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1. How would you define fairness, justice, accountability, and transparency? 

 From our point of view, we define fairness as to the ability to make judgements
without references to anyone’s feelings or interest, and free from discrimination. On
the other hand, justice is a standard of rightness, and it means giving the person what
he/she deserves. It has also to do with fairness, wherein it can result from the
application of rules, policies, or laws that apply to a society or a group. 

 Accountability is the ability to be responsible for their actions, performances and to

rectify when a duty and commitments are not met. 

 Transparency refers to performing an actions in an open and clear manner, wherein it

allows stakeholders to understand whether the activities of social institutions such as
international organizations and NGOs provide a genuine service to civil society and
whether money is used appropriately.

2. Define competence, professionalism, and responsibility. Why do you need to be

competent in your job? Explain the basic skills needed in the workplace. 
 Competence is defined as the ability of a an individual to work hard and exert oneself 
but also efficiently. 
 Professionalism is defined as an l intelligence  in order to connect and interact
effectively and respectfully with people and stakeholders from various backgrounds,
diverse cultures, and with different interests, inside and outside the organization, and
to build lasting and trustful relationships.
 Responsibility refers to the fact that employees need to demonstrate that they have
integrity, benevolence, and ability in situations where trust is important—say, where
they could behave opportunistically or let employees down but do not. Trust can also
be won in the ability domain simply by demonstrating competence. 
 Technical skills encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.
Human skill is the ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support
other people, both individually and in groups, which defines human skills. Human
skill is the ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other
people, both individually and in groups, which defines human skills.

3. How can you be a good steward of your home, your school, your workplace, and the
 To be a good steward, in all aspect, is to help others and go beyond ourselves that
focus on the opportunities to also let others grow and develop themselves. That
everything we do, and every decisions we make, we are to count the cost before we
should start to build. 

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