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Manhattan Review

(to be given by your parents)

(To be done on Rs.20 Non-judicial Stamp Paper)

We, ___________________ (your Father’s and mother’s names), parents of ______ , the applicant , aged ___
and ___ years respectively, and residents of _________ (city or town) herein referred to as Deponent 1 and 2
do hereby affirm and state as follows:
1. That Deponent 1 is a __________ (in service/business owner).
2. That Deponent 2 is in service (homemaker).
3. That ___________ is our son/(daughter), who has completed his (her) ___________ from
____________ university in ______ (year of completion). His (her) percentage is ________ in the above
examination. His (Her) TOEFL score is ____ and GRE/GMAT/SAT score is _________.
4. He (she) is now applying to your esteemed university for admission into MS/MBA/Bachelor’s for
Fall/Spring semester of ____.
5. That we have a cash balance of Rs. ___________ equivalent to US $ ________, in my Savings Account
No. ______ with _______________ (bank’s name), _________ Branch, at ____________ (city’s name).
6. That we will provide for our son’s (daughter’s) educational expenses in your university, completely
from my above account, in addition to his/her personal savings.
7. That we undertake to support him/her financially till he completes her education in your university.
I hereby assure you that all his expenses would be met by through my support and reassure you that
he/she would not be a public charge on the United States government.
Witnesses: Sd/
Deponent 1
2) Sd/-
Deponent 2

(To be attested by Notary)

Note: Like the Bank Statement, this AOS has to be submitted in original to each university. You could get this
done on one stamp-paper, make required no. of photocopies and then get then signed by Deponent and
notarized individually. They become original documents, then.
Some universities might ask the Affidavit in a format, on their applications itself. Unless it is clearly specified as
mandatory, you may get the above format done separately (as explained above) and enclose the Affidavit to
your applications

Bank Statement:

(on bank’s letterhead)

This is to certify that _______________, (sponsor’s name) S/o ________________,(Sponsor father’s name)
resident of _______________________(address) is having a  Savings Bank account No._______ with us since

The cash Balance as of ______ (date) is Rupees  _____________________________, which is equivalent to US

$ _________, when  calculated at the exchange rate of _____ per dollar.

 For______________ (Bank Name)



(Seal of the Branch to be affixed)

Note: The Bank letter-head must have full address of the branch with phone no. and contact details, along
with the seal and signature of the Bank Manager)

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