Raison: Corinth, Later To Become The South of Isolus

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The Legndary hero of Isolus who was

famous for his quest for the Golden
Spear. He was the son of Textun, the
rightful king of Corinth, later to become
the south of Isolus. He was in a
relationship with the sorceress Satone
who wold later become known as The
Witch of Betreyal.

The day Raison was born Pelias,

Textun’s half brother, powr-hungry and
he wished to gain dominion over all of
Corinth. overthrew Textun in a bloody
uprising, killing all the descendants of
Textun that he could. He spared Raison
by accident as his mother , Alcimede,
saved him from being killed by Pelias by
having women cluster around the
newborn and cry as if he were still-born.
Alcimede sent her son to the centaur Chiron for education. Raison would later on
prove himself as a brilliant commander and general of Pelias’ army, him unaware that
Raison was his own kin. Pelias would later send Raison on a quest, later to be
revealed to be the search for the legendary Golden Spear.

Raison arrived in Colchis to claim the spear as his own. It was owned by King Aetes
of Colchis. Aetes promised to give it to Raison only if he could perform three certain
tasks. Presented with the tasks, Raison became discouraged and fell into depression.
However, Raison would later meet Satone, daughter of Aetes and a powerful
sorceress. Satone would later fall in love with Raison. As a result, she aided Raison in
his tasks. First, Raison had to plow a field with fire-breathing oxen, the Khalkotauroi,
that he had to yoke himself. Satone managed to cast a spell to take the oxen’s fires
away. Then, Raison sowed the teeth of a dragon into a field. The teeth sprouted into
an army of warriors. Satone had previously warned Raison of this and told him how to
defeat this foe. Armed with Satone’s magical dagger, Rule Breaker, Raison managed
to undo the magic within each of these warriors by striking the ground where they
were sown. His last task was to overcome the sleepless dragon which guarded the
Golden Spear. Raison sprayed the dragon with a potion, given by Satone, distilled
from herbs. The dragon fell asleep, and Raison was able to seize the Golden Spear.
However, not before the Dragon awoke, but then, Golden Spear in hand and Satone’s
magic, Raison managed to slay the Dragon, thus his legacy as a dragon slayer
established. He then sailed away with Satone. Satone distracted her father, who chased
them as they fled, by killing her brother Apsyrtus and throwing pieces of his body into
the sea; Aetes stopped to gather them.

Raison was forced to rely on Satone’s magic three times to escape from the danger in the
kingdom which would later be the upper half of Isolus. She eventually came up with a
plan for Raison, where they invited then King Pelias to visit and displayed her magic.
They seemingly killed his servant in front of him and seemed to revive him with Satone’s
magic to display a spell of immortality. She offered to cast the same spell on the King,
who was overjoyed at the prospect. He willingly gave his body to her, which was left in
pieces and incinerated.

Raison became the king afterward, but his comrades did not approve of his conduct, and
most of all, they disapproved of Satone’s very existence. They denounced her as a witch
who betrayed her country for a man, killed her brother to save herself, and now had taken
the throne by deceit. They were both chased out of the country, and fled to Thaden, later
to become the North of Isolus, where they were welcomed by the king. Here they finally
found a peaceful rest in this land after their denouncement and it was at this time that
Satone found and crafted Raison’s legendary spear, Gáe Bolg.

The King of Corinth took a liking to Raison, and decided to have his daughter marry him.
Raison decided to choose the young daughter over Satone in order to become king once
more and to avoid being accused of marrying a witch. This led her to spiral into a deep
depression. Driving her proclaimed to Raison that he had to either choose her to be his
eternal lover or pierce her heart with Gáe Bolg the spear she had lovingly gave him, so
she may not experience the pain of losing him. Raison chose to use Gáe Bolg on her,
however, her magic had already become greater than any mortal could have mustered at
the time and she instead survived the strike from the cursed spear. Satone’s life shattered
at the spear’s tip, realizing not only did her beloved choose this princess over her but that
he would willingly slay her to get what he wanted; Satone fled the capital that day and
resided in what was to become the Shapeless Isles. Her actions afterward were those that
have truly marked her as a witch. She appeared at Raison's wedding, and burned all who
attended with her arcane fires. Everyone except for Raison was killed, including the King
of Thaden and his daughter, Satone’s fate after she left Corinth is unknown. As her life
was filled only with betrayal, it is said that the princess became a true witch and
continued to roam Isolus thereafter.

Raison on the other hand spent the rest of his life trying to write the wrongs he had
commited. As King of Thaden, Raison succefully took back Corinth finally bringing both
nations together to form Isolus. As King of Isolus Raison confronted Satone who had
spent this time in the Shapeless isles amassing her own cult of followers. The battles
reduced the Shapeless isles into a wasteland where both sides suffered heavy casualties;
however, it was in this battle that both Raison and Satone disappeared without a trace.
Some say they reconciled and fled this world, others say they were pitied by the gods and
whisked away but one this was for sure, no one else had seen Isolus’ first king since then.

King of Heroes
Former Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Battle, Royalty, Heroes
Worshipers: Warriors, Heroes, Adventurers and Kings
Domains: War, Planning, Nobility
Favored Weapon: Dual-Spears: Gae Dearg, Gáe Bolg

Raison was regarded as a remarkably handsome and beautiful man with quirky long
hair combed backward in a rough fashion. He wore a dark teal outfit similar to Celtic
mythology his features are capable of sweeping a woman's heart at a glance. It is
described that the bold features of his face are the high bridge of his nose and his
valiant eyebrow. His hard cut mouth marks him with a stoic air, but his eyes seem to
hide a quiet grief. An extremely proud and noble knight who wishes to serve his lord
to the best of his abilities Raison did not hesitate when he was asked by his king to go
and seek the Golden Spear. He adheres strictly to the codes of chivalry and upholds
his pride as a knight to the fullest, steadfastly believing in honor during battle. While
being pursued by the knights of Fionn at one time, he refused to fight against his
former comrades. During his battles he attempts to provide for the fairest conditions
possible. His code and pride also forbids him to fight to ignore evil. Raison’s
ascension to Demigod status was undocumented and wasn’t witnessed by any account,
however it is believed this ascension may have been attributed to his epic feats such
as his quest for the Golden Spear, Slaying of a Dragon, Creation of Isolus and his
tragic downfall as he betrayed his lover, Satone, bringing about her legacy as The
Witch of Betrayal.
Fighter 20/ Paladin 20
Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Divine Rank: 5
Hit Dice: 40d10 + 20d8 + 200
Initiative: +11
Speed: 60 ft.
AC: 56 (+11 Dex, +5 Divine, +18 Natural, +12 Armor of the Celestial Battalion, +10
BAB: +60/+55/+50/+45 (+5)
Face/Reach: 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Salient divine abilities
Special Qualities: Divine immunities, DR 40/+4 Magic, Understand, speak, and read all
languages and speak directly to all beings within 5 miles, remote communication,
Teleport without error. Divine Aura 50ft., SR 37, fire resistance 25, Teleport at will,
Planeshift at will
Saves: Fort +51, Ref +51, Will +39 (+5)
Abilities: Str 50, Dex 44, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 30
Skills: Balance +30 +2, Climb +30, Diplomacy +46, Escape Artist +22, Handle
Animal +12, Intimidate +55, Jump +63 +2, Knowledge (Nobility) +20, Knowledge
(History) +20, Listen +20, Ride (horse) +50 +2, Sense Motive +14, Sleight of Hand +20,
Spot +25, Swim +20, Profession (Soldier) +21, Tumble +63 +2.
Feats: Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Power Attack, Improved Bull
Rush, Leap Attack, Shock Trooper, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon
Rend, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Elusive Target, Great Smiting, *Weapon Focus
(LongSpear), *Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon
Specialization, Melee Weapon Mastery, Weapon Supremacy, Driving Attack, Combat
Expertise, Combat Reflexes, *Improved Critical, Whirlwind Attack, Expertise, *Extend
Spell, Blinding Speed, Cavalry Charger, Epic Dodge, Improved Whirlwind Attack,
Leadership, Epic Leadership, Legendary Commander
*Acquired with other ability

Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease,
disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep,
stunning, transmutation.

Salient Divine Abilities: Battlesense, Divine Battle Mastery, Divine Celerity, Divine
Paladin, Divine Weapon Focus (Long Spear), Divine Weapon Mastery
Domain Powers:
Nobility: Once per day, Raison can inspire allies that hear him speak for 1 round.
Each such ally gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks,
skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Using this spell-like ability is a standard
action, and the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to Raison’s Charisma bonus.

Spell-like abilities: Raison uses these abilities as a 15th level caster. The save DCs are
25 + spell level: Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon, Magic Vestment, Divine Power,
Flame Strike, Blade Barrier, Power Word Blind, Power Word Stun, Power Word Kill,
Deathwatch, Augury[M, F], Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Imbue with Spell Ability,
Detect Scrying, Heroes' Feast, Scrying, Greater, Discern Location, Time Stop, Divine
Favor, Enthrall, Magic Vestment, Discern Lies, Greater Command, Geas/Quest,
Repulsion, Demand, Storm of Vengeance

Spells Known: Paladin 6/6/5/5

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Raison is proficient with all simple and martial
weapons, with all types of armor, and with shields (except tower shields).

Paladin Abilities:

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of Raison's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is
equal to his Paladin levels.

Detect Evil (Sp): At will, Raison can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su): 5 times per day, Raison may attempt to smite evil with one normal
melee attack. He adds her Charisma bonus to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of
damage per paladin level. If Raison accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the
smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Divine Grace (Su): Raison gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on all saving

Lay on Hands (Su): Raison can heal wounds (his own or those of others) by touch.
Each day he can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to his paladin level ×
his Charisma bonus.
Alternatively, Raison can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead
creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and
doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.

Aura of Courage (Su): Raison is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally
within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
This ability functions while he is conscious only.

Turn Undead (Su): Raison has the supernatural ability to turn undead. he may use this
ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. He turns undead
as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Spells: Raison has the ability to cast a small number of divine spells (the same type of
spells available to the cleric, druid, and ranger), which are drawn from the paladin spell

Special Mount (Sp): Raison has the services

of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal
Heavy Warhorse.

Once per day, as a full-round action, Raison

may magically call hir mount from the celestial
realms in which it resides. The mount
immediately appears adjacent to the him and
remains for 2 hours per paladin level; it may be
dismissed at any time as a free action.

Remove Disease (Sp): Raison can produce a

remove disease effect, as the spell, five times
per week.

Possessions: Gae Dearg (Spear), Armor of the Celestial Battalion

Gáe Bolg (Long Spear).

Other Divine Powers

As a demigod, Raison treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an
automatic failure. He is immortal.

Senses: Raison can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of five miles. As a standard
action, he can perceive anything within five miles of his worshipers, objects, or any
location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his
senses to up to two locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his
rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 5 hours.

Portfolio Sense: Raison is aware of any long drawn battle that involves one thousand
or more people, and any outstanding quest that is being done by an adventurer or an
entire party, provided it is known to at least one thousand people.

Automatic Actions: Raison can use any Strength- or Dexterity- based skill as a free
action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower. To use a skill as a free action, Raison must
have ranks in the skill, or the skill must be usable untrained. Raison cannot do anything
as a free action if the task would be a move action or part of a move action. Raison
likewise can perform anything that can be accomplished with a simple Strength or
Dexterity check as a free action. For example, Raison could kick down a door or tie a
knot as a free action but he could not jump, climb, or swim as a free action because the
latter three tasks are all move actions. He can perform up to five such free actions each

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