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Assignments for this semester:

Write a dialogue in French/German using

the following points:

1) You go to the restaurant with a friend

- Salutation
- Say you have a reservation
- Order a main course
- Order a drink
- Ask for the bill and add a tip
- Say thanks and goodbye

2) You go to the doctor

- Salutation
- Say what problem you have
- Ask when you need to come again
- Ask regarding fees.
- Say thanks and goodbye
Write an email:

1) Its your friend’s birthday. You accept

an invitation for the birthday party.
Use the following points:
- Salutation
- Ask where the party is
- Ask which means of transport will be
good to reach the place
- Ask what you should bring as a gift
- Say thanks, and sign off.

2) You are on vacation. Write an email

to your friend describing your
- Salutation
- Whom are you with?
- Where are you staying?
- What activities are you doing?
- Sign off.

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