Police and Discretion

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The different interactions police had with citizens

In the video live PD, police officers and sheriff’s deputies who sometimes were backed up by state police
or state agencies interacted with citizens during patrols, calls of duty and also during other police
activities which included prostitutions, illegal drug use and also during criminal arrest. One event that is
captured in the reality show is that of sergeant sobbing after a 13year old boy died when he was
escorting him to the hospital. Another interaction is when the police arrested a guy who was found with
pounds of marijuana after the officers stopped him for traffic violation. The police arrest him of drug
possession and for driving using a driver license that has been suspended (08.17.19). The (2017 episode)
shows of another police interaction with the citizens whereby the two senior police officers arrive at a
scene where a cop was being fought by a man who came from a party with his car carrying his 2-year-old
daughter. The officer had tried stopping the car and the man evaded him severally and turned and
started fighting the officer. The two senior officers aid they fellow officer and pushed back the crowd as
they arrested the man. Another episode was showed of sheriff’s office who went to arrest a lady after
she was accused of theft (10.20.18). The police officer stops a vehicle that was over speeding, whereby
he smells alcohol on the driver. He goes on to check the car and finds an intoxicated child. They arrest
both parents (7.26.19, Worst Situation Possible (Season 3) The citizens reacted in riots and protests
following the brutality of the police officers and the murder of George Floyd, and the destruction of a
murder footage following the killing of Javier Ambler. The officers arrest a man who has ten arresting
warrants for drug dealing from his house (07.28.18). the police officers find an abandoned car and go
ahead in finding the suspect where they find them hiding in the woodland (11.29.19)

different times when police used discretion

The police used discretion when making decisions whether to enforce certain laws, allocate they time in
investigating a crime, when searching people and also whether to arrest or detain certain people who
are accused of different cases. After the killing of Javier Ambler, the police destroyed the footage that
was linked to the cause of the killing and the one who committed the crime. This led to the public
protesting and rioting in the streets. The sheriffs used discretion for the murder of Benjamin Johnson
after his family recognized him on the television. They said he was a drug dealer and they arrested two
men who they claimed had a deal with the deceased. Police also used discretion in scenarios where
they had to decide whether to shoot a gun. During the arrest of the lady caught shoplifting, police had
to use discretion whether make an arrest himself or wait for a female officer to do the arresting. In the
arrest of the guy with an outstanding warrant of arrest, officers had to make a discretion whether to
perform the search inside or wait for the guy to show up after the announcement. Also, the police had
to use discretion whether to escort the 13-year-old boy to the hospital. The police officers applied
discretion when they arrested a couple that was driving at a high speed and were drunk in helping the
child who was intoxicated due to the environment. They called some people to come and help the child
as they arrested the parents.
whether the student would choose to act similarly if put in the same situation.

After watching the reality show of Live PD, I would act not in a similar way but more improved. For the
officers who showed pity on the citizens while in the line of duty, I would emulate them. I would be an
example that they are good officers and I would help the public too in case of any issue. I would not act
like officers who exercised force and used the power to manipulate the public. Also, if I was put in the
same situation as the police officers, I would use any discretion to help the public in case of any
emergency like helping a sick person. Also, I would exercise control to make sure I don’t harm innocent
people when carrying out my duty. I would exercise transparency and openness with the members of
the public so that they can trust the police departments. I would rely on having a unique and informal
relationship between the police officers and the members of the society. I would not act like the rude
police officers.

2019. Live PD: A Very Large Individual (Season 3. [online] Available at:


2021. Live PD: Worst Situation Possible. [online] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?


2021. Live PD; that was easy. [online] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?


2021. Live PD: No Need to Embarrass Her (Season 3) | A&E. [online] Available at:
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq1h-vgLSxw> [Accessed 25 September 2021].

2021. Live PD: Hide and Find (Season 4) | A&E. [online] Available at: <http://aetv.us/subscribe-ae>

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