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The Bulletin

Union Temple of Brooklyn

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

MAY, 2011 NISAN—IYAR 5771 Vol. 162, No 9


JEWISH ADOPTIVE 6 Friday Evening
First Friday Family Shabbat
6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat
HOUSE 7:20 PM: Pot Luck Dinner
7 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
at UNION TEMPLE Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Leviticus 21:1-24:23 Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15-31
May 7th, at 1 PM 13 Friday Evening
Kabbalat Shabbat
6:30 PM

See Page 7 for details 14 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM

Torah: Leviticus 25:1-26:2 Haftarah: Jeremiah 32:6-27


20 Friday Evening
Within — Tools to 5:00 PM: Tot Shabbat
6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat
Reduce Stress 21 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service
and Strengthen Torah: Leviticus 26:3-27:34
Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14

Spirituality 27 Friday Evening

Fourth Friday Late Shabbat
Sunday, May 22nd at 8:00 PM: Shabbat Evening Service
11 AM
Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service
Ceremony of Conversion: Reyna Esquivel-King
See Page 3 for details Torah: Numbers 1:1-4:20 Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22

Mitzvah Day is May 15th!

Rabbi’s Message

Reform Jewish Voice Advocacy Day

May 16th, Reform Jewish Voice Advocacy Day. . . . On Monday, May 16th, I
am going to Albany to speak with members of the New York State Assembly
and Senate, along with a number of our fellow Reform Jews from around the
state. The day has been arranged by Reform Jewish Voice of NYS and Inter-
faith Impact. Reform Jewish Voice represents some 100,000 Reform Jews
throughout New York State, who are committed to Reform Jewish values and
the spirit of tikkun olam, repairing the world, through the pursuit of social jus-
tice. Interfaith Impact is a statewide coalition of congregations and individuals
from mainline Protestant and Unitarian Universalist faith traditions. Their mis-
sion as well is to work for the common good through progressive religious ad-
vocacy. Thus there is a natural affinity between our two organizations and it
makes good sense to partner in this endeavor.
The other side. . . . I assure you that the members of the Assembly and State Senate hear from representatives
from the New York Catholic Archdiocese, and a number of right-wing Christian groups, with great regularity.
It is imperative that they also hear from members of liberal religious groups. They and their legislative assis-
tants need to meet us, hear us speak, and personally acknowledge the voices of liberal religious perspectives
within our state.
Our agenda. . . . Our agenda of advocacy for this trip is three-fold: (1) to support Marriage Equality for
Same Sex Couples in New York State; (2) to advocate for the passage of the Reproductive Health Act; (3) to
advocate for an independent redistricting commission to draft New York State legislative and congressional
political boundaries for the 2012 elections. In addition to meeting with our own senators and members of the
Assembly, we will meet with other lawmakers from around the state who need to meet liberal people of faith.
In addition, we will meet with Steven Cohen, Secretary to Governor Cuomo.
Registration and Conference Calls. . . . The registration fee for Advocacy Day on May 16th is $25. No
charge for students. . If you are interested
in participating, please speak with me as well so that I can help facilitate your participation. In addition to a
general briefing on May 16th itself at the beginning of our schedule, there are several conference calls sched-
uled in advance of that date to brief us on the issues. The schedule of calls is as follows. Please RSVP for
these calls to
Reproductive Choice, with Tracey Brooks, President and CEO of Family Planning Advocates of New York
State, and Rabbi Dennis Ross, Director of Concerned Clergy for Choice. Thursday, May 5th, 7:00 - 7:45
PM. Dial: 1-213-289-0500; Participant Access Code: 820086#
Independent Redistricting, with Barbara Bartoletti, Legislative Director of the League of Women Voters,
Thursday, May 12th, 7:00 - 7:45 PM. Dial: 1-213-289-0500; Participant Access Code: 820086#
I hope you will join me, and our fellow Reform Jews, in our State Capitol on May 16th.
-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman

Officer’s Column

Do a Mitzvah!
Union Temple’s annual Mitzvah Day is Sunday, May 15th. During the morning, technicians from Methodist
Hospital will be running a blood drive in our social hall. Please come and donate the gift of life. In addition to
the satisfaction of doing a mitzvah, you'll also get orange juice and cookies! This year, the Religious School
and Brotherhood will be aiding the U.S.-Africa Children’s Fellowship by gathering, sorting and boxing school
supplies, children’s books and textbooks, gently used toys and sneakers and sporting goods and similar items
for shipment to schools in Africa. In fact, the Religious School has already begun its collection. You can help
too, by bringing these items to the Temple on Mitzvah Day.
The U.S.-Africa Children’s Fellowship is a nonprofit organization founded and run by longtime Union Temple
members Mark Grashow and Sheri Saltzberg. It was featured in Bill Clinton’s book Giving. The Children’s
Fellowship supports over 100 schools in Zimbabwe, Ghana and Tanzania with much-needed supplies. Many of
these schools had almost noth-
ing to work with for instruction
and recreation, until the Chil-
dren’s Fellowship assisted
them. Their students are gener-
ally poor, many of them or-
phaned due to AIDS and other
diseases. You can learn more
about the work of the U.S.-
Africa Children’s Fellowship at
t h e i r w e b s i t e ,
Now let’s face it. Many of us
have desk drawers, bookcases
and closets bulging with chil-
dren’s books, sporting goods,
boxes of pencils or crayons or –
well, you name it – that our kids
have outgrown and don’t need.
They seemed like a good idea at
that back-to-school sale a few
years ago, but now there they
are, cluttering up the place.
Those children’s books and
boxes of crayons and pencils
and other school supplies that
you no longer need would
mean so much to the students
at the schools that the Chil-
dren’s Fellowship supports.
So join us in doing a great
mitzvah. Do some spring
cleaning, and bring those
books and school supplies to
the Temple on Sunday, May

Not Passing Over Our Accomplishments
As the Passover break approached our preschoolers anyone is wearing unusual shoes, and if so, they take
were actively engaged in their classrooms. Many close photos. They have quite a collection for their Class
friendships have been forged over the course of the Shoe Catalogue.
school year and the classroom has become a home This study has lent itself to much skill work across the
away from home. This is my favorite time of the curriculum. The children have worked on matching
school year. No one is looking too far ahead or be- shoes and sorting them into sequences, they have no-
hind; they are all in the moment, and very happy. Here ticed the shoes of others and their various uses for
is what is going on at the Preschool. shoes, and they have even taken off their shoes and
The Chickadees, (Montana Vasquez-Grinnell’s 2’s used them for building and play. Most recently the
class) are learning about spring especially the idea that Sparrows have noted that their feet have grown since
"April showers bring May flowers!" They’ve learned they were "little" and are charting their growth by ob-
two new songs about April Showers and made spring serving their old and new shoes. Now if they could just
flowers and sand paintings. The children will also get switch to sandals and flip-flops-- perhaps someday
a chance to make art that can be hung on the window The growth in the Robins (Christine Bardach’s 3’s
creating a stain glass effect. They were also been talk- class) is evident in their play. They have taken great
ing a lot about Passover - singing songs about the strides in playing and working together in small and
plague of the frogs and Dayenu. Each child got the large groups. You can often see two children painting
opportunity to make matzo covers for Passover too. together at the easel or helping each other put on their
After Spring break they are looking forward to cele- favorite dress up clothes. They also enjoy building to-
brating Mother's/Father's Day and work on activities gether at the Lego table and creating elaborate con-
to further develop the children's fine motor skills! structions with Wedgits, a wonderful open-ended
The Starlings, (Alex Beer’s 2’s class) and the Spar- building toy. During snack and lunch they laugh at
rows (Alex Beers's 3's class) have been busy studying each other's jokes and talk about special events in their
the ins and outs of shoes! They have learned that al- lives. Singing in a big circle is a favorite activity along
most everybody wears shoes, and that there are all with dancing together to lively music. It is a pleasure
kinds of shoes for all kinds of jobs. They have been to witness friendships grow and deepen as the year
reading such books as Shoe-La-La!, All Kinds of progresses!
Shoes, and Alfie's Feet. Each day they check to see if The Hummingbirds have been busy preparing for
Passover. They have made their own Haggadahs.
TOT SHABBAT AT Each page includes a work of art created by the chil-
UNION TEMPLE dren. They illustrated lighting the candles, saying the
Kiddush, breaking the matzo and Elijah's Cup. In-
Join Song Leader DEBBIE BRUKMAN cluded in the Haggadah are songs, which the children
for singing, dancing, art, performed for their adults at their Passover Seder.
stories, challah, The songs are Building Cities, Listen King Pharaoh,
and more .... One Morning, Dayenu and Ma Nishtanah, the first of
Every Third Friday the four questions. In addition, the children have also
made Kiddush Cups, a Seder Plate, a Matzo Cover,
Evening at 5 PM, and their own grape juice which they bottled for their
Join us at the next one on Seders at home. To make their school Seder more
MAY 20th. beautiful, the children decorated the table cloths which
Look at our calendar for future will be used at the Seder. They also made macaroons
dates. and chocolate covered matzo, which will be served at
For all tots and their parents. our Seder.
SHABBAT SHALOM! -Susan Sporer, Preschool Director

Religious School

Purim is a Carnival
Parents joined the kids for the annual Religious School Purim Carnival on March 20th. We shot Hanukkah
candles out of a water gun and dunked the rabbi (she’s a great sport!). We played Twister, basketball, and pin
the crown on Esther. We ate hot dogs and hamantaschen and Marianne Dreyfus’ special liebkuchen. We sang
Purim songs, and watched the kids’ presentations. We played Purim trivia. Every carnival-goer took a pur
(Hebrew: lot; plural, purim) and at the end of day, we drew lots: Philip Bernstein was chosen, and crowned
king (mazel tov to King Philip!). We concluded by smashing a crown-shaped piñata. It’s raining candy and
treats! To join in the fun, check out the pictures on our bulletin boards!
Kol haKavod—Much thanks to everyone who made this possible:
Parents Faye White-Willinger, who spearheaded the carnival organizing, and Natalie Green-Giles, for her
much needed help and support. Parent engagement is a critical element of Jewish learning.
UT bnei mitzvah Martin Bernstein, for his juggling demonstration and Gabrielle Green for her very-popular
face painting booth.
Kinder Kef teacher Allison Gutman (she’s a beautiful bee!) for her help with the activities.
Kitah Alef teacher Ari Brickman (in her crazy Mardi-Gras mask), whose class chorus performed Purim songs
and dances.
Kitah Bet teacher David Marx (Batman’s faithful sidekick, Robin), whose class wrote and performed a Purim rap.
Kitah Gimel teacher Rachel Dayan’s class, which created and ran the Purim trivia contest.
Purim Tzedakah projects: An important part of celebrating Purim is helping the needy.
• We collected $87 from Purim carnival ticket sales, which we will donate to the New York Board of Rab-
bis’ annual Passover Appeal to buy Passover food
for needy Jews in the New York metropolitan area.
• Student aide Erez Mirer presented about shaving his
head to raise money for kids with cancer. You can
help! Donate online at
• Longtime UT member Mark Grashow presented
about his project to help African children: The U.S.
– Africa Children’s Fellowship. Please bring school
supplies and gently used children's books, toys and
clothing to the 3rd floor UT office. Packaging the
donations appropriately will be one of the projects
on Mitzvah Day.
I welcome all your questions and concerns. Feel free to
contact me at
-Carole Gould, Educator/Rabbinic Intern


Saturday, May 7th, at 1:00 PM

Come to the first meeting of a three-part community discussion series sponsored

by the Jewish Child Care Association’s CCA’s Ametz Adoption Program for pre
and post adoptive Jewish singles, couples and families in Brooklyn! Meet and share
with other parents about the joys and challenges of adoptive parenting. Discus-
sion will be led by Marcia Hochman, LMSW, Adoption Coordinator, Ametz

Adoptive Family Open House: Come for a luncheon and meeting hosted at
Union Temple, 17 Eastern Parkway (Grand Army Plaza)
Brooklyn, New York, 11238.

Please register at: and go to ametz .

$10/adult, $5/child.

Childcare available. Please call ahead by May 5th: 212-558-9950.

Stress? No Problem After Sisterhood Program
Crises in the Middle East! Earthquakes, tsunamis, and nuclear disaster in Japan! The Great Recession, budget
crises, political deadlock here at home! Feeling stressed-out lately? Sisterhood has the solution!
Be with us Sunday, May 22, 2011, at 10 AM, and discover the secret of the Jewish way to renew spirit and
vanquish tension. On that special morning, Drs. Gail Levine and Robert Fried will present their revitalizing
program, FINDING THE PEACE WITHIN: Tools to Reduce Stress and Strengthen Spirituality. Gail and Bob
draw on the wisdom found in our own Jewish Scripture and the insights rooted in Eastern healing arts to pro-
vide us with the tools we need to restore and renew our energy and maintain balance in our lives. Through gen-
tle, meditative movements, Yogic breath work, soothing Hebrew chanting, and guided visualization of imagery
drawn from the Torah, they will teach us how to reduce stress and reawaken our sense of wonder and oneness
with Creation. This extraordinary Sisterhood program is open to men as well as women, and no special skills
are needed to benefit from it. So join us as Gail and Bob show us the way to connect with the inexhaustible
source of peace within our eternal selves. Come and experience minuchah and renewal.
Sisterhood thanks Rabbi Mary L. Zamore, editor of the new book, THE SACRED TABLE: Creating a Jewish
Food Ethic, for leading us in an engrossing and illuminating discussion in April, exploring the many aspects
of and opinions about Jewish dietary practices and ethics.
At our program on May 22nd, Sisterhood will hold a brief election. If you would like to serve as an officer or
be on our board, please contact Sue Singer (718-783-0181) or Linda Simka (718-857-1001).
-Barbara Brett, Recording Secretary


Things Out
Mitzvah Day is coming and it’s defi-
nitely a day to really sort things out.
Brotherhood and the Religious School
are teaming up to collect school sup-
Please send us information about graduates plies and other items, such a gently used
in your family. toys, to benefit the U.S.-Africa Chil-
Email to: or
dren’s Fellowship. Sorters are needed to
go through the donations and package them for shipment to schoolchildren in
Name of graduate_______________ Africa. Be sure to give generously by
bringing plenty of school supplies to the
Parents' names_________________ temple. Meet at the temple on May
Graduating from (name of school)___________ 15th.
Any plans for next fall?_______________ As we wind down the year Brotherhood
is also looking forward to the end of the
year breakfast in June and the election
of officers.
-David Rapheal, Secretary

Donated by ........................................................................ in memory of
Rosemarie, David and Rafe Shaffer ................................................ Martin Shaffer
Joyce M. Charles ............................................................................... Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Erica Shatz Spry ................................................................................ Hannah Shatz
Donated by ........................................................................ in honor of
Hortense Hurwitz
Eleanor Forman ................................................................................. Demetria Royals
Eleanor Forman ................................................................................. Linda and Howard Simka
Donated by
Mohani Jaikaran, in honor of her daughter Abigail Marin's Bat Mitzvah
Sheila and Dr. Lewis Soloff, in honor of their daughter Lisa's marriage to Dr. Yonatan Greenstein
George Henry, in memory of his aunt Mollie Weissbard
Jarrett and Dr. Ami Brilliant, in honor of the naming of their new daughter, Eliza Jane Brilliant

After the Fire: The Union Temple Tribute Page for the Jewish National
Fund’s “Operation Carmel Renewal: From Black to Green.”
Union Temple will match all funds donated by our congregants.
1) Go to website:
2) Click on “Find a Tribute.”
3) Click on “Show All Funds,” and we are toward the end in the alphabetical listing.
4) Make your contribution online, and your name will be added to our list of donors.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make it out to “JNF” and earmark it: “Union Temple Black to Green,” and
send it to: Jewish National Fund, 78 Randall Avenue, Rockville Center, NY 11570.
John Golomb Linda and Howard Simka Eleanor Forman Carole Gould

Mazal Tov to Union Temple extends its deepest sympathy to

on the death of Carolyn's brother
on April 3rd.
DR. LEWIS SOLOFF Warren is also survived by his wife, Catherine, his older brother Craig
on the marriage of their
and Craig’s wife Missy, his sister Wendy Culp, his mother Jenny, his
nieces and nephews, and many many friends.
daughter With sadness we record the passing of
on March 24th.
to She is survived by her sister Sylvia. She was an educator and television
producer. She was the daughter of former Union Temple trustee H.
DR. YONATAN GREENSTEIN Broadman Epstein and Helen Epstein
on April 16th. 
May their memories be for a blessing

Memorial Plaques
Margo Schuster ....................................................... Yom Hashoah
The Bulletin
Rose Schuster ......................................................... Yom Hashoah Union Temple of Brooklyn
Lena Nachman .......................................................... May 1, 1934 17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238
Jacob Manne ............................................................. May 2, 1954
(718) 638-7600
Gail Cohen Edelman ................................................. May 2, 2000
Samuel Eis ................................................................ May 4, 1942 Fax (718) 783-9151
Robert B. Hutton……………. .................................. May 4, 2003 E-mail
Benjamin Spitzer .......................................................May 4, 1949 Website
Bernard Schmidt ....................................................... May 5, 1914 Dr. Linda Henry Goodman
Jacob Himmelreich ....................................................May 5, 1951 Rabbi
Alexander Klupt ....................................................... May 5, 1972
Silas Besthoff.............................................................May 5, 1996 Lauren Phillips
Col. Arthur Levitt, Past President ............................. May 6, 1980 Student Cantor
Alfred Glassheim ...................................................... May 6, 1967 Shinae Kim
Abraham Nachman ................................................... May 7, 1936 Temple Musician
Bertha Rosenstock Baar............................................ May 8, 1933
Jessie Olga Rosen ..................................................... May 8, 1948 Carole Gould
Stella Bloom ............................................................. May 8, 1988 Educator/Rabbinic Intern
Abraham Schuster .................................................... May 9, 1935 Susan Sporer
Max Kamins ............................................................. May 9, 1946 Preschool Director
Matilda Mason .......................................................... May 9, 1974
Harry Levy.............................................................. May 10, 1941 Doris Klueger
Arthur Kahn ............................................................ May 10, 1968 President
Hyman Kirsch ......................................................... May 11, 1976 Ellen Kolikoff
Carrie G. Goldsmith ............................................... May 14, 1909 Henry Singer
Anna Aberson ......................................................... May 14, 1940 Jeffrey Stein
Anna Ray ................................................................ May 14, 1968 Vice Presidents
Abraham Levy ........................................................ May 15, 1943
Mollye Baron .......................................................... May 15, 1994 Steven Segall
F. Whitlock Newman .............................................. May 16, 1937
Florence E. Van Raalte ........................................... May 17, 1966 Beatrice Hanks
Rabbi Sidney S. Tedesche ...................................... May 18, 1962 Treasurer
Rose F. Feinstein .................................................... May 19, 1982
Abraham Kodziesen ............................................... May 20, 1947 Mike Baron
Grace George Baar ................................................. May 20, 1984 Hortense R. Hurwitz
Honorary Presidents
Samuel N. Weisstein............................................... May 21, 1986
Lester J. Mason ....................................................... May 23, 1963 Eleanor Forman
Frederick May ........................................................ May 23, 1979 Honorary Trustee
Mina Sacher ............................................................ May 23, 1984
Dorothy Waxman ................................................... May 23, 1995 David Rapheal
Bulletin Editor
Sylvia Shaffer ......................................................... May 23, 1997
Sol London ............................................................. May 24, 1961 John Golomb
Moses Katz ............................................................. May 25, 1923 Temple Administrator
Edmund David ........................................................ May 25, 1911
Dena Fogel.............................................................. May 26, 1965 Martin Kasdan
Dr. Harry Mandelbaum........................................... May 27, 1955 Funeral Director
(800) 522-0588
Betty Jane Iason ...................................................... May 27, 1926
Seymour Lansner………………... ....................... May 27, 1992
Ilene Kaufman ........................................................ May 29, 1976 Union Temple suggests that its members
Walter Honig .......................................................... May 30, 1992 contact our Funeral Director
Mary Lorence ......................................................... May 30, 1938 Martin D. Kasdan of
Millie R. Dorf ......................................................... May 31, 1917
Boulevard-Riverside Chapels
A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one. 1895 Flatbush Avenue
If you wish more information regarding obtaining Brooklyn, NY
a plaque in memory of a
loved one please e-mail the temple at
1-800-522-0588 Proudly maintaining more
or leave a message with the temple office. than 50 years of Temple involvement

May 2011
Nisan-Iyar 5771
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 9:30 AM 2 3 4 5 6 7 9:00 AM
Religious School Yom HaShoah Rosh Chodesh Iyar Shabbat Morning
Observed Hevre
7:30 PM
Holocaust 10:30 AM
Brownstone Bklyn Remembrance Day First Friday
Shabbat Morning
Yom HaShoah Family Shabbat
Commemoration 7:00 PM 6:00 PM Snacks
1:00 PM
Kane Street Union Temple 6:30 PM Service
Luncheon for
Synagogue Singers Pot Luck Dinner

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
9:00 AM
9:30 AM Yom HaZikaron Yom HaAtzma’ut
Shabbat Morning
Religious School Israel’s Israel
Memorial Day Independence Day Hevre Siyyum
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning
6:00 PM 7:00 PM Service
Board of Union Templ.e 6:30 PM
Trustees Singers Kabbalat Shabbat

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
9:30 AM All Day 10:30 AM
Religious School RJVNYS Shabbat Morning
Advocacy Day, Service
Mitzvah Day Albany 5:00 PM
Tot Shabbat
7:30 PM
6:30 PM
Annual Meeting of
Kabbalat Shabbat
the Congregation

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
9:30 AM 6:45-7:15 PM 10:30 AM
Religious School RJV Meeting with Shabbat Morning
Siyyum State Senator Service
10:00 AM Squadron, BHS Service of
Sisterhood Conversion:
Breakfast, with 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Reyna
Drs. Bob Fried & Union Temple Shabbat Evening Esquivel-King
Gail Levine Singers Service

29 30 31
Memorial Day Sunday, June 5, approximately 11 AM—3 PM
for the
The Celebrate Israel Parade
up Fifth Avenue.
The Brownstone Brooklyn Jewish Coalition will march together.
Join us for music, food, entertainment, and friendship.
Further details will follow.

Copy & Design for
Direct Mail ● Emails ● Brochures
●Web & Print Advertising
Ellen D. Kolikoff
10% Off for Union Temple members
& Brooklyn business owners

Prospect Park
Health and Racquet Association
In Union Temple Building at
17 Eastern Parkway
Ask about Special discounts for
Union Temple Members

Union Temple of Brooklyn

17 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 638-7600

MAY 2011

Finding the Peace Within - May 22nd

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