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Question1. The northern most range of the Himalayas is known as

(a) Himadri
(b) lesser Himalaya
(c) Shivalik
(d) none of the above.
Ans a
Question 2. The Kangra and Kullu valley are located in
(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Jammu and Kashmir
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Ans c
Question 3. Majuli is a riverine island located in the river
(a) Ganga
(b) Brahmaputra
(c) Yamuna
(d) Kaveri
Ans. b
Question 4. Dudhwa National Park is located in the state of
(a) Assam
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Rajasthan
Ans b
Question 5. The soil containing calcareous deposits is locally known as
(a) Bhangar
(b) Khadar
(c) Bhabar
(d) Kankar
Ans. d
Question 6. The highest peak in the Eastern Ghats is
(a) Anai Mudi
(b) Doda Betta
(c) Outy
(d) Mahendragiri
Ans .d
Question 7. Jaisalmer is in
(a) Himachal Pradesh
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Ans. b
Question 8. Barchans are found in
(a) desert regions
(b) plains
(c) plateaus
(d) hilly regions
Ans a
Question 9. The northern part of the western coast is called the
(a) Konkan
(b) Kannad plain
(c) Malabar coast
(d) Coromandel coast
Ans. a
Question 10. Lake Chilika lies in the state of
(a) Jharkhand
(b) Telangana
(c) Odisha
(d) Tamil Nadu
Ans. c
Question 11. A landmass bounded by sea on three sides is referred to as
(a) Coast
(b) Island
(c) Peninsula
(d) None of the above
Ans. c
Question 12. Mountain ranges in the eastern part of India forming its boundary with Myanmar are
collectively called as
(a) Himachal
(b) Uttarakhand
(c) Purvachal
(d) none of the above
Ans. c
Question 13. The western coastal strip, south of Goa is referred to as;
(a) Coromandel
(b) Konkan
(c) Kannad
(d) Northern Circar
Ans. c
Question 14. The highest peak in the Eastern Ghats is
(a) Anai Mudi
(b) Kanchenjunga
(c) Mahendragiri
(d) Khasi
Ans. c
Question 15. A narrow gap in a mountain range providing access to the other side is:
(a) Mound
(b) Pass
(c) Strait
(d) Valley
Ans. b
Question 16. Which two hills are located in the south-east of Eastern Ghats?
(a) Mizo Hills and Naga Hills
(b) Javadi Hills and Shevroy Hills
(c) Patkoi Hills and Manipuri Hills
(d) Mizo Hills and Patkoi Hills
Ans. b
Question 17. Match the following:
A. Punjab Himalayas 1. Teesta – Dihang rivers
B. Nepal Himalayas 2. Satluj –Kali rivers
C. Assam Himalayas 3. Kali – Teesta rivers
D. Kumaon Himalayas 4. Indus – Satluj rivers
Codes: -A B C D
a) 4 3 1 2
b) 3 2 1 4
c) 1 2 3 4
d) 1 4 3 2
Ans. a
Question 18. Jaisalmer is in
(a) Himachal Pradesh
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Ans. b
Question 19. Purvanchal or Eastern hill Comprises.
(a) Patkai hills, Naga hills (b) Manipur hills
(c) Mizo hills, (d) All of these.
Ans. (d) All of these
Question 20. Consider the following statements about Deccan Plateau
1. Deccan Plateau has a triangular landmass.
2. Deccan Plateau lies south of the Narmada river.
3. Satpura Range lies north of the Deccan Plateau. Which one is correct?
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) 1 and 2
(d) all of these
Ans. d
The Lakshadweep island groups are volcanic Islands of India while the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands are Coral Islands.
(a) The Lakshadweep Island Groups volcanic island of India while the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
are also volcanic Islands of India.
(b) The Lakshadweep Island groups are Coral islands while the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are
volcanic Islands of India.
(c) The Lakshadweep Islands Group are volcanic islands while the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are
volcanic Islands of India.
d. both islands are volcanic.
Ans. b
Question 22. Which of the following are young-fold Mountains?
(a) The Aravalis
(b) The Nilgiris
(c) The Himalayas
(d) The Sahyadri
Ans. c
Question 23. Geologically, which of the following physiographic divisions of India is supposed to be
one of the most stable land blocks?
(a) The Himalayas
(b) The Northern Plains
(c) The Peninsular Plateau
(d) The Indian Desert
Ans. c
Question 24. Which of the following physiographic divisions of India was formed out of
accumulations in the Tethys geosynclines?
(a) The Himalayas
(b) The Northern Plains
(c) The Peninsular Plateau
(d) The Indian Desert
Ans. a
Question 25. Which of the following countries or continents was not a part of the ancient landmass
of Gondwanaland?
(a) India
(b) Australia
(c) Europe
(d) South America
Ans. c
Question 26. Match the following:
A. Makalu 1. 8078 m
B. Annapurna 2. 8481 m
C. Kanchenjunga 3. 8598 m
D. Nanda Devi 4.7817 m
Codes: -A B C D
a) 2 1 3 4
b) 3 2 1 4
c) 1 2 3 4
d) 1 4 3 2
Ans. a
Question 27. Which type of climate the Aravali region has?
a) Temperate climate
b) Arid climate
c) Tropical climate
d) Mediterranean climate
Ans. b
Question 28. Find the incorrect option.
(a) Luni - river in the Indian desert
(b) Kaveri river - forms delta in the Northern circar
(c) Anai Mudi - Highest peak in the Western Ghats
(d) Baghelkhand - Eastward extension of the Central highlands.
Ans. b
Q29. Choose the correct option
Assertion: India is a vast country with varied landforms.
Reason: It has practically all major physical features of the earth i.e., mountains, plains, deserts,
plateau and islands. Codes:
a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, but R is false
d) A is false, but R is true
Ans. a
Q30. From geological point of view, one of the ancient landmasses in India is
a) Central Highland
b) Peninsular plateau
c) Himalayas
d) None of these
Ans. B
Q34. The average elevation of Western Ghats is
a) 600 m to 1000 m
b) 900 m to 1600 m
c) 700 m to 1200 m
d) 900 m to 2000 m
Ans. b
Q35. The height of Western Ghats increases from.... a) North to West
b) North to East
c) North to South
d) South to North
Ans. c
Q36. Which Ghat lies in the rain shadow area of Bay of Bengal branch of the south - west
a) Western Ghats
b) Eastern Ghats
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
Ans. d
Q37. Assertion: South - west monsoon moves parallel to the Eastern Ghats which cause
Less rainfall.
Reason: Eastern Ghats unable to block moisture - laden winds. Codes:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, but R is false
d) A is false, but R is true
Ans. a
Q38. Assertion: The Western Ghats block rain-bearing winds which cause rainfall. Reason: Western
Ghats unable to block moisture-laden winds. Codes:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, but R is false
d) A is false, but R is true
Ans. c
39. Assertion (A) The Chambal, Sind, Betwa and Ken rivers flow from South West to North east.
Reason (R) The Central highland slopes from South West to North – East direction. Codes:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, but R is false
d) A is false, but R is true
Ans. a
40. Assertion (A) The Himalyas forms the highest and the rugged mountains in the world.
Reason (R) The Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world lying in the Himalayas. Codes:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, but R is false
d) A is false, but R is true
Ans. A
41. The longitudinal valleys lying between lesser Himalayas and Shiraliks are known as _______.
Ans. Duns.
42. The famous valleys of Kashmir, Kangra and Kullu are located in the _______ range of the
Ans. Himachal.
43. The Chilka Lake is the largest salt water lake in India. (True / False)
Ans. (True)
44. The Aravalis are young fold mountains (True / False)
Ans. (False)
45. Match the columns :-
Column A Column B
(a) A circular shoe shaped coral roof. (i) Basin
(b) An area drained by rivers and its tributaries. (ii) Atoll
(c) A region with drains all the rainwater into a river. (iii) Gorge / Canyon
(d) Formed due to erosional activity of rivers. (iv) Catchment area.
Ans. (a) -(ii), (b) -(i), (c)- (iv), (d)- (iii)
46. Match the following items given in column I with those in column II.
Column I Column II
A. Anai Mudi 1. Eastern Ghat
B. K2 2. Karakoram
C. Mahendragiri 3. Western Ghats
D. Naga Parbat 4. Zaskar
Ans. A -3, B- 2, C -1, D-4
It is a table land composed of the old crystalline, igneous and metamorphic rocks. It
was formed due to the breaking and drifting of the Gondwana land and thus, making it a
part of the oldest landmass. The plateau has broad and shallow valleys and rounded
hills. This plateau consists of two broad divisions, namely, the Central Highlands and
1. Identify the physiographic division described in the given extract. a) The Himalayan mountains
b) The Peninsular Plateau
c) The Indian Desert
d) The Coastal Plains
2. Which of the following is not true with respect of the Physiographic Division identified
By You?
a) It is an interplay of three major river systems namely the Indus, the Ganga and the
Brahmaputra. b) The Chambal, the Sind and the Betwa are the rivers which drain this region.
i) Only a is true
ii) Only b is true
iii) Both a and b are true
iv) Neither a nor b is true
Ans. i) Only a is true
3. The part of the Peninsular plateau lying to the north of the Narmada river, covering a
major area of Malwa plateau is known as..........
a) Western Ghats
b) Eastern Ghats
c) The Deccan Plateau
d) The Central Highland.
4. Which of the following is the prominent soil found in the Peninsular plateau?
a) Red soil
b) Laterite soil
c) Black soil
d) Alluvial soil.
Ans. c
These, geologically young and structurally fold mountain stretch over the northern borders of India.
These mountain ranges run in a west- east direction from the Indus to the Brahmaputra. These
represent the loftiest and one of the most rugged mountain barriers of the world. They form an arc,
which covers a distance of about 2400 km. There width varies from 400 km in Kashmir to 150 km in
Arunachal Pradesh. The altitudinal variations are greater in the Eastern half than those in the
Western half. These consist of three parallel ranges in its longitudinal extent. A number of valleys lie
between these ranges.
1. Which of the following physiographic divisions have been described in the given
a) The Coastal Plains
b) The Islands
c) The Himalayan Mountains
d)The Peninsular Plateau
Ans. c
2. Which of the following three parallel ranges belong to the Physiographic division
identifiedby you?
a) Garo, Khasi, Jantia
b) Aravali, Vindhya and Satpura
c) Himadri, Himachal and Shivalik
d) Sulaiman, Hindukush and Kunlun
Ans. c
3. .................and.............. peaks are located in the Himalayas.
a) Anai Mudi and Kanchenjunga
b) Kanchenjunga and Dhaulagiri
c) Dhaulagiri and Anai Mudi
d) Mahendragiri and Anai Mudi
Ans. b
4. The lofiest peak lying in India is
a) Mt.Everest
b) Kanchenjunga
c) Nanda Devi
d) Anai Mudi
Ans. b
The Northern plains have been formed by the interplay of the three major river systems namely the
Indus the Ganga and the Brahmaputra along with their tributaries. This plain is formed of alluvial
soil. The deposition of Alluvium in a vast basin lying at the foothills of the Himalaya over millions of
years formed this fertile plain. It spread over an area of 7 lakh sq. km. The plain being about 2400 km
long and 240 to 320 km broad, is a densely populated physiographic division. With a rich soil cover
combined with adequate water supply and favourable climate, it is agriculturally a productive part of
India. The rivers coming from northern mountains are involved in depositional work. In the lower
course, due to a gentle slope, the velocity of the river decreases, This results in the formation of
riverine islands. Majauli, in the Brahmaputra river, is the highest inhabited riverine island in the
world. The rivers in the lower course splits into numerous channels due to the deposition of silt.
These channels are known as distributaries.
1. The source given above relates to which of the following options?
a) The Coastal plains
b) The Islands
c) The Northern plains
d) Drainage system
2. The Northern Plains have been formed by which of the following rivers?
a) The Indus
b) The Ganga
c) The Brahmaputra
d) All of these.
Ans. d
3. The rivers in the lower course split into numerous channels due to deposition of........, these
channels are known as........ a) silt, distributaries
b) clay, gulf
c) gravel, strait
d) sound, isthmus
Ans. a
4. Which of the following is the largest inhabited riverine island in the world?
a) Majuli island
b) Bhoka island
c) Richards island
d) Sumba island
Ans. a.

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