Irfan Science Coaching: Class: Xii (Test of English) Time Allowed: 3Hrs MAX. MARKS:100

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Q1. Explain with reference with to the context any one of the following extracts: (10)
(a) The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully
have been Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
(b) Liberty does not descend upon a people; a people must raise themselves to it. It is a fruit that must be earned
before it can be enjoyed.
(c) If the world is to be happy, energy and ingenuity must no longer be expended in the exploitation of those who
have less of these qualities. Mankind must learn a degree of mutual respect which has never hitherto existed.

Q2. Attempt any one of the following: (10)

(a) “Men seem to kick friendship around like a football, but it does to pieces.” Comment on this quotation of ‘Anne
Morrow Lindbergh’ with special reference to the story of ‘Devoted Friend’.
(b) Why was Jones punished and Jack let off scot free in “The Silver box”.
(c) Why does the James Thurber says that the event of great run of the afternoon he would gladly forget? What are
the prominent events?
(d) Write down the plot of Twenty minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb.

Q3. Explain with reference to context any one of the following: (08)
(a) and such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead.
(b) If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars
(c) Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth.

Q4. Attempt any one of the following: (07)

(a) How does the poet compare the song of the reaper with the song of two different birds.
(b) Ignorance of the future is a blessing of God. Discuss, giving examples from the poem “An essay on man”
(c) Describe how Ulysses inspires his sailors to embark on a new adventure.

Q5. Attempt any one of the following: (15)

(i) Between Black Michael and Rupert of Hentzau which character strikes you as more devilish?
(ii) What role did Madame de Mauban play in the novel “The prisoner of Zenda”.
(iii) Describe coronation ceremony and tea table incident of Prisoner of Zenda

Q6. Change the following into indirect speech: (05)

“I have begun my picture of yours among the Scotch firs, Maggie,” said Philip, “so you must let me study your face.
Please turn you head this way.” “I shall be sitting for my second portrait then,” she said smiling. “Will it be larger
than the other?” “Oh yes, much larger. It is an oil painting, “replied Philip.

Q7. Use any five of the following idioms in your own sentences: (10)
At a snail’s pace; to bring to book; bone of contention; to put up with; by leaps and bounds; to bank on;
part and parcel; to take to one’s heal; to break down; to get over.

Q8. Write an essay on any one of the following: (20)

(i) The status of women in Islam
(ii) The major problems of Karachi_ Electricity & traffic
(iii) An interesting cricket match
(iv) Terriosm_causes, effects and possible solutions
(v) Uses And Abuses Of Science.
(vi) The Freedom of Media

Q8.Read the following passage and answer the questions given below; (15)
The first thing that a scholar should bear in mind is that book ought not to be read for mere amusement. Half
educated persons read for amusement, and are not to be blamed for it; they are incapable of appreciating the deeper
qualities that belong to a really great literature. But a young man who was passed through a course of university
training should discipline himself at an early day never to read for mere amusement. And once the habit of this
discipline has been formed, he will find it impossible to read for mere amusement. He will then impatiently throw
down any book from which he can not obtain intellectual food, any book that does not make an appeal to the higher
emotion and to his intellect. But on the other hand, the habit of reading for amusement becomes with thousands of
people exactly the same kind of habit as wine-drinking or opium-smoking; it’s like a narcotics, something that
passes the time, something that keeps up a perpetual condition of dreaming, something eventually results in
destroying all capacity for thought giving exercise only to the surface parts of the mind and leaving the deeper
spring of feeling and higher facilities of perception unemployed.
(i) Why do people read for amusement?
(ii) What does a truly educated person read?
(iii) Explain the underlined words and phrases.
(iv) Suggest a suitable title for the above passage.
(v) State whether the following are true or false.
(a) Amusement is like wine-drinking (b) Half-educated persons are blamed for reading for amusement.
Wish you best of luck!
Prepared by: Majid Ali

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