Consumer Behavior Exercise (C) Marketing Management Assignment

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Consumer Behavior Exercise (C)

Marketing Management Assignment

Vatsalya Rathore

The Decision Making Unit

 The product( a chandelier costing ₹56000) was bought by Ms. Yashasvita Rathore.
 Ms Rathore , Her friend , Mr. Nikhil Udas and her mother Mrs. Singh played an important
role in the decision making process .
 Ms Rathore was the final decision maker, while Mr. Udas and Mrs. Singh played an advisory
role .

Purchase Motivation

 Ms. Rathore has recently purchased an apartment, and was in the process of furnishing it
and wanted to buy a chandelier for her drawing room
 The product adds beauty to her apartment. The main motivation behind the purchase was to
add beauty to the newly furnished apartment.
 The product is facilitating the beautification of the drawing room in the apartment
 The chandelier’s beauty was the main attribute that attracted the customer initially . Then it
was the material used (Korean glass and superior stainless steel base ) in the making of the
chandelier that also was an attribute that was counted in the decision making process

Decision Characterization

 Yes, this was a first time decision for Ms. Rathore as this was the first time she had a
purchased a flat and wanted no stone unturned to furnish and decorate to her liking
 The decision of buying a chandelier was a carefully thought one
 Immense amount of deliberation went into the purchase of the product which was
absolutely worth discussing as the image of the product in the customer's mind was exactly
the same as the product purchased.

Characterizing the decision making process

 Ms. Rathore has recently purchased a apartment , and she wanted to furnish it as per
her liking . She had always envisioned how her home would look like as and when she
bought it and for that she had been watching the “ Travel and Living” (TLC) channel and
scouring through home decoration magazine for a considerable amount of time . She
came across the chandelier while watching a show on TLC . After seeing that she began
searching for a similar chandelier.
 There was extensive information search involved in the purchasing of the chandelier .
 The search was conducted via browsing through many catalogues , scouring through
online shopping websites and visiting many stores physically .
 A considerable amount of information was collected in the purchasing process since the
customer has an eye for detail.
 The internet , Travel and Living Chanel , Home décor Magazines and visit to physical
stores were used to gather information .
 The information was gather in the second stage of the process , the first stage being the
identification of the want
 Many alternatives were evaluated during the search for the product that satisfied the
customer’s want , since the customer wanted a particular type of chandelier and
browsed through ample options since they came very close to the type of product she
 After spending close to 3 months , Ms. Rathore finally found her chandelier , exactly
according to her requirements . She saw the piece at Laxmi Real Estate and it was
exactly the replica of what she wanted , so there was no second guessing in purchasing it

Where was the product bought

 The store fulfilled her want , hence the product was purchased there
 What to buy came first as she was in the process of furnishing her house and was
brainstorming ideas to decorate it .

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