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Big Change 3

Student’s and Practice Book

First Edition 2019
Copyright © Delta Education
ISBN: 978-602-070-030-9
Printed in Mexico
Contact: 01800 450 7676
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for distance learning.
Publisher: Raymundo Castañeda Rendón
Author: Rose Corespi
Proofreader: Yeny Romero Palomares
Design: Gabriel de la Rosa, Sandra Ortiz, and the team of Argonauta Comunicación
Images: Adobe Stock

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Table of Contents
Scope and Sequence 4
Diagnostic Test 6
Multiple Intelligence Quiz 7

Life Memories 8 Storytellers 32
Project 9 Project 33
Lesson 1 10 Lesson 3 34
Lesson 2 20 Lesson 4 44
Big Change: Big Change:
Lázaro Cárdenas 30 Suzanne Collins 54

Diversity 56 Pick It Up 80
Project 57 Project 81
Lesson 5 58 Lesson 7 82
Lesson 6 68 Lesson 8 92
Big Change: Big Change:
Stephen Hawking 78 Isaac Newton 102

Verb Lists 104

Transcripts 108
Scope and Sequence
BLOCK 1 Life Memories

Lesson Vocabulary Grammar Reading & Listening

• That Wasn’t Me
• Clothes • Demonstrative Adjectives
1 • Your Favorite Color Reveals Your
• Adjectives (personality) • To Be – Past Tense (Review)

• Childhood • Used to (affirmative, negative and • Celebrities

• Food interrogative) • Did You Know…?

Project: Life in the Sixties

Digital Resources: Demonstrative Adjectives (Video) To Be – Past Tense (Online exercise & Song)
Big Change: Lazaro Cárdenas

BLOCK 2 Storytellers

• Past Progressive (affirmative,

• Olympic Games • The Olympic Games
3 negative and interrogative)
• Extreme Sports • Olympic Games Facts
• When & While

• Past Progressive vs Simple Past

• Unfortunate Events • I Need Your Advice
4 • Sequence Connectors: first, then,
• Going Shopping • A Bad Day
next, etc.

Project: The Year I Was Born

Digital Resources: Past Progressive (Video) Simple Past vs Past progressive (Online Quiz)
Big Change: Suzanne Collins

BLOCK 3 Diversity

• A Weekend at a Farm
• Visiting a Farm • There was / There were
5 • Making an Apple Pie
• Adjectives to Describe People • Changing Adjectives into Adverbs
• Uncle John

• Relative Clauses
• Landscapes
6 • Definite and Indefinite Relative • Who is Robert Kiyosaki?
• A Big Company

Project: A Great Vacation

Digital Resources: Adjectives and Adverbs (Online Exercise) Online Review of Relative Clauses
Big Change: Stephen Hawking

BLOCK 4 Pick It Up

• Traveling
• Object Pronouns • My Town
7 • Useful Phrases
• Giving Directions • Giving Directions
• Around Town

• Using Phrasal Verbs

• Phrasal Verbs
8 • Separable and Inseparable • My Best Friend
• More Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs

Project: Object Pronouns (Online Exercise) Giving Directions (Video) How Do I Get There?
Digital Resources: Phrasal Verbs (Game)
Big Change: Isaac Newton


Speaking & Writing -Students will communicate, interact,

and collaborate with others in a second
• What Are You Wearing?
• Survey: Favorite Color

• I Used to Play…
• Food I Used to Like
• When I Was a Kid
• Famous People -Students will use the four basic language
skills to provide reasonable opinions about
different topics.

• What Were You Doing?

• Last Sunday -Students will use information and
communication technology to do research,
• You Look Upset and share information.
• Where Did You Buy It?

-Students will identify and interpret the

• Where I Grew Up general idea and a possible development
• A Cooking Recipe
• Find Someone Who of an oral or written message in a second
language, using their previous knowledge,
• Where Do You Work? surrounding context, and cultural
• His Two Fathers

- Students will assume a constructive

• Let’s Buy Some attitude when working in teams.
• How Often?

• Did You Remember to…?

• Using Phrasal Verbs
• A Letter to My BF

Diagnostic Test
1. Unscramble the sentences.

Example: do / They /. / never / exercise

They never do exercise.
a) grandma / visits / . / often / his / He
b) is /. / She / always / right
c) with / go / I / out /. / sometimes / friends / my
d) early / arrive / . / usually / We
___________________________________________ III. Complete the sentences using was, wasn’t,
were or weren’t.
e) often / is / busy / . / Richard
Example: Amy was an excellent student in high school.
a. I met her when she _____________ twenty-one years
b. Barak Obama _____________ the president of the
United States of America.
c. Yesterday it _____________ raining, it was hot and
d. _____________ you a good student?
e. The teacher got angry because the students
_____________ paying attention.

IV. Write the past form of the following verbs.

1. go __________________
2. do __________________
3. have _________________
4. study ________________
5. wash ________________

1I. Write the opposite.

Example: Big Small

a) Happy _________________ f) Slim _________________
b) Noisy _________________ g) Healthy ______________
c) Beautiful _______________ h) Friendly ______________
d) Strong ________________ i) Expensive _____________
e) Tall ___________________ j) Hot __________________
Multiple Intelligence Quiz
How many ways are you smart?
Step 1: Read each statement below.
Step 2: Rate each statement from 0 to 5 according to how well
the descriptions fits you (0 = Not at All to 5 = Very True).
Step 3: Following the color code, add the numbers to find the

Logical - Mathematical
total score for each multiple intelligence area.

Verbal - Linguistic
The highest possible score in one area is 15.

Visual - Spatial


Which of the following are true about you? 0-5

I enjoy singing and I sing well.

I love crossword puzzles and other word games.
I like spending time by myself.
Charts, maps, and graphic organizers help me learn.
I learn best when I can talk over a new idea.
I enjoy art, photography, or doing craft projects.
I often listen to music in my free time.
I get along well with different types of people.
I often think about my goals and dreams for the future.
I enjoy studying about the earth and nature.
I enjoy caring for pets and other animals.
I love projects that involve acting or moving.
Written assignments are usually easy for me.
I can learn new math ideas easily.
I play a musical instrument (or would like to).
I am good at physical activities like sports or dancing.
I like to play games involving numbers and logic.
My best way to learn is by doing hands-on activities.
I love painting, drawing, or designing on the computer.
I often help others without being asked.
I enjoy being outside in all types of weather.
I love the challenge of solving a difficult math problem.
Having quiet time to think over ideas is important to me.
I read for pleasure every day.

Life Memories
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Vocabulary Vocabulary

· Clothes · Childhood
· Adjectives · Food
· Used to (affirmative,
· Demonstrative negative and
Adjectives interrogative)
· To Be – Past Tense
Digital Resource
Digital Resource · Used to (Online
· Demonstrative exercise & Song)
Adjectives (Video)
To Be – Past Tense
(Online exercise &

Life in the Sixties
Life nowadays is very different from the life that your grandparents lived back in the 60's.
In teams of three or four students, prepare a presentation in which you talk about the lifestyle back
then, the music, the clothing, the technology and the social movements. Present it to the class. You
can use Power Point, Prezi, or any other visual aids.

Project Rubric
Description of the project: ____________________________________________ Page: ____________
Team members: ______________________________________________________________________
Very Good Good Improvement
Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point

The content required was fulfilled according to

the instructions.
The presentation was clear and students spoke
English all the time.
Everything was turned in on time and neatly
The product / visual material was well prepared,
and supported the presentation.
All members of the team worked on the project
equally and participated in the presentation.

Final Result ______/_______ points

Date: _____________________ Teacher: __________________________ ____________________________

Lesson 1
Vocabulary Clothes (Track 2)
I. Look at the pictures. Write the numbers next to the corresponding words. Listen and check
your answers.

1 10 14
5 19 24
7 15
6 20
16 22
21 25

8 17 26
4 9 13 27

shirt _____ tie _____ jacket _____ belt _____ pants _____ socks _____ shoes _____ scarf _____
necklace _____ blouse _____ bracelet _____ skirt _____ briefcase _____ stockings _____ hat _____
coat _____ gloves _____ purse _____ dress _____ glasses _____ suit _____ watch _____
umbrella _____ sweater _____ mittens _____ jeans _____ boots _____

II. Add 3 more words related to clothes and accessories. Compare with your classmates.

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


III. Describe what you and one of your

classmates are wearing. Try to use colors and
other adjectives in your description.

1. I am wearing _______________________________
2. My classmate is wearing ______________________
Grammar Demostrative Adjectives

This That

These Those

We use this / these for objects that are near, and we use that / those for objects that are far.

IV. Look at the pictures and complete with this, that, these, or those.

1. _______________ is my 2. _________________ is 3. _______________ are 4. _________________ is

backpack. your car. my books. Sam's bike.

5. _______________are 6. _________________ 7. _________________ is 8. _______________ are

my jeans. are Olivia's keys. my cat, Fluffy. our teachers.

V. Choose the correct option.

1. This / These are my new running shoes. 5. A: Where is my cell phone?

2. Are that / those your socks? No, my socks are in my B: This / These one is mine. That / Those one is yours.
bag. 6. That / Those are Janice’s sisters. They are pretty.
3. Who is that / these handsome boy? Is he your brother? 7. We always wear this / these uniform for P. E. classes.
4. This / Those iPad is mine. Why do you have it? 8. What are you doing with that / those sweater? It’s a hot
Vocabulary Adjectives to Describe Personalities (Track 3)
VI. Match the personality adjectives to the corresponding pictures. Listen and check your
sensitive loyal arrogant friendly romantic generous
neat tenacious grumpy brave clever shy

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

VII. Look up the meaning of the following

adjectives. Write it down.

1. realist: ___________________________________
2. impulsive: ________________________________
3. selfish: ___________________________________
4. frank: ___________________________________
5. consistent: ________________________________
6. logical: ___________________________________
7. determined: _______________________________
8. easygoing: ________________________________
9. constant: _________________________________
10. perseverant: _______________________________
Grammar To Be – Past Tense (Review)

Remember: We use was and were to describe characteristics, states and places in the past.
Affirmative: Subject + was / were + complement.
Negative: Subject + was / were + not + complement
Interrogative: Was / Were + subject + complement + ?
Examples: My dad was very impulsive when he was young.
They weren’t busy last night.
Were you shy when you were little?

VIII. Fill in the blanks with was, were, wasn’t or


1. That movie _______________ really funny. I laughed

a lot.
2. _______________ you sick yesterday? You didn’t
come to class.
3. I think that giving your jacket to that homeless man
_______________ very generous of you.
4. My brother _______________ really sloppy when he
was little. His room was always a mess.
5. They _______________ late because of the rain.
6. The pizza _______________ that good. I didn’t like it.
7. Why _______________ you at home last night? I
called you like ten times.
8. I _______________ really tired and I fell asleep on
the sofa.
IX. Change the following sentences into past

1. My parents aren’t at home.

2. Where are you, Danny?
3. Mrs. Smith is a biology teacher.
4. We aren’t at Tony’s restaurant.
QR ___________________________________________
5. Where is your brother?
Here is a link to an online
exercise to reinforce the
use of the verb to be in 6. Jenny’s dress is beautiful.
past. ___________________________________________
Listening (Track 4)

X. Listen to the following conversations and

write down the missing words.

1. A: I think I saw you last night around 7:00. 2. A: I think I saw you yesterday morning around 10:00.
B: Really? Where? B: Really? Where?
A: At the ___________________________. You A: At the ______________. You _________ wearing
_________________ wearing ________________. _______________________.
B: No, that _______________________ me. I B: No, that _________________ me. I _____________
______________ at _______________ at that time. at _______________ at that time.

and determined. They are somewhat Write if the following

extroverted and impulsive too. statements are true or false.
Reading (Track 5) Blue. If blue is your favorite color
to wear, you love harmony, you are According to the article:
XI. Scan the next article
reliable, loyal, sensitive and always 1. People who like wearing purple can
and circle all the personality
adjectives that you find. Work make an effort to think of others. be arrogant. _______
with a partner and figure out Green. Those who love to wear green 2. People who like white clothes are
the meaning of the ones you clothes are often affectionate, loyal, and not logical at all. _______
don’t know. Share them with frank. They are constant and perseverant. 3. People who prefer red clothes are
the rest of the class. Yellow. If you prefer wearing yellow kind of shy. _______
clothes, you think things through 4. People whose favorite color to
XII. Read the text and answer clearly, you are logical and consistent.
the comprehension exercise. wear is black are often sensitive.
You enjoy learning and sharing your _______
knowledge with others. Finding
Your Favorite Color 5. People who like wearing yellow
happiness comes easy to you.
Reveals Your Personality are logical and usually happy.
Purple. People who like to wear purple _______
By Fernanda Corui clothes are artistic and unique. They
Almost everyone has a favorite color, have a great respect for people, but at
and we usually reflect it on our clothes. times they can be arrogant.
If you’ve ever wondered what your Brown: If you like to wear brown Speaking Writing
favorite color says about you, then I’m clothes, you are steady in your ways,
here to help. Simply choose your overall persistent, and tenacious. You like XIII. Conduct a survey in your
favorite color from the ones presented things as they are. class. Ask five classmates what
here, and read the results below. Orange: The ones who like to use their favorite color to wear
Black. People who choose black orange clothes are friendly, easygoing is, and if they agree with the
clothes as their favorite are often with a nice smile, and a talent for small
description given in the article.
artistic and sensitive. They are careful talk.
with the details of their lives and do not Present the results to the
Pink: People who like wearing pink
share easily with others. They tend to sometimes hold to the illusion that group.
be complicated realists with a need for life should be constantly romantic and
control. generous.
White. People who like to wear white Gray: Somewhere between black and
are often neat and logical. white, grey is the color that just can’t
Red. Those who love wearing red live commit, and the same goes for those
life to the fullest and are tenacious who love wearing it.
Here is a link to a
XIV. Choose the correct option. video that can help
you understand
1. This / These are my dogs, Duster and Gigi. the demonstrative
2. Are that / those your glasses? No, they aren’t. adjectives.
3. Who is that / these tall girl? Is she your sister?
4. This / Those book is really interesting.
5. These / Those boys over there are my little cousins.

XV. Change these sentences into plural.

1. This new coat is blue.

2. That watch is beautiful.
3. That boy is very generous.
4. Is that your earring?
5. This little girl is really friendly.

XVI. Circle the correct option.

1. Where ____________ your brother last night?

a) was b) were
2. Where _____________ you born?
a) was b) were
3. I __________________ a very tenacious student
when I was in secondary school.
a) wasn’t b) weren’t
4. The cookies my grandma made _______________
a) was b) were
5. Did you know that aunt Merle __________________
a model when she was young? QR
a) was b) were Here is a link to a song that can
6. They __________________ at home when I arrived. help you reinforce the use of
a) wasn’t b) weren’t the verb to be in past.
Practice Book
I. Complete the crossword puzzle with the clothes you see in the pictures.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 11

1 2


4 5 6

7 8

10 11

II. Complete the sentences with clothes vocabulary. Look at the pictures to help yourself.

1. It’s very cold outside. Put on a 2. If you go to the beach. I 3. When it’s raining, I always carry
___________ before you leave. recommend you to wear a my _____________ to go out.

4. Mom, where are my __________? 5. Which ones do you like the 6. The party tonight is very
It’s getting late to go to school! most, the black or the brown formal, Martha. Please, wear a
_______________? long _______________.

III. Write sentences using the words in the box. Follow the example.

this that these those watch laptop pen flowers jeans puppies

1. This is a pen. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

IV. Fill in the blanks using the verb to be in past 6. I got a flat tire, so I _______________ late for my
tense correctly. appointment.
7. –_______________ Lety and Silvia surprised?
1. The children _______________ happy at the birthday –No, they _______________. They already knew
party. about the party.
2. We _______________ really happy after we won the 8. –_______________ you at the gym this morning?
final game. –No, I _______________.
3. There _______________ any cake left. Who ate it up? 9. I _______________ born in 2005. When _______________
4. Tom _______________ at the bus stop on time and you born?
they left him. 10. The movie we saw last night _______________ very
5. Jennifer _______________ really tired after she boring. I fell asleep.
finished her first spinning class.

V. Answer the following questions.

1. Were you late for class today?

2. What was your favorite movie as a kid?
3. How old were you when you learned how to ride
a bike?
4. Were you a good student when you were in
elementary school?
5. Who was your favorite teacher last year?
6. How old was your mom when she had you?
7. Who was your best friend when you were little?
_________________________________________________________ VI. Find the mistake and rewrite the sentences
8. Who was your mom’s favorite singer when she
was young?
1. My brother were a waiter last year, but he changed
his job this summer.
2. My favorite program was on TV tomorrow when
you called.
3. My classmates wasn’t in the classroom when I
4. I weren’t angry at you. I was mad at Bob.
5. Those cupcakes was delicious. Where did you buy

a) Read the sentences and mark the correct column according to yourself.
I need more I need help
Yes, I can. practice. with this.

I can identify and use clothing vocabulary.

I can describe people's personality.
I can describe what people are wearing.
I can use the demonstrative adjectives correctly.
I can use the verb to be in Simple Past in oral and written

b) Work with a partner and complete the chart with information about each other, your teacher
will decide who you will do this evaluation with.

Always Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never

My classmate thinks I pay attention

to the teacher.
My classmate thinks I participate in class.
My classmate says I bring my homework.
My classmate says I ask the teacher when
I don’t understand.
My classmate thinks I help others when
it’s necessary.
My classmate thinks I have a good

Comments: ___ _________________________________ ___________________________________________

Evaluated by: ____________________________________________ ______ Date: ________________ ______


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