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Grade 4 SSES – Science Investigations: Fair Testing


Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies (maximum of 3: Learning Objectives
content, skill, application) (instructional objectives)
Science Investigations: Doing The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner …
a Fair Test (Experiment)** Demonstrates Designs and performs simple Makes a conclusion based on the results Science Investigations
understanding of fair fair tests/experiments to of a fair test in answering a science
testing as one form of answer a science problem problem 1. Conducts science investigations using the
science investigation following steps;
 Stating a testable problem
 Doing research (library/internet)
 Writing a hypothesis
 Identifying the variables (controlled,
 Designing an experiment to test the
 Performing an experiment
 Organizing data in tabular form
 Presenting and interpreting data
 Analyzing Data
 Drawing conclusion
 Writing a research report

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies (maximum of 3: Learning Objectives
content, skill, application) (instructional objectives)
The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner…
MATTER (Properties and Properties and Uses of Materials
Structure)  Demonstrates  practices proper handling  Discusses the advantages of 1. Classifies materials based on their
understanding of of materials and disposal of classifying materials based on their properties and uses
 Properties used to grouping different wastes properties and uses 1.1 household materials
group and store materials based on these 1.2 industrial material
materials properties:  practices ways that  States the benefits that we get 1.3 agricultural materials/farm
 Handling materials - Absorbing water prevent changes which may from the changes materials chemicals
(useful and waste - Floating or sinking have harmful effects on the undergo 1.4 food, drinks and medicine
materials, 5R’s) (*) - Decaying or non- immediate environment and
 Changes that
decaying living organisms  Investigates the harmful effects 2. Compares physical and chemical
that changes in materials could changes
Materials Undergo
 Demonstrates cause us
- Changes that are
understanding of 3. Enumerates materials that have
changes materials improved our way of life
- Changes that are
undergo when exposed  Clothing
to certain conditions  Food
 Transportation
 Building materials
 Means of communication

4. Discusses the harmful effects of

the changes that materials
 Living things
 Environment

5. Practices precautionary measures

in handling, using, storing and
disposing materials
5.1reading product labels
5.2labeling household materials
5.3 segregation /disposal of
 Biodegradable
 Non- biodegradable
 Toxic
 Non toxic

The Human Body The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner…
 Skeletal and Muscular  Demonstrates  practices healthful habits of  Explains the parts and functions of the The Skeletal and Muscular Systems
systems (movement, understanding that body the skeletal and muscular, and Muscular, skeletal, and Digestive 1. Explains how the skeletal system works
ailments, diseases, organs work together to the digestive systems to Systems and how their parts work 1.1. Identify some bones that make up the
protection and care) form body systems such as maintain proper body together (using multi-media and non- skeletal system
Skeletal and Muscular, functioning. multimedia resources 1.2. Explains how parts of the skeletal
Digestive, Respiratory system give the body form, shape, &
Circulatory, Excretory/  Cares for the bones and  Infers the importance of maintaining support
Urinary, Reproductive, muscles and the digestive proper body functioning of the skeletal, 1.3. Discusses how the skeletal system
Nervous, and Endocrine system to prevent ailments muscular and the digestive systems protects the internal organs
Systems and diseases and protect 1.4. Explains how the skeletal system
them from injuries. enables us to move
 Demonstrates  Collects, records and organizes data on 2. Explains how the muscular system
understanding of the parts,  Demonstrates concern and the causes and effects of ailments/ works
functions, kindness towards differently- diseases related to the skeleton- 2.1. Explains how the muscles give form
ailments/diseases, abled persons (5) and shape to the body
muscular and the digestive systems
protection/ care for the 2.2. Compares how the different types of
human body muscles enable us to move

3. Explains how the skeletal and

muscular systems work together
3.1. Describes how some muscles are
attached to some bones
3.2. Explains how the connection of
muscles and bones enable us to
3.3. Creates a model showing how bones
and muscles give form and shape
and enable us to move

4. Practices proper care of the

skeletal and muscular systems
4.1. Identifies common injuries that can
harm the skeletal and muscular
4.2. Describes ways of preventing skeletal
and muscular injuries
4.3. Demonstrates first aid measures for
bone and muscle injuries

 Digestive system (parts, The Digestive System

functions, ailments, 1. Explains how the digestive system
diseases, protection and works
care) 1.1. Identifies the parts of the digestive
1.2. Describes the function of each
1.3. Traces the path of food in the
digestive tract and explain what
happens to the food in each part
1.4. Explains why food has to be
Practice proper care of the digestive
2. Practices proper care of the digestive
2.1. Identifies health habits related to
the digestion of food
2.2 Describes common ailments of
the digestive system
2.3 Discusses ways of preventing/
curing ailments of the digestive
system works

Grade 4 SSES – LIFE SCIENCES (People, Animals, Plants, Interactions in the Environment)
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Learning Objectives
Animals The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… 1. Compares the life cycle of
o Classifying animals  Demonstrates  Chooses which animals to raise 1. Infers that certain stages in the life cycle some common animals
based on the understanding that that in a particular habitat of animals affect people and other living (helpful and harmful)found in
presence key stages in the life things as to their usefulness and danger the locality
(vertebrates) or cycle of animals can be 1.1 Describes the stages in the life
absence both beneficial and cycle of some animals
(invertebrates) of harmful to people and 1.2 Illustrates the stages in the life
backbones plants 2. Distinguish the characteristics of cycle of common animals
 Uses natural pest control to vertebrate and invertebrate animals 1.3 Infers the usefulness of animals
o Life cycles (butterfly, target the vulnerable stage in a to other living things based on
fish, frog, mosquito) pest’s life cycle their life cycle
1.4 Infers the dangers posed by
some animals to other animals,
people, and other living things
based on their life cycle
1.5 Describes the harm done (e.g.
dog bite, mosquito bite, etc.)
and some diseases spread by
animals (e.g. bird flu, foot and
mouth disease, etc.)
1.6 Describes the harm done by
certain animals to crops and
other plants
1.7 Suggests ways on how to
prevent the disease causing
animals from multiplying
1.8 Practices safety measures in
dealing with animals
1.9 Identifies the international
laws that protect animals
2. Compares the modes of
reproduction of some
common animals found in the
2.1 Observes how some
common animals
are born using
videos or by
2.2 Compares animals
hatched from eggs
with those born as
baby animals
2.3 Classifies animals
based on how the
baby is born (live
birth or through egg

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

3. Compares the characteristics
of vertebrate and
invertebrate animals
4. Classifies animals into
different groups of
5. Compares the characteristics
of arthropods, annelids ,
coelenterates , crustaceans,
echinoderms and mollusks
6. Classifies animals into the
different groups of
7. Constructs a simple
classification scheme for
grouping animals

Plants The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… Food Making Process in Plants (from
 Comparing plants  Demonstrates  1. Concludes that plants make their own SSES Grade 5)***
understanding of how  Demonstrate care and food based on simple plant experiments 1. Performs experiments to show
 Needs of plants plants reproduce sexually concern for plants based on that sunlight, air, and water are
and asexually to ensure their needs 2. Infers how some plants adapt to needed by plants in making food
 Care and concern their survival certain environmental conditions in 1.1 Plan outs
for plants  Practices appropriate order to make food and survive experimental set-ups
 Demonstrates plant propagation techniques to test what factors
understanding of the for plants of economic 3. Differentiates reproduction through / variables are
differences between the importance found in the seeds (sexual) and reproduction needed for food
life cycle of common community through plant parts other than seeds making in plants
spore-bearing and cone- (asexual) 1.2 Defines operationally
bearing plants the process of
4. Communicates different techniques photosynthesis
developed by people to propagate
plants Plant Adaptation
2. Identifies specific structures
5. Classifies plants found in the community of plants for adaptation to
as non-vascular and vascular (seed- different habitats
bearing and spore-bearing) based on 2.1 Describes plant
observable plants parts adaptation to
changes in
2.2 Identifies poisonous
plants and plant
parts found in the

Plant Reproduction
3. Concludes that plants
produce more of their kind
through seeds
3.1 Describes how seeds
develop from flowers
3.2 Uses a magnifying
lens/ dissecting
microscope to

observe the parts of
a flower
3.3 Illustrates and
label the parts of a
3.4 Describes the
function of each part
3.5 Explains the
importance of the
flower in plant
3.6 Identifies the parts
of the seed and the
function of each part
3.7 Explains how the
different variables
affect seed
3.8 Investigates the
factors that affect
seed germination
3.9 Shows
between the
variables using
graphs and tables
3.10 Analyzes and
interpret the data
3.11 Describes how
seeds are dispersed
to the environment
3.12 Identifies the
structures of seeds
that help in seed
3.13 Describes how

other agents (e.g.,
animals, wind, fire)
help in seed
3.14 Traces the life
cycle of a plant from
the germination of a
seed to the
production of seeds Describes the role
of pollination in
plant pr Explains the role
of fertilization in
plant propagation

3.15Concludes that
plants can also
produce more of its
kinds through other
plants parts (i.e.,
stems (runners),
rhizomes, bulbs,
roots, leaf margins)
3.15.1 Observes new plants
coming from plant parts
other than seeds
3.15.2 Identifies plants in the
community that reproduce
through the other plant

Plant Propagation Techniques

4.1 Concludes that people have
devised ways or techniques to
propagate plants from other
plants parts (e.g., stem cuttings,

marcotting, grafting, leaf cutting)
4.1.1 Designs an experimental
setup to show propagation
from other plant parts
4.1.2 Practices precautionary
measures in propagating
plants from plant parts

Classification of Plants (from SSES

Grade 5)
5.1 Describes the characteristics of
non-vascular and vascular plants
5.1.1 Uses magnifiers
/microscope to describe
parts of vascular and non-
vascular plants
5.1.2 Compares and contrast
essential characteristics
that distinguish non –
vascular from vascular
5.1.3 Constructs a simple
classification scheme for
grouping plants
5.2 Differentiates spore-bearing and
seed-bearing vascular plants
5.2.1 Describes observable plant
parts of seed-bearing vascular
5.2.2 Describes observable plant
parts of spore-bearing
vascular plants

Grade 4 – PHYSICAL SCIENCES ( Energy, Force and Motion)
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Learning Objectives
ENERGY The learner… The learner… The learner… Potential and Kinetic Energy
 Potential and Kinetic  Demonstrates  Protects himself/herself  Investigates 1. Infers that materials that can do
Energy understanding of the from exposure to excessive properties/characteristics of light, heat work has energy
 Forms of energy propagation of light, light, heat and sound and sound 1.1 Differentiates potential from
heat and sound
kinetic energy
 Investigates how heat is transferred
1.2 Describes the
 Demonstrates by conduction, convection and
understanding of the radiation (e.g., using a convection box, position/condition of material
properties/characteristic demonstrate how heat transfers that has potential and kinetic
s of light, heat and sound through gases energy
1.3 Shows that kinetic energy
makes a material work/move.
Forms of Energy
2. Describes the forms of energy and
their uses (e.g., chemical, electrical,
thermal, mechanical, sound,
radiant and nuclear)
FORCE The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner…
 Effects of Force on  Demonstrates  Practices safety measures Effects of Force on Motion (from SSES
Objects understanding of force in physical activities and 1. Demonstrate a situation to prove that Grade 6)
- What force can do and its effects on proper handling of certain forces affect the motion of 1. Conducts scientific
- Measuring force movement, size, and materials objects investigations on the different
- Applications of force shape of materials forces around us
 Factors affecting  Demonstrate a sport 3.16Demonstrates what
force skill involving application 2. Infers the effect of friction on a moving force can do:
- Friction of force object  To moving objects
- Gravity  To objects at rest

3.17Demonstrates what
happens when forces
are unbalanced
3.18Describes how an
action results in a
3.19Classifies forces into
contact forces and
forces acting at a
4. Conducts an experiment on
how friction slows down or
stops moving objects
5. Conducts an experiment on
how gravity speeds up a falling
 Magnets (from K-12 The learner… The learner… The learner… 1. Conducts experiments to
Grade 4) Demonstrates understanding Illustrates the properties of Investigates how magnets interact with show the effects of materials
of the properties of magnets magnets using multimedia and other materials on materials with and without
(from K-12 Grade 4) laboratory resources
magnetic properties

Grade 4 – EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES (Earth and Space)

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Learning Objectives

 Water as a The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
Resource (from K-12  Demonstrates  Presents creatively 1. Investigates different sources of 1. Identifies sources of water
Grade 4) understanding of the (through multi-media/non- water suitable in the community 2. Communicates clearly how
- Sources of water different sources of multimedia resources) the water sources are used for
(spring, lakes, seas, water suitable for wise use of water in different 2. Describes the importance of the human daily activities
rivers, streams, human consumption situations (from K-12 Grade water cycle to life on earth 3. Infers the importance of water
waterfalls and (from K-12 Grade 4) 4) to daily activities
dams) 3. Conducts research work using multi- 4. Makes a diagram showing the
- Importance of water media resources in relation to sources usefulness of water in man’s
- Wise use of water of water suitable for human daily activities
consumption 5. Identifies ways on the wise use
of water
6. Determines the effects of
unwise use of water
7. Illustrates the processes
involved in water cycle
8. Predicts the effects of human
activities to water cycle e.g
conversion of farmland/fish
ponds to subdivisions,
reclamation land )

3. Weather The Learner… The Learner… The Learner … The Learner…
- Weather Elements
- Weather Demonstrates the Predicts the kind of weather 1. Observes the weather for a period 1. Explains how the basic weather
Instruments understanding of based on a weekly weather of time elements affect weather
- Weather chart weather and changes chart (from K-12 Grade 4) 2. Records observations of the
- Safety precautions over time (from K-12 2. Uses weather devices to measure basic weather elements for a
Grade 4) the different weather components week
 Air Temperature
 air pressure
3. Practices safety precautions during  wind speed and direction
weather conditions (from K-12  cloud formation/
Grade 4) precipitation

3. Interprets recorded data

/observations of basic weather
elements that affect weather
3.1 Graph recorded data to
show daily and seasonal
patterns in weather
3.2 Relates weather forecasts
with planning of activities
3.3 Relates accuracy of
weather forecasts to
evidences or tools used to
make forecasts

Changes in the Physical The Learner… The learner…. The Learner…. The Learner…
Environment Demonstrates understanding Integrates environmental 1. Predicts what will happen if the 1. Infers the sources of pollution
4. Pollution of nature and effects of awareness and sanitation in daily quality of air in the community from observations and videos
pollution to plants, animals activities to minimize changes in continue to deteriorate 2. Predicts the effects of human
man and its environment the environment, like: 2. Shows proper care and concern for
activities to the atmosphere
 Proper waste disposal the environment.
 Greenhouse effect
 Practice of 5Rs
 Ozone depletion
 Global warming
3. Practices ways that will
minimize the release of air

The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner…
Movement of the Earth and Movement of the Earth
the Moon 1. Infers the changes in the occurrence of
 Phases of the Demonstrates understanding Applies knowledge of the Earth- the moon (from K-12 Grade 5) 1. Describes the movements of
Moon of the phases of the Moon and Moon-Sun movement in correcting the earth
 Rotation the beliefs and practices superstitious beliefs and practices or 2. Explains how the Earth moves 1.1 Simulates the movements of
 Revolution associated with it (from K-12 in affirming practices that have the earth
 Tides Grade 5) scientific basis - rotation (counter
 Eclipses 3. Explains the movement of the Moon clockwise)
Demonstrates understanding around the Earth (old SSES LC 3) - revolution (elliptical
of the movement of Earth and orbit)
Moon 4. Discusses how the movement of the 1.2 Shows through a model how
Earth, Moon and Sun causes tides and the Earth’s rotation causes day
eclipses and night
1.3 Shows through a diagram the
5. Evaluates local beliefs and practices positions of the Earth at
concerning eclipses, tides, and phases of certain points in time as it
the moon based on scientific evidence revolves around the sun in
365¼ days following its orbit

2. Describes the movement of

the Moon around the Earth
2.1 Simulate how the moon
travels around the earth
• One complete rotation in one
• Same side of the Moon faces
the Earth all the time as it
revolves around the Earth
2.2 Shows in a diagram the
position of the moon as it
revolves around the earth
in 29½ days
3. Explain the effects of the
movements of the moon, earth
and sun in the occurrence of
eclipses and tides
4. Conducts a survey on the
community’s beliefs and practices
about eclipses, tides, phases of the
moon (revised from K-12 Grade 5)

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