TIB Questionnaire

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Trinity Insurance Brokers

Test of IT General Controls - Security Management

Internal Control Questionnaires


Security management
1 Provide a brief background of the applications used by Trinity Insurance
Brokers. What are the purpose of these applications?
2 For each application, what are the database programs used?

3 Policies and Procedures

a. Based on the discussion and supporting documents retrieved from last
audit there is already a draft policy for security policies and procedures.
However, it wasn't reviewed and finalised during the audit. Could you
please confirm if the draft is already approved, who approved the
policies and when was it approved? Could you provide us a copy of the
proof of approval?

b. It was also noted that policies are communicated to new hires through
an on-boarding process and additional seminars are also conducted if
modifications are implemented. How do we monitor or ensure that the
policies were completely communicated to all employees?

c. Is there an existing repository of all the existing policies and training

materials available to all employees? How do employees access the
repository? Who is in-charge to update the repository?
4 Internal Organization
a. Based on last year's audit, there are three personnel under MIS, are
there any changes in the plantilla of the department? If no, are the roles
and competencies required for each position still the same?
b. Does the company perform periodic review of existing Job Description?
Provide a walkthrough of the review of the job description and include
the following details:
1. How often does the Company conduct reviews?
2. Who conducts the review?
3. After the review, who approves the changes made in the job

c. Does the company conduct training for IT Personnel? How often? Who
requests and approves for the training needed? Does the company keep
the records of all the trainings provided? How do they maintain this

d. We also noted that there is an existing performance evaluation for each

employee. Are matrices of performance still the same? How often do we
conduct this evaluation?
5 Business Requirement of Access control
a. Are there any changes in the user access profile/roles?
b. Is the administrator to change access parameters still the same?
6 Access Creation, Modification, and Deactivation
a. For access creation and modification, are requests still sent thru email?
Are there any forms that they need to fill-up for the requests or tickets
they need to submit? Who are the authorized approvers if the manager
is not the one who sent the request?
b. For access deactivation, are users still not permanently
deleted/deactivated in the application? How do we ensure that their user
accounts are no longer used?

c. How do we monitor access creation, modification, and deactivation

9 User Access Management
a. Is there a comprehensive authentication mechanism used to validate
credentials before gaining access to the system and performing a
transaction? Explain.

b. How are user IDs configured? How do they ensure that all User IDs are
unique? Who is responsible to set the User ID Parameters?

10 Password Parameter
a. Is the current password parameter still the same with the parameter
from 2019?
b. Who is authorized to change the password parameter? What are the
usual reasons for the change of password parameter? Who approves
this change?

11 Database Access
a. Is the vendor still the only one who can modify the database?

12 Access Rights Review

a. Based on last year's review, the company does not perform access
rights review. Please confirm if this is still true for last year.

13 Remote Access
a. Based on last year's walkthrough, remote access is requested via email
or thru phone call. Access is also granted by the MIS. Does the
company follow the same process this 2020?
b. In addition, it was also mentioned that authentication is only through the
use of the password and there are no existing two factor authorization.
Is this still the case for 2020?

14 Access to Network and Network Services

a. Based on last year's walkthrough, the entity has an existing subscription
with Fortigate which serves as the company's firewall, with built-in
Intrustion detection system. They also have VPNs to ensure private
connection to servers. Lastly, there is also an installed anti-virus
software, Kapersky, which has built in data leak prevention and web
filtering system. Are there any changes in the firewall, VPN, and anti-
virus software?

b. Are unauthorized attempts to breach the firewall properly documented?

How are they documented? Who monitors and reviews these attempts?
How do they resolve any successful unauthorized attempts?

c. Is there a periodic anti-virus scans configured? How often? Provide

screenshot of configuration.
d. How do they resolve any successful malware attack? How is it
16 Administrative Privileges and Super-User Rights.
a. Based on last year's audit, activities of both users and administrators are
logged in the Event Viewer. Who reviews the logs? How often is is
reviewed? What are the corrective actions taken for any anomalies
17 Vulnerability Management
a. Is the vulnerability assessment and penetration testing still performed by
a third-party? When was the last vulnerability assessment and
penetration testing? Enumerate the tests performed.

18 Monitor Access
a. Based on last year's audit, unauthorized access attempts, both internal
and external, are logged via Fortinet (firewall). MIS is alerted for this
attempts with a corresponding screenshot. Are there any changes in the
current set-up?
b. How do we resolve any successful breach?
Response Name and Position of

TIS is a customized ERP built for Trinity. On prem Angel Linchangco

SQL Server Angel Linchangco

The drafted security policies are now covered by our Angel Linchangco
New Employee Code of Conduct approved by Excom.
Copy will be requested from management. Screenshot
of approval of policy last page only to be sent

We now issue e-blast and post it to Teams channel for Angel Linchangco

That is being reviewed by HR as a project. We have Angel Linchangco

this Trinity Academy in placed

Same personnel. For 2021 plans and submitted to HR Angel Linchangco

for evaluation

Yes. 1. We submit our updated JD's for review. 2. HR Angel Linchangco

reviews and recommends. 3. Management approval
requires with budget, timeline and other policies
involved. This is an ongoing project from HR

Yes. Upon renewal of a subscrition or purchase of a Angel Linchangco

software. There is a knowledge training from provider.
Recording of trainings provided is a new project of HR.
No recording yet but, we in MIS request for a
knowledge transfer in coordination with provider on
maintenance and troubleshooting
This is a new program from HR and evaluation is on Angel Linchangco

Yes via email only. No forms required. Managers and Angel Linchangco
immediate superiors. Some are Cc. to managers. No
need approval as long as managers are informed.

Yes. As for TIS we don't delete user account of Angel Linchangco

resigned employees. This is to transfer still pending
account to new assignees. Then we deactivate no
longer used accounts

Monitoring via email Angel Linchangco

We use password authentication for Windows, Angel Linchangco

Systems and VPN via active directory control. Multiple
validation may required depending on system used

User IDs are unique and are system generated Angel Linchangco

Same of 2019. Like 90 days effectivity on Windows Angel Linchangco

and M365
Administrators are only authorized. Suggestions came Angel Linchangco
from VAPT requirements. MIS Manager with
coordination from Management on how we do things

Yes Angel Linchangco

Presented to Excom. Review are internal only. MIS or Angel Linchangco

as discussed within the deparment

This is now requested via Email. preferable a day Angel Linchangco

before access. Requested by managers

Two form factor are activated only to Administrator. So Angel Linchangco

No changes Angel Linchangco

Unauthorized attempts reportd from Fortinet. We in Angel Linchangco

MIS monitor. No breached success experienced. Any
form of breach must be reported to Management

All are system automated. Pre configured by provider Angel Linchangco

No malware attack experienced Angel Linchangco

Review of Event Viewer are on a case to case basis. Angel Linchangco

Of if incident requires. Reviewed by Network Admin.
Regular maintenance update are pushed.

Yes by Deloitte. September 2019. Full Penetration Angel Linchangco

Test. Scope 1. Internal-only network. 2. Internet facing
systems/host. 3. Hosted systems in cloud providers

None Angel Linchangco

Incident Protocol - Using Privacy Manual / Report to Angel Linchangco

Email Status Follow-up Questions

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com What does TIS stand for? What is the
current version being used?
For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com What is the current version of SQL
being used?



For Follow-Up
For Follow-Up How often it is reviewed?



For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Please provide an explanation on why
performance evaluation was not done
for 2020.
For Follow-Up

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Provide a walkthrough of the transfer
of pending accounts to new assignees.
Who is authorized to transfer this


For Follow-Up
For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Kindly elaborate to us what multiple
validations are being done for the
authentication to the system?

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Does the system follow a specific user
id parameter in generating the user id?




For Follow-Up
For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For clarification, for 2020, are there
internal reviews done now? May we
ask ask if we can schedule a viewing
for the internal documents?

For Follow-up For regular employees, may we clarify
if there are no 2FA enforced? What
2FA is enforced for administrators?

For Follow-Up



For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Are there any logs showing that are no
malware attacks happened?

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Are there VAPT done for 2020, if none,
may we ask why?


Response Status

SQL 2008 / SQL 2019




No review last year. But we updated our JDs related to updating of Done



Performance review are for 2021. pertaining to 2020. Done



There must be a request with approval at least from Manager/Head. Done

Email can be from the officer who will take over the accounts. Then
we will give access to that officer using the old/resigned account to


Like for Remote VPN, we configure the computer. Then during

daytime at normal hours user can connect using Password from AD.
If on Saturday/Sunday/after office hours. Email must be send for
We assign a user account. ID is generated automatically by system.




Taken up to Excom. Suggested that review can be internal. No

specific time/schedule of review needed. Or as need only review by


Only System Admin has 2FA.




In our Fortinet weekly report. No Attack encountered. Only scoring


Due to acquisition of M365 and VPN activation for remote users.

With pending review of new ERP/CRM implementation. VAPT was
put on hold. We also have a good review 2019


Follow-up Questions
Trinity Insurance Brokers
Test of IT General Controls - Technology Acquisition, Development and Maintenance
Internal Control Questionnaires


Technology Acquisition, Development and Maintenance

1 Policies and Procedures
a. Based on last year's audit, there is currently no policy for SDLC and
Change management, but there is an existing service level agreement
between TIB and CITS. Could you please confirm if there are new
policies created for the acquisition? Is the service level agreement still
effective in 2020 or was renewed? What are the enhancements covered
by the agreement?

2 Change Management
a. Is the change management process still done by the CITS? Could you
explain the process based on the contract with them?

b. Based on the discussion last year, no proper documentation of changes

was maintained by the company. Are there any changes from the
process? Does it already have a documentation or monitoring?

c. For the change requests, do business units still request via email? if yes,
are the e-mail trails compiled and kept in a repository? How do you keep
track of the requests?

3 Post Implementation
a. Per last year's review, are there changes in the system that required
post implementation reviews in 2020? Could you please identify the
changes and provide documentation of post implementation review.

b. For changes that to do not have post implementation review, does a

signoff of user still serves as the approval? What is the process for the
issues or changes requested from the business unit? Who approves the

5 Production and Test Changes

a. Based on the discussion last year, there are no separate environment
available in the company, and the vendor has its own testing and the
company is in charge of the production environment. Could you confirm
if the development and testing libraries are segregated from production
library? Are there any changes regarding the process? Can you explain
the process the vendor conducts?

b. It was noted from the audit last year that the user signifies their
acceptance via sign off, how are these documented? How does the user
evaluate the changes to be approved? What are the factors considered?

Name and Position of


Yes we don't have Software Dev Life Cycle agreement and change Angel Linchangco
management policy. Allthough we have this Support and
Maintenance agreement with CITS and follow protocol and SLA of
contract. contract renewed same coverage.

None for 2020. That will be treated as change order Angel Linchangco

No changes. Only submitted Error and Bugs encountered by user Angel Linchangco
were sent to be fixed by CITS/Programer via Email request

There are no change requests made and will be under change Angel Linchangco
order. We keep track request via email but those are errors omitted
by the system. No change in processes

None. Angel Linchangco

If there are change order. There should be PO and request for angel Linchangco
Change Order to CITS. Sign off must be completed upon
implementation or post implem
Yes, CITS have their own test environment. Should there be Angel Linchangco
correction or update they will have give them permission a remote
management. This is disabled

Yes. Requirement upon full payment of an approved Change Order. Angel Linchangco
User to test and must agree in conformity of agreed change order
that is a result of Sign-Off
Email Status

For Follow-Up

For Follow-Up

For Follow-Up

For Follow-Up


For Follow-Up

For Follow-Up
Follow-up questions

Kindly provide us a clearer copy of the service level


Can you confirm if the change order will be assessed

by IT department first, and if the department cannot
do the needed changes, they will escalate it to the
vendor? can you provide us the changes that was not
raised to the vendor? Are there logs related to it? Are
they being tested? If yes, is there a separate testing
environment for its testing?

Can you provide us the copy of error and bugs

encountered by the users?

How about tracking of e-mail requests for change

order? Are there any other requierements needed
before the request can be performed?

What does PO mean? If there are issues discovered

upon implementation or post implem, what are the
actions to fix it and controls to prevent it?
Are there any sepcific factors considered before the
sign-off of users? Are there any changes that cannot
be tested? Do you perform roll-back procedures? How
are these documented?

Response Status

Sent soft copy on email Done

Change Order are discussed with management and must For Follow-Up
be approved by the president. Then submit to vendor for
review. Testing and sign off will be reviewed by the
requesting department

Sent to email Done

No tracking needed. User usuallly follow up pending For Follow-Up



PO = Policy Order (items for Billing/Adjustment). Bugs For Follow-Up

are being fix some are persistent bug that cannot be
prevented. If preventable, we suggest some work
arround during meeting discussion with department.
Like avoiding of updating by multiple users from 1
transaction t the same time.

Sign Off are also discussed by the committe/group involve. For Follow-Up
Change, testing, rollback are discussed if needed
Follow-up questions
Trinity Insurance Brokers
Test of IT General Controls - Technology Infrastructure
Internal Control Questionnaires


Technology Infrastructure
1 IT System Needs
a. Per last year's audit, no policy is established for the assessment of IT
System and assessment is only done thru a memo for request, report, or
recommendation. Are there any changes in this practice?

b. In addition, there were also no assessment performed for 2019, is this

still the case in 2020?
2 Data Processing
a. Based on last year's review, there is currently no established policy for
real time processing, however there is an available user manual for this.

b. Training is also performed for new hires. Are there any changes in the
user manual? How do we make sure that enough training is provided for
data processing.

c. Per last year's audit team observation of Policy Order (PO) processing
module for renewals, the only mandatory field is the information needed
to capture the name of the client. For new business, all fields are
mandatory to be filled-up and no longer editable once done. Are there
any changes in this procedure? How do we ensure that correct
information is indicated in the system before PO is submitted?

d. In addition, the Policy Administration Group submits an exception report

on unprocessed transactions, and are investigated if such exceeds the
expected turn-around-time. How often is it reviewed? Is the exception
report system generated? What is the expected turn-around time for
processing? What are the corrective actions taken for any exceptions

e. Does the company still use only one application? Are there still no data
transfer process for 2020?
3 Secure Areas
a. Are there any changes in the existing security and physical controls in
the data room or server room?
b. How often are the controls in place inspected? Who is responsible for
the inspection? How is it documented?

c. Enumerate the personnel who have access in data rooms and servers.

4 Batch Processing
a. Per last year's walkthrough, there is no batch processing for TIS. Is this
still the case for 2020?
5 Backup Policy
a. Are there any changes in the backup procedure of TIS?

b. Who is responsible for backup and recovery?

c. How does the company determine that backup and recovery was done

d. What are the data,softwares,updates,etc that are backed up?

e. Are there any incidents of system processing failure, destruction of

hardware, and lost of data in 2020? Provide documentation of back-up
and restoration process performed.

f. Does the company conduct data reconciliation as part of back-up and

recovery procedure? Provide a walkthrough.
g. What are the corrective actions performed as a result of data
Name and Position of

None. It is being reviewed by Internal Audit Angel Linchangco

I believe the assessment is part of this Audit coverage. Angel Linchangco

Same as last year

User manual and policy is based on approval process on Angel Linchangco

data processing

None. Trainings are internal to department Angel Linchangco

None. No changes upon OG Approval or Billing / Angel Linchangco

Adjustment is created. Corrections are followed by

Reviews and TAT are within PAG. There is a departmental Angel Linchangco
manual from PAG.

TIS. We use M365 for collaboration. Angel Linchangco

None Angel Linchangco

Regularly and if there are any incident. No incident Angel Linchangco
happend or recorded

MIS Personnel only. Admin and PMO requires permission Angel Linchangco

Yes. Angel Linchangco

Backup to SGG House not implemented. CoVID Angel Linchangco

MIS Personnel. MIS Manager and Sr.Network Admin Angel Linchangco

Upon regular review if process has been completed by Angel Linchangco

Sr.Network Admin

Database and Images of Servers Angel Linchangco

None. Restoration are done to Cebu Server Angel Linchangco

I believe that Accounting reviews the data from Angel Linchangco

Through regular corrections from CMDM and JV for Angel Linchangco
adjusting entries
Email Status Follow-up Questions

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up Did IA conduct an assessment for IT
System Needs for 2020? If yes,
please provide us a copy of the
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done

ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up Kindly provide us a contact person in

PAG responsible for Data Processing
with their email address.



ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up Is the server room inspected daily?
weekly? or monthly?

ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done

ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done

For Follow-Up
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up

ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done

ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up Kindly provide us the email address

of the Sr. Network Admin.

ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com Done

ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up Kindly provide us a contact person in

charge of the data restoration
performed in the Cebu Server last
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up Kindly provide us a contact person in
Accounting Department who is
ablinchangco@trinity-insures.com For Follow-Up responsible for backup data
reconciliation and correction.

None. Only the P&A review

Aren Cunanan
insures.com for EB. Elaine
Bianzon ecbianzon@trinity-
insures.com for GI
Daily as there are MIS
personnel. And by Security for
Temperature check Daily

Jonefer Prescillas jgprescillas@trinity-insures.com

Jonefer Prescillas jgprescillas@trinity-insures.com

Razel Catapang

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