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If we have not met yet, I am Jereme Vasquez
and I'm just a man that decided to walk a
very different path. A path of simplicity,
peace, and purpose that allows me to live life
on my own terms. Now, I want to help
empower you to do the same.

So if you are in a spot right now where you

are struggling with getting up every morning
excited about life with no clear direction and
you find yourself asking the questions below,
you've come to the right place.

what do I really want in life?

where do I want to be?
how do I want to spend my time?

3 years ago my wife and I were over 50k in debt, working at jobs we
tolerated, and thought we were doing all the "right" things to be happy.

So why did it feel like we were stuck spinning our wheels going nowhere?

Fed up - we decided that the traditional path to "success" was not for us. So
we created a different path.

Fast forward to today, we have no debt, purchased our A-Frame home in

cash, "retired early" to do the work we love, and live life on our own terms.

Everything began to change for us when we finally got crystal clear on what
we valued and what our truth was because we then had a reason to get up
every morning.

In this guide, I will walk you through a simple 5 step process to help you
uncover your values and get clear as to why and how you want to live your
life. Let's dive in!
Free 1-on-1 Guidance: This is a free 1-on-1 call with me to help you get
clear and develop a plan of action after you complete this guide - I
choose only a handful of people to help every month. Click Here to Apply

Remember a day where you felt at complete peace. A day that you could
literally see yourself living every day.

(Try not to think of a vacation where your dopamine is going to be high,

just a day where you felt awesome. If this is hard, think about a peaceful
week you have had)

Now, think about the habits or tasks you did that morning, afternoon,
and evening. What did your routine look like for the day (or week?)

(Make sure to account for some type of work because we were not only
made to create and serve those around us, but we also need to put food
on the table. Don't define the type of work just yet, just what your ideal
day would look like with work).

Example: For me, it was to wake up when I want and start the day with
breakfast or coffee with my wife and then read my bible. Productive 3-4
hours of work on my remote service business from home or local coffee
shop. Go for a walk or talk on the phone with a friend or family. Home-
cooked dinner with my wife. Go to church, serve where I can, and
fellowship with friends. Come home and relax. Simple day that I find
really fulfilling.
What type of work do you like to do?

If you are not sure, what skills do you want to learn?

Type of people you want to work with?
Type of people you want to serve?
Want to be self-employed or be an employee?
In person or remote?
How many days and hours do you want to work?

Jot down your ideal daily work routine, type of work, and ideal working

Example: I enjoy helping people/businesses get what they want by

simplifying and clarifying their message. I can get emotional so I don't
want to carry all the stress and need a business partner that is ambitious
as I am but doesn't let emotion cloud judgement. I want to provide good
results for clients without doing the work, meaning I want to build
systems and teams to take care of operations so I can eventually just
focus on growth and creative innovation to better serve my clients. I
want a little bit of remote and in person. I don't mind working up 3-4
days a week, as long as I am able to choose when I work.
Then sit back and reflect on your answers from Step 1 & 2. Simply ask
yourself - because why? Write down a "because" after every line item
you just wrote.

I want to wake up later because I am not a morning person
I want to stay/feel connected to Christ daily because I want the
armour of Christ to protect me and I want to bear the fruits to reflect
Christ everyday.
I want to start the day connected to my wife because, as the most
important person in my life, I want her to feel supported/loved daily,
but because she is also my best friend.
I want a flexible work schedule because I want to be able to help my
wife or a friend when they need it, I want to be able to visit the
dentist without having to stress or ask my boss for permission to take
care of myself, I want to be able to pick up and take the day off when
I feel like I am in a creative rut and simply, don't feel productive.

As you go through this process, you will start to uncover what you value.
This part may be hard or may take time, but go deep.
Write down your top 3 values that bring you peace.


I value living for Jesus Christ and reflect him every day, in everything
I do.
I value strong, healthy relationships with my loved ones.
I value continuous growth and leveraging my skills to serve those
around me without stress.

Now, forget what society says is "right". This is your truth. Give yourself
permission to walk in those values because that is what truly makes you
Sum up those 3 values in one sentence. Create a simple truth statement
to live by.

I choose to wake up everyday to

I choose to wake up everyday to walk with Jesus Christ and serve those
around me by being a faithful steward with my time, talent, and money.

Now, you have a reason to wake up everyday - that statement will

become more clear and refined as you continue to walk in your truth.

So now that you are clear on your values and how you want to live your
life, what is next?

You are then ready to create a roadmap to create a lifestyle that allows
you to live in your values everyday.

We become unhappy and dissatisfied when our actions don’t align with
our values and truth. That is why creating a plan of action is a vital next
step to start living the life you want.

This is where the vehicle may look different for everyone because we all
have different desired lifestyles, sitiations, and incomes.

But no matter what vehicle you choose, you are now clear on the
destination (your truth statement). Filter every decision through your
values & truth statement. You know if it doesn't align, then it's the wrong
for you.

Free 1-on-1 Guidance: This is a free 1-on-1 call with me to help you get
clear and develop a plan of action to retire early after you complete this
guide - I choose only a handful of people to help every month.
Click Here to Apply now.

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