer should ensure that the conditions are suitable with for jointing with
respect to:

• Temperature;
• Humidity;
• Dust;
• Pollution;
• Salt.

Depending on the jointing instruction, the joint bay environmental control may
vary from a simple single skinned jointing tent with no temperature or humidity
control to a double skinned tent or jointing container with careful temperature and
humidity control.
In addition the possibility of the jointer perspiring too much must be considered.

5.8.4 Cable End Inspection

At the commencement of jointing, great care should be exercised to inspect the cable
pulling head and tail. They should be very carefully removed and inspected for
moisture penetration, as should the remaining cable – this can be done visually, but it
is best done by immersing a small sample of conductor in hot oil; if there is moisture
present then the oil will crackle. Cable should not be jointed if there is moisture in the
conductor. This should be the subject of discussions between the Installation Com-
pany and the Client.

5.8.5 Verification of Each Step

This should be covered in the Instruction Manual Quality Assurance checklists.

242 K. Leeburn

5.8.6 Measuring of Diameters, Ovality, Concentricity, Position

This should be covered in the Instruction Manual Quality Assurance checklists.

5.8.7 Safety and Health

In any jointing operation it is vital that considerable attention is paid to the safety and
health of the jointing operatives and their assistants. Amongst the items that should
be considered and precautions taken to eliminate or minimise the risk are:

• Tripping;
• Sunburn/sunstroke;
• Falling from ladder or into joint bay or other;
• Ground Subsidence;
• Electrocution/Earthing;
• Induced voltages from parallel circuits;
• Water, drowning;
• Gas;
• Traffic;
• Attack by animals;
• Attack by people;
• Lifting/handling;
• Noise;
• Handling hazardous substances;
• EMF exposure;
• Explosion/Fire;
• Failure of parallel power circuits;
• Equipment failure;
• Inadequately trained staff and supervision;
• Compliance with local safety laws and Regulations.

All of the above should be the subject of a detailed documented risk assessment.

5.8.8 Environmental Aspects

In completing installation operations it is necessary to comply with all relevant local

environmental laws and regulations. In any case, the environmental impact shall be
kept as low, as is reasonably possible.

5.8.9 Quality Insurance

The quality insurance is treated in TB 177 (see ▶ Chap. 2, “A Guide to the Selection
of Accessories”).

Appendix A: Model Certificate


Basic Operational Supervisory

Has theoretical knowledge-
-capable to make joint 5-10 years experience
Accessory; Type. voltage class/

Jointing Instruction number/date/revision no:

List below to be reorganised so that it complements

with respect to the sequence in which each operation carried out

Set Up
Organisation of jointing location
Positioning of Joint
Environmental Conditions
Cable End Inspection
Safety and Health
Check cable placed in position with correct bending radius
Check cable serving, sheath, semi-conducting layer and insulation removed in
truction drawing
Check that end bell, etc are passed down the cable, before jointing commences,
so that they are available in the right position for use later in the jointing
Organisation of jointing location

Construction and Procedure description
Conductor preparation
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables

Round and Hexagonal Compression

MIG/TIG Welding
Deep indentation
Thermit Weld
Mechanical Connection

Insulation Preparation
Stripping of semi conductive insulation screen
Preparing the end of the semi conducting insulation screen
Smoothing the insulation surface
Cleaning of insulation


Basic Operational Supervisory

Has theoretical knowl-
jointer -capable to with 5-10 years experi-
make joint ence
Metallic sheath
Welded Aluminium Sheath
Construction and procedure description
Preparation of cable sheath
Metallic screen continuity
Copper wire screen
Corrugated Seamless Aluminium (CSA), Copper (CCS), Stainless Steel
Tig Welding
Lead Sheath {highlight risks and care for cutting}
Aluminium Polyethylene Laminate (APL)
Copper Polyethylene Laminate (CPL)
Corrugated Cu
Stainless steel

Preparation of oversheaths
Extruded PVC
Extruded Polyethylene
Low Smoke, Zero Halogen, Enhanced Flame Performance Sheaths
Mechanical Reinforcement of Accessories

Field expansion
Taped Accessories (Joints)
Field moulding Extrusion or taped
Heatshrink tube insulation.
Coldshrink tube insulation.
Prefabricated composite type joint
Prefabricated composite type termination
Polymeric outer protection by taping and/or heatshrink tubes
K. Leeburn

Outer Protection of Joints

Filling compounds (joints)

d spring loading, if
necessary, to ensure pressure is maintained
Installation of plug-in types

Basic Operational Supervisory

Has theoretical knowl-
-capable to make with 5-10 years experi-
joint ence
Taped Accessories (Terminations)
Heatshrink tube insulation
Fitting OD porcelain/cast resin insulator and top metal

Common parts about accessory installation (joints and terminations)

Supporting of accessory
Lifting of accessories

Special features
Sensor connections
on system
Fibre optics
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables


Environmental Aspects

Signed By

Certifying Authority

Expiry Date

Basic O p e rat i o n a l Super visor y

Has theoretical knowledge-
-capable to make joint 5-10 years experience
D sealing end (with internal
stress cone) with cu condr, lead sheath and PE serving with PD test facility

Jointing Instruction number/date/revision no: YYYYY

List below to be reorganised so that it complements

with respect to the sequence in which each operation carried out

Set Up
Organisation of jointing location R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Positioning of Joint R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Environmental Conditions R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Cable End Inspection R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Safety and Health R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Check cable placed in position with correct bending radius R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Check cable serving, sheath, semi-conducting layer and insulation removed in
t r u c t i o n d r aw i n g R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Check that end bell, etc are passed down the cable, before jointing commences,
so that they are available in the right position for use later in the jointing installa-
tion R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Organisation of jointing location R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d

Construction and Procedure description R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Conductor preparation R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Round and Hexagonal Compression R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
MIG Welding
Deep indentation
Thermit Weld
Mechanical Connection

Insulation Preparation
Straightening required required
Stripping of semi conductive insulation screen required required
Preparing the end of the semi conducting insulation screen required required
Smoothing the insulation surface required required
Cleaning of insulation required required
Shrinkage required required
Lubrication required required
K. Leeburn


Basic O p e rat i o n a l Super visor y

Has theoretical knowledge-
-capable to make joint 5-10 years experience
Metallic sheath
Welded Aluminium Sheath
Construction and procedure description required required
Preparation of cable sheath required required
Metallic screen continuity
Copper wire screen
Corrugated Seamless Aluminium (CSA)
Plumbing required required
Tig Welding
Lead Sheath {highlight risks and care for cutting} required required
Aluminium Polyethylene Laminate (APL)
Copper Polyethylene Laminate (CPL)
Corrugated Cu
Stainless steel

Preparation of oversheaths R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d
Extruded PVC
Extruded Polyethylene required required
Low Smoke, Zero Halogen, Enhanced Flame Performance Sheaths
Mechanical Reinforcement of Accessories required required

Field expansion
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables

Taped Accessories (Joints)

Field moulding Extrusion or taped
Heatshrink tube insulation.
Coldshrink tube insulation.
Prefabricated composite type joint
Prefabricated composite type termination
Polymeric outer protection by taping and/or heatshrink tubes

Outer Protection of Joints

Filling compounds (joints)

d spring loading, if necessary,

to ensure pressure is maintained required required
Installation of plug types


Basic O p e rat i o n a l Super visor y

Has theoretical knowledge-
-capable to make joint 5-10 years experience
Taped Accessories (Terminations)
Heatshrink tube insulation
Fitting OD porcelain/cast resin insulator and top metal
erminations required required

Common parts about accessory installation (joints and terminations)

Supporting of accessory required required
Lifting of accessories required required
tion required required

Special features
Sensor connections required to know about required to know about PD
on system required required
Fibre optics

Safety R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d

Environmental Aspects R e q u i re d re q u i re d re q u i re d

Signed By

Certifying Authority

Expiry Date
K. Leeburn

Appendix B: QA Document
QA Requirement Value QA Signed Date Any
sets required value/description checked by comments
from list by jointer
and ok
Accessory Type/voltage class/number:

Jointing Instruction number/date/revision no:

Joint/Accessory Drawing number:

Set Up
Organisation of jointing location
Checking that all jointing materials and consumables are on site
Checking that all jointing tools and other required equipment are on
Positioning of Joint
Environmental Conditions
Cable End Inspection for no damage /water
d and managed
Check fully detailed jointing instruction supplied covering all items
listed above and below
Check cable placed in position with correct bending radius
Check cable serving, sheath, semi-conducting layer and insulation
instruction drawing
Check that end bell, etc are passed down the cable, before jointing
commences, so that they are available in the right position for use later
in the jointing installation
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables

Construction and Procedure description
Conductor preparation
Round and Hexagonal Compression
MIG Welding
Deep indentation
Thermit Weld
Mechanical Connection

Insulation Preparation

Stripping of semi conductive insulation screen

Preparing the end of the semi conducting insulation screen

QA Requirement Value QA Signed Date Any

sets required value/description checked by comments
from list by jointer
and ok
Smoothing the insulation surface
Cleaning of insulation
Metallic sheath
Welded Aluminium Sheath
Construction and procedure description
Preparation of cable sheath
Metallic screen continuity
Copper wire screen
Corrugated Seamless Aluminium (CSA)
Tig Welding
Lead Sheath
Aluminium Polyethylene Laminate (APL)
Copper Polyethylene Laminate (CPL)
Corrugated Cu
Stainless steel

Preparation of oversheaths
Extruded PVC
Extruded Polyethylene
Low Smoke, Zero Halogen, Enhanced Flame Performance Sheaths
Mechanical Reinforcement of Accessories

Field expansion
Taped Accessories (Joints)
High Voltage tape
High Voltage Heat-resistant tape
Field moulding Extrusion or taped
Heatshrink tube insulation.
Coldshrink tube insulation.
Prefabricated composite type joint
K. Leeburn

QA Requirement Value QA Signed Date Any
sets required value/description checked by comments
from list by jointer
and ok
insert parts
sleeve compression
setting the epoxy unit and slide of premoulded insulator
assemble the spring unit
Prefabricated composite type termination
Polymeric outer protection by taping and/or heatshrink tubes
Filling compounds (joints)

d spring loading,
if necessary, to ensure pressure is maintained
Installation of plug-in types
Taped Accessories (Terminations)
Heatshrink tube insulation
Fitting OD porcelain/cast resin insulator and top metal

Common parts about accessory installation (joints and terminations)

Supporting of accessory
Lifting of accessories
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables

Special features
Sensor connections
on system
Fibre optics


Environmental Aspects

Signature of Jointer

Signature of Supervisory Jointer



QA Requirement Value QA c h e c k e d Signed Date Any
required from list value/ by jointer by comments
description and ok
OD sealing
end (with internal stress cone) with cu cond, lead sheath and PE
serving with PD test facility

Jointing Instruction number/date/revision no


Joint/Accessory Drawing number


Set Up
Organisation of jointing location required description to be achieved yes yes xxxx
Checking that all jointing materials and consumables are on required list to be achieved yes yes xxxx
Checking that all jointing tools and other required equipment required list to be achieved yes yes xxxx
are on site
Positioning of Joint required dwg to be achieved yes yes xxxx
Environmental Conditions
Cable End Inspection for no damage /water required description to be achieved yes yes xxxx
d and required list to be achieved yes yes xxxx
Check fully detailed jointing instruction supplied covering all required description to be achieved yes yes xxxx
items listed above and below
Check cable placed in position with correct bending radius required value to be achieved yes yes xxxx
Check cable serving, sheath, semi-conducting layer and insula- required values to be achieved yes yes xxxx
in joint-
ing instruction drawing
Check that end bell, etc are passed down the cable, before required description to be achieved yes yes xxxx
jointing commences, so that they are available in the right posi-
tion for use later in the jointing installation

Construction and Procedure description required per J.I to be achieved yes yes xxxxx
Conductor preparation required per J.I to be achieved and dimen- yes yes xxxxx
sions checked
Round and Hexagonal Compression required per J.I dimensional value to be yes yes xxxxx
MIG Welding
Deep indentation
Thermit Weld
K. Leeburn


QA Requirement Value QA c h e c k e d Signed Date Any
required from list value/ by jointer by comments
description and ok
Mechanical Connection

Insulation Preparation
Straightening required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Stripping of semi conductive insulation screen required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Preparing the end of the semi conducting insulation screen required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Smoothing the insulation surface required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Cleaning of insulation required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Shrinkage reqiuired per JI description yes yes xxxxx
Lubrication required per JI description yes yes xxxxx
Metallic sheath
Welded Aluminium Sheath
Construction and procedure description required per JI description yes yes xxxxx
Preparation of cable sheath required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Metallic screen continuity
Copper wire screen
Corrugated Seamless Aluminium (CSA)
Plumbing required per JI description yes yes xxxxx
Tig Welding
Lead Sheath required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Aluminium Polyethylene Laminate (APL)
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables

Copper Polyethylene Laminate (CPL)

Corrugated Cu
Stainless steel

Preparation of oversheaths required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Extruded PVC
Extruded Polyethylene required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Low Smoke, Zero Halogen, Enhanced Flame Performance


QA Requirement Value QA c h e c k e d Signed Date Any
required from list value/ by jointer by comments
description and ok
Mechanical Reinforcement of Accessories

Field expansion
Taped Accessories (Joints)
High Voltage tape
High Voltage Heat-resistant tape
Field moulding Extrusion or taped
Heatshrink tube insulation.
Coldshrink tube insulation.
Prefabricated composite type joint
insert parts
sleeve compression
setting the epoxy unit and slide of premoulded insulator
assemble the spring unit
Prefabricated composite type termination
Polymeric outer protection by taping and/or heatshrink tubes
Filling compounds (joints)

nd spring required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx

loading, if necessary, to ensure pressure is maintained values to be achieved
Installation of plug types
Taped Accessories (Terminations)
Heatshrink tube insulation
Fitting OD porcelain/cast resin insulator and top metal required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
rminations required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved

Common parts about accessory installation (joints and

Supporting of accessory required per JI description yes yes xxxxx
Lifting of accessories required per JI description yes yes xxxxx
tion required per JI description yes yes xxxxx
required per JI description yes yes xxxxx
K. Leeburn


QA Requirement Value QA c h e c k e d Signed Date Any
required from list value/ by jointer by comments
description and ok

Special features
Sensor connections required for PD per JI description yes yes xxxxx
on system required per JI description of process and yes yes xxxxx
value to be achieved
Fibre optics

Safety re q u i re d g e n e ra l g e n e ra l ye s ye s xxxxx

Environmental Aspects re q u i re d g e n e ra l g e n e ra l ye s ye s xxxxx

Signature of Jointer

Signature of Supervisoy Jointer

Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables
256 K. Leeburn

International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 60050 Chapter 461: electric cables
Cigré TB 89 – Accessories for HV Extruded Cables (Chapter 1)
Cigré TB 177 – Accessories for HV cables with extruded insulation (Chapters 1 and 2)
Cigré TB 194 – Construction, Laying and installation techniques for extruded and self contained
fluid filled cable systems
Cigré TB 210 JTF 21/15 – Interfaces in high voltage accessories (Chapter 3)
Association of Edison Illuminating Companies AEIC CG4-97 Guide for installation of extruded
dielectric insulated power cable system rated 69 kV through 138 kV (2nd ed.)
Cigré TB 272 – Large Cross Sections and Composite Screen Design
Cigré TB 379 – Update of service experience of HV Underground and Submarine Cable Systems
Cigré TB 446 – Advanced Design of Metal Laminated Coverings: Recommendations for Tests.
Guide for Use Operational Feed-Back

Kieron Leeburn has a B.Sc. Electrical Engineering from the

University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. He is employed
by CBI-Electric: African cables as their Chief Engineer covering
product and process design and innovation. He has participated in
a number of working groups in study committee B1 (insulated
cables), and convened B1–22 one on Accessory Workmanship. He
has represented Africa on CAG B1 (customer advisory group on
insulated cables) since its inception. He received the Cigré Tech-
nical Committee Award in 2011 for outstanding contribution to the
work of SCB1. He is a Member of IEC TC 20 WG16 (high voltage
cables). He is a Member of the South African Institute of Electrical
Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity
of Extruded Cable Accessories 6
Eugene Bergin

6.1 Review of Recent Experience with Failures of Outdoor and Filled Terminations
and Non-buried Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
6.1.1 Review of Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
6.1.2 Review the Consequences of Termination Failures for Cables within Substations
and Outside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.1.3 Survey by B1–29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.2 The Role of Improved Materials, Design, Assembly and Quality Control in Mitigating
the Effects of Termination and Non-buried Joint Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
6.2.1 Survey Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
6.2.2 Design and Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
6.2.3 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
6.2.4 Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
6.3 The Role of Testing and Condition Monitoring in Minimising the Incidence or Severity
of Termination and Non-buried Joint Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
6.3.1 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
6.3.2 Condition Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
6.4 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
6.4.1 Existing Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
6.4.2 New Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
6.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Appendix 1: Terms of Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Appendix 2: Bibliography/References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
IEC Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
CIGRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Jicable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

Eugene Bergin: deceased.

Published as Cigré TB 560 in December 2013

E. Bergin (*)
Dublin, Ireland

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 257

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
258 E. Bergin

Appendix 3: Reminder Chapter 5/TB 476 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

Appendix 4: Short Circuit Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Low Energy External Fault (Through-fault i.e. Breakdown Outside the Accessory) . . . . . 305
High Energy Internal Fault (Internal Fault i.e. Breakdown Inside the Accessory) . . . . . . . . 307
Simulation of the Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Appendix 5: Condition Monitoring Techniques for Terminations and Non-buried Joints . . . . 308

Executive Summary
This work was motivated by the occurrence of disruptive failures of cable terminations
and the consequential risks. The original scope of the Working Group (WG) was limited
to land XLPE cable systems 110 kV and above. Although priority was given to outdoor
and oil-immersed terminations, joints that are not directly buried were also included.
The Terms of Reference are attached as 6.Appendix 1. Following discussions
within the Working Group on the terms of reference, it was agreed that:

• Bonding and earthing, including SVL failures, were, in the main, not to be included.
• Any relevant learning points from PE cable accessories were to be included,
although polyethylene (PE) cables are no longer installed.
• There should be no time restriction on assets covered by the survey, as the relative
newness of XLPE cable technology would naturally limit the scope.
• The scope was extended to cover voltage ranges from 60 kV and above, as
relevant failures at these voltage levels have also occurred and designs are similar
to those being used at higher voltages.
• Priority was given to outdoor, oil-immersed and GIS terminations, but joints that
are not directly buried were also to be considered.

Those items that needed to be considered and complied with to minimise the
failure rate for terminations and non-buried joints are listed below, following
detailed analysis by WG B1–29.

Development, Prequalification and Type Tests

The nature and scope of tests to be carried out when developing (new) cables and/or
accessories have not been formally standardised and it has been left up to the
individual producers/manufacturers to use their knowledge and philosophy to design
such tests. However, in the early 1990’s the Cigré Task Force 21.03 published
comprehensive recommendations for development tests on extra high-voltage cables
with extruded dielectric, including the associated accessories.
It was recommended that development tests for accessories focus on the follow-
ing aspects:

• Analysis of chemical, electrical and mechanical behaviour of materials

• Long-term voltage test under thermal load cycles
• Impulse and/or AC step voltage tests, where appropriate, with maximum con-
ductor temperature.
• Short circuit/disruptive discharge tests.
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 259

Type tests in IEC62067 and IEC 60840 focus mainly on the withstand levels of
cables and accessories with respect to a.c. or impulse stresses. They do not supply
much information on the long-term behaviour of components, as the longest voltage
test in these standards is limited to 20 days or 20 cycles of heating and cooling. The
issue of long term tests (typically 1 year) is dealt with in Prequalification Tests in IEC
60840 and is to be carried out if the electrical stresses at the design voltage Uo
exceed 8.0 kV/mm at the conductor screen and 4.0 kV/mm at the insulation screen.
Fluid leakage is a significant cause of termination breakdown and this concern has to
be addressed e.g. through final examination, as in IEC 62067 and 60840 standards,
which states:

“Examination of the cable system with cable and accessories with unaided vision shall
reveal no signs of deterioration (e.g. electrical degradation, moisture ingress, leakage,
corrosion or harmful shrinkage) which could affect the system in service operation.”

Factory Quality Control (QC)

It is essential that full quality control is exercised in the manufacture and supply of
terminations and joints. This applies to all the sub-components of each accessory
e.g. stress cones, jointing material, compounds, etc. A full set of suitable tests
e.g. dimensional checks, electrical tests, as appropriate, should be established and
implemented. The different components of an accessory should be packaged in such
a way as to avoid damage and moisture ingress during transport. Delicate compo-
nents, such as stress cones, should be shipped in sealed plastic containers. A detailed
list of these components should be included in each box together with a complete set
of assembly instructions. Recommended handling, storage conditions and expiry
dates for any components should also be provided.

On Site Quality Control

It is essential that full quality control is exercised on site with respect to the jointing
area set-up, including the control of dust, humidity and temperature and the use of
the correct jointing tools in good condition. In addition it is essential that suitable
jointing instructions and drawings are supplied and that checks are carried out to
ensure that the proper jointing material is supplied to site, in good condition and
not past it’s expiry date. Finally a proper check-off list (inspection/test plan) should
be used to make sure the jointing is done properly and in accordance with

Jointer Certification
As the quality of cable preparation and accessory installation plays a significant part
in the reliability of XLPE accessories, it is critical that cable jointers have sufficient
knowledge and training to carry out the task. It is therefore important that jointers are
continually assessed to ensure competence and to maintain a high standard of
workmanship. These training records and an up-to-date CV of previous works can
be requested for review. Jointers should have valid up-to-date certification, as
contained in Cigré TB 476, for the accessory they intend to assemble.
260 E. Bergin

The minimum required tools are:

• Those found in a standard tool box, such as knives, screwdrivers, wrenches,

spanners, etc.
• Specific tools for conductor jointing, insulation and semi-conducting screen
preparation, installing pre-molded stress cones, metallic sheath, screen and
armour connecting, inner and oversheath finishing.

Specific tools and consumables shall be specified by the cable and accessory

Jointing Instructions and Drawings

Jointing instructions and drawings should be part of the quality assurance system.
This is particularly crucial where accessories and cables are supplied by different
providers. It is essential that the correct and suitable jointing instructions and
drawings are used and that they are delivered with the accessory.

Site Testing
It is strongly recommended that an AC voltage test should be carried out on the
insulation of the cable system in accordance with IEC Standards.

Maintenance and Condition Monitoring

In order to reduce the likelihood of failure of a termination or a non-buried joint, an
inspection and test regime is recommended to monitor the condition of accessories.
Many techniques are available to assess the condition of XLPE cable accessories.
However, these techniques vary significantly with regards to practicality, availability
of test equipment and the level of expertise required. The condition monitoring
techniques employed should generally be assessed on a case by case basis and
assessed against the requirements and cost of monitoring compared to the conse-
quence of a failure. A list of the currently available techniques is contained in 6.
Appendix 5.
In the event of oil or compound leakage or other incipient failure mechanism, a
risk assessment should be carried out and corrective action taken if necessary.

Risk Assessment
The continued use of any accessory should be based on:

• Public and employee safety

• The criticality of the circuit
• The history of the circuit and its accessories
• The potential repair time
• The potential cost of an outage to complete the repair
• The potential cost of an outage, if a failure occurs
• Potential damage from the failure
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 261

• Potential cost of the damage

• Effect on reputation, licence compliance and potential for prosecution
• Effectiveness of any monitoring system adopted
• Availability of monitoring tools and trained personnel
• The cost of monitoring
• Potential for damage of the accessory due to external factors.

In case of a failure in service the first step is to verify if the cable systems (cable
and accessories) has been subjected to the tests (development, prequalification, type,
sample, routine), as requested by the relevant IEC standards or Cigré recommenda-
tions. Following that one should investigate manufacture, delivery, installation and
operation to determine the source of the fault.
In the case of new cable systems, utilities should try to adopt designs that either
do not experience disruptive discharge and/or have been tested to ensure the impact
is kept to a minimum.

6.1 Review of Recent Experience with Failures of Outdoor

and Filled Terminations and Non-buried Joints

The Working Group carried out a review of published literature on the subject and
also carried out a survey of the experience of the Working Group members’ and
Study Committee B1 members’.

6.1.1 Review of Literature

The first step taken was to review existing literature and determine what was relevant
to the study of accessory failures. It was agreed reviews should be short and take the
following format:

• Cause of defect
• Consequence of the defect
• Corrective steps taken. Cigré, Jicable and Other Technical Literature

Nothing of particular relevance was found in the published Cigré literature.
A recent paper for Jicable 2011 (A.5.4) described a failure in an XLPE cable
termination installed in a 400 kV GIS substation and the remedial actions taken.
Another Jicable 2011 paper (A.3.7) summarised the experiences of three European
TSO’s. It showed that only a small part of the total cable circuit outage time is due to
the actual repair time. More time was spent on other aspects, such as approvals to
enter the premises, arranging the proper permissions to start repair works, cleaning
the area and getting the necessary parts to site. The relevant literature is listed in 6.
Appendix 2.
262 E. Bergin Statistics
Cigré TB 379 “Update of Service Experience of HV Underground and Submarine
Cable Systems” supplied the statistics in Table 6.1 below regarding XLPE termina-
tions. There is no information in Cigré TB 379 for non-buried joints. The table below
gives an overview of the number of terminations installed on XLPE cables (includ-
ing PE and EPR) in the period 2001–2005. Later statistics are not available in a Cigré
TB, but the WG addressed this in Sect. 6.1.3 below by gathering up-to-date
experience from those 14 countries that responded to the WG survey enquiry.
The table below (Table 6.2) indicates the failure rates over the same time period
(2000 to 2005):
In Table 6.1, for the period 2001–2005, we can see that for the HV cable systems
(60 to 219 kV) the use of outdoor composite insulators is already a commonly used
technology. For EHV (above 219 kV) this technology is only starting. The same
findings are made with regard to the use of dry type GIS terminations.
From Table 6.2 we can see that the failure rate on terminations for EHV cable systems
(above 219 kV) is around 5 times higher than that for the HV cable systems (60–219 kV).
Table 6.3 gives indicates the failure rate per type of termination and is grouped for
the voltage levels 60–219 and 220–600 kV. For a relatively high number of failures
on terminations, the type of the terminations was not specified. As a result, the reader
must be careful when comparing the different types of terminations.
The information as shown in Tables 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 is based upon replies
received by WG B1–10 to their questionnaire. For further information regarding
these statistics we refer to Cigré TB 379. Workmanship
Cigré TB 476 “Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables”
was published in October 2011 and is published in this Book as ▶ Chap. 5, “Cable
Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables”. This Sect. is
substantially reproduced from that Cigré TB and ▶ Chap. 5, “Cable Accessory
Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables”.
Cigré TB 476 covers workmanship associated with the jointing and terminating
of AC land cables, incorporating extruded dielectrics for the voltage range above
30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) and up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 550 kV). This brochure is a
complement of Cigré TB 177 (see ▶ Chaps. 1, “Compendium of Accessory Types
Used for AC HV Extruded Cables” and ▶ 2, “A Guide to the Selection of Acces-
sories” of this book). A short chapter covers general risks and skills, but the bulk of
the document focusses on the specific technical risks and the associated skills needed
to mitigate these risks. This is done for each phase of the installation. This Cigré TB
is not an Instruction Manual, but rather gives guidance to the reader on which aspects
need to be carefully considered in evaluating the execution of the work at hand. High
voltage cable accessories are manufactured using high quality materials and very
sophisticated production equipment. Recent technical and technological develop-
ments in the field of their design, manufacturing and testing have made it possible to
have pre-molded joints and stress cones for terminations up to 500 kV, as well as
cold shrink joints up to 400 kV.
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 263

Table 6.1 Terminations installed on XLPE cables (including PE and EPR) in the period 2001–

kV O u td o o r Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor GIS or GIS or
Termination Termination Termination Termination Transformer Transformer
- Dry - - Dry - Termination Termination
- Porcelain - composite Porcelain Composite - Dry
insulator Insulator
60 to 109 2001 531 27 12 75 0 311
2002 753 15 27 69 6 296
2003 513 21 15 96 5 225
2004 483 24 24 186 2 190
2005 600 21 51 138 3 225
110 to 219 2001 267 131 159 32 116 394
2002 282 128 216 35 77 565
2003 546 163 51 83 130 447
2004 226 190 63 32 98 366
2005 187 285 162 41 106 389
220 to 314 2001 135 0 0 0 54 135
2002 63 0 0 0 30 12
2003 102 6 0 0 0 42
2004 66 9 0 0 3 27
2005 60 3 0 12 3 42
315 to 500 2001 12 0 0 0 0 0
2002 0 0 0 0 0 0
2003 0 0 0 0 0 12
2004 0 0 0 36 0 0
2005 28 12 0 0 12 0
>500 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0
2002 0 0 0 0 0 0
2003 0 0 0 0 0 0
2004 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 6.2 Failure rates of terminations over the period 2000 to 2005
Failure rates based on all replies
Xlpe cables (AC)
A. Failure Rate – Internal Origin Failures 60– 220– ALL
219 kV 500 kV VOLTAGES
Termination Failure rate [fail./yr. 0,006 0,032 0,007
100 comp.]
B. Failure Rate – External Origin Failures 60– 220– ALL
219 kV 500 kV VOLTAGES
Termination Failure rate [fail./yr. 0,005 0,018 0,006
100 comp.]
C. Failure Rate – All Failures 60– 220– ALL
219 kV 500 kV VOLTAGES
Termination Failure rate [fail./yr. 0,011 0,050 0,013
100 comp.]

Table 6.3 Failure rates by type of termination over the period 2000 to 2005

Total Total Failure rates

Voltage Total number of numbers of failure Cause of failure
range kV Cable type Accessory type accessories in 2005 faults rate Internal External Unknown
60 to 219 Extruded Outdoor Termination - Fluid 46226 15 0,007 0,003 0,003 0,001
(XLPE, PE or filled - Porcelain
EPR) Outdoor Termination - Fluid 2619 2 0,019 0,019 0,000 0,000
filled - Composite insulator
Outdoor Termination - Dry - 1954 2 0,024 0,024 0,000 0,000
Outdoor Termination - Dry - 1353 1 0,020 0,000 0,020 0,000
Composite insulator
Outdoor Termination -Type not 0 17
Outdoor Termination -Total 52152 37 0,015 0,007 0,006 0,002
GIS or Transformer Termination 4222 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
- Fluid filled
GIS or Transformer Termination 20771 19 0,019 0,015 0,002 0,002
- Dry
E. Bergin

220 to Extruded Outdoor Termination - Fluid 1493 5 0,075 0,030 0,045 0,000
500 (XLPE, PE or filled - Porcelain
EPR) Outdoor Termination - Fluid 61 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
filled - Composite insulator
Outdoor Termination - Dry - 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Outdoor Termination - Dry - 53 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Composite insulator
Outdoor Termination -Type not 0 18
Outdoor Termination -Total 1607 23 0,330 0,215 0,086 0,029
GIS or Transformer Termination 2447 2 0,016 0,016 0,000 0,000
- Fluid filled
GIS or Transformer Termination 637 2 0,071 0,071 0,000 0,000
- Dry
Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories
266 E. Bergin

One of the conclusions of Cigré TB 476 is that internal failure rates of accesso-
ries, particularly on XLPE cable, are higher than other components and are of great
concern due the larger impact of a failure. Therefore the focus on quality control
during jointing operations must be maintained.
Many utilities have adopted the “system approach” by purchasing the cables as
well as the major accessories from the same supplier. Some utilities also request
that the link should be installed by the supplier or by a contractor under the
supplier’s supervision in a “turnkey” fashion. The main advantage of this approach
is that the entire responsibility for the materials and workmanship is clearly the
supplier’s. Some customers have adopted the component approach by purchasing
cables and accessories from different suppliers and entrusting the installation to a
third party. In all cases, it is imperative that the installation be carried out by
qualified jointers, who follow the jointing instructions provided by the accessory
International standards such as IEC and IEEE provide the necessary guidelines
concerning the interface between cables and accessories. However, it is strongly
recommended that the responsible engineer should verify the compatibility of the
different components of the link. It is of vital importance to manage the interface
between the cables and the accessories in order to reduce the potential technical risk,
e.g. cables and pre-molded accessories having non-compatible diameters or other
non-compatible dimensions or characteristics.
One of the international trends in cable technology has been the reduction of
the cable insulation thickness and the corresponding increase in electrical stress.
This tendency is based on better knowledge, increased quality of the insulating
material and improvements in the extrusion process. Cables and accessory
components are made under well-defined factory conditions and their quality
and reliability are assured by adherence to well defined specifications. However,
the accessories are assembled on site and, notwithstanding that this job is carried
out by skilled and trained jointers, it is often performed in more delicate and less
controlled conditions than in the factory. This means that correct assembly is
even more important, because, with the increased stress level due to the reduced
insulation thickness, bad workmanship will, sooner or later, lead to a breakdown
of the accessory.
It is noted that the majority of the new HV cable links being considered will use
XLPE insulated cables.
Cigré TB 476 captured the state of the art of jointing and is considered the best
practice internationally. It is acknowledged that other practices, which are not
explicitly covered in this brochure, are not necessarily bad practices. Great care
should be exercised and the approach agreed when departing from practices
recommended in Cigré TB 476.
While Cigré TB 476 does not directly refer to failures or the consequences of
failures, it is a comprehensive document on the assembly of cable accessories. If
used properly it can provide vital advice on the avoidance of failures due to bad
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 267

6.1.2 Review the Consequences of Termination Failures for Cables

within Substations and Outside Cigré, Jicable and other Technical Literature

In the case of Cigré the only consequences are the repair times that are covered in
Sect. below. Statistics
From Cigré TB 379, average repair times in days for XLPE systems are set out in the
Table 6.4 below. This average repair time was calculated for all the reported failures
on extruded cables for the corresponding voltage levels. No separate values were
calculated for specific types of accessory.
The definition of repair time as used in the questionnaire by B1–10 is the
Repair time is the cumulative period of time required to mobilize resources, locate
and repair the failure. The repair time associated with a failure is of fundamental
importance since the summation of repair times is required to obtain a measure of
non-availability, which from a reliability viewpoint is of greater significance than
fault rate. Workmanship
Cigré TB 476 does not specifically refer to the consequences of failures, except to
indicate the potential damage in the area, the very serious transmission system
consequences with potential safety implications, loss of load, loss of customers,
poor public relations and potential loss of revenue and additional costs.

6.1.3 Survey by B1–29

The Working Group compiled a survey to be completed by all members of the WG

and SC B1 members, whose country were not represented on the Working Group.
The survey was split into the voltage ranges recommended by Cigré below
(Fig. 6.1):

• 50–109 kV
• 110–219 kV
• 220–314 kV
• 315–500 kV.

Table 6.4 Average repair 60 to 219 kV 15 days

time for cables in days
220 to 500 kV 25 days
268 E. Bergin

Fig. 6.1 Failure due to poor

workmanship (surface scratch
due to bad workmanship)

Replies were received from 14 countries. Terminations and non-buried joints

were dealt with separately. The survey results may be summarised as follows: Survey on Terminations

• A total of 61 failures were reported
• Most of the installations were inside substations with only 6 being in a public area
• The voltage range was from 51 to 400 kV, with the main installations being in the
50–150 kV range
• The installation year varied from 1972 to 2010
• The year of failure varied from 1988 to 2010 Most installations had commission-
ing tests and, in most cases, voltage tests were carried out as part of
• Most installations were outdoor (37)
• The outdoor housings were generally filled with silicon oil or polybutene and the
GIS (Gas Insulated Substation) housings were mainly unfilled
• Most AIS (Air Insulated Substations) installations had composite or polymeric
outer housings – 18 had porcelain housings. However it should be noted that
failures in porcelain housings are likely to be more serious in view of the shards
that are created during the fault
• The terminations were mainly installed by a manufacturer, with only 15 being
installed by a utility or contractor
• The conductor sizes varied from 100 to 2500 sq. mm and were both copper and
• The metallic shield varied from lead to aluminium foil to copper wires
• In nearly all cases the cable and termination were from the same manufacturer
• In most cases prequalification test had not been completed
• Nearly all termination designs had undergone type tests
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 269

• In only a few cases were maintenance test carried out – varying from a serving
test, DC test and thermovision tests
• The pollution design ranged varied from normal to serious
• The causes of failure were listed as:
– Termination Design
• Moisture ingress due to inadequate sealing.
• Pre-molded component breakdown.
• Breakdown of insulating material.
– Manufacture
• Poor adherence of pre-molded components within stress cone
• Rough surface of metallic parts leading to Partial Discharge
• In one case manufacture was identified, but a reason was not given.
• Poor fluid quality leading to internal discharges.
– Workmanship
• Damage to primary insulation during jointing.
• Poor fluid treatment prior to filling.
• Poor XLPE surface preparation.
• Poor preparation of the outer semi-conducting layer.
• Copper particles between cable and stress cone.
• XLPE shavings left in position between cable and stress cone.
• Incorrect application of stress cone.
• Cable not sufficiently straightened prior to jointing.
– Overload
• No cases reported in the returned survey results.
– Overvoltage
• Four cases due to switching/lightning surge.
– Animals
• No cases reported in the returned survey results.
– Weather Effects
• No cases reported in the returned survey results.
– Cable Insulation Inadequacies
• Two cases, no details supplied.
– Bonding Problems
• Thermal runaway due to a metal sheath being solidly bonded during
installation. This was not in accordance with the specified bonding design,
which was based on single point bonding.
• Poor earth connection due to mechanical movement causing flash-over.
– Fluid/Gas Problems
• Partial discharge caused by solidifying silicon oil.
• Multiple failures due to leaks of insulating oil.
– External Damage /Sabotage
• No cases reported in the returned survey results.
– Others
• Failure of pressure relief system, leading to loss of insulating fluid.
• Consequences of Failure – fire, outage time, collateral damage, reputation
270 E. Bergin

Fig. 6.2 50 kV porcelain

outdoor cable termination,
leaking high viscous
insulating oil at bottom flange

– Most cases resulted in a disruptive failure and some collateral damage that
required a lengthy repair outage (Fig. 6.2).
• Actions Taken
– New Design
• Method for earthing of sheath improved
• Change in specifications for pre-molded parts
– New Tests
• No new tests were specified in the returned surveys.
– New Installation Specification
• Improved termination fluid filling and treatment processes
• Changes made to compounds used during jointing and methods for han-
dling compounds
• Suitable hold and witness points introduced during jointing
• New XLPE shaping techniques implemented
• Improvements made to Jointing Instructions
– Risk Management
• On-Line PD tests introduced.
• Exclusion zones set up around termination, including screening walls.
– Repair/Corrective Action
• Changed whole joint/ termination.
• Changed stress cone only. All faults required some form of repair or
corrective action to be taken.
– Preventative Action
• In many cases sealing ends that were leaking insulating fluid were replaced
or repaired before an electrical failure occurred. Survey on Non-buried Joints

• 27 failures were reported: 12 of the failures in premolded joints and 11 in taped
joints. The remaining four failures being EMJ (extruded molded) or transition
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 271

• The location of the joints was generally not stated.

• The voltage range was 50 to 314 kV, but the taped joints were in the lower voltage
• Core sizes varied from 400 to 2000 mm2 with both copper and aluminium
• Most joint casings were unfilled.
• The installations were mainly carried out by the manufacturer.
• It was not clear if the joints and cables were from the same manufacturer
• In general the joints were type tested.
• Most joints were commissioned with DC voltage tests (both insulation and serving).
• There was no maintenance testing before failure.
• Many joints failed within 1–2 years of commissioning.
• The causes of failure were attributed as follows:
– Joint Design
• Incorrect stress cone internal diameter.
• Incorrectly shaped embedded electrode.
• Poor tape design.
– Manufacture
• Defective manufacture of stress cone that contained voids.
• Poor quality stress cone material.
• Water penetration via a crack, due to a manufacturing defect within the
metallic casing.
– Installation
• Damaged insulation during jointing.
• Poor shaping of XLPE.
• Voids created, due to poor shaping of insulating tapes.
• Incorrect positioning of stress cones.
• Cable inadequately plugged into joint body.
• Metallic particle contamination.
• Loss of earthing connection to screen wires, due to poor soldering.
• Racking or tray system that permitted joint movement.
– Overload
• No cases of failure were attributed to overload.
– Overvoltage
• One reported case was attributed to a possible lightning strike.
– Animals
• There were no failures attributed to animals.
– Weather Effects
• In only two cases failures were attributed to weather effects, namely water
penetration. The water penetration in joints may be a design/material/work-
manship issue
– Unknown
• One case was listed as unknown.
• Consequences of Failure
– No consequences were provided in the survey replies.
• Actions Taken
272 E. Bergin

– New Design
• In most cases where joint design was identified as the cause of failure, the
joint was redesigned.
– New Tests
• Post-installation PD testing of joints was introduced in many cases.
– New Installation Specification
• Hold and witness points were introduced including photographic records.
• New guidance on joint protection and waterproofing was introduced.
• Clean room conditions introduced to joint bays.
• Improvements were made to jointing instructions.
– Risk Management
• Joints identified as potential failure candidates were replaced with either
joints of a different design from the same manufacturer or joints from a
different manufacturer.
• Inspection, partial discharge testing and X-Raying of all joints installed
from the same manufacturer were carried out.
– Repair/Corrective Action
• In most cases the affected joints were removed, which required the insertion of
a new piece of cable and 2 joints and the joint bay was extended to fit the new
– Other
• A new reinforced racking design was introduced

6.2 The Role of Improved Materials, Design, Assembly

and Quality Control in Mitigating the Effects
of Termination and Non-buried Joint Failures

This section examines how matters may be improved with respect to materials,
design, assembly and quality control in preventing termination and non-buried joint
failures and mitigating their effects. As part of this process, the results of the survey
are reviewed to identify the causes of faults and steps identified that could be taken to
ensure these faults did not occur. It should be noted that some of the measures
identified in the Survey Results Sect. 6.2.1 below may be repeated to some extent in
the Sections 6.2.2, 6.2.3, and 6.2.4 dealing with Materials, Design, etc. This was
done to ensure the Cigré TB is as complete as possible.

6.2.1 Survey Results

It is of considerable importance that the results of the survey in Sect. 6.1.3 are taken
into account and that, where causes were identified, these are acknowledged and
steps are taken to avoid these causes in the future. The causes and recommended
mitigations are listed below:
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 273 Terminations Design

Cause Mitigation
Unsuitable top O ring seal used leading Use appropriate O ring and fit properly
to moisture ingress
Powder separation of chemical mixture. Ensure correct compounds are used and
installed correctly
Earthing conductors slipping off metal Ensure correct installation. Use checklist
sheath in termination by sliding over PE for installation.
Circulating current flowing through Ensure the correct bonding design is
insulator screen causing overheating installed
and damage.
Pre-molded insulation degradation at Ensure design suitable for operating
extremely low temperatures temperatures high and low
Damage due to thermal cycling. Design and test for heat conditions.
(Snaking cable before terminating to
minimise conductor expansion into the
Interface design. Change components or design
Degradation of components in Use appropriate materials and enhance
stress cone. the interface design Consider extended
Prequalification Tests.
GIS copper corona shield with thin Design corona shield materials for use in
layer having whiskers, leading to PD GIS cable termination box. Inspect all
and breakdown. components prior to fitting.
Stress cone interface contaminants Jointer trained on fitting accessory, as
recommended in 6.Appendix 3 Ensure
clean conditions when jointing Manufacture
One case was identified but no details were supplied – no additional mitigation
proposed. Workmanship

Cause Mitigation
Jointer damaged insulation Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use
of inspection test plans (ITP’s)
Poor XLPE surface shaping – copper Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use
contaminants between cable and stress cone- of inspection test plans (ITP’s)
contaminants invasion of oil
Shavings of copper contamination during Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use
the insertion of pre-molded insulation of inspection test plans (ITP’s)
274 E. Bergin

Poor surface of outer semi conducting layer- Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use
defective position of compression device of inspection test plans (ITP’s)
Void generation between epoxy and stress Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use
cone of inspection test plans (ITP’s)
Plastic wrap is used for protection during Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use
construction. of inspection test plans (ITP’s)
Void generation at cable/ stress cone
interface by overbending of cable and
shaving cable insulation too much.
Generation of crack in epoxy insulator by
stressing it more than it was designed.
Overbending of cable.
Void generation at cable/ stress cone Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use
interface by conductor centering error, when of inspection test plans (ITP’s)
conductor sleeves were compressed Wrong
insert position Overvoltage

Cause Mitigation
One case due to switching/ Ensure appropriate design and installation of
lightning surge lightning protection, when required. Weather Effects

Cause Mitigation
Lightning Ensure lightning protection used, when needed
Water entry Follow 6.Appendix 3 and use proper O ring and fit
it properly (it could be a design/material problem)
Connection broken, due to Ensure that not overbend
mechanical overload
Jointing with high relative Use of an enclosed air conditioned work
humidity environment Follow 6.Appendix 3 Bonding Problems

Cause Mitigation
Metal sheath incorrectly bonded on a Ensure bonding design is followed
single core cable, resulting in a sheath Carry out checks during
circulating current that overheated and commissioning
damaged the termination
Bad connections; poor design of wiping Ensure design suitable for operating
gland leading to mechanical movement, temperatures high and low and
sparking and failure installed properly.
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 275 Fluid/Gas Problems

Cause Mitigation
Partial discharge Ensure correct fluid is used and that fluid is properly treated
in fluid and tested and that it is at the right level.
Leaking fluid or Check where fluid or gas is leaking from, repair if necessary,
gas and top up.
Replace termination or component causing the leak. Others

Cause Mitigation
Unknown – breakdown just Ensure design is suitable for high and low
above stress cone operating temperatures
Contaminants noticed at the Remove
cable stress cone interface Follow 6.Appendix 3
Moving cables after installation Ensure cables do not exceed their
thermomechanical design limits, are properly
clamped and are not physically disturbed Non-buried Joints Design

Cause Mitigation
Stress cone with incorrect Ensure joint is suitable for use on specified cable after
inner diameter cable is prepared
Shape of embedded Ensure design is compatible
electrode not right
Ensure adequate Prequalification and Type Tests are
carried out
Poor tape design Ensure material used has the right properties and
installation instructions. Consider Prequalification
Testing Manufacture

Cause Mitigation
Defective manufacture of stress cone Ensure manufacturer’s QC system is
(voids) adequate Consider Prequalification
Poor material quality Ensure manufacturer’s QC system for
materials is adequate Consider
Prequalification testing
276 E. Bergin

Water penetration from a crack, because Ensure manufacturer’s QC system is

of manufacture problem with metallic adequate
sheath Workmanship

Cause Mitigation
Jointer mistakes causing damage to Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use of
insulation and poor insulation shield inspection test plans (ITP’s)
Water penetration, metallic
contaminants, wrong inset position.
Poor adhesion of stress cone Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use of
inspection test plans (ITP’s)
Metallic contaminants in the Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use of
insulation tape. inspection test plans (ITP’s)
Void generation with poor tape shaping.
External damage by jointing tool, when
connection box was assembled.
Fibrous contaminant in extruded Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use of
insulation. Clamping of screen wires inspection test plans (ITP’s)
caused damage of outer semi-conducting
Loose flakes of applied semiconducting Follow 6.Appendix 3 Ensure proper
coatings in joint assembly. procedures followed, adequate drying
time and care in positioning of the
joint body. Overvoltage

Cause Mitigation
In only one case was joint damage attributed to Ensure appropriate lightning
possible lightning strike protection is used. Weather Effects

Cause Mitigation
In only two cases was failure Follow 6.Appendix 3 Consider use of
attributed to weather effects, namely inspection test plans (ITP’s). Adequately
water penetration. designed casing (coffin) filled with
waterproof compound.
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 277

6.2.2 Design and Materials

In considering the design of terminations and joints it is necessary to consider the

materials to be used, the pressures in different parts of the accessory assembly, the
different electrical characteristics, etc. Air Insulated Terminations

Air Insulated Terminations are generally used outdoor to terminate cables in air
insulated substations. They may have porcelain or composite insulators and may be
filled or unfilled. The design adopted may depend on the local environment with
respect to the required basic impulse level voltage (BIL), maintenance requirements,
pollution (industrial and ocean), reliability and altitude. Surface creepage distances
may need to be increased in areas of high pollution, excessive sea spray or at high
altitudes. Porcelain Insulators

Glazed electrical grade porcelain is the most common and widely installed insulator.
It has high reliability in terms of electrical and mechanical performance. It requires
periodic maintenance (cleaning) to remove pollution deposits from the insulator
surface (sheds). It has high resistance to surface tracking. Porcelain production is a
mature technology and can be provided for MV to EHV cable terminations and for
both AC and DC application.
However, porcelain can be susceptible to external mechanical damage and to
electrical failure (internal or external). It can shatter on termination failure with
pieces of glazed porcelain and other debris projected over the surrounding area by
the force of the failure. The potential for injury or damage to adjacent equipment in
the surrounding area is high. Composite or Polymeric Insulators

There are many types of composite insulators available on the market. The most
common design consists of a fibreglass tube covered by elastomeric sheds (silicone).
This solution is much lighter than a porcelain insulator and is normally much easier
to handle during installation. However, the bond between silicon rubber and the
epoxy glass fibre pipe must be certified as this can be a weak point (Fig. 6.3).
Composite insulators are available up to EHV applications, even though at this
stage there is no long term operational experience at EHV levels.
Composite insulators have many advantages. In particular they have proven to be
reliable even under exceptional events such as earthquakes, system faults and
vandalism. They also provide good insulation performance due to their silicone
housing and the intrinsic hydrophobic characteristic of this material. Well designed
composite insulators have limited ageing. They give satisfactory performance in
heavily polluted areas, where no cleaning or special maintenance is necessary and
this can provide important economic savings.
278 E. Bergin

Fig. 6.3 Composite insulator

filled with synthetic oil

Their technical and economic advantages are of particular significance in the

EHV and UHV range of accessories. This is because of their design flexibility (single
pieces of 10 m or more may be manufactured), relative low weight (10–30% of a
corresponding porcelain insulator), ease of handling for manufacturing and installa-
tion and their ability to withstand stresses, such as seismic events and high levels of
From the point of view of end-users, a very important feature of composite insulators
is safety. They reduce the potential for manual handling injury during delivery and
installation. Since they are not brittle, the risk following an internal fault, with the
associated projection of material, is greatly reduced compared with porcelain.
The satisfactory long term performance of composite insulators is directly related
to electrical and mechanical design, good selection of the material, good manufactur-
ing processes and quality control.
Environmental constraints of the installation site such as the required BIL,
temperature, barometric pressure (for high altitude), presence of aggressive gases,
pollution, and humidity should be taken into account in the design. Qualification
procedures can help to qualify the technology and the materials and assure the
performance during the required life time of the insulator and these are dealt with
in detail in Cigré TB 455 “Aspects for the Application of Composite Insulators to
High Voltage (72 kV) Apparatus”.
A range of biological growths have been reported on composite insulators leading
to a reduction of the hydrophobicity. However, the overall performance of the com-
posite insulator design generally remains satisfactory. Bird attacks have also been
reported, but this appears to be a problem related to insulators in some countries and
usually only happens when de-energised or before the insulators are put into service.
Another consideration is whether vapour could permeate directly through the
sheds and walls of the housing (polymeric materials are generally slightly permeable
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 279

for vapour) or through the bonding area between flanges and fibre-reinforced plastic
(FRP) tube. Investigations and service experience indicate that the amount of
moisture ingress due to these mechanisms is below the quantities which can pass
through a good sealing system. Quantities can easily be controlled by internal
desiccants as is usual practice for much of the HV apparatus in the electric power
system. In the case of terminations/ sealing ends this is often accomplished by using
filling compounds. Nevertheless research continues in an attempt to better under-
stand these mechanisms and to derive minimum design requirements on composite
hollow core insulators used for HV apparatus applications.
Most damage in composite insulators can be attribute to errors during transport,
un-packing, re-packing, manipulation and storage of the insulators. These aspects
are dealt in detail in Cigré TB 455 “Aspects for the application of Composite
Insulators to High Voltage (72 kV) Apparatus”, Chap. 9, “Handling and Mainte-
nance”. In this chapter, procedures and rules are given for: unpacking, repacking,
storage, handling and cleaning.
A composite termination has the advantages of a simple structure. Its anti-pollution
capacity depends mainly on the number of sheds and their size and orientation. The
terminal must be installed upright, it cannot be installed inclined or curved.
Porcelain and composite terminations are compared in the Table 6.5 below.
It can be seen that each outer housing material has its advantages and disadvan-
tages. The selection of the appropriate termination body depends on the particular
installation conditions.
The satisfactory performance of composite terminations is dependent on the inner
electrodes and the electric field distribution within and along the termination. This, in
turn, depends on the top electrodes, the insulator material, the inner electrodes,
non-linear coatings, cable make-up; etc. All of these components must be designed,
manufactured and installed to control the operating electrical stresses. Latest Developments

The latest developments on the market provide two alternative solutions:-
• Self Supporting Terminations
– A termination filled with silicon based leak-proof gel that replaces the tradi-
tional liquid fluids. This solution has been tested up to EHV, but service
experience is available only up to 132 kV. The filling procedure has to be
strictly controlled to ensure proper filling (Table 6.5; Figs. 6.4 and 6.5).
– A fully dry termination, where no liquid or filling is used
• Supported or Flexible Type A Prefabricated Outdoor Termination
• This type of termination has elastomeric sheds and an external stress cone. The
stress cone and the sheds form one single factory-tested premolded component
and they are widely used in the voltage class up to 150 kV. With this termi-
nation type a completely “dry” design is obtained. Note this termination is not
self supporting and must be connected to an overhead conductor or to another
component e.g. a surge arrester, able to support the termination.
• Disruptive–proof Outdoor Terminations i.e. terminations that are designed to
limit the consequence of an internal power arc, etc.
280 E. Bergin

Table 6.5 Comparison of Porcelain and Composite Insulators

Element Porcelain Insulators Composite Insulators
Environmental Can shatter Safe/Inert
Periodic cleaning required Limited cleaning required
Poor pollution performance
It’s earthquake performance is not so High performance in polluted areas
good Good earthquake performance
Impermeable to animal attack even Possible attack by animals during
when unenergised storage and while unenergised
Chemical Not hydrophobic Hydrophobic
Compatibility with SF6 by-products Compatibility of filling material to
and oil be checked
Mechanical Can shatter under fault conditions Will not shatter but may split Low
High weight Vulnerable to Less susceptible to vandalism
vandalism No moisture ingress Possible moisture ingress through
through the insulator from outside.1 the insulator from outside.1
Note for both types of insulators there may still be some moisture ingress
through the top and bottom metal components or gaskets
Rating No practical temperature limit Temperature limits of 55 to
Performance (temperature limits exceed those of +110  C
other components)
Other Lot of experience, but relatively long Limited service experience
Properties manufacturing time
Because of its weight it’s not so easy Because of its weight its relatively
to handle and install. Heavy manual easy to handle and install
handling or mechanical assistance
Can be damaged (cracked or chipped) Not so likely to be damaged
by handling and installation. Small
damage can be repaired in-situ.

One must also bear in mind the effect of insulation retraction on the termination.
Retraction is a result of the mechanical stress formed in the insulation during the
manufacturing process. When the cable is cut, in order to install the accessory, the
insulation may retract on the accessory and lead to a failure. This must be taken into
account in the accessory design (Fig. 6.6). GIS and Oil Immersed Terminations

EHV and HV cables may also be directly terminated in SF6 insulated switchgear
(GIS) and transformers to eliminate air-insulated interfaces. This solution has the
significant advantage of markedly reducing substation area requirements and costs
in urban, suburban and industrial plant locations. It also eliminates insulation
contamination from pollutant deposits and reduces exposure to lightning and
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 281

Fig. 6.4 Example of a

170 kV composite cable

Fig. 6.5 Example of a Self

Supporting Fluidless Cable

GIS and oil immersed terminations have similar construction, except for the use
of a larger top corona shield on the termination in order to reduce the top-end stress.
The electrical stress control for GIS and oil immersed terminations follows the
same approach usually employed for outdoor terminations i.e. it uses a premolded
stress relief cone, which is fitted over the cable insulation. The cable is then
282 E. Bergin

Fig. 6.6 Example of a Dry

Type Supported Termination

accommodated inside a cast epoxy resin bushing which separates the cable from the
pressurised SF6 or the oil in the termination end box.
The space inside the epoxy bushing can be filled with insulating fluid or SF6 gas.
In order to eliminate any risk of leakage of this fluid or gas from inside the epoxy
bushing, a new generation of dry type SF6 and oil immersed terminations have been
developed. In these dry terminations there is no insulating fluid or gas between the
epoxy insulator and the stress cone, because the latter is in intimate contact with the
inner surface of the bushing; the pressure of the stress-cone at the cable core interface
as well as at the inner epoxy insulator surface can be obtained by means of
compression devices such as springs or by special design of the polymeric part.
It should be noted that currently there is a Joint Working Group B1/B3.33
examining the “Feasibility of a common, dry type interface for GIS and Power
cables of 52 kV and above” (2009–2012) and a Cigré TB is to be issued shortly by
this WG by the end of 2013, ▶ Chaps. 7, “Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-
in Interface for GIS and Power Cables above 52 kV” and ▶ 11, “Standard Design of
a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power Cables up to 145 kV”. Insulation Medium

Terminations are generally filled with a dielectric fluid, usually a synthetic (poly-
butene or silicone based) insulating liquid, at or slightly above atmospheric pressure.
The type and quantity of the fluid depends on the specific design of the termination.
Poor quality of the liquid or contamination, due to external factors (humidity, water
ingress, metallic or other polluting particles, etc), can reduce the electrical perfor-
mance of the fluid and result in termination failure. One of the most common issues
with the use of fluid is the risk of leakage through the sealing point areas, typically
the weld/plumbing between the cable metallic screen and the bottom part of the
termination or the mechanical seal onto the stress cone. A well-made seal depends
mostly on the skill of the jointers.
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 283

There are also designs that use SF6 gas as the insulation medium, but this solution
has to bear in mind the environmental concerns of using SF6 gas. Connectors
The connector electrically and mechanically joins the conductors of two cables or the
cable and the top connector of a termination. Thus the connector must exhibit good
electrical conductivity to avoid temperatures higher than that of the conductor in any
operating condition and also present sufficiently high mechanical pull-out (tensile)
strength to withstand thermo mechanical stresses during operation. It should be noted
that WG B1.46 is currently working on Conductor Connectors (Mechanical and
Electrical Testing). The final report of WG B1.46 is reproduced in ▶ Chap. 10, “Test
Regimes for HV And EHV Cable Connectors” of this Book. The following types of
connectors are used for extruded cable connections:- Compression Connector

This connector includes a tube of the same material as the cable conductor into
which the conductors to be joined are inserted. The tube is then compressed by a
hydraulic press. The compression connector is the most commonly used type,
because it is easy to install and does not require heat (Fig. 6.7).
The cross section of the connector is at least equal to the cross section of the
conductors to be joined. When the connector is exposed to an electric field, as in
taped joints, it is necessary to provide suitable chamfers at both ends to minimize the
effects of longitudinal electrical stresses.
A special bimetallic connector is used when it is necessary to join a copper
conductor to an aluminium conductor. These connectors are half copper and half
aluminium. The two connector halves are joined in the factory by friction welding.
Some companies use a copper alloy connector for both copper and aluminium
conductors. Cad Welding

Another way is to make a connection of copper and aluminium conductors by
Cad-welding on site, though Cad welding is not used that often for aluminium.
This is an exothermic welding process in which metal and metal oxide powders are
placed in a special crucible mold around the parts to be welded. This mixture is

Fig. 6.7 Compression

284 E. Bergin

ignited resulting in a short high temperature reaction, causing the flow of molten
metals to form a localised solid connection. Soldered or Brazed Connector

Soldered connectors are used with small conductor cross sections (below 630mm2)
and with cables having a short circuit current temperature below 160  C, because the
solder can become soft during the cable system operation. Brazed connectors do not
present this problem, but are more difficult to make. MIG or TIG Welded Connection

The two conductors are fused together by the application of molten metal. A Metal
Inert Gas (MIG) or Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process is applied in this case.
Due to the high temperature developed during the process, air or water cooling
clamps are required on both sides of the weld, in order not to damage the cable
insulation The welding process is used for large aluminium conductors and for
insulated wire copper conductors; in the latter the burning of the wire insulation, if
necessary, ensures a good contact between strands. This technology requires an
operator with a very high skill level and is time consuming (Figs. 6.8 and 6.9).
This weld provides a connection with an electrical conductivity, which is equiv-
alent to that of the conductor itself. The connection is not subject to instability due to
decrease of contact pressure as a result of load cycling. However the tensile strength
of the welded connector is significantly (50 to 60%) lower than the ultimate tensile
strength of the conductor, due to the annealing of the conductor near the weld. If
necessary, for submarine cables, the tensile strength can be improved by round
compressing the conductor and the weld (hardening process) (Fig. 6.10). Plug-in Connector

Two metal connectors, that terminate the conductor, are jointed through elastic or
multi contact spring loaded contacts that are able to carry the current. Locking pins

Fig. 6.8 Examples of Cad Welding

6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 285

Fig. 6.9 Example of a

MIG Weld

Fig. 6.10 Welding of an

aluminium conductor

can be used to anchor the two parts together. Plug-in connectors can easily join
conductors of different materials and cross section.
One of the advantages of a plug-in connection is the shorter length of the joint.
286 E. Bergin

Fig. 6.11 Plug-in connector

(male contact) on prepared
cable end Mechanical Bolted Connector (Shear Bolts)

With these connectors compression of the conductors inside a ferrule is made by
tightening threaded bolts. The bolts shear off at a predetermined torque and are then
finished flush with the surface of the connector. These connectors are extensively
used in MV accessories, and may also be used in HV joints or terminations, subject
to checking their short circuit current and current loading capacity. The compatibility
of these connectors with the termination or joint design must be checked. These
connectors have a diameter larger than the compressed connectors and care must be
taken to ensure there are no bits of bolt protruding above the connector surface.
Before using shear connectors consideration must be given to tensile strength during
load cycling and pull out (Fig. 6.11). Mechanical Bolted Connector

With these connectors compression of the conductors inside a ferrule is made by
tightening threaded bolts. These connectors are extensively used in MV accessories,
and may also be used in HV joints or terminations, subject to checking their short
circuit current and current loading capacity. The compatibility of these connectors
with the termination or joint design must be checked. These connectors have a
diameter larger than the compressed connectors and care must be taken to ensure
there are no bits of bolt protruding above the connector surface. Non-buried Joints

Non-buried joints locations may be in tunnels, on bridges, in underground chambers
or similar enclosures.
Non-buried joints for XLPE cables usually have premolded joint bodies with
additional covering for protection against moisture and mechanical damage. The
additional covering could be heat shrink tubes or metal housings with additional
insulating housings/coffins (Fig. 6.12).
Transition joints for XLPE to oil filled cable are often installed as non-buried
joints in underground chambers. They use metal-tubes combined with epoxy insu-
lators as a barrier between the different insulating materials – XLPE and fluid
impregnated paper. In the case of transition joints full quality control must take
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 287

Fig. 6.12 Example of a

bolted connector

into account electrical and mechanical stresses for both sides of the joint and any
interface locations.
Water can seep into a non buried joint, if any earth or bonding wire connections to
the joint are not sealed properly.

6.2.3 Assembly

Cigré TB 476 is a comprehensive document on assembly and quality control of

XLPE accessories and the contents pages are attached as 6.Appendix 3. It gives
guidance on aspects of cable accessory workmanship that need to be carefully
considered in evaluating the execution of the work, including the specific technical
risks and the associated skills needed to mitigate them (Fig. 6.13).
Where a termination is to be filled with compound, the manufacturers filling
instruction should be followed. Filling compounds may be such items as polybutene,
silicon oil or other dielectric fluid or gas.

6.2.4 Quality Control

Joints and terminations are delivered to site as kits, which in turn are made up of
many components It is vital to have quality control on all components. The main
insulation is either the premolded joint body or premolded stress-cone, and the
testing requirements for these are as defined in IEC60840 and IEC62067. The
manufacturer shall demonstrate or guarantee that the components forming the
accessory are the same as those tested to IEC standards.
Each component has a specific function, whether it is secondary insulation, oil,
gas or air tightness, mechanical protection, conductor or sheath connection, etc. It is
288 E. Bergin

Fig. 6.13 Example of

non-buried joints: 145 kV
single core cable joints
installed in a cable jointing

essential that the manufacturer has in place quality control plans that define the tests
to be carried out and their frequency and these should be related to the function of the
component. The inspection or testing may include visual, dimensional, mechanical,
dielectric, pressure, whether as an incoming control from sub-suppliers or as final
control as semi-finished products (insulators for example). Components must be
inspected according to drawings and specifications with given tolerances, and there
must be no deviations outside the given tolerances.
Final checking must be done on delivery to site to ensure the right quantity and
quality of materials has been delivered.
Of course the QC aspects with respect to jointing, as set out in Cigré TB 476, must
also be followed. This applies in particular to the certification/ approval for the
jointers and the site conditions.

6.3 The Role of Testing and Condition Monitoring

in Minimising the Incidence or Severity of Termination
and Non-buried Joint Failures

6.3.1 Testing General
In order to prove that a cable system meets the expectations of the customer the role
of testing at all stages of design, supply and in-service is clearly important for both
the supplier and end-user. In addition, once a cable system is in service, it may be
beneficial to carry out in-service testing to assess the condition of the system and its
components. This section will examine the types of testing and condition monitoring
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 289

that may be carried out, when assessing a cable system. This is not intended to be
exhaustive, but to provide guidance on the areas that should be considered. The level
of testing required for a cable system should be decided on by the customer, based on
risk and performance requirements.
International standards for underground cable systems generally provide design
rules and testing procedures to assess a cable system and to ensure it meets the
requirements for reliable operation during its design life. These generally focus on
prevention of failure, rather than actions that can be taken to mitigate the conse-
quences of a fault. Some National Standards or individual utility specifications have
introduced fault simulation testing and specify requirements for the performance of
the system under these conditions e.g. an internal arc test is carried out by some
utilities to evaluate the consequence of an internal fault – there is a requirement for
this within IEC 62271 requirements for switchgear testing.
It should be noted that a cable system incorporates the cable, terminations, joints,
internal terminations and joint components, filling media, connectors, screen con-
nections, bonding etc., and great care must be exercised in testing to ensure that all of
the components are properly represented and identified in testing regimes. Development Testing

Development testing is carried out by the cable accessory supplier during the design
of a new accessory. The results of these tests may indicate to the manufacturer and,
where required, the customer, any changes and improvements that can be made to a
cable accessory. An example of development tests are the environmental tests
including salt/ fog, rain and pollution tests, carried out on composite insulators,
which are not covered by cable international standards. These tests are carried out by
manufacturers to demonstrate the long term performance of their products and are
carried out to in-house test specifications. IEC61462 ed. 1.0 covers the test pro-
cedures for Composite Insulators for AC Overhead Line with Nominal Voltage
greater than 1000 volts.
Results of development testing are generally not specified by customers, but may
help to inform a decision on the suitability of a cable termination or joint for use for a
particular application or in a particular location, for example the suitability of
terminations for use in areas of high pollution.
Development tests are performed by the manufacturer during the development of
a new accessory and are intended to ensure the accessories long term performance
and to assess safety margins. The tests include:

• Analysis of electrical, mechanical and material compatibility

• Electrical tests up to breakdown and mechanical and thermal tests on prototypes
• Wet and pollution test on outdoor terminations
• Electrical and thermal tests of connectors
• Mechanical tests on premolded components (on the insulators and connectors)
290 E. Bergin

• Fire and disruptive failure performance, including Internal Power Arc test on
terminations in accordance with 6.Appendix 4. Insulators
IEC 61462 “Composite hollow insulators –pressurised and unpressurised insulators
for use in electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than 1000 V” specifies both
design and type test requirements for self supporting composite insulators. The tests
in this IEC standard are designed to provide information on material selection,
manufacturing processes, material thickness and adhesion and end fitting material
selection an attachment.
To complete the project of developing a new accessory, construction drawings
shall be prepared of all components and a full size prototype shall be manufactured
and subjected to tests. If the prototype includes specific components such as pre-
molded parts, composite and epoxy resin insulators, it is necessary to develop the
technology to produce these components.
The tests should show the limit in the performance of the accessory and guarantee
a proper safety margin with respect to test values stated in the relevant IEC standard.
Tests carried out must ensure that the entire family of accessories is able to
withstand the stresses, which they may be subjected to in their operational life
(Fig. 6.14).
The termination may be exposed to a saline solution of a different concentration
depending on the level of pollution it will experience. In this condition it is then
subjected to an AC voltage test. For composite insulators with a polymeric coating,
which are subject to aging of the surface, the pollution test is performed after an
aging of 1000 hours in saline fog or an electrical cycle-environmental of 5000 hours
(see IEC 62 217).

Fig. 6.14 Salt-fog test on insulator

6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 291 Connectors
Development testing may also be done for connectors. Thermal cycles are performed
on connectors and contacts used in the accessories following the standards of IEC
61238–1, currently restricted to medium voltage. During the test, measurements of
temperature and electric resistance as a function of time are taken. Short circuit
current tests are also performed on the connectors, Testing of connectors is the topic
of TB 758 which is reproduced in ▶ Chap. 10 “Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable
Connectors” of this book. Filling Fluids

Before using any type of oil or fluid within a specific housing material, equipment
manufacturers should have verified its full compatibility with materials and assembly
processes, including health and safety. This is especially of interest where new types of
fluids or other fillers are considered. Some manufacturers have developed their own
qualification procedures, specifying test conditions in terms of temperature, duration,
safety and final acceptance criteria. This forms part of the development tests. Prequalification Test

Prequalification testing, as in IEC 62067 & 60840, is only specified for cable
systems above 150 kV or where the conductor screen stress is designed to be greater
than 8 kV/mm or the insulation screen stress is designed to be greater than 4 kV/mm,
Prequalification tests are long term tests that are carried to assess the performance
of a cable system and attempt to replicate in-service duty. The test arrangement
should be representative of installed conditions, e.g. fixed and flexible sections and
contain both joints and terminations to give a true replication of the cable system.
These tests are intended to verify the thermo-mechanical and electrical behaviour of
the cable and accessories. In some local standards it is also a requirement to monitor
and record the pressure of any insulating mediums used in order to assess the
robustness of any sealing arrangements.
After testing, all accessories are to be examined to check for any changes or
deterioration that might affect the performance (Fig. 6.15).

Fig. 6.15 Tests on connectors

292 E. Bergin Type Test

Type tests are carried out on the complete cable system and are required for all
voltages and design stresses. These tests provide a minimum requirement to show
specific cables and accessories are fit for a specific purpose. Type tests, as
specified in IEC 60840 & IEC 62067, focus mainly on the cable system short-
term voltage withstand performance. They include AC, over-voltage and light-
ning transients combined with material aging effects. Following completion of
these tests, the cable system must be shown to be partial discharge free or to have
a level of discharge below a certain requirement. If any partial discharge is
present, even below the level specified, it may be prudent to identify the cause
of this discharge. Once tests are completed it is important to disassemble all
accessories and closely inspect them for any signs of electrical activity or
physical changes, which may not have caused an electrical discharge, but may
cause mechanical or operational problems. The interpretation shall be based on
the previous experience with development, prequalification and other type tests
(Fig. 6.16).

Fig. 6.16 Type Test loop of

400 kV system
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 293 Short Circuit Tests

The WG identified that short-circuit behaviour was not addressed by any IEC
standard relating to HV cable systems. Several utilities have independently taken
the step of specifying an additional type test to check the behaviour of terminations
(especially those containing insulating fluid) when they are subjected to short
circuits. Two cases need to be considered

• A low energy external fault. In this case the fault current passes though the
conductor. The fault is external to the accessory.
• A high energy internal fault. In this case the fault is the result of component failure
or arcing inside the accessory.

Consideration, depending on the design and installation, should be given to

whether it is necessary to do one or both of the above tests to cover the worst case
These tests are detailed in 6.Appendix 4. Sample Tests

Sample test requirements are outlined in IEC 60840 and 62067. These tests are to be
carried out on a specified number of components and complete accessories during a
production run. For accessories, where the main insulation cannot be routine tested,
IEC 60840 states that a partial discharge and an AC voltage test shall be carried out
on a fully assembled accessory. For individual components the characteristics of
each component shall be verified in accordance with the specifications of the
accessories’ manufacturer, either through test reports from the supplier of a given
component or through internal tests. Also the components shall be inspected against
their drawings and there shall be no deviation outside the declared tolerances. Routine Tests

Routine tests are carried out on some accessory components to be supplied. These
tests should form part of a robust quality control regime and provide confidence in
accessories’ quality. As part of these tests, the main insulation of prefabricated
accessory designs is required to undergo AC voltage and partial discharge tests.
Finally each component should be visually inspected for defects.
Insulators filled with oil, gas, or other material should also undergo a pressure test
before delivery. Tests on Filling Materials

Filling materials, like polybutene or synthetic oil, are selected based on the material
parameters and characteristics and they are approved during the development,
prequalification and type tests. –specification IEC 60836 covers silicon oil.
294 E. Bergin

It is recommended that a “finger print” of the filling material be determined after

delivery, as this “finger print” might be useful during condition assessment programs
or failure analysis.
Well established material “finger print” techniques are

• AC electrical strength
• Dielectric dissipation factor
• Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
• Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Commissioning Tests

Commissioning tests are carried out on the assembled cables, joints terminations,
bonding and earthing once the installation is completed. They are the final tests
performed on the cable system prior to energising and provide the final check that the
system has been correctly designed and installed. The requirements for commissioning
tests will vary depending on the type of circuit installed and the consequences of failure.
There are very few tests that can be carried out that will prove the long term life of
cable, joints and terminations. However, it is recommended that an AC insulation
test is carried out with partial discharge monitoring, if possible, of all joints and
terminations. Ideally this is carried out using a resonant test voltage generator. This
allows the cable system to be energised off-line and at low energy and so there is a
minimised risk of a disruptive accessory failure during the test. The tests may give an
early warning of potential failure points, before a later breakdown of the complete
cable system in service leads to bigger problems. The commissioning tests should be
performed according to the relevant IEC standard.
It is possible to carry out an AC test by energising the termination with system
voltage (soak test) and using on-line partial discharge monitoring. This is not ideal,
as noise from the system can mask discharge activity occurring within the accessory.
In addition, if a breakdown does occur this will lead to a disruptive failure of the joint
or termination (as the full system short circuit current is available to flow through the
failed accessory) and may lead to an outage and power disruption. Such a failure
presents both a safety risk on site and introduces a significant delay to commission-
ing of the circuit while the affected components are replaced.
A DC oversheath test should also be carried out to ensure the cable system and its
accessories are insulated from earth.

6.3.2 Condition Monitoring

As indicated in Cigré TB 420 Generic Guidelines for Life Time Condition Assess-
ment of HV Assets and Related Knowledge Rules, it is recommended that a good
database of information is established for each piece of equipment as it ages. Useful
information on the aging process during the full service life includes loading,
maintenance test results, fault history, general ambient and environmental conditions
and details of any site incidents.
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 295

Fig. 6.17 On site Commissioning Test (in this set up three mobile tests sets needed simultaneously,
because of cable length)

Fig. 6.18 Discharge tracks

on cable PE outer serving due
to a defect. The discharge
tracks are a consequence of
fault localisation pulses

To effectively manage the aging of HV cable accessories, a structured method-

ology to analyse and prevent in-service failures is recommended. A suggestion for
such methodology is given in Cigré TB 420, clause 4.2. The final step in this
296 E. Bergin

methodology is to gather the outputs from this process into a management strategy
which can be used for:

• Preventative maintenance,
• Decisions on equipment change-out
• Improvement in the specification, design or manufacture of new equipment.

Regarding preventative maintenance, there are many possible approaches to

monitoring the condition of terminations and non-buried joints. These vary from
visual inspection to on-line monitoring or regular testing while out of service, etc.
The monitoring to be carried out depends on:

• The importance of the circuit

• The history of the circuit and its accessories
• The potential repair time
• The potential cost of the outage
• Potential cost of the damage
• Effect on reputation
• Potential damage from the failure
• Effectiveness of the monitoring system adopted
• Availability of monitoring tools and trained personnel
• Cost of monitoring.

A list of current Condition Monitoring Tools is detailed in 6.Appendix 5. To assist

in the selection of a monitoring tool, each tool is described under a number of
headings including:-

• Experience – the level of working experience of each condition monitoring tool is

categorized as either well established (“W”) or under development (“D”).
• Effectiveness – one diagnostic monitoring tool may be considered (based on
costs, time and results) as more effective than another in finding damages or
degradations that will lead eventually to system failure; categorized here as useful
(“U”) and less useful (“L”).
• Level of expertise required – whether high or low level expertise is required i.e. a
technician/engineer trained in the particular tool being used or is a general
operative sufficient to operate the tool.
• Cost.

6.4 Recommendations

The aim of the WG has been to produce a Cigré TB that could be used by designers,
manufacturers, contractors and utilities to increase the integrity of terminations and
non-buried joints. Many approaches to this subject are possible, depending on the
factors outlined in Sect. 6.3.2 above. Two cases need to be considered:
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 297

Fig. 6.19 Example of

condition monitoring
technique: The X-ray photo of
cable outdoor termination
used to check any internal
displacement of the

• where the accessories are on an existing cable circuit

• where the accessories are to be installed on a new cable circuit.

6.4.1 Existing Circuits

For existing circuits the following considerations apply:-

• The importance of the circuit

• The history of the circuit and its accessories
• The potential repair time
• The potential cost of the outage
• Potential damage from the failure
• Potential cost of the damage
• Effect on reputation
• Effectiveness of the monitoring system adopted
• Availability of monitoring tools and trained personnel
• Cost of monitoring.

6.4.2 New Circuits

If a new circuit is being installed then it seems appropriate to use proven

composite terminations (unfilled, if possible) and proven joints. The designs
should comply with IEC 60840 and 62067 as far as PQ and Type testing, Routine
and Site Test are concerned. There should be a full QC system in the factory for
both cables and accessories. Of course both joints and terminations should be
298 E. Bergin

installed fully in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and in accor-

dance with Cigré TB 476.
When new accessories are being installed a decision will have to be made on what
condition monitoring, if any, is necessary. Refer to recommendations of Sect. 6.3.2.

6.5 Conclusions

The following conclusions resulted from the work carried out by this working group:

• The survey completed by this WG has shown that disruptive discharge has been
experienced in terminations and non-buried joints.
• Utilities are concerned about these discharges.
• In the case of installing new cable systems, utilities should try to adopt designs
that either do not experience disruptive discharge and/or that have been tested to
ensure the impact is kept to a minimum.
• Full quality control procedures should be employed during the manufacture,
delivery, storage and the installation process.
• Jointers should be fully certified, have experience of the accessory to be installed
and their work should be checked/monitored/ inspected.
• All materials and jointing tools used should be appropriate for the work, be in
good condition, have been correctly stored and be within their expiry dates.
• The site conditions should be suitable with respect to space, safety, dust, pollu-
tion, humidity and temperature.
• On-site testing at an elevated voltage level, as prescribed in the IEC standards, is
strongly recommended during commissioning.
• A risk analysis should be done to determine the corrective actions required for
existing accessories, which have experienced disruptive discharge or it is
suspected they may do so in the future. This can vary from leaving the accessory
in service to partial or full replacement. Whether it is decided to go for full or
partial replacement, steps 3 to 8 above should be followed.
• If it is decided to do condition monitoring on existing or new circuits, then the
following items need to be considered
– The importance of the circuit
– The history of the circuit and its accessories
– The potential repair time
– The potential cost of the outage
– Potential cost of the damage
– Effect on reputation
– Potential damage from the failure
– Effectiveness of the monitoring system adopted
– Availability of monitoring tools and trained personnel
– Cost of monitoring
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 299

Appendix 1: Terms of Reference

Study Committee No: B1

Group No: WG B1.29 Name of Convener: Eugene Bergin (Irl)
TITLE of the Working Group: Guidelines for maintaining the integrity of XLPE transmission cable accessories

The work is motivated by the occurrence of disruptive failures of cable end terminations, with consequent risks for personal
and material loss and damage.

Terms of Reference:
The scope shall be limited to land XLPE cable systems at 110 kV and above. Priority shall be given to outdoor and oil-im-
mersed terminations, but also joints (that are not directly buried) shall be considered.
The work shall concentrate on recent incidents, but near misses shall also be included in the analysis.
The WG shall:
Review recent experience with failures of outdoor a
Review the consequences of termination failures for cables within substations and outside.
Examine the role of design, assembly and quality co res
Examine the role of testing (development, type, routine & after-laying) and condition monitoring in minimising the incidence
or severity of termination failures
At the SC B1 meeting in 2010, the WG shall provide recommendations on possible extensions of work into joints (not directly

view at the B1 annual meeting in 2011.

An Executive Summary article for Electra
A full report to be published as a TB
A Tutorial

Created: 2008 Duration: 3 years

Convener e-mail:

WG members from: AU, BE, BR, CA, FR, DE, IN, IT, JP, KR, NL, NO, ES, CH, UK, US

Other stakeholding SC’s: B2, B3, C3

Approval by TC Chairman: Date: 2008

Appendix 2: Bibliography/References

IEC Standards

IEC 60840 Ed 3 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) –Test
methods and requirements
300 E. Bergin

IEC 62067 Ed 2 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 550 kV) – Test
methods and requirements
IEC 62217 Ed. 1: Polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage
greater than 1 000 V – General definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria.
IEC 61462 Ed. 1.0: Composite insulators – Hollow pressurized and unpressurized
insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than 1000 V –
Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria and design recommendations
IEC 62271:High voltage switchgear and control gear – Part 209: Cable connections for
gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV – Fluid-
filled and extruded insulation cables – Fluid-filled and dry-type cable-terminations
IEC 61039: General Classification of insulating liquids
IEC 60815–1 TS Ed. 1.0: Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators for
polluted conditions – Part 1: Definitions, information and general principles
IEC 60836 Ed 2.0 b 2005 Specification for unused silicon insulating liquids for
electrotechnical purposes.
IEC 61109 Ed 2 Insulators for overhead lines – Composite suspension and tension
insulators for AC. systems with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V –
Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria


Title of Electra Paper

Electra No.
243 Update of Service experience of HV underground and submarine cable
235 Statistics on AC underground cables in power networks
210 Current cable practises in Power Utilities (A report on the recent AORC
Panel Regional Workshop in Malaysia)
204 General overview on experience feedback methods
141.1 Service experience of cables with laminated protective covering.
137 Survey of the service performance on HV AC cables.
212 Thermal ratings of HV cable accessories
203 Interfaces between HV extruded cables and accessories
TB Title of TB
502 High Voltage On Site Testing with Partial Discharge Measurement
476 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables
455 Aspects for the Application of Composite Insulators
420 Generic Guidelines for Life Time Condition Assessment of HVAssets and
Related Knowledge Rules
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 301

379 Update of Service experience of HV underground and submarine cable

338 Statistics on AC underground cables in power networks
303 Revision of Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded
Underground Cable
279 Systems
Maintenance of HV Cables and Accessories
211 Preparation of guidelines for collection and handling of reliability data
210 Interfaces between HV extruded cables and accessories
177 Accessories for HV cables with extruded insulation
89 Accessories for HV extruded cable. Types of accessories and terminology

Title of Session Paper

Session Paper No.
21–01 Studies of Impurities and Voids in Cross-linked Polyethylene Insulated
Cables. Pre-fabricated Terminations.
21–02 Plastic insulated cable with voltage dependent core screen.


Jicable 2011 paper A.3.7 “Return of Experience of 380 kV Power Cable Failures”
from Sander MEIJER (TenneT TSO), Johan SMIT, Xiaolin CHEN (Delft Uni-
versity of Technology), Wilfried FISCHER (50 Hertz Transmission GmbH),
Luigi COLLA (Terna S.p.A.)
Jicable 2011 paper A.5.4 “Remedial action and further quality assuring measures
after a failure in a 400 kV GIS cable termination” from Frank JAKOB, Frank
KOWALOWSKI, Claus KUHN, Wilfried FISCHER (50 Hertz Transmission
GmbH), Sigurdur A. HANSEN (Südkabel GmbH)
Jicable 2011 paper A.5.3 “Dry terminations for high voltage cable systems” from
Jicable 2003 paper A.6.2 “Anti-explosion protection for HV porcelain and compos-
ite terminations” from Gahungu, Cardinaels, Streit, Rollier (Nexans)
Jicable 2003 paper A.6.4 “New dry outdoor terminations for HV extruded cables”
GOEHLICH (Technical University of Berlin);.
Jicable 1999 paper A.5.4 “Development of synthetic and composite terminations for
HV and EHV extruded cables” (LE PURIANS from EDF R&D and JUNG from
Jicable 1995 paper A.3.2 “Composite EHV terminations for extruded cables”
302 E. Bergin

Appendix 3: Reminder Chapter 5/TB 476

TB 476 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables Oct 2011
Table of Contents
1 Summary 4
2 Introduction 4
3 Scope 6
3.1 Inclusions 6
3.2 Exclusions 6
4 Related Literature and Terminology 6
5 General risks and skills 8
6 Technical risks and required specific skills 10
6.1 Conductors 10
6.1.1 Conductor preparation 10
6.1.2 Compression 11
6.1.3 MIG/TIG Welding 12
6.1.4 Thermit Weld 12
6.1.5 Mechanical Connection 13
6.2 Insulation Preparation 15
6.2.1 Straightening 15
6.2.2 Stripping of insulation screen 16
6.2.3 Preparing the end of the insulation screen 18
6.2.4 Smoothening the insulation surface 19
6.2.5 Cleaning of insulation 20
6.2.6 Shrinkage 21
6.2.7 Lubrication 21
6.3 Metallic sheath 22
6.3.1 Welded Aluminium Sheath (WAS) 22
6.3.2 Corrugated Sheaths: Aluminium (CAS); Copper (CCS); Stainless Steel 25
6.3.3 Lead Sheath 28
6.3.4 Laminated sheaths: Aluminium Polyethylene Laminate (APL); Copper 30
Polyethylene Laminate (CPL)
6.4 Oversheath 32
6.4.1 Case of graphite coating 32
6.4.2 Case of extruded and bonded semiconducting layer 32
6.4.3 Low Smoke, Zero Halogen, Enhanced Flame Performance Sheaths 32
6.5 Installation of joint electric field control components 33
6.5.1 Slip on prefabricated joint 34
6.5.2 Expansion joints 37
6.5.3 Field Taped Joints 40
6.5.4 Field Molded Joints (Extruded or taped) 41
6.5.5 Heatshrink sleeve joint 41
6.5.6 Prefabricated composite type joint 42
6.5.7 Plug-in joint 43
6.5.8 Pre-molded three piece joint 44
6.6 Installation of termination electric field control components 45
6.6.1 Slip-on prefabricated field control components 45
6.6.2 Plug-in terminations 45
6.6.3 Taped Terminations 47
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 303

6.6.4 Heatshrink sleeve insulated terminations 48

6.6.5 Prefabricated composite dry terminations 48
6.7 Outer Protection of Joints 49
6.7.1 Polymeric outer protection by taping and/or heatshrink tubes 49
6.7.2 Outer Protection Assembly 50
6.7.3 Filling compounds for joint protections (joint boxes) 51
6.8 Filling of Terminations 52
6.9 Handling of Accessories 53
6.9.1 Supporting of accessory 53
6.9.2 Lifting of accessories 54
6.9.3 Special bonding configurations and link box installation 56
6.9.4 Sensor connections 56
6.9.5 Fibre optics 57
7 Skills Assessment 58
7.1 Aspects to be tested 58
7.2 Methods of qualification 58
7.2.1 Theoretical 58
7.2.2 Training on the job and observation 58
7.2.3 Testing – Electrical & Mechanical 59
7.3 Certification 59
7.4 Duration of certification 60
7.5 Upskilling 60
7.6 New Accessory type 60
8 Set Up 61
8.1 Organisation of jointing location 61
8.2 Positioning of Joint 61
8.3 Environmental Conditions 61
8.4 Cable End Inspection 61
8.5 Verification of Each Step 62
8.6 Measuring of Diameters, Ovality, Concentricity, Position 62
8.7 Safety and Health 62
8.8 Environmental Aspects 62
8.9 Quality Insurance 62
9 Bibliography 63
304 E. Bergin
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 305

Appendix 4: Short Circuit Tests

The possibility of two types of fault has to be considered – a fault external to the
accessory and a fault inside the accessory. Both faults will have very different
impacts on the accessory. The external fault may cause rapid heating of the conduc-
tor and result in a build up of pressure, if there is fluid or gas present in the accessory.
The internal fault results in fault current flowing through the insulation of the
accessory with high energy being dissipated in the insulation and filling medium
and this may cause large thermo-mechanical and pressure changes inside the

Low Energy External Fault (Through-fault i.e. Breakdown Outside

the Accessory)

In the case of a system fault in another part of the electrical system external to the
accessory, the fault current passes through the conductor of the termination or joint.
Testing for such a case is carried out on terminations, joints (buried and
non-buried) installed as in service. The test installation shall be in accordance the
requirements of the specification and rules of each System Operator. This test should
be performed on terminations and joints connected by the specified cables, which
have either already gone through a type test or have gone through at least ten thermal
The aim is to study the effects of a simulated external fault on the accessories,
including a check that pressure relief devices in terminations do not break during an
external short-circuit.

Simulation of the Fault

The accessory shall be installed in a suitable circuit to permit the fault current to flow
through the accessory.

Position of the Fault

The fault shall be external to the accessory being tested

External Fault Withstand Test

The test is performed with AC. In order to prevent fade-out of the electrical arcing,
the test will be performed with a symmetrical start-up on a voltage crest. The current
is injected from the cable to the accessory. The test voltage shall be at least 20 kV.
Examples are given in the Table 1 and each country will have its own set of values
depending on system configurations and fault conditions (Table 6.6).
Due to safety regulations, testing terminations that contain SF6 gas is no longer
allowed, as some gas by-products that may be generated by internal arcing are
harmful. Replacing SF6 with air (or nitrogen) has to be carefully considered, since
there are a lot of differences between arcs in SF6 and air. WG A3.20 is currently
carrying out studies on this question.
306 E. Bergin

Table 6.6 Short Circuit Levels at Different Operating Voltages

Voltage Short-Circuit Parameters
kV U(Um) Three-phase Short-circuit Intensity and Single-Phase Short-circuit
duration Intensity, duration,
63 (72,5) a) 20 kA – 1 s 8 kA – 1,7 s – 0,2 s
b) 31,5 kA – 0,5 s
90 (100) a) 20 kA – 1 s 10,3 kA – 1,7 s – 0,2 s
b) 31,5 kA – 0,5 s
225 (245) 31,5 kA – 0,5 s 31,5 kA – 0,5 s – 0,16 s
400 (420) a) 63 kA – 0,5 s a) 63 kA – 0,5 s – 0,07 s
b) 40 kA – 0,5 s b) 40 kA – 0,5 s – 0,06 s
NOTE – Cases a) and b) depend on the grid characteristics and short-circuit power of the grid.
Voltage Short-Circuit Parameters
kV U(Um) Three-phase Short-circuit Intensity and Single-Phase Short-circuit
duration Intensity, duration,
110 (123) a) 31.5 kA – 1.0 s a) 31.5 kA – 1.0 s
b) 40.0 kA – 1.0 s b) 40.0 kA – 1.0 s
220 (245) 40 kA – 1.0 s 40 kA – 1.0 s
400 (420) 50kA – 1.0 s 50kA – 1.0 s
NOTE – a) outside Dublin b) in Dublin
Voltage Short circuit parameters
kV Three-phase Short –circuit Intensity and Single-phase Short-Circuit
U (Um) duration Intensity, duration
50 (72.5) 9 kA – 0.5 sec 9 kA – 0.5 sec
15 kA – 1.0 sec 12.5 kA – 1.0 sec
25 kA – 1.0 sec 15 kA – 1.0 sec
110 (123) 30 kA – 0.5 sec 25 kA – 0.5 sec
40 kA – 1.0 sec 25 kA – 1.0 sec
150 (170) 30 kA – 0.5 sec 15 kA – 0.5 sec
40 kA – 1.0 sec 30 kA – 1.0 sec
50 kA – 1.0 sec 40 kA – 1. 0 sec
220 (245) 40 kA – 1.0 sec 27 kA – 1.0 sec
380 (420) 50 kA – 0.5 sec 50 kA – 0.5 sec
50 kA – 1.0 sec 50 kA – 1.0 sec
63 kA – 0.5 sec 63 kA – 1.0 sec
63 kA – 1.0 sec
The short-circuit levels are depending on the protection settings, imposed by the grid owner, and the
position of the cable system in the grid: close to a power plant or more remote

On completion of the test, the pressure relief shall be observed to have operated
correctly. The whole test shall be recorded and filmed with a high-speed camera
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 307

(at least 1000 images per second) in order to witness and analyse the behaviour and
reaction of the termination and fixing installation devices.

High Energy Internal Fault (Internal Fault i.e. Breakdown Inside

the Accessory)

The test is carried out on a termination or joint installed as in service. The

installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of the specification and
rules of each System Operator. The aim is to study the external effects generated
by the accessory during the simulation of an internal arc fault. This test is intended
to check that the accessory does not disruptively eject components that might
cause external damage.

Simulation of the Fault

An internal fault is initiated by drilling a hole in the main insulation of the cable
within the termination or joint. A 1.5 mm2 copper wire shall connect the conductor to
the metallic screen/sheath or to a metallic piece itself connected to the screen/sheath.

Position of the Fault

In the case of a termination or joint having a stress cone, the fault is initiated by
drilling a hole at the top of the stress cone to the conductor in order to connect the
1.5mm2 copper wire.

Internal Fault Withstand Test

The test is performed with AC. In order to prevent from the fade-out of the electrical
arcing, the test will be performed with a symmetrical start-up on a voltage crest. The
rms. value and duration of the phase-to-earth short-circuit are given in the table
above. The current is injected from the cable to the termination or joint. The test
voltage shall at least 20 kV. Due to safety regulations, testing accessories which
contain SF6 is not allowed any more, as some by-products that may be generated in
case of arcing are considered harmful. Replacing SF6 by air (or nitrogen) has to be
considered carefully, since there are a lot of differences between arcs in SF6 and air.

On completion of the test, no solid debris shall be observed at a distance of more than
3 metres from the termination or joint. The whole test shall be recorded and filmed
with a high-speed camera (at least 1000 images per second) in order to witness and
analyse the behaviour and reaction of the termination or joint and fixing installation
308 E. Bergin

Appendix 5: Condition Monitoring Techniques for Terminations

and Non-buried Joints

Condition monitoring techniques for terminations and associated auxiliary compo-

nents are summarized in the tables in this Appendix under the following
Condition Details the specific diagnostic tool for monitoring the
monitoring tool termination/auxiliary components
Component Identifies the component to which the monitoring tool can be
used on
Event/Cause Application of the ‘condition monitoring tool’ reduce the
detected probability of the here mentioned event that cause the cable
system failure, damage or degradation
On/off-line Condition monitoring techniques are categorized as capable
of being done either on-line (cable system in service) or
off-line (cable system must be switched out)
Experience The level of working experience of each condition
monitoring tool is categorized as either well established (‘W’)
or under development (‘D’).
Effectiveness One diagnostic monitoring tool is considered as more
effective in finding damages or degradations that will lead
eventually to system failure than other tools, considering
costs and time versus result, categorized here as useful (‘U’)
and less useful (‘L’).
Frequency Suggested interval of application of the monitoring tool
versus the cable life time cycle.
Please note that most monitoring tools will be selected based
on the service experience of the termination type and hence
the frequency.
Primary/secondary Primary tests are considered as the minimal test one shall
test perform on a cable system after it has been put into service.
Secondary tests will be selected to monitor or discriminate
terminations with (suspected) specific defects, based on
(service) experience.
Cost Indication of cost per test. Range: minor costs < +, ++, ++
+ > considerable costs. These costs are for the test only cost
and do not include cost of preparatory work, outages and
other associated expenses.
Expertise Indication of required skills to perform the test. Range: less
skilled personal < +, ++, +++ > skilled personal
Reference Reference source of the monitoring technique

Short Circuit Levels at Different Operating Voltages

Condition On/ Primary/

Monitoring Event or Cause Off- Secondary
No. Tool Component Detected Line Experience Effectiveness Frequency Test Cost Expertise Reference.
1 Serving test Terminations, Pollution on Off- W U Annual P + + CIGRÉ TB
(DC test) non buried support line 279, Table 6.4,
joints, cable insulators or item 2
2 Dielectric loss Terminations, Ingress of Off- D L Depending S +++ +++ CIGRÉ TB
angle testa non buried water in line on service 279, Table 6.4,
joints insulation area experience item 3
3 PD testing Terminations, Detecting Off- W U Depending P ++ +++ CIGRÉ TB
(various non buried assembly line/ on service (on-line) 279, Table 6.4,
methods, such joints errors, low On- D experience +++ item 5
as: acoustic, contact line (off-line)
UHF, Radio pressure at
interference, interface,
voltage test) shrink back of
Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories

of internal
insulation fluid
and/or gas due
to aging or

Short Circuit Levels at Different Operating Voltages (continued)

Condition On/ Primary/

Monitoring Event or Cause Off- Secondary
No. Tool Component Detected Line Experience Effectiveness Frequency Test Cost Expertise Reference.
4 Chemical and Terminations, Contamination Off- W U Annual P + +++ CIGRÉ TB
Physical fluid filled of internal line (N.B. does 279, Table 6.4,
analysis of non buried insulating not include item 6
insulating joints fluid. the costs of
fluid, such as: taking the
DGA, Tan sample)
delta, Water
Particles etc.
5 X-ray Terminations, Movement of Off- W L Depending S ++ ++ CIGRÉ TB
non buried cable due to line on service 279, Table 6.4,
joints thermal cycling experience item 7
or poor
6 Visual Terminations, Surface On- W U Annual P + ++ CIGRÉ TB
inspection non buried pollution, line 279, Table 6.4,
with visible or joints mechanical item 8
UV light damage,
E. Bergin

movement of
cable, cable
tracking marks
on outdoor
animal attack,
7 Visual Terminations, As with Item On- w U 5 yearly s + ++ CIGRÉ TB
inspection non buried 6 above plus line 279, Table 6.4,
with IR on joints detecting item 8
current possible
carrying hotspots on
components top-connector
and earthing
8 Leakage Terminations Insulator On- w L Depending s +++ ++ CIGRÉ TB
Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories

current surface line on service 279, Table ▶ 5.4,

measurement pollution, experience item 25
tracking or


Short Circuit Levels at Different Operating Voltages (continued)

Condition On/ Primary/

Monitoring Event or Cause Off- Secondary
No. Tool Component Detected Line Experience Effectiveness Frequency Test Cost Expertise Reference.
9 Test at Terminations, Main Off- w U Depending p +++ +++ IEEÉ St
elevated non buried insulation / line on service 48, clause 8.6
voltage: AC, joints stress cone/ experience (DC), IEC 60840,
VLF, DC with interface IEC62067
or without defects
DLA (Item 2)
and/or PD
(Item 3).
10 Surface Terminations Extrinsic Off- W L Depending S + ++ CIGRÉ TB
wetting surface line on location 279, Table ▶ 5.4,
characteristics pollution on item 26
(STRI outdoor
method)b polymeric
11 Continuous Auxiliary Indication of On- W U Continuous S + + CIGRÉ TB
measurement falling fluid / line 279, Table ▶ 5.4,
of fluid or gas gas pressure item 23
and/or low
E. Bergin

12 Regular gauge Auxiliary Leakage of On- W L Annual s + + CIGRÉ TB

maintenance internal line 279, Table ▶ 5.4,
and insulating item 23
calibration. fluid/gas from
13 SF6 sniffers or Auxiliary Leakage of On- W L Annual s ++ + CIGRÉ TB
cameras internal line 279, Table ▶ 5.4,
insulating item 23
fluid/gas from
14 Testing of Auxiliary Testing alarm Off- W L Annual p + ++ CIGRÉ TB
fluid/gas settings and line 279, Table ▶ 5.4,
monitoring signals for item 31
equipment fluid/gas
15 Visual Earthing and Water ingress Off- W L Annual p + + CIGRÉ TB
inspection cross bonding in link box, line 279, Table ▶ 5.4,
boxes. Condition of item 32
any insulating
Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories

16 Voltage test on Earthing and Failure of SVL Off- W L Depending S + + CIGRÉ TB
SVL cross bonding to operate at line on service 279, Table 6.4,
boxes. rated voltage experience item 10

Short Circuit Levels at Different Operating Voltages (continued)

Condition On/ Primary/

Monitoring Event or Cause Off- Secondary
No. Tool Component Detected Line Experience Effectiveness Frequency Test Cost Expertise Reference.
done on
outage as
17 Continuous Earthing and Failure of SVL On- D L Continuous S +++ +++ 
SVL cross bonding to operate at line
monitoring boxes. rated voltage
18 Measurement Auxiliary Integrity of Off- W L As per 16 P + + 
of earthing earthing circuit line
19 Optical fibre Cable and Excessive Off W U Continuous s ++ +++ TB 247
joint temperature or
rise on
Distinction between cable and termination might be a problem
STRI hydrophobicity classification guide provides a coarse value of the wetting status, reference is made here to IEC TS 62073
E. Bergin
6 Guidelines for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories 315

Eugene Bergin received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from

the University College Dublin. He had over 30 years experience in
the area of HV cables and has worked in many countries – China,
Japan, Korea, Bahrain, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, France,
Germany, Sweden, etc. He has been a Member of Cigré for over
35 years and served as a Member, Secretary, and Convener of
many Working Groups. He received the Cigré Technical Commit-
tee Award in 2000 and the Cigré Distinguished Member Award in
2004. In his most recent commitments, he was Convener of both
the Customer Advisory Group and the Trenchless Technology
Working Group B1.48. Eugene was in the final stage of publica-
tion of the report of this Working Group on Trenchless Technol-
ogies (TB 770) when he passed away peacefully in October 2018.
He is missed by all his colleagues as a great professional and a
warm-hearted friend.
Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in
Interface for GIS and Power Cables above 7
52 kV

Pierre Mirebeau

7.1 Introduction and Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
7.1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
7.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
7.2.1 General Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
7.2.2 Definitions and Terms (According to IEC 62271-209) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
7.2.3 Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
7.3 Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
7.3.1 GIS Cable Terminations Installation Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
7.3.2 Experience of Dry Type Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
7.4 Design of Dry Type GIS Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
7.4.1 Differences in Design of Barrier Insulator, Inner Cone Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
7.4.2 Differences in Design of Barrier Insulator, Outer Cone Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
7.4.3 Requirements for Standardization of a Common Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
7.5 Where the Plug-in Concept Could Be Applicable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
7.5.1 Geometrical Installation Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
7.5.2 Safety Practices and Constraints during Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
7.5.3 Testing Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
7.5.4 Conclusion Regarding Testing Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
7.6 Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
7.6.1 State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
7.6.2 Where the Plug-in Common Interface Could be Applicable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
7.6.3 Qualification of new Insulator or Stress Cone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
7.7 Feasibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
7.7.1 Definition Feasibility (Cost Involved) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
7.7.2 Qualification Feasibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
7.8 Market Acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
7.8.1 Current Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364

Pierre Mirebeau has retired.

P. Mirebeau (*)
Villebon sur Yvette, France

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 317

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
318 P. Mirebeau

7.8.2 Future Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364

7.8.3 Where the Plug-in Common Interface Could be Recommended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
7.9 Conclusion and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

Since 1986 the connection between GIS substations and cables has been managed
by a dimensional standard establishing electrical and mechanical interchange-
ability between cable terminations and gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear.
Within this framework termination suppliers design their own components:
insulator, stress cone (for the two available options inner cone and outer cone) and
the connection inside the termination.
The responsibility limit between the switchgear manufacturer and the cable
termination manufacturer is at the interface SF6/insulator.
Considering the large number of substations and planning difficulties due to
the fact that the cable system is not usually defined at the time of switchgear
manufacture, a joint working group has been set up by Cigré within committees
B1 and B3. The group has to investigate the possibility of a standardised common
interface insulator for the dry type and plug-in cable termination, which could be
supplied independently from the remaining termination components.
Starting from review of GIS cable termination designs and actual installation
practices for all voltage levels, the joint working group has studied:

• Operational experience in common interface design, for medium voltage and

for a specific utility
• Constraints in terms of civil works, space, weight of cables and terminations
• Compliance with standards
• Implications of the common interface insulator for the market
• Qualification requirements
• Applicable range (voltage and size)
• Estimated cost for testing and qualitative advantages of the common interface
(financial benefit versus development and qualification costs was not
• New limits of responsibility (insulator/stress cone and insulator/SF6)
• Market trend.

Taking into account all the above, as per the TOR of the group, WG B1-B3.33
advises Study Committees B1 and B3 to set up a new working group with the
following Terms of Reference.
The Working group should recommend a functional design of an insulator
with a common interface with the following scope of work:

• Voltage is  145 kV AC
• Current is  1000A, short circuit  40 kA 1 sec
• Cross sections are  1000 mm2 Cu or 1600 mm2 Al
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 319

• Technology has to be defined (inner or outer cone), with a detailed evaluation

of technical advantages/disadvantages of the two technologies.
• The number of sizes has to be defined; the short circuit current can be altered
for the smallest sizes.
• Dimensions of insulator components have to be defined (current connection,
electrical design and properties, mechanical design and properties).
• The type and dimension of the main current connection has to be defined
• Consider the consequence of a termination failure.
• Consider upgrading of the cable link for higher current loads.
• Consider installation constraints, with a special focus on the basement
• The design has to meet the requirements of IEC 62271-209 and IEC 60840
• The initial and cross qualification processes.

The stress cone design and material, the lubricant and the design of the compression
device should be left to the discretion of the accessory manufacturer within the limits
of the standardised cable terminations properties.
Cigré TB 303 and the work of WG B1.44 and WG B1.46 should be taken into

7.1 Introduction and Scope

The interface between High Voltage cable and switchgear is defined by IEC
In particular IEC 62271-209 defines two types of dry-type cable connections for
gas insulated switchgear above 52 kV. The limit of supply of the cable termination
manufacturer is the insulator. Type A connection incorporates elastomeric electrical
stress control component inside the insulating barrier. For type B, the elastomeric
electrical stress control component is located externally. IEC 62271-209 covers
specifically the connection assembly with a separating insulating barrier between
the cable insulation and the gas of the switchgear, which is the case of dry termina-
tions. It does not address specifically the plug in issues.
Regarding Medium Voltage, EN 50181 Standard was published in 1997
describing “Plug-in type bushings above 1 kV up to 36 kV for equipment other
than liquid filled transformers” This document gave full details of bushings
which were fitted to power equipment (such as switchgear) to make a cable
connection to the equipment. The insulator could be customized to suit the design
of the equipment on that side, but was required to have standardized dimensions
on the cable side, such that a “separable connector” (plug in cable/stress cone
assembly as per the definitions of chapter 2.1) could be plugged in on the cable
side. The separable connector could then be supplied by one of several possible
The current version of EN 50181 was published in 2010. In this version the upper
limit of the applicable voltage range was raised to 52 kV.
320 P. Mirebeau

With the above background interest has been raised to extend the principle of a
common insulator interface to higher voltages with the potential benefits that cable
connections from different manufacturers would be interchangeable in a single insulator.
Investigation of this proposal was undertaken within Cigré, by forming a joint
working group (JWG) between Study Committees B1 (cables) and B3 (switchgear).
The working group JWG B1-B3.33 was formed and has produced the current

7.1.1 Scope

The scope of the work of JWG B1-B3.33 is to consider the feasibility of a common
dry-type interface for GIS connections for AC extruded cable systems for voltages
above 52 kV, considering the following aspects:

• Examine the conditions around the switchgear and installation issues, including
the supporting system (also called site issues)
• Consider the impact of large cross sections
• Consider safety prectices during works
• Consider the testing procedures for GIS/Terminations and cables at the factory
and on site (overlapping or missing items).
• Propose measures to reduce the potential consequences of the GIS insulation
• Propose measures to reduce the potential consequences of the cable termination
insulation failure1
• Review the existing standards addressing the qualifications and extension of
qualification procedures applicable to GIS terminations.
• Define the relevant qualification procedures needed if any.
• Identify the limit of suppliers’ responsibility.
• Estimate the overall technical and practical feasibility of the common design
definition and qualification, insulator manufacturers' qualification and the cable
manufacturers' qualification and the cost involved.
• Once the feasibility window has been determined, survey the market (manufac-
turers and end users)
• Recommend or not to go to a second step with the launching of a new WG B1-B3.
XX to go in detail into the design of the standard components (shape, dimensions,
properties, . . .).

A WG “B1.29 Guidelines for maintaining the integrity of XLPE cable accessories” was decided in
2009. The group considered that this question is in B1-29 scope and is not to be addressed here.
Report from B1.29 is TB 560 published in December 2013 and published as ▶ Chap. 6, “Guidelines
for Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories” of this Book.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 321

7.2 Definitions

7.2.1 General Layout

The general layout of the dry type GIS cable terminations as described in IEC 62271-
209 is shown Figs. 7.1 and 7.2.

7.2.2 Definitions and Terms (According to IEC 62271-209)

The definitions and terms of the different components of the dry type GIS cable
terminations as described in IEC 62271-209 are shown Figs. 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. Cable-Termination (IEC 62271-209)

Equipment fitted to the end of a cable to ensure electrical connection with other parts
of the system and to maintain the insulation up to the point of connection. Two types
are described in this standard. Fluid-Filled Cable-Termination (IEC 62271-209)

Cable-termination which comprises a separating insulating barrier between the cable
insulation and the gas insulation of switchgear. The cable-termination includes an
insulating fluid as part of the cable connection assembly.

Fig. 7.1 General layout of dry GIS termination (in ref to IEC 62271-209)
322 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.2 Dry-type cable connection assembly – Typical arrangement (IEC 62271-209)

GIS main circuit end terminal

Connection interface
Plug-in connector of insulator

Insulator assembly
Cable connection enclosure

Flange (if needed)

Plug-in connector of cable

Cable/stress cone
assembly Stress cone

Cable gland


Fig. 7.3 Identification of the different parts of GIS termination, inner cone type design
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 323

Connection interface

Cable connection enclosure

Insulator assembly


Plug-in connector of insulator

Stress cone

Plug-in connector of cable

Cable/stress cone

Cable gland


Fig. 7.4 Identification of the different parts of GIS termination, outer cone type design Dry-Type Cable-Termination (IEC 62271-209)

Cable-termination which comprises an elastomeric electrical stress control compo-
nent in intimate contact with a separating insulating barrier (insulator) between the
cable insulation and the gas insulation of the switchgear. The cable-termination does
not require any insulating fluid. Plug-in Cable Termination

Cable termination where cable/stress cone assembly can be engaged into the insu-
lator assembly that is already installed into sealed GIS enclosure. Locked Plug-in Type Cable Termination

Plug-in cable termination where conductor of the cable is interlocked with the
insulator assembly and cannot be removed without disassembling insulator assembly
from the GIS enclosure.
324 P. Mirebeau Plug-in, Plug-out Type Cable Termination

Plug-in cable termination where the plug-in assembly may be removed from the
barrier insulator assembly without disassembling the insulator assembly from the
GIS enclosure. Locking Plug-in, Plug-out Type Cable Termination

Plug-in cable termination where conductor of the cable is interlocked with the
insulator assembly and can be removed without disassembling the insulator assem-
bly from the GIS enclosure. Insulator Assembly

Assembly of insulator, plug-in connector of insulator and flange if needed. Insulator
Separates insulating fluid (SF6) of GIS enclosure from the cable/stress cone
assembly. Plug-in Connector of Insulator

Provides connection to GIS main circuit end terminal and to plug-in connector of
cable. Plug-in Connector of Cable

Provides connection between cable conductor and plug-in connector of insulator. Main-Circuit End Terminal (IEC 62271-209 and Compliant

with IEEE 1300)
Part of the main circuit of a gas-insulated metal enclosed switchgear forming part of
the connection interface. Cable Connection Enclosure (IEC 62271-209 and Compliant

with IEEE 1300)
Part of the gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear which houses the cable-
termination and the main-circuit end terminal. Cable Connection Assembly (IEC 62271-209 and Compliant

with IEEE 1300)
Combination of a cable-termination, a cable connection enclosure and a main-circuit
end terminal, which mechanically and electrically connects the cable to the
gas-insulated metal enclosed switchgear. Cable System (IEC 62271-209)

Cable with installed accessories.
Cable System (IEC 62271-209)
Cable with installed accessories.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 325

7.2.3 Units Pressure
All pressure values in this document are given in bar as relative pressure. Rated Voltages (IEC 60840 and 62271)

The symbols U0, U and Um are used to designate the rated voltages of cables and
accessories where these symbols have the meanings given in IEC 60183:

U0 ¼ the rated r.m.s. power-frequency voltage between each conductor and screen or
sheath for which cables and accessories are designed
U ¼ the rated r.m.s. power-frequency voltage between any two conductors for which
cables and accessories are designed
Um ¼ the maximum r.m.s. power-frequency voltage between any two conductors for
which cables and accessories are designed. It is the highest voltage that can be
sustained under normal operating conditions at any time and at any point in a
system. It excludes temporary voltage variations due to fault conditions and the
sudden disconnection of large loads.

Unless specified differently all voltages mentioned in this brochure are considering
Um values.

7.3 Experience

7.3.1 GIS Cable Terminations Installation Examples

The following pictures show some examples of installation. They include all kinds
of GIS terminations. Um 362 ~ 550 kV Vertical Installations

Vertical installation with cables entering from below is the most widely used. The
presence of a basement is of importance (Figs. 7.5 and 7.6).
• In case of no basement, the support structure must be high enough to comply with
the bending radius.
• When there is a proper sized basement, there is more freedom regarding the cable
termination implementation. Horizontal Installations

Horizontal installation is selected when there is no basement and limited height.
Horizontal snaking is performed to lower the conductor thrust on the insulator
(Figs. 7.7 and 7.8).
326 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.5 GIS vertical arrangement examples Inclined Installations

Inclined installation can be chosen as a trade-off between height and bending radius,
when there is no basement (Fig. 7.9).
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 327

Fig. 7.6 Installation works,

placing GIS enclosure over
the 1600 mm2 Cu 345 kV
cable termination

Fig. 7.7 GIS horizontal arrangement examples

328 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.8 GIS horizontal

arrangement study example
(before clamping

implementation design)

EL. 1523.50



installation under 30° angle, 400kV XLPE cable, 250


EL. 1522.10

Fig. 7.9 GIS inclined arrangement examples Um 245 ~ 300 kV

Vertical installation with cables entering from below is the most widely used. The
presence of a basement is of importance. Vertical Installation

Vertical installation is the most widespread; generally cables are installed from
below (Fig. 7.10).
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 329

Fig. 7.10 Libya 245 kV

vertical outdoor installation
800 mm2, no basement (not

Sometimes cables are installed from above (Fig. 7.11). Um 123 ~ 170 kV Vertical Installation

Almost all 123–170 kV installations are in vertical arrangement (Figs. 7.12 and 7.13).
Note the restricted space to fit the termination, and once installed, no room to
position the Surge Voltage Limiters. Horizontal Installation

Figures 7.14 and 7.15. Um 72.5 ~ 100 kV Vertical Installation

Note on the left picture the restricted room for installation works that is performed
through the basement concrete floor (Fig. 7.16).
330 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.11 245 kV vertical indoor installation, 1400 mm2 (not plug-in)

Fig. 7.12 145 kV vertical outdoor installation 800 mm2

7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 331

Fig. 7.13 Plug in type 123 ~ 170 kV vertical indoor installations

Fig. 7.14 145 kV horizontal installation 500 mm2 plug-in (compact GIS)

7.3.2 Experience of Dry Type Insulator History of Dry Plug-in Termination

Dry type insulators were introduced first in Germany at 170 kV level according to
Fig. 7.17.
332 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.15 Installation works Plug-in of cable into dry type GIS termination (outer cone model)

Fig. 7.16 72.5 kV vertical installations German Experience of Plug-in Plug-out Interchangeable GIS

A large German utility has experienced a common interface with two epoxy sup-
pliers and two cable makers for 110 kV cables.
Projects were based on standard cables:

• 630 mm2 and 800 mm2 in one city (dimensions fixed as per KG4023
• 640 mm2 to 1000 mm2 in another city.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 333

Cross section/mm2

2010 2008

2000 2004
2000 2002


145 170 300 550

Fig. 7.17 Year of introduction of dry type GIS termination as a function of voltage and cable cross
section in Germany

The electric stress was (and still remains) conservative: 17 mm insulation wall
thickness gives stresses lower than currently used similar cables.

Development History
The goal was to ease the planning of the interface components between the GIS and
cable suppliers though the specification of a standard connection.

First Step 1997, Planning Design

Cable manufacturer (A) was giving the insulator to the GIS manufacturer.
Then the cable/stress cone assembly was plugged in on site
As there were only standard cable types (including standard dimensions) the
utility went further to the full standardized termination (insulator and stress cone).

Second Step 1998, Product Qualification

One single cable manufacturer (A) had a termination ready.

Third Step 1999, Market Opening

The utility qualified a second cable termination manufacturer (B) for the same
insulator dimensions.
Then a long term test was performed with:

• 4 GIS manufacturers
• 2 cable termination manufacturers (A and B)
334 P. Mirebeau

• 2 insulator manufacturers (A and C)

• There were cross qualifications among suppliers (but not all combinations).

Currently, to qualify a new supplier the utility gives a list of components to be

used including insulators, and the cable supplier has to perform a type test.
There are 90 terminations in in the area of the utility.
On the network, termination plug-out occurred only a few times (for fault location
There has not been any termination breakdown up to now, and the utility did not
face a responsibility issue in case of breakdown.
The cable and termination dimensions and design have not changed up to now
(no electric stress increase). USA Experience

In USA a large utility from the east coast has a very positive experience with plug-
in type 115 kV vertically installed terminations. These XLPE to GIS, 3500 kcmil,
36 single phase termination units installed in 2008 have provided the company
with a trouble and maintenance free service. The terminations are part of two
115 kV interconnection circuits that separately connect a 115 kV air insulated
substation and a generating facility to a major 345 kV GIS substation. Two trans-
formers have been installed in between these UG lines to step up the voltages from
115 kV to 345 kV.
All of these terminations have been installed outdoors, with provision of suitable
additional ground clearances on their bases. This extra space at the bottom provided
the utility with flexibility of fitting the cable terminations inside their GIS cable
enclosure. The installation was much easier and quicker in comparison with fixed
type conventional GIS terminations.
The insulator and cable/stress cone assembly came from a single manufacturer.
The termination is of locked plug-in type.
The USA has no experience of common interface design or use.

7.4 Design of Dry Type GIS Terminations

Cable and GIS manufacturers had met together in the early 80’s to write a technical
specification which establishes electrical and mechanical interchangeability between
cable-terminations and the gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear and determines
the limits of supply. This resulted in 1986 in the first edition of the Technical
Specification IEC 859. Now updated and transformed in international standard
IEC 62271-209.
In the frame of this technical specification, each manufacturer developed, with its
own technology and solution, products that comply with the interchangeability
requirements, for the specified inner and outer cone types.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 335

7.4.1 Differences in Design of Barrier Insulator, Inner Cone Type

All barrier insulators comply with the dimensions and requirements of IEC 62271-
209, however there are differences in the connection part, the plug in connector, the
high voltage screen, the insulator material, geometry, finish and the shield break
design which are represented in Fig. 7.18.

7.4.2 Differences in Design of Barrier Insulator, Outer Cone Type

Similar to the inner cone design, all barriers insulators comply with the dimensions
and requirements of IEC 62271-209, however there are differences in the connection
part, the plug in connector, the high voltage screen, the insulator material, geometry,
finish and the shield break design which are represented in Fig. 7.19.

Fig. 7.18 Design of barrier insulator – inner cone type

336 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.19 Design of barrier insulator – outer cone type

7.4.3 Requirements for Standardization of a Common Interface

This paragraph deals with the requirements that are to be set in addition to current
standards; they are not intended to replace them.
A common interface implies a common inner surface of the insulator.
If a full interchangeability has to be provided, the connector shielding has to be
common as well because the radius at the bottom of the electrode and the distance to
the interface affects the field distribution at the rubber body interface. As a conse-
quence the minimum epoxy thickness is defined.
To comply with IEC 62271-209, each voltage class requires a specific insulator
(voltage classes are 72.5 to 100 kV, 123 to 170 kV, 245 to 300 kV, and 362 to
550 kV).
For a given voltage class, depending on the cable termination design several
insulator sizes might be needed to cover all cross sections.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 337 Insulator
For the standardisation of each insulator, the following requirements should be
defined. Dimensions and Tolerances

• Compliance with 62271-209 Fig. 5
• Inner cone or outer cone model
• Plug-in connector of insulator
• Lock -in system (if any)
• High Voltage screen (connector shielding)
• Insulator and shape of cone, smoothness
• Insulation shield break ring (if integrated in the insulator).
• Ground screen electrode (if any)
• Fixing of cable/stress cone assembly. Dielectric Parameters

• Dielectric properties of insulator (permittivity, tan δ)
• Dielectric performance requirement (electrical withstand level, PD level)
• Insulation shield break ring (if integrated in the insulator).

The voltage requirements of the insulation shield break are the same as the ones of
the sheath sectionalising insulation of joints in IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 appendix
G. Paragraph G4.3. G.4.3.1 gives the DC voltage level and G.4.3.2 gives the
lightning impulse voltage level in table G.1 column “each part to earth/bonding
leads 3 m”.
• Other standards and specifications may specify higher requirements.
• Resistance to SF6 by-products, if applicable. Mechanical Parameters

• Fixing for the pressure device (springs) and cable gland attachment (geometry
and strength) ! tensile tests to agree on
• Resistance to internal pressure.
• Resistance to internal fault (refer to brochure WG B1-29)
• Design maximum SF6 outside pressure
• The design maximum SF6 outside pressure is defined by IEC 62271-209 para-
graph 6.1: 8.5 bar abs. and the type test level is according to paragraph 6.104 of
IEC 62271-203 (pressure test on partitions)
• Resistance to cantilever force according to paragraph 6.2 of IEC 62271-209
• Mechanical properties of epoxy : hardness, elongation, tensile strength, modulus,
maximum permissible temperature, type of test and test level to be agreed
• Smoothness of the epoxy/stress cone interface (test to be defined)
• Test at limit temperatures according to paragraph 6.106.2 of IEC 62271-203
(insulator thermal performance)
• Quality of connection interface according to paragraph 5.4 of IEC 62271-209,
• Quality of connector interface, to be defined.
• Tightness test according to paragraph 6.106.3 of IEC 62271-203.
338 P. Mirebeau Routine Test

• Voltage test and PD measurement test according to paragraph 7.1.101 & 7.1.102 of
IEC 62271-203 the pressure being the minimum functional pressure for insulation
as per IEC 62271_209 Fig. 1, with the deviation range of paragraph 8.2.1.
• Tightness test according to paragraph 7.4 of IEC 62271-203
• Design and visual checks according to Fig. 5 of IEC 62271-209
• Pressure test according to paragraph 7.104 of IEC 62271-203. Type Test and Prequalification Test

• Type Test of insulator according to GIS standard (see above) and type test of the
entire termination according to accessory standard (IEC 60840 and 62067).
• Type test of connector interface, test to be defined.
• Pre-Qualification test of entire termination, for voltages covered by IEC 62067. Stress Cone

The cable accessory manufacturer will have to comply with the dimensions and
tolerances which will be defined by the insulator standard paragraph Dimension and
Tolerances. Design Considerations

• The lubricant should be compatible with the epoxy (this is presently the respon-
sibility of the cable manufacturer) ! compatibility test to be defined
• The arrangement has to apply a pressure that is lower than the maximum internal
pressure of the insulator.
• The electrical stress induced in the insulator must be within the acceptable range
of insulator (electric field calculation to be provided). Routine Test

• Routine test values of the stress cone. (e.g. Voltage test and PD measurement test)
according to IEC 60840 and IEC 62067. Type Test and Prequalification Test

• Type Test of the entire termination according to accessory standard (IEC 60840
and 62067).
• Pre-Qualification test of entire termination, for voltages covered by IEC 62067 or
for voltages covered by IEC 60840 in the case where the stress at the cable
insulation screen is higher than 4 kV/mm. Plug in Connector and Other Parts of the Termination Type Test

• Plug in connector must be Type tested of according to the recommendations of the
works of Cigré WG B1-46 “Conductor Connectors: Mechanical and Electrical
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 339

Connection and other parts of the termination should be in the supply scope of the
stress cone manufacturer, because they depend strongly on the cable conductor and
screen design.

7.5 Where the Plug-in Concept Could Be Applicable

7.5.1 Geometrical Installation Constraints GIS Termination Installation Procedures

We distinguish 2 cases of metal enclosure installation,

1. Metal enclosure installed after cable termination installation

2. Metal enclosure already on place before termination installation and two types of
cable termination installation
(a) Stress cone plugged in the preinstalled insulator in the cable termination
(b) Insulator fitted on the stress cone, then assembly installed in the GIS metal
These 4 cases are sketched (Fig. 7.20)

Advantages and Constraints of the Different Types of Installation

Solution 1a
• GIS metal enclosure can be factory tested
• Requires a temporary protection around the cable/stress cone assembly (mechan-
ical protection, moisture protection, etc., always required unless metal enclosure
is installed immediately after termination assembly)
• Requires free space above metal enclosure (could require a higher ceiling)
• For safety reasons, reduced pressure inside GIS adjacent gas compartment during
cable termination installation work.
• Needs both installers for final assembly (both of them have major work to do)
• Cable termination enclosure must be disassembled on site.
• Gas operation must be performed prior and after assembly.
340 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.20 Types of installation procedure

Solution 1b
• GIS metal enclosure cannot be factory or site tested with the insulator
• Could require a temporary protection around the cable termination (mechanical
protection, moisture protection, . . ., depending of environmental conditions,
stand-by duration and risk of impact during handling)
• Requires free space above metal enclosure (could require a higher ceiling)
• For safety reasons, reduced pressure inside GIS adjacent gas compartment during
cable termination installation work.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 341

• Needs both installers for final assembly (cable termination installer has minor
work, which would be to remove eventual protection, adjust cable termination
height, install SVLs)
• Gas operation must be performed after assembly.

Solution 2a
• GIS connection parts could be installed prior cable termination.
• GIS metal enclosure can be factory tested (high voltage + gas tightness test)
including insulator assembly.
• Could require more space under metal enclosure (cable bending for termination
• For safety reasons, reduced pressure inside metal enclosure during termination
• Does not need both installers at the same time (but GIS installer or customer
would have to come after termination installation to fill the metal enclosure at
rated pressure).

Solution 2b
• GIS metal enclosure cannot be factory or site tested with the insulator
• Could require more space under metal enclosure (cable bending for termination
• For safety reasons, reduced pressure inside GIS adjacent gas compartment during
cable termination installation work.
• Needs both installers for final assembly
342 P. Mirebeau

• Gas work must be performed after assembly.

All these solutions are presented as vertical installation, but they are also appli-
cable for horizontal installation. In such case only civil work types will be different,
but space constraints will remain the same.

Solution 2a is the subject of this brochure.


Solution 1a, is not fully satisfactory for the GIS manufacturer as the GIS has to be
opened during installation
Solutions 1b and 2b are not in the scope of the present brochure as they don’t
consider a common interface.
Solutions 1.a and 1.b give much less civil work constraints as the cable termination
can be realised in final position and in such case no room is necessary to move the
cable. As a disadvantage if no free space is available there is no possibility to have
some cable overlength for eventual repair or rerouting of the link in the
switchgear. Civil Work Constraints

From paragraph we present what are the distance requirements for solution 2.
a., knowing that for such solution it is not possible to avoid a large free space for
cable snaking in order to plug the termination in.
All calculated values are based on minimum bending radius. On a practical basis,
these values have to be increased to ensure a realistic proper installation (for instance
free spaces or distances may need to be increased up to 20%). In addition to this
description a free length has to be considered in the case of a flexible installation as it
is needed during line operation to release thermo-mechanical stresses on the cable
terminations. Height Between the Bottom of Metal Enclosure/Epoxy Insulator

and Lower Floor
The height between the bottom of metal enclosure/epoxy insulator and the lower
floor must be at least the termination length (which is more than epoxy insulator
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 343

height) + the straight length of cable under the termination (at least 1 m where cable
clamps will be installed) + the minimum cable bending radius (20 D) see note2.
Often, it will be worth considering the largest cable size for the minimum
permanent bending radius, as a utility could need to upgrade its substation or install
additional GIS modules with larger cables.
Here is an example (Fig. 7.21):

• Diameter of cable to be used for the current project ¼ 100 mm

• Diameter of largest cable which could be used (for future eventual upgrading) ¼
120 mm.
So the height between floor and bottom of GIS enclosure has to be increased by
420 mm to accommodate potentially future larger cables (Fig. 7.22).

Fig. 7.21 Height vs. cable


termination height
straight cable legth
H min (project)
H min (optimal)



Installation cable radius based on cable manufacturers recommendation (Nexans catalogue, ERA
technology report) for aluminium or lead sheath
344 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.22 Typical view of a

basement installation

Fig. 7.23 Horizontal length for cable snaking Free Space for Cable Snaking Necessary for Plug-in Operation
Horizontal Cable Snaking – Vertical Plug-in
This drawing shows that in order to allow termination insertion, it is necessary to
have a minimum length available for cable bending (usually horizontal or vertical)
(Fig. 7.23).
Vertical Cable Snaking – Vertical Plug-in
When the cable is laid in ducts the plug-in operation can be applied when the
distance between the base plate and the duct is large enough to make a vertical
snaking (Fig. 7.24).
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 345

Fig. 7.24 Vertical length for

cable snaking Free Space for Cable Snaking Necessary in Case of an Intermediate

In this paragraph we describe the snaking length for plug-in operation.
In case the termination has to be built on the lower floor, the available space
between lower and intermediate floors is very critical.
Figure 7.25 shows a theoretical cable arrangement in a basement to plug in a

• D: cable diameter
• H bas.: minimum basement height ¼ 20D + D (practically 2 m minimum)
• L bas.: minimum free cable length in basement according to H bas. allowing a
maximum vertical snaking
• Ls: available length due to cable snaking.

The summary Table 7.1 (rounded values), is based on typical cables with an
aluminium foil screen bonded to the outer sheath:
346 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.25 Cable arrangement in a basement for termination plug in operation

Table 7.1 Snaking vs. free space

Cable 1 Cable 2 Cable 3 Cable 4 Cable 5
630 mm2 630 mm2 1000 mm2 1600 mm2 2500 mm2
Cable type / Uo Al 63 kV Cu 110 kV Cu 220 kV Cu 220 kV Cu 500 kV
D (mm) 65 80 100 120 150
Weight (kg/m) 4.5 9.6 17 23 40
H bas. (m) 1.36 1.68 2.10 2.52 3.15
L bas. (m) 5.9 7.3 9.1 10.9 13.6
Ls (m) 0.93 1.14 1.43 1.71 2.14
Weight of cable 33 86 190 310 680
to move (kg)

If we consider that minimum basement height (H bas.) is 2 m, the available cable

length will increase for smaller cables, as long as free cable length (L bas.) can be
made slightly longer.
For example, considering Cable 1 from Table 7.1, and the arrangement of
Fig. 7.26 the above table values are modified as per Table 7.2.
From this example we can see that with basement length (L bas.) only 55 cm
longer, available cable length (Ls) increases from 0.93 to 1.77 m.
The necessary length in basement also depends where and how the cable termination
is prepared (horizontal preparation on lower floor, vertical above intermediate floor . . .) Floor Hole Size when Cable Is Crossing an Intermediate Floor

There are different parameters that need to be taken into consideration.

Distance Between Bottom of Metal Enclosure/Epoxy Insulator and Intermediate

In some case the bottom of the metal enclosure is located within the floor hole.
Under such circumstances the diameter of the floor hole has to facilitate the cable
termination installation works and shall not just cover the dimensional requirements
of the GIS cable enclosure (Fig. 7.27).
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 347

Fig. 7.26 2 m high basement for small diameter cable snaking

Table 7.2 Cable 1

Cable type 630 mm2 Al 63 kV
D (mm) 65
Weight (kg/m) 4.5
H bas. (m) 2.00
L bas. (m) 6.45
Ls (m) 1.77
Weight of cable to move (kg) 43

Closed ferrous magnetic loops should not be introduced around the single phase
power cables by items such as external steelwork, and concrete reinforcement.
Size of Floor Hole (in Line with the Termination)
When the cable termination can be prepared on the intermediate floor, there is no
additional requirement due to the plug-in concept.
When the cable termination has to be prepared on the lower floor, a larger hole is
needed, depending of the type of termination (3-phase – single phase), and the SVL
For a single phase termination, the hole has to be at least equal to external
diameter of the base of the epoxy insulator + extra space depending on the SVL
position, size and rated voltage (voltage clearance).
Figures 7.28 and 7.29 show an example of floor hole size study for a 72/100 kV
3-phase GIS metal enclosure, with a distance of 150 mm between bottom of metal
enclosure and intermediate floor.
The use of 15 kV SVL requires specific arrangement (SVL are in green).

• Distance between SVL and earth or metallic parts: min. 130 mm

• Distance between 2 SVL: min. 160 mm.
348 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 7.27 Tri-phase GIS

termination installation

Fig. 7.28 Profile view of

15 kV SVL installation

The two dimensions vertical distance of the bottom of the metal enclosure and
diameter of the floor hole are somehow linked. Whenever the vertical distance gets
narrow (e.g. below 500 mm) the size of the floor hole should be increased in order to
facilitate the mechanical installation and construction during insertion of the cable/
stress cone assembly from below. This leads to additional constraints on the metal
enclosure metallic support structure design.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 349

Fig. 7.29 Bottom view of SVL installation

Cable stiffness increases when temperature decreases. At low temperature, plug

in operations are not feasible unless the cable has been heated.
If cable temperature is lower than +5 C, it has to be heated over this temperature.
The structure to support the cable in the basement must also allow for the
installation operations, which need large forces, especially for large cross sections
of cables and/or cold temperatures.
It is worth remembering that fixing of lifting tools etc. to the metal GIS enclosure
or its related components is not permitted. Conclusions Regarding Geometrical Installation Constraints

Conclusion from geometrical constraint on solution 2a with the table space-weight-
Advantages and disadvantages of the different installation conditions are
summarised in Table 7.3.
The installation survey shows that the case 2a is the only one where the plug-in
concept can be considered.
In this case, the evaluation of geometrical constraint for termination preparation
and plug-in shows that the main controlling parameters are the cable diameter,
weight, and the available space.
Regardless of the civil works, the plug-in concept looks easy to implement for
smaller and lighter cables. i.e. less than 100 mm in diameter and 15 kg/m.
For large size and heavy cables, the constraints rapidly become more severe.
Refer to Table 7.4, where the practical cases are written with green letters, difficult
ones with orange letters, and almost impossible ones with red letters.
However, the plug-in is always possible if it has been taken into account at the
design stage of the civil works as it may require additional installation procedures
and efforts, adapted handling means and extended free space.
350 P. Mirebeau

Table 7.3
Type of installation a Type of installation b
Case Strong coordination between Always possible.
1 cable termination and GIS Reduced civil works
installers. Need for coordination
Necessity to disassemble the between cable termination
Cable termination enclosure. and GIS installers.
Increased probability to damage Not plug-in procedure.
the stress cone.
Reduced civil works
No advantage for further No advantage for further
standardization of the insulator standardization of the
Case Possible with restrictions: Possible with restrictions:
2 Align stress cone and insulator Available space for moving
axis during insertion the cable
Available space for moving the Necessary strength for lifting
cable Necessary strength for the cable.
lifting the cable Not plug-in procedure.
Same civil works as 2a
Further standardization of the No advantage for further
insulator can be evaluated standardization of the

Table 7.4

Cable 1 Cable 2 Cable 3 Cable 4 Cable 5

Cable type / Uo
63kV 110kV 220 kV 220 kV 500 kV
D (mm) 65 80 100 120 150
Weight (kg/m) 4.5 9.6 17 23 40
H bas. (m) (at least 2 m) 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.52 3.15
L bas. (m) 6.45 7.60 9.1 10.9 13.6
Ls (m) 1.77 1.53 1.43 1.71 2.14
Weight of cable to move (kg) 43 100 190 310 680
*depending *depending
on site on site
- D: cable diameter
- H bas.: minimum basement height = 20D + D (practically 2 m minimum)
- L bas.: minimum free cable length in basement according to H bas. allowing a maximum vertical snaking
- Ls: available length due to cable snaking
nge letters, almost impossible red letters.

7.5.2 Safety Practices and Constraints during Installation

These recommendations are specific to GIS plug in cable terminations and come in
addition to normal practices in the electric civil works environment
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 351 Voltage
• DISCONNECT THE VOLTAGE! Two open gaps are needed, for instance circuit
breaker and line disconnector
• Earth the part between the circuit breaker and the outgoing disconnector switch
with the earthing switch. Gas Pressure during Installation

During GIS manufacturing, installation and delivery:
All insulators are pretested, tested in modules or complete in factory, and on site
after installation.
This requires adjusting the compartment pressures several times during the
different phases of the GIS delivery.

• The design pressure is 7.5 bars relative (reference to IEC 62271-209).

• During transportation, the pressure is decreased to 0,5 bar
• During works, the pressure in adjacent compartments is decreased to 0.5 bar.
• The customer or an authorized third party can perform the pressure decrease and
refill. There may be legal regulation regarding authorized persons.
• Supervision performed by experienced people or GIS manufacturer is
• SF6 maintenance equipment is available at the customer premises.
• Decrease of pressure is specified in the operating/maintenance manual.

During the plug-in of the cable termination:

Uncontrolled forces or mistakes during the plug-in operation are more dangerous
with high gas pressure.
Similar to the work practice on the GIS compartments, the Cigré WG recom-
mends decreasing the pressure of the cable box to 0.5 bars relative for the above
safety reason during the termination installation.
Note that during the manufacturing of insulator and termination stress cone, it is
common practice to first perform the pressure test of the insulator according to IEC
62271-203 and the maximum pressure of IEC 62271-209, then to perform the
dielectric test of the stress cone. During the installation of the stress cone, the
pressure in the cable box must be reduced to 0,5 bar.

7.5.3 Testing Constraints

All insulators and stress cones have to be tested. Tests on Insulator Before Supply

At insulator manufacturer (or at the GIS manufacturer facility by agreement between
GIS and insulator manufacturers):
Dimensions and tolerances according to paragraph Dimensions and Tolerances of
352 P. Mirebeau

• Compliance with IEC 62271-209 Fig. 5,

• Plug-in connector of insulator,
• Lock-in system (if any),
• Insulator and shape of cone, smoothness,
• Insulation shield break ring (if integrated in the insulator).

Routine tests according to paragraph Routine Test of Sect.

• Voltage test and PD measurement test according to paragraph 7.1.101 & 7.1.102 of
IEC 62271-203, the pressure being the minimum functional pressure for insulation
as per IEC 62271_209 Fig. 1, with the deviation range of paragraph 8.2.1,
• Tightness test according to paragraph 7.4 of IEC 62271-203,
• Design and visual checks according to Fig. 5 of IEC 62271-209,
• Pressure test according to paragraph 7.104 of IEC 62271-203. Tests of the Stress Cone on a Cable Termination Assembly

with a Host Insulator
By accessory manufacturer: as per paragraph 9 of IEC 60840 or IEC 62067. Tests After Installation

Without installed cable, test is according to IEC 62271-203 or ANSI C 37.122-2010.

The common interface insulator causes no special issue except the test of the
insulator, which is already prescribed in IEC 62271-209 paragraph 8.1 when it is
pre-installed during GIS manufacturing.

The cable system shall be tested after installation according to paragraph 8.3 of IEC

When the termination is not plug-in type, it is fitted inside the GIS enclosure.
Different testing arrangements can be implemented:

• A SF6 to air bushing has to be temporarily installed on the GIS after a discon-
nected area. See Fig. 7.30.
• A termination is available at the other end (outdoor termination or SF6/air
bushing). This is used to test the cable without emptying the cable box. If the
GIS busbar is not disconnected, there may be impact on the GIS enclosure in case
of termination failure.

When the termination can be plugged in

Different testing arrangements can be implemented:

• The GIS has a SF6/air bushing. It can be used for cable after installation test (for
cases above 245 kV – below 245 kV there is usually no bushing as part of the
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 353

Fig. 7.30 Example of after

installation test equipment

GIS) without emptying the cable box. If the GIS busbar is not disconnected, there
may be impact on the GIS enclosure in case of termination failure.
• A termination is available at the other end (outdoor termination or SF6/air
bushing). This is used to test the cable without emptying the cable box. If the
GIS busbar is not disconnected, there may be impact on the GIS enclosure in case
of termination failure.
• GIS to GIS link or no termination available. The cable box must be open, or use of
a “dummy” accessory before plug in. The final arrangement and the epoxy busbar
cone inside the GIS cable termination are not tested.
• GIS to GIS; as an alternative to the bullet point above, install a voltage lead
outside of the insulator. Depending on the GIS design, it can be a temporary GIS
termination, which is later on removed.

The test of the cable system via GIS should be made in agreement with the GIS

7.5.4 Conclusion Regarding Testing Constraints

Due to the weight of the complete cable and the handling issues in the case where
there is no available termination for performing after installation test without moving
the cable, the cross section should be less than 1000 mm2 Cu or 1600 mm2 Al.
354 P. Mirebeau

7.6 Qualification

7.6.1 State of the Art Medium Voltage Standards

There are 2 current standards EN 50180 and mainly EN 50181 (European standards
from CENELEC) which standardize the interface profile.
Connectors in Medium Voltage are similar to stress cones in our brochure.
EN 50180:2010: Bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV and from 250 A to 3.15 kA for
liquid filled transformers.

The object of this European Standard is to specify the requirements to ensure
interchangeability of bushings having highest voltages above 1 kV up to 52 kV
and rated currents from 250 A up to 3150 A for insulating liquid filled

Scope (Chapter 1)
This European Standard is applicable to ceramic and resin insulated bushings
having highest voltages above 1 kV up to 52 kV, rated currents from 250 A up to
3150 A and frequencies from 15 Hz up to 60 Hz for insulating liquid filled

This standard establishes essential dimensions, to ensure interchangeability of

bushings and to ensure adequate mounting and interchangeability of mating plug-in
separable connectors of equivalent ratings.
EN 50181:2010: Plug-in type bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV and from 250 A
to 2.50 kA for equipment other than liquid filled transformers.

The object of this European Standard is to specify the requirements to ensure
interchangeability of bushings for maximum voltages above 1 kV up to 52 kV and
rated currents from 250 A to 2500 A for equipment other than insulating liquid filled

Scope (Chapter 1)
This European Standard is applicable to insulated bushings for maximum volt-
ages above 1 kV up to 52 kV, rated currents from 250 A up to 2500 A and
frequencies from 15 Hz up to 60 Hz for equipment other than liquid filled

This European Standard establishes essential dimensions, to ensure adequate

mounting and interchangeability of mating plug-in separable connectors of equiva-
lent ratings.
Definitions in EN 50181:2010 are not in line with ones of this brochure. Some
examples are given hereunder.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 355

Plug in Type Bushing (Chapter 3.1)

Bushing one end of which is immersed in an insulating medium which has custom-
ized dimensions according to insulation requirements for the specific application and
the other end designed to receive a separable insulated cable connector without
which the bushing cannot function

Separable Connector (Chapter 3.2)

Fully insulated termination permitting the connection and disconnection of the cable
to and from the mating plug-in type bushing

Interface Type (Chapter 3.3)

Bushing dimensions that insure mechanical and electrical interchangeability of
bushing and separable connector of similar rating and type.

NOTE: Each interface type is designated by a letter or a number.

Bail Holder (Chapter 3.4)

Fixture which facilitates anchoring of an externally mounted device (called the bail)
designed to prevent undesirable separation of a separable connector and a bushing. Medium Voltage Qualification Experience

Qualifications were carried according to market needs.
Most connector suppliers are also bushing suppliers, not necessarily to be
installed together.
No crossed qualifications are required.
Bushing material is not mentioned in EN 50181 (and mentioned as porcelain or
resin in EN 50180), but an elastomeric bushing should not be considered as a
possible solution according to these interchangeability standards.
As long as the interface is in accordance with the standard, the most critical point
concerns the lubricant to be used at the interface.
Some utilities have been facing problems of disconnection with silicone connec-
tors which absorb the lubricant and stick to the bushing. Consequently a disconnec-
tion often leads to damage of such connectors.
Hence suppliers have to provide the associated lubricant which is compatible with
their connector (EPDM or Silicon Rubber) and considered neutral regarding com-
patibility with the bushing resin.
In case of fault, an examination is usually performed in order to identify the fault
source. However in MV the material cost remains very low compared to examination
or other investigations costs, so it is not worth engaging further investigations to
determine responsibilities. Usually the connector manufacturer supplies the replace-
ment parts.
Unplugging could be necessary for temporary link installation (main purpose), or
in case of fault (fault location, repair . . .), but it is almost never used.

Lessons Learned from Qualification and Installation Experience

There are important points to validate:
356 P. Mirebeau

• Compatibility between connector and lubricant

• Conductor connection
• Insulator resin choice, which determines its electrical performance, but also on its
molding process or machining ability, mainly to ensure a well-controlled interface
roughness. High Voltage Standards

Interface Standards
Table 7.5.

Cable System Standards

The Table 7.6 shows the most common applicable standards depending on the
different countries.

Table 7.5
Country Standard Title List of Type Tests (TT) List List of PQ
of Extension
PQ Tests
Country Standard Title Terminations As part As part of cable
alone of cable systems only
International IEC High-voltage This standard is an interface standards gives
and EN 62271- switchgear and recommended arrangements for dielectric tests
209- controlgear on GIS terminations. The dielectric tests for type
2007 -Part and PQ tests are specified in relevant IEC
209: Cable standards for particular type of cable. It makes
connections for reference for insulators to routine tests specified
gas-insulated in IEC 62271-203.
switchgear for
rated voltages
above 52 kV.
Fluid filled and
cables Fluid-
filled and
dry-type cable-
USA IEEE Guide for This guide is carbon copy of IEC 62271-209-
1300- Cable 2007 in regard to GIS connections for extruded
2011 Connections cables. In addition it specifies dimensional
for Gas requirements for GIS connections for laminated
Insulated cables.

Table 7.6
List of PQ
List of Type Tests (TT) List of PQ Tests Tests
Country Standard Title Terminations alone As part of cable systems As part of cable systems only
International IEC 60840-2011 Power cables with • PD amb • PD amb • 180 cycles at 1.7U0 • PD amb
extruded insulation and • 20 cycles at 2U0 (8 h • 20 cycles at 2U0 (8 h • Hot BIL (if done on •
their accessories for heating, min 2 h @95– heating, min 2 h @ 95– entire test rig) 60 cycles,
rated voltages above 100 C for EPR and 100 C for EPR and • Visual inspection no voltage
30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up XLPE) XLPE) PD amb • 20 cycles
to 150 kV (Um ¼ • PD amb • PD hot at 2U0
170 kV) – Test methods • PD hot • Hot BIL followed by • PD amb
and requirements • Hot BIL followed by 2.5U0 15 min • PD hot
2.5U0 15 min • Visual inspection • Hot BIL
• Visual inspection >4 kV/mm at insulation followed
 4 kV/mm at insulation screen. by 2.5U0
screen. 15 min
• Visual
4 kV/mm at insulation screen.
International IEC 62067-2011 Power cables with Terminations are type • PD amb min 180 cycles at 1.7U0 • PD amb
extruded insulation and tested as part of cable • 20 cycles at 2U0 (8 h (1 year test) •
their accessories for system only. heating, min 2 h @ 95– • Hot BIL (if done on 60 cycles,
Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

rated voltages above 100 C for EPR and entire test rig) no voltage
150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) XLPE) PD amb • Visual inspections • 20 cycles
up to 500 kV (Um ¼ • PD hot at 2U0
550 kV) – Test methods • SIV hot (for Um  • PD amb
and requirements 300 kV) • PD hot
• Hot BIL followed by • SIV hot

Table 7.6 (continued)


List of PQ
List of Type Tests (TT) List of PQ Tests Tests
Country Standard Title Terminations alone As part of cable systems As part of cable systems only
2.5U0 15 min (for Um 
• Visual inspection 300 kV)
• Hot BIL
by 2.5U0
15 min
• Visual
International Cigré TB 303 Changes in a qualified Change of insulator
cable system material for indoor or
outdoor terminations. –
> new TT
Change of insulator
design or manufacturer
of GIS/Transformer
insulator -> newTT
Change in the
formulation of the stress
cone compound but with
the same base polymer –
> EQ Change of the
base polymer (EPR,
Silicone,...) of the stress
cone –> EQ
P. Mirebeau

USA IEEE 48-2009 IEEE Standard for Test • PD amb Not considered Not considered Not
Procedures and • 3.5-3.9U0AC, 1 min considered
Requirements for • DC, 15 min
Alternating- Current • Cold BIL
Cable Terminations • Hot BIL
Used on Shielded • PD amb
Cables Having • 30 cycles at 2U0 (each
Laminated Insulation cycle min 6 h at
Rated 2.5 kV through emergency temp +0/
765 kV oi Extruded 5 C (105 C for
Insulation Rated 2.5 kV XLPE and 130 C for
through 500 kV EPR, cooling process
• PD amb
• 2.5U0 AC, 6 h
• Cold BIL
• Cold SIL (for 345 kV
and above)
• PD amb
• Visual inspection
USA AEIC-CS9-06 Specification for Per IEEE 48 • For class  170 kV: • For class 170 kV: per Not
Association of Extruded Insulation per IEC60840 IEC60840 (if required considered
Edison Power Cables and their (if required by purchaser by purchaser spec)
Illuminating Accessories Rated spec) • For class >170 kV: per
Companies Above 46 kV • For class >170 kV: per 62067
representting Through 345 kV AC 62067 • Additional 90 cycles at
Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

Utilities The load cycling test for emergency temp +0/

both classes should be 5 C (105 C for
done at emergency temp XLPE and 130 C for
+0/5 C (105 C for EPR) are required
and 130 C for EPR)

Table 7.6 (continued)


List of PQ
List of Type Tests (TT) List of PQ Tests Tests
Country Standard Title Terminations alone As part of cable systems As part of cable systems only
Japan JEC-3408-1997 High voltage tests on • 30 days daily cycling at 90 C or 105 C, at 1.48 • 1/2 year daily cycling Not
XLPE insulated cables times max. phase-to-ground cable voltage (U0) or at 90 C or 105 C, at considered
and their accessories for • 1 h hot AC at 2.53 E0 or 1 h cold AC at 3.04 E0 1.32 U0
rated voltage from • Hot or cold lightning Impulse, 3+, 3 shots • Hot or cold lightning
11 kV up to 275 kV impulse, 3+, 3 shots
• 10 min hot or cold AC
France RTE Spec RTE specification GIS cable terminations PQ test 180 cycles,
No. 214 ind.3 Single phase cables and have to be in accordance 6000h for voltages
full current ref.: accessories for with IEC 62271-209 150 kV,
NT-IMR- underground links from This specification is 1 year for 245 kV and
CNERDL-ML- 63 kV to 400 kV AC based on IEC 60840 & 420 kV.
2010-00214 62067.
(+amendments + additional tests on
of 14 Oct 2011 base insulating ring:
and 4 Apr 2012)  lightning impulse test
(for 63, 90 & 225 kV ¼
50 kV; for 400 kV ¼
62.5 kV) – AC test
under rain condition (all
voltages ¼ 20 kV for
15 min)
P. Mirebeau
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 361

Table 7.7 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to an accessory within the same
family in a prequalified EHV cable system
IEC 62067 Ed.1
Modification Clause number
T- PQ- EQ-
Component Type of modification Ma Pa Da DLa test test test
Terminations: Higher electrical stress V – – (xx)1)
 Outdoor design of stress cone
 Indoor (or smaller metal clad for
 Metal GIS or transformer
enclosed terminations)
+ SF6 Change in nature of Filling V – – (xx)1)
+ medium (e.g. oil to gas. . .)
Oil-immersed Change in the formulation V V – – (xx)1)
of the stress cone
compound but with the
same base polymer
Change of the base V2) V2) V – – (xx)
polymer (EPR, Silicone,
...) of the stress cone
Change of insulator V2) V2) 12 – –
material for indoor or
outdoor terminations.
Change of insulator design V 12 – –
or manufacturer of
GIS/Transformer insulator
When can be demonstrated that the thermo mechanical aspects have no significant influence on the
performances of the termination a
Type Test may be sufficient.
In case of elastomeric insulators (“silicone” or “EPR”) climatic and pollution test according to IEC
61109 Annex C should be considered
(xx) Clause to be added in the standard
M, change in material; P, change in manufacturing process; D, change in design (construction); DL,
change in electrical design stress level

In every case voltages >170 kV are worth a full system consideration. Voltages
170 kV are either considered as a commodity (example: China, Middle East,
Thailand), or considered as a system (example: France, Italy, some end users in

Cigre Brochure: Revision of Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC

Extruded Underground Cable Systems
Cigré TB 303 deals with extension of qualification. Interchangeability leads to a type test.

Table 7.7 is an extract of Table 2.4 of TB 303:

GIS Partition and Insulator Standards

The insulator specification is part of the IEC standard 62271-203 “Gas-insulated
metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV” where most important
362 P. Mirebeau

parts of the outdated EN 50089 “Cast resin partitions for metal-enclosed gas-filled
high-voltage switchgear and controlgear” (1994) have been included.

• Type test (Chapter 6.1 and 6.104)

– Tightness test
– Voltage test including PD measurement
– Burst test (with a burst pressure result >3  design pressure)
– Thermal performance
• Routine tests (chapter 7.1, 7.4 and 7.104)
– Visual inspection
– AC voltage test including PD measurement
– Pressure test (2  design pressure/1 min.)
– Tightness test.

7.6.2 Where the Plug-in Common Interface Could be Applicable

Due to the qualification issues and specially the need for prequalification, the
common interface should be restricted to voltages up to and including 170 kV.
The detailed technology and the number of sizes will be defined by the next Cigré
working group.

7.6.3 Qualification of new Insulator or Stress Cone

We consider here terminations for voltage 170 kV.

When insulator, stress cone and termination assembly have been qualified
according to paragraph 4.3, the qualification of a new insulator with the same stress
cone or a different stress cone with the same insulator needs a Type Test of the
termination assembly.
The details of the Type Test arrangement as well as the range of approval need to
be defined by the next Cigre working group (see Sect. 7.9).

7.7 Feasibility

In this section, the conclusions from sections 7.6: “the common interface should be
restricted to voltages up to and including 170kV” and 7.5 “Due to the weight of
the complete cable and the handling issues, the cross section should be less than
1000 mm2 Cu or 1600 mm2 Al” are taken into account.
The cost of different development phases are addressed below.

7.7.1 Definition Feasibility (Cost Involved)

Definition and production of the plug in system

Due to variations in the manufacturing processes as a function of different sup-
pliers, the design and manufacturing costs cannot be addressed by the working group.
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 363

Definition and production of insulator:

• Design of the geometry: Cigré WG to come (see Terms Of Reference at the end of
the brochure)
• Engineering
• Mould design
• Eachinery
• Prototypes.

All this work needs several man-years

Definition and production of stress cones:

• The work needed to design, engineer, prototype stress cones. The cost is between
two to five times more than for the insulator, depending on the stress cone sizes
that are needed per voltage level (according to the core diameters).

7.7.2 Qualification Feasibility

The qualification has to be performed according to the standardisation requirements

(paragraph 4.3):
The market acceptance study (paragraph 8) shows that the customer will accept
only combinations stress cone/insulator that have been tested as a system.
The cost of the necessary tests is approximately:
Initial component and system qualification:

• Development tests are about 100 k€
• The Type Test of paragraph cost about 200 k€ (test of connector not
• A preliminary Type Test is about 200 k€

Stress Cone
• Development tests are about 100 k€ at the supplier premises
• The Type Test of paragraph is about 200 k€ including laboratory costs,
cable and accessory, installation works.

• A type test is needed (no prequalification because of the voltage level) i.e. 200 k€.
• If the cable stresses at the insulation screen is larger than 4 kV/mm (ref. IEC
60840) a prequalification test is required. This cost about 400 k€.

Cross Qualification (paragraph 6.2)

• Due to market acceptance, a type test is needed for all combinations. It costs about
200 k€ per combination.
364 P. Mirebeau

• When a stress cone has been prequalified and the insulator is from a different
manufacturer, a new prequalification test is not necessary as the stresses on
the insulator are not influenced by the insulation screen stress of the cable.

7.8 Market Acceptance

7.8.1 Current Status

For voltages above 170 kV full qualification of the cable system is required. Each
link is bought as a system (refer to IEC 62067).
For voltages up to 138 kV, There are two opposite trends: some customers move
to the system approach, others go to commodity approach: cable and accessories are
bought separately.
170 kV is a special case where the cable system stresses can be similar to the
245 kV level and the cable cross section is larger. For this voltage, the system
approach prevails.
When the cable termination supplier is not chosen at the time the GIS has to be
delivered (around 70% of cases), the GIS is not pre equipped with the insulator and
the last compartment is not tested. It has to be open at the cable installation time.
There are gas works and risk of pollution.

7.8.2 Future Status

For voltages lower than 170 kV, if stress cones and insulators are provided by different
manufacturers, there is one more limit of responsibility barrier as compared to the cable
system case. It is the stress cone – insulator interface. In case of failure, the responsi-
bility for the failure is less easy to address than at the insulator/SF6 interface. End users
are concerned by this change as there is no clear limit of responsibility.
All combinations of stress cone/insulator must be tested.
If the cable accessory is installed by a third party contracted by the end user, there
is one more layer of responsibility. Improper cable clamping, contamination, or
pressure spring compression may lead to defect and further complicate allocation
of responsibility in case of a fault.
The end user can limit the complication of responsibility by giving the contract to
a limited number of parties.
The main benefits are that more flexibility is given to the end user and overall
logistics costs are reduced.
Note: The financial balance of common interface benefits versus the design
development and qualification costs was not investigated.
Market acceptance drivers are given in the hereunder table (Table 7.8).
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 365

Table 7.8
In favour of Detrimental to
interchangeability interchangeability Comment
Qualification Cost of a cross
qualifications of
insulators and stress
Routine test of – –
insulator and
Routine test of Final termination
termination assembly not routine
assembly tested.
Routine test of Cable enclosure fully
GIS tested. (presently fully
manufacturing tested only when the
termination supplier is
selected together with
Planning Engineering of cable More difficult and In practice the cables
and GIS independent. costly logistics for the are ordered later than
Easier logistics for GIS cable accessory GIS.
manufacturer. manufacturer.
Higher flexibility for
the end user
Costs Cable system design: New investments and
Cost less optimised due to qualification to
manufacturing variability perform due to new
(insulator and of components. (ref. design of insulator and
rubber) Vattenfall experience stress cone (paragraph
3.2.2). Cable cost can 7).
be affected.
Cost GIS Less storage – less
manufacturing logistics – easier
Installation on No opening of GIS on The termination can
GIS site and pre-tested (true only be installed when
for any pre-installation the GIS is on site
of insulator, whatever
the interface)
Installation of More space needed to Installation should
cable plug in (see 5.1) as avoid any torsion on
termination compared to 5.1.1 case the cable.
1 situation. This could
impact civil
works cost.
Spare parts Easier logistics
366 P. Mirebeau

Table 7.8 (continued)

In favour of Detrimental to
interchangeability interchangeability Comment
Utility & Easier To be in the
industrial users Higher application range of
impact insulator
Spare parts
Flexibility for
choice of cable
supplier in case
of upgrading
Responsibility More difficult with End user should
allocation more parties. minimize the number
of parties.
After Responsibility The test must be
installation test allocation in case of performed through the
of the cable problem. high voltage bus bar of
system with the GIS or from the
GIS remote end outdoor
termination. termination.

7.8.3 Where the Plug-in Common Interface Could

be Recommended

As coming from the market acceptance drivers the common interface should be
limited to the commodity market:

• Voltage 145 kV and less.

• Current 1000 A and less
• Short circuit 40 kA during 1 s and less.

7.9 Conclusion and Recommendations

Taking into account the above considerations and specially the market trend in some
countries towards a commoditisation of the High Voltage cables lower or equal to
145 kV, the working group thinks that there is room in these voltage levels for a
standard design in parallel with the present designs. As per the TOR of the group,
B1.B3-33 recommends Study Committees B1 and B3 to set up a new working group
with the following Terms of Reference.
The Working group should recommend a functional design of an insulator with a
common interface with the following scope of work:
7 Feasibility of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 367

• Voltage is 145 kV AC (Um)

• Current is  1000 A, short circuit  40 kA 1 s.
• Cross sections are 1000 mm2 Cu or 1600 mm2 Al
• Technology has to be defined (inner or outer cone), with a detailed evaluation of
technical advantages/disadvantages of the two technologies.
• The number of sizes has to be defined, the short circuit current can be altered for
the smallest sizes.
• Dimensions of insulator components have to be defined (current connection,
electric design and properties, mechanical design and properties).
• The type and dimension of the main current connection has to be defined
• Consider the consequence of a termination failure.
• Consider the upgrading of the cable link for higher current loads.
• Consider the installation constraints, with a special focus on the basement
• The design has to meet the requirements of IEC 62271-209 and IEC 60840
• Define the initial and cross qualification processes.

The stress cone design and material, the lubricant and the design of the compression
device should be left to the discretion of the accessory manufacturer within the limits
of the standardised insulator properties.
Cigré TB 303 and the work of WG B1.44 and WG B1.46 should be taken into
Acknowledgments The Working Group wishes to thank T. Klein (DE), D. Kunze (DE) and
M. Obst (DE) for their active support.

All standards that are in the documents:
Cigré TB 303 (Chapter 4)
Cigré WG B1.29: Guidelines for maintaining the integrity of XLPE cable (Chapter 6)
Cigré WG B1.46: Conductor Connectors: Mechanical and Electrical Test (Chapter 10)

Pierre Mirebeau, who graduated from the “École Supérieure de

Physique et Chimie Industrielles” (Paris), has headed high-voltage
R&D for Nexans over the past 25 years. As a Member of Cigré since
2005, he contributed to a variety of subjects, including testing of DC
extruded cables, life management of buried AC lines, advanced
designs of laminated metallic coverings, dry type interfaces for
Gas-Insulated Switchgear and power cables, and the environmental
impact of cable links. In recognition to this work, he was granted the
Technical Committee Award for 2011. He is an Active Member of
the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standardization
body, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE), where his presentations on development techniques for
368 P. Mirebeau

HVDC Links with synthetic insulation in 2001 and his collaborative

(IEEE + IEC) presentation on cable terminations for gas insulated
switchgears in 2006 were awarded “best presentation.” He also holds
several important patents relating to lead-alloy composition, cable
designs, and polymer material composition. He is the Liaison Mem-
ber between IEC TC 20 and Cigré B1 (both regarding insulated
cables), and between CIBRE B1 and Cigré B3 (substations and
electrical installations).
Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints
for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to 500 kV 8
Marco Marelli

8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
8.1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
8.1.2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
8.1.3 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
8.1.4 Condition Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
8.2 Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
8.3 Definition of Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
8.3.1 Development Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
8.3.2 Routine Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
8.3.3 Sample Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
8.3.4 Type Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
8.3.5 Prequalification Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
8.3.6 Electrical Test after Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
8.4 Test Cables and Transition Joint Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
8.5 Development Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
8.5.1 Electrical Development Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
8.5.2 Non-Electrical Development Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
8.6 Routine Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
8.6.1 Extruded Cable Side of the Transition Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
8.6.2 Paper Cable Side of the Transition Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
8.7 Sample Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
8.8 Type Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
8.8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
8.8.2 Range of Type Test Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
8.8.3 Type Test Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
8.8.4 Type Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
8.9 Prequalification Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
8.9.1 General and Range of Prequalification Test Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
8.9.2 Prequalification Test Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

M. Marelli (*)
Prysmian Group, System Engineering, Land and Submarine HV and EHV AC/DC Power Cable
Systems and Telecom Cable Systems, Milano, Italy

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 369

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
370 M. Marelli

8.9.3 Prequalification Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384

8.10 Electrical Test after Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
8.10.1 DC Voltage Test of the Oversheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
8.10.2 AC Voltage Test of the Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Appendix A Considerations for Transition Joints for Other Types of Paper Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 387
A.1 Cables to IEC 60141-2: – Internal Gas-Pressure Cables and their Accessories
for Alternating Voltages up to 275 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
A.2 IEC 60141-3: – External Gas- Pressure (Gas Compression) Cables and their
Accessories for Alternating Voltages up to 275 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
A.3 IEC 60141-4: – Oil-Impregnated Paper-Insulated High Pressure Oil- Filled Pipe-Type
Cables and their Accessories for Alternating Voltages up to and Including 400 kV . . . . . . 389
Appendix B Design Features, Performance and Necessity for Performing Type Tests
for Transition Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
B.1 Back-to-Back Transition Joint with Two Insulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
B.2 Back-to-Back Transition Joint with One Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
B.3 Composite Type Transition Joint (Three-Core, Single Core) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
B.4 Single-Core or Three-Core Type with Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
B.5 Methodology for Assessing Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Appendix C List of Type and Prequalification Tests of Cable Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Appendix D Transition Joint Experience Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Appendix E Terms of Reference for WG B1-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 General

This chapter is the editorial and graphical revision of the Cigré TB 415, prepared by
the WG B1.24 and published in June 2010.

8.1.2 Background

The use of extruded cables is increasing for transmission and distribution circuits in
preference to cables with paper insulation (either kraft paper or polypropylene paper
laminate). The number of manufacturers of paper cable is also decreasing, therefore
the availability of such cables for repair works or re-routing will be very limited in
the near future. Consequently it is becoming more common for a length of extruded
cable to be introduced into a paper cable circuit requiring transition joints for the
interconnection of the two cable types.
Cigré set up WG B1.24 to review this subject and issue a report including:

• A review of existing designs of transition joints.

• A review of the existing international standards and the extent to which they
cover the testing of transition joints.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 371

• Recommendations about aligning voltage levels to those specified in IEC

• Definition of test regimes for transition joints for routine, sample, type, pre-
qualification and after installation tests. This Chap. 8 is the report of WG B1.24
published as Cigré TB 415.

8.1.3 Scope

The purpose of these new recommendations is to give general guidance for tests on
high voltage transition joints. These recommendations are valid for transition joints
between paper-insulated low pressure oil filled cables and extruded insulation cables
with rated voltage from 30 kV up to 500 kV. Transition joints for single core cables
as well as 3-core cables are covered. The use of these recommendations in relation to
other paper cable types, e.g. high pressure oil filled or gas pressure types is addressed
in Appendix A.

Note: The 30 kV voltage level is included in order to cover the full range of
cables covered by IEC 60141

Different types of transition joints are used to connect oil-filled to extruded

insulation high voltage cables, such as:

• Back-to-back transition joint

• Composite transition joint.

Tests on joints between cables with similar type of insulation are not considered in
this document, even if they are used between cables with different conductors or
different screens.
Although the application of high voltage transition joints for interconnection of
different cable systems is likely to increase, the quantity of transition joints com-
pared to the quantity of standard accessories required will be low. There will also be
a large variety of cable constructions which have to be connected using transition
The number of type tests may be limited due to the availability of suitable paper
insulated cables, thus guidance is given about the range of approval.
Comments on the need for a long term prequalification test are also made.
Wherever well known and type tested components are used, for instance sym-
metric back-to-back transition joint designs (e.g. comprising two SF6 terminations in
a common chamber), a type test and prequalification test of the combination may be
372 M. Marelli

8.1.4 Condition Assessment

In many cases the existing oil-filled cable on which a transition joint will be installed
will have been in service for many years and hence diagnostic tests may be advisable
to assess the cable condition. A full review of such procedures is given in reference
(Cigré Electra 1998).
In the event that the cable is found to be in as-new condition then it would
generally be considered unnecessary to carry out any special diagnostic tests after
installation of a transition joint.
Practices for maintenance of HV cable circuits are described in reference (Cigré
TB 279) and are not considered further in this report.

8.2 Normative References

The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest
edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

• IEC 60141 Test on oil-filled and gas-pressure cables and their accessories.
– Part 1: Oil-filled, paper-insulated, metal-sheathed cables and their accessories
for alternating voltages up to and including 400 kV
– Part 2:Internal gas-pressure cables and their accessories for alternating volt-
ages up to 275 kV
– Part 3: External gas-pressure (gas compression) cables and their accessories
for alternating voltages up to 275 kV
– Part 4: Oil-impregnated paper-insulated high pressure oil-filled pipe-type
cables and their accessories for alternating voltages up to and including
400 kV
• IEC 60229 Electric cables – Tests on extruded oversheaths with a special protec-
tive function
• IEC 60230 Impulse tests on cables and their accessories
• IEC 60840 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) – Test
methods and requirements.
• IEC 60885-3 Electrical test methods for electric cables. Part 3: Test methods for
partial discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cables
• IEC 62067 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 550 kV) – Test
methods and requirements.
• EN 50299 Oil-immersed cable connection assemblies for transformers and reac-
tors having highest voltage for equipment Um from 72,5 kV to 550 kV.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 373

8.3 Definition of Tests

8.3.1 Development Tests

Internal tests made by the manufacturer before a new transition joint is type tested
and taken into service. Details of such development tests are proprietary and shall be
determined by the manufacturer.

8.3.2 Routine Test

Tests made by the manufacturer on each manufactured component to check that the
component meets the specified requirements.

8.3.3 Sample Test

Tests made by the manufacturer on samples of components taken from a complete

accessory, at a specified frequency, so as to verify that the finished product meets the
specified requirements.

8.3.4 Type Test

Tests made before supplying on a general commercial basis a type of accessory

covered by this recommendation, in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance
characteristics to meet the intended application.

Note: Once successfully completed, these tests need not be repeated, unless
changes are made in the accessory with respect to materials, manufacturing
process, design or design electrical stress levels, which might adversely
change the performance characteristics.

8.3.5 Prequalification Test

Tests made before supplying on a general commercial basis a type of accessory

covered by this recommendation, in order to demonstrate satisfactory long term
performance of the accessory.

Note 1: The prequalification test need only be carried out once unless there
is a substantial change in the accessory with respect to material,
manufacturing process, design or design electrical stress levels.

374 M. Marelli

Note 2: A substantial change is defined as that which might adversely

affect the performance of the accessory. The supplier should provide a
detailed case, including test evidence, if modifications are introduced,
which are claimed not to constitute a substantial change.

8.3.6 Electrical Test after Installation

Tests made to demonstrate the integrity of the cable system as installed.

8.4 Test Cables and Transition Joint Characteristics

For the purpose of carrying out tests described in this document and recording the
results, the cables and accessory shall be identified. The relevant characteristics as
given in IEC 60141-1, IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 shall be known or declared.

8.5 Development Tests

Development tests are carried out to prove the main electrical and non-electrical
characteristics of the transition joint.
Details of such development tests shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer,
examples of possible tests are given in the following clauses.

8.5.1 Electrical Development Tests

Electrical development tests can be adopted from the type test recommendations of this
document, but may have increased test voltage levels. The duration of withstand tests as
well as the number of impulses during impulse voltage test may be increased, too.
Examples for electrical development tests:

• AC voltage test
• Partial discharge test
• Lightning impulse voltage test.

If new types of conductor connections are used as part of the transition joint design,
the necessity for development tests of such connections should also be considered.

8.5.2 Non-Electrical Development Tests

Non-electrical development tests are considered to demonstrate the sufficient tight-

ness of the external transition joint housing as well as the pressure maintaining
barrier insulators between the different insulating fluids.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 375

During operation joint housings and barrier insulators are subjected to hydraulic
pressure. Barrier insulators and related sealing systems may also be subjected to
vacuum during the installation process. (Vacuum processing is often used during
assembly work on paper-insulated cable accessories).
Examples for non-electrical development tests:

• Pressure test
• Vacuum leak test
• Thermo-mechanical test.

8.6 Routine Test

8.6.1 Extruded Cable Side of the Transition Joint

The prefabricated stress control component of a transition joint for U >30 kV

(Um >36 kV) shall undergo partial discharge and voltage tests according to IEC
60840 or IEC 62067 using a test arrangement which may be chosen from the following:

a) On a transition joint installed on a cable.

b) By using a host accessory into which a component of a transition joint is
substituted for test.
c) By using a simulated accessory rig (in place of a cable) in which the electrical
stress environment of a main insulation component is reproduced.

In cases b) and c) the test voltage shall be selected to obtain electrical stresses at least
the same as those on the component in a complete transition joint when subjected to
the test voltages specified.

Note: The prefabricated stress control component of a transition joint

consists of the components that come in direct contact with the cable
insulation and are necessary to control the electric stress distribution in
the accessory.

8.6.2 Paper Cable Side of the Transition Joint

The hydraulic tests specified in IEC 60141 shall be made on each accessory to which
the relevant clauses apply.

8.7 Sample Test

Due to the small numbers of transition joints which are expected to be supplied under
single orders, sample tests will not normally be appropriate.
376 M. Marelli

Note: In special cases sample tests may be agreed between manufacturer

and customer.

8.8 Type Test

8.8.1 General

The tests specified in this clause are intended to demonstrate the satisfactory
performance of transition joints.
The type test may be omitted:

• As defined in the Range of Type Test Approval (see 8.8.2) or

• If the transition joint is a combination of existing type tested accessories.
• An example is a back-to-back transition joint.

In the case of three-core cables or three-core transition joints then if the cables and
cores within the joint are fully screened then it is permitted to carry out the electrical
type tests on one core only, or on a single core joint of similar electrical design.
Reference to Appendix B may be made to assist in determining the need for type
A summary of type tests on transition joints is given in Appendix C.

Note 1: If suitable paper-insulated cable is unavailable, type testing will not

be possible, thus approval of a transition joint design is dependant on
agreement between manufacturer and customer, subject to consideration
of any relevant test data.
Note 2: In the event that breakdown occurs in the paper-insulated cable or
within the joint and the primary cause is attributable to the quality of the
paper-insulated cable then approval of a transition joint design is dependant
on agreement between manufacturer and customer, taking into account the
extent of tests passed and any other relevant test data.

8.8.2 Range of Type Test Approval

When a type test has been successfully performed on a transition joint for connecting
cables of specific conductor cross-sections, and of the same rated voltage and
construction, the type approval shall be considered as valid for a transition joint
within the scope of these test recommendations with other conductor cross-sections,
rated voltages and with other cables provided that all the conditions of a) to c) are met:

(a) The voltage group is not higher than that of the tested transition joint.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 377

Note: In this context, transition joints of the same rated voltage group are
those of rated voltages having a common value of Um, highest voltage for
equipment, and the same test voltage levels as given in Table 8.1.

(b) The transition joint has the same or similar construction to that of the tested
transition joint.

Note: Transition joints of similar construction are those of the same type and
manufacturing process of stress control elements and major insulation
components. Repetition of the electrical type tests is not necessary on
account of the differences of the cable insulation material, of the conductor
or connector type or material, or of the protective outer covering, unless
these are likely to have a significant effect on the results of the test.

(c) The calculated nominal electrical stresses within the main insulation parts of the
transition joint and at the cable and accessory interfaces do not exceed those of
the tested transition joint, or equal or higher electrical stresses at the relevant
locations are well proven in other accessories.

Note: Larger conductor cross-sections than tested are allowed within this

A type test certificate signed by the representative of a competent witnessing

body, or a report by the manufacturer giving the test results and signed by the
appropriate qualified officer, or a type test certificate issued by an independent test
laboratory, shall be acceptable as evidence of type testing.

8.8.3 Type Test Arrangement

The transition joint shall comply with the tests specified in and The
minimum length of free cable between accessories shall be 5 m.
One sample of each transition joint type shall be tested.
The accessory shall be assembled on the cables in the manner specified by the
manufacturer’s instructions, with the grade and quantity of materials supplied,
including lubricants and insulating fluids if any. There should be provision for
measuring internal pressure of insulating fluid in the lapped cable compartment
during the test.
In units that are intended to operate with internal oil pressure, whether such
pressure is from the cable system or a separate source, the maximum pressure during
the test must not exceed the minimum design operating pressure +25%. If the

Table 8.1 Test Voltages

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rated Highest Value of Uo for Partial Heating Heating Switching Lightning impulse AC Voltage test after
voltage voltage determination discharge cycle cycle impulse voltage test of impulse voltage test of
for of test voltages measurement voltage test voltage test voltage test of and and
equipment of of of
U Um Uo 1,5Uo 2Uo 1,7Uo 2Uo
Kv kV kV kV kV Kv kV kV kV
30–33 36 18 27 36 30 – 170 36
45–47 52 26 39 52 44 – 250 65
60–69 72.5 36 54 72 61 – 325 90
110– 123 64 96 128 109 – 550 160
132– 145 76 114 152 129 – 650 190
150– 170 87 131 174 148 – 750 218
220– 245 127 190 254 216 – 1050 254
275– 300 160 240 320 272 850 1050 320
330– 362 190 285 380 323 950 1175 380
380– 420 220 330 440 374 1050 1425 440
500 550 290 435 580 493 1175 1550 580
M. Marelli
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 379

accessory includes an SF6 gas filled compartment then the gas pressure must be set
so that at 20  C the pressure is no greater than the minimal functional pressure for
insulation specified for the accessory +0.02 MPa.
Neither the cables nor the accessories shall be subjected to any form of condi-
tioning not specified in the manufacturer’s instructions which might modify the
electrical, thermal or mechanical performance.
During tests a) to f) of, it is advisable to test joints with their outer
protection fitted. If it can be shown that the outer protection does not influence the
performance of the joint insulation, e.g. there are no thermo-mechanical or compat-
ibility effects, the protection need not be fitted.

8.8.4 Type Test Procedure Test Voltage Values

Test voltages shall be in accordance with the values given in the appropriate column
of Table 8.1. Prior to the type tests of the transition joint, the insulation thickness of
the extruded cable used shall be measured and the test voltage values adjusted, if
necessary, as stated in IEC 60840 or IEC 62067. In case of difficulty in achieving
impulse and ac test voltages for paper cable the test values may be agreed upon
between manufacturer and customer.

Note: If suitable oil filled cable of the required insulation thickness is not
available then it is allowed to use a cable with a greater insulation thickness
and to reduce the insulation thickness in the region where the joint is to be
installed to the required level. As an alternative it is also allowed to adjust the
test voltages in order to achieve the required electrical stress values. Tests and Sequence of Tests

Transition joints shall be subjected to the following sequence:

(a) Partial discharge measurement at ambient temperature (see

(b) Heating cycle voltage test (see
(c) Partial discharge measurements (see
• At ambient temperature and
• At high temperature

The measurements shall be carried out after the final cycle of item b) above or,
alternatively, after the lightning impulse voltage test in item d) below.

(d) Switching impulse voltage test (required for Um 300 kV, see
(e) Lightning impulse voltage test followed by a power frequency voltage test (see
(f) Partial discharge measurements, if not previously carried out in item c) above.
380 M. Marelli

(g) Tests of outer protection for buried joints (see

(h) Pressure leak test: this test can be carried out on a separate sample of the
transition joint. All components encapsulating the paper-insulated cable need
to be assembled and a pressure and leak test performed (see
(i) Examination of the transition joint after completion of the above tests (see Partial Discharge Measurements

The measurements shall be performed in accordance with IEC 60885-3, the sensi-
tivity being 5 pC or better. Measured values are for information purposes only.
The test voltage shall be raised gradually to and held at 1,75Uo for 10 s and then
slowly reduced to 1,5Uo (see Table 8.1).
When performed at high temperature, the test shall be carried out on the assembly
which shall be heated until the cable conductors reach a steady temperature 0 K to
10 K above the maximum conductor temperature(s) in normal operation. The
conductor temperature shall be maintained within the stated temperature limits for
at least 2 h. Heating Cycle Voltage Test

Even though the extruded and oil filled cables may be of the same cross-section and
voltage it is likely that the thermal characteristics of the cables are very different.
Thus it is unlikely to be possible to heat the test assembly so that both cables achieve
their required temperature, using conductor current alone. It is thus acceptable to use
conductor current with the addition of heater tapes, thermal insulation or current
heating of the sheath of one or both of the cables in order to ensure that the required
temperatures are reached for both cables.
See IEC 60840 or IEC 62067 for determination of actual cable conductor
The assembly shall be heated until the cable conductor in each case reaches a
steady temperature 0 K to 10 K above the maximum conductor temperature in
normal operation as specified in the relevant cable standard.
The heating shall be applied for at least 8 h. The conductor temperatures shall be
maintained within the stated temperature limits for at least 2 h of each heating
period. This shall be followed by at least 16 h of natural cooling.
The extruded cable shall cool to within the temperature defined for the type test
heating cycle voltage test in IEC 60840 or IEC 62067. The conductor current during
the last 2 h of each heating period shall be recorded.
The cycle of heating and cooling shall be carried out 20 times.
During the whole of the test period a voltage of 2Uo shall be applied to the
Interruption of the test is allowed provided 20 complete heating cycles in total
under voltage are completed.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 381

Note: Heating cycles with a conductor temperature higher than 10 K above the
maximum conductor temperature in normal operation are considered valid. Impulse Voltage Tests Switching Impulse Voltage Test

A switching impulse voltage test shall be carried out on transition joints of voltage
Um 300 kV.
The assembly shall be heated as stated in Sect., until the cable conductors
reach a steady temperature 0 K to 10 K above the maximum conductor temperatures
in normal operation. These temperatures shall be maintained within the stated
temperature limits for at least 2 h.

Note: If, for practical reasons, the test temperature cannot be reached,
additional thermal insulation may be applied. The impulse voltage shall be
applied according to the procedure given in IEC 60230 with standard
switching impulse withstand voltage levels according to Table 8.1. The
transition joint shall withstand without failure 10 positive and 10 negative
voltage impulses. Lightning Impulse Voltage Test Followed by a Power Frequency

Voltage Test
The assembly shall be heated as stated in Sect., until the cable conductors
reach a steady temperature 0 K to 10 K above the maximum conductor temperatures
in normal operation. These temperatures shall be maintained within the stated
temperature limits for at least 2 h.
The impulse voltage shall be applied according to the procedure given in IEC
60230 with standard lightning impulse withstand voltage levels according to
Table 8.1. The transition joint shall withstand without failure 10 positive and
10 negative voltage impulses.
After the lightning impulse voltage test, the assembly shall be subjected to a
power frequency voltage test at 2Uo for 15 min (see Table 8.1). At the discretion of
the manufacturer, this power frequency voltage test may be carried out either during
the cooling period or at ambient temperature.
No breakdown of the transition joint shall occur. Tests of Outer Protection for Buried Joints

These tests shall be performed according to IEC 60840 or IEC 62067 as appropriate,
unless already covered by the range of approval for these tests as specified in the
relevant standard.
382 M. Marelli Pressure Leak Test Leak Test

The vacuum leak test is to be performed as per manufacturer’s instructions when
applicable. Pressure Test

Apply 2 times rated internal pressure for 1 h. Leakage shall be detected at the end of
this period by visual examination of the test specimen and by pressure drop. This test
may be performed at the end of the type tests.
No leak or rupture shall occur. Examination
Examination of the transition joint, whenever possible, by dismantling, with normal
or corrected vision without magnification, shall reveal no signs of deterioration
which could affect the system in service operation (e.g. electrical degradation,
corrosion, harmful shrinkage or leakage, in particular across any seal separating
the extruded and oil filled cables).

8.9 Prequalification Test

8.9.1 General and Range of Prequalification Test Approval

The tests specified in this clause are intended to demonstrate the satisfactory long
term performance of transition joints.
The prequalification test may be omitted:

• If the transition joint is a combination of existing type tested paper-insulated and

prequalification tested extruded insulation accessories.
• If a transition joint of the same design has been prequalified for higher rated voltages.
• For those accessories suitable for cables with insulation screen stress less than or
equal to 4,0 kV/mm covered by IEC 60840.
• If the manufacturer can demonstrate good service experience with transition
joints of the same family with equal or higher calculated electrical stresses on
the insulation screen of the extruded cable and in the main insulation.
• If the manufacturer has fulfilled the requirements of an equivalent long term test
following a national or customer specification on similar transition joints.

It is recommended that prequalification of a new design of transition joint can be

achieved by carrying out tests based on IEC 62067 prequalification test (▶ Chap. 4,
“Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable
Systems” of this book) but may be installed in a laboratory as per the recommenda-
tions made in Cigré TB 303 for extension of a prequalification test. The details of this
test are described in Sects. 8.9.2 and 8.9.3.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 383

A prequalification test certificate signed by the representative of a competent

witnessing body, of a report by the manufacturer giving the test results and signed
by the appropriate qualified officer, or a prequalification test certificate issued by an
independent test laboratory shall be acceptable as evidence of prequalification testing.

Note 1: If the manufacturer so wishes then a transition joint can be included

in a full prequalification test to IEC 60840 or IEC 62067, in which case no
additional prequalification testing will be required. In this test the transition
joint must be placed in a rigid installation condition as this is generally the
most onerous.
Note 2: If suitable paper-insulated cable is unavailable, type testing will not
be possible, thus approval of a transition joint design is dependant on
agreement between manufacturer and customer, subject to consideration
of any relevant test data.
Note 3: In the event that breakdown occurs in the paper-insulated cable or
within the joint and the primary cause is attributable to the quality of the
paper-insulated cable then approval of a transition joint design is dependant
on agreement between manufacturer and customer, taking into account the
extent of tests passed and any other relevant test data.

8.9.2 Prequalification Test Arrangement

The minimum length of free cable between accessories shall be 5 m. One sample of
each transition joint type shall be tested.
The accessory shall be assembled on the cables in the manner specified by the
manufacturer’s instructions, with the grade and quantity of materials supplied,
including lubricants and insulating fluids if any. There should be provision for
measuring internal pressure of insulating fluid in the lapped cable compartment
during the test.
In units that are intended to operate with internal oil pressure, whether such
pressure is from the cable system or a separate source, the maximum pressure during
the test must not exceed the minimum design operating pressure +25%. If the
accessory includes a gas filled compartment then the gas pressure must be set so
that at 20  C the pressure is no greater than the minimal functional pressure for
insulation specified for the accessory +0,02 MPa.
If the prequalification of the transition joint is to qualify the joint for use both in
flexible and in rigid installations, the joint shall be installed in a rigid configuration.
Otherwise the joint shall be installed in a flexible configuration.
If the joint is installed for test in a rigid configuration, the manufacturer of the
joint shall consider the aspects of the design which might affect operation in a
flexible installation and subject to agreement between manufacturer and customer
the prequalification shall apply to both rigid and flexible installations.
384 M. Marelli

Neither the cables nor the accessories shall be subjected to any form of condi-
tioning not specified in the manufacturer’s instructions which might modify the
electrical, thermal or mechanical performance.

8.9.3 Prequalification Test Procedure Test Voltage Values

Test voltages shall be in accordance with the values given in the appropriate column
of Table 8.1. Prior to the prequalification tests of the transition joint, the insulation
thickness of the extruded cable used shall be measured and the test voltage values
adjusted, if necessary, as stated in IEC 60840 or IEC 62067. In case of difficulty in
achieving impulse and ac test voltages for paper cable the test values may be agreed
upon between manufacturer and customer.

Note: If suitable oil filled cable of the required insulation thickness is not
available then it is allowed to use a cable with a greater insulation thickness
and to reduce the insulation thickness in the region where the joint is to be
installed to the required level. Tests and Sequence of Tests

The normal sequence of the prequalification tests shall be as follows:

• Installation of the transition joint which is subject to the prequalification on the

relevant cables.
• Heating cycle voltage test (see
• Lightning impulse voltage test (see
• Examination of the cable system with cable and accessories shall be carried out
after completion of the tests above (see Heating Cycle Voltage Test

Even though the extruded and oil filled cables may be of the same cross-section and
voltage it is likely that the thermal characteristics of the cables are very different.
Thus it is unlikely to be possible to heat the test assembly so that both cables achieve
their required temperature, using conductor current alone. It is thus acceptable to use
conductor current with the addition of heater tapes, thermal insulation or current
heating of the sheath of one or both of the cables in order to ensure that the required
temperatures are reached for both cables. See IEC 60840 or IEC 62067 for deter-
mination of actual cable conductor temperatures.
The assembly shall be heated until the cable conductors reach a steady temper-
ature 0 K to 10 K above the maximum conductor temperature(s) in normal operation.

Note: If the conductor temperature exceeds the upper limit the test is still valid.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 385

The heating shall be applied for at least 8 h. The conductor temperatures shall be
maintained within the stated temperature limits for at least 2 h of each heating period.
This shall be followed by at least 16 h of natural cooling. The conductor current
during the last 2 h of each heating period shall be recorded.
The cycle of heating and cooling shall be carried out 180 times.
A voltage of 1.7Uo (see Table 8.1) shall be applied to the assembly during the
whole of the test period.
Interruption of the test is allowed provided 180 complete heating cycles in total
under voltage are completed.

Note 1: The test period is determined by the time required to complete

thermal cycles and will be a minimum of 180 days.
Note 2: Heating cycles with a conductor temperature higher than 10 K above
the maximum conductor temperature in normal operation are considered
Note 3: Partial discharge measurements are recommended to provide an
early warning of possible degradation and to enable the possibility of a
repair before failure. Lightning Impulse Voltage Test

The assembly shall be heated as stated in the preceding section, until the cable
conductor reaches a steady temperature 0 K to 10 K above the maximum conductor
temperature in normal operation.
The conductor temperature shall be maintained within the stated temperature
limits for at least 2 h.
The lightning impulse voltage shall be applied according to the procedure given
in IEC 60230.
The assembly shall withstand without failure or flashover 10 positive and 10 neg-
ative voltage impulses of the appropriate value given in Table 8.1.
No breakdown of the insulation or flashover shall occur. Examination
Examination of the transition joint, whenever possible, by dismantling, with normal
or corrected vision without magnification, shall reveal no signs of deterioration
which could affect the system in service operation (e.g. electrical degradation,
corrosion, harmful shrinkage or leakage, in particular across any seal separating
the extruded and oil filled cables).

8.10 Electrical Test after Installation

Tests on newly installed transition joints are carried out when the installation of the
cable and its accessories has been completed.
386 M. Marelli

If required the new cable section with extruded insulation may be tested
separately according to its relevant standard before the transition joint is
The test voltages recommended for general use are given in Table 8.2, however
test regimes should be evaluated on an individual basis to take into account the
condition of an existing cable system.
A d.c. oversheath test according to clause 8.10.1 and an a.c. insulation test
according to clause 8.10.2 are recommended.

8.10.1 DC Voltage Test of the Oversheath New Cable Section with Extruded Insulation

The voltage level and duration specified in clause 5 of IEC 60229 shall be applied
between each metal sheath or concentric wires or tapes and the ground. Existing Cable Section (Paper-Insulated)

The voltage level and duration of the test should follow the local practice.

Note: Where it is required to test the oversheath of the two cable sections
separately it is recommended to install a sheath sectionalised transition joint.

8.10.2 AC Voltage Test of the Insulation

The a.c. test voltage to be applied shall be subject to agreement between the
purchaser and contractor. The waveform shall be substantially sinusoidal and the
frequency shall normally be between 20 Hz and 300 Hz. However if the capacitance
of the cable is such that this cannot be achieved, then subject to agreement between
purchaser and contractor, the minimum frequency may be reduced to 10 Hz. A
voltage according to Table 8.2 shall be applied for 1 h.

Note: For installations, which have been in use, lower voltages and/or
shorter durations may be used. Values should be determined, taking into
account the age, environment, history of breakdowns and the purpose of
carrying out the tests.

Alternatively, a voltage of Uo may be applied for 24 h.

In addition to the a.c. voltage test, partial discharge measurements may be carried
out, especially on the extruded cable part of the transition joint. The result should be
recorded for information and future reference.
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 387

Table 8.2 AC Test Voltages after Installation

Rated voltage Value of U0 Existing cable 5 years Existing cable >5 years (see
(kV) (kV) (kV) note) (kV)
30–33 18 36 (2Uo) 29 (1,6Uo)
45–47 26 52 (2Uo) 42 (1,6Uo)
60–69 36 72 (2Uo) 58 (1,6Uo)
110–115 64 128 (2Uo) 103 (1,6Uo)
132–138 76 132 (1,73Uo) 106 (1,4Uo)
150–161 87 150 (1,73Uo) 122 (1,4Uo)
220–230 127 180 (1,4Uo) 152 (1,2Uo)
275–287 160 210 (1,3Uo) 192 (1,2Uo)
330–345 190 250 (1,3Uo) 228 (1,2Uo)
380–400 220 260 (1,2Uo) 260 (1,2Uo)
500 290 320 (1,1Uo) 320 (1,1Uo)
Note: the threshold of 5 years is indicative only; test regimes should be evaluated on an individual
basis to take into account the condition of an existing cable system and local practices where these

Appendix A Considerations for Transition Joints for Other Types

of Paper Cable

The main body of this document specifically addresses transition joints connecting
low pressure oil filled cables and extruded cables. The extruded cable types are those
covered by IEC 60840 and IEC 62067.
However three other main types of paper cable exist and are covered by IEC
60141 parts 2, 3 and 4. Specific differences which should be taken into account
when testing transition joints for use on these types of cables are given in this

A.1 Cables to IEC 60141-2: – Internal Gas-Pressure Cables and their

Accessories for Alternating Voltages up to 275 kV

Routine Test: – A hydraulic test as specified in the main body of this report should
be carried out. In addition a gas leak test is required for the casing on the paper cable
side of the joint at maximum operating pressure for 24 h. There shall be no leakage.
AC Test Voltages for Heating Cycle Voltage Tests: – Test voltages with heating
cycles are not specified in IEC 60141. The test voltages given in the main body of
this report may be used. However the manufacturer should consider the values to be
applied in relation to the known performance of the particular cable and adjust the
AC test voltages if appropriate.
Lightning Impulse Test and AC Voltage Test After Impulse Voltage Test: –
As specified in IEC 60141-2 the lightning impulse test voltage is calculated
according to the formula:
388 M. Marelli

• Test voltage ¼ 6Uo + 40 kV

and the AC test voltage according to:

• Test voltage ¼ 1,7Uo + 10 kV

This results in the following values reported in Table 8.3.

Note: These test voltages are lower than those specified in the main body of
this document.

After installation test: the test may be carried out at Uo for 24 h. If a one hour
AC test is proposed then the condition of the cable should be taken into account in
determining the voltage. Nevertheless the test voltage should not exceed the value
specified in Table 8.2 of the main document.

A.2 IEC 60141-3: – External Gas- Pressure (Gas Compression) Cables

and their Accessories for Alternating Voltages up to 275 kV

Routine Test: – A hydraulic test as specified in the main body of this report should
be carried out. In addition the following tests to IEC 60141-3 are required where

• A gas leak test is required for the casing on the paper cable side of the joint, if it is
exposed to gas pressure in service, at maximum operating pressure for 24 h. There
shall be no leakage.

Table 8.3 Test Voltages, case of internal gas-pressure cables

1 2 3 8 9
Rated Highest Value of Uo for Impulse voltage AC Voltage test after
voltage voltage for determination of test of impulse voltage test of
equipment test voltages and and
U Um Uo 6Uo + 40 1,73Uo +10
kV kV kV kV kV
30–33 36 18 148 41
45–47 52 26 196 55
60–69 72,5 36 256 72
110–115 123 64 424 121
132–138 145 76 496 141
150–161 170 87 562 161
220 to 230 245 127 802 230
275 to 287 300 160 1000 287
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 389

• If the accessory is subjected in normal service to small transient differences

between oil pressure and gas pressure then the interface between the oil and gas
regions shall be subjected to a gas pressure difference of 3 bar for 1 h. There shall
be no leakage.

AC Test Voltages For Heating Cycle Voltage Tests: – Test voltages with
heating cycles are not specified in IEC 60141. The test voltages given in the main
body of this report may be used. However the manufacturer should consider the
values to be applied in relation to the known performance of the particular cable and
adjust the AC test voltages if appropriate.
Lightning Impulse Test And AC Voltage Test After Impulse Voltage Test: –
As specified in IEC 60141-3 the lightning impulse test voltage is calculated
according to the formula:

• Test voltage ¼ 6Uo + 40 kV

and the AC test voltage according to:

• Test voltage ¼ 1,7Uo + 10 kV

This results in the following values reported in Table 8.4.

Note: These test voltages are lower than those specified in the main body of
this document.

After installation test: the test may be carried out at Uo for 24 h. If a one hour
AC test is proposed then the condition of the cable should be taken into account in
determining the voltage. Nevertheless the test voltage should not exceed the value
specified in Table 8.2 of the main document.

A.3 IEC 60141-4: – Oil-Impregnated Paper-Insulated High Pressure

Oil- Filled Pipe-Type Cables and their Accessories for Alternating
Voltages up to and Including 400 kV

Routine Test: – It is recommended that a hydraulic test in accordance with IEC

60141-1 is carried out on the fluid filled side of the transition joint. There shall be no
AC Test Voltages For Heating Cycle Voltage Tests: – Test voltages with
heating cycles are not specified in IEC 60141. The test voltages given in the main
body of this report may be used. However the manufacturer should consider the
values to be applied in relation to the known performance of the particular cable and
adjust the AC test voltages if appropriate.
390 M. Marelli

Table 8.4 Test Voltages, case of external gas-pressure (gas compression) cables
1 2 3 8 9
Rated Highest Value of Uo for Impulse voltage AC Voltage test after
voltage voltage for determination of test of impulse voltage test of
equipment test voltages and and
U Um Uo 6Uo + 40 1,73Uo +10
kV kV kV kV kV
30–33 36 18 148 41
45–47 52 26 196 55
60–69 72,5 36 256 72
110– 123 64 424 121
132– 145 76 496 141
150– 170 87 562 161
220 to 245 127 802 230
275 to 300 160 1000 287

Lightning Impulse Test And AC Voltage Test After Impulse Voltage Test: –
As specified in IEC 60141-4 the lightning impulse test voltage is defined by the
manufacturer of the cable. In practice the lightning impulse voltages given in
Table 8.2 of this report are those normally used. The value of test voltage given in
Table 8.2 for the AC voltage test after impulse voltage test is also recommended to
be used.
These values are recommended subject to agreement and consideration of the
condition of the cable used for the test.
After installation test: the test procedure as given in the main body of this
document is recommended.

Appendix B Design Features, Performance and Necessity

for Performing Type Tests for Transition Joints

Transition joints might be either of innovative design, in which case the full scale
development and type tests need to be performed or the joints might be constructed
of well known and type tested components, in which case development and type
tests are not necessary.
This Appendix is a general description of constructional principles of some
common types of transition joint (Cigré TB 89), with drawings and principal design
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 391

features and is meant to give a general understanding and guidance to those studying
this subject for the first time (See ▶ Chapter 1 of this book).
In the last section of this Appendix a methodology is described which may be
employed to assess the need for testing a particular new design.

B.1 Back-to-Back Transition Joint with Two Insulators

The transition joint as shown in Fig. 8.1 comprises either:

• Two GIS terminations in a common joint shell or

• Two oil immersed terminations in a common joint shell.

The terminations are in back-to-back arrangement and connected with a short

length of busbar. In the case of GIS terminations the joint shell is filled by insulating
gas (either with SF6 gas or mixture of SF6 gas and nitrogen). In the case of oil
immersed terminations either cable oil, transformer oil or other insulating oil is used.
Extruded and paper cable terminations are identical to terminations used in either
SF6 switchgear or transformer applications and therefore further approval testing
should not be necessary.
Current carrying connection between two terminations may be specific to transi-
tion joint, in which case this may need separate evaluation.
The electrical field design in the central region may be specific to the transition
joint, however this may be assessed by electric field calculations if adequate test data
is available.
In the case of gas, a gas supply is required, and in case of oil the oil may be
connected to the cable oil system or alternatively a header tank of some type could be
used. Both systems would normally require some sort of fluid loss alarm.

Joint shell Gas or liquid immersed terminations

Fixing flange
Insulated flange
End metalwork

Gas or insulating liquid
Connector Corona shields
Conductor stalk

Fig. 8.1 Single phase back-to-back transition joint with (2) insulators
392 M. Marelli

In the case of oil immersed terminations the chamber required may be very large,
see EN 50299.
In special cases, the busbar connection can be designed so that the two cables may
be disconnected allowing independent high voltage commissioning tests on the two

B.2 Back-to-Back Transition Joint with One Insulator

Figure 8.2 shows example of the GIS or oil immersed type termination with rigid,
epoxy or porcelain, insulator on the paper-insulated cable side. The insulator anchors
cable conductors and centres the corona shield within the joint shell filled with
insulating fluid (SF6 gas, mixture of SF6 and nitrogen or insulating oil). The insulator
of the GIS/transformer termination is the barrier between insulating liquid of the
paper-insulated cable and the insulating oil of the joint shell.
The extruded cable end is terminated by a stress cone, which is directly immersed
in the insulating fluid of the joint. It is necessary to seal the strands and sheath of the
extruded cable conductor to prevent loss of insulating fluid.
The arrangement of the joint with the rigid insulator at the extruded cable side can
be utilized too. In this case the joint shell is filled with insulating liquid of the paper
cable and the stress cone of the paper cable is directly immersed into this liquid.
The terminations with and without rigid insulator are identical to terminations
used in either SF6 switchgear or transformer applications.
Current carrying connection between two terminations may be specific to transi-
tion joint.
Corona shield (individual or collective) may be specific to transition joint.
An oil reservoir might be required to control thermal expansion/compression of
the insulating fluid.

Joint shell Gas or liquid immersed terminations

Conductor seal Stress cone
Fixing flange
Insulated flange
End metalwork

Gas or insulating liquid

Connector Corona shields

Conductor stalk

Fig. 8.2 Single phase back-to-back transition joint with one insulator
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 393

B.3 Composite Type Transition Joint (Three-Core, Single Core)

The composite type transition joint shown in Fig. 8.3 features central barrier, usually
made of cast thermoset resin, which closely resembles the stop joint barrier
employed to segregate pressure between single core liquid-filled cables. The barrier
is cylindrical with an embedded metallic HV electrode, which is sealed to the
conductor connection to form a seal between the two sides of the joint.
The stress control on the paper cable is made of hand applied oil-impregnated
paper tapes or a combination of hand applied paper tapes and thermoset resin stress
cone. In the case of single core cables there is a channel at the connector to permit
insulating liquid from the cable conductor duct to be fed into the joint shell on the
paper cable side. For three core cables the oil feed comes directly from the core
separation position near the end of the cable sheath.
The extruded cable side of the transition joint is similar to a dry-type GIS
termination, the stress cone and springs normally being identical to those used in
GIS terminations. The elastomeric stress cone is sandwiched between the cable
insulation and central barrier and the interface pressures are maintained by the
A common thermoset resin barrier with an embedded corona shield may be
specific for use in the transition joint.
The stress cone for the extruded cable may be identical to that used in dry-type
The paper cable side may be identical to a stop joint in which case testing of the
stop joint will be applicable.
In the case of the extruded cable side, testing of similar dry type accessories may
be considered in conjunction with electrical stress calculations.

Fluid feed union

Oil or gas filled Paper insulation
paper cable Cast thermoset resin stress cone
Cast thermoset resin barrier
HV electrode Polymeric extruded cables

Plumb Plumb
Oil or gas Compression device
Joint shell
Semiconducting Elastomeric
Insulated flange elastomer moulded stress
Insulated elastomer cone

Fig. 8.3 Single phase composite, fed-type transition joint

394 M. Marelli

The current carrying connection between two cables may be specific to the
transition joint.

B.4 Single-Core or Three-Core Type with Bushing

The same electrical design applies to single or three core versions of this joint.
A central barrier plate with a single bushing or multiple bushings separates lapped
cable joint side from the side with extruded cable. The barrier and bushings that are
usually made of premoulded thermoset resin are designed to withstand operating and
test pressures required for the lapped cable.
The bushing is connected to the extruded cable in the form of extruded cable joint
that can be of various designs, such as taped insulation, premoulded elastomeric
body, heat shrink sleeve, etc. The joint on the paper cable side is usually insulated
with either impregnated plain or crepe paper tapes.
The joint shell on the paper cable side is filled with the insulating liquid of the
paper cable.
Thermoset resin bushing may be similar to one used in stop joints.
On the paper cable side the design is usually identical to a stop joint and thus
previous testing of a stop joint may be applicable.
Interface of insulation with the bushing on the extruded side is specific to
transition joint, however standard premoulded components or taping methods may
be used.
The current carrying connection between the bushing and paper cable is usually the
same as in the stop joint. Likewise, current carrying connection between bushing and
extruded cable may be the same as the connection in extruded cable joint. In these
cases testing of these items will already have been carried out for the standard joints.
Electrical testing of a single core can be considered valid for three core designs,
only thermomechanical and pressure characteristics of the casings need to be
considered when moving from single to three core versions (Fig. 8.4).

Oil or gas filled cable Insulated conductor rod

Paper insulation
Cast thermoset resin bushing
Insulation (tape etc.)
Polymeric extruded cables

Plumb Plumb
Barrier plate
Oil or gas Spacer Joint shell Insulated flange

Fig. 8.4 Three-core transition joint with the bushing

8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 395

B.5 Methodology for Assessing Test Requirements

In assessing the need for type and/or prequalification tests it is first necessary to
consider the proposed design and to evaluate which parts of the accessory are similar
to established accessories or parts of established accessories (for example the oil
filled side of a transition joint might resemble an established stop joint). Then, based
on available knowledge or lack of knowledge of performance of the particular design
feature, the confidence in performance in certain test conditions should be evaluated.
This can be done by considering the range of service and related test conditions
which have to be met. The following table gives an example for this for a fictitious
design. The need for test can then be judged based on the number of entries on the
“Type Test Required” column.

Appendix C List of Type and Prequalification Tests of Cable


Type tests of transition joints are covered by paragraph 8.8 (Table 8.5).
Table 8.6 gives a summary and references for type testing of transition joints.
Prequalification tests of transition joints are covered by paragraph 8.9.
Table 8.7 gives a summary and references for prequalification testing of these
transition joints.

Appendix D Transition Joint Experience Data

Part of the terms of reference of WG B1-24 was to review the range of transition
joints currently available. To this end the WG has carried out a survey amongst its
members to investigate the types of transition joint used, their availability and
number in service in the members’ countries.
The results of this survey are presented in the following table (Table 8.8):
396 M. Marelli

Table 8.5 Example of evaluation of need for performing certain type tests of novel transition joint

Condition (examples – Confidence Type Test Reason for confidence-level rank &
others might be chosen in Level Required? remarks (typical comment shown as
practice) High Low Yes No an example)
PD initiation X X
Breakdown at AC X X
withstand voltage
Breakdown at DC X X Thermoset resin barrier is new
withstand voltage
Breakdown at impulse X X
withstand, at ambient
Breakdown at impulse X X
withstand, hot
Ionization initiation in X X Electrical stress in paper insulation
paper insulation is influenced by the stress cone
design. Test is not required if PD
level is acceptable.
Load Voltage X X Thermoset resin barrier is new
cycling breakdown in
oil (or gas) in
Voltage X X
breakdown in
Thermal X X
runaway of
Mechanical or thermal X X Manufacturer to evaluate necessity
failure during short-time of performing these tests as
current test development tests based on past
Breakdown at AC X X
withstand voltage after
short-time current test
Mechanical or thermal X X Metallic shield restoration has been
failure of ground individually tested
connections during short-
time current test
Voltage breakdown of the X X Jacket restoration and shield-break
shield break during load have been individually tested
cycling in water
Pressure and leak test X X Material and dimensions of the shell
and the sealing system are critical for
pressure and leak test. No test is
required if previously tested on
similar design
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 397

Table 8.6 Type tests on transition joints

Item Test Clauses
a General 8.8.1
b Range of type approval 8.8.2
c Type test arrangement 8.8.3
d Test voltage values
e Tests and sequence of tests
f Partial discharge measurements
g Heating cycle voltage test
h Switching impulse voltage test (for Um 300 kV)
i Lightning impulse voltage test followed by power frequency voltage test
j Leak test
k Pressure test
l Examination

Table 8.7 Prequalification tests on transition joints

Item Test Clauses
a General and range of prequalification test approval 8.9.1
b Prequalification test arrangement 8.9.2
c Test voltage values
d Tests and sequence of tests
e Heating cycle voltage test
e Lightning impulse voltage test
f Examination
Table 8.8

Country Type of Transition Joint 30-109kV 110-219kV 220-314kV 315-500kV

(SC = single core; Avail- No. in service Avail- No. in Avail- No. in Avail- No. in
3C = 3 core) able able service able service able service
Australia SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 0 Yes 84 No 0 No 0
Belgium SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 0 Yes 0 No 0 No 0
Canada SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 0 Yes 3 Yes 0 Yes 0
China SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 0 Yes <25 Yes 6 No 0
France 3C HPOF to SC XLPE No 0 No 0 Yes 13 No 0
SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 0 No 0 Yes 3 Yes 6
3C HP Gas to SC XLPE Yes 1 No 0 No 0 No 0
Germany SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 0 Yes 200 Yes 3 No 0
3C LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 5 Yes 5 No 0 No 0
3C IPG to 3C Pipe XLPE No 0 Yes 7 No 0 No 0
3C GC to 3C Pipe XLPE No 0 Yes 2 No 0 No 0
3C IPG Gas to SC XLPE No 0 Yes 40 No 0 No 0
3C GC to SC XLPE No 0 Yes 40 No 0 No 0
Ireland SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 3 Yes 0 Yes 0 No 0
3C LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 30 Yes 1 No 0 No 0
3C HP Gas to 3C Pipe XLPE No 0 Yes 2 No 0 No 0
3C HP Gas to SC XLPE No 0 Yes 1 No 0 No 0
3C MIND to SC XLPE Yes 80 No 0 No 0 No 0
Italy SC LPOF to SC XLPE/EPR Yes 0 Yes 27 No 0 No 0
Japan SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 100 Yes 30 Yes <10 No 0
3C LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 300 No 0 No 0 No 0
Nether- SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 5 Yes 51 No 0 No 0
lands 3C LPOF to 3 SC XLPE Yes 51 No 0 No 0 No 0
3C MIND to 3 SC XLPE Yes 12 No 0 No 0 No 0
Sweden SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 15 Yes 10 No 0 No 0
3C LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 4 No 0 No 0 No 0
UK SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 500 Yes 65 Yes 0 Yes 0
3C LPOF to SC XLPE Yes 250 Yes 75 No 0 No 0
SC IPG to SC XLPE Yes 20 Yes 30 No 0 No 0
3C IPG to SC XLPE Yes 0 Yes 0 No 0 No 0
USA SC LPOF to SC XLPE Yes Unknown Yes 10-20 No 0 No 0
3C HPOF to SC XLPE Yes Unknown Yes 20-30 No 0 No 0
3C IPG to SC XLPE Yes Unknown Yes <10 No 0 No 0
Note: Data were collected between January 2007 and November 2008 and were not updated during or after WG activity: those reported should be considered as “historical”
reference only
M. Marelli
8 Test Procedures for HV Transition Joints for Rated Voltages 30 kV up to. . . 399

Appendix E Terms of Reference for WG B1-24

Group No: WG B1.24

Name of Convener: Marco MARELLI (ITA)
TITLE of the Group: Test procedures for HV transition joints
Extruded cable is increasingly being used for transmission and distribution
circuits in preference to cables with lapped insulation. It is becoming more
common for a length of extruded cable to be introduced into a lapped cable
circuit, when the latter is repaired or diverted. International cable specifications
are generally written to cover a specific insulation technology e.g. IEC 60840
applies to cables with extruded insulation and their accessories. Applications
that involve cables with more than one insulation system are not usually
considered. The test regimes differ between lapped paper and extruded poly-
meric insulation; for example an AC after laying test might be used with
extruded cable and a DC test with paper cable.
Terms of Reference:
• To review the range of transition joints currently available
• To review the existing international standards and the extent to which they
cover the testing of transition joints
• Align voltage levels to those specified in IEC Standards for extruded cable
• To propose test regimes for transition joints and their associated cables.
Type, routine, sample and after-laying tests should be considered
Scope of Work:
The WG should take into account ac cables and accessories for rated voltages
above 30 kV up to 500 kV. Transition joints in submarine or DC cable systems are
not considered. Priority should be given to jointing paper cables with extruded
cables, in particular SCFF cables and XLPE cables. All forms of testing should be
considered. Priority shall be given to after-laying and type tests.
The WG should provide recommendations on type, routine, sample tests for
transition joints.
The WG should provide a recommendation on site testing of transition joints.
The WG will also provide an Electra article and a tutorial for presentation at
Cigré conferences and workshops.
Created: 2006, Duration: 3 years
Members: Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Ger-
many, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, The Netherlands, Sweden, United
Kingdom, United States.
Approval by TC Chairman: Klaus Frohlich
Date: Nov. 12, 2006
400 M. Marelli

Cigré Electra no. 176, February 1998 Diagnostic Methods for HV Paper Cables and Accessories
Cigré Paper B1-301 Qualification of transition joint between oil – filled paper insulated cable and
XLPE insulated cable for the 150 kV Belgian network (Liemans, D., Mella, J., Gille, A.,
Szczepanski, C., Mampaey, B.) (2008)
Cigré Paper B1-303 HV-EHV transition joints: a solution to optimize the cable route (Courset, L.,
Hondaa, P., Argaut, P., Bénard, L., Mirebeau, P.) (2008)
Cigré TB 279 Maintenance for HV Cables and Accessories
Cigré TB 303 Revision of Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground
Cable Systems (Chapter 4 of this book)
Cigré TB 89 Accessories for HV Extruded Cables (Chapter 1 of this book)
IEE Conference Publication No. 382, Page 267 The HV transition joints (Gahungu, F., Francois, D.,
Darcy, A., Becker, J., Brouet, J., Couturier, J., Mella, J.) (1993)
IEEE 404–2006 Extruded and Laminated Dielectric Shielded Cable Joints Rated 2500 V to 500000 V
IEEE 48–1996 Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-Current Cable Termi-
nations 2.5 kV Through 765 kV
JICABLE Paper A.5.3 A range of transition joints for 33 kV to 132 kV polymeric cables (Attwood,
J., Gregory, B., Svoma, R.) (1991)
JICABLE Paper C.5.1.14 Compact transition joints for up 154 kV Power cable (Niinobe, H.,
Yokoyama, S., Toraki, Y., Kaneko, S.) (2007)
JICABLE Paper C.5.1.15 Upgrading quality of 275 kV Y-branch pre-fabricated transition joints
(Nakanishi, T.) (2007)

Marco Marelli has a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering.

He developed his career in Prysmian where he is currently Head of
System Engineering in the Projects BU, with responsibilities on
power and telecommunication cable systems. His expertise covers
in particular HV/EHV and Submarine Cable Systems, both AC
and DC. He spent indeed more than 20 years doing design and
engineering works for large projects worldwide including some of
those recognized as milestones in the cable industry. His work
within Cigré as SC B1 Member, Convener of Working Groups,
and Special Reporter at the General Session has been recognized
with the “TC Award” in 2010 and the “Distinguished Member
Award” in 2012. He is author of several papers and has been part
of several technical and scientific committees. Since August 2016,
Marco is the Chairperson of Cigré Study Committee B1 “Insulated
Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories
Henk Geene and Reinhard Schroth

9.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
9.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
9.3 Thermal Ratings of Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
9.3.1 Basic Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
9.3.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
9.4 Thermo-mechanical Ratings of Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
9.4.1 Basic Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
9.4.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
9.5 Systems Design Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
9.5.1 Thermal Ratings of Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
9.5.2 Thermo-mechanical Ratings of Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
9.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Annex 1. Thermal Calculations in HV and EHV Cables and Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Example 1: Dynamic Temperature Calculations in a 132 kV Cable and Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Example 2: Thermal Behavior of a 400 kV Joint during IEC Loading Cycles in Air . . . . 410
Annex 2. Overview of International Standards on Thermal Aspects of Accessories
(as a Result of a Questionnaire under the Members of the Task Force) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Annex 3. Guide to Aid Development Engineers for Testing the Thermal Properties
of Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

Reinhard Schroth has retired.

This work from TF 21.10 has been introduced in Electra 212 (February 2004). This Chapter is the
final report of the Task Force

H. Geene (*)
Prysmian Group, Product Management HV Accessories, The Hague Area, Netherlands
R. Schroth
Berlin, Germany

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 401

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
402 H. Geene and R. Schroth

Test Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

Thermal Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Annex 4. Guide to Aid Design Engineers in the Correct Design of Systems: Thermal
and Thermo-mechanical Aspects of Accessory Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Cable Systems: Way of Laying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Rigid Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Flexible Systems: Cable Horizontally Snaked or Vertically Waved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Semi-flexible Systems: Cable Constrained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

9.1 Summary

On request of IEC TC 20 a Task Force TF 21(B1)-10 was launched by SC 21 in 2001

with the scope to review whether or not existing HV cable test specifications would
appropriately specify and verify the crucial thermal and thermo-mechanical charac-
teristics of accessories. TF B1-10 finished its work on schedule in 2003 with the
following conclusions:

• Thermal ratings of accessories need not be specified separately from cables, as

they are considered identical due to the presence of cable inside the accessory.
• The successful completion of IEC thermal tests at a complete cable system can be
considered as simultaneous verification of the adequate thermal design of both,
cables and accessories, provided that comparable or higher conductor tempera-
tures as rated for the cable are achieved inside joints. These test conditions shall
be realized by applying only cable conductor current heating.
• The thermal performance of terminations in normal operation is not considered
critical; therefore they do not have to reach the rated temperature for the cable
during test.
• External thermo-mechanical forces can be reproduced in the IEC prequalification
test only for the specific installation conditions applied.
• The thermal limits of accessories and external thermo-mechanical forces in service
operation cannot be reproduced comprehensively by standardized tests, but have to
be taken into account for each individual case by the systems design engineering.

The abstract of the work was published in Electra No 212 February 2004.

9.2 Introduction

It is common practice to base the calculation of the current carrying capacity of

HV/EHV underground transmission lines on the thermal ratings of the cable, taking
into account the losses in the cable and the heat transfer to its environment.
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 403

International standards as IEC specifications 60840 Ed.3 and 62067 Ed.1 have
defined the thermal ratings of extruded HV/EHV cables by their maximum cable
conductor temperatures for different insulations. The thermal ratings of accessories
are not explicitly mentioned as they were generally considered to have equal or
better levels than those of the cable.
Questions have been raised, whether and how the thermal and thermo-mechanical
ratings of accessories, i.e. terminations and joints, should be defined and how these
should be taken into account in the design of cable systems.
In 2001 a Task Force TF 21-10 was established with the following scope:

• To specify the terms “thermal and thermo-mechanical ratings” of accessories

• To review existing test specifications with regard to appropriate verification of
thermal and thermo-mechanical performance of accessories
• To consider, if applicable, improved or new test procedures for thermal and
thermo-mechanical verification of accessories
• To prepare recommendations to IEC, whether and how specific thermal and
thermo-mechanical tests should be combined with and/or integrated into existing
test specifications for extruded HV and EHV cables (e.g. IEC 60840 Ed.3 and IEC
62067 Ed.1)
• To prepare guidelines how to apply the findings of basic laboratory tests to the
multitude of practical configurations.

9.3 Thermal Ratings of Accessories

The thermal rating of an accessory is defined as “the maximum temperature of the

conductor or conductor connector contained within the accessory (whichever is the
higher) allowed in normal operation”.

9.3.1 Basic Considerations

• Thermal ratings of extruded HV/EHV cables are defined in IEC specifications

60840 and 62067 Ed. 1by maximum cable conductor temperatures for different
• Thermal ratings of accessories are not explicitly mentioned as they were generally
considered to have equal or better thermal ratings than those of the cable.
• Thermal aspects are verified in IEC specifications by heating cycle voltage tests
and by prequalification tests on complete EHV cable systems (cable +
• The heating current in the test loop is defined by the maximum temperature in the
cable conductor remote from the accessories.
• Thermal designs of accessories are extremely diverse and within the responsibil-
ity of each manufacturer.
404 H. Geene and R. Schroth

• Terminations installed in normal conditions are not considered as a hot spot for
the cable due to more effective heat transfer to the environment (e.g. air circula-
tion for outdoor terminations, axial conductor heat transfer in GIS and trans-
former terminations).
• In steady state test conditions (i.e. when a single cable is installed in air in a test
loop) joints will develop higher conductor temperatures than the remote cable,
due to their larger dimensions (Annex 1).
• Longer thermal time constants for joints may result in lower conductor temper-
ature in the first part of a heating period than for the cable, but higher temperatures
at the end of the heating period, followed by delayed cooling after disconnecting
the current (Annex 1).
• Depending on the time constants and duration of the cooling period, joints may
not cool down completely to the ambient temperature, resulting in a gradual
increase of conductor temperatures in subsequent cycles (Annex 1).
• Additional thermal insulation may extend the thermal time constant for the cable.
• Most existing standards require current heating for cable and accessories
(Annex 2).

9.3.2 Conclusions

• Thermal ratings of accessories need not be specified separately from cables, as

they are considered identical due to the presence of cable inside the accessory.
• Common test specifications can only assess the basic thermal performance of
accessories, rather than compliance with rated cable conductor temperatures.
• Many joints have worse heat dissipation characteristics than cables, thus devel-
oping during thermal IEC tests higher internal conductor temperatures than the
remote cables.
• Higher than rated conductor (insulation) temperatures are not allowed inside
accessories during service operation.
• For type/prequalification tests it is acceptable for maximum temperature in
accessories to be higher than in the cable. The successful completion of IEC
thermal tests on a complete cable system can be considered as simultaneous
verification of the adequate thermal design of both cables and accessories,
provided that comparable or higher conductor temperatures as rated for the
cable are achieved inside joints.
• The thermal performance of terminations in normal operation is not considered
critical; therefore they do not have to reach the rated temperature for the cable
during test.
• Conductor heating by means of current should be applied during type and
prequalification tests. No external means of heating or sheath current heating
should be applied, as this will tend to reduce the conductor temperature within a
joint in comparison to the temperature of the remote cable conductor.
• Some cable systems with additional thermal insulation may require extended
heating (and cooling) cycles.
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 405

9.4 Thermo-mechanical Ratings of Accessories

The thermo-mechanical rating of an accessory is defined as “the ability of the

accessory to withstand mechanical forces, which are developed due to operation of
the accessory and associated cable at the maximum temperature allowed in normal
operation. The forces are internal and external. Only the level of external forces is
specified, being symmetrical and asymmetrical conductor forces (arising from the
connected cables)” (Fig. 9.1).

9.4.1 Basic Considerations

Thermo-mechanical ratings of accessories are neither mentioned nor explicitly

specified in IEC specifications. Thermo-mechanical forces in accessories can orig-
inate from:

• Components inside the accessories: internal forces.

• External sources, mainly cable: external forces.
• Internal thermo-mechanical forces (expansion, retraction, pressure etc.) are
reproduced in actual thermal IEC tests, provided that maximum (rated) conductor
temperatures (cycles) are adequately achieved.
• External thermo-mechanical forces on accessories are induced by external com-
ponents and their installation. Depending on the test arrangements used, specific
external thermo-mechanical forces can be reproduced by IEC prequalification
tests. These, however, cannot be representative for the complete variety of
possible service installations.
• The definition of the mechanical withstand strength of each individual accessory
against external forces is with the manufacturer.

Fig. 9.1 Measurement of

thermo-mechanical forces
406 H. Geene and R. Schroth

This strength is determined by “mechanical” components such as insulators,

anchor joint casings, etc.
• It is considered sufficient to verify the adequate mechanical strength of such
components by separate certificates rather than testing of complete accessories.

9.4.2 Conclusions

• Internal thermo-mechanical forces can adequately be verified by thermal IEC

tests, provided that maximum conductor temperatures are adequately achieved.
• External (thermo-) mechanical forces, in special installation conditions, cannot be
reproduced comprehensively in standardized tests.
• Maximum admissible symmetrical and/or asymmetrical forces are indicated by
accessories manufacturers and attested by certificates rather than verified at
complete individual accessories.
• Thermo-mechanical ratings of accessories need not be specified explicitly in IEC
specifications, but left as a subject of agreement between customer and

9.5 Systems Design Aspects

9.5.1 Thermal Ratings of Accessories

Thermal limits of accessories in service operation, (i.e. obeying maximum rated

cable conductor temperatures in accessories too) have to be secured by systems
design engineering taking into account:

• The accessory’s basic thermal characteristics provided by the manufacturer

(Annex 3).
• Appropriate installations such as wider phase spacing (Fig. 9.2), special backfill,
ventilation of manholes, etc. (Annex 4).
• Severe environmental conditions for terminations (e.g. hot climates, transformer
terminations in hot oil).

9.5.2 Thermo-mechanical Ratings of Accessories

External thermo-mechanical (and other mechanical) forces on accessories have to be

considered by systems design engineering taking into account:

• The value of admissible mechanical forces acting on the accessory, to be provided

by the accessory’s supplier.
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 407

Fig. 9.2 Joints in manholes,

installed with wider spacing

• The thermo-mechanical characteristics (e.g. bending moments, allowable thrust)

of the cables involved, to be provided by the cable’s supplier.
• The actual installation conditions (Annex 4).

9.6 Conclusions

Thermal ratings of accessories need not be specified separately from cables, as they
are considered identical due to the presence of cable inside the accessory.
The thermal performance of terminations in normal operation is not to be
considered critical; therefore they do not have to reach the rated temperature for
the cable during test.
The successful completion of IEC thermal tests at the complete cable
system can be considered as simultaneous verification of the adequate thermal
design of both, cables and accessories, provided that comparable or higher
conductor temperatures as rated for the cable are achieved inside joints. These
test conditions will be achieved by applying cable conductor current heating
For the heating of cables and accessories during type test, the following clause is
recommended to IEC:
For IEC 62067 Ed.1 clause 12.4.7 becomes:
The cable shall have a U-bend with a diameter as specified in 12.4.4.
The assembly shall be heated by conductor current until the cable conductor
reaches a steady temperature 5  C to 10  C above the maximum conductor temper-
ature in normal operation. No additional external heating or heating by sheath
current shall be allowed. If for practical reasons the test temperature cannot be
reached, additional thermal insulation can be applied, which then must be described
in the test report.
408 H. Geene and R. Schroth

The heating shall be applied for at least 8 h. The conductor temperature shall be
maintained within the stated temperature limits for at least 2 h of each heating
period. This shall be followed by at least 16 h of natural cooling to a conductor
temperature within 15  C of ambient temperature, with a maximum of 45  C. The
conductor current during the last 2 h of each heating period shall be recorded.
The cycle of heating and cooling shall be carried out 20 times.
In the case of IEC60840/Ed3/CDV clause 12.3.6:
The same wording is recommended as given above except that “12.4.4” is
changed to “12.3.3” and “within 15 C of ambient” is replaced by “within 10 C
of ambient” in accordance with the existing wording.
For the Impulse voltage test and “hot” partial discharge test, the same method of
heating shall be applied.
External (thermo-) mechanical forces in normal installation condition may be
reproduced in the prequalification test for EHV systems. However, external
(thermo-) mechanical (and other mechanical) forces, in special installation condi-
tions, cannot be reproduced comprehensively in standardized tests and should there-
fore be considered by systems design engineering.
Completely new generation of accessories (e.g. dry outdoor terminations) might
need further considerations, regarding thermal and thermomechanical aspects.


1. Thermal calculations in HV and EHV cables and joints

Example 1: dynamic temperature calculations in a 132 kV cable and joint
Example 2: thermal behavior of a 400 kV joint during IEC loading cycles in air
2. Overview of international standards on thermal aspects of accessories
3. Guide to aid development engineers for testing the thermal properties of joints
4. Guide to aid design engineers in the correct design of systems: thermal and
thermo-mechanical aspects of accessory performance

Annex 1. Thermal Calculations in HV and EHV Cables and Joints

Example 1: Dynamic Temperature Calculations in a 132 kV Cable

and Joint

Joints and cables have different thermal properties. The basic differences can be
expressed in:

• Thermal resistances
• Thermal time constants
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 409

Model for calculations

Φa Φa

Φr Φr

Tc: conductor temperature in the cable

Tj: connector temperature in the joint
Φr: radial heat flow
Φa: axial heat flow.

To verify the differences in the joint and cable temperature during one heating
cycle, dynamical calculations were made for an 800mm2 132 kV XLPE cable.
First, the heating current is calculated to obtain a stable cable conductor temper-
ature of 95  C. Based on the heating current, the temperature was calculated inside
the joint and cable for a period of 10 h after switching on the current. The results are
given in Fig. 9.3 at a conductor heating current of 1800A.

Temperature (°C)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (hours)

Joint Cable

Fig. 9.3 Typical heating curve of a 132 kV 800 mm2 Cu cable and joint
410 H. Geene and R. Schroth

In stationary conditions, the joint reached a higher temperature than the cable, as a
result of higher thermal resistance of the joint. In the first 6 hours of the heating
cycle, the temperature in the joint is lower than in the cable due to the longer thermal
time constant of the joint.

Example 2: Thermal Behavior of a 400 kV Joint during IEC Loading

Cycles in Air

In order to evaluate the temperature difference between a 400 kV cable and the
relevant premoulded joint during the heating cycle voltage test, specified in IEC
60840 Ed. 3 and 62067 Ed.1, thermal calculations have been carried out using the
finite element method.
The test loop assumed for the calculation is installed in air and includes 20 m of
cable and a 400 kV premoulded joint complete with its anticorrosion protection. The
length of cable is such that the presence of the joint does not affect the asymptotic
temperature of the cable.
Due to the use of the FEM method, the joint is subdivided in finite elements where
both radial and longitudinal heat transmission is taken into account.
During the heating cycle test the cable conductor is heated by conductor current in
order to reach in 6 hours a conductor temperature of 95  C (far from the joint),
followed by 2 hours where the current is reduced in order to maintain the cable
conductor temperature between 95  C and 100  C, then the current is switched off
for 16 hours still maintaining the voltage on. This cycle under constant voltage of
2 Uo is repeated for 20 times. The calculation has been made for 400 kV XLPE
cables with a 1600 mm2 and a 2500 mm2 copper conductor. Both conductor losses
and dielectric losses have been considered in the calculation.

Loading Cycle Temperature Profile Calculation

2500 mm2 Cu 400 kV cable and joint

During the loading cycles a constant current of about 3450 A is circulated in the
conductor, so that a temperature of 95  C is reached in the cable conductor after
6 hours, starting from a uniform ambient temperature of 20  C. Then the current is
reduced in order to maintain the temperature in the cable conductor between 95  C
and 100  C for 2 hours. Subsequently the conductor current is switched off for
16 hours.
The results of the calculations of the cable and joint daily cycles are shown in
Fig. 9.4.
It can be observed that initially the joint ferrule temperature is slightly lower
than 95  C, then it increases and reaches a stable value of about 101  C after four
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 411

Temperature (°C)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Time (hours)

Joint Cable

Fig. 9.4 Loading cycles (8 hours on, 16 hours off) on a 400 kV 2500 mm2 Cu cable and joint

Temperature (°C)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (hours)
Joint Cable

Fig. 9.5 Loading cycles (8 hours on, 16 hours off) on a 400 kV 2500 mm2 Cu cable and joint

1600 mm2 Cu 400 kV Cable and Joint

The initial conductor current in order to bring the cable conductor temperature to
95  C after 6 hours (including dielectric losses) is of about 2500 A. The results of the
joint and cable load cycle calculation are shown in Fig. 9.5.
412 H. Geene and R. Schroth

It can be observed that the temperature of the joint has the same behavior as in
Fig. 9.4, i.e. the periodic asymptotic temperature in the joint is reached after 4 cycles,
but its value is a little smaller (99  C instead of 101  C).

During IEC loading cycles, with only conductor current heating, the joint ferrule
temperature of a 400 kV joint follows the cable conductor temperature with a certain
delay due to the higher thermal time constant of the joint compared to the cable.
However, after about 4 cycles also the joint reaches stable periodic conditions
with a maximum temperature generally slightly higher than that of the cable
These conclusions depend on the design of the joint. Joints longer than the one
considered in these calculations or with thicker insulation would present a higher
time constant, so that stable cycle conditions for the joint would be reached after
more than 4 cycles, but certainly within the 20 IEC cycles.
The higher periodic temperature in the joint is also due to the fact that, during the
type test, the joint is provided with the thick outer protection foreseen for the
underground installation (as in the case of these calculations), while for actual
installations in air the casing is normally unprotected.

Annex 2. Overview of International Standards on Thermal Aspects

of Accessories (as a Result of a Questionnaire under
the Members of the Task Force)
Standards, relevant statements on thermal ratings and testing of accessories
Standard Contents and comments
BS 7912 (UK) BS 7912 (Implementation of HD 632): the method for heat cycling
assemblies containing accessories is “The assembly shall be heated until the
cable conductor reaches a steady temperature 5  C to 10  C above the
maximum conductor temperature in normal operation. The heating
arrangements shall be selected so that the cable conductor attains the
temperature specified in this sub clause, remote from the accessories and as far
as practicable, also within the accessories.”
EATS 09-16 EATS 09-16 is the more widely used document which effectively expands on
(UK) the requirements of the above BS. The latest revision of this, which is still in
draft form at the time of the publication of this report, states:
“The load cycle test shall be carried out as in clause 16.4 of BS 7912 except
that the details of heating given in the last two sentences (i.e. the 2 sentences
quoted from BS 7912 above) shall be replaced by the following:
The heating arrangements shall be selected so that the cable conductor attains
the temperature specified above, remote from the accessories, and as far as
practicable, the conductor temperature in accessories shall reach at least the
rated temperature of the accessory plus 5  C to 10  C.
The rated temperature of the accessory shall have been declared previously by
the supplier (the value shall be no lower than the maximum cable conductor
temperature in normal operation).
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 413

Standards, relevant statements on thermal ratings and testing of accessories

Standard Contents and comments
Alternatively, the test installation shall be heated by conductor current alone,
until the cable conductor remote from the accessories reaches a steady
temperature of 5  C to 10  C above the maximum cable conductor temperature
in normal operation. No thermal insulation or means of cooling or further
forms of heating shall be used.”
NEN 3629 Thermal properties
(Netherlands) According to this standard, in normal operation a conductor temperature of
max 90  C and during short-circuit (duration max 5 sec) of 250  C is
acceptable acceptable.
Heating cycle voltage test with 30 cycles.
IEEE 48-1990 IEEE standard test procedures and requirements for high-voltage alternating-
(USA) current cable terminations
4. Rating
Note: regarding the continuous current rating (ampacity). The application of
various types of cable terminations requires engineering consideration as to
the ampacity of the completed installation. A cable termination by itself
cannot be assigned a design or nominal current or ampacity rating since this
parameter is completely dependent upon the type of cable insulation, the
maximum allowable cable conductor temperature for the type of cable
insulation involved, and the anticipated maximum ambient temperature of the
medium surrounding the termination...
The supplier of cable terminating devices or material should be consulted for
the ampacity of the design for the intended application with specific type and
size of cable.
7.4.2 Cyclic aging test
(Conductor heating is required. There shall be no current in the cable metallic
During the current-on period, the cable conductor temperature midway
between the terminations shall be within 5  C of the cable’s maximum rated
emergency operating temperature for a period of 6 h.
Note: the cyclic aging test is not intended to establish current rating for a
termination (see Sect. 9.4. Rating)
IEEE IEEE standard for cable joints for use with extruded dielectric cable rated
404-1993 5000–138000 V and cable joints for use with laminated dielectric cable rated
(USA) 2500–50000 V
4.2 Unusual service conditions
The manufactures should be consulted for recommendations.
5.2 Current ratings
The current rating of the cable joint shall be equal to or greater than the current
rating of the cables for which the cable joint is designed.
5.3 Temperature limitations
The joint shall be designed for operating with the conductor and connector within
the joint at the same maximum temperature limitations as those for the conductors
of the cables being joined.
7.7 Cyclic aging test for extruded dielectric and transition joints
7.7.2 Extruded cable joints rated 46–138 kV
(Joints are tested in water and dry. Conductor heating is required.)
There shall be no current in the cable metallic shield.
The following information shall be recorded in the test report:
414 H. Geene and R. Schroth

Standards, relevant statements on thermal ratings and testing of accessories

Standard Contents and comments
a) The maximum temperature of the outside of the joint housing in water
b) The maximum temperature of the outside of the joint housing in air
c) The temperature of the outside surface of the cable in air
The temperature at which the joint is qualified
SEN 24 14 Joints and terminations, rated voltage 1–420 kV. Testing
34 (Sweden) Valid since May 1977. Expired 1998. Not replaced by any other Swedish
“...type tests shall be carried out with the largest size of cable conductor...”
“...shall be loaded with the highest permissible current...and sufficiently long
time to reach temperature equilibrium”.
“The rise...must not assume values that can damage the materials used, or
endanger the environment (fire risk).”
“Cyclic load tests...shall be carried out on terminations...criteria in the cable
standard shall then apply.”
“Testing of a complete cable joint...shall be carried out in accordance with
SS 424 14 17 Power cables – XLPE-insulated cables with extruded over sheath and rated
(Sweden) voltage 12–420 kV – Testing Load cycling:
Conductor temperature: 100–105  C. Achieved by a suitable method
(no specifications)
Heating during at least 8 h and natural cooling during at least 16 h. The
conductor temperature shall be between 100  C and 105  C during the last 2 h
of the heating period.
NF C 33-061 Insulated cables and their accessories § 6 Type tests:
September for power systems. “...In case of temperature of the
1999 (France) Joints for single-core cables with conductor is specified, its value
polymeric extruded insulation for rated shall be obtained by circulation of
voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) adequate current in the cable
up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 525 kV) conductor”
NF C 33-062 Insulated cables and their accessories “For tests requiring an increase of
September for power systems the cable conductor temperature,
1999 (France) SF6 insulated metal enclosed this temperature can be obtained, if
terminations for single-core cables necessary, by thermal insulation of
with polymeric extruded insulation for the cable, in order not to induce a
rated voltages above 30 kV current ampacity either too high or
(Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 500 kV too low, non representative of
(Um ¼ 525 kV) normal operation.”
Long term test:
Thermal cycles:
Cycle time: 8 h of heating and 16 h
of cooling. Current applied to raise
the conductor to a temperature up
to 0  C to 10  C higher than the
maximum normal operating
temperature, for the first
167 cycles and up to 0  C to 5  C
higher than the maximum
emergency overload temperature,
during the remaining 83 cycles.
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 415

Standards, relevant statements on thermal ratings and testing of accessories

Standard Contents and comments
NF C 33-063 Insulated cables and their accessories for power systems
September Outdoor terminations, with porcelain insulator, for single-core cables with
1999 (France) polymeric extruded insulation for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV)
up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 525 kV)
NF C 33-064 Insulated cables and their accessories for power systems
September Indoor or outdoor polymeric terminations, without porcelain insulator
1999 (France) for single-core cables with polymeric extruded insulation for rated voltages
above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV)
C 33-065 Insulated cables and their accessories § 6 Type tests: idem above.
February 2001 for power systems Long term test
(France) Self supporting outdoor polymeric Thermal cycles:
terminations or terminations with a Cycle time: 8 h of heating and 16 h
composite housing, without of cooling.
porcelain insulator for single-core Current applied to raise the
cables with polymeric extruded conductor to a temperature up to
insulation for rated voltages above 10  C higher than the maximum
150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) up to 500 kV normal operating temperature
(Um ¼ 550 kV) with a tolerance of +/4  C

Annex 3. Guide to Aid Development Engineers for Testing

the Thermal Properties of Joints


The aim of the guide is to give the development engineer some recommendations on
how to measure the thermal characteristics of a prefabricated joint in transient and
steady state conditions.

Test Installation

The test loop has to contain at least 15 m of cable and one joint. The distance
between the joint and cable ends has to be at least 5 m. No direct contact of the cable
or joint with the lab floor is allowed. It is important that cable and joint should be
subjected to the same thermal ambient conditions. No additional thermal insulation
should be applied.
Thermocouples (or other temperature sensors) should be installed in the follow-
ing positions:

• At the cable, at least 5 m from the joint and 5 m from the cable end,
– On the conductor
– On the metallic sheath
– On plastic outer sheath
416 H. Geene and R. Schroth

• At the joint in the middle,

– On connector in the joint
– On metallic casing or metallic screen
– On insulating cover
• Near to the test loop to record the ambient temperature.

Thermal Test

The heating current shall be applied for at least 24 h until the cable conductor, remote
from the accessories, reaches a steady temperature of at least 5  C above the
maximum conductor temperature in normal operation for the cable. During the
entire heating period, the temperatures shall be recorded. No other means than
current heating shall be used.

Test Results

From the recorded heating curves the following characteristics can be calculated:

• The thermal resistance between conductor and outer covering of the joint
(deduced from the ratio between the steady state temperatures)
• The thermal resistance between the conductor and outer covering of the cable
(deduced from the ratio between the steady state temperatures)
• Thermal time constant of the cable
• Thermal time constant of the joint.

Annex 4. Guide to Aid Design Engineers in the Correct Design

of Systems: Thermal and Thermo-mechanical Aspects
of Accessory Performance


The aim of the guide is to give the design engineer some recommendations regarding
important thermal and thermo-mechanical characteristics to check on accessories.
When possible or appropriate, the guide indicates the way to control or measure
the described characteristics.


This guide has been established taking into account the recommendations and
guidelines included in the following documents:
Cigré WG 21-09: Electra No. 140, February 1992
Considerations of ageing factors in extruded insulation cables
Cigré WG 21-17: TB 194, October 2001 Construction, laying and installation
techniques for extruded and self contained fluid filled cable
9 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories 417

Cigré WG 21-06: TB 177, February 2001 Accessories for HV cables with

extruded insulation, Sect. 2: A guide to the selection of
accessories (▶ Chap. 2, “ A Guide to the Selection of
Accessories” of this book).

Cable Systems: Way of Laying

Thermal and thermo-mechanical properties of accessories are directly linked to the

way of laying of the cable they equip.
Cables can be laid in the following environments, which are classified as rigid,
flexible or semi-flexible systems. Induced thermo-mechanical thrust on accessories
depends strongly of this classification as described more precisely in the Cigré TB
published by WG 21-17 (TB 194).

Rigid Systems

• Laid direct and buried in ground

• Troughs
• Tower/shaft (close cleats)
• Jointing chamber (close cleats).

Flexible Systems: Cable Horizontally Snaked or Vertically Waved

• Tunnel
• Above ground
• Tower/shaft
• Jointing chamber.

Semi-flexible Systems: Cable Constrained

• Bridge
• Unfilled ducts.

The cable system including the accessories has to sustain any of the thermal or
thermo-mechanical constraints, which could happen under:

• Normal operation
• Transient operation: Short-circuit (phase to phase or phase to earth)
• Overload
• Earthquake.

Table 9.1 summarises main properties to take into account by the design engineer
to avoid any failure linked to a bad design regarding thermal or thermo-mechanical

Table 9.1 Characteristics to control or tests to perform for assessing the reliability of accessories on cable systems
Constraints Classification
Thermo – Test to perform/ characteristics
Constraints Mechanical Thermal mechanical to control IEC tests
Steady-state Mechanical forces linked to X Calculations of the thrust (see
operation snaking Longitudinal dilatation WG 21-17) or specific tests
of the cable – axial thrust made by the cable
(conductor thermo-mechanical manufacturer
thrust) and retraction
Cable components retraction X Short-term and long term test Test report has to be clear
(insulation, metallic screen, including accessories with about the way of laying
outer sheath) thermal cycles and a (in particular for the
representative configuration of prequalification test)
laying and clamping.
Radial thermal expansion of the X Design of the clamp
cable components
Maximum temperature X To be known and taken into
(surroundings of cable or account for the design
Vibrations X X Support design, flexible link
from power apparatus and
Overload Same constraints as above for Same as previously described
steady-state operation but for steady state operation.
higher level of constraints Adjustment of level of
constraint and test duration
H. Geene and R. Schroth

Earthquake Machanical properties of the X • Calculations

support • Tests
• Cleating design
Special Transformers (raised X X
environments temperature. . .)
Outdoor termination X
Solar radiation X
Angle of installation of X
Transition between ducts and X
Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories

Transition between flexible and X A specific care has to be taken

rigid systems (open air) for the transition part between
2 different ways of laying as
described in the Cigré TB from
WG 21-17 – p 86
Transition between flexible and X
rigid systems (buried)
Note: effects due to short-circuits have not been included in the table but it should be noted that when designing a cable link it is necessary to take into account
the behavior under short circuit conditions
420 H. Geene and R. Schroth

Henk Geene has a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering

from the Technical University in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Shortly after graduation, he joined the Dutch cable manufac-
turer NKF (nowadays part of the Prysmian Group) where he
started as an engineer to develop High and Extra High Voltage
cable accessories. Currently, he is responsible for product man-
agement and sales of the Prysmian high voltage accessories.
He is past Dutch Member of Cigré Study Committee D1,
Convener TF15/21 “interfaces in HV cable accessories,” Con-
vener TF21.10 “thermal ratings of HV cable accessories,” par-
ticipated as a Member in several Cigré Working Groups, and is
currently Chairman of the IEEE Insulated Conductors Commit-
tee (ICC).
He is author of several papers and publications on a wide range
of subjects in the field of high voltage cable accessories and
their interaction with other components in the cable systems.

Reinhard Schroth was born in 1942 in Berlin. He was grad-

uated as Engineer in High Voltage and Electrical Power Engi-
neering from the University of Berlin. Reinhard took various
management functions in Siemens Power Cables (Berlin), and
Pirelli Cables, PKS, (Germany). He joined Cigré as Individual
Member in 1984. In Cigré, he has been Member and Convener
of many Working Bodies since 1985. He was German National
Member of SC 21/B1 from 1996 to 2002 and was also German
Member of IEC TC 20/ WG 16 “Power cables.” Reinhard
chaired SC B1 from 2002 to 2006. He received the TC Award
in 1993, the Distinguished Member Award in 2004, and the
Honorary Member Award in 2006. He is author of numerous
international publications and participated several times in
Jicable Technical Committee.
Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable
Connectors 10
Milan Uzelac

10.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
10.1.1 Terms of Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
10.1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
10.1.3 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
10.2 Cable Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
10.2.1 Basic Cable Conductor Types and Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
10.2.2 Materials for Cable Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
10.2.3 Fillers (Compounds, Yarns, Cloth, Powder, . . .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
10.2.4 Construction of Cable Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
10.3 Connectors for HV/EHV Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
10.3.1 Basic Theory of Current Carrying Cable-Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
10.3.2 Connector Construction and Types for HV and EHV Extruded Cables . . . . . 440
10.3.3 Diagnostics for Cable Connector Condition Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
10.4 Cable Connectors in Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
10.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
10.4.2 Mechanical Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
10.4.3 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
10.4.4 Cable Connectors in Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
10.4.5 Cable Connectors in Outdoor Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
10.4.6 Cable Connectors in Equipment Type Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
10.4.7 Connections to the Cable Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
10.5 Installation of Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
10.5.1 Installation Instruction Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
10.5.2 Cable Conductor Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
10.5.3 Mechanical Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
10.5.4 Crimp Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
10.5.5 Exothermic Welding Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
10.5.6 MIG or TIG Welding Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468

M. Uzelac (*)
G&W Electric Co, R&D, HV Cable Accessories, Bolingbrook, USA

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 421

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
422 M. Uzelac

10.6 Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469

10.6.1 Utility Presentations at WG Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
10.6.2 Worldwide Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
10.7 Existing Test Methods, Requirements, and Assessment in Cable Connector
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
10.7.1 Medium Voltage Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
10.7.2 Additional Tests on MV Connectors/Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
10.7.3 Existing Practice in Testing HV/EHV Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
10.8 Test Regimes for Cable Connector/Conductor Combinations in HV AND EHV
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
10.8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
10.8.2 WG Recommendations for Testing Connectors for HV and EHV Cables . . . 494
10.8.3 Range of Applicability of Development Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
10.8.4 Test Loop for Heat Cycling and Temperature Stability Tests
for Development Tests with Conductor Sizes Above 1200 mm2 . . . . . . . . . . . 498
10.8.5 Recommended Development Test Sequence with Conductor Sizes Above
1200 mm2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
10.8.6 Test Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
10.9 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
10.10 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Terms of Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Comparison of IEC and IEEE Type Test Requirements for Extruded Cables
and Accessories for Voltages up to 245 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Comparison of IEC and IEEE Type Test Requirements for Extruded Cables
and Accessories for Voltages 245 kV and above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Background Behind Range of APPLICABility and Proposed Development Tests . . . . . . . . . . . 513

Executive Summary
The current IEC 61238-1-3 [1] standard applies to connectors for medium voltage
(MV) cables up to 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV). There is no IEC standard for connectors for
cables for high voltage (HV) and extra high voltage (EHV) networks. The IEC standards
for testing HV/EHV cable systems/accessories (IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 correspond-
ingly) do not specify separate tests for qualifying only connectors. The task of CIGRE
WG B1.46 was to propose test regimes for connectors for cables above 30 kV, with
focus on larger conductor sizes typically used in HV/EHV cable systems.
The type tests specified in IEC 61238-1-3 consider connectors to be commodity items.
Such connectors may be, and in some cases, are used and installed in MV cable
accessories without consent from the cable accessory manufacturer. Inappropriate use
and improper installation of MV connectors have been the cause of numerous failures in
MV networks, especially in systems with high and intermittent loads such as wind farms.
In HV/EHV applications where the system approach is dominant, connectors are
considered to be an integral part of the cable system. The design, development
testing, and in many cases installation of such connectors are under strict control of
the cable system/accessory manufacturer who takes full responsibility for the per-
formance of each component in a particular project, including connectors. This is
one of the reasons why there have been a very small number of failures that can be
attributed to the malfunction of the connectors in HV/EHV networks, compared to
MV. Although for HV/EHV systems the connectors are not challenged often to their
rated values, there is a trend to utilize cable systems closer to their maximum rating.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 423

In current practice, the tests on HV/EHV connectors are done as development

tests performed at the discretion of the cable system/accessory manufacturer and
further verified by type testing and prequalification (PQ) testing (where required) of
the cable systems/accessories per IEC 60840 or IEC 62067. Some users have their
own specifications for connector qualification, in which cases the manufacturer
performs additional tests to satisfy those requirements.
Some of the tests specified in IEC 61238-1-3 are neither practical nor applicable
for large size cable conductors. For example, it is not practical to raise the temper-
ature of the conductor during the SC test to 250  C, as it would require a current far
beyond the maximum short circuit rating of the underground networks. Also, the
time to carry out 1000 thermal cycles is much longer for large conductors in typical
use for HV/EHV systems which would lead to unreasonably long test times. Due to
variety of conductor designs within one nominal size in HV/EHV applications, tests
need to be done for each connector/conductor combination.
Results from the survey on field experience with HV/EHV cable connectors and
from utility presentations at the WG meetings show very good performance of these
connectors in the network. Such performance supports the fact that testing pro-
cedures for development of connectors in combination with type/PQ testing of the
cable systems/accessories as per relevant standards used for HV/EHV cable systems
have been appropriate.
A new test sequence is recommended to provide guidance in development tests
for verifying new conductor/connector combinations or changes in connector/con-
ductor combinations in already qualified HV/EHV cable systems. These include
short circuit and heat cycle stability tests per the suggestions in CIGRE TB
303, Annex 5.4, “Functional Analysis” for the Metallic Connection of joints and
terminations” [29]. TB 303 is presented in ▶ Chap. 4, “Qualification Procedures for
HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable Systems” of this book.
Although the proposed development test sequence and test methods are based on
combined practice and experience in development and qualification testing of both
HV/EHV and MV connectors, the sequence is new and not yet tried on a large
scale. The sequence and test methods are presented by the WG for evaluation purposes
at this stage. The type tests for HV/EHV connectors are not recommended at this point
of time.
Section 10.1 provides background information. As the current standard for cable
connectors applies only to MV cables, the WG 16 of IEC TC20 is considering
extending the scope to HV/EHV cable connectors. Thus, technical evaluation by
experts in the area of connectors and HV and EHV cable systems is necessary and
TC20 agreed to pass the work to CIGRE.
Section 10.2 describes cable conductor designs that are the most commonly used
in HV and EHV cables. The variety of conductor designs and materials starting from
solid aluminum to stranded round or segmental aluminum and copper, bare or
insulated individual strands, filled or not filled conductors, variety of filling com-
pounds and solid materials, and so on present a challenge for design of connectors.
Not all connectors are suitable for all conductor designs; hence, the focus in
development testing of the connectors is on the connector/conductor combination,
rather than on individual connectors and conductors.
424 M. Uzelac

Section 10.3 gives a short introduction into the connection theory. It also describes
design of the most commonly used connectors in HV/EHV cable networks. Com-
pression (crimp) connectors are still the most commonly used but mechanical con-
nectors are gaining popularity due to simple field installation. Other connector types
like MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welded and TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welded, exother-
mically welded, clamp connectors, and others are all used in special applications.
Section 10.4 talks about cable connectors in accessories where the connectors
may be exposed to significant thermal and mechanical stresses. Expansion and
contraction of cable conductors during normal and abnormal (e.g., short circuit)
operation may generate significant thrust and tensile forces on cable connectors.
Encapsulation of connectors with components of cable accessories changes the
thermal environment from that when connector is tested on a bare conductor. Finally,
connections to the cable connectors in HV/EHV terminations and transition joints
are exposed to the same thermo-mechanical stress. These connections have not been
specifically addressed in any of the standards.
Section 10.5 considers the installation of connectors. Many failures of connectors in
the MV cable systems are contributed to either improper installation or improper use of
the connectors. Use of proper tools and strict following of instructions for connector
installation is essential for proper connector operation as outlined in ▶ Chaps. 5, “Cable
Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables” and ▶ 6, “Guidelines for
Maintaining the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories” of this book. This section
provides more in-depth information on installation of various connector types.
Section 10.6 discusses field experience. The working group launched a CIGRE
sponsored survey on experience with cable connectors in HV/EHV systems. In
addition, representatives from major utilities were invited to present their experience
in the WG meetings. The survey was answered by 34 utilities from 12 countries and
presentations at the working group meetings were done by three major utilities from
USA, France, and Germany. Field experience is very good. No failures were
reported on connectors in HV/EHV terminations. The few failures reported on
through connectors (joint connectors) were attributed to installation error.
Section 10.7 describes existing test methods for cable connectors. The MV
connectors are tested per IEC61239-1-3, while the HV/EHV connectors are tested
per proprietary test procedures set forth by cable system/accessory manufacturers
and, in some cases, by user’s requirements.
Section 10.8 contains proposals for development tests of HV/EHV connectors. All
manufacturers of HV/EHV cable systems perform certain tests on connectors at their
own discretion before doing Type and PQ (when required) tests on accessories/systems.
Most follow existing IEC and ANSI Standards for MV connectors but with some
deviations from the standard, especially when it comes to connectors for large size
conductors. The WG has made an effort to “standardize” these development tests and
define test sequences and range of approval combining experience of cable system/
accessory manufactures, manufacturers of connectors for MVand HVapplications, and
experience of the laboratories in connector testing as well as the input from academia.
Section 10.9 lists conclusions of the work. Statements to acknowledge current
practice in development testing of connectors are included. The WG proposes a
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 425

sequence and a range of approval of development tests to be done on HV/EHV

connector/conductor combinations prior to use in type and PQ tests. It is proposed
that experience with the new test regime is collected and evaluated before an attempt
is made to introduce qualification testing of HV/EHV connectors in a new part of the
IEC Standard.
Section 10.10 is a list of useful and comprehensive references.

10.1 Background

Manufacturers of HV cable systems/accessories have to take into account the

following factors (among others) when designing and testing the connectors for
HV cable accessories:

• The dimensional and functional requirements of connectors, typically for larger

cable sizes
• The type of cable conductor construction
• Different circuit load patterns
• Short circuit levels
• Mechanical stresses due to tensile and thrust forces
• Systems/accessories

Thus, when WG16 of IEC TC20 commenced work on revision of the current
IEC61238-1-3 standard a part 4 was reserved for HV cable connectors and is
planned for the future. Technical evaluation by experts in the area was necessary
and TC20 agreed to pass the work to CIGRE. Study Committee B1 of CIGRE set up
WG B1.46 to review this subject and issue report with the terms of reference and
scope given below.

10.1.1 Terms of Reference

• Review: Existing conductor types and sizes; The range and types of cable
conductor connectors; The types of connection systems used in joints and termi-
nations; Existing national and international standards and the extent to which they
cover the testing of connectors; Any work been done by CIGRE, CIRED,
JICABLE, and other; Extent of service experience so far for different connector
types (prepare survey and invite users to the WG meetings to share their experi-
ence); Extent of experience in type testing MV cable connectors; Extend of
experience in testing HV?EHV cable connectors (PQ tests, type tests failure
mode tests. . .); Customer’s needs.
• Analyses: Operation on high loaded systems where conductors are approaching
or temporarily exceeding maximum conductor operating temperature. Academia
input on physical properties of connector material vs. temperature and mechanical
stress; Thermo-mechanical performance of connectors under cycling loads;
426 M. Uzelac

Performance of connectors in short circuit conditions, taking into account thermal

and dynamic forces and actual network ratings; Performance of connectors
installed in cable joints and terminations.
• Propose: Thermal and mechanical test regimes for connectors for HV and EHV
cables with special attention be given to connectors for large size cables; type,
routine, and sample tests including mechanical, cycling, and resistance stability
tests; consider practicality of the short circuit test for large-size conductors and
test loop arrangement; WG should be free to consider mechanical tests (e.g.,
tensile, thrust forces. . .) in order to evaluate mechanical strength of connection
and physical properties of connector itself; WG should be free to consider
separate or integral test sequences combining mechanical, cycling, short-circuit,
and resistance stability (assessment) acting on the same samples; evaluate neces-
sity of performing type tests on connectors that already successfully passed
qualification tests per IEC 60840; WG should consider range of type test

10.1.2 Scope

The conductor connectors for HV and EHV applications are to be considered. The
WG will make recommendation to include or not connectors for MV applications.
The connectors for extruded cables are of prime interest. The connectors for
submarine cables are not in the scope of the WG.
The WG should consider the tests that reflect mutual impact between connectors,
cable conductors, and accessories.

10.1.3 Terminology

The following terminology is used in this TB, following that used in IEC 61238-1-3
which is also generally in line with IEC 60050, International Electrotechnical
Vocabulary (IEV) – Chap. 461: Electric Cables. Connector (of Cables)

Metallic device for connecting a conductor to an equipment terminal or for
connecting two or more conductors to each other (IEV 461-17-03, modified). Through Connector

Metallic device for connecting two consecutive lengths of conductor (IEV 461-17-
04). Terminal Lug

Metallic device to connect a cable conductor to other electrical equipment (IEV
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 427 Barrel (of Terminal Lug, of Connector, etc.)

Part of a device into which the conductor to be connected is introduced (IEV 461-17-
06). Reference Conductor

Length of unjointed bare conductor or conductor with the insulation removed, which
is included in the test loop and which enables the reference temperature and
reference resistance to be determined. Compression Jointing

Method of securing a connector to a conductor by using a special tool to produce
permanent deformation of the connector and the conductor. Mechanical Jointing

Method of securing a connector to a conductor, for example by means of a bolt or
screw acting on the latter or by alternative methods. Median Connector

Connector which during the first heat cycle records the third highest temperature of
the six connectors in the test loop per IEC 61238-1-3 type tests up to 1200 mm2 or
the second highest temperature of the four connectors in the test loop for connector
development tests with conductor sizes exceeding 1200 mm2.

10.2 Cable Conductors

Current experience and practices are outlined in this section. It includes review of
cable conductor and cable connector state of the art designs, existing national and
IEC standards, users experience with connectors both in medium voltage and high
voltage application, the extent of testing connectors by manufacturers, users, and
independent laboratories and so on.

10.2.1 Basic Cable Conductor Types and Sizes

In general conductors in high voltage XLPE cables are made of solid or stranded
copper, aluminum, or aluminum alloy for fixed installations. In terms of the con-
ductor cross-section the electrically effective value, rather than the geometric cross
section, is used. It is represented by the measured resistance of the conductor.
General design parameters of conductors are:

• Specified and required resistance.

• Type of conductor (solid, stranded, Milliken) in terms of production and laying of
• Conductor material (aluminum, copper).
428 M. Uzelac

• Weight of conductor in terms of limits of stranding machines.

• Nature of surface of wires (bare, oxidized, coated, e.g., enameled).
• Use of fillers, yarns, and tapes for special purposes (filling, water tightness).
• Length and direction of strands for mechanical stability of the conductor. The
conductors described in IEC 60228 are specified as square millimeter (metric)
sizes. North America and other regions of the world use conductor sizes with
characteristics according to the American Wire Gauge (AWG) – kcmil system.
• Special measures taken and designs to reduce skin effect.
• Compactness of conductors in compliance with requirements and considering the
mechanical properties of the wires.

For high voltage cables conductors usually consist of stranded single wires or in
some cases of just a solid conductor. General design parameters of wires are:

• Thickness of the wires representing the required resistance of the wire.

• Variation of thickness of the wires to the required cross-sections under consider-
ation of existing production facilities.
• Coating of wires, for example, oxidized or enameled surface.
• Tensile strength of the wires corresponding to requirements of the standards under
consideration of the forces during stranding.

10.2.2 Materials for Cable Conductors

In terms of the used conductor material wires or profiles are applied. The material for
wires and profiles of conductors is specified in IEC 60228 and it can be made from:

• Plain copper
• Metal-coated annealed copper
• Aluminum
• Aluminum alloy

In order to block the radial conductivity sometimes insulated wires are used with
copper. Aluminum is very ignoble and the surface reacts at room temperature with
air and water immediately to an aluminum oxide layer.
Since the very beginning of production of cables, copper has been known for its
unique and useful properties. The chemical element copper is in the periodic table,
together with gold and silver in group 11 and the fourth period between the elements
nickel and zinc [11]. Its good conductivity and ductility make copper well proven
material for high voltage cable conductors. Copper is a malleable metal, stretchable
and under cold conditions a deformable material with an excellent conductivity.
Copper with a level of purity (99.95%) is used, which enables the production of fine
wires down to a diameter of 10 microns.
Aluminum, in contrast to copper, has a lower density, but conductors made from
aluminum need a larger cross section than their counterparts of copper because of
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 429

their lower conductivity. Aluminum creeps at high temperatures and high pressures
(cold flow) due to changes its shape in the micron range and in combination with
moisture or nobler metals is aluminum electrochemically negative and therefore
highly susceptible to corrosion.
In general, the surface of aluminum is oxidized. Aluminum oxide is difficult to
remove and has high electrical resistance.
However, the surface of a conductor with oxidized of enameled layer may be
treated in a special way as requested in the work instruction manual for the
Table 10.1 shows typical properties of copper and aluminum.
According to the mass density, the weight of an equivalent conductor cross-
section of copper to aluminum is:

– 1 kg Cu ~ 0.3 kg Al

According to the conductivity, the equivalent conductor cross-section of copper

to aluminum is:

– 1 mm2 Cu ~ 1.6 mm2 Al

The conductivity/weight relationship is:

– 1 Sm2/kg Cu ~ 2 Sm2/kg Al

In general aluminum is lighter and lower in cost, but to achieve the same
conductivity, a larger conductor cross-section must be used. But considering the
better conductivity/weight relationship and lower costs for raw material of alumi-
num, the relationship between copper and aluminum is approximately 6:1 at the
same transmission capacity.
Therefore, the replacement of copper by aluminum, which has a lower price, is
becoming a developing trend in the cable industry.
However, the significant greenhouse gas emission during aluminum production
may restrict this development, because aluminum has more carbon (CO2) emission
in contrast with copper.

Table 10.1 Properties of materials for cable conductors

Property Unit Copper Aluminum
Resistance to fracture (N/mm2) 220–270 120–140
Tensile strength at 1% strain (N/mm2) 120–200 40–50
Conductivity (Sm/mm2) 58.5 35.85
Specific resistance (Ohmmm2/m) 0.0171 0.0279
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance (1E-6/K) 3900–4000 3900–4000
Density (kg/dm3) 8.93 2.7
Tin-coat () Applicable Limited
430 M. Uzelac

Another and just as important aspect is that increasing the cross section of
conductors for cables can significantly increase electrical energy efficiency. Incorpo-
rating a higher cross section can save a huge amount of greenhouse gas emissions
(CO2) due to lower losses in the cable. At the same time, the energy savings achieved
will, in the vast majority of cases, lead to lower costs over the life cycle of the system.
In this matter, IEC 60287 sets out a method for the selection of a cable size taking
into account the initial investments and the future costs of energy losses during the
anticipated operational life of the cable. Matters such as maintenance, energy losses
in forced cooling systems, and time of day energy costs have not been included in
this standard. All conductor sizes have an economic current range for given instal-
lation conditions [12].
In terms of life time assessment, it has been shown that in general the difference
between copper and aluminum cables over their entire lifetime is not as significant as
generally thought. The cost for raw copper material is about 3.5–4 times higher than
aluminum but looking at lifetime costs, and within the uncertainties of LCCA over
the long cable lifetime, both solutions can be considered equivalent [13].
In general, there are different types of wires in use, for example, round solid or
round enameled solid as shown in Fig. 10.1. Enameled wires are applied only with
copper conductors. In high voltage extruded cables, typically round and solid wires
are used.
Due to the manufacturing process in which the wires inside of a conductor are
compacted, an individual deformation of single wires is a typical result after
production. Especially the outer surface of the outer layer receives a strong

d d d D d

Basecoat D-d=increase


Cu Cu Cu Al
bare oxidized enameled bare
(thickness 1 µm) (D-d)/2 = approx. 10 µm

Fig. 10.1 Types of solid bare round wires: oxidized or enamelled

10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 431

Fig. 10.2 Compacting and deformation of wires after stranding

deformation. For smaller cross sections of conductors, the outer surface has to be
more compacted and smoothened as shown in Fig. 10.2.

10.2.3 Fillers (Compounds, Yarns, Cloth, Powder, . . .)

Often semi-conductive or insulating tapes are embedded in layers inside of stranded

conductors either to provide water blocking or to separate segments. The conductor
itself is covered by semi-conductive tapes achieving a uniform and smooth surface.
In the case of water blocking, the tapes are swellable. Fillers may be used instead
of water blocking tapes. Some connector designs may require filler materials to be
removed, to be specified by the connector manufacturer.
In some cases, and especially in the case of conductor constructions with equal
segments, gaps or dips in the outer surface between the segments are smoothed with

10.2.4 Construction of Cable Conductors

Conductors are either round or sectoral in shape. They are realized with solid metal,
stranded wires. Up to 1000 mm2 the minimum number of wires in the conductor is
specified. For larger cross sections, the minimum number of wires for these sizes is
not specified. These sizes are usually constructed as a “Milliken” conductor with
4, 5, or 6 equal segments, which is designed to reduce the skin effect, and thus
improving the value of the ac resistance of the conductor.
432 M. Uzelac

For smaller cross-sections, both stranded and solid conductors can be used. In a
few cases, solid aluminum conductors are used up to 1600 mm2. For larger conduc-
tors, the increased bending force limits the use of solid conductors. Insulated Strands and Sectors

For high-current conductors with large cross sections, special measures are required
to limit additional eddy current losses. The current rating of AC cables depends on
the AC resistance of the conductor. The AC resistance is higher than the DC
resistance due to the skin effect. The skin effect is based on the behavior of the
eddy current depth depending on frequency f, conductivity, and permittivity of the
material and causes eddy current losses. For this reason, “Milliken” conductors
are used.
A “Milliken” conductor is a stranded conductor comprising an assembly of
shaped stranded conductors, with each segment lightly insulated from each other.
The individual strands may be either insulated (e.g., enameled or oxidized) or bare.
In general layers of conductors can be constructed with uni-directional or
bi-directional wires. The degree of stranding defines the length of one twist of
each layer of conductor. In Fig. 10.3 the principle of a bi-directional stranding is
shown by the small arrows indicating the direction of twist of the layers.
According to the design, construction, and requirements regarding the conduc-
tivity of conductors, they are compacted more or less during production.
Different types of conductors are shown in Fig. 10.4.
Typical conductors for high voltage XLPE cables are round stranded or Milliken
conductors with equal segments. Round conductors are typically used for aluminum
conductors up to 2000 mm2, copper conductors up to 1200 mm2. Milliken conduc-
tors with equal segments are typically used for both aluminum and copper conduc-
tors between 1600 mm2 and 3200 mm2 or larger.
In Fig. 10.5 different types of conductor constructions for high voltage XLPE
cables are shown.

Fig. 10.3 Bi-directional

stranding direction
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 433

Round stranded
Round, solid Round, stranded

4, 5 or 6 equal segments Round, with profiled

4, 5 or 6 equal segments hollow (Milliken) strands
(Milliken) with or without core

Fig. 10.4 Cable conductor types

round, stranded 6 equal copper 6 equal Aluminium

round, Al solid
compacted Cu segments (Milliken) segments (Milliken)

Fig. 10.5 Examples of different types of cable conductors Influence of Cable Construction on Design and Dimensions

of Connector
The size of the conductor and the choice of the conductor material is a result of
ampacity calculation. The connectors must match ampacity requirements of the
cables. The size of cable conductor, its material, and construction have major
influence on the design of the cable connector.
The connector dimensions and its design are also influenced, in some cases, by
the diameter over cable insulation. For example, it is preferred that connector OD
matches cable insulation OD when used in the slip-on joints. Since the thickness
(and diameter) of cable insulation depend on the voltage level, it may not be
achieved that connector OD matches insulation OD as illustrated in Fig. 10.6.
434 M. Uzelac

60 kV, 2500 mm2 220 kV, 2500 mm 2 500 kV, 2500 mm 2

Cable insulation wall: 10 mm Cable insulation wall: 20 mm Cable insulation wall: 30 mm

Fig. 10.6 Mechanical connector for HV and EHV joints for extruded cables with the same
conductor size but different voltage level

Table 10.2 Typical thickness of XLPE cable insulation

Voltage level U (kV) 10 20 30 60 110 220 345 400 500
Insulation thickness (mm) 3.4 5.5 8 10 15 20 25 28 30

The typical values for the cable insulation wall thickness are shown in the
Table 10.2.

10.3 Connectors for HV/EHV Cables

The cable connector transfers electrical current from cable conductor to substation
equipment or to another cable length or section. It is imperative that the contact
resistance between connector and cable conductor remains stable during the lifetime
of a cable accessory. An increase of contact resistance beyond an acceptable limit
causes an increase of connector temperature which may result in failure of the
accessory (e.g., by thermal runaway).
In operation, cable connectors are subjected to thermal and mechanical stresses
which depend on many factors, for example, nominal and intermittent circuit load,
short circuit current value and duration, the size, material and construction of the
cable conductor, voltage level, type of accessories used in a particular project, level
of thrust and tensile forces, cable route, just to mention few. The manufacturer of an
HV cable system/accessory must take into account all these factors when making a
decision on which type of cable connectors and which installation method of the
connectors are the most appropriate to use in accessories for a specific project. Some
connector designs for HV/EHV cables are described in this section.
Many cable accessory manufacturers make their own connectors and in some
cases connector installation tools. The connectors are specifically designed to meet
their requirements and constraints of design of an HV/EHV accessory and cable.
Some cable accessory manufacturers purchase connectors from connector manufac-
turers, but then again to meet strict requirements of the designs of a particular cable
accessory and cable. Mixing and matching of cable accessories and connectors,
which sometimes is the case in MV applications, is not possible in HV/EHV
In the absence of the industry standards for testing connectors for HV cables, the
manufacturers of cable the systems/accessories perform tests on connector/
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 435

conductor combinations at their own discretion as development tests. These tests are
combination of applicable requirements from industry standards for MV connectors
and manufacturer’s own experience. Once they are satisfied with the results of
development tests, the connectors are installed in accessories which in turn are tested
to the requirements of type and prequalification (where required) tests of IEC 60840
(for HV) and IEC 62067 (for EHV) Standards. The requirements for the type tests of
the cable system/accessory include 20 load cycles at maximum operating tempera-
ture of the cable plus 5–10 K. For the prequalification, the number of cycles is 180 at
maximum operating temperature plus 0–5 K.

10.3.1 Basic Theory of Current Carrying Cable-Connections

This section explains a very basic concept of the contact surfaces and theory in
calculation of contact resistance. Refer to Sect. 10.10, Bibliography/References, for
comprehensive references on the subject.

• A-spots: On a microscopic level, each contact surface consists of peaks and

valleys. When two connecting surfaces come together, valleys and peaks of one
connection surface randomly match those of the other connection surface. Direct
contact is only obtained in few points, so-called A-spots, as shown in Fig. 10.7a.
The restriction of current flow to these contact points constitutes a contact
resistance. Contamination, corrosion, aging, and other effects influence the spread
of A-spots. The goal of a connector is to create as many A-points to the cable
conductor as possible and that A-spots are not affected in operation by temper-
ature, corrosion, vibration, the tension, and thrust forces of the cable conductor
and so on.
• When the force is applied to two connecting surfaces (Fig. 10.7b), connecting
surfaces are deformed and impurity layers broken resulting in increased number
of “A” spots and lower connection resistance.
• Figure 10.8 shows a simplified representation of the structure of A-spots. The
total “apparent” contact area is in fact much larger than the true area which is

F =0 F >0
Impurity layer
conductor 1 conductor 1
A-spots A-spots
Current-flow through A-spots

conductor 2 conductor 2
a) No external force applied to conductors. Only b) External force applied. The A-spots are
few micro contacts (A-spots) due to surface deformed and impurity layers are broken at higher
roughness force

Fig. 10.7 A-Spots with and without compression force

436 M. Uzelac

As apparent contact area
A t1 A t3 At load bearing contact area
Ai insulating contact area
A i1 A m1 A q A i2 A i4 A m2 A i5 Aq quasi conducting contact area
Ai3 = A t2 Am conducting contact area
and As >> At > Am
n…number of A-spots

Fig. 10.8 Definition of the different contact areas in a real connection

Conductor 1 Area of homogeneous

current-flown material 
RM1 R M1

Constriction of the current

flow line at the a-spot RC RJ

Area of homogeneous R M2
current-flown material
Conductor 2  RM2

Fig. 10.9 Resistivity equivalent circuit of a connection (schematic drawing – microcontact)

mechanically loaded which is again larger than the area which is electrically
conducting. Within the A-spots there are conducting areas, where the metal of the
conductors is in true contact, quasi conducting areas where some surface impurity
layer is still present, giving limited conductivity, and insulating areas which are in
mechanical contact but provide no significant conduction.
• Sphere and ellipsoid model [14]: this is a development of the A-spot model. Holm
considered that the A-spots cause a “restriction” of current flow in the vicinity of
the contact, see the red lines in Fig. 10.9, representing the current flow in a single
A-spot contact between two cylinders. An increase in resistance compared to that
for a solid rod is considered to be caused by the increase in current density close to
the A-spots.

Equivalent Network for Connections with Stranded Conductors

Equivalent circuit with infinitesimal resistances: Fig. 10.10 shows a schematic of an
element of current flow from a connector body, through a microcontact and then via
the cable conductor. A simple electrical model of a connection is provided by Möcks
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 437

Fig. 10.10 Electrical network of compression type connection [19–21]

[21]. The model divides the connection in infinitesimal elements of the length dx,
each consisting of the material resistances R1 and R2 per unit length of the jointed
conductors and a resistivity Rq. This resistivity is assumed to be equally distributed
along the connection.

The Kirchhoff’s laws are applied to the circuit and a differential equation is
formed for the voltage ux. An expression for the joint resistance Rj is derived from
the solution of the differential equation [21]:
   R þ R cosh ðαsÞ
R1 ð R1  R2 Þ αs
Rj ¼ R sþ tanh þ 1 2
R1 þ R2 2 α 2 α sinh ðαsÞ
R1 þ R 2
α¼ ð10:2Þ

Equation (10.4) may be rearranged so that an expression for the ratio k0 is

0 1
a 2 pffiffiffiffiffi
k0 ¼ @ þ A Rq ð10:3Þ
c tanh pcffiffiffiffi c sinh pcffiffiffiffi
Rq Rq
438 M. Uzelac

R1 R2
a¼ þ
R2 R1
c ¼ s K F ð R1 þ R2 Þ

If the resistivity Rq fulfills the condition in Eq. (10.4), Eq. (10.3) may be solved
for resistivity Rq analytically:

Rq  s2 ðR1 þ R2 Þ ð10:4Þ
h i2
c 0
Rq ¼ k ð10:5Þ
In case the condition in Eq. (10.4) is not fulfilled, Eq. (10.3) may only be solved
numerically. In both cases, a solution for the characteristic value Rq of a connection
may be calculated. For this purpose, the material resistances of conductor and sleeve
and the geometry of the compression connection must be known. The resistivity Rq
provides the opportunity to rate the electrical performance of a connection indepen-
dently from the material resistances. Thus, the resistivity Rq is related to the contact
resistance of a connection directly. Of course, due to the constraints of the electrical
model it may only be applied for those types of connections that meet the following
conditions. The electrical model implies the assumption that the distribution of the
a-spots in the connection is almost homogenous in axial and radial direction. Of
course, the resistivity Rq integrates the influence of all a-spots in a connection
regardless of their actual size and location or whether there is more than one actual
contact surface. Thus, it cannot be separated, whether a rise in the resistivity Rq stems
from the a-spots between conductor and sleeve or from those a-spots between the
single strands. Nevertheless, the value of Rq is a suitable criterion to analyze and
compare the electrical behavior of different designs of compression connectors.
However, the derived ratio k’ still contains a part of the material resistances and is
therefore no autonomous criterion to rate the electrical performance of different
connections. Further conclusions can be found in [21]. Aging of Electrical Connections

Aging mechanisms (force reduction, chemical reactions, inter-diffusion, rubbing
wear, electro-migration) are discussed in the following references: [16, 17, 22, 25]
and the mechanisms and their effects are given in Table 10.3. The dominant aging
mechanism depends on type of connection. Comparison of Material Properties

The Table 10.4 below lists basic properties of Al and Cu materials used in
manufacturing cable conductors.
– Oxide layers and their characteristics (Table 10.5)
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 439

Table 10.3 Aging mechanisms of current-carrying connections [25]

Mechanism Effect
Chemical reactions Growth of high resistivity oxide or impurity
Chemical interaction between conductor layers- galvanic corrosion at bimetal connections
material environment ➔Decrease of the conducting contact area, Rj"
Especially under extreme environmental
conditions (e.g., industrial atmosphere, high
humidity, salt fog)
Force reduction Decrease of the joint force
Change in texture of material according to ➔Loss of the mechanical integrity of the
temperature and mechanical stress a-spots, mechanical strength#, RV", especially at
clamped or bolted connections (dominate force
Rubbing wear Wear of coatings
Change surface properties by relative ➔Generation of rubbed-off particles which
movement sediment in the contact area, Rj"
Especially at plug-in connections
Interdiffusion Growth of intermetallic compounds (IMP) with
Diffusion of different metals into each other different electrical and mechanical properties
➔Higher resistance at the contact area, Rj"
Depending on material combination
Electromigration Formation of holes and accumulate of material at
Directional material transport due to high irregularities of crystal structures ➔ higher
current density and current density gradient defect density
➔Decreasing of the a-spot ampacity, Rj"
Especially for direct current devices but also at
alternative current with high current density

Table 10.4 Material properties of copper and aluminum [24]

Cu-ETP Al 99.5 AlMgSi alloy
Property/material CW004A EN AW-1350A EN AW-6101B
κ in MS/m (20  C) Min. 57 34–36 30–34
(T6  30)
(T7  32)
αT in 1/K 0.00381 0.004 0.004
Melting temperature ϑs in  C 1083 ca. 660 ca. 660
ρ in g/cm3 8.93 2.71 2.70
E in kN/mm2 110 65 69
Rp0.2 in N/mm2 Min. 180 – Min. 160 (T6)
Min. 120 (T7)
Rm in N/mm2 Min. 250 Min. 60 Min. 215 (T6)
Min. 170 (T7)
H in HBW 65–90 Typ. 20 70 (T6)
60 (T7)
αL in 106 K1 (20–200)  C 17.7 23.8 23.4
λ in W/Km 394 215–235 215–225
440 M. Uzelac

Table 10.5 Properties of oxide layers [22]

Cu-ETP Al99.5
Property/material CW004A EN AW-1350A Cu2O Al2O3
ϑs/ C 1083 660 1242 2050
δ/g/cm3 8.93 2.71 5.8–6.11 3.97
κ/mm2/(Ω∙m) Min. 57 34–36 1.82∙1011 1012–1014
H/HV 90 21–48 109–189 1730–2060
αL/1/(K∙106) (20–200) C 17.7 23.8 – 6.2
λ/W/(m∙K) 394 215–235 6.3–8 40

Fig. 10.11 Typical compression connector for HV outdoor terminations

10.3.2 Connector Construction and Types for HV and EHV Extruded


Unlike connectors for medium voltage which are a commodity product, the connectors
for high voltage applications are carefully selected for a particular application in the
cable system. There are many designs of cable connectors for high voltage applications.
Some of those are described in this section. Compression type connectors are used most
commonly for HV cable accessories, but lately mechanical (shear-bolt) types are
gaining ground due to the ease of installation which does not require any special tools. Compression Type Connectors

The most common cable connector in HV applications is compression type often referred
to as crimp type. The connector features a hollow cylindrical section, called the ferrule as
shown in Fig. 10.11 (see also ▶ Chap. 1, “Compendium of Accessory Types Used for AC
HV Extruded Cables”) of this book, barrel or sleeve. The cable conductor is fed into the
ferrule and the connection between connector and conductor is obtained by pressing the
ferrule outer diameter with the appropriate compression (or crimping) tool. Compression Connector Design

The material of the connector matches that of conductor except that hardness of the
connector material has to be appropriate for the method of crimping. For example,
most aluminum crimp connectors are made from soft aluminum and are used on
conductors made of either hard or soft aluminum. Softer material is easier to
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 441

compress and will not crack while being crimped. The connector designer has to take
into consideration the increase of material hardness during crimping operation.
The length of the ferrule and its inner and outer diameters depend on many factors
including conductor material, size, and crimping method.
Typically, the inner ferrule diameter is selected to be a tight fit to the bare
conductor diameter. The cross-sectional area of the connector does not necessarily
need to match effective area of the conductor. In general, the cross-section of
connectors for copper conductors is somewhat smaller than the effective area of
the conductors while aluminum connectors have significantly larger area than the
associated conductors. In the case of copper connectors, a smaller area is possible
due to a higher heat dissipation from the connector surface. In the case of aluminum
connectors, a larger area is required for mechanical reasons.
The length of the ferrule is very critical. It establishes the length of engagement
between the cable conductor and the connector. Some of the variables that influence
selection of the length of the ferrule include the crimping method, the size of the
crimping dies (if used), the number of crimps, the type of connector material, and the
conductor size, material, and construction. The longer the ferrule the better connec-
tion between the conductor and connector may be achieved. On the other hand, due
to constraints involving cable accessories, the goal of a connector manufacturer is to
make the ferrule as short as possible. Crimping Tools

There is variety of crimping tools on the market, but it is crucial that only the
crimping tool that has been used in connector testing is also used for the field
installation. Many connector manufacturers make their own crimping tools. Some
accessory manufacturers who make their own connectors also make crimping tools.
There are different crimp tools for deep indent and circumferential die connector
The deep indent tool features either one, two or four rams (pins). The rams
penetrate connector compressing it to the conductor. Figure 10.12 shows the indent
crimping tool with four rams 90 apart.
The distance between and number of successive sets of indents as well as the depth of
indents are specified by the connector manufacturer. The depth of each indent is vital for
the quality of the connection and must meet requirement specified by connector
manufacturer. The depth of each indent is measured in the field after crimping.
The distance between the tips of opposing rams in the crimping tool head is
adjustable. This feature allows the tool to be used for a wide range of connector sizes.
Due to its universal usage and relatively easy handling, this tool has gained popu-
larity in the USA.
The crimping tools that make circumferentially shaped crimps on large size
connectors feature a crimping head with interchangeable dies for variety of connec-
tor sizes. There are also die less crimping tools which are typically for use with
smaller size connectors.
The size of the crimping tool is determined by the force (in Tonnes) that is
imposed on the movable half of the crimping die. The “tonnage” of crimping tools
442 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.12 Four-ram, deep-indent press and crimp connector for 2000 mm2 Cu cable

Fig. 10.13 200 ton press with hex-dies and crimp connector on 2500 mm2 Cu cable

varies from few tons to few hundred tons. Figure 10.13 shows a 200 ton crimping
tool used for the connector for a 2500 mm2 copper conductor.
The pressure of the die on the connector depends on the force, the width of the
crimping surface of the die, and shape of the die (hex, circular, oval. . .). A good
crimp is achieved when die is fully closed. In that case the crimped connector
under the die forms to the shape of the die. The die design usually allows for flow
of the metal.
Some connector manufacturers characterize crimp efficiency of specific die set by
the crimp ratio, which is the ratio between the area of closed die set and sum of
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 443

effective cross section area of the cable conductor and connector ferule. The
following formula defines the crimp ratio.

CR ¼  100
ACond þ Aferule

The procedure for connector installation should be provided for each project. The
procedure should specify starting point of the crimp, the number and sequence of
crimps, the distance between crimps, rotation of the crimping head, and the necessity
for full closure of the dies. The procedure should also include preparation of the
conductor for crimping, for example, cleaning the conductor and necessity for
removing fillers and/or cleaning individual strands in case of strand filled or enam-
eled conductors. Mechanical Connectors (Shear-Bolt)

The reliability of conductor connections has historically depended on the skill and
experience of the jointer. The introduction of mechanical connectors has been
primarily to reduce the skill required and hence to minimize variability in the
connections and thus to improve reliability. Other features which are also beneficial:

• There is a reduction of the time to install the connection

• No special tools or equipment such as presses are required
• No heat or flames are involved, improving safety

The mechanical connectors are commonly referred to as “shear bolt” connectors,

the name indicating the key feature of such connectors which makes them much less
influenced by the skill of the jointer. The shear bolts (the number, size, and material
depending on the connector design and conductor size) are designed to break at a
specified torque value controlling the tightening torque of the bolts. Different types
of shear bolt are used. In some, the torque is determined by a reduced diameter
region of the bolt, where it breaks. In another type a special double bolt is used which
has a steel screw inside a brass body that is internally and externally threaded. In this
latter design the brass component breaks off flush with the surface of the connector
body minimizing any work necessary to produce a flush profile (which facilitates the
design of the joint body itself).
The connector body is usually internally grooved or threaded so that the cable
conductor is forced into contact with the crests of the thread giving a high local
contact pressure and a good electrical contact.
The connector body is frequently made of aluminum alloy, which guarantees high
elasticity of the cylindrically shaped body and mechanical resilience of internal
grooves or threats. These properties enable connector body to deform cable conduc-
tor and stabilize its movement in radial direction, thus achieving and maintaining
maximum thrust-forces introduced by the shear bolts.
The bore of the connector body is often tin-plated and lubricated and further
oxidation of the aluminum material is thus prevented. For tin-plating, the surface
444 M. Uzelac

oxide layer on the connector body is removed by dipping in a caustic bath. Tin is
very ductile. During installation of the conductor, the tin is pushed aside while the
peaks of the threads are cutting into the conductor surface. The lubricant remains in
the “valleys” of the threads or grooves of the body preventing further oxidation of
the just created metal contact areas between connector body and conductor.
Tin-plating of the threated holes for the shear-bolts in the connector body controls
the coefficient of friction during fastening of the shear bolts.
It may be required that for HV and EHV joints the outer diameter of the body of
the connector matches insulation diameter (see Fig. 10.6). Hence, the wall thickness
of shear-bolt connector bodies for HV and EHV joints is typically much bigger
comparing to MV-applications (Fig. 10.14). The thicker the connector wall the
longer is the length of a threaded hole for the shear bolt, and higher force from
shear bolt to conductor may be achieved. This increases design margin for the yield
strength and decreases possibility of relaxation of compression force in service.
It also has to be kept in mind, when designing shear bolt connectors, that the
bigger the conductors are, the higher radial forces must be applied to break oxide
layers of stranded aluminum conductors.
A given mechanical connector design may be adopted to a specific slip-on joint on
specific cables by modifying body of the connector and keeping the design and number
of shear bolts constant for a specified conductor. Features of such connector are:

• Outer diameter of the connector body closely matches the outer diameter of
prepared cable insulation to minimize the slip-on step.
By leaving almost no “air” between connector and the rubber body of the joint,
the heat transfer from connection through the connector and the joint is maxi-
mized and

Fig. 10.14 Four different

types of mechanical connector
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 445

Fig. 10.15 A mechanical

connector on a 2500 mm2
Milliken conductor

By increasing the OD of connector body (to match cable insulation OD), the
electrical resistance of the connection is lowered.
• The inner diameter of the connector is tight fit to actual conductor in the project to
minimize the gap between cable conductor and connector body.

The design of the face of the shear bolt that presses on the cable conductor also
varies; some designs avoid rotation of the face against the conductor to prevent
strand damage, whereas others have direct contact from flat, curved, or conical ends.
Mechanical connectors with aluminum bodies can be used on both copper and
aluminum conductors although conclusions as to their long-term suitability for the
latter are not yet generally available [26].
The above features can be seen in Fig. 10.14, which is provided courtesy of
European Manufacturers.
Mechanical connectors are widely used for LV and MV accessories, sizes suitable
for conductors from 25 mm2 up to 630 or 1000 mm2 being widely available.
Development of designs suitable for HV conductors up to 2500 mm2 is also in
progress. To achieve satisfactory connection of such large conductors can require a
large number of shear bolts in a relatively long connector body. An example of a
2500 mm2 mechanical connector is shown in Fig. 10.15. The picture depicts
connector secured to cable conductors but the bolts need yet to be sheared off during
final installation. MIG and TIG Weld Connectors

A creep phenomenon can take place as an effect of loading cycles when crimp-type
connectors are used for large size cable conductors. Current-cycling tests with
aluminum compression connectors with large aluminum conductors have shown
an increase of electrical resistance between cable conductor and connector after
several cycles. The creep leads to reduction of the contact pressure between connec-
tor and conductor, with a corresponding increase of the electrical resistance. This
causes increased losses and hence unstable thermal behavior, ultimately resulting in
thermal failure.
As a result, the preferred method of joining large aluminum conductors is
welding. The practice in the USA is to use welded connectors for aluminum
446 M. Uzelac

conductors above approximately 1250 kcmil (~630 mm2) while for smaller alumi-
num conductors a crimp connection is utilized.
Welded connections fuse two cable conductors (in case of cable joints) or cable
conductor and connector (in case of cable terminations) by application of molten
metal. Either the Metal Inert Gas (MIG) or Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding
process is adopted in these cases. The MIG welding process, which generates less
heat during the welding operation, is commonly used in the USA for large aluminum
cable conductors.
Welded connections are also used for copper conductors with enameled strands. If
crimp connectors were used on these conductors, the enamel coating would need to
be removed from every strand, which is a quite elaborate and time-consuming
As significant heat is generated during welding, care should be taken that cable
insulation is not overheated. It is necessary to dissipate excess heat to keep temper-
ature of the adjacent conductor and surrounding cable insulation below a specified
value. Once the cable conductor reaches the maximum allowed temperature, the
welding operation has to be interrupted to let conductor cool down. This is why
installation of welded connections is more time consuming than for other connection
types. Only trained, highly skilled operators using appropriate welding and cooling
equipment can perform this task.
Efficient cooling speeds up the process. Use of heat-sink clamps in combination
with forced air or gas flow is the most common method. In some cases, water is used
as coolant for extruded cables. In case of oil filled cables, the cooling system is more
elaborate since it has to incorporate provision of vacuum application in order to
remove the oil from the strands in the weld area.
The strands of the cable conductor have to be thoroughly cleaned to remove any
insulating tapes or cable conductor filler material before welding. If these are not
removed, the weld is contaminated and becomes porous which results in reduced
conductivity and low mechanical strength of connection.
As shown, the procedure for welding power cable conductors is elaborate. That is
one of the reasons why commercial installations of underground cable with large
aluminum conductors only began after methods for field-welding the conductors
were developed and proven. MIG Welded Connector for HV Joints

Two cable conductors can be welded to each other with or without use of a
connecting sleeve. The weld itself provides an electrical connection that is equiv-
alent to the conductor and is not subject to instability during heat cycles due to
decrease of contact pressure. However, the tensile strength of the welded connec-
tor is significantly (50–60%) lower than the ultimate tensile strength of the
conductor due to annealing of the conductor near the weld. If necessary, mainly
for submarine cables, the tensile strength can be improved by round-compressing
the conductor and the weld (hardening process) and/or using a connecting sleeve,
which is crimped to both cable conductors to bridge the weld and provide
mechanical strength.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 447

Fig. 10.16 Aluminium MIG-Weld Connector for HV cable terminations

The conductors to be joined are cut in a wedge shape, and then buttered with weld
metal, and the two “V” grooves are filled until the conductor diameter is reached. As
a result, this connection is flush with the conductor, which is necessary when the
joint must have a minimum diameter, such as in laminated paper cable joints. MIG Welded Connectors for HV Terminations

Figure 10.16 shows a typical MIG weld connector for HV cable terminations where
a high tensile strength of the connection is required. The connector features a ferrule
to be crimped to the cable conductor and provide additional mechanical strength.
Electrical connection is established with molten metal applied between conductor
and connector through weld “windows” in the connector barrel.
The connector stalk (stud) is threaded and secured with a threaded hood at the
termination top plate, ensuring that the cable will not slip due to its own weight and
the weight of other termination components.
The cable conductor to be joined is cut in a wedge shape, and then buttered with
weld metal as shown in Fig. 10.17. The connector is slipped over the prepared
conductor and windows in the ferrule aligned with the wedge shaped and buttered
conductor. The two windows are filled until the connector diameter is reached. As a
result, this connection is flush with the connector. The weld provides an electrical
connection that is equivalent to the conductor. For additional pull out strength, the
ferrule is crimped to the conductor. Exothermic Welded Connections

An exothermically welded connection is produced using a welding process that
employs molten metal to permanently join the conductors. They are widely used in
MV and some HV applications. The process employs an exothermic reaction of a
thermite composition to heat a metal powder together with the conductor and
conductor/ferrule to be joined. Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of metal
powder, which serves as fuel, and metal oxide. It requires no external source of
heat or current. These connections can have excellent current-carrying and short
circuit capacity, do not loosen up in service, and do not corrode. They form a
permanent, low resistance connection, provide a molecular bond, and do not dete-
riorate with age.
448 M. Uzelac

Cutting and “buttering”

“V”-shape cut and “buttered” heat-sink jig
MIG weld Al connector
cable conductor

Welding heat-sink jig

Weld Thermocouple location

Fig. 10.17 Steps in installation of MIG weld connector for HV cable termination

The exothermically welded connection requires lesser length of exposed connec-

tor from that required by other connector types, for example, crimp or mechanical
connector. Less than 100 mm of conductor needs to be exposed at each cable end.
Fillers and nonmetallic materials must be removed before making the connection.
Environmental conditions have to be considered when preparing and making a
connection. The handling of exothermic weld powder must be treated with care
and in accordance to manufacturer’s instructions.
Exothermically welded connections are applicable for all types of HV cable
conductors and materials:

• Round and stranded Al or Cu conductors

• Segmented Al or Cu conductors
• Solid Al or Cu conductors

Figure 10.18 shows different types and material combinations of exothermically

welded connections for HV cable terminations. Inside of the connector the area
should be melted homogenously without any cavities. Single wires should migrate
into the melted area transition-free and seamlessly.
Combinations and transition of different types of conductors and/or materials are
also possible. Figure 10.19a shows connection of two aluminum stranded conduc-
tors of different size.
After it is made, each exothermically welded connection must be visually
inspected at the site. The condition of the outer surface must comply with visual
inspection requirements of the connector manufacturer.
Relationship between connector quality and condition of the outer surface of the
connection has been established by manufacturer during development tests.
Figure 10.19b shows cut through the connector that successfully passed
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 449

Fig. 10.18 Aluminum and copper exothermically welded connector for HV cable terminations

Fig. 10.19 Aluminum and copper exothermically welded connections for HV cable joints

development tests. Notice that there are very few porosity holes inside the connector
as well as at the outside holes. Each connector manufacturer has their own criteria in
size and population of the porosity holes and depressions.
The equipment for making exothermically welded connection consists of crucible
made from graphite and unique ceramic fiber smoke filter system as shown in
Fig. 10.20. The filter prevents sparks and reduces generation of dust and other
emissions to acceptable level, even if used in unventilated manholes and cable tunnels.
The installation equipment is portable with no external source of power required. Copper Brazing

Copper brazing is often used in submarine cable joints especially in factory joints
and repair joints because they must have almost same diameter as the cable before
the armor is applied. Compression type connector and mechanical (shear-bolt)
connector are not used for factory joints because they would add up to the diameter
and obstruct further manufacturing.
450 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.20 Equipment for making an exothermically welded connection

Like welding, brazing and soldering are important methods of thermally joining
metals. Both welding and brazing/soldering lead to the formation of a metallic joint;
however, the chemical composition of these joints differs. Whereas a welded joint
has the same chemical composition as that of the two identical parent metals being
joined, the use of a filler alloy in a brazing or soldering procedure means that the
brazed or soldered joint has a different chemical composition to that of the parent
materials. Brazing and soldering do not involve any melting of the parent material,
that is, of the surfaces to be joined. Instead, the work pieces are joined by introducing
an additional molten metal, the “filler metal,” possibly in combination with a flux
and/or in a protective gas atmosphere. Some of the advantages of brazing or
soldering compared to welding are:

• As less heat is applied in the joining process, brazed or soldered parts tend to
exhibit greater dimensional accuracy and less distortion.
• Multiple brazed/soldered joints can be created on a single work piece in a single
• Intricate assemblies can be brazed/soldered without damage.
• Brazed/soldered joints exhibit good thermal and electrical conductivity.
• As brazing/soldering directs less heat into the joint than welding, there is less
residual stress and distortion in the component.

The following points should, however, be noted: the strength of a brazed or

soldered joint is typically not as great as that of the parent material; the parent metal
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 451

and the braze/solder metal have different chemical potentials; there is a risk of
chemical corrosion due to the presence of flux residues; extensive preparatory and
after-treatment procedures are often required, such as degreasing, etching, removal
of flux residues.
The related joining techniques of brazing and soldering are distinguished in the
DIN ISO 857-2 standard by the liquid temperature of the filler metal used. In
soldering, the liquid temperature of the filler metal is below 450  C; in brazing it
is above 450  C.
Brazing is used if the joint will be subjected to high mechanical and thermal
stresses. When brazing copper, the filler metals of choice are brass brazing alloys,
copper-phosphorus, and silver brazing alloys. Silver brazing filler metals have lower
brazing temperatures, which reduces the risk of forming coarse grains and enables
faster brazing speeds. Copper brazing procedure is shown in Fig. 10.21.
In order to achieve a high-quality brazed joint between cable conductors, the
mating surfaces need to be carefully prepared. Surface preparation can involve
chemical, mechanical, or thermal cleaning procedures or a combination thereof.
The parts to be brazed must be clean and free from any residues that might inhibit
wetting, such as oxides, oil, grease, dirt, rust, paint, cutting fluids. In case of stranded
conductor, inner wires as well as outer wires of near mating surface of the conductor
should be cleaned carefully. The connecting mold can be mounted to position each
end of conductor properly. In order to avoid overheating of cable insulation, heat-
sink or cooling blocks of water or forced air or cooling gas are usually set up near the
insulation. The choice of an appropriate brazing process and suitable flux and filler
materials is critically important to produce conductor joint with sufficient mechan-
ical properties. Conductors are brazed with a single brazing seam across the entire
diameter or layer by layer or segment by segment or wire by wire.
The quality of a brazing process depends on the skill and experience of the
operator. If the parent material and filler alloy are properly matched, and if the
joint is properly designed and made, a brazed joint can provide as a reliable join as
that achievable by welding. Brazing faults and defects such as flux burning,
de-wetting, discontinuities, cracks, porosity, incomplete fusion, or penetration and
nonmetallic inclusions must be avoided. Sometimes, in order to check brazing

Fig. 10.21 Copper brazing procedure

452 M. Uzelac

quality, nondestructive testing such as X-ray or Ultrasonic can be executed

according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Clamp Connectors

A clamp connector (Fig. 10.22) consists of two components, machined to fit bare
cable conductor of specific size. In some cases, it may cover several conductor sizes.
The inner surface of the connector often has grooves to increase number of connec-
tion points (“A”-spots). This design can be used for both aluminum and copper
conductors. Bolts in different numbers and position are used to apply pressure on the
conductor and are tightened to a specified torque. Tightening the bolts in sequence
specified in installation will insure proper d forces and doing so the conductor will
have a relatively even force from all sides. An advantage with this connector type is
that they do not require special tools.
It is absolute requirement that conductors are free of any foreign material.
Segmental or strand filled conductors or conductors with individually insulated
wires (enameled strands) must be thoroughly cleaned. The segments and then
individual wires must be spread out, cleaned, and then put back together as in
individual conductor (see Fig. 10.23).
This is very time-consuming operation, requires extreme patience and concentration
but needs to be properly done to insure lifetime performance of the clamp connectors. Creuset Connector

The Creuset “crucible” welding process is a reliable method of making electrical
connections used to connect two cables with aluminum conductors.
In this process, granular metals of aluminum are dispensed into a graphite
crucible mold adapted to the cross section to connect and heated (Fig. 10.24).
A gas flame as source of energy is used to cause the fusion inside the crucible.
The mold is then removed and the weld is allowed to solidify. The process takes
seconds to complete.
Excessive heat is generated during welding process and care should be taken that
cable insulation is not overheated. Appropriate cooling system is used to dissipate

Fig. 10.22 Clamp type connector

10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 453

Fig. 10.23 Cleaning of strand-fill segmental conductors

Fig. 10.24 Mold setup for Creuset connection

excess of heat and to maintain temperature of the conductor and surrounding cable
insulation below specified value.
Creuset welding produces connection with high performances as it is a perfect
molecular bond, the conductor is not broken, and there are no contact surfaces.
The integrity of the effective cross section of the conductor is unaltered. The final
result is shown in Fig. 10.25.
Only trained and qualified jointers using appropriate welding and cooling equip-
ment can perform this kind of welding (see ▶ Chaps. 5, “Cable Accessory Work-
manship on Extruded High Voltage Cables” and ▶ 6, “Guidelines for Maintaining
the Integrity of Extruded Cable Accessories”) of this book. Grounding Cable Connectors

The good electrical contact between the metallic screen and the ground connection should
be effective during the complete life of the cable and particularly in the accessories.
454 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.25 Mold removed and finished “Creuset” weld after final cleaning

Particular attention has to be paid to the endurance of the ground connection at the
accessories, currents in the screen may be important, and the ability of the screen
connection must not to overheat during cycling should be checked.
The TB 446 (Advanced Design of Metal Laminated Coverings: Recommenda-
tions for Tests, Guide to Use, Operational Feedback) by WG B1.25 [35] describes
the three successful designs that are today covering the market:

Combined Design – combined mechanical and electrical properties

Separate design – separated mechanical and electrical properties
Separate semi-conductive design – separated electrical and water tightness prop-
erties with semi-conductive plastic-coated foil

Following are the most commonly used cable sheaths:

• Lead sheath
• Lead sheath with copper wires
• Aluminum corrugated sheath
• Aluminum smooth sheath
• Aluminum laminated sheath
• Copper wires + aluminum laminated
• Copper wires + Cu laminated
• Aluminum wires + aluminum laminated

Ground connectors must satisfy the following electrical functions:

• Satisfy the short-circuit conditions, transfers short circuit current

• Transfers currents circulating in cable screen
• Collects capacitive current and induced currents
• Fixation of earth potential
• Evacuates short circuit current and circulating currents with both ends earthed
• In case of disconnection from earth, electrical withstand between earth and screen
• Suppression of screen currents with single end earthing or special bonding
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 455

Chemical functions:

• No corrosion of contact points

Thermal and mechanical properties:

• No degradation of connection and surrounding with thermal short circuit

In the case of a single phase short circuit, the current can flow through the metal
screen, the metal screen/grounding connection, the ground lead of the joint or the
Existing short circuit tests as per TB 446 [35] have been designed to test metal
screen/grounding connection in a simple way, electric parameters of this test have
been chosen to be such that the test capabilities are available in many laboratories at
an acceptable cost.
Five short circuits shall be applied successively to the assembly:

• Before the short circuit test, the cable conductor shall be heated and stabilized for
at least 2 h at a temperature 90–95  C.
• The short circuits are separated by an interval of time long enough to cool down
the cable screen within 5 K of its initial temperature.


• The short circuit rating has to be determined by calculation.

• The maximum short circuit duration is 5 s.
• Asymmetry is free.

Examination of the samples should reveal no cracks or separation of the metal foil
of laminated protective coverings or damage to other parts of the cable.
There shall be no sign of harmful deterioration of the cable/joint screen connec-
tion, neither at the cross-bonding leads nor at the grounding connections.

10.3.3 Diagnostics for Cable Connector Condition Assessment

Regular check of the temperature of termination connections is done by infra-red

(IR) cameras. Poor connection pressure due to improper installation or inappropriate
surface protection and treatment of contact surfaces between termination cable
connector and buss connector resulting in corrosion of contact surfaces are the issues
that will result in overheating of the connection. If not detected on time, the issue
may result in thermal runaway and physical damage of the connection resulting in
costly repair.
456 M. Uzelac

The temperature of the connection of the molded rubber joint may be controlled
be fiber optic cable which may be laid over the joint body or over the housing in
which the joint is installed. The CIGRE TB 247 on Optimization of Power Trans-
mission Capability of Underground Cable Systems Using Thermal Monitoring
shows current practice of laying FO cable over the joint in different countries [33].
CIGRE TB 756 “Thermal Monitoring of Cable Circuits and Grid Operators use of
Dynamic Rating Systems [36] by CIGRE WG B1.45” provides an update and a
comprehensive bibliography.
The X-ray method is mostly used in MV applications. This method shows proper
positioning of the cable connector inside the joint. Improper positioning of the
connector may cause dielectric failure. This method is also used to periodically
check for signs of cable distortion resulting from thermo-mechanical movement of
cables and joints in the HV pipe-type cable systems, resulting in thermo-mechanical
bending (TMB) of the cables, which eventually may cause electrical failure.

10.4 Cable Connectors in Accessories

10.4.1 General

Accessories are an essential part of HV cable system. They need to operate under the
same electrical conditions as the cable.
In relation to the connector system of the accessories, we can distinguish between
current load and mechanical load.
The current load is enforced by the operation current of the cable and can be
divided in normal load, emergency load (in some countries), and the load under short
circuit conditions, that is, short circuit currents.
The mechanical load or forces in the connector system can be divided in internal
and external forces. The internal forces, also called thermo-mechanical forces, are
generated by the thermal expansion of the cable due to operating and short circuit
currents. The external forces are generated by the environment of the cable system
and are, for example, the consequence of gravity, clamping, soil movements,
vibrations, etc.
Forces generated by gravity or thermo-mechanical movements of the system are
the so-called static forces. These forces act continuously under the influence of
gravity or have a cyclic behavior as a consequence of the load cycles, which usually
appear in a daily sequence. The forces usually start as pushing forces, so called thrust
forces, caused by the thermal expansion of the conductors, but will eventually also
generate pulling forces during no load or low load of the system.
Under the influence of the high thrust forces (in the order of tons) the conductor
starts to deform, distributed over the entire cable, making it effectively shorter. Once
the load decreases the thrust forces will go down and eventually generating pulling
forces. For this reason, the connector system has to be able to withstand both pushing
and pulling forces.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 457

The main cause for the dynamic load of the system is short circuit forces passing
through the system. Due to the magnetic field, generated by the short circuit current,
forces are generated perpendicular on the cable. These forces, the so-called Lorentz
forces, can generate pushing and pulling forces and are usually of short duration (less
than 1 s).
Apart from the magnetic forces there is also the effect of the thermal expansion of
the conductor under the short circuit conditions. In case of HV systems, with usually
large conductor sizes, the temperature increase is low and the impact of the thermo-
mechanical expansion negligible.
Short circuits can also have a very local impact on the connector system,
thermally and magnetically.
High contact resistance will cause high local dissipation and increasing temper-
atures. Because of this the mechanical properties of the conductor material can
change (annealing) lowering the contact pressure and increasing the contact
The currents in the parallel conductor wires will cause a strong magnetic field and
related magnetic forces pushing the wires more closely. Also, this effect may
temporary lower the contact pressure with the connector, increasing the contact
Detailed overview of the thermo-mechanical forces involved with large conduc-
tor XLPE cable system (1000 mm2 and above) is provided in CIGRE TB
669 “Mechanical Forces in Large Conductor Cross-Section XLPE Cables” [32].
Such forces can generate high axial thrust and tension and/or significant cycling
movements in the installed cable system. The designer of connectors for these cables
in HV and EHV applications has to take these forces into account and to incorporate
into development tests.

10.4.2 Mechanical Loads

The connectors for HV cables are exposed to significant mechanical forces during
assembly process of cable accessories due to movement of the cable and accessory
into their final position [32]. More importantly, connectors are exposed to thermo-
mechanical forces in service generated by thermal expansion and contraction of the
cable due to variations of the load current or exposure to the short circuit current
[32]. In practice, the forces caused during the installation process are not problem-
atical and are not usually limiting for an HV connector. However, the loads imposed
on the conductor due to changes in conductor temperature can be very significant.
After initial installation, the cable conductor is normally relaxed with little axial
mechanical force present. However, as the temperature increases the conductor
expands and, if the cable is rigidly installed [27], then axial thermal expansion is
prevented and instead a compressive force develops in the conductor (which is
evidenced as a thrust force from the conductor at the cable ends). If a rigidly installed
cable is heated rapidly to its full operating temperature on the first load cycle, then
relatively high forces can be developed. However, if expansion is fully prevented
458 M. Uzelac

then the result is that relaxation of the maximum thrust occurs towards the maximum
conductor temperature, reducing the compressive force produced. However, a con-
sequence of this relaxation is that a tensile force develops in the conductor when it
cools down to the initial installation temperature (or below). Typically, after a
number of cycles the compressive and tensile forces developed in a conductor
cycling over its full temperature range will be similar, and with values of approxi-
mately 50% of the maximum force that might be achievable in a single rapid cycle.
As far as the connector is concerned the conductor tensile force is the most critical
as it will tend to pull the conductor out of the connector. In the case of the conductor
compressive force then this is normally equal and opposite to the force from the next
cable length on the other side of a joint or in the case of a termination has to be
resisted by the connection of the connector to the body of the termination itself.
Thus, in terms of testing the performance of connectors only the tensile (pullout)
force from the conductor has to be considered.
In assessing the behavior under tension of a conductor to connector connection,
the tensile load that can be resisted with minimum movement has to be assessed.

10.4.3 Environment

Consideration of Environmental Conductor Size Optimization

Over the years, energy utilities have considerably increased their requirements to
consider the ecological environmental impact of electric cables in relation to their
service conditions. Environmental considerations should be included in both design
and redesign work with respect to the raw materials used, energy consumption and
emissions during production, end of life disposal or recycling, and in-service
performance. A specific guidance document has been published by IEC TC 20 in
2007 as the technical report IEC/TR 62125 “Environmental statement specific to
IEC TC 20 – Electric cables.” This guidance will be replaced by IEC 62125
Ed. 1 showing a qualitative checklist based approach for environmental impact
and quantitative approaches by using life cycle assessment (LCA) or an energy
cost based conductor size optimization (ECSO). The results obtained by applying
such methodologies can be used for external communication.
As recommended by IEC Guide 109, the basis of the assessment of product-
related environmental impact is Life Cycle Thinking. Environmental impact of a
product needs to be evaluated considering its whole life cycle and evaluating various
environmental indicators. LCA is a tool covering all life cycle stages (cradle to
grave). An LCA shall be carried out in accordance with the methodology of life cycle
assessment (LCA) specified in ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.
Environmental and energy cost based Conductor Size Optimization is taking into
account the cable’s life phases’ costs and reduction in power loss costs during use
phase and related costs of CO2 compared to the conventional sizing of highly loaded
cables with significant energy losses. ECSO takes specifically into account:
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 459

• Initial cost of investment including manufacturing, transportation, installation,

and final disposal costs
• Cost for CO2 emission during manufacturing, transportation, and installation and
final disposal
• Costs for Joule losses during anticipated life time
• Costs for CO2 emission during anticipated life time

There is an ecological and economical demand for more efficient operation of

electric cables and some information is available on suitable cable design parameters
to achieve lower losses. Unfortunately, diverse pressures from a number of interests
usually result in the need to compromise in this area. Lower transmission losses,
reduced heating effects, and, as a result, lower emission of greenhouse gases and
hence reduced carbon footprint might be achieved.
Energy losses during service are dominated either by the duration under load,
which could be many decades for HV cables in transmission or distribution net-
works, or by a combination of time under load and length of the network. The current
loads will create temperatures which might start ageing effects in insulation and
inside connections. A certain end temperature is needed to initiate such aging effects
and long lasting high temperatures might consume lifetime. The lower the current
loads are, the lower the reached temperature exposure of cable systems and, respec-
tively, the lower the risk of limiting service lifetime will be. Balancing total costs of
ownership by additionally involving environmental aspects often shows that the
conservative approach, running a cable system at 40–60% nominal load, will create
optimal results and besides that limit the risk of connector failures. Cable system
qualification tests including connector development tests will simulate some worst
case conditions but will give only limited information about long time endurance and
life time expectation when running a cable system close to its nominal loads.
The Technical Brochure 689 “Life Cycle Assessment of Underground Cables” by
CIGRE WG B1.36 [37] provides guidance for the implementation of an eco-design
approach applied to underground cables, through the use of LCA methodology by giving
principles of LCA (standards, guides, historical approach), a state of the art regarding
studies and reports on this topic, a methodology to perform LCA on underground cables,
and an LCA case study. In conclusion the main results, highlights, and limits are discussed.

10.4.4 Cable Connectors in Joints General
Joints are subjected to current load and mechanical forces.
The main consequence of the current load is the heating of the cable and
connector system, leading to elevated temperatures inside the joint. In continuous
operating conditions, temperatures exceeding the maximum operating temperature
of the extruded cable need to be avoided [30]. In this respect the conductivity of the
connector system and the thermal properties of the joint have to be considered.
460 M. Uzelac

The connector system needs to withstand the mechanical forces that do exist in cable
systems, such as pushing (thrust), lateral and pulling forces. See Reference [32]. These
forces should not lead to instabilities in the performance of the connector system. Thermal Rating of the Joint

The CIGRE TF 21 (B1)-10 reviewed if existing IEC Specifications for HV/EHV
extruded cables and their accessories appropriately specify and verify the crucial
thermal and thermo-mechanical characteristics of accessories. The thermal rating of
an accessory is defined as “the maximum temperature of the conductor or conductor
connector contained within the accessory (whichever is the higher) allowed in
normal operation.” The report of TF 21-10 is given under ▶ Chap. 9, “Thermal
Ratings of HV Cable Accessories” of this Book.
TF B1-10 finished its work on schedule in 2003 with the following conclusions
(see reference [30] and ▶ Chap. 9, “Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories”):

• Thermal ratings of accessories need not be specified separately from cables, as

they are considered identical due to the presence of cable inside the accessory.
• The successful completion of IEC thermal tests at a complete cable system can be
considered as simultaneous verification of the adequate thermal design of both,
cables and accessories, provided that comparable or higher conductor tempera-
tures as rated for the cable are achieved inside joints. These test conditions shall
be realized by applying only cable conductor current heating.
• The thermal performance of terminations in normal operation is not considered
critical; therefore, they do not have to reach the rated temperature for the cable
during test.
• External thermo-mechanical forces can be reproduced in the IEC prequalification
test only for the specific installation conditions applied.
• The thermal limits of accessories and external thermo-mechanical forces in
service operation cannot be reproduced comprehensively by standardized tests,
but have to be taken into account for each individual case by the systems design

The Annex 1 of referenced document [30] shows thermal calculation for HV and
EHV extruded cable joint. It is shown that in stationary conditions, the cable conduc-
tor in the joint reaches a higher temperature than in the cable, because of higher
thermal resistance of the joint. In the first 6 h of the heating cycle, the temperature of
the cable conductor in the joint is lower than in the cable conductor outside the joint,
as shown in Fig. 10.26 and Fig. ▶ 9.3 in ▶ Chap. 9, “Thermal Ratings of HV Cable
Accessories” of this book, due to the longer thermal time constant of the joint.

10.4.5 Cable Connectors in Outdoor Terminations

In most of the termination designs, the connector is located in the top of the
termination. The connectors in terminations are usually large, compared to the
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 461

Temperature (˚C)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (hours)

Fig. 10.26 Typical heating curve of 138 kV extruded cable and molded rubber joint

connectors in joints, and therefore usually not considered critical. Beside this, the
termination connectors are exposed to environmental conditions, which usually
represents effective cooling. Exposed section of connector has to be designed to
operate under different environmental conditions.
Important for termination connectors is its thermal stability and the resistance
against thermo- mechanical forces. The conductor below and inside the termination
will generate thrust forces during load, which might change to pulling forces in no
load conditions. Depending on the conductor arrangement inside the terminations,
the thrust force can result in cable bending causing cantilever loads.
The connector systems have to be able to handle all these forces.

10.4.6 Cable Connectors in Equipment Type Terminations

Equipment terminations, such as GIS and transformer terminations, can be divided

in open and closed top design (see ▶ Chap. 11, “Standard Design of a Common, Dry
Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power Cables up to 145 kV”).
In the open top design, the connector is mechanically fixed in the top of the
termination after installing the cable. This is usually a screw connection. This allows
the thermo-mechanical forces to the transferred to the termination insulator. Apart
from the connection with to the cable conductor, there is also an electrical contact
with the embedded electrode of the termination insulator. This contact is a metal/
metal contact based on adequate contact pressure.
In the closed top design, a metal enclosed top electrode is integrated in the
(epoxy) termination insulator. During installation, the cable is plugged into the
termination. The conductor of the cable is provided with a plug and the plug is
connected to the top electrode by means of multicontact system.
462 M. Uzelac

For the connection with the conductor, similar conditions apply as for the joints
and outdoor terminations.
Plug-in contacts are based on a male/female connector system, connected through
a multicontact system, achieving continuous contact pressure.
In the equipment terminations, there are the locked and unlocked designs of the
connector system. In the locked design, the plug-in connector is fixed in the
termination, transferring the forces to the termination insulator.
In the unlocked design, the cable is fixed below the termination by means of
clamping. The clamping can be integrated in the termination design or installed

10.4.7 Connections to the Cable Connectors General
Cable connectors are used for connecting two or more cable conductors to each other
inside the joint or connecting cable conductor to the terminal of the overhead line or
terminal of the equipment such as GIS, transformer. The construction, type, material,
and installation methods of connecting cable conductors to the cable connectors are
well explained other part of this report, so in this section, it will be described to
connect cable connectors to the terminal of overhead line or the equipment. Outdoor Terminations

Outdoor termination connects the cable to either substation component or busbar or
to the overhead line. The connection of the cable conductor to the substation
component or overhead line is achieved. Equipment Type Terminations (GIS and Oil Immersed)

Cable connections for gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) are defined by IEC 62271-209
[7] and oil-immersed cable connections for transformers and reactors are defined by
the relevant standard, EN 50299-1 [8] or EN 50299-2 [9]. Figures 10.27, 10.28, and
10.29 illustrate typical arrangements proposed in these documents.
The main circuit end terminal of GIS or transformer is generally connected to the
top conductor of the cable termination through screws at rated normal current up to
3150 A. In order to reduce electrical contact resistance, the normal current-carrying
contact surfaces of the connection interface are silver- or copper-coated or solid
copper and apply adequate screw torque during assembling according to the man-
ufacture’s installation manual.
The mechanical forces on the cable termination caused by short-circuit may be
critical to the design of the cable connection system. Total dynamic forces generated
during short-circuit conditions consist of those generated within the cable-
termination and those coming from the main circuit of the switchgear. For a three-
phase connection, the maximum additional force applied from the switchgear to the
connection interface transversely and then being transferred from the main circuit
end terminal shall not exceed 5 kN. For single-phase connections, taking into
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 463

Fig. 10.27 Fluid-filled cable connection assembly for GIS – typical arrangement ([7], Fig. 2)

Fig. 10.28 Dry-type cable connection assembly for GIS – typical arrangement ([7], Fig. 4)

account lack of symmetry, it is considered that this additional force is small.

However, a total mechanical force of 2 kN applied to the connection interface
transversely should be assumed. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the
switchgear to ensure that the specified forces are not exceeded.
For both single-phase and three-phase connections, additional forces and move-
ments from the switchgear can be experienced due to temperature variations and
vibrations in service. These forces can act on both switchgear and cable-termination
464 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.29 Cable connection assembly – transformer ([9], Fig. 1)

and depend largely on the switchgear layout, termination installation, cable design, and
the methods of mechanical support. The design of any support structure shall take into
account these forces and movements. It is particularly important that the support for the
switchgear shall not be affixed to the insulator collar and/or clamping flange.
The top conductor design of cable termination can be divided in open and closed
system whether embedded top metal part of insulator is open or closed. Figure 10.30
shows typical open and closed top connector systems.
In case of open top connector system, conductor connector is generally connected
to the embedded top metal part of insulator by screw connection. In order to prevent
gas (or oil) penetration from GIS (or transformer) to cable termination, additional
sealing systems are required between conductor connector and embedded top metal
part of the insulator. Because cable conductor, conductor connector, and embedded
metal part are all connected directly, the thermo-mechanical force due to thermal
expansion and extraction of the cable may affect to the insulator. To minimize this
affection, suitable clamping system is required inside the cable termination or near
the termination. During installation, cable with conductor connector inserted to the
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 465

Embedded top insert

Cable connector

Cable conductor


(a) Open top (b) Closed top

connector system connector system

Fig. 10.30 Typical open and closed top connector system of cable termination

insulator together first and then cable termination is assembled to the GIS or
transformer generally. So, equipment (GIS or transformer) metal enclosure cannot
be factory tested with the insulator. During the final assembly, both installers
(equipment and cable termination) are needed and vacuuming and gas or oil filling
must be performed after final assembly.
In case of closed top connector system, conductor connector with cable is
plugged-in to the embedded top metal part by multicontact, spring, or tulip contact
system. The current-carrying surfaces of conductor connector, multicontact, and
embedded top metal parts are generally silver-coated. The dimensions of outer
diameter of multicontact and the inner diameter of the embedded top metal part
are important in order to maintain suitable contact pressure. Because embedded top
metal part is closed and normally leak test is performed as a routine test, additional
sealing system is not required and more reliable structure in a viewpoint of gas or oil
leakage compared with the open top connector system. There are two types of closed
top connector system. One is locked plug-in type and the other is unlocked plug-in
type. The plug of locked plug-in type cannot be removed without disassembling
insulator from the equipment enclosure, whereas the plug of unlocked plug-in type
can be removed without disassembling insulator from the equipment enclosure.
The thermo-mechanical force of cable may affect directly to the insulator or partly
be compensated according to the design of locked plug-in type; however, clamping
system inside the termination or near the termination is needed to minimize this
affection. Unlocked plug-in type can partly or fully be compensated according to
466 M. Uzelac

the design; however, clamping is essential because plug can easily be removed without
clamping during operation. In case of closed top connector system, insulator can be
preinstalled in the equipment enclosure and the cable with plug inserted later on site.
In this case, equipment metal enclosure can be factory tested including the insulator
including voltage test. During the final assembly, both installers (equipment and cable
termination) are not needed at the same time.
More information will be found in ▶ Chap. 11, “Standard Design of a Common,
Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power Cables up to 145 kV” of the book.

10.5 Installation of Connectors

Proper cable conductor preparation and connector installation are crucial for a long
and successful field performance of cable systems. Many failures of medium voltage
accessories have been caused by thermal runaway because of poor connector
installation or/and poor conductor preparation. Most common mistakes are insuffi-
cient engagement of conductor into the connector ferrule, insufficient tightening of
the bolts in mechanical connectors, use of inappropriate crimping die for a press-type
connector, fail to remove water blocking material from filled conductors, when
required, or fail to remove insulating coatings from individual strands, when present.
Mandatory trainings in installation of HV/EHV cable accessories, including prepa-
ration of conductors and installation of connectors, increase awareness of importance of
proper installation and provides opportunity to check the skills of the splicers. Hence,
there are very few field failures of HV/EHV cable accessories due to connection failure.

10.5.1 Installation Instruction Manual

The manuals for installation of cable accessories (joints and terminations) either
describe steps in installation of connectors or refer to separate manual for connector
installation. Selection of installation tools and strict minding of steps described in
instructions is of essence.
The CIGRE TB 476 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Cables
[31] which is the content of ▶ Chap. 5, “Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded
High Voltage Cables” of this book describes in detail technical risks and required skills for
preparation of conductors and installation of different types of connectors.
Only competent and trained personnel familiar with cables, accessories, and safe
operating practices should install accessories, both for testing and field assembly.
Cleanliness during the whole installation is of great importance.

10.5.2 Cable Conductor Preparation

Preparation of conductor is as important as installation of connector. It involves

cutting the conductor (in most cases it is required that conductor cut is square),
removing insulation and exposing cable conductor to specified length, removal of
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 467

Fig. 10.31 Cleaning and crimping of filled 2500 mm2 Cu conductor

strand filling materials (powders, yarns, cloth. . .) if present, removal of coating from
individual strands when strand insulating conductors are used and cleaning exposed
conductor. The cable insulation must be protected from damage and metallic parti-
cles during all these steps.
Figure 10.31a shows example of preparation of segmental, strand filled cable
conductor. Individual strands from each segment must be flared out, cleaned from
the filler, and then put back together to form the segments of the same shape as in
original conductor. Considerable skill and training is required to perform this
operation. If not done properly, the strands may be damaged or conductor shape
and outer diameter changed such that connector would not fit.

10.5.3 Mechanical Connectors

This connector type uses bolts to apply pressure to the underlying conductor. It can
be used on both copper and aluminum conductors. Mechanical connectors do not
require special tools for installation and the skill level is relatively easy to achieve in
proper training, positioning of properly prepared conductor(s) into connector and
tightening the bolts is spelled out in instructions. Most connector designs are of the
shear-bolt type where the bolt is tightened until they shear. Other designs require
tightening of the bolts to specified value.
The tightening sequence must be followed as specified in instructions. Factory
applied lubricants (if present) are not to be removed.
The sharp points need to be removed and, if required, the holes filled after all the
bolts are tightened or sheared.

10.5.4 Crimp Connector

The most common connectors in HV applications are still of the crimp type.
Depending on the cable size and manufacturer, many crimping tool types are used.
They may be either with or without crimping dies.
468 M. Uzelac

The die-less crimping tools feature one, two, or four rams (indenters). Rams put
deep indents in the ferrule and deform the ferrule and underlying conductor. The
die-less crimping tools are adjustable to take larger span of connector/cable conduc-
tor sizes.
The crimping tool with dies features the crimping head that accommodates dies
for different connector sizes. The dies are usually of circular or hexagonal shape but
other shapes, for example, ellipse, are also used. The width of the die differs
substantially between manufacturers.
Material of connector ferrule matches material of conductor: copper ferrules are
used on copper conductors and aluminum ferrules on aluminum conductors. Since
the cross-sectional area of aluminum ferrule is bigger than cross-sectional area of
conductor, the crimping dies for copper and aluminum connectors are different. The
aluminum ferrules tend to be longer than the copper ones, accommodating larger
number of crimps.
All the variables mentioned above are taken into account by cable accessory
manufacturer when the connector is designed and the crimping tool, crimping dies,
sequence, and number of crimps are specified. It is important that the cable accessory
manufacturer is consulted if different crimping tool or set of dies are intended to
be used.

10.5.5 Exothermic Welding Connector

Exothermic welding uses chemical reagents in a reusable crucible, placed above a

mold specifically designed for the conductors being welded.
This is a special technique and includes placing the correct quantity of reactants in
the crucible. It is necessary to take good care to avoid porosity and cavities in the
welding mass. This can come from the presence of moisture or filler in the conductor.
The setting of the gap between the conductors needs to be done carefully, then the
crucible and mold assembly is installed and filled before firing the reactants so they
drop into the mold, melting the ends of the conductors together. During this process,
the presence of any porosity should be noticeable.
It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and to be aware
of the risks, for example, high temperatures and toxic gases evolved during the

10.5.6 MIG or TIG Welding Connector

The installer must be qualified and experienced for this kind of installation and
follow the instructions for the welding equipment.
This technique involves using arc welding in an inert gas with a feed wire of
copper or aluminum. The wire must be appropriate to the welding machine. The
conductor ends are cut diagonally to form a V shape when placed in the welding jig.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 469

In a normal installation, overheating of insulation during welding must be

avoided. In a test situation this might not be a critical point. Heat sinks or forced
coolers are generally applied on both sides of the exposed conductor. Prior to
welding all enamel must be removed from enameled copper wires before MIG or
TIG welding is carried out. After welding is completed any sharp edges or points
must be removed from the connection.

10.6 Experience

The working group spent substantial time in gathering information on experience

with cable connectors in HV and EHV cable systems. The methods to get informa-
tion were presentations by users at the WG meetings and world-wide survey.

10.6.1 Utility Presentations at WG Meetings USA
Two major utilities from the USA shared their experiences. One of the utilities
addressed cable connectors in HV applications (69–345 kV) and the second one in
MV applications (up to 46 kV).
While there were only a few connector failures in 60 years history of HV
laminated cable connectors, there were no reported failures for connectors in over
20 years’ experience with HV XLPE cable systems.
Experience for MV cable connectors is not so good. The number of failures, and
in particular connector failures, in joints increased with introduction of wind farms.
Analysis of the failures indicated the cause generally to be the incorrect selection of
connectors. Germany
The following is a short summary of the presentation by Christian Walter at the third
CIGRE B1.46 meeting in Winterbach, Germany, on 26 Nov 2014.
Mr. Christian Walter leads the technical team “HV cable systems” of “E.ON
Centre of competence grid and distributed energy” in the legal entity “Bayernwerk
AG” located in Bayreuth, Germany. As a global player, E.ON sources cable systems
Up to now their experience shows no connector failures. The load management
on cable systems is conservative due to the n-1 criterion and is reaching up to 50% of
the nominal rated load. For the implementation of new cable systems, measures have
been taken to improve the quality management systems to be able to run cable
systems at their calculated limits, adapted and verified for each single project,
especially when connecting wind farms and renewables.
Systems for distribution cables up to 110 kV are specified in a technical specifi-
cation following in most parts test conditions for the next higher voltage level
132 kV according to Cenelec HD 632.
470 M. Uzelac

For future operation, the ampacity calculation according to IEC 60287 is verified
by DTS measurements taking into account the soil conditions while increasing loads.
Even joints will be equipped with optical fibers to determine the connector temper-
atures. In particular there will be an evaluation of the behavior of new cable systems
due to rapidly changing grid loads from nearly 0% up to 100% daily (in solar plants)
or weekly (in wind farms). There will also be a lifecycle evaluation process with
periodic PD and tan Delta measurements being made.
Cable-system delivery for a project is only accepted by a single contractor
representing the cable manufacturer, the accessory manufacturer, and the installation
company. During the qualification process, two type tests according to HD 632 have
to have been completed: One for a small aluminum conductor, for example,
630 mm2, and one for the biggest aluminum conductor, for example, 2500 mm2.
The cable conductor has to be according to IEC 60228 with the following design-
restrictions: conductors to be compacted stranded circular (class 2). Solid conductors
made are not used. Conductors above 1200 mm2 shall be segmented (Milliken
conductor). Milliken designs shall have at least five segments. In future only cables
with aluminum conductors will be purchased. Due to increasing ampacity require-
ments, cross sections larger than 2500 mm2 may be needed in future projects.
Longitudinal water tightness of stranded conductors is required. Materials used
for that purpose shall not be toxic. A semi-conductive bonding tape shall be used to
prevent the inner semi-conductive layer penetrating the gaps between the conductor
To reduce installation failures, only mechanical connectors equipped with shear
bolts shall be used on stranded conductors. Due to a lack of test experience, no
compression connectors are in use. Welding of connections will no longer be
accepted due to an incomplete quality management system and for safety reasons
on site.
Because connector type tests for high voltage cable applications are not yet
specified, available type tests similar to IEC 61238-1-3 are requested with a mini-
mum of 1000 heat cycles showing temperature stability with a min. 2500 A for
2500 mm2 aluminum. Currently just a few type tests can be shown on connectors for
big cross-sections. Short circuit withstand ability should be tested with a min. 40 kA/
1 s (3 phase). A mechanical tensile test with a min. 100 kN for 2500 mm2 will be
required. Aluminum should show no slippage and no elongation. As long as no
standardized types and designs for conductors and connectors are available a
qualification of each combination will be necessary.
To get at least limited comparability, a common type test specification for
connectors will be appreciated. France
As the transmission engineering and expertise center for the EDF Group, the CIST
(Power System and Transmission Engineering Centre) shared its experience in
HV/EHV cable systems. It is the focus for all the specialist disciplines involved in
power transmission (power systems and transmission grids).
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 471

CIST supervises the construction and maintenance of electricity supply installa-

tions, from the generating plant to the power transmission grid operated by RTE
(French transmission system operator).
In France, it negotiates the conditions for connection to the grid; it operates at
voltages of 63 kV, 90 kV, 225 kV, and 400 kV.
Regarding HV cable systems, there were no failures in accessories related to
connectors in the last 10 years.

10.6.2 Worldwide Survey

A survey was sent to utilities in order to assess their cable system and the type of
problems encountered due to connector failures.
The following tables summarize the data collected.
Table 10.6 shows the number of utilities with the range of cable length per voltage
range at the present time, and the additional number of utilities that will fall in that
range. On the bottom of the table, we have the total length of cable per voltage range
for the surveyed utilities. In voltages above 220 kV, we will see an increase of over
35% of the installed base within the next 5 years.
Table 10.7 shows the number of utilities that use a range of conductor sizes at the
present time, and the additional number of utilities that will use these sizes in the next
5 years. Large sizes up to 1600 mm2 and above are used at all voltage levels. The
trend is to use larger size conductors in higher voltage systems.
Table 10.8 shows the number of utilities that use copper and aluminum conduc-
tors at the present time and the additional number of utilities that will use them in the
next 5 years. Copper is still mostly used for heavy loads, but aluminum is used as
Table 10.9 shows the number of utilities that use the different types of outdoor
terminations of different voltage class. Oil filled type terminations are still used,
especially at higher voltages. Dry types are becoming more popular at up to 161 kV.
Table 10.10 shows the number of utilities that use different types of termination
vs. voltage class. Dry type terminations are mostly used nowadays, at other than the
highest voltage range.
Table 10.11 shows the number of utilities that use the different joint types
vs. voltage class. An outer housing is widely used, especially at higher voltages.
Table 10.12 shows the number of utilities that experienced connector failures on
accessories vs. Voltage class.
Table 10.13 shows the number of utilities that experienced connector failures
attributed to different causes vs. voltage class. Failures were reported on termina-
tions, but more so in joints (at all voltage levels). Generally, the failures were due to
installation errors, but also from overheating.

• A good number of responses from the utilities (34 surveys from 12 countries)
were received.

Table 10.6 Number of surveyed utilities that own cable systems and planned in the next 5 years. Total installed length (at surveyed utilities only)
Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500+
Range (km) Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future
1–10 1 3 4 7 4 2 4 3 1
11–25 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1
26–50 1 1 2 3 2 2 1
51–100 5 5 1 1 1 1 1
101–250 1 1 2 2 4 1 1
251–500 3 3 7 1 3 1 1
501–999 1 1 6
1000+ 3 3 1
Total cable system length in service (km). Surveyed utilities only
12108 9456 1840 777 101
M. Uzelac

Table 10.7 Range of conductor sizes in service and in next 5 years

Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500+
Range (mm2) Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future
<630 8 5 16 11 4 1 1
Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors

630–1000 12 4 23 8 7 2 1 1 1
1001–1600 9 2 18 10 12 6 3 3
>1600 8 2 13 7 12 8 6 8 1 1

Table 10.8 Conductor material currently used and planned for future
Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500+
Range (mm2) Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future
Copper 7 8 25 17 16 10 11 7 1
Aluminum 3 1 3 6 2 1 2 1 1
M. Uzelac
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 475

Table 10.9 Number of utilities that have outdoor terminations in service

Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
Outdoor termination type 45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500
Oil filled 14 23 16 10 2
Dry type, not-supporting 1 4
Dry type with additional support insulator 2 7 3
Dry-type self-supporting 5 4 1

Table 10.10 Number of utilities that have equipment-type terminations in service

Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
Equipment termination type 45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500
Oil filled 6 9 8 10
Dry type, not plug in 10 14 10 4
Dry type, plug in 12 22 7 2

Table 10.11 Number of utilities that have joints in service

Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
Joint type 45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500
Without housing for outer protection 3 7 1
With Cu or fiberglass housing 13 21 16 7 2

Table 10.12 Number of utilities that experienced connector failures in service

Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
Accessory type 45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500
Outdoor terminations 10 no 20 no 13 no 5 no 3 no
2 yes 1 yes
Equipment type terminations 17 no 23 no 10 no
1 yes 2 yes
Joints 10 no 14 no 11 no 5 no 3 no
1 yes 4 yes 2 yes 2 yes

Table 10.13 Cause of failures (number)

Nominal cable system voltage (kV)
Cause of connector failure 45–70 110–161 220–287 315–500 500
Wrong design 1
Installation error 3 8 4 2
Overheating 2
Fillers 1
Push/pull force 1 1
Outer corrosion 1 1
476 M. Uzelac

• A substantial increase in higher voltage installations (up to 35% of current base

length) is expected within the next 5 years.
• An increase in the use of shear bolt (mechanical) connectors is foreseen.
• The failures reported are mainly in through connectors, due to installation errors.
• Bigger sizes of conductors are expected to be used in future projects.
• In high voltage cable systems, for copper conductors, the crimped or deep indent
type connections are predominant, while for aluminum conductors welded
connectors are widely used, with a trend towards the use of shear bolt

10.7 Existing Test Methods, Requirements, and Assessment

in Cable Connector Testing

The principles for connecting connector to cable conductor are basically the same in
HV, EHV, and MV systems. Since type tests are standardized only for MV connec-
tors, it is important to understand the issues encountered in the world of MV
connectors in order to specify test requirements for HV/EHV connectors.
Some differences between MV connections and HV connectors are:

• The cross-section range in MV is typically from 95 to 1000 mm2 and in HV from

185 to 3000 mm2 or even larger.
• MV connectors may be purchased separately from cable accessories, as com-
modity item, which is not the case in HV/EHV applications.
• Qualification of MV connectors is done per IEC 61238-1-3 standard. There is no
standard for qualification of HV/EHV connectors as separate components, out-
side the cable accessory.
• There is a difference in test requirements for components of cable systems
between MV and HV/EHV applications. The Cenelec standard for MV cables
HD620 (similar to IEC 60502-2) and Cenelec standard for MV cable accessories
HD 629.1 (similar to IEC 60502-4) specify test requirements separately for
cable components (cables and accessories), while the major focus in the IEC
standards 60840 and 62067 is on cable systems. For example, the test setup for a
PQ test of EHV cable systems is designed to pay special attention to thermo-
mechanical aspects of cable accessories, while that is not the case in MV test

Sections 10.7.1 and 10.7.2 consider aspects of MV connectors. It summarizes test

requirements per IEC 61238-1-3 and additional test requirements specified by some
users in certain countries. Also, real-life examples of testing and use of MV
connectors are provided in this section.
Section 10.7.3 explains current practice in additional tests performed on connec-
tors and accessories for HV/EHV cable systems.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 477

10.7.1 Medium Voltage Connectors IEC 61238-1-3 Requirements

MV connectors of the mechanical and compression type are qualified per IEC
61238-1-3 standard. When a design of connector meets the requirements of this
standard, then it is expected that in service:

1. The resistance of the connection will remain stable.

2. The temperature of the connector will be of the same order or less than that of the
3. The mechanical strength will be fit for the purpose.
4. If the intended use demands it, application of short-circuit currents will not affect
a) and b).

There are three test criteria for evaluation of MV connectors per this standard:
stability of temperature, stability of connection resistance, and mechanical strength.
The statistical method of assessing test results described in this standard is mainly
based on a compromise between the Italian Standard CEI 20-28 and the British
Standard BS 4579: Part 3.
The connection resistance and temperature stability are checked by performing
1000 heat cycles on the test loop consisting of six connectors and the corresponding
reference conductor, which is identical to that used in the connectors. The influence
of short circuit current on resistance and temperature stability is also checked. This
is done by interrupting temperature cycling after 200 cycles and applying a short
circuit current of certain intensity and duration.
The connectors are installed on bare cable conductors. The test loop shall be
installed in a location where the air is calm. The ambient temperature of the test
location shall be between 15  C and 30  C. The heat is generated by circulating ac
current in the test loop. The preferred method of measuring temperatures is using
The temperature of the reference conductor, which is the control parameter of the
test, is determined in the first cycle of the test. The current is adjusted to bring
reference conductor to 120  C at equilibrium (the moment when the reference
conductor and the connectors do not vary in temperature by more than 2 K for
15 min). If at that time the connector with the third highest temperature (median
connector) is below 100  C, the current is further increased until the temperature of
median connector reaches 100  C at equilibrium, subject to the reference conductor
temperature not exceeding 140  C. Subsequent cycles are controlled by this refer-
ence conductor temperature.
During the cooling period, the reference conductor has to be cooled down to
35  C or below.
The criterion for temperature stability is that temperature of any of six connec-
tors does not exceed temperature of reference conductor at any time during the test.
478 M. Uzelac

The criterion for connection resistance is much more involved. Here, a statistical
method of evaluating the trend of electrical resistances was adopted. It requires
calculation of the connector resistance factor (k) for each connector each time the
resistance is measured. The measurement is done before cycling, immediately before
and after the short circuit test at cycle 200, after the 250th cycle and then after every
75 cycles (total 14 times from start to finish of heat cycling). A total 64 k values
(6 connectors 14 resistance measurements) are then used in the statistical analysis
to determine if the connector passed or failed the test.
Statistical parameters for k, to which the connectors are evaluated, are set in the
standard. The selection of assessment criteria and values was made after evaluating
test results and experience from different laboratories and countries. In short,
assessment criteria require that:

• Six specimens shall be similar in resistance at the beginning of the test. This is
assessed by calculating initial scatter δ between the six values of k before heat
cycling and shall not exceed the value 0.3.
• The resistance should not change extensively during test. This is assessed by
– The mean scatter β between the six values of k averaged over the last
11 measurements which verifies that the connectors behave in the same way
and that they belong to the same “family.” The mean scatter β shall not exceed
the value 0.3.
– The change in resistance factor D, which shows the change of the resistance
factor k for each connector over the last 11 measurements. Statistical methods
are used to assess the probability that the change of resistance will not exceed
the specified value. The change in resistance factor D shall not exceed 0.15.
Note: These 11 readings start at the 250th cycle point, and then every 75 cycles
up to 1000 cycles.
• The resistances shall not change excessively as a result of the short-circuit test.
This is assessed by calculating the resistance factor ratio L, which shows the
relationship between the resistance at any stage of the measurements and the
initial resistance. The resistance factor ratio L shall not exceed 2.0.

The connection resistance factor k is ratio between the resistance of a connector

and an equivalent length of the conductor. The connection resistance itself cannot be
measured. Instead, it is derived from measured resistance of known length of reference
conductor and resistance measured between two points on the conductor with con-
nector. Measuring points are on the cable conductor (or equalizer, where required) at
each side of connector. By knowing the length between measuring points and lengths
of cable at each side of the connector, the resistance of the connection is calculated by
subtracting the resistance of the conductor at each side of the connector from the
resistance of the equivalent length of conductor. The value obtained is then normalized
to temperature of 20  C. All measurements of resistance are made with direct current
(preferably 10% of the ac test current) and at ambient temperature.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 479

The measuring accuracy of connection resistance is critical. Measured values

are very small, in the range of micro-ohms, which requires measuring equipment of
high accuracy (within 1% or  0.5 μΩ, whichever is the greater) and experienced
personnel. There are many resistance readings taken throughout the test (total 86)
and any incorrect reading affects analysis and may result in not qualifying a
connector, not because of its performance in the test, but due to erroneous measure-
ments. Accurate readings are of particular importance for large-size connectors,
1000 mm2 and above. The electrical resistance of these conductors is even smaller
and requires more precise readings.
Measuring instrumentation should be calibrated and not changed for any of the
readings. The same measuring points should be used throughout the test, since
calculation always refers to the initial situation. Verification of the measuring points,
especially after the short-circuit test, is advised. It is recommended that the same
value of direct current is used throughout the test program. Bending or vibrations
during transport and handling may give rise to mechanical forces, which affect the
contact resistance of the test objects and should be avoided. In general, every effort
should be made to avoid spurious readings.
Equalizers at the measuring points of a stranded conductor are required to assure
all strands are at the same potential. If the strands are not galvanically connected a
potential between the strands develops during measurement of resistance resulting in
a measuring error. In addition, equalizers in the reference conductor ensure uniform
current distribution in conductor strands, Welded or soldered equalizers are most
commonly used. It is very important that the equalizers are not affected by heat or
movement and maintain acceptable stability throughout the test. There are 14 equal-
izers in a test loop for joint connectors and making all of them in acceptable quality is
highly challenging, particularly for large-size stranded cables. One bad equalizer can
cause a test failure.
The short-circuit test is intended to reproduce the thermal effects of high currents
only. In (6) short-circuit applications after 200th temperature cycle the current level
shall be such that it raises the bare reference conductors to a temperature between
250  C and 270  C. The standard recognizes that for cross-sectional areas exceeding
630 mm2 copper or 1000 mm2 aluminum, the specified maximum parameters (45 kA
and 5 s) are insufficient to reach 250  C.
The mechanical test is performed on three additional connectors. The purpose of
these tests is to ensure an acceptable mechanical strength for the connections to the
conductors of power cables. The result of mechanical test does not give any reliable
indication of the electrical quality of the connector.
The rate of application of the tensile load shall not exceed 10 N per square
millimeter of cross-sectional area and per second up to the value of tensile force
in Newton that is equal to 20 times cross sectional area for aluminum conduc-
tors and 40 times for copper. For both aluminum and copper conductors the
tensile force should not exceed 20,000 N. This force is then maintained for
1 min.
The criterion for the mechanical test is that neither connector slip.
480 M. Uzelac

Range of Approval
In general, tests made on one type of connector/conductor combination apply to that
arrangement only. However, to limit the number of tests, using the same conductor
material, the following is permitted:

• A connector which can be used on stranded round conductors or on stranded

sector shaped conductors which have been rounded, is approved for both types if
satisfactory results are obtained on a compacted round conductor.
• A connector which covers a range of consecutive cross-sectional areas shall be
approved, if satisfactory results are obtained on the smallest and the largest cross-
sectional area.
• If a connector is a through connector for two conductors of different cross-
sectional areas, shapes, or materials, and if the jointing method and the connector
barrels used have already been tested separately for each cross-sectional area, no
additional test is necessary. If not, and if it is required for bimetallic through
connectors, additional tests shall be made using the conductor having the highest
temperature of the two conductors, as reference conductor.
• If a type test for a range taking mechanical connector is passed on the biggest
possible conductor cross-sectional area, this result is also valid for similar con-
nector designs with the same material of the connector body but bigger outer
diameter provided that the design of the conductor clamping channel (inner
diameter, shape, etc.), quantity and design of clamping screws (torque, material,
size, shear-off characteristic, etc.) are identical.
• If a manufacturer can clearly demonstrate that common and relevant connector
design criteria were used for a family of connectors, conformity to this document
is achieved by successfully testing the largest, the smallest and two intermediate
connector sizes.
– Exception no.1: for a family of connectors consisting of five sizes, only the
largest connector, the smallest connector, and one connector of a representa-
tive intermediate size need to be tested.
– Exception no.2: for a family of connectors consisting of four sizes or less, only
the largest connector and the smallest connector need to be tested.
• If conformity to this document is achieved by successfully testing a connector on
dry conductor then approval is achieved for the same conductor used in an
impregnated paper insulated cable.
• For connectors where one or both sides are designed for a range of cross-sectional
areas, and a common clamping or crimping arrangement serves for the connection
of the different cross-sectional areas, then mechanical tests on conductors with the
largest and smallest cross-sectional areas shall be carried out according to Clause
• If conformity to this document is achieved by successfully testing a mechanical
connector on round stranded aluminum conductors, this type test approval can be
applied to solid aluminum conductors of the same cross-sectional area(s).
• If conformity to this document is achieved by successful testing of a through
connector, this type test approval can apply to the barrel of a termination which
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 481

uses the same design criteria. Approval of the complete termination can be
achieved if the termination connection does not influence the barrel performance,
proven through design parameters, drawings or through thermal verification test.
• If conformity to this document is achieved by successfully testing a connector on
a conductor with water blocking, approval is achieved for the same conductor
without any water blocking but not for the same conductor with different types of
water blocking.

10.7.2 Additional Tests on MV Connectors/Accessories

Some recent studies show an increase in the failure rate of MV joints in several
countries. It seems to be related to the increase of the load and new cycle types
(especially in the case of renewable generation, e.g., wind farms) and failures appear
in unusual conditions. The main contributor to those failures was identified as
thermo-mechanical force, which can induce an increase of the resistance of the
contacts, a bending of the conductors and a loss of water tightness, and pure thermal
The above aspects, except for the thermal effect, are not addressed in current
standards for MV connector and accessory testing. For example, in testing MV joint
or joint connector, the cables are not required to be fixed; therefore, no mechanical
forces are applied to the connector and the joint. The influence of the size of the
connector on the thermal behavior of the accessory is also not considered.
Axial force generated by temperature change of conductor may be calculated
[32]. Calculated values are very high. The values of axial forces measured in
laboratories are much lower from calculated but still significant. For example, a
theoretical force of more than 60 kN is calculated when temperature of a 630 mm2
aluminum conductor is increased for 60  C, while in the lab the force was measured
16 kN on fixed cable. Another interesting observation from these tests is that type of
cable conductor (stranded or solid) does not seem to influence the force.

Additional Requirements in Some Countries

In order to consider those aspects, some countries require additional tests for their

• Test of the cable system (with the connector and cable as used by the company)
with additional cycles at a higher temperature (Belgium). The requirement is
50 cycles at 110  C and 2.5 U0 with a thermal analysis during the last cycle.
• Real condition test (France) – Robustness test.

Evaluation of Thermal Behavior (Belgium)

The goal of the test is to evaluate thermal behavior of the connector in real
conditions, in the joint installed on particular cable (the cable system approach).
The current is circulated in the test lop for cable conductor to reach different
temperature levels at location of TC5: 80  C, 95  C, 110  C, and 125  C. The
482 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.32 Location of the thermocouples

temperatures of the cable conductor, cable connector, and the joint are measured at
each temperature level at locations shown in Fig. 10.32.
The requirements were set to:

• Temperature TC1 of the joint connector not to exceed temperature TC5 of cable
conductor at the point which is at least 1500 mm from the joint body.
• Temperatures TC2 and TC3 of cable core in the joint 10 mm away from either
side of connector not to exceed temperature TC5.

The value of this test is to find out which joint/connector/conductor systems are
suitable for the application. In some instances the system with a” large connector”
failed the test while the same system with the same joint body with a smaller
connector passed.
The temperature of the outer surface of the joint TC4 and the hot spot temperature
were recorded for engineering information.

Simulation of Heat Losses with an Artificial Connector (Belgium)

The goal of the test is to evaluate the thermal parameters of the joint body. The test
rig is relatively small. The test is realized by injecting controlled losses inside an
artificial connector by means of a resistive wire and temperature is measured at
different locations of the joint body. Two metal shells are placed above an electric
wire which is wound around a cable conductor in order to establish a thermal
connection. The test setup is shown in Figs. 10.33 and 10.34. Additional Studies

Other tests are studied in order to check their ability to detect poor joints. Mechanical Tests on Connectors

In the tests made in the past on aluminum connectors, different forces/stresses (see
Table 10.14) have been used and up to 200 push/pull cycles have been performed.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 483

Fig. 10.33 Principle of the injection of losses

Fig. 10.34 Mounting of the wire and shells

Table 10.14 Stresses/forces

Cross section F/mm2 F
Lab measurement 240 mm2 27.92 N/mm2 6700 N
Lab measurement 630 mm2 28.41 N/mm2 17,900 N
Applied force during testing 240 mm2 18.75 N/mm2 4500 N
IEC 61238-1-3 240 mm2 40.00 N/mm2 9600 N
IEC 61238-1-3 630 mm2 40.00 N/mm2 25,200 N

To evaluate the behavior of the conductor connections, a dedicated test setup was
built to allow for the application of higher forces and evaluation of the conductor
The test specimen consists of two identical connectors
pffiffiffiffi installed in the same way
on the conductor with a small distance (e.g., A with A ¼ cross section of the
conductor) between the edges of the connectors (Fig. 10.35).
This assembly is mounted to the test fixture by appropriate connection parts
installed on the barrel of the connectors. Several connector types – including
hexagonal and deep indent crimped contacts and screw type connectors – installed
on solid and stranded Al conductors of 240 mm2 and 630 mm2 were tested.
484 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.35 Setup for testing mechanical endurance of connectors

Fig. 10.36 Typical mechanical cycle and typical test record

They were subjected to alternating push-pull force applications. The magnitude

of the applied forces was gradually increased in steps from about 25 to 40 N/mm2.
Applied force (N) – measured with a load cell – and relative displacement of the
contacts (mm) – measured with a miniature displacement sensor installed between
the contacts – were logged continuously. Mechanical stress (N/mm2) and energy
exchange (Nmm) were calculated from these data (see Fig. 10.36).
On some tested objects, the resistance between the connectors was measured
while cycled at about 20 N/mm2. A substantial resistance increase was observed at
the relaxation phase during force reversal. Samples that had not been prestressed did
not show this behavior indicates that an irreversible change had taken place during
the cycles with nonelastic deformation of the samples (Figs. 10.37 and 10.38).
This suggests that even momentary mechanical overloading – for example, by
conductor displacements in non-elastic cable arrangements – affects the contact
resistance, the effect of which remains after the stress has been removed. The
temperature increase could not be studied in this test setup however. Water Ingress in Joint

The forces due to the expansion of the conductor may cause the joint to move and
bend putting pressure on the water seals. This situation can lead to water ingress
inside the joint. The test aims at reproducing the situation in the field when the cable
is blocked by the surrounding soil.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 485

Fig. 10.37 Resistance of

240 mm2 connection

Fig. 10.38 Resistance of a

nontested 630 mm2
connection mechanically
tested before

The joint, with 5 m of cable connected to each side, is mounted in a fixture that
blocks lateral and longitudinal forces of the cables.
Cable cleats are installed every 30 cm for a length of 4 m on both sides of the
joint. On each side of the joint 1 m cable section is not blocked such that lateral
movement is possible in order to get a maximum stress on the water seals. The test
setup is shown in Fig. 10.39 and the expected behavior is described in Fig. 10.40.
There is a water filled plastic pipe installed around the cable joint with a diameter of
at least three times the diameter of the joint. The pipe is water sealed at both ends,
between the PVC pipe and the cable. Oversized silicon rubber (for flexibility under
mechanical stress) will be utilized as the seals. These seals exist and are commonly used
in current water penetration tests. Water will be entered using either an elevated water
vessel (for pressure build-up) or directly to a water pressure vessel in order to exert a
water pressure according to the desired standard or customer required pressure level.
The length of the pipe is 2 m plus the length of the joint so that the water seals
inside the pipe are located close to the cable cleats. This minimizes movement of the
cable inside the artificial seals which in its turn minimizes the chance of leakage at
486 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.39 Test setup

Fig. 10.40 Expected

deformation of the blocked

that location. Furthermore, this minimizes the effect of the plastic pipe on the cable
After the test setup has been fully built up at, the following testing procedure applies:

1. After the cable has been installed, the PVC pipe will be filled with water at the
required pressure. As soon as the pipe is filled a first sheath test is performed.
2. The assembly is left to soak for 24 h.
3. A second sheath test is performed at 10 kV DC, for 5 min.
4. The cable is subjected to 10 heating cycles as prescribed by IEC 61442, clause
9 [6]. No test voltage shall be applied. The water temperature will not be
controlled or measured.
5. A third sheath test is performed at 10 kV DC, for 5 min.

10.7.3 Existing Practice in Testing HV/EHV Connectors

Separate tests on connectors are not required in existing IEC Standards for HV/EHV
cable systems and accessories (62067 and 60840). However, details of connectors
used in accessories must be provided, together with information concerning type test
approval where applicable as per the following extract from IEC 62067 (or 60840):

Under “Accessory Characteristics” clause 7:

“b) conductor connections used within the accessories shall be correctly identified, where
applicable, with respect to

• assembly technique,
• tooling, dies and necessary setting,
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 487

• preparation of contact surfaces,

• type, reference number and any other identification of the connector,
• details of the type test approval of the connector if applicable;”

In practice, specific type testing of connectors per IEC61238-1-3 Standard has not
been carried out, except in cases of a specific customer request.
In the absence of IEC test requirements for HV/EHV connectors, manufacturers
of HV/EHV cable systems and accessories have been performing tests at their
discretion to evaluate performance of new connector designs. Different manufac-
turers have different test protocols but in essence those are combination of modified
requirements from IEC 61238-1-3 (MV connectors) or other national Standards, for
example, US Standard ANSI C119.4, Italian Standard CEI 20-28, and British
Standard BS 4579: Part 3 (now withdrawn); the network requirements, user’s
specifications, and manufacturers’ experience.
After being “qualified” in development tests, those connectors were further
checked in type and PQ tests of HV and EHV cable systems and accessories.
These tests were performed per IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 Standards. Development Tests on HV/EHV Connectors

The temperature stability criteria without statistical evaluation of the connection
resistance are adopted by most manufacturers of HV/EHV cable accessories/systems
in development testing of HV/EHV connectors. This is particularly true for large size
connectors, for example, 2500 mm2 and higher, where making equalizers and
resistance measurements is extremely demanding and can have questionable end
results. If performed, the resistance measurement is used for engineering information
only and not as the qualification criterion.
The temperature stability is checked in temperature a cycling test. The number of
temperature cycles varies between manufacturers. The WG has made attempt to
“standardize” number of cycles based on the rational supported by the current
development testing of connectors, type and PQ tests of accessories and systems,
and field experience. A cable system manufacturer’s test arrangement for tempera-
ture cycling testing of connectors on large size conductors is shown in Fig. 10.41.
One of the tests that is often adopted by manufacturers is a pretension test. This
test simulates the tensile forces acting on connectors in field installations of
HV/EHV cable systems. This test is usually performed before heat cycling since
tension forces may influence performance of connectors in heat cycling and short
circuit testing. The tensile test in IEC 61238-1-3 is performed on separate connectors
and not on those that are part of the test loop for temperature cycling. Figure 10.42
shows one of the setups for the pretension test.
The short circuit current test is performed only on those connectors that may be
thermally or mechanically challenged under short circuit conditions.
Final verification of connector performance is achieved by performing type tests
and PQ tests (where applicable) on the cable systems/accessories according to IEC
60840 and IEC 62067.
488 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.41 Preparation of the setup for temperature cycling in connector development test

Fig. 10.42 Pretension test on connectors

Some customers have proprietary system specifications, defining tests to be done

and results to be achieved, for connectors to be used in their network. The WG was
given access to some such system specifications from major utilities and their
requirements were considered and implemented in the new development test pro-
posal wherever possible. Type and Prequalification Tests for HV/EHV Cable Systems

and Accessories
Type tests are defined in IEC 62067 as: “tests made before supplying, on a general
commercial basis, a type of cable system covered by this standard, in order to
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 489

demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended

In IEC 62067 (and 60840) the range of approval for cable system type tests is
given in clause 12.2 and specifies that the following condition is met with an
explanation in note 3:

“c): the cable and the accessories have the same or similar constructions as that of the tested
cable system(s)”.
“NOTE 3 cables and accessories of similar construction are those of the same type and
manufacturing process of insulation and semi-conducting screens. Repetition of the electri-
cal type tests is not necessary on account of the differences in the conductor or connector
type or material or of the protective layers applied over the screened cores or over the main
insulation part of the accessory, unless these are likely to have a significant effect on the
results of the test. In some instances, it may be appropriate to repeat one or more of the type
tests (e.g. bending test, heating cycle test and/or compatibility test)”. Work of CIGRE WG B1.06 Concerning Connectors

The WG has also considered the work of the CIGRE WG B1.06 on “Revision of
Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable Sys-
tems” [27] and ▶ Chap. 4, “Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded
Underground Cable Systems” of this Book. That WG proposed tests to requalify an
already prequalified EHV cable system, in case of less significant changes/modifi-
cations of components without doing the full set of type and PQ tests according to
the then active IEC Standard (edition 3 of IEC 60840 and edition 1 of IEC 62067).
Both PQ (not included in IEC 60840 ed.3) and type tests were reviewed, although
the PQ test received greatest attention, as it takes long time and is very costly.
In their work, WG B1.06 considered the influence of changes in material,
manufacturing process, design and stress level, of already qualified cable system
components and proposed “Extension of Prequalification” (EQ) tests to be
performed on such modified cable systems/components to qualify the changes.
Consequently, IEC accepted the proposals and issued new editions of the Standards
(edition 4 of IEC 60840 and edition 2 of IEC 62067). At their next major revision,
both standards were changed, incorporating the WG B1.06 proposals:

• IEC 60840 (edition 4, 2011): a PQ test was added, together with the EQ test, for
cables with high conductor screen or insulation screen stress.
• IEC 62067 (edition 2, 2011): the EQ test was added.

Tables 2.4 (for EHV cable systems) and 3.4 (for HV cable systems) in TB
303 [27], which are the guides to the selection of tests due to modifications of
cable system component in a prequalified HV cable system, do not give any
recommendation for tests in the case of change of connector or connector/conductor
combination and the current versions of IEC Standards (edition 4 of IEC 60840 and
edition 2 of IEC 62067) do not specify any test to be performed in the case of such a
490 M. Uzelac

Annex 5.4 of TB 303 [27] though recommends the “Functional Analysis

Method” as means for a systematic assessment of the significance of changes/
modifications in components of a cable system and the tests to prove functionality
of the modified component. The analysis includes modifications of “Metallic con-
nection and its eventual covering” for joints and “Metallic connection of conductor
to network” for terminations.
Tables 5.4.2 for joints and 5.4.3 for terminations from that Annex give a consid-
eration of potential effects of the modification of critical components of the joints
and terminations and recommended testing for specific changes within accessories.
Excerpts from these two tables, relevant to connector/conductor combinations, are
given in Tables 10.15 and 10.16 below. Note that the comments relating to specific
IEC standards have been adjusted, where necessary, to reflect the current editions of
the standards.
The content of these two tables is quite similar. The significant comments are
made as follows:

• Heat cycles to IEC 61238-1-3 could be used as development tests in case of

mechanical connectors and where appropriate.
• Short circuit testing is considered, to at least at a level of the network requirement,
as a development test.
• In relation to demonstrating adequate mechanical properties, the comments
indicate that PQ tests were considered as adequate for this.

10.8 Test Regimes for Cable Connector/Conductor

Combinations in HV AND EHV Applications

10.8.1 General

The WG has considered the test methods described in the current Standard for MV
connectors (IEC 61238-1-3) and existing practice in testing and evaluation of
HV/EHV connectors performed by cable system/accessory manufacturers. The
general view is that test methods and test sequence from IEC 61238-1-3 should
not be applied for evaluation of cable connectors for HV and EHV cable systems.
During the maintenance cycle for the revision of IEC 61238-1-3 (MV cable
connectors), it was decided to limit the scope of the standard to a maximum
conductor size of 1200 mm2 mainly because verified test experience for larger size
conductor/connector combinations is not available for the time being. Generally
larger conductor sizes are in use in HV and EHV cable systems, currently up to
3500 mm2 with a tendency towards even larger sizes. The large cable sizes
(>1200 mm2), variety of conductor designs, and variety of designs of connectors
for HV/EHV cable accessories may lead to unrealistic test results and unnecessary
expense when test requirements from IEC 61238-1-3 are fully followed.
It is acknowledged by the WG that current practice adopted by manufacturers of
HV/EHV cable systems/accessories in testing and evaluation of connectors
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 491

Table 10.15 Updated and abbreviated excerpt of Table 5.4.2 on functional analysis when joint
component is changed (CIGRE TB 303/Chap. 4)
Function or Test to check the
property Specification/threat functionality Comments
Metallic connection and its eventual covering
Electrical Transports nominal Heat cycles on Not required per IEC
continuity/ current without connections. Use IEC 60840 ed4 or 62067 ed2
electrical overheating 61238-1-3 when The IEC 61238-1-3
resistivity appropriate (¼ not presently applies only to
welded): Suggested as connectors for cables
Development test 30 kV and below but
could be useful for HV
Supports short circuit Short circuit test Short circuit test is not
current and temperature following the network required per IEC 60840
needs: (Such test is part ed4 or 62067 ed2
of IEC 61238-1-3). The short circuit
Suggested as temperature shall not be
Development test at 250  C as required per
IEC 61238-1-3 but
derived from short
circuit currents selected
from IEC 61443
Mechanical Supports longitudinal Heat cycles of cable Are 20 cycles enough to
properties tension and thrust forces loop with joint installed: see the effects of
from cable conductor in Test requirements are longitudinal forces?
service. Prevents specified in Type and See tensile strength of
twisting of conductor PQ tests of IEC 60840 welded connectors
during heat cycles and 62067
Thermal Dissipates correctly the Heat cycles of If a reliable program to
function heat generated in the connections per system calculate the
connection and avoids type tests in IEC 60840 temperature profile in a
overheating in the center and IEC 62067, but joint is available, it may
of the joint without voltage + replace the test on cable
Measurement of system
temperature of
connector versus
conductor +
examination. Suggested
as Development test
Interface Compatibility of the Long- term test Test is also possible on
with joint possible used additives (suggested as materials: semi-con
semi-con with the semi-con of the development test or plates in air oven
joint (grease, mastic, PQ + examination) exposed to the additives
water sealant)
Possible additives (grease, mastic, water sealant. . .)
Electrical No negative influence Heat cycles on
function on the conductivity of connections (see above)
the contact
Thermal Supports the Heat cycles of
properties temperature of the connections: see above.
492 M. Uzelac

Table 10.15 (continued)

Function or Test to check the
property Specification/threat functionality Comments
connection during Examination of the
service without additive after cycling
Chemical Gives some protection Heat cycles of
properties against electrical connections: see above.
degradation of the Examination of the
contact of the additive after cycling

Table 10.16 Updated and abbreviated excerpt of Table 5.4.2 on functional analysis when termi-
nation component is changed (CIGRE TB 303/Chap. 4)
Function or Test to check the
property Specification/threat functionality Comments
Metallic connection of conductor to network
Electrical Transports nominal Heat cycles on Not required per IEC
continuity/ current without connections. Use IEC 60840 ed4 or 62067
electrical overheating 61238-1-3 when ed2
resistivity appropriate (¼ not
welded): Suggested as
Development test
Supports short circuit Short circuit test Short circuit test is not
current and temperature following the network required per IEC
needs 60840 ed4 or 62067
Short circuit test values
could be selected from
the data of IEC 60859
(now 62271-209).
Mechanical Supports compression/ Heat cycles per System aspect
properties extension efforts during requirements specified in Long term PQ tests
cycling of cable Type and PQ tests of IEC missing in IEC 60840
conductor 60840 and 62067 ed3 (included in ed4)
Supports the thermal Short circuit test No such test in HV
short circuit efforts following the needs of IEC specifications (for
the network would be cable systems and
useful as a development accessories)
Chemical Resistance to corrosion Humidity and pollution
properties test as a development
Interface Connection fits with Matter for engineering
with terminal lugs of network of network
network interface (sliding
contacts, bimetallic
interfaces. . .)
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 493

(connector development tests), followed by type and PQ (where required) testing of

the cable system/accessories per IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 has been successful. The
survey of users of HV/EHV cable systems (see Sect. 10.6) shows positive field
experience with existing HV/EHV connectors.
Therefore, WG B1.46 has considered that the test methods and the assessment of
results per IEC 61238-1-3 should not be mandatory for cable connectors in HV/EHV
applications. Nevertheless, recommendations are given to cable system/accessory
manufacturers for connector development tests to ensure that the specific conductor/
connector combination will pass a type and (when required) PQ tests according to
the relevant HV/EHV standard and perform successfully in service.
Based on positive experience from development tests performed by cable system/
accessory manufacturers and other laboratories, the WG proposes that temperature
stability should be the criteria for passing connector development tests and omit
resistance stability requirement required per IEC 61238-1-3. Most of connector
development tests on large size cables, performed by HV/EHV cable system man-
ufacturers, have been done without equalizers for resistance measurement. The test
criterion was only temperature stability. As previously stated, such connectors have
been successfully used in type and PQ testing of cable systems/accessories and have
excellent field record.
Some of the issues of implementing resistance stability criteria on large cable
conductors are: It is very difficult to make functional equalizers which remain stable
during the test on large cables (e.g., 2500 mm2 and above); the connection resistance
values are very small and there is question of maintaining required measuring
accuracy throughout the test; interpretation of resistance pass/fail criteria have
been some of the issues that lab personnel faced during testing large size connectors
per IEC 61238-1-3. On the other hand, measuring the temperature of connectors and
conductors and assessing temperature stability may be performed for any connector
type and any connector/conductor combination. In addition, temperature stability of
any connection system to the cable connector, for example, on sliding contacts in
plug-in cable terminations, may be evaluated, while the resistance stability criteria is
strictly limited to non-movable mechanical and compression connectors.
The short circuit withstand capability of connections in HV and EHV cables is so
far not covered by existing HV and EHV cable system/accessory type and PQ test
standards. In MV-applications test experience with IEC 61238-1-3 shows that
application of short-circuit shots may have a significant impact on the temperature
and/or resistance stability of the connection. In case of big conductor cross sections,
the short circuit current carrying capacity of the cable conductor itself is far beyond
the capability of available test facilities. Where short circuit testing is considered
necessary WG B1.46 is recommending the application of short circuit levels (current
and time) which are realistic, that is, related to actual service levels and future needs
in intended new HV/EHV cable system applications using such conductor/connector
As the following proposed recommendations of WG B1.46 for connector devel-
opment tests, although based on combined practice of several cable system and
494 M. Uzelac

connector manufacturers, are new and not yet tried on a large scale, they are
presented for evaluation purposes at this stage.

10.8.2 WG Recommendations for Testing Connectors for HV

and EHV Cables

WG B1.46 concluded that current practice in verification of the performance of cable

connectors (connector/conductor combinations) in HV and EHV applications
resulted in positive field service. Existing practice is a combination of development
tests, currently performed at the full discretion of cable system/accessory manufac-
tures, and type and PQ (where required) tests of cable systems/accessories. Based on
the collective experience of manufacturers of cable systems and accessories, con-
nector manufacturers, and experience in testing both MV and HV connectors, the
WG recommends following:

• A separate type test for mechanical or compression connectors according to IEC

61238-1-3 is not required and not mandatory in HV/EHV applications for cable
systems and accessories complying with IEC 60840 or IEC 62067.
• Instead, a test regime as development tests for HV/EHV connector/conductor
combinations is recommended as follows. Development Tests for Conductor Sizes up to and Including

1200 mm2
It is recommended that for cables which have conductor sizes up to and including
1200 mm2 that development tests of new connector/conductor combinations shall be
carried out per IEC 61238-1-3 but with modified short circuit requirements. If
connectors should only be used in HV/EHV applications, the short circuit current,
number of short circuits, and duration should be selected based on the short circuit
rating required for the accessory in service.
No additional development tests are required for connector/conductor combina-
tions in HV/EHV applications that are already approved per IEC 61238-1-3 for MV
applications and followed the criteria mentioned in the range of applicability as
shown in the Sect. 10.8.3 for design-modifications of connector or conductor
compared to the tested combination. Development Tests for Conductor Sizes Above 1200 mm2

The existing standards IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 do not require any specific tests
for change of connector type or conductor material or construction. Therefore, in
cases where such changes are significant, such as a change of material, or change in
conductor or connector design, then it is recommended that development tests are
undertaken before these are used in type and PQ (where required) tests. The
recommended development tests are described in the subsections below. They are
not only limited to mechanical or compression connectors like in IEC 61238-1-3 and
may also be used for other types of cable connectors described in Sect. 10.3.2. These
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 495

tests can also be used for evaluation of other connections to cable connectors in cable
accessories, for example, aerial lugs, sliding connections in equipment type termi-
nations, and so on.
See Sects. 10.8.4, 10.8.5, and 10.8.6 for proposed test loop, development test
sequence, and test methods.

10.8.3 Range of Applicability of Development Tests

In general, tests made on one type of HV/EHV connector/conductor combination

apply to that arrangement only. However, to limit the large number of tests which
would be necessary for the variety of existing HV/EHV cable conductor designs, it is
essential to develop criteria to predict that combinations of the same connector with
other conductors may produce comparable test results without performing tests for
every combination.
Based on current experience in testing and usage, the range of applicability for
development tests of other connector/conductor combination in HV/EHV applica-
tions is proposed as follows: Covered Range of Nominal Cross-Sectional Areas of Conductor

If the test is carried out on a single cross section, the range covers 20% of the tested
cross-section. For example, if connector is tested on 2500 mm2 cable conductor of a
certain design and material, the connector may be used on a 2000 mm2 conductor,
and not vice versa.
If a manufacturer can clearly demonstrate that common and relevant connector
design criteria are used for a range of connectors for specified conductors having
different cross-sectional areas, then successfully performed development tests on the
largest and the smallest nominal cross-sectional area will additionally cover all
nominal cross-sectional areas in between for the same conductor design. For exam-
ple, if connectors for 1200 mm2 and 2500 mm2 are tested, the connectors for
1600 mm2 and 2000 mm2 will also be covered without additional testing. In
addition, if the same connector/conductor combination is tested per IEC 61238-1-
3 at 1000 mm2, the design can be used from 1000 mm2 to 2500 mm2. Covered Range Based on Cable Insulation Material: Extruded

vs. Impregnated Paper
If a connector successfully passed development tests on a conductor used in extruded
insulation cables, then performed development test covers, additionally, applications
for the same conductor design and material used in impregnated paper insulated
cables. Covered Range of Conductor Designs: Round Stranded

and Compacted
If a connector is successfully tested on a compacted round stranded conductor, then
performed development test also covers applications for the use on any round
496 M. Uzelac

stranded conductor with the same or less number of strands and the same material
and class (e.g., within the same class according to IEC 60228, which is different for
stranded, fine stranded and flexible) or for conductors to be rounded and where all
nonconductive material(s) on and between strands are removed during installation of
the connector. Covered Range of Conductor Designs: Conductors

with Insulated Segments or Strands or with Water-Blocking
Material and Conductors Without Those Materials
If a connector is successfully tested on a conductor using segment and/or strand-
insulation materials and/or water-blocking materials without their removal, then
applicability is restricted to the same type, amount, and distribution of materials in
the conductor.
Successful development tests performed on conductors with those materials are
applicable for the same conductor designs without these materials or where these
materials are removed during installation of the connector. Covered Range of Conductor Designs: Segmented and Milliken

If connectors are successfully tested on segmented conductors with four, five, or six
equal segments, for example, with Milliken design according to IEC 60228 class
2, then performed development test also covers applications for segmented conduc-
tors, having less segments and for round stranded conductors of the same cross-
sectional area and material provided that all non-conductive material(s) on and
between strands are removed during installation of the connector. Covered Connection Applications: Through Connectors

for the Joints for the Same and Different Size Cable Conductors
If connectors are successfully tested for different cross-sectional areas for specified
conductors, then performed development test also covers through connectors
connecting two conductors of different cross-sectional area within the range, pro-
vided that the same connector barrel designs are used and the connector body is
produced from one unjointed piece of metal. Covered Connection Applications: Through Connectors

and Terminal Lug
If through connectors are successfully tested on specific conductor, then performed
development test also covers terminal lugs utilizing the same design of the barrel as
in tested through connector and on the same cable. Covered Modifications of Mechanical Connectors in HV

and EHV Applications
Additional criteria have been worked out based on test experience with mechanical
connectors on large conductors:
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 497

• If a mechanical connector is successfully tested on round stranded aluminum

conductors, performed development test also covers applications for solid alumi-
num conductors.
• If mechanical connectors are successfully tested on stranded conductors, then
performed development test also covers applications for conductors with the
same cross-sectional area but with different diameter to which this connectors
have to be adapted by decreasing the inner diameter of the connector barrel
accordingly, as long as other relevant design parameter for the clamping
channel (e.g., shape, grooves, surfaces), the clamping bolts (e.g., tightening
torque, material, dimensions, tolerances, surface, shear-off characteristic), and
connector body (e.g., material, tolerances, surface) are the same as in tested
• If mechanical connectors are successfully tested on conductors, then applicability
might be assumed for cable applications using the same conductors where the
outer diameter of the connector barrel should be increased to have approximately
the same thickness as the actual used cable insulation, as long as other relevant
design parameter for the clamping channel (e.g., shape, grooves, surfaces), the
clamping bolts (e.g., tightening torque, material, dimensions, tolerances, surface,
shear-off characteristic), and connector body (e.g., material, tolerances, surface)
are the same as in tested connector. Covered Short Circuit Current Withstand Capability

If the connector/conductor combination successfully passed short circuit (SC) test,
then this test covers applications for such combinations where the Joule-Integral (I2t)
value is lower than or equal to that tested.
The test setup should fix the conductors in such way to allow for thermal
expansion of conductors and prevent radial movement in order to avoid any addi-
tional mechanical impact on the connectors due to flow of SC current.
If it is necessary to check the behavior of a connector/conductor combination
when exposed to dynamic forces, caused by asymmetric SC current, the precise
layout of the test loop must be specified. This may be different from above case,
where only the thermal effect of the SC is considered.
Generally, SC tests are not considered necessary for copper connectors on “bare”
copper conductors. Only in specific cases where the copper is not bare, for example,
uncleaned, enameled, or oxidized conductors or other insulation material and water
blocking material not to be removed during installation of the connector, are these
tests recommended.
For stranded aluminum conductors, SC tests are generally recommended in all
cases due to the existence of a surface oxide layer.
Other empirical verified criteria for comparing HV cable connector/conductor
combinations should be developed in future to cover other possible cable applica-
tions by successfully performed development tests. As soon as more test results are
available, shared for comparison, evaluated on a statistical basis, and agreed by
technical experts, they may be integrated into the set of commonly applicable “rules”
to widen the range of applicability given above.
498 M. Uzelac

10.8.4 Test Loop for Heat Cycling and Temperature Stability Tests
for Development Tests with Conductor Sizes Above
1200 mm2

For each series of tests, at least four connectors shall be fitted in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, on a bare conductor or on a conductor that has had the
insulation removed before assembly, to form a test loop together with the corresponding
reference conductor. The installation instructions and the tools recommended by the
connector manufacturer must be used for the preparation of the test assembly.
An example of the test loop is shown in Fig. 10.43. The figure indicates the
minimum length of exposed conductor on either side of the test object and the
minimum lateral distance between test objects and between conductors.
In this example, individual legs of the test loop with connectors may be easily
disassembled for transport to short circuit and mechanical test labs and reassembled
quickly when needed.
Connectors of the type to be tested are applied onto bare conductors of the appro-
priate size, material, and type for the connector/conductor combination under test.
Disconnecting terminals may be additional test objects (e.g., terminal lug). All conduc-
tors of the same cross-sectional area in the test loop shall be taken from the same length.
The test setup is applicable to all types of connector in combination with any
conductor design and material, not restricted to mechanical and compression

10.8.5 Recommended Development Test Sequence with Conductor

Sizes Above 1200 mm2

The development tests for connectors to be used on conductors above 1200 mm2
should be performed in the proposed test sequence acting on the same samples to

Fig. 10.43 Test loop setup

10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 499

accumulate stresses and verify performance of the connector/conductor combina-

tion. The development test is to be considered as successfully passed, if the test
sequence in the given order is passed and all mentioned verification criteria are met.
Note: Resistance stability assessment is not recommended to be used as evalu-
ation criterion for connector/conductor combinations on conductors with cross-
section areas exceeding 1200 mm2. Prestress
Preferably applied separately to each of the four legs of the test loop shown in Fig. 10.43.
Each leg consists of: disconnecting terminal lug–conductor–test connector–conductor–
disconnecting terminal lug.

(a) Tensile load test per method described in Sect.

Each leg of the test loop should be subjected once to a mechanical tensile load
which is related to the nominal cross-section area and the conductor material:
The force value to be applied in axial direction is:
(i) 30 N/mm2 for copper conductors and
(ii) 20 N/mm2 for aluminum conductors
The tensile force not to exceed 80 kN for copper conductors and 50 kN for
(b) Six short circuit shots based on the maximum short circuit level of the cable
system in service per method described in Sect.

After passing tests, a and b above the test samples should be assembled for heat
cycling as shown in Fig. 10.43. The test arrangement should be placed in one
horizontal plane in a test area where the air is calm, minimizing variations in
convection acting on the different specimens. Ambient temperature should be
maintained below 35  C during cooling. The test loop may be of any shape, if it is
arranged in such a way that there is no adverse effect from the floor, walls, and
ceiling. Constant High-Current Temperature Stability Test

200 h with reference conductor temperature between 120  C and 140  C and target
temperatures of connectors 100  C should applied as described in Sect. The
control parameter during the test is the temperature of reference conductor. The
temperature stability assessment should be performed as described in Sect. Heat Cycle Temperature Stability Test

200 heat cycles should be performed (no. of cycles per IEC 60840/62067, 20 for type
test plus 180 for PQ test). The cycle regimes are with reference conductor temper-
ature from 120  C to 140  C as described in Sect. and target connector
temperatures of 100  C. The control parameter during the test is the temperature of
reference conductor.
500 M. Uzelac

Fig. 10.44 Temperature regime of a cycle

The temperature regime of the cycle should be such to ensure that targeted
connector temperatures are held stable within the target temperature range as
shown in Fig. 10.44.
At the end of the heating period, forced air cooling may be used. The reference
conductor must cool to within 10 K of ambient temperature before the next heating
cycle commences. Tensile Strength Test on (3) New Connectors

60 N/mm2 for copper conductors and 40 N/mm2 for aluminum conductors (as per
current IEC 61238-1-3). The tensile force not to exceed 80 kN for copper conductors
and 50 kN for aluminum.

10.8.6 Test Methods

Following sections describe methods, assessment, and verification criteria of each

development test. Tensile Load (Prestress) Test Method

The test should be carried out at ambient temperature.
Each leg of the test loop should be subjected once to a mechanical tensile load
which is related to the nominal cross-section area and the conductor material as
defined in Sect. (a).
The rate of application of the load should not exceed 10 N/mm2 of the nominal
cross-sectional area per second and the maximum force will be maintained for 1 min.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 501

The test is considered as successfully passed if no visual slippage between

conductor, connector, and disconnecting terminal lugs will occur after test.
A stability verification by measurement of slippage is not recommended.
The applied forces should be included in the test report. Short Circuit Current Test Method

Layout of the test loop: The recommended layout of the test setup for short-circuit
current tests is to use single phase test arrangements with one leg out of the test loop
from Fig. 10.43 with a concentric return as short as possible and/or a mechanically
stiff fixing of the test specimen to minimize mechanical forces and movement
induced by current flow through adjacent current carrying structures.
Short circuit shots: The short circuits shall be applied to each connector/conduc-
tor combination when preheated to 90  C and allowing cooling to between 90  C and
95  C in between short circuits. Preheating of the connector/conductor combination
can be done either by heating conductor by an a.c. current or by external heating
The short circuit current and duration defines the Joule-Integral to be applied and
should be selected based on the maximum short circuit level of the cable system in
The current and time can be adjusted to achieve the required thermal energy level
given by the Joule-Integral, but the duration should not be greater than 5 s (in order
to achieve adiabatic heating) and the short circuit current and duration should not be
less than 25 kA, 1 s and not more than 45 kA, 5 s. The calculated end temperature of
the reference conductor to be tested with the Joule-Integral, for example, according
to IEC 61238-1-3 Annex D or IEC 60949, should not be above 250  C.
Verification: The test is considered as successfully passed if no obvious signs of
overheating can visually be detected. Temperature measurement of the connectors
and reference conductor during short circuit tests is not recommended but might be
recorded if measured. Starting temperatures of specimen, current and duration of
each short circuit shot should be included in the test report. Constant High-Current Temperature Stability Test Method

Temperature measurement: The recommended method of temperature measure-
ment is to use thermocouples. Temperature measurements should have device
uncertainty within 2 K. The temperature of the reference conductor should be
measured on the surface of the conductor or between the first layer of conductor
strands halfway between the disconnecting terminal lugs. The temperature of each
connector shall be measured on the connector surface in the middle of the connector.
The test method according to IEC 61238-1-3 Chap. 6.3.2 is selected to determine
the reference conductor temperature to be used and to identify the median connector
at equilibrium for the specific test-loop. The median connector in this test setup is
defined as the connector which during the first heating records the second highest
temperature of the four connectors in the test loop.
Heating: Current is circulated in the test loop, bringing the reference conductor to
120  C at equilibrium when temperatures of the reference conductor and the
502 M. Uzelac

connectors do not vary, during application of current, by more than 2 K for 1 h. If at

that time the temperature of the median connector (the one with the second highest
temperature of all connectors in the test loop) is equal to or greater than 100  C, the
120  C of reference conductor temperature will be used as control parameter for duration
of the test. The minimum heating period to maintain temperature stability is 1 h.
If median conductor does not reach 100  C with reference conductor at 120  C,
then the current shall be increased until the median connector temperature reaches
100  C at equilibrium, subject to the reference conductor temperature not exceeding
140  C. Such determined reference conductor temperature θR, (120  C < θR

140  C) will be used as control parameter for duration of the test. This temperature
should be maintained within 5 K for 200 h.
Temperature readings for each connector and the reference conductor should be
taken 8 h after reaching equilibrium and then at least every 24 h.
Verification: Every recorded maximum temperature of each connector in each
measurement campaign should not exceed that of the reference conductor measured
at the same time by more than 5 K. Additionally the arithmetic mean value calculated
from all (four) connector temperatures in all (eight) measurement campaigns should
not exceed the highest temperature value of the reference conductor out of this record.
The test is considered as successfully passed if the verification criteria are met.
The data and the evaluation should be included in the test report. Heat Cycle Temperature Stability Test Method

Temperature measurement: The same method for measuring temperature is used as
described in Sect.
The temperature of the referenced conductor θR previously established in Sect. is control parameter of the head cycle test. The median connector, the one
with the second highest temperature, is also identified in Sect.
First cycle: The object of the first heat cycle is to determine the heat cycle
duration and temperature regime which will be used on the test loop for all subse-
quent heat cycles. Current is circulated in the loop until the main reference conductor
temperature reaches the value θR with a tolerance of 0, +6 K over 120 min period,
and the median connector temperature is stable within 2 K over a 15 min period at
the end of heating period t1 (see Fig. 10.44).
Note: See Appendix D for discussion on justification of using the longer,
120 min, exposure time comparing to that in IEC 61238-1-3.
At the beginning of the heat period t1, an elevated current up to 150% of the
heating current at equilibrium may be used to reduce the heating period. The current
shall thereafter be decreased or regulated to a value of the current at equilibrium to
ensure stable conditions during the median-connector control period. It may be
necessary to use more than one cycle to determine the temperature regime.
The heating period t1 is followed by a cooling period t2 to bring the temperatures
of all connectors and the reference conductor to values below ambient temperature.
It may be necessary in subsequent heat cycles to adjust t2 to ensure that the
temperature conditions are reached. If accelerated cooling is used, it shall act entire
test loop, and use air within ambient temperature limits. The total period t1 + t2
constitutes a heat cycle.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 503

Subsequent cycles: The reference conductor temperature is the only control param-
eter, to reproduce the temperature regime for all subsequent cycles. In this way, the
fluctuation of the ambient temperature will not affect the temperature profile of the
reference conductor within the specified tolerances. The heating regime of the reference
conductor containing the characteristics of temperatures in time is shown in Fig. 10.43
and should be reproduced in subsequent cycles, while the median connector will not be
controlled anymore and may differ by more than 3 K compared to the initial situation.
Instead of cooling down below 35  C as done in the first cycle, it is recommended to
cool down at least to 10 K above ambient temperature before starting a new cycle.
Temperature measurements should be taken by using the method described in Sect. The first measurement campaign should be collected after the 10th cycle, the
next campaigns then every 10 cycles. One measurement campaign consists in record-
ing temperatures on each connector and the reference conductor taken every minute
during the last 15 min. of the heating period t1. The maximum measured connector
temperature in every measurement campaign should be recorded together with the
reference conductor temperature measured at the same time. A set of 20 measurement
campaigns with four pairs of connector/conductor combinations temperature values
will then be available for the assessment of temperature stability.
Heat-cycle temperature stability verification: Every recorded maximum temper-
ature of each connector in each measurement campaign should not exceed that of the
reference conductor measured at the same time by more than 5 K. Additionally the
arithmetic mean value calculated from all (four) maximum connector temperatures
in all (20) measurement campaigns should be below the highest temperature value of
the reference conductor out of this record.
The test is considered as successfully passed if the verification criteria are met.
The data and the evaluation should be included in the test report. Tensile Strength Test Method

The test should be carried out at ambient temperature.
The test shall be made on three additional connectors having the same combina-
tion of conductors and installation procedure as used for the electrical test.
The recommended conductor length, between connectors or between the connec-
tor and the tensile test machine jaws, is 500 mm.
The rate of application of the load shall not exceed 10 N per square millimeter of
nominal cross-sectional area per second and then up to the value as defined in Sect., which is then maintained for 1 min.
The test is considered as successfully passed if not more than 3 mm slippage will
occur during the last minute of the test.
The applied forces should be included in the test report.

10.9 Conclusions

WG B1.46 has taken into account current practice in testing cable connectors for
HV/EHV cables that included: development testing on connectors currently performed
by cable system/accessory manufacturers at their own discretion; system/accessory type
504 M. Uzelac

and PQ tests per IEC 60840 and 62067 Standards; existing positive experience with
HV/EHV cable connectors in service; existing requirements and experience in testing
MV connectors per IEC 61238-1-3 for MV connectors; and work of the CIGRE WG
B1.06 on Revision of Qualification Procedures for HV/EHV AC Cable Systems. The
WG came to the following conclusions:

• A separate type test for mechanical or compression connectors per IEC 61238-1-3
is not required and not mandatory in HV/EHV applications for cable systems and
accessories complying with IEC 60840 or IEC 62067.
• A separate development tests for HV/EHV connector/conductor combinations
followed by type/PQ tests on cable system/accessory is recommended.
• The connectors for HV/EHV cables that have been included in type and PQ tests
(where applicable) and have been used historically should continue to be used
without further separate component testing being required.
• Additional testing is also not required for connector/conductor combinations that have
not been used in service yet but successfully passed proposed development test for
connectors and type and PQ tests (where applicable) for cable systems/accessories.
• If separate connector development or type tests have been made according to
other specifications these tests are not required to be repeated according to this
• Recommendations have been made for development tests and the range of
approval for new connector/conductor combinations in accordance with pro-
posals made in Annex 5.4 of TB 303, taking into account the existing IEC
standard for MV connectors and experience from manufacturers and users.
• The WG proposes a sequence of development tests for HV/EHV connector/
conductor combinations based on current practice in development testing of
HV/EHV connector and type testing of MV connectors.
• To avoid the need to test every size and type of connector, details are given of the
range of approval that is valid for different test scenarios (e.g., large and small
sizes tested to also cover intermediate sizes).
• Involved parties are invited to collect and share experience with the here proposed
development tests of new connector/conductor combinations to verify practical
use of proposed procedure and assessment before a further standardization of type
testing of HV and EHV cable connectors is considered.

10.10 References

1. IEC 61238-1-3:2018 Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables

– part 1-3: test methods and requirements for compression and mechanical
connectors for power cables for rated voltages above 1 kV (Um ¼ 1.2 kV) up
to 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) tested on non-insulated conductors
2. IEC 60840 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) – Test
methods and requirements
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 505

3. IEC 62067 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um ¼ 550 kV) – Test
methods and requirements
4. IEC 60050 (461) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) –
Chap. 461: Electric cables
5. IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated cables
6. IEC 61442 Test methods for accessories for power cables with rated voltages
from 6 kV (Um ¼ 7.2 kV) up to 36 kV (Um ¼ 42 kV)
7. IEC 62271-209, 2007: High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part
209: Cable connections for gas-insulated switchgear for rated voltages above
52 kV – Fluid filled and extruded insulation cables – Fluid filled and dry-type
8. EN 50299-1, 2014: Oil-immersed cable connection assemblies for transformers
and reactors having highest voltage for equipment Um from 72.5 kV to 550 kV.
Fluid-filled cable terminations
9. EN 50299-2, 2014: Oil-immersed cable connection assemblies for transformers
and reactors having highest voltage for equipment Um from 72.5 kV to 550 kV.
Dry-type cable terminations
10. IEC TR 62125 Environmental statement specific to TC 20. Electric cables
11. IUPAC Periodic Table of the Elements 22/11/16.
12. IEC 60287-3-2 Ed.2: Electric cables – calculation of the current rating – part
3-2: sections on operating conditions – economic optimization of power cable
13. BOONE Wim, KACKER Arnav, BAL Remco “Copper or aluminium cable
conductors, broadly compared in a life-cycle perspective” JiCable Conference
14. Holm R.: Electric Contacts-Theory and Applications. Springer-Verlag 2000.
ISBN 3-540-03875-2.
15. Vinaricky, E.: Elektrische Kontakte, Werkstoffe und Anwendungen. 2. Auflage:
Springer-Verlag 2002. ISBN 3-540-42431-8.
16. Böhme, H.: Mittelspannungstechnik-Schaltanlagen berechnen und entwerfen.
2. stark bearbeitete Auflage Berlin: Verlag Technik 2005. ISBN 3-341-01495-0.
17. Hildmann, C. Schlegel, S.; Lücke, N.; Großmann, S.: Vergleich genormter
elektrischer Alterungsprüfungen für Verbindungen der Elektroenergietechnik
mit Erkenntnissen aktueller wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen. Connectors
Symposium, Lemgo, 2015
18. Braunovic, M.: Aluminium connections: legacies of the past. Tagungsbd. 40th
IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. 17.10-19.10.1994, Chicago,
S. 1–31.
19. Naybour, R. D.; Farrell, T.: Degradation mechanisms of mechanical connectors
on aluminium conductors. Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers,
1973, vol. 120, no. 2, S. 273–280.
20. Braunovic, M.: Effect of Current Cycling on Contact Resistance, Force, and
Temperature of Bolted Aluminium-to-Aluminium Connectors of High
506 M. Uzelac

Ampacity. IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing

Technology, 1981, vol. 4, issue 1, S. 57–69.
21. Möcks, L.: Die Stromverteilung in der Starkstromklemme. Elektrie, 1995, vol.
49, no. 8/9, S. 299–303
22. Hildmann, C.; Schlegel, S.; Großmann, S.; Dockhorn, T.: Investigations on the
long-term behaviour of current carrying fittings for high temperature low sag
conductors. 23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED),
Lyon, 2015
23. Hildmann, C.: Zum elektrischen Kontakt- und Langzeitverhalten von Pre-
ssverbindungen mit konventionellen und Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit
geringem Durchhang. Dissertation, TU Dresden, 2016 (http://nbn-resolving.
24. Hildmann, C.; Grossmann, S.; Dockhorn, T.: The initial contact stress in Alu-
minium compression connections with high temperature low sag conductors.
Tagungsbd. 27th International Conference on Electrical Contacts (ICEC), 22.-
26.06.2014, Dresden, S. 557562.
25. Pfeifer, S.: Einfluss intermetallischer Phasen der Systeme Al-Cu und Al-Ag auf
den Widerstand von elektrischen Verbindungen im Temperaturbereich von
90  C bis 200  C, Dissertation, TU Dresden, in press.
26. Europacable Services Ltd., Great Britain, MECHANICAL SHEAR-BOLT
CONNECTORS: A “Best Fit” Solution for Jointing Cable Conductors, 2016
27. CIGRE TB 194 Construction, Laying and Installation Techniques for Extruded
and Self-Contained Fluid Filled Cable Systems, WG 21.17, October 2001
28. Lücke, N.; Schlegel, S.; Grossmann, S.: Vergleich von Werkstoffen auf Basis
von Cu und Al sowie Trends bei deren Anwendung in der Elektroener-
gietechnik. Metall, 67. Jahrgang, 11/2013.
29. CIGRE TB 303 Revision of Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC
Extruded Underground Cable Systems., WG B1.06, August 2006
30. Electra 212_4 Thermal Ratings of HV Cable Accessories, TF 21(B1)-10
31. CIGRE TB 476 Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage
Cables, WG B1.22, October 2011
32. CIGRE TB 669 Mechanical Forces in Large Conductor Cross-Section XLPE
Cables, WG B1.34
33. CIGRE TB 247 Optimization of Power Transmission Capability of Under-
ground Cable Systems Using Thermal Monitoring, WG B1.02, February 2004
34. Quaggia, D at all, Mechanical Connectors used inside M.V. Accessories: a
system approach, Paper E9.5, Jicable 2015
35. CIGRE TB 446 Advanced Design of Metal Laminated Coverings: Recommen-
dation for Tests, Guide for Use, Operational Feedback, WG B1.25,
February 2011.
36. CIGRE TB 756 Thermal Monitoring of Cable Circuits and grid Operators’ Use
of Dynamic rating Systems, WG B1.45, February 2019.
37. CIGRE TB 689 Life Cycle Assessment of Underground Cables, WG B1.36,
May 2017
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 507

Terms of Reference

Scope, Deliverables, and Proposed Time Schedule of the Group

During the meeting held in San Francisco on March 5 and 6, 2012, the SAG
(Strategic Advisory Group) of SCB1 discussed what could be the next items to be
studied by the Study Committee. One of the topics was: “Conductor joint strength
(mechanical for long HV cables) + thermal test for connectors”.
Current IEC 61238-1-3 standard applies to connectors for medium voltage cables.
There is no IEC standard for connectors for HV cables. The procedures from IEC
61238-1-3 along with manufacturer and user specifications have been used to type
test HV cable connectors. The thermal, mechanical, and resistance stability tests
specified in current standard are applicable to HV but some requirements are specific
to high voltage applications. These include dimensional and functional requirements
of connectors within HV cable accessories, typically larger cable sizes, versatility of
the conductor constructions as well as different circuit load patterns, short circuit
levels and mechanical stresses due to tensile and thrust loads.
The IEC WG16 of the TC20 commenced work on revision of current IEC61238-
1-3 standard. During this work, some members of WG16 expressed interest that the
scope of this standard is extended to high voltage cable application. The TF in charge
of the revision believes this work needs to be done by a dedicated group of high
voltage experts.
At the Study Committee B1 meeting held in Paris on August 28 and 29, 2012, it
was agreed that a task force be established to consider if further guidance was needed
on the testing of connectors for HV cable accessories. It was also decided in the
meeting that the topics should be expended to cover mechanical loads, not only
thermal to include all connectors, not just mechanical and to include termination
connectors, not only for the joints.

To review

• The range and types of connectors currently available

• Existing international standards and the extent to which they cover the testing of
• Any work been done by CIGRE, CIRED, JICABLE. . .
• Extent of service experience so far for different connector types
• Customer needs

To analyze

• Operation on high loaded systems where conductors are approaching or tempo-

rarily exceeding maximum conductor operating temperature
• Thermo-mechanical performance of connectors under cycling loads
508 M. Uzelac

• Performance of connectors in short circuit conditions, taking into account thermal

and dynamic forces and actual network ratings
• Performance of connectors installed in cable joints and terminations

To propose thermal and mechanical test regimes for connectors for HV and EHV
cables with special attention be given to connectors for large size cables.

• Type, routine, and sample tests including mechanical, cycling, and resistance
stability tests
• Consider practicality of the short circuit test for large-size conductors and test
loop arrangement
• WG should be free to consider mechanical tests (e.g., tensile, thrust forces. . .) in
order to evaluate mechanical strength of connection and physical properties of
connector itself
• WG should be free to consider separate or integral test sequences combining
mechanical, cycling, short-circuit, and resistance stability (assessment) acting on
the same samples
• Extent of connector type test experience so far (for different connector types)
• Evaluate necessity of performing type tests on connectors that already success-
fully passed qualification tests per IEC 60840
• WG should consider range of type test approval

The WG should consider the tests that reflect mutual impact between connectors,
cable conductors and accessories.
The conductor connectors for HV and EHV applications are to be considered. The
WG will make recommendation to include or not connectors for MV applications.

Technical Brochure with summary in Electra and Tutorial

Comparison of IEC and IEEE Type Test Requirements for Extruded

Cables and Accessories for Voltages up to 245 kV

See Table 10.17

Comparison of IEC and IEEE Type Test Requirements for Extruded

Cables and Accessories for Voltages 245 kV and above

See Table 10.18

Table 10.17 Comparison of IEC and IEEE Type Test Requirements for Extruded Cables and Accessories for Voltages up to 245 kV

Clauses IEC 60840 up to 245 kV IEEE Std 404-1993 for IEEE Std 48-1990 for terminations
Type tests on cable systems, cables, accessories joints 138 kV 138 kV
Test values
(applicable to Cable
Test accessories) systems Cables Accessories Joints Terminations
Bending test 5 pC at 1.5Uo 12.4.3 12.4.3 – 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
Partial discharge test at 12.4.4 12.4.4 12.4.4 (120 kV) (120 kV)
ambient temperature
AC withstand voltage 3Uo (240 kV), 7.7.1
15 min
AC voltage 1 min dry 310 kV, 1 min
AC voltage 10 s wet 275 kV, 10 sec
DC voltage 15 min dry 315 kV, 15 min 7.7.2 315 kV, 15 min
Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors

Heating cycle voltage test 20 cycles at 12.4.6 12.4.6 12.4.6 30 cycles at 7.9.2 30 cycles at 8.4.2 item c
Tcmin ¼ 95  C, Tcmin ¼ 105  C, Tcmin ¼ 105  C,
2Uo 2Uo 2Uo
Partial discharge test at high 5 pC at 1.5Uo, at 12.4.4 – 12.4.4 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
temperature Tcmin ¼ 95  C (120 kV) (120 kV)
Partial discharge test at 5 pC at 1.5Uo 12.4.4 12.4.4 12.4.4 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
ambient temperature (after (120 kV) (120 kV)
final cycle or after lightning
impulse voltage test in item
Lightning impulse voltage 650 kV, 10+/ 12.4.7 12.4.7 12.4.7 650 kV, 10+/10, 7.7.3 650 kV, 10+/10,
test followed by power 10, at at at
frequency voltage test Tcmin ¼ 95  C Tcmin ¼ 105  C Tcmin ¼ 105  C


Table 10.17 (continued)

Clauses IEC 60840 up to 245 kV IEEE Std 404-1993 for IEEE Std 48-1990 for terminations
Type tests on cable systems, cables, accessories joints 138 kV 138 kV
Test values
(applicable to Cable
Test accessories) systems Cables Accessories Joints Terminations
Partial discharge test at high 5 pC at 1.5Uo, at 12.4.4 – 12.4.4 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
temperature (if not carried Tcmin ¼ 95  C (120 kV) (120 kV)
out after item g) above)
AC voltage 6 h dry 2.5Uo (200 kV), 7.1 2.5Uo (200 kV),
withstand 6h 6h
Partial discharge test at 5 pC at 1.5Uo 12.4.4 12.4.4 12.4.4 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
ambient temperature (if not (120 kV) (120 kV)
carried out after item g)
Tests of outer protection for 1m Annex – Annex G Sectionalizer 7.11
joints watercolumn, G (if applicable)
20 cycles, DC
and BIL test
M. Uzelac
Table 10.18 Comparison of IEC and IEEE Type Test Requirements for Extruded Cables and Accessories for Voltages 245 kV and above

IEC 62067 230 kV

Type tests on cable systems
Test only IEEE Std 404-1993 for joints IEEE Std 48-1990 for terminations
Clauses Clauses Clauses
systems Joints Terminations
Bending test 5 pC at 1.5Uo 12.4.3 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
Partial discharge test at ambient temperature 12.4.4 (200 kV) (200 kV)
AC withstand voltage 3Uo (400 kV), 7.7.1
15 min
AC voltage 1 min dry withstand 460 kV, 1 min
AC voltage 10 s wet withstand 445 kV, 10 sec
DC voltage 15 min dry withstand 525 kV, 15 min 7.7.2 525 kV, 15 min
Tan δ measurement 12.4.5
Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors

Heating cycle voltage test 20 cycles at 12.4.6 30 cycles at 7.9.2 30 cycles at 8.4.2 item c
Tcmin ¼ 95  C, Tcmin ¼ 105  C, Tcmin ¼ 105  C,
2Uo 2Uo 2Uo
Partial discharge test at high temperature 5 pC at 1.5Uo, at 12.4.4 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
Tcmin ¼ 95  C (120 kV) (120 kV)
Partial discharge test at ambient temperature 5 pC at 1.5Uo 12.4.4 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
(after final cycle or after lightning impulse (200 kV) (200 kV)
voltage test in item i)
Lightning impulse voltage test followed by power 1050 kV, 10+/10, 1050 kV, 10+/ 7.7.3 1050 kV, 10+/
frequency voltage test at Tcmin ¼ 95  C 10, at 10, at
Tcmin ¼ 105  C Tcmin ¼ 105  C
5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
(200 kV) (200 kV)

Table 10.18 (continued)

IEC 62067 230 kV
Type tests on cable systems
Test only IEEE Std 404-1993 for joints IEEE Std 48-1990 for terminations
Clauses Clauses Clauses
systems Joints Terminations
2.5Uo (332 kV), 7.1 2.5Uo (332 kV),
6h 6h
Partial discharge test at high temperature (if not 5 pC at 1.5Uo, at 12.4.4 5 pC at 1.5Uo 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5Uo
carried out after item h above) Tcmin ¼ 95  C (200 kV) (200 kV)
Tests of outer protection of buried joints 1 m watercolumn, Annex Sectionalizer 7.11
20 cycles, DC and G (if applicable)
BIL test
M. Uzelac
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 513

Background Behind Range of APPLICABility and Proposed

Development Tests

The following table gives a brief explanation of the background behind some
recommendations for covering other applications by a successfully performed
development test.

8.1 General and 8.3 Range of Collected experience show that an

applicability of development tests interpolation is possible between the
smallest and the biggest positive test
results of a connector/conductor
combination as long as principle
parameter of the connector design and
the conductor design are equal and only
the nominal conductor cross-sectional
area is changed
As the tests in IEC 61238-1-3 are more
severe than that recommended for
connections in HV/EHV applications
and the smallest a member of the
connector family have been successfully
tested according this standard, then it is
assumed that the design is suitable for
sizes below 1200 mm2 and interpolation
down to that tested size might be
8.3.2 Covered range based on cable Tests on “fluid filled” conductors
insulation material: extruded produced comparable test results as on
vs. impregnated paper insulation “dry” conductors. Wet material may
drop out of stranded conductors during
heating in bare conductors. The fluid
will prevent additional oxidation on the
conductor strands. Therefore it was
decided to test only in “dry” conditions
to cover worst case. In contradiction
some tests on impregnated aluminum
conductors taken out after decades of
service did not pass the test. After
further investigations it was decided to
restrict the tests to new conductors made
out of one continuously produced
conductor length. This observation
leads to the conclusion that connections
to “historic” cables and replacement of
514 M. Uzelac

joints might not have the same

performance level as in complete new
cable installations. The unknown
degradation of aluminum conductor
material will not be a reproducible test
8.3.3 Covered range of conductor A compacted round stranded conductor
designs: round stranded and compacted is considered to be the most critical
conductors conductor, because the strands are
shaped and strain-hardened during
manufacturing and all air in between is
removed. Therefore, a connector needs
to apply higher radial forces to create
radial and axial deformation of strands
to remove oxide layers on each surface
and create the necessary contact
pressure between the metallic parts for
achieving a low and stable electric
contact resistance. The more layers and
strands, the higher this deformation
should be to get an impact on most of
the strands fixed inside the connector
barrel. Where nonmetallic material will
not be removed prior to installation,
these layers have additionally to be
pierced and pushed aside while
installing the connector to get a pure
metallic contact between the strands of
the conductor. Where all strands are
brushed and cleaned in the area of a
connection, the conductor has to be
rebuilt in a round shape which allows
the correct placement inside the
connector without overstressing the
strands by bending and reducing the
effective conductor cross-sectional area
Experience show that mechanical
connectors which are tested on stranded
conductors will never have a problem to
pass a test on solid conductors of that
nominal size which fits into the
connector barrel. Intrinsic watertight
solid conductors are available in
aluminum for the use in power cables,
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 515

for example, up to 1600 mm2. Solid

conductors of copper of big sizes are not
in use for power cables in typical
distribution networks. Mechanical
connectors are assumed to apply the
same radial force via torque limited
screws, no matter how the dimension,
shape, and hardness of a used conductor
will be. But compression connectors
may not fulfill this rule, as usually
depending on the dimension and
hardness of the conductor inside the
fixed deformation of the connector/
conductor combination introduced by
the tool and die. The dominating
phenomenon in tests of connectors on
aluminum conductors is the penetration
of the oxide layers on its surfaces.
Besides the solid conductor, which has
its surface only outside, the stranded
conductor has additional oxide-layers
on each strand. The hardness
(or softness) of aluminum used in solid
conductors allows axial mechanical
tensile strength up to 40 N/mm2
multiplied by the size in mm2 as the
maximum applicable value in Newton.
At approximately 50 N/mm2 applied
axial tensile load value an irreversible
elongation of the solid conductor will
start, making it thinner and longer which
might have an influence on the partial
discharge level due to insufficient
coupling to the inner semi-conductive
layer of the cable insulation. The usual
hardness of aluminum material used for
solid conductors seems to be “soft”
enough for the bending and laying of the
cable and “hard” enough that no further
“cold flow” is starting inside installed
connectors. Test experience show that in
case of compression connector different
sleeves and/or different compression
layout has to be used for stranded and
516 M. Uzelac

for solid conductors of the same

nominal cross-sectional area
8.3.4 Water blocking material The use of water blocking material is
normally not specified or standardized
in material, and distribution inside a
connector. It is usually made of an
electrically nonconductive or
low-conductive material and has to be
pushed aside by the connector during
installation to guarantee a stable contact
behavior to be investigated in a
connection test. Similar considerations
are applicable to “contact grease”
normally applied inside compression
connectors for aluminum conductors.
Although there might be metallic
ingredients of these compounds, it has
to be pushed aside to guarantee direct
metallic contact between conductor
strands and to the connector.
Compounds are primarily used to
prevent the contacts from further
oxidation after installation and are not
able to carry the required currents
8.3.5 Use of segment- or strand The use of nonconductive materials
insulation in the conductor inside conductors might be
advantageous to achieve low
AC-resistance values and handle skin-
and proximity effects of current
distribution inside conductors with large
cross-sectional areas. At cable ends and
in conductor connections it is necessary
to inject the current almost
homogeneously in each conductive
structure. This can be done either by
manually removing all nonconductive
material from the contact zone or by
pushing aside during closing of the
connector. Conductors of the same size
and material as tested might be used
with one connector as long as less or no
nonconductive materials are used. This
statement is applicable for compression
and for mechanical connectors
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 517

The most common approach for using a

mechanical or compression connector
family for the widest range of
application is to remove all
nonconductive material on and inside a
conductor at least at the zone to be
placed inside the connector barrel as to
be described in the installation
procedure of the connector. But this
installation procedure might be time
consuming and expected results might
be depending on the working skills of
fitters and the quality of their work.
Rebuilding a segmented, stranded
conductor to a round shape of almost the
same diameter to fit into the connector
barrel with parallel strands, not
overstressed by bending and rearranging
by not losing too much material, is
hardly reproducible
So there might be economic and quality
assurance considerations to use
connectors which are able to perform
stable without removing nonconductive
materials of the conductor during
installation of the connector. The
disadvantage is that each change in
combination using a different conductor
design has to be verified by tests
8.3.6 Through connectors in joints for Almost all connector barrels, no matter
connecting different cable sizes if used for compression connector or for
mechanical connector families are made
from one specific material. For
connecting two of these barrels in a
through connector jointing two equal or
different conductors, usually one
connector body is formed out of the
same material without an additional
join-patch in between. This will
guarantee that the connector itself will
have no additional internal transition
resistance which might need a “risk
assessment” due to production,
installation or expected deterioration
518 M. Uzelac

during service. Most of the “reduction

connectors” jointing two different
conductors are built in this way. In some
cases, it might be necessary to joint two
connector barrels made of different
material, for example, like in
compression connectors for jointing
aluminum conductors to copper
conductors. For jointing such different
materials, for example, friction welding
is used and the manufacturing method in
this special application can be regarded
as a family and might therefore be tested
if significant influence of this internal,
prefabricated joint in the connector body
might be expected. As most of the
jointed different conductors should be
serial loaded during this test, the
“weakest” conductor is limiting test
There are also cases where two
connector barrels in one connector body
of the same material are separable by a
mechanical connection, for example, to
ease installation in specific accessories.
The test performance of this additional
internal connector joint besides the
conductor connections might also be
investigated like bimetallic through
8.3.7 Termination lug connectors The thermal situation at cable
termination ends is normally less critical
than inside joints of HV/EHV-cable
accessories. Therefore, additional
connector tests at termination bolts or on
cable lugs are not necessary, as long as
the same connector design criteria at
connector barrels are used as
successfully tested for through
connectors used for joints on the same
conductors. Some users are requesting
combined tests including the clamping
arrangement to the overhead line
connection. But in most of the
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 519

applications the current carrying

capacity of the equipment-connection is
higher than the nominal current of the
connected cable and there is no need for
additional tests. Metal parts and their
coatings as well as means and
arrangements to secure the termination
end to other equipment should be able to
withstand specified corrosive
atmospheres without losing contact
pressure. Universal applicable tests are
not defined up to now, due to the variety
of interfaces and environmental
conditions at terminations
8.3.8 Mechanical connectors – The diameter of a stranded conductor of
adjustment of dimensions to suit a cable is seldom a known and
application guaranteed characteristic when selecting
a cable for a specific project and
designing the accessories. For example,
in case of aluminum conductors of class
2 according to IEC 60228 there is an
informal guidance for minimum and
maximum diameter for sizes up to
630 mm2 with a variation of 3.8 mm for
this nominal cross-sectional area. A
connector should be able to handle such
dimensional differences without loss of
performance. As in some HV/EHV-
accessories it is advantageous to control
eccentricity of installed connectors, it
might be necessary to modify the inner
diameter of a mechanical or
compression connector to handle this
nonstandardized dimensional difference
of conductors within one nominal cross-
sectional area. To be covered by
previous test approval of connector and
conductor, it is allowed to decrease the
inner diameter. Therefore, a test of the
mechanical connector/conductor
combination should cover worst case
condition with the smallest volume of
the connector body or the largest inner
diameter of the connector barrel
520 M. Uzelac

For example, in slip-on joints it is

advantageous to have almost no
diameter difference or “step” between
prepared cable insulation and connector
outer surface to avoid damage at the
expanded insulation part while axially
moved during installation and to have a
good heat transmission by direct and
intense connection between installed
connector and elastic insulation part of
the joint. To achieve this, a connector
should be adapted to have the same
wall-thickness as the primary cable
insulation in each application. For a test
of a connector on a conductor, the worst
case should be selected, which is given
by the lowest heat dissipation in the test
setup in bare condition, respectively, the
smallest surface of the connector body,
the lowest mass and, respectively, the
smallest outer diameter
8.3.9 Thermal short circuit tests The thermal impact of short-circuit
current tests on connections is
adequately represented by the Joule-
Integral applied during adiabatic tests by
avoiding any additional dynamic and/or
mechanical impact due to current-flow
in the specific test setup
Mainly the initial temperature shock
between “hot” conductor and “cold”
connector creates a mechanical stress
inside the connector due to different
thermal expansion of involved
materials, which might shift the “micro-
contact-spots” to other regions of the
connection. This is considered to be the
major effect on connections to be
checked in adiabatic single phase short-
circuit tests
Experience shows that the integrated
short-circuit tests in type tests, for
example, according to IEC 61238-1-3,
will have a clear impact on test results.
But for bigger sizes the created
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 521

temperature rise of short-circuit tests is

very limited and created additional
stresses due to different thermal
expansion inside the connector/
conductor combination will be limited
accordingly. Especially for big copper
conductors less effect can be seen on the
test results of already qualified
connectors. So it might be allowed to
skip this test procedure, mostly done in a
different test laboratory with additional
mechanical stress for test setup by
dismantling, moving, and rebuilding
after tests
Although calculation with a short-
circuit current of 45 kA applied for 5 s
show that the overall temperature rise
will be not more than 30 K when
starting from 90  C, which is the same
or less as applied during heat cycling,
the heat created in the single contact
spots between conductor layers and
connector body during short-circuit tests
is much higher than during heat cycles.
This cannot be measured from outside,
but it might have an influence on poor
designed connectors
Experience shows that short-circuit tests
shall be mandatory for all connectors for
stranded aluminum conductors. The
more strands and layers, the higher the
risk of insufficient deformation during
connector installation and the higher the
risk of local overheating of single
contact spots due to higher current
densities of the remaining strands in the
current path will be
8.3.9 Dynamic short circuit test validity Some users prefer to apply higher
is limited to the test-setup currents for shorter times to get the same
energy-input by the Joule-Integral or use
an asymmetric test current specifying a
certain peak-value or peak-factor. But as
higher currents will lead to additional
mechanical forces created from the
522 M. Uzelac

magnetic field of all current carrying

parts in the test-setup, test results are
specific for this test arrangement and its
mechanical fixations. The validity of the
test is limited to the used test
arrangement only. Users have to check
whether expected worst case conditions
in practical cable installations will be
8.5.1 (a) Tensile load test The purpose of the test is to ensure an
acceptable basic mechanical strength to
stresses which may occur during the
erection of a cable system by handling
already installed connectors on cable
There is no mechanical type test
specified in this development test
recommendation to be performed
separately on additional new samples
like described in IEC 61238-1-3
Chap. 7. Mechanical type tests and
electrical type tests are strictly separated
in IEC 61238-1-3 while the mechanical
load test specified in Sect. 8.2.5 is an
integral part of each development test
sequence. Therefore, the applied values
for this combined mechanical and
electrical test are lower. The aim is to
create a realistic prestress to simulate
usual installation conditions for a cable
system before any current will be
The mechanical performance of a
connector/conductor combination is
usually verified with a single axial
pulling test in each assigned
combination separately on new samples.
The breaking load value of the
combination should be sufficiently high
above the withstand ability value of this
connection, which is 40 N/mm2 for
aluminum and 60 N/mm2 for copper
multiplied by the nominal size of the
conductor in mm2. It is assumed that
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 523

usual occurring push-pull-forces in

cable installations, created by changing
thermal expansion due to fluctuant
currents, can be handled without
changing the performance of this
connector/conductor combination. It is
also assumed that the cable installation
will avoid nonaxial bending forces
acting on the bearing point of the
connection. Tests in MV installations
simulating such bending forces in cable
accessory tests show that the electrical
performance is sufficient, if electrical
and mechanical tests of connections
according IEC 61238-1-3 are passed
and installation is done properly
8.5.1 (b) Short circuit tests The purpose of this test is to ensure
basic short circuit current withstand
ability to usual HV and EHV cable
network service conditions for the
intended application
Advantage is that only “realistic”
conditions are tested in available test
facilities in case of conductors
exceeding 1200 mm2 and there is up to
now no other international recognized
standard requiring short circuit tests in
HV and EHV cable systems and/or with
their accessories
Disadvantage is that the complete test
sequence should be repeated in case of
higher required short circuit values
occurring in service
The purpose of the test is not to test
connectors at 250  C conductor end
temperature with max. 45 kA, 5 s for
comparing performance-limits of
different connector/conductor
combinations among each other like
done in IEC 61238-1-3
A passed dynamic short circuit test
using asymmetric short circuit peak
current covers, besides the thermal
criteria additionally all applications
524 M. Uzelac

where the same or lower maximum

Lorentz-forces may occur. If the layout
of the test loop and current flow through
adjacent parts is specified by
dimensions, the same configuration is
covered in practical applications
8.5 2, 8.6.3 Constant high-current The purpose of this test is to create
temperature stability test additional ageing stress on the already
pre-stressed samples by applying
maximum allowed temperatures to the
test loop during a long time, created by
an almost constant heating current, far
beyond nominal currents in cable
systems. Before applying the material-
expansions and -relaxations created by
heat cycling, the constant application of
high temperatures and high currents
creates worst case conditions following
Arrhenius’ law. This stress
accumulation and the temperature limits
below 140  C are selected to avoid
changes in involved material
characteristics, especially for aluminum
During 200 h thus determined
equilibrium should be maintained
within 5 K using the reference
conductor as control parameter, in order
to keep the temperature constant. In this
way, the fluctuation of the ambient
temperature will not affect the
temperature of the reference conductor
within the specified tolerances
Temperature measurements should be
taken by using the method described in
e). The first measurement campaign
should be collected 8 h after reaching
equilibrium, the next campaigns then
every 24 h. One measurement campaign
consists in recording temperatures on
each connector and the reference
conductor taken every minute. If the
temperature readings during 15 min do
not vary by more than 2 K, the
measurement campaign can be stopped.
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 525

If not, the measurement campaign

should be continued until the 2 K-band
during 15 min is achieved for every
connector. The maximum measured
connector temperature in every
measurement campaign should be
recorded together with the reference
conductor temperature measured at the
same time. A set of eight measurement
campaigns with four pairs of connector/
conductor temperature values will then
be available for the assessment of
temperature stability
8.5.3, 8.6.4 Heat cycle temperature The purpose of this final test in the
stability test sequence is to verify, if the such
pre-stressed conductor/connector
combination will be able to pass a cable
system qualification including 20 heat
cycles for type test plus 180 heat cycles
for PQ test with 8 h at rated operating
current followed by at least 16 h without
current per IEC 60840/62067. The heat-
cycle temperature-time regime
recommended here is much shorter,
because performed on a test loop with
uninsulated conductors, similar to the
test loop and method used in IEC
61238-1-3. This allows to use higher
heating currents and end temperatures
(because the cable insulation will not
limit any more) and speed up heating
and cooling times by keeping a high
temperature stability phase on the
reference conductor of at least 120 min.
In IEC 61238-1-3 this high temperature
stability phase is around 15 min while
the connector temperature should be
hold for 10 min at the maximum level.
The accumulated exposure time at
elevated temperature stage is balanced
in this test recommendation to be
comparable as well with IEC 60840/
62067 (for 200 cycles on longer
duration but lower temperatures) and
526 M. Uzelac

with IEC 61238-1-3 (for 1000 cycles

with much shorter duration)
Regarding the test procedure this
proposed development test follows
strictly IEC 61238-1-3 in order to use
the same requirements for performing
the test and by using the same concept
of “reference method”. That means, that
the test can be done by using different
parameter if adequate, as long as it is
provided that the test will create the
same or comparable results. Only in
case of doubt, the reference method
should be used for comparison
8.5.2 and 8.5.3 Temperature stability The first aim of the high-current
criteria temperature stability and heat-cycle
temperature stability tests is to show that
the temperatures of the connectors are
always below the temperature of the
reference conductor measured at the
same time during current flow in
“constant conditions” assuming no
changes in the heating current acting as
heat source, in heat transfer in involved
materials, in the radiation on material
surfaces of the test setup, in convection
of air flow in the test chamber and in the
ambient temperature during these
relatively long tests. The second aim is
to show that there is no detectable
increase of temperatures when
comparing initial situation to the
situation at the end of test, to prove that
possible connector resistance increase
inside will have no impact on the
measured temperatures on the surface of
connectors. But these assumed
“constant conditions” can hardly be
reproduced and it depends on the skills
of lab stuff to balance stability between
“hot” test setup and “cold” chamber
while differences in natural convection
might influence temperature of
specimen in different positions inside
10 Test Regimes for HV and EHV Cable Connectors 527

the chamber. Therefore a tolerance for

individual readings of 5 K is introduced
and all connectors of the same design
are “pooled” by the mean values to
verify stability compared to the
reference conductor to avoid, that the
connectors will be designed to be too
close to the limit where they might be
warmer as the reference conductor.
Nevertheless, the set temperature
criteria in this recommendation for
development tests seem to be
demanding and future shared test
experience will show if selected criteria
should be kept
8.5 2, 8.5.3, 8.6.3, 8.6.4 Temperature Due to skin-effects in conductors above
measurement 1200 mm2 created when using
a.c. heating currents, there are a higher
surface temperatures than inside the
conductor and due to proximity effects
in the test loop setup, there might be
higher temperatures at surfaces adjacent
to other current carrying parts. This can
be observed when using d.c. heating
currents, which will create lower
temperatures when applying the same
value of current. When using
a.c. current heating these effects cannot
be avoided and are minimized as long as
surface temperature measuring spots are
at conductor and connector surfaces
with adequate distance to each other
528 M. Uzelac

Milan Uzelac graduated from Electro-Technical University of

Belgrade, Serbia, and joined Minel-Elektrooprema, Belgrade, as
a design engineer, senior design engineer, and the head of R&D
Milan relocated to United States in 1989 and joined G&W
Electric Company, Chicago, as an R&D engineer and product
manager. Currently, he is chief R&D engineer. His responsibility
has been the development and design of accessories for extruded
and laminated high and extra-high voltage cables.
Milan is active in IEEE working groups for developing industry
standards for high voltage cable accessories (IEEE 48 and 404).
He chaired IEEE WG for IEEE 1300 Standard for cable connec-
tions in gas-insulated switchgear.
He has served as a member of several CIGRE working groups
considering HV cable systems and was convener of CIGRE WG
on connectors for HV cables.
He was author of several papers and tutorials on high voltage
cable accessories and is co-author of EPRI Underground Trans-
mission Systems Reference Book.
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type
Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power Cables 11
up to 145 kV

Pierre Mirebeau

11.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
11.2 Terms of Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
11.3 Definitions and Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
11.3.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
11.3.2 Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
11.4 Criteria for Interface Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
11.4.1 Number of Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
11.4.2 Technical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
11.4.3 Impact of Short Circuit Time Going to 40 kA 3 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
11.4.4 Interface Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
11.5 Cable Library Dimensions State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
11.5.1 Voltage Class 72.5 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
11.5.2 Voltage Class 123 kV and 145 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
11.6 Inner and Outer Cone Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
11.6.1 General Evaluation of Inner and Outer Cone Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
11.6.2 Evaluation of Inner and Outer Cone Technologies per Voltage Class . . . . . . . 541
11.6.3 Evaluation of Conductor Locking Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
11.6.4 Conclusion on Interface Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
11.7 72.5 kV Insulator Design and Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
11.7.1 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
11.7.2 Type Tests and Routine Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
11.7.3 Examples of Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547

Pierre Mirebeau has retired.

Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this chapter (

978-3-030-39466-0_11) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

P. Mirebeau (*)
Villebon sur Yvette, France

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 529

P. Argaut (ed.), Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables, CIGRE Green Books,
530 P. Mirebeau

11.8 123 kV and 145 kV Insulator Design and Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548

11.8.1 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
11.8.2 Type Tests and Routine Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
11.8.3 Example of Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
11.9 Pressure Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
11.10 Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
11.11 Common Insulator Design Credibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
11.11.1 72.5 kV Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
11.11.2 145 kV Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
11.12 Qualification Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
11.13 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
General Evaluation of Inner and Outer Cone Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Reference of Available Tests for Common Interface Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Routine Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
Type Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Sample Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Prequalification Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Development Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Tests After Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Information on the Selection of 145 kV Interface Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Principles of Use of the Current Connection Areas of the Common Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Principle of use of the Current Transmission Above the Lock-in System Area . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Principle of use of the Current Transmission Below the Lock-in System Area
............................................................................................... 595
Qualification Process Experts Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597

Executive Summary
In many countries, the market trends are towards a commoditization of the high
voltage cables lower or equal to 145 kV. IEC TC 17, in charge of the maintenance of
IEC 62271-209 for “Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear
for rated voltages above 52 kV” asked CIGRE to evaluate technically the feasibility
of a common interface. A first joint Working Group B1–B3 was set up in 2010 and
concluded that it is feasible to have a common interface for voltages up to 145 kV
and a rated current 1000 A. See TB 605.
A second Working Group was set up in 2015 to propose standardized dimensions
of the interface(s). The work of this Working Group B1–B3.49 is presented in
CIGRE TB 784 and in this chapter of the book.
After evaluation of the requirements such as:
• GIS cable enclosure dimensions
• Cables and accessories portfolio
• Feedback from the maintenance team of IEC 62271-209
• Test requirements from the IEC 60840
• Market trends

The Working Group recommends two different designs:

• Outer cone design for Um ¼ 72.5 kV
• Inner cone design for Um ¼ 123 kV and 145 kV
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 531

In some countries, there are other maximum voltage levels Um such as 82.5 kV
(Belgium), 84 kV (Japan), 100 kV (France), 126 kV (China). The common interfaces
design can be used for these voltage levels; however, the test voltages need to be
defined by national standards or specification. It is recommended to use the common
design with Um values where test voltages are higher than the national level test
There is only one design applicable for one voltage level. This is a
consequence of the common interface concept. The Working Group is aware that
other designs are existing as inner cone for 72.5 kV and outer cone for 123 kV and
145 kV.
The designs are based on the manufacturers’ field and qualification experience,
electrical field calculations, known material properties.

• For 72.5 kV, the design is based on the on-going standard EN 50673. It has been
validated by existing qualifications and installations.
• For 123 and 145 kV, the proposed design is new, with larger design margins in
reference to existing designs. No prototype has been made nor tests performed
during the Working Group progress.

The proposed designs of the inner and outer cone are described in Figs. ▶ 5.1 and
▶ 6.1, paragraphs 5.1 and 5.3. In addition to the drawings in written form, a .dxf file is
included in the downloadable document, which can be used with any standard drawing
For the range of products as defined by the terms of reference, the GIS manufac-
turer will get the possibility to order the cable termination interface and complete the
GIS manufacturing up to and including the cable termination insulator, independent
from the supplier of the cable and cable termination.
With the common interface, the responsibilities will change as compared to the
division of supply that is specified in IEC 62271-209. The scope of supply of the GIS
manufacturer includes the insulator. In this new context, a risk assessment has been
performed. It is available in Sect. 11.10.
The proposed designs allow more compact cable termination envelopes which
may be developed by GIS manufacturers.
The qualification process, based on IEC 60840 requirements, has been studied.
Three different cases were identified:
• Initial qualification
• Cross qualification in case of available initial qualification for both insulator and
cable/stress cone assembly
• Cross qualification without initial qualification of either insulator or cable/stress
cone assembly
The qualification process is available in Sect. 11.12.
If these proposed interfaces are accepted by the market, they can be used for
532 P. Mirebeau

11.1 Background

Taking into account the market trend in some countries towards a commoditization
of the High Voltage cables lower or equal to 145 kV, and as per a request of IEC TC
17 who is in charge of the maintenance of IEC 62271-209, the working group B1–
B3.33 (TB 605) had concluded that there is room in these voltage levels for a
standard design in parallel with the present designs.
The common interface does not replace the cable termination standard IEC
62271-209; it consists basically in an alternate choice of a design which is given
to the GIS manufacturer.

11.2 Terms of Reference

The goal of the JWG is to recommend a functional design of an insulator with a

common interface.

1. Current is 1000 A. Short circuit is 40 kA 1 s. Cross sections are 1000 mm2
Cu or 1600 mm2 Al.
2. Technology has to be defined (inner or outer cone), with a detailed evaluation of
technical advantages/disadvantages of the two technologies.
3. The number of sizes has to be defined; the short circuit current can be altered for
the smallest sizes. Dimensions of insulator components have to be defined
(current connection, electric design and properties, mechanical design and prop-
erties). The type and dimension of the main current connection have to be
4. Consideration to be given to the consequence of a termination failure, the
upgrading of the cable link for higher current loads, and installation constraints,
with a special focus on the basement dimensions.
5. The design has to meet the requirements of IEC 62271-209 and IEC 60840 and
there is a need to define the initial and cross qualification processes.
6. The stress cone design and material, the lubricant, and the design of the com-
pression device should be left to the discretion of the accessory manufacturer
within the limits of the standardized insulator properties.

Cigre TB 303 (▶ Chap. 4, “Qualification Procedures for HVand EHVAC Extruded

Underground Cable Systems” of this book) and the work of WG B1.44 (induced
voltage) and WG B1.46 (connectors, TB 758 and ▶ Chap. 10, “Test Regimes for HV
and EHV Cable Connectors” of this book) should be taken into account.

Note: The common interface proposed in this chapter is situated between the
insulator assembly and the cable stress cone assembly as defined in Sect. 11.3.1.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 533

11.3 Definitions and Units

The definitions and terms of the different components of the dry type GIS cable
terminations as described in IEC 62271-209 and CIGRE TB 605 (Chap. 7) are
shown in Tables 11.1 and 11.2.

11.3.1 Definitions Cable-Termination (IEC 62271-209)

Equipment fitted to the end of a cable to ensure electrical connection with other parts
of the system and to maintain the insulation up to the point of connection. Two types
are described in this standard. Fluid-Filled Cable-Termination (IEC 62271-209)

Cable-termination which comprises a separating insulating barrier between the cable
insulation and the gas insulation of switchgear. The cable-termination includes an
insulating fluid as part of the cable connection assembly. Dry-Type Cable-Termination (IEC 62271-209)

Cable-termination which comprises an elastomeric electrical stress control compo-
nent in intimate contact with a separating insulating barrier (insulator) between the
cable insulation and the gas insulation of the switchgear. The cable-termination does
not require any insulating fluid.

Table 11.1 Identification of the different parts of GIS termination, inner cone type design

GIS main circuit end terminal

Connection interface
Plug-in connector of insulator
(integrated electrode)

Insulator assembly
Cable connection enclosure
Flange (if needed)

. Sectionalising insulation

Plug-in connector of cable

Stress cone
Cable/stress cone
Cable gland

534 P. Mirebeau

Table 11.2 Identification of the different parts of GIS termination, outer cone type design

Connection interface

Cable connection enclosure

Insulator assembly
Sectionalising insulation
Plug-in connector of insulator

Stress cone

Plug-in connector of cable

Cable/stress cone

Cable gland

Cable Plug-in Cable Termination (IEC 62271-209)

Cable termination where cable/stress cone assembly can be engaged into the insu-
lator assembly that is already installed into sealed GIS enclosure. Locked Plug-in Type Cable Termination (TB 605/Chap. 7)

Plug-in cable termination where conductor of the cable is interlocked with the
insulator assembly and cannot be removed without disassembling insulator assembly
from the GIS enclosure. Plug-in, Plug-out Type Cable Termination (TB 605/Chap. 7)

Plug-in cable termination where the plug-in assembly may be removed from the
barrier insulator assembly without disassembling the insulator assembly from the
GIS enclosure.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 535 Locking Plug-in, Plug-out Type Cable Termination

(TB 605/Chap. 7)
Plug-in cable termination where conductor of the cable is interlocked with the
insulator assembly and can be removed without disassembling the insulator assem-
bly from the GIS enclosure. Insulator Assembly (TB 605/Chap. 7)

Assembly of insulator, plug-in connector of insulator, and flange if needed. Insulator (TB 605/Chap. 7)

Separates insulating gas (SF6) of GIS enclosure from the cable/stress cone assembly. Plug-in Connector of Insulator (TB 605/Chap. 7)

Provides connection to GIS main circuit end terminal and to plug-in connector of cable. Plug-in Connector of Cable (TB 605/Chap. 7)

Provides connection between cable conductor and plug-in connector of insulator. Main-Circuit End Terminal (IEC 62271-209 and Compliant

with IEEE 1300)
Part of the main circuit of a gas-insulated metal enclosed switchgear forming part of
the connection interface. Cable Connection Enclosure (IEC 62271-209 and Compliant

with IEEE 1300)
Part of the gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear which houses the cable-
termination and the main-circuit end terminal. Cable Connection Assembly (IEC 62271-209 and Compliant

with IEEE 1300)
Combination of a cable termination, a cable connection enclosure, and a main circuit
end terminal, which mechanically and electrically connects the cable to the
gas-insulated metal enclosed switchgear. Cable System (IEC 62271-209)

Cable with installed accessories. Sectionalizing Insulation (IEC 60840–2019)

Insulating portion of the termination separating cable system screen from GIS enclosure.

11.3.2 Units Pressure
All pressure values in this document are given in bar as relative pressure. Rated Voltages (IEC 60840)

The symbols U0, U, and Um are used to designate the rated voltages of cables and
accessories where these symbols have the meanings given in IEC 60183:
536 P. Mirebeau

U0 ¼ the rated r.m.s. power-frequency voltage between each conductor and screen
or sheath for which cables and accessories are designed.
U ¼ the rated r.m.s. power-frequency voltage between any two conductors for which
cables and accessories are designed.
Um ¼ the maximum r.m.s. power-frequency voltage between any two conductors for
which cables and accessories are designed. It is the highest voltage that can be
sustained under normal operating conditions at any time and at any point in a
system. It excludes temporary voltage variations due to fault conditions and the
sudden disconnection of large loads.

Unless specified differently all voltages mentioned in this brochure are consider-
ing Um values.
IEC 62271-209 includes definition of rated voltages and insulation levels taking
into account both standards IEC 60840 and IEC 62271-203.

11.4 Criteria for Interface Selection

This chapter details the different requirements that were set by the Terms of
Reference regarding the interface selection.

• Number of interfaces
• Compliance to standards
• Technical considerations
• Interface design

11.4.1 Number of Interfaces

The purpose of the common interface is to provide an option to GIS manufacturers

that insulator supply is independent from cable termination manufacturer.
It will not be the case if there are two common interfaces as all cable termination
manufacturers will not be intending to develop a solution for both interface designs
(i.e., inner cone and outer cone for the same voltage level).
Hence, there will be one single common interface per GIS type.
Regarding our scope of work, above 52 kV to including 145 kV, IEC 62271-209
defines two GIS termination types:

• One type above 52 kV up to 100 kV

• One type 123–170 kV
Therefore, there will be maximum two interfaces.
The reference voltages as per IEC 60840 are the following (Uo, range of U, (Um)):

• 36, 60–69, (72.5) kV

• 64, 110–115, (123) kV
• 76, 132–138, (145) kV
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 537

Hence there is a total of three voltage levels: 72.5, 123, and 145 kV.
In some countries, there are other maximum voltage levels such as 82.5 kV
(Belgium), 84 kV (Japan), 100 kV (France), 126 kV (China). The common interfaces
design can be used for these voltage levels; the test voltages need to be defined by
national standards or specification. It is recommended to use the common design
with Um values where test voltages are higher than the national level test voltages.

11.4.2 Technical Considerations

To anticipate the future needs, the following properties of the GIS termination were
selected as relevant factors for the interface selection.

• Feasibility of capacitive couplers for power conductor voltage and partial dis-
charges measurements
• Current access for DC routine test resistance measurement of GIS (100 A and
voltage drop), without the cable – stress cone assembly
• Minimum parts of the further installed cable – stress cone assembly
• Clear responsibility of supply
• Feasibility to be used as an interface to a test bushing for GIS after installation test
• Feasibility to be used as an interface to a test bushing for cable after installation
• Feasibility to be used as an interface to Lightning Arrester, or to a Voltage
Transformer at the same time as cable connection
• Cable oversheath testing to be simple
• Qualification to be simple
• Measurement of cable screen voltage
• Possibility of dimension decrease of the cable termination enclosure of the GIS
• Conductor lockable/unlockable
• Anticipate future developments to larger cross section and current
• Safety

11.4.3 Impact of Short Circuit Time Going to 40 kA 3 s

In IEC 62271-1, paragraph 4.7 the standard time is 1 s. But lower and higher values
up to 3 s. are allowed (recommended values are 0.5 s, 2 s, and 3 s).
Most TSO (Transmission System Operators) use the 1 s. short circuit time; UK
TSO is the only utility that specifies the Icc 40 kA 3 s.
An enquiry had been made to UK TSO: it seems that UK TSO has taken a worst-
case position when determining the short circuit current levels and clearance times.
At 132 kV, 40 kA is a practical value and will not be considered for change; however,
the clearance time appears to be something that can be looked at further. The feeling
is that this may be able to be reduced to 1 s.
Following discussion of the matter it was agreed in the WG that for the standard
design of insulator (for 145 kV), we should consider 40 kA/1 s and not 40 kA/3 s.
538 P. Mirebeau

11.4.4 Interface Designs

To allow for a fair and unbiased selection of the common interface, the design will be

• Either in the available standardized designs

• Either as a new design not commercially available at the time of selection

Selected designs have been checked as freely available to all manufacturers

(no patent included).

CIGRE Patent Policy

“CIGRE publications including brochures are non-binding: their objective is to
ensure dissemination of information and understanding on a worldwide basis.
These documents in respect of their use and applications need to be
accessible to everybody.
It follows therefore, that a patent embodied fully or partly in a CIGRE
publication must be accessible to everybody without undue constraints.
To meet this requirement in general is the sole objective of the code of
The detailed arrangements arising from patents (licensing, royalties, etc.)
are left to the parties concerned, as these arrangements might differ from case
to case.”

11.5 Cable Library Dimensions State of the Art

The cable catalogue was constructed taking into account all cable models that were
collected by the group members. It applies only to extruded cables, XLPE and EPR.
The purpose is not to build a comprehensive catalogue; it is intended to give the
diameter range that the interface must accommodate.

11.5.1 Voltage Class 72.5 kV

The cable characteristics that are dimensioning the GIS interface are mentioned in
Table 11.3.

11.5.2 Voltage Class 123 kV and 145 kV

The cable characteristics that are dimensioning the GIS interface are mentioned in
Table 11.4.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 539

Table 11.3 72.5 kV cable characteristics

Cross section Diameter over insulation Insulation thickness

Voltage class Aluminium and (mm) (mm)
(kV) Copper
(mm²) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

72.5 150 32.2 46.8 7.15 13.65

72.5 185 33.8 47.3 7 13.5
72.5 240 35.9 47.7 7.15 13.5
72.5 300 38.8 49.8 7.25 13.5
72.5 400 41.8 51.4 7.35 13.5
72.5 500 45.1 55 7.5 13
72.5 630 49.2 59 7.6 13
72.5 800 53.6 62.9 7.7 13
72.5 1000 56.6 69.3 7.8 13
72.5 1200 61.3 72.4 7.85 13
72.5 1400 65.6 75.9 7.95 13
72.5 1600 72.6 81.4 8.05 13
72.5 1800 79.5 82.9 11.5 12.1
72.5 2000 76.3 86 9.75 12.1
72.5 2500 89 92.4 11.5 12.1

The grey cells are given for information as they are not in the TOR. Some cable models are coming
from a single source

11.6 Inner and Outer Cone Evaluation

The choice of the interface technology (inner or outer cone) has been performed

• By performing an evaluation as compared to the selection criteria of Chap. 2

• By the experts analysis and recommendation

11.6.1 General Evaluation of Inner and Outer Cone Technologies

Inner cone and outer cone technologies have been evaluated as a function of the
selection criteria (refer to Sect. 11.2). This did not bring any obvious advantage to
one technology. Details of the comparison can be found in Appendix General
Evaluation of Inner and Outer Cone Technologies; first lines are reported in
Tables 11.5 and 11.6.
540 P. Mirebeau

Table 11.4 123 kV and 145 kV cable characteristics

Cross section Diameter over insulation Insulation thickness

Voltage class Aluminium and (mm) (mm)
(kV) Copper
(mm²) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

123 240 47.5 58.4 13 19

123 300 48.6 59.6 12.5 18.5
123 400 51.3 60.7 12.5 17.5
123 500 54.8 64 12.5 17.25
123 630 59.8 71.7 13 20
123 800 63.7 71.3 13 17.15
123 1000 71 82.5 13.5 20.75
123 1200 74.1 77.7 13.5 16
123 1400 77.6 81.2 13.5 16
123 1600 80.7 84.3 13.5 16
123 1800 84.5 88.1 14 14.7
123 2000 87.6 91.2 14 14.7
123 2500 94 97.6 14 14.7

145 185 53.7 53.7 17.1 17.1

145 240 53.5 57.1 16 16.8
145 300 54.6 60.9 15.5 18
145 400 55.3 63.7 14.5 18
145 500 57.8 61.3 14 14.7
145 630 62.8 70.7 14.5 18
145 800 66.7 74.6 14.5 18
145 1000 73.1 77.7 15 15.75
145 1200 77.1 84.2 15 18
145 1400 81.6 85.4 15.5 16.3
145 1600 83.1 92.3 15.5 18.6
145 1800 87.5 91.3 15.5 16.3
145 2000 90.6 94.4 15.5 16.3
145 2500 98 101.8 16 16.8

The grey cells are given for information as they are not in the TOR. Some cable models are coming
from a single source.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 541

Table 11.5 Inner cone evaluation

Inner cone model

Aspects Remarks Rating

–, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV
145 kV
Dimensions of Length inside GIS tank is more than for outer, + +
insulator and but still shorter than traditionala
connection Shortening of enclosure is possible yet not
practiced for now
Diameter is adapted to diameter of enclosure 0 0
Length of connector outside of enclosure + +
Dimensions/size of Larger above the base plate, smaller below 0 0
insulator Smaller size of plug in connector of insulator, + ++
less metal with same installation length (given
by IEC 62271-209)
... ...
“Traditional” refers to fluid filled termination

11.6.2 Evaluation of Inner and Outer Cone Technologies per Voltage


A detailed analysis was performed by all experts.

The possibility of having a single interface, inner cone, for the complete voltage
range 72.5–145 kV was considered. This was not retained because the insulator base
plate diameter and its length at the 72.5 kV level were not compatible with the
dielectric requirements for the 145 kV larger cables. Recommendation for the 72.5 kV Voltage Level

The outer and inner cone models were considered as flexible regarding installation
and implementation of new functionalities (cable connector configuration straight or
elbow, parallel connections, installation of arresters).
A standardization work was in progress at CENELEC for an extension to 72.5 kV
of the type F outer cone and type 3 inner cone system from EN 50181. The new EN
542 P. Mirebeau

Table 11.6 Outer cone evaluation

Outer cone model

Aspects Remarks Rating

–, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV
145 kV
Dimensions of Length inside GIS enclosure could be much ++ ++
insulator and smaller with outer cone design than with inner
connection cone but dimensions fixed by IEC 62271-209
usually does not allow this possible length
Allows smaller diameters of insulator and of the + +
GIS since neither the cable nor the deflector need
to engage
Needs more space below the enclosure once - -
Allows compact T-connector system ++ ++
Dimensions/size of Can be shorter above the base plate, but longer 0 0
insulator below the base plate
Heavier entire design assumed (caused by 0 -
heavier metal electrode though entire insulator)
... ...
Mirror groups were held in several countries to enlarge the vision outside our experts, including
TSO representatives. This did not bring strong elements in favor of a specific technology

50673 standard “Plug-in type bushings for 72.5 kV with 630 A and 1250 A for
electrical equipment” is in its finalization stage at the time of publishing this
A tendency to move from inner to outer cone was recognized and implemented in
some projects of offshore windfarms at that voltage level.
The outer cone design would allow a more compact GIS equipment compared to
the dimensions specified in IEC 62271-209.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 543

Impact of a cable assembly failure on the GIS enclosure is minimized in case of

outer cone insulator assemblies compared to inner cone insulator assemblies.
On the other hand, there was a limited experience, and the insulator may be more
exposed to mechanical damage than the inner cone during transportation.
As a result, by 11 against 4 a majority of experts recommended the outer cone
design at the 72.5 kV level, specially referring to EN 50181 – F. Recommendation for the 123 kV and 145 kV Voltage Levels

The inner cone was considered as more adequate due to the proven experience, with
well-known materials, a minimized R&D work to make the new insulator, as
compared to the outer cone design.
It was recommended to add improvements as compared to the current practice
where possible.
The inner cone market acceptance is already established since it is implemented
in many substations at that voltage level.
Finally, experts unanimously recommended the inner cone design at the 123 kV
and 145 kV levels, designing a single new insulator, to avoid competition distortion,
where every accessory manufacturer can develop a cable termination.

11.6.3 Evaluation of Conductor Locking Connector

Due to large thermomechanical forces (refer to TB 669), the discussion has led to
give the possibility to lock the conductor connection inside the common interface.
This feature is already implemented by some manufacturers.

11.6.4 Conclusion on Interface Technology

For the 72.5 kV voltage level, the outer cone is chosen. It is according to the F cone
as per EN 50181 that is currently being standardized at the 72.5 kV level in EN
For the 123 kV and 145 kV voltage levels, the inner cone is chosen. It is a new
insulator where dimensions have to be specified, see Sect. 11.8.
The conductor connection design must allow to lock the conductor.

11.7 72.5 kV Insulator Design and Specification

The interface is specified in EN 50673 “Plug-in type bushings for 72.5 kV with
630 A and 1 250 A for electrical equipment,” which is derived from EN 50180 and
EN 50181. The selected interface type is “F5.”
544 P. Mirebeau

11.7.1 Design Geometrical Parameters Taken from EN 50673

The general parameters of the interface are shown Fig. 11.1 Additional Geometrical Requirements

An electrode insert (screen in Fig. 11.1) at ground potential is necessary to screen the
GIS bottom plate. The top of the insert must be at 92  2 mm from the top of
insulating resin.
Its minimum distance to the epoxy surface is 1 mm.
A minimum clearance of 25 mm is needed between the bottom of the cone and the
fixing elements of the interface to give enough insulating length to the screen
The interface from insulator assembly to GIS is so far not completely specified to
allow smaller dimensions of GIS compartment than the dimensions given in the
current IEC 62271-209 (Fig. 11.2).
A principle DXF file of the insulator with incorporated additional requirements is
included as a downloadable document in the online version of this chapter.

Table 11.7 72.5 kV common interface dimension (from EN 50673)


Interface type A mm
F5 1250 32

Fig. 11.1 72.5 kV common interface

11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 545

Fig. 11.2 Design of the 72.5 kV interface

Table 11.8 Dielectric requirements of 72.5 kV common interface

Property Requirement
Dielectric properties of insulator material None, these properties are validated by the
(permittivity, tanδ) electric type test of the whole assembly
Dielectric performance requirement of completed In accordance with IEC 62271-209
insulator (electrical withstand level, PD level) paragraph 7.2.4
Insulation shield break ring electric withstand In accordance with IEC 60840 Appendix
level (of the complete termination) H.4
Resistance to SF6 by-products, if applicable Depending on GIS design, to be defined by
the GIS manufacturer Dielectric Parameters

There is no specific requirement on the dielectric constant neither tan delta. The
validity of the chosen material properties and assembly is demonstrated during the
qualification process.
546 P. Mirebeau Mechanical Parameters

Table 11.9 Mechanical parameters of 72.5 kV common interface

Property Requirement
Contact surfaces material The current-carrying contact surfaces shall be
either bare copper or silver-coated or tin-coated
In the connection of separable connectors to
bushings, care shall be taken in the matching of
the materials of the cable conductors, the cable
lugs, and the bushings conductors. Where
dissimilar metals are joined, appropriate
precautions shall be taken to avoid
electrochemical corrosion
Shape of conductor connection To be proposed by the cable termination
manufacturer in compliance with the interface
area of the insulator
Vibrations of the connection must be
Connection to ground shielding electrode The ground shielding electrode inside the plug-
in type bushing shall be established with a
connection point to be grounded
Design outside pressure The design maximum SF6 outside pressure is
defined by IEC 62271-209 paragraph
6.1: 8.5 bar abs. and the type test level is
according to paragraph 6.104 of IEC 62271-
203 (pressure test on partitions)
Note: It is recommended to make the pressure
test at a higher design pressure (e.g., 11 bar
absolute) to be able to match alternate gases
requirements, provided other tests are fulfilled,
such as compatibility and interface to gas
dielectric strength tests
Resistance to cantilever force according to 5 kN, the test being performed in accordance
paragraph 6.104 of IEC 62271-209 with IEC 60137, paragraph 8.10
Mechanical properties of epoxy and hardness, Similar to partitions type test based on
elongation, tensile strength, modulus, materials for class A according to IEC 60085,
maximum permissible temperature, type of temperature 105  C and IEC 62271-1
test, and test level Chap. 7.5.6 Table 14
Smoothness of the epoxy/outer cone interface Ra ¼ 0.4 μm
Test at limit temperatures according to On six different insulators, ten thermal cycles
paragraph 6.106.2 of IEC 62271-203 (a) 4 h at 30  C
(insulator thermal performance) and resistance (b) 2 h at room temperature
to axial force on insulator test (c) 4 h at 105  C
(d) 2 h at room temperature
After the thermal cycles, each insulator shall be
subjected to an axial force of 2.5 kN 1 min,
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 547

Table 11.9 (continued)

Property Requirement
pulling and pushing on the metal electrode
connection at room temperature followed by:
A pressure test at twice the design pressure for
1 min
For the pressure test the insulator shall be
secured in exactly the same manner as in
The insulators shall not show any sign of
overstress or leakage, then they are submitted
the high voltage test with PD in accordance
with IEC 62271-209 paragraph 7.2.4
Tightness test according to paragraph 7.4 of 107 pa  m3/s at minimal functional
IEC 62271-209 pressure for insulation pme
Vacuum test Not relevant as a test, but in practical
application the insulator may be for a short time
exposed to a vacuum stress. This stress is
covered by the pressure type and routine tests
Sealing surface finish Rt  6.3

11.7.2 Type Tests and Routine Tests Type Tests

Type tests consist in the application of the relevant tests listed in paragraph 7.1. Routine Tests

Routine tests on insulator are in accordance with IEC 62271-209 clause 8.
They consist in:

• AC test 140 kV – 1 min

• PD measurements are recommended
• Pressure test with leakage detection at two times the design pressure, that is,
15 bars
• Visual inspection

11.7.3 Examples of Implementation

Examples are shown to illustrate the benefit of this interface (Figs. 11.3 and 11.4).
These examples show principles of assembly. They do not fulfill all the specifi-
cations of this brochure.
Each accessories manufacturer will develop his own termination.
548 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 11.3 Examples of implementation of the common 72.5 kV GIS interface: (a) in straight
arrangement in accordance with IEC 62271-209; (b) in elbow arrangement

11.8 123 kV and 145 kV Insulator Design and Specification

11.8.1 Design Geometrical Parameters

After discussing the possibility of a compact solution (more compact than required
by IEC 62271-209), and considering that most customers require the extension to fit
in IEC standard dimension, it was decided to comply to IEC dimensions without
evaluating a compact solution which most of the time will be globally more
expensive because of the need for an additional extension.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 549

Fig. 11.4 Example of arrangement of two elbow 72.5 kV connections in series

The recommended design is the inside of the inner cone, the outer shape of the
epoxy is drawn for information, and recommendations are given here under.
The selected interface is shown in Fig. 11.1. The dashed lines give an example of
possible outer shape design. A principle DXF file of the insulator is included as a
downloadable document in the online version of this chapter.
The angle of the conical dielectric part has been chosen to have one single
insulator for the complete cable range. If a sharper angle was chosen, the epoxy/
stress cone interface pressure would have been higher, but the acceptance of
different cable diameters lowered. If a wider angle was chosen, there would
have been a higher electrical field inside the enclosure and the increase of
epoxy/stress cone interface tangential stress would have restricted the design of
stress cones.
550 P. Mirebeau

The metal part has been designed so that all cable termination manufacturers can
implement the conductor connection inside the dedicated space. It includes (there is
room for) an interface to a sliding connection, a lock-in area, a second interface to a
sliding connection. Each manufacturer can use the allocated interface(s) (Fig. 11.5).
The length and shape of the electrode over the conductor connector has been
specified for field control purpose. Its cross section is enough to carry the full
specified nominal current of 1000 A and short circuit current of 40 kA 1 s.
Details about the selection of different parameters (dimensions, angles. . .) can be
found in appendix Information on the Selection of 145 kV Interface Selection. Recommendations for the Outer Shape of the Insulator

The outer shape of the insulator shall not present sharp angles. Insulator insulation
should be departing from the metal electrode with an alpha angle larger than 90
(to avoid being in the direction of electric field lines).
The thickness of insulator wall must be large enough to pass the pressure test and
avoid any break during plug in operation, for safety reason.
The outer surface should be smooth enough to avoid local electric field
The outer shape of the 123/145 kV insulator does not have any influence relating
to the cross qualification of the insulator with any cable/stress cone assembly. Dielectric Parameters

Table 11.10 Dielectric parameters

Property Requirement
Dielectric properties of insulator material None; these properties are validated by the
(permittivity, tanδ) electric type test of the whole assembly
Dielectric performance requirement of completed In accordance with IEC 62271-209
insulator (electrical withstand level, PD level) paragraph 7.2.4
Insulation shield break ring electric withstand In accordance with IEC 60840 Appendix
level (of the complete termination) H.4
Resistance to SF6 by-products, if applicable Depending on GIS design, to be defined by
the GIS manufacturer Mechanical Parameters

Table 11.11 Mechanical parameters

Property Requirement
Shape of conductor connection To be decided by the cable termination
manufacturer inside the silver coated dedicated
space. See Principles of Use of the Current
Connection Areas of the Common Interface
Vibrations of the connection must be
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 551

Table 11.11 (continued)

Property Requirement
Design outside pressure The design maximum SF6 outside pressure is
defined by IEC 62271-209 paragraph
6.1: 8.5 bar abs. and the type test level is
according to paragraph 6.104 of IEC 62271-
203 (pressure test on partitions)
Note: It is recommended to make the pressure
test at a higher design pressure (e.g., 11 bar
absolute) to be able to match alternate gases
requirements, provided other tests are fulfilled,
such as compatibility and interface to gas
dielectric strength tests
Resistance to cantilever force according to 5 kN, the test being performed in accordance
paragraph 6.104 of IEC 62271-209 with IEC 60137, paragraph 8.10
Mechanical properties of epoxy and hardness, Similar to partitions type test based on
elongation, tensile strength, modulus, materials for class A according to IEC 60085,
maximum permissible temperature, type of temperature 105  C and IEC 62271-1
test, and test level Chap. 7.5.6 Table 14
Test at limit temperatures according to On six different insulators, ten thermal cycles
paragraph 6.106.2 of IEC 62271-203 (a) 4 h at 30  C
(insulator thermal performance) and resistance (b) 2 h at room temperature
to axial force on insulator test (c) 4 h at 105  C
(d) 2 h at room temperature
After the thermal cycles, each insulator shall be
subjected to an axial force of 2.5 kN 1 min,
pulling and pushing on the metal electrode
connection at room temperature followed by:
a pressure test at twice the design pressure for
1 min.
For the pressure test, the insulator shall be
secured in exactly the same manner as in
The insulators shall not show any sign of
overstress or leakage, then they are submitted
the high voltage test with PD in accordance
with IEC 62271-209 paragraph 7.2.4
Smoothness of the epoxy/stress cone interface Ra ¼ 0.4 μm
Material of electrode and of connection The electrode shall be made of aluminum or
interfaces copper, and all current-carrying contact
surfaces shall be silver coated
Tightness test according to paragraph 7.4 of 107 pa  m3/s at minimal functional
IEC 62271-209 pressure for insulation pme
Vacuum test Not relevant as a test, but in practical
application the insulator may be for a short time
exposed to a vacuum stress. This stress is
covered by the pressure type and routine tests
Sealing surface finish of insulator flange Rt  6.3 μm
Insulator bottom surface finish Ra  6.3 μm
552 P. Mirebeau

Table 11.11 (continued)

Property Requirement
Tensile force of the inserts in the epoxy Fix a closing plate using bolts tighten at
specified torque (by epoxy manufacturer) in the
Apply the following thermal cycles:
acc. to IEC 60068-2-14, edition 6 (January
2009) – Test Nb, with 4 heating cycles,
TA ¼ 25  C, TB ¼ +100  C, t1 ¼ 1 h,
tcycle ¼ 12 h
Then perform a pressure test at 22.5 bars
applied inside the insulator, with the closing
plate being left free to be pushed out
The closing plate must not move back. No
visual degradation shall be observed

11.8.2 Type Tests and Routine Tests Type Tests

Type tests consist in the application of the relevant tests listed in paragraph 8.1. Routine Tests

Routine tests on insulator are in accordance with IEC 62271-209 clause 8.
They consist in:

• AC test 275 kV – 1 min

• PD measurements are recommended
• Pressure test with leakage detection at two times the design pressure, that is,
15 bars
• Visual inspection

11.8.3 Example of Implementation

Example is shown in Fig. 11.6 to illustrate the benefit of this interface.

This example shows principle of assembly. It does not fulfill all the specifications
of this brochure.
Each accessories manufacturer will develop their own termination.

11.9 Pressure Management

Excerpt from the CIGRE TB 605 (Chap. 7) that is quoted here as it is fully applicable
to the common interface insulators.

“During GIS manufacturing, installation and delivery:


*measures in orange comply with IEC62271-209.

Metallic inserts n.6 at 60°
M12 x 25mm (useful threaded length)
470±1,00 6061/t6 or 6082/t6 aluminium magnesium alloy

M12 n.12
Silver plating
55 min 204±0,2 150±1,0
thickness 10 μm min

50 max
Rt ≤ 6,3 μm

(40) 226±0 49±0,1

Rt ≤ 6,3 μm
M10 (n.4) ,1

R7 150±1,0
10 36±0,2 Ra 0,4 μm

65 17 5 35

Ra 0,8 μm


Ra 0,8 μm



Ø255 0,00




(250 max)
MIN Ø224
MAX Ø198
Ø 350 max

Ø300 (min)
Ø100 (min)

Ø110 (max)
Ra 0,8 μm

Ra 0,4 μm



Ø8 +0,05

Ø8 5-0,00
62 ,05
Ø +0

Cigré WG B1-B3.49 27

Status: 04.02.2019
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

Fig. 11.5 Design of the 145 kV interface

554 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 11.6 Example of inner cone solution

All insulators are pretested, tested in modules or complete in factory, and on site after
This requires adjusting the compartment pressures several times during the different
phases of the GIS delivery.
• The design pressure is 7.5 bars relative (reference to IEC 62271-209).
• During transportation, the pressure is decreased to 0.5 bar.
• During works, the pressure in adjacent compartments is decreased to 0.5 bar.
• The customer or an authorized third party can perform the pressure decrease and refill.
There may be legal regulation regarding authorized persons.
• Supervision performed by experienced people or GIS manufacturer is recommended.
• SF6 maintenance equipment is available at the customer premises.
• Decrease of pressure is specified in the operating/maintenance manual.

During the plug-in of the cable termination:

Uncontrolled forces or mistakes during the plug-in operation are more dangerous with
high gas pressure.
Similar to the work practice on the GIS compartments, the CIGRE WG recommends
decreasing the pressure of the cable box to 0.5 bars relative for the above safety reason
during the termination installation.
Note that during the manufacturing of insulator and termination stress cone, it is
common practice to first perform the pressure test of the insulator according to IEC
62271-203 and the maximum pressure of IEC 62271-209, then to perform the dielectric
test of the stress cone. During the installation of the stress cone, the pressure in the cable box
must be reduced to 0.5 bar.”
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 555

11.10 Risk Assessment

The limit of supply of GIS and cable termination manufacturer is specified in IEC
62271-209 for both inner and outer cone designs of cable interface to GIS. The
epoxy insulator assembly is in the scope of termination manufacturer per this
standard. A full design of epoxy insulator assembly is not provided. Only interface
dimensions between the GIS housing and termination are specified.
The task of CIGRE WG is to propose design of the common insulator assembly
for plug-in terminations to enable interchangeability between the insulator assembly
and cable stress cone assembly. Once standardized, the common insulator assembly
will not be in the scope of termination manufacturer supply and will become
responsibility of the GIS manufacturer, even if the insulator assembly is
manufactured by a third party.
This section discusses possible failure mechanisms of both designs of cable/GIS
interface (outer cone for 72.5 kV and inner cone for 145 kV). It provides estimate of
the risk that failure occurs in particular failing mechanism, lists possible root causes for
each failing mechanism, and provides assessment of difficulty to allocate responsibil-
ity for failure to either GIS or cable termination manufacturer for each root cause.
Five failing mechanisms are discussed (see Table 11.12):

– Failure due to dielectric breakdown of insulating material either of epoxy insu-

lator, stress cone, or cable
– Failure due to dielectric breakdown of interface between the epoxy insulator and
the stress cone
– Failure due to dielectric breakdown of interface between the cable and the stress
– Failure due to dielectric breakdown of SF6 gas along epoxy insulator
– Failure due to thermal runaway of connection

The level of the risk of failure for each failing mechanism is estimated and
categorized. Levels of risk of failure are:

– Low. It is very unlikely that the failure will occur due to this failing mechanism.
– Moderate. It is unlikely for failure to occur.
– High. Failure may occur.

The difficulties in allocation of responsibility to either GIS or termination man-

ufacturer are categorized as:

– Easy to allocate when there is no doubt what caused the failure (white symbol is
used ).
– Somewhat questionable when there is high level of certainty in what caused the
failure (black and white symbol is used ).
– Very difficult to allocate when there is high level of uncertainty what caused the
failure (black symbol is used ).

Table 11.12 Risk assessment evaluation

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone

Failing mechanism #1: Dielectric breakdown initiated within insulating material

Risk: LOW since factory routine tests of each component are designed to discover imperfections in dielectric
Inner Cone: Due to extend of
damage it may be difficult to
prove that insulator dielectric
Outer Cone: If failure is within Manufacturer of GIS (epoxy Routine tests on epoxy
Epoxy Insulator (voids, impurities) , , switchgear section insulator is
faulty. insulator) insulator and GIS
If insulator fails within stress cone
section there may be sufficient
evidence to allocate responsibility
to the insulator with high certainty

Inner Cone: Due to extend of

damage it would be difficult to
prove that insulator did not cause
Stress cone (voids, impurities, failure Manufacturer of cable Routine tests on the stress
electrode imperfections) Outer Cone: There may be accessory cone
sufficient evidence to allocate
cause of failure to stress cone with
high certainty
P. Mirebeau

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone

No doubt that cable failed if failure

is outside the stress cone.
If failure is within stress cone
Cable (voids, impurities, protrusions Inner Cone: it would be difficult
to exclude insulator as cause of Manufacturer of HV cable Routine tests on the cable
in extruded semi-con screens) failure
Outer Cone: There may be
sufficient evidence to allocate
cause of failure to cable with high

Insulator manufacturer Certified, skilled

Crack in the insulator or It may be difficult to pinpoint the (improper packaging), third installation crew.
cause of failure since the evidence party (careless handling in Installation manual and
insulator surface chipped may be destroyed during failure transport) or installation
crew check-sheet are clear

It may be difficult to pinpoint the Termination manufacturer Certified, skilled

Cut in the stress cone outer installation crew.
cause of failure since the evidence (improper packaging), or Installation manual and
surface may be destroyed during failure installation crew check-sheet are clear
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

Table 11.12 (continued)

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Failing mechanism#2: Dielectric breakdown of interface between the epoxy insulator and the stress cone
Risk: LOW - Installation is done by trained and skilled jointers
Springs are used only in the inner
Insufficient stress cone/insulator cone design. Certified, skilled fitters.
It may be possible to prove that Accessory installation Installation manual and
interface pressure due to improper N.A. the failure was caused by
setting of spring tension insufficient spring tension and to check-sheet are clear
exclude insulator
Easy to check quality of spring
Insufficient stress cone/insulator material. Accessory supplier if the Incoming inspection check
It may be possible to prove that springs of inferior quality (material properties) and
interface pressures due to N.A. the failure was caused by the certification received
reduction of spring tension in service insufficient spring tension and to are used from spring manufacturer
exclude insulator
Accessory supplier if the
Insufficient stress cone/insulator wrong stress cone size is In-house quality
interface pressures due to There may be sufficient evidence provided. procedure.
to pin-point failure to improper Accessory installation if the skilled fitters.
incorrect stress cone dimension or N.A. stress cone size or cable insulation outer diameter of prepared Certified,
smaller then specified cable insulation diameter and exclude insulator Installation manual and
cable is not checked at the check-sheet are clear
outer diameter site
Applies only to the outer cone Accessory supplier if the In-house quality
Insufficient stress cone/insulator wrong size stress cone is
interface pressures due to design. provided. procedure.
N.A. There may be sufficient evidence Accessory installation if Certified, skilled fitters.
improper stress cone stretch, e.g. to pin-point failure to insufficient manual and
incorrect stress cone dimension stretch of the stress cone dimensions are not checked Installation
check-sheet are clear
at the site
Insufficient stress cone/insulator In-house quality check of
interface pressures due to wrong Easy to check GIS (insulator) the certification received
insulator dimensions from spring manufacturer
P. Mirebeau

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone

Easy to allocate responsibility. Accessory supplier if the In-house quality

Chemical analysis may be wrong lubricant is provided. procedure.
Wrong lubricant used performed to check composition of Installation crew if other Certified, skilled fitters.
lubricant lubricant is used Installation manual and
check-sheet are clear
Lubricant not applied per It may be possible to exclude Installation (almost Certified, skilled fitters.
instructions insulator as cause of failure impossible to detect) Installation manual and
check-sheet are clear
Certified, skilled fitters;
Contamination of the stress cone Evidence of the failure due to proper installation
insulator interface during contamination will be destroyed by Installation (almost conditions.
installation. the breakdown impossible to detect) Installation manual and
check-sheet are clear (TB
Misalignment of cable and Geometrical distortion should be Cable system engineering Initial alignment by
insulator easy to demonstrate or installation certified skilled fitters and
proper cable laying
Movement of cable may cause
failure. Certified, skilled
Cable not properly secured Evidence of cable not being Cable system engineering installation crew.
supported per requirements or/and installation crew Installation manual and
specified by the termination check-sheet are clear
manufacturer is evident
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

Table 11.12 (continued)

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Failing mechanism#3: Dielectric breakdown of interface between the cable and the stress cone
Risk: LOW - Installation is done by trained and skilled jointers
Springs are used only in the inner
Insufficient cable/stress cone cone design. Certified, skilled fitters.
interface pressure due to improper It may be possible to prove that Accessory installation Installation manual and
N.A. the failure was caused by
setting of spring tension insufficient spring tension and to check-sheet are clear
exclude insulator
Easy to check quality of spring
Insufficient cable/stress cone material. Accessory supplier if the In-house quality check of
interface pressures due to It may be possible to prove that springs of inferior quality the certification received
N.A. the failure was caused by
reduction of spring tension in service insufficient spring tension and to are used from spring manufacturer
exclude insulator
Inner-cone: There may be
Insufficient cable/stress cone sufficient evidence to pin-point Accessory supplier if the In-house quality
interface pressures due to failure to improper stress cone wrong stress cone size is procedure.
incorrect stress cone size or smaller size or cable insulation diameter provided. skilled fitters.
then specified cable insulation and exclude insulator Accessory installation if the Certified,
Installation manual and
outer diameter Outer-cone: It would be possible OD of prepared cable is not check-sheet are clear
to exclude insulator since the checked at the site
failure is on cable section
Easy to allocate responsibility. Accessory supplier if the In-house quality
Chemical analysis may be wrong lubricant is provided. procedure.
Certified, skilled fitters.
Wrong lubricant used performed to check composition of Installation crew if other
lubricant lubricant is used Installation manual and
check-sheet are clear
P. Mirebeau

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Inner-cone: There may be
sufficient evidence to exclude Certified, skilled fitters.
Lubricant not applied per insulator Installation (almost Installation manual and
instructions Outer-cone: It would be possible impossible to prove) check-sheet are clear
to exclude insulator since the
failure is on cable section
Evidence of contamination failure
will be destroyed by the
breakdown Certified, skilled fitters;
Contamination of the stress cone Inner-cone: There may be Installation (almost Installation manual and
insulator interface during sufficient evidence to exclude impossible to prove) check-sheet are clear.
installation. insulator
Outer-cone: It would be possible
to exclude insulator since the
failure is on cable section
Inner Cone: It may be possible
Poor workmanship in cable to prove that insulator did not Certified, skilled fitters.
preparation cause failure Installation crew Installation manual and
Outer Cone: It is obvious that check-sheet are clear
insulator did not cause failure
Improper engagement of the Geometrical distortion is easy to Cable system engineering Check point in the
cable in the insulator verify or installation installation instructions
Initial alignment by
Misalignment of cable and Geometrical distortion should be Cable system engineering certified skilled fitters and
insulator easy to demonstrate or installation proper cable laying.
Check point in the
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

installation instructions

Table 11.12 (continued)

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Movement of cable may cause
failure. Certified, skilled
Cable not properly clamped Evidence of cable not being Cable system engineering installation crew.
supported per requirements or/and installation crew Installation manual and
specified by the termination check-sheet are clear
manufacturer is evident

Failing mechanism#4: Dielectric breakdown of SF6 gas along epoxy insulator

Risk: Low due to GIS routine factory and field tests (e.g. AC withstand and PD), even lower when insulator installed into GIS at the factory
Pressure monitoring system will If failure still occurs due to GIS maintenance manual
Reduced SF6 gas pressure show if the pressure in the pressure responsibility to be followed by trained
termination gas compartment was low is on maintenance crew maintenance crew
reduced prior to failure
Chemical analysis of the SF6 gas If failure still occurs due to GIS maintenance manual
Presence of moisture in SF6 gas breakdown byproducts will show if presence of moisture in SF6 to be followed by trained
there was moisture in the gas gas responsibility is on maintenance crew
maintenance crew
It would be difficult to exclude Certified, skilled
Contamination deposit at the insulator as cause of failure. installation crew.
insulator surface Allocation of failure is more Crew that installed GIS Installation manual and
difficult when failure energy is check-sheet are clear
Interface plate not chamfered or It is obvious that the interface GIS manufacturer In-house quality
rounded per IEC Standard plate does not meet IEC Standard procedure
P. Mirebeau

Assesment of

Comment on responsibility
Root cause of failure Responsible Mitigation

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Failing mechanism #5: Thermal runaway
Risk: LOW - Installation is done by trained and skilled jointers
Cable connector not properly Certified, skilled
installed (e.g. insufficient crimp Evidence of improper connector Installation crew installation crew.
or not tightened bolts) installation may exist Installation manual and
check-sheet are clear
Evidence of improper connector Certified, skilled
Connection interface failed installation or improper connection Installation crew installation crew.
surface preparation may exist Installation manual and
check-sheet are clear
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .
564 P. Mirebeau

The table 11.12 is based on assumption that epoxy insulator is provided and
installed into GIS housing by the GIS manufacturer.
Risk assessment of failure is based on following assumptions:

– The geometrical design parameters, dielectric parameters, and mechanical

parameters of the insulator assembly are according to Sects. 11.5 and 11.6, and
the qualification (initial qualification and/or cross qualification) is according to
Sect. 11.10. Type tests on the insulator assembly have been performed per IEC
– Routine tests on the insulator assembly have been performed per IEC 62271-209,
this TB and additional routine test procedure of the manufacturer (responsibility
of the manufacturer of insulator assembly).

The routine tests of the stress cone have been performed per IEC 60840 and
additional routine test procedure of the manufacturer (responsibility of cable acces-
sory manufacturer).
It is to be noted that after-installation tests including Partial Discharge
(PD) measurements can show up defects before the operation phase. PD monitoring
during operation may allow to pinpoint some defect types before breakdown.

11.11 Common Insulator Design Credibility

This section describes the technical parameters, tests, and/or the field experience that
give the supporting arguments that proposed insulator designs will work and provide
a lifetime in agreement with the cable systems design.

11.11.1 72.5 kV Insulator

The proposed insulator design concept is based on a long and positive experience at
the medium voltage level up to 52 kV.
It has been already submitted to tests and actual installations at the 72.5 kV level.
It is being standardized. Service Experience with “Outer Cone” Connections, All Types

The Table 11.13 below is referring to the knowledge of the WG experts. The total
installed number of terminations is likely higher.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 565

Table 11.13 Outer cone service experience

Years in service of
Voltage class Cable section Qty parts in service oldest
MV (12–36 kV) Up to 630 mm2, Al or 100,000,000, 50
Cu worldwide
MV (24 kV) 630 mm2 Al 20,000 40
MV (24–36 kV) 400–630 mm2 Al or Cu 23,000 7
MV (24–36 kV) 800–1000 mm2 Al or 1000 4
HV (170 kV) 1000–2000 mm2 Al or 400 12
HV (72.5 kV) 240–1600 mm2 Al or 1000 15
HV (123– 240–2500 mm2 Al or 3500 15
170 kV) Cu Service Experience with F Type Cone (as Defined in EN 50673)

Table 11.14 F type cone service experience

Voltage class Cable section Qty parts in service Years in service of oldest
36–52 kV 630–1000 mm2 150 10
72.5 kV 95–240 mm2 150 1 Type Testing According to IEC 60840 of Cable Systems

with F-Cone Type Connectors
Four manufacturers have reported 72.5 kV type tests of cable system with F-cone
type termination (Table 11.15).

Table 11.15 72.5 kV type tests experience

Test specification Cable type Heating current
IEC 60840 95 mm2 Cu flex EPR 400 A
IEC 60840 630 mm2 Cu XLPE 1600 A
IEC 60840 1000 mm2 Al XLPE 1600 A
IEC 60840 400 mm2 Cu XLPE 1000 A
200 daily load cycles 1000 mm2 Al XLPE 1600 A
566 P. Mirebeau Examples of Installation

Fig. 11.7 Example of 72.5 kV installed links using the common insulator during tests (three
different GIS) Electric Stress

Electric stress is low. Under Uo, electric field module is less than 3 kV/mm at the
interface and in the epoxy, tangential field is less than 2 kV/mm. The stress in the
insulator does not depend on the stress in the cable. Each manufacturer should
perform electric field evaluations during development of the insulator assembly
(Fig. 11.8). Conclusion
The credibility shows that there is a limited field experience for the selected
interface; however, it has been type tested for a set of heating current and cross
sections that give confidence to this design. It is to be noted that the stress in the
insulator is independent from the stress and dimension of the cable.

11.11.2 145 kV Insulator

The common insulator is new, but proposed by the experts of the WG, based on
proven design parameters, with long and positive field experience. These designs
have been type tested and are in service for over 30 years. Dielectric Parameters

The dielectric credibility is based on the analysis of the dielectric stress.
All permittivity parameters of different epoxy resins have been considered from
εr ¼ 4–6 at ambient temperature.
Figure 11.9 shows an example of the electric field magnitude in the stress cone,
the insulator, and the cable termination enclosure; this depends on the complete
stress cone and insulator design. Each manufacturer should perform electric field
evaluations during development of the insulator assembly (Figs. 11.9 and 11.10).
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 567

Fig. 11.8 Example of electrical field calculation on 72.5 kV outer cone termination

The material hypothesis is the following:

• εr ¼ 5 for epoxy resin

• εr ¼ 2.8 for the stress cone rubber insulation
• εr ¼ 2.3 for the cable XLPE insulation
• The cable is the smallest 1600 mm2 of our cable catalogue, which gives the
maximum stress at the stress cone/cable insulation interface

The hereunder electric fields are calculated for a reference impulse voltage of
650 kV (or U0 ¼ 76 kV).

Along the surface of conductive electrode, inside epoxy-resin insulator the calcula-
tion shows acceptable values up to: Emax. ¼23.5 kV/mm (2.75 kV/mm).
568 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 11.9 Example of electrical field calculation on 145 kV inner cone termination

Along the surface of conductive deflector inside rubber insulation part, the calcula-
tion shows acceptable values up to: Emax. ¼38.5 kV/mm (4.50 kV/mm).
The tangential field plot along interface between rubber and epoxy-resin insulator
starting from HV side has a maximum at 9 kV/mm (1.05 kV/mm).
Along the insulator interface surface to gas starting from HV side, the calculation
shows acceptable values up to: Emax. ¼13.7 kV/mm (1.60 kV/mm).
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 569


1.5e+007 3e+007 2

6e+006 1e+007 4
4e+006 3 5e+006

Fig. 11.10 Stresses as per Fig. 11.9 (example as illustration): (1) along the surface of conductive
electrode; (2) along the surface of conductive deflector inside rubber insulation part; (3) along
interface between rubber and epoxy-resin insulator; (4) along the insulator interface surface Connection
The principle design and material of the current carrying path have been used in the
field for more than 30 years for dry and for fluid filled GIS cable terminations. Conclusion
The dielectric design of the 123–145 kV interface is safe and achievable. There is
design margin available when compared to the various manufacturers’ designs. A
more compact insulator could be specified or the application range extended after
there will be a market harmonization and field experience of the proposed current
connection solutions.

11.12 Qualification Process

The cases of cable and accessory qualification are specified in IEC 60840. The
related extensions of qualification are recommended in CIGRE TB 303 (▶ Chap. 4,
“Qualification Procedures for HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable
Systems” of the book).
IEC 60840 requires to qualify each cable together with its accessories and the
validity of type test result is limited to the tested design provided from a single
source of supply. Up to now it is not foreseen in high voltage applications to “mix
and match” components. According to this Technical Brochure, preinstalled
570 P. Mirebeau

Table 11.16 Qualification and cross qualification process


cable/stress cable/stress
insulator assembly cone assembly insulator assembly cone assembly
never qualified never qualified qualified qualified

Type test according to IEC 60840 with the following amendment:

Initial qualification 20 heating cycles with 2 hours between 95°C and 100°C , leaving the
heating and cooling time free.
Prequalification test according to IEC 60840 when applicable.
Tests of sectionalising insulation according to IEC 60840.

The range of approval of IEC 60840 chapter 12.2 subclause g remains


Cross qualification in case

of available initial Sample Test according to IEC 60840 chapter 11.2 i.e.
qualification for both a) partial discharge test
insulator assembly and b) voltage test
cable/stress cone
assembly Lightning impulse test: at ambient temperature

Tests of sectionalising insulation according to IEC 60840

Cross qualification without Type test according to IEC 60840 with the following amendment:
initial qualification of 20 heating cycles with 2 hours between 95°C and 100°C , leaving the
either insulator assembly heating and cooling time free.
or cable/stress cone Prequalification test according to IEC 60840 when applicable.
assembly Tests of sectionalising insulation according to IEC 60840.

No range extension limitation on cable stresses when the cable/stress

or cone assembly has been qualified with a cable of higher stress.
These cross qualification tests are in accordance with TB 303 chapter, table 2.4 "Change of insulator material for indoor or outdoor

insulators assemblies from different manufacturers should work together with cable/
stress cone assemblies coming from different suppliers. Rules are necessary to deal
with combinations of materials which might have been qualified separately before.
The table 11.16 focuses on the qualification and cross qualification of insulator
assembly and cable/stress cone assembly as defined in Sect. 11.3.1 representing the
complete termination. Three different cases were identified and evaluated (see detail
of experts views in Appendix E).
Table 11.16 applies to insulators that already comply with the requirements of
previous sections, regarding geometrical, dielectric, and mechanical parameters.
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 571

11.13 Conclusion

In accordance with the terms of reference of CIGRE B1.B3-49 common interfaces

were designed for

• Um ¼ 72.5 kV
• Um ¼ 123 kV and 145 kV
• Current 1000 A

These designs meet the requirement of IEC 62271-209 and IEC 60840.

• For 72.5 kV, the outer cone design is based on the on-going standard EN 50673.
• For the 145 kV, the proposed inner cone design is new, with larger design margins
in reference to existing designs.

The 72.5 kV design allows for an optimization of the switchgear dimensions. To

meet the IEC 62271-209 dimensions, adaptor elements may be needed.
Consideration was given to the manufacturers’ field and qualification experience,
electrical field calculations, known material properties.
The requirements as well as a .dxf file are included in the downloadable docu-
ment, which can be used with any standard drawing software files to include in the
If these proposed interfaces are accepted by the market, experience with inter-
changeability of components will be collected as soon as more suppliers will provide
solutions. Accordingly they might then be used for standardization.

General Evaluation of Inner and Outer Cone Technologies

Table 11.17 is a collection of the evaluation made by each expert. These evaluations
were taking into consideration the 2 solutions (inner or outer cones) and the 2 voltage
class ranges (72.5–100 kV and 123–145 kV).
Each expert evaluation is identified by a single color.

Reference of Available Tests for Common Interface Evaluation

Table 11.18 and 11.19 following tests lists are determined considering different types
of characteristics to control. These lists are for information.
These characteristics are grouped according to the following classification table.
Some of these tests were excluded as they were considered not relevant.

Table 11.17 Pros and cons evaluation of each technology

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Dimensions of insulator and Length inside GIS tank is more than for + Length inside GIS tank could be much ++
connection Outer, but still shorter than traditional*. smaller with outer cone design than with
Shortening of tank is possible yet not inner cone but dimensions fixed by IEC
practiced for now standard usually doesn’t allow this
*"traditional" refers to fluid filled termination possible length reduction.
Diameter is adapted to tank diameter 0 Allows smaller diameters of insulator +
and of the GIS since the cable nor the
deflector need to penetrate
Length of connector outside of tank + Needs more space below the tank once -
Allows compact T-connector system ++

Dimensions/size of insulator Larger above the base plate, smaller 0 0 Can be shorter above the base plate, 0 0
above but longer below the base plate
P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Dimensions/size of insulator Smaller size of top connector, less metal + ++ Heavier entire design assumed (caused 0 -
with same installation length (given by by heavier metal electrode though entire
IEC 62271-209) insulator)

Dimensions/size of insulator Inside of the compartment 0 0 + +

Outside of the compartment + + 0 0

Dimensions/size of insulator More defined insulator interface due to + + 0 0

higher mechanical pressure (springs)

Dimensions/size of insulator Insulator is larger than outer cone - - Insulator is smaller than inner cone 0 0
model due to insert inner cone inside model due to almost same diameter
insulator with outer cone if there is no necessary
to set up metal covering
Mismatch risk insulator Outer diameter of stress-cone is more - Can accommodate a larger range of +
assembly/cable - stress depending on the cable diameter and cable diameters per size without
cone assembly influences the installation difficulty and influence on the position
position of the connection
Need for a large number of sizes
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

Position of deflector inside the insulator - Positioning of connector is verifiable +

is variable and difficult to verify (is externally and independent of the cable
defined rather by pressure of the spring

Table 11.17 (continued)

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Pressure applied on the system + Higher risk of inhomogeneous pressure -
automatically center the cable and distribution at stress-cone interfaces
stress-cone. with de-centered cable.
Mismatch risk Inner shape of cone and outer shape - - Less dependency on the cone shape and + +
insulator/stress cone stress cone need to be dimensioned angle
assembly very carefully

Mismatch risk Dependency between cable preparation 0 - Interface epoxy/rubber mould is + +

cable dimensions (shape and diameter) and outer shape independent from cable preparation
of the stress cone, possibly affecting the
interface between epoxy and rubber.
Mismatch risk 0 0 0 0
insulator/stress cone
Mismatch risk 0 0 0 0
cable dimensions
Mismatch risk 0 0 + +
insulator/stress cone
Mismatch risk 0 0 0 0
cable dimensions
P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Mismatch risk More defined insulator interface due to + + 0 0
insulator/stress cone higher mechanical pressure (springs)

Mismatch risk 0 0 0 0
cable dimensions

Mismatch risk Depended on maker’s design, but 0 0 Depended on maker’s design, but 0 0
insulator/stress cone applicable range is limited due to more applicable range is comparably wider
assembly risky change of interface pressure in due to generate interface pressure by
case rubber deformation by different rubber deformation
diameter between rubber and cable
Mismatch risk Depended on maker’s design 0 0 Depended on maker’s design 0 0
cable dimensions
Easier installation No difference to install insulator 0 0

Needs more space to move the cable - +

during assembly of the connector
If T- connector no need for large cable ++
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .


Table 11.17 (continued)

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Ease of installation Plug: cable, stress cone and connector 0 0 Plug: cable with connector + +

Ease of installation concentric positioning during plug-in + + concentric positioning during plug-in - -
process can be controlled process cannot be controlled during
entire process

Ease of installation Cable side + + 0 0

Plugging to insulator + + 0 0

Ease of installation Easier for transportation und handling + + 0 0

Ease of installation Much time to set up spring device, Must 0 0 Easy handling cable without overlap to + +
insert cable and inner cone and be cable insulator
off-set process

Consequence of failure Failure in interface insulator-stress-cone - Does not affect GIS side +
-> risk of bursting of insulator
Failure in interface cable-stress-cone → - Does not affect GIS side +
risk of bursting of insulator
Failure of cable under stress-cone → - Does not affect GIS side +
less risk of bursting of insulator
P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Insulator can burst due to overpressure - Mechanically more robust ++
from mechanical or thermal effects
Low probability of electrical failure of + Electrical failure of bushing insulation -
Direct impact on the GIS casing in case - No impact on the GIS casing in case of +
of stress-cone failure stress-cone failure
Lower electrical stress in epoxy insulator + Higher electrical stress in epoxy -
Consequence of failure Unlikely, low stresses 0 + 0 -
In the epoxy

Consequence of failure Failure in interface will affect the barrier - - Failure in cable/mould part outside GIS + +
In the stress cone and between GIS and cable
interface stress cone/epoxy

Consequence of failure Failure in cable part can affect the GIS - - Cable in cable will not affect the GIS ++ ++
In the cable related part

Consequence of failure no difference in the consequence 0 0 0 0

Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

In the epoxy

Table 11.17 (continued)

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Consequence of failure same effect for both designs 0 0 0 0
In the stress cone and
interface stress cone/epoxy
Consequence of failure same effect for both designs 0 0 0 0
In the cable related part

Consequence of failure 0 0 0 0
In the epoxy
Consequence of failure 0 0 0 0
In the stress cone and
interface stress cone/epoxy

Consequence of failure 0 0 0 0
In the cable related part

Consequence of failure in 0 0 0 0
the epoxy
Consequence of failure in 0 0 Potential pressure release in case of + +
the stress cone and failure (no vessel damage)
interface stress cone/epoxy
P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Consequence of failure in 0 0 0 0
the cable related part

Consequence of failure in Higher electric field in epoxy but much 0 0 Lower electric field in epoxy but less 0 0
the epoxy experience experience
Must open GIS enclosure Must open GIS enclosure

Consequence of failure in Higher interface field but much 0 0 Higher field in rubber electrode 0 0
the stress cone and experience embedded in cone
interface stress cone/epoxy

Consequence of failure in Much damage of epoxy insulator with 0 0 Estimated less damage of epoxy 0 0
the cable related part high inner pressure by breakdown but insulator but less mechanical experience
much experience for cable transient reaction during short
circuit phenomenon etc.
Separation of In case of failure most likely all - - Interface epoxy/rubber stress cone and + +
responsibilities/liabilities in components (epoxy/stress cone/cable) interface rubber/cable responsibility of
case of failure will be affected termination/cable supplier

Separation of 0 0 ‘can’ be easier 0 0

responsibilities/liabilities in
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

case of failure

Table 11.17 (continued)

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Separation of 0 0 0 0
responsibilities/liabilities in
case of failure

Separation of 0 0 0 0
responsibilities/liabilities in
case of failure

Separation of Simple interface between gas and 0 0 Simple interface between gas and 0 0
responsibilities/liabilities in insulator, longer interface of epoxy insulator, shorter interface of epoxy
case of failure insulator insulator

Upgrading facility Would be easier with T-connector: e.g. ++

adding another cable in parallel, test
connector, surge arrestor
Uprating possibility Easier to upgrade/uprate the current + + Cast in rod limits the current capacity - -
(e.g. change of cable) carrying capacities, more space for the
multi-contact system

Uprating possibility no difference with common interface 0 0 0 0

(e.g. change of cable)
P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Uprating possibility + + + 0
(e.g. change of cable)

Uprating possibility 0 0 Higher flexibility + +

(e.g. change of cable)
Uprating possibility Limited range for cable insulator 0 0 Wider range + +
(e.g. change of cable) Can change cable with exchange of full Can change cable without exchange of
components epoxy insulator
It must be depended on maker design It must be depended on maker design
Quality assurance Routine testing is possible 0 idem 0

Quality assurance Components can be factory tested 0 0 Components can be factory tested 0 0

Quality assurance Testing of epoxy and rubber stress cone - - Interface epoxy/rubber mould can be + +
Installation separately pre-assembled and pretested

Quality assurance no difference 0 0 0 0

Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .


Table 11.17 (continued)

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Quality assurance plug-in process can be controlled + + 0 0
Installation visually (better as outer cone designs)

Quality assurance ++ ++ + +

Quality assurance + + + +

Quality assurance 0 0 0 0
Quality assurance 0 0 Better visibility of insulator surface (can + +
Installation be easier cleaned)
Quality assurance Complete establishment for quality + + Not establish electrical routine test - -
Components assurance in factory Must need additional equipment

Quality assurance Much experience Less experience for HV/EHV class

P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Experience/commonly used Most systems are inner-cone concept in ++ Outer cone has limited application in HV --
HV to date
Experience/commonly used 90% (for HV) + ++ 10% (for HV) + --
For MV the opposite For MV much experience

Experience/commonly used ++ ++ - -

Experience/commonly used ++ ++ 0 --

Experience/commonly used + +
Experience/commonly used

Economic considerations Insulator and stress-cone probably less + -

expensive than outer cone
Hardware (springs etc) more expensive - +
than outer cone
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .

Table 11.17 (continued)

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
- Possibility to reduce GIS casing +
dimensions and reduce SF6 volume

Economic considerations Metal springs needed 0 0 More expensive rubber mould, no 0 0

springs needed

Economic considerations 0 0 more material, heavier metal electrode - -

Economic considerations 0 0 0 -

Economic considerations 0 0 0 0
Economic considerations

Handling (including testing) Testing of GIS with insulator installed is + -

probably simpler than with outer cone
P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
After laying test is not possible unless - If T-connector, after laying test is +
via another entrance into the GIS possible

Cable jacket testing is possible + idem +

Testing of insulator in GIS Testing possible with adapter or closing 0 0 Testing with test adapter 0 0
plate and SF6

Testing of insulator in GIS considering a field control element, no + + 0 0

advantages which will be installed
during testing (not very easy handling
for both designs);
considering a gas filled volume with
cover plate → inner cone design has
easier handling
Testing of insulator in GIS + + 0 -

Testing of insulator in GIS No housing needed for HV test (only + + 0 0

Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .


Table 11.17 (continued)

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Testing of insulator in GIS Test with gas instead of inner cone + + In case pre-set of insulator, cable and - -
outer cone shall be prepared

Substation basement Inner cone needs more space during - Outer cone needs more space under GIS +
dimensions, plug-in (pull installation casing after installation
back) space needed
Substation basement Shorter endbell, but longer plug 0 - Longer end bell, mould exceeding the + +
dimensions, plug-in (pull base-plate, but shorter plug requiring
back) space needed less space to pull back

Substation basement 0 0 entire installation length of sealing end -- --

dimensions, plug-in (pull incl. outer parts are longer before cable
back) space needed bending can be applied considering few
space in current basement designs
Substation basement 0 0 + 0
dimensions, plug-in (pull
back) space needed

Substation basement Less space required + + 0 0

dimensions, plug-in (pull
back) space needed
P. Mirebeau

Inner Outer
Cone Cone
Model Model

Aspects Remarks Rating Remarks Rating

--, -, 0, +, ++ --, -, 0, +, ++
72.5 kV 123 kV 72.5 kV 123 kV
to to to to
100 kV 145 kV 100 kV 145 kV
Substation basement Larger dimension due to insulator with 0 0 Smaller dimension due to insulator with + +
dimensions, plug-in (pull large diameter small diameter
back) space needed

Sheath break application Many experience, reliable design ++ ++ Developing aspect (positioning, 0 0
insulating, evaluation, qualification) due
to few experience

Placement of SVL Many experience, reliable design ++ ++ No experience?? 0 0

Where to set?

Metal covering Many experience, reliable design ++ ++ No metal covering for MV class But need 0 0
(Protection) metal covering to protect water
Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . .
588 P. Mirebeau

Table 11.18 Evaluation classification

1 Mechanical properties of epoxy

2 Smoothness of the epoxy/stress cone interface
3 Quality of main circuit end terminal interface
4 Type test of female plug-in connector interface (not relevant)
5 The lubricant should be compatible with the epoxy (not relevant)
6 Resistance to decomposition products (GIS design related)
7 Resistance to cable/stress cone assembly pressure
8 Resistance to operation pressure
9 Thermal dissipation property
10 Dielectric losses
11 Acceptance testing of Female plug in connector
12 Additional
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 589

Routine Tests

Table 11.19 Routine tests

Existing test protocols, methodes or

Description Classification
Visual Inspection EN 50089 (§ 7.2.1)
Radiography and /or ultra-sonic
EN 50089 (§ 7.2.2)
Non-destructive examination
Pressure Test EN 50089 (§ 7.2.3) 8
Records EN 50089 (§ 7.2.4)
Production consistency pressure
EN 50089 (§ 7.2.5)
Pressure Test IEC 62271-203 (§ 7.104) 8
Partial discharge test IEC 60840 (§ 9.2) 12
AC Voltage Test IEC 60840 (§ 9.3) 12
AC Voltage Test IEC 62271-203 (§ 7.1.101)
PD Measurement IEC 62271-203 (§ 7.1.102)
IEC 62271-203 (§ 7.4)
Tightness test 8
IEC 62271-1 (§ 7.4)
Vacuum test TERNA standard UX LK 208 Rev. 01 (§ 7.15) 8
Tightness test TERNA standard UX LK 208 Rev. 01 (§ 7.16) 8
Tightness test at the flange or
IEC 60137 (§ 9.9) 8
other fixing device
Measurement of dielectric
dissipation factor (tan δ) and
IEC 60137 (§ 9.1) 10
capacitance at ambient
Dry power-frequency voltage
IEC 60137 (§ 9.3) 12
withstand test
Measurement of partial discharge
IEC 60137 (§ 9.4) 12
Tests of tap insulation IEC 60137 (§ 9.5) 12
Visual inspection and dimensional
IEC 60137 (§ 9.10) 12
Design and visual checks IEC 62271-209 (Figure 5) 12
590 P. Mirebeau

Type Tests

Table 11.20 Type tests

Existing test protocols, methodes or

Description Classification
Overpressure withstand test IEC 62271-203 (§ 6.106.3) 8
Measurement of the resistance of IEC 62271-203 (§ 6.4.1)
the main circuit IEC 62271-1 (§ 6.4.1)
IEC 62271-203 (§ 6.8)
Tightness tests 8
resp. IEC 62271-1 (§ 6.8)
Pressure test on partitions IEC 62271-203 (§ 6.104) 8
Burst test
a pressure test at 3 x design EN 50089 (§ 7.1) 8
pressure for 1 minute proposed
External pressure test on partly or
IEC 60137 (§ 8.12) 8
completely gas-immersed bushings
Thermal stability test IEC 60137 (§ 8.5) 9
Temperature rise test IEC 60137 (§ 8.7) 9
Dry lightning impulse voltage
IEC 60137 (§ 8.3) 12
withstand test (BIL)
Verification of thermal short-time
IEC 60137 (§ 8.8) 12
current withstand
Cantilever load withstand test IEC 60137 (§ 8.9) 1
Verification of dimensions IEC 60137 (§ 8.13) 12
Thermal performance (Test at limit
IEC 62271-203 (§ 6.106.2) 9
Cantilever test Based on requirement of IEC62271-209 (§ 6.2) 1
Type tests on cable systems IEC 60840 (§ 12) 12
Type tests on accessories IEC 60840 (§ 15) 12

Sample Tests

Table 11.21 Sample tests

Existing test protocols, methods, or
Description standards Classification
Mechanical properties: EN 50089 (§ 6.4) 1
Heat distortion temperatures (ISO ISO R75
R75) ISO 527
Tensile strength (ISO 527) ASTM D256
Impact strength (ASTM D256)
Sample tests on accessories IEC 60840 (§ 11) 12
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 591

Prequalification Tests

Table 11.22 Prequalification tests

Existing test protocols, methods, or
Description standards Classification
Prequalification test of the cable IEC 60840 (§ 13) 12

Development Tests

Table 11.23 Development tests

Existing test protocols,
Description methods, or standards Classification
Mechanical forces on cable-terminations IEC 62271-209 (§ 6.2) 1
Pressure withstand requirements IEC 62271-209 (§ 6.1) 8
Design of partitions IEC 62271-203 (§ 5.104.1) 8
Normal and special service conditions IEC 62271-203 (§ 2) 9
IEC 62271-1 (§ 2)
Rated normal current and temperature rise IEC 62271-209 (§ 5.4) 3
IEEE 1300 (§ 6.4)
Rated short-time and peak withstand currents IEC 62271-209 (§ 5.5) 12
and rated duration of short circuit IEEE 1300 (§ 6.5)
Rated filling pressure of insulating gas in the IEC 62271-209 (§ 5.6) 12
cable connection enclosure IEEE 1300 (§ 6.6)
Pressure during plug-in of the cable termination CIGRE TB 605 (§ 5.2.2) 7
Design and visual checks IEC 62271-209 (Fig. 11.5) 12
Test after installation IEC 62271-209 (§ 8.1) 12

Tests After Installation

Table 11.24 Tests after installation

Description Existing test protocols, methods, or standards Classification
Test after installation IEC 62271-209 (§ 8.1) 12
Electrical tests after installation IEC 60840 (§ 16) 12

Information on the Selection of 145 kV Interface Selection

Setting of the dimensions of the 145 kV inner cone.

All dimensions defined in IEC 62271-209 (Figure 5 of this intenational standard)
remain applicable.
592 P. Mirebeau

Fig. 11.11 Identification of the different dimensions to determine

11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 593

Table 11.25 Dimensional values

Identification Range Target Comments Final
Top connector (electrode)
A Top contact surface 50–70 50 60
diameter (mm)
Locking groove height 10–20 15 If higher ¼ more robust, but more 17.5
(mm) costly
B Locking groove depth 5–15 10 11
C Top contact surface 65 Includes safety margin for short 65
height (mm) circuit current
D Length and shape of
the connection screen
W Lower contact surface 75– 110 Safety margin chosen, of which 104
height (mm) 100 100 mm cylindrical
F Lower contact surface 80 85
diameter (mm)
G Stopper diameter (mm) 100 Vote: 4 for a stopper 4 neutral, 100
defines the position of end of
insulated core, prevents the stress
cone from moving outside insulated
Y Screened area below 40 Including 10 mm conical 49
the stopper flange
Epoxy/stress cone interface
Min cone diameter 90– 100
(higher diameter) 120
H Max cone diameter 120– 185
(lower diameter) (mm) 200
Cone angle ( ) 5–15 14 Experiences are between 4 and 14
16 , larger means shorter epoxy,
less sensitive to cable dimension,
larger means higher electrical field
inside the enclosure
I Cone height (mm) 100– 204
Insulator bottom design
J Distance between 150 Larger means larger dimensions 155
bottom of electrode and cost, less dielectric stress
and sealing surface
594 P. Mirebeau

Table 11.25 (continued)

Identification Range Target Comments Final
Thickness of insulator 20 40 Top of flange in coincidence with 41
flange (mm) the lower end of the cone, space
needed for tightness and inserts
E Distance from sealing 100– 150 With screen interruption 150
surface to bottom of 150 withstanding 50 kV impulse
the insulator (mm)
Metallic inserts Six inserts to stand the force due to M12
the stress cone compression

Principles of Use of the Current Connection Areas of the Common


Principle of use of the Current Transmission Above the Lock-in

System Area

Sliding current connection

Lock-in system area (optional)

Cable conductor connection

Cable conductor

Fig. 11.12 Example of connection application: contact above lock-in system area
11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 595

Principle of use of the Current Transmission Below the Lock-in

System Area

Lock-in system area (optional)

Cable conductor connection,

and sliding current connection

Cable conductor

Fig. 11.13 Example of connection application: contact below lock-in system area
596 P. Mirebeau

Qualification Process Experts Views

Table 11.26 Expert views on test programs


cable/stress cable/stress
insulator assembly cone assembly insulator assembly cone assembly
never qualified never qualified qualified qualified

Cross qualification in case

Cross qualification without
of available initial
initial qualification of either
Initial qualification qualification for both
insulator or cable/stress
insulator and cable/stress
cone assembly
cone assembly


Type Test according to IEC Sample Test according to IEC Type Test according to IEC
60840 (with 20 heating 60840 / § 11.2 i.e. 60840 (with 20 heating
cycles) + Prequalification a) partial discharge test cycles) + Prequalification
Test in case of high stress b) voltage test + impulse Test in case of high stress,
test at ambient temperature i.e. follow TB 303
Stick with existing standards. Sample Test according to IEC Type Test according to IEC
Type Test according to IEC 60840 / § 11.2 i.e. 60840 (with 20 heating
60840 (with 20 heating a) partial discharge test cycles) + Prequalification
cycles) + Prequalification b) voltage test + impulse Test in case of high stress,
Test in case of high stress test at ambient temperature i.e. follow TB 303
Type Test according to HD Voltage and impulse tests Type Test according to HD
629.1 (with 120 heating 629.1 (with 120 heating
cycles) but test values taken + 10 heating cycles in case cycles) but test values taken
from IEC 60840. Cycles: 5 h of smaller cross section from IEC 60840. Cycles: 5 h
heating + 3 h cooling with a heating + 3 h cooling with a
maximum cross section of maximum cross section of
630 mm² AL or 500 mm² Cu 630 mm² AL or 500 mm² Cu
Type Test according to IEC Type Test according to IEC Type Test according to IEC
60840 (with 20 heating 60840 (with 20 heating 60840 (with 20 heating
cycles) on maximum cycles) on any conductor size cycles) on any conductor
conductor size. - i.e. follow TB 303 size. i.e. follow 303.
Stick with existing standards. Sample Test according to IEC Type Test according to IEC
Type Test according to IEC 60840 / § 11.2 i.e. 60840 (with 20 heating
60840 (with 20 heating a) partial discharge test cycles) + Prequalification
cycles) + Prequalification b) voltage test + impulse Test in case of high stress,
Test in case of high stress test i.e. follow TB 303
Type Test according to IEC Sample Test according to IEC Type Test according to IEC
60840 (with 20 heating 60840 / § 11.2 i.e. 60840 (with 20 heating
cycles) + Prequalification a) partial discharge test cycles) + Prequalification
Test in case of high stress. b) voltage test + impulse Test in case of high stress,
With no range extension test at ambient temperature i.e. follow TB 303. With no
limitation on the cable range extension limitation on
stresses. the cable stresses.

11 Standard Design of a Common, Dry Type Plug-in Interface for GIS and Power. . . 597

Table 11.26 (continued)

Cross qualification in case

Cross qualification without
of available initial
initial qualification of either
Initial qualification qualification for both
insulator or cable/stress
insulator and cable/stress
cone assembly
cone assembly


Type Test according to HD Voltage and impulse tests Type Test HD 629.1 (120LC)
629.1 (with 120 heating but test values from 60840
cycles) but test values taken + 10 heat cycles in case of with 5 h Heat 3h Cooling with
from IEC 60840. Cycles: 5 h smaller cross section maximum cross section
heating + 3 h cooling with a 630mm² AL or 500mm² CU
maximum cross section of
630 mm² AL or 500 mm² Cu
Conclusion Type test with voltage level Sample Test according to Type test with voltage level
of IEC 60840. IEC 60840 / § 11.2 i.e. of IEC 60840.
20 heating cycles with 2 a) partial discharge test 20 cycles with 2 hours
hours between 95°C and b) voltage test between 95°C and 100°C
100°C and leave the and leave heating and
heating and cooling time Lightning impulse test: at cooling times free +
free + prequalification test ambient temperature prequalification test in cas
in cas of high stress. of high stress.
Tests of sectionalising Tests of sectionalising
Tests of sectionalising insulation according to IEC insulation according to IEC
insulation according to IEC 60840 60840.
Cross qualification is in
The range of approval of accordance with TB 303,
IEC 60840 remains with no range extension
applicable limitation on cable stresses
as recently introduced in
IEC 60840.

EN 50180:2010 – Bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV from 250 A to 3,15 kA for liquid filled
EN 50181:2010 – Plug-in type bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV from 250 A to 2,5 kA for
equipment other than liquid filled transformers
EN 50673:2019 – Plug-in type bushings for 72.5 kV with 630 A and 1 250 A for -electrical
HD 629.1 S3:2019 – Test requirements for accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from
3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV. Accessories for cables with extruded insulation
IEC 60068-2-14. Edition 6 – environmental testing – part 2–14: tests – test N: change of
IEC 60085. Edition 4 – Electrical insulation – thermal evaluation and designation
IEC 60137. Edition 7 – Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V
IEC 60183. Edition 3 – Guidance for the selection of high-voltage A.C. cable systems
598 P. Mirebeau

IEC 60840. Edition 5 – Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 30 kV (Um ¼ 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um ¼ 170 kV) – test methods and
IEC 62271-1. Edition 2 – High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – part 1: common specifications
for alternating current switchgear and controlgear
IEC 62271-203. Edition 2 – High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – part 203: Gas-insulated
metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV
IEC 62271-209. Edition 2 – Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for
rated voltages above 52 kV – fluid-filled and extruded insulation cables – fluid-filled and
dry-type cable terminations
TB 303: Revision of qualification procedures for HV and EHV AC extruded underground cable
systems, WG B1.06 (2006)
TB 605: Feasibility of a common, dry type plug-in interface for GIS and power cables above 52 KV,
WG B1/B3.33 (2015)
TB 669: Mechanical forces in large cross section cables systems, WG B1.34, WG B1.44 – Work
under induced voltages and induced currents, to come (2016)
TB 758: Test regimes for HV and EHV cable connectors, WG B1.46 (2019)

Pierre Mirebeau, who graduated from the “École Supérieure de

Physique et Chimie Industrielles” (Paris), has headed high-voltage
R&D for Nexans over the past 25 years. As a Member of Cigré
since 2005, he contributed to a variety of subjects, including
testing of DC extruded cables, life management of buried AC
lines, advanced designs of laminated metallic coverings, dry type
interfaces for Gas-Insulated Switchgear and power cables, and the
environmental impact of cable links. In recognition to this work,
he was granted the Technical Committee Award for 2011. He is an
Active Member of the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) standardization body, and the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), where his presentations on devel-
opment techniques for HVDC Links with synthetic insulation in
2001 and his collaborative (IEEE + IEC) presentation on cable
terminations for gas insulated switchgears in 2006 were awarded
“best presentation.” He also holds several important patents relat-
ing to lead-alloy composition, cable designs, and polymer material
composition. He is the Liaison Member between IEC TC 20 and
CigréB1 (both regarding insulated cables), and between CIBRE
B1 and Cigré B3 (substations and electrical installations).

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