10 Guiding Principles On The Use of Social Media - May2020

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Sun Life 10 GUIDING PRINCIPLES ON THE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA For the complete policy and guidelines on the 10 Guiding Principles on the Use of Social Media, please refer to the document found in Advisor Home Office y | BE RESPONSIBLE bd e Exercise utmost personal integrity and responsibility knowing there are consequences to your social media activities. Know, understand, and follow the laws, regulations, internal policies and guidelines that govern your role and practice as a member of the insurance industry and as a Financial Advisor of Sun Life. © Do not post or share content from sources that are known to be or are potentially unreliable, unverified, or fake. Be vigilant & analytical when reading and sharing content so as not to spread fake news. e Use only advertising and marketing materials that have been approved by Marketing. Materials should be clear, unambiguous and in simple language. Information provided should not be misleading nor given unrealistic expectations or projections. e Follow the user agreement of any social media site you participate in PROTECT YOURSELF © Maintain the highest security standards such as using strong passwords, changing passwords regularly, keeping your passwords to yourself, and/or having passwords for different accounts. @ Regularly review and utilize security and privacy settings offered by social media platforms. © Be wary of third-party applications and freeware that can be used to hack your computer and steal your data and information WN PERSONAL OPINIONS e Make clear that any opinions, beliefs, and affiliations expressed are your own and do not necessarily represent those of Sun Life. Own your social media accounts and content, and make clear that you do not speak on behalf of Sun Life e@ When expressing your political opinions, never associate or attribute your opinion to Sun Life. Examples of cases where association/attribution include: posting photos that include Sun Life logos/marks (in the background or wearing SLF shirts) while expressing your political opinion. e Your social media account is your space and contains your own thoughts and opinions. Say so by placing this in your profile or social media account information “This account reflects my personal views and opinions. They are not the stand or opinion of Sun Life or any other organization | am associated with.” NDERSTAND COMPANY RIGHTS @ The Company reserves the right to edit, amend, delete, and report accounts, posts, comments, articles or any misleading or inaccurate content about Sun Life and its products and services We: bas @ The Company reserves the right to report any content violating all other policies, regulations, and laws. ® Do not include “Sun Life” in your personal account name. @ Always exhibit proper conduct on official Sun Life social accounts, posts, ads, websites, published articles online, and similar public media. © Always comment positively and refrain from contacting leads in Sun Life social accounts directly to ensure clients are properly handled through Sun Life's lead management process. Juan Dela Cruz Juan Sun Life Ph Sun Life Financial Advisor Financia Advisor RESPECT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY e Protect Sun Life's intellectual property and that of other organizations and individuals. @ Always make sure that you acknowledge the sources of all official materials of Sun Life and other entities that you use in your posts. e Ensure that Sun Life documents such as internal memos, presentation materials, checks, accomplished forms, and other documents not for public consumption are kept out of social media. © Ensure that you have written permission to use trademarks, logos, photos, videos, graphics, images, and other content from their respective owners before posting. © Ensure that you have permission fram Marketing to use Sun Life's brand assets including but not limited to logos (Sun Life, Brighter Life, Go Well), brand ambassadors in your materials. * Follow the branding guidelines of the Company. Share from these official Sun Life pages and accounts: vhdg, a“ sunlife.com.ph SunLifePH ei “E.S gowell.com.ph GoWell PH sunlifeph @SunLifePH gowellph @gowellph Sun Life Branding Guidelines ¢ Use the Sun Life logo properly. Don’t modify it and keep it clear. & Sun Life Sun Life The Sun Life logo, taglines, and of other brand assets are all intellectual property of Sun Life. If you wish to use any of these assets, seek approval from our Marketing Department first ® Use only official Sun Life colors SUN LIFE BLUE PMS 547. C-100 M-29 Y-27 K-79 Baee dia) R-O G-57 B-70 e You may use these fonts as substitutes for our official Sun Life fonts: Calibri Georgia Regular Arial Narrow Calibri Italic Georgia Italic Arial Narrow Italic Calibri Georgia Bold Arial Narrow Bold Calibri Italic Georgia Bold Italic Arial Narrow Bold Italic e Use images that depict warmth and brightness. ¢ Always write Sun Life correctly — two words with S and L capitalized @ Sun Life % Sunlife sun life ® SunLife BE PROFESSION © Represent yourself professionally, truthfully, and accurately at all times. © Be clear about your role and connection with Sun Life © Ensure that the photos you post are decent, non-offensive, and would not put you in a compromising situation. © Don't use statements, photographs, video or audio that could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening, intimidating, disparaging, or that might constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone's reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion or any other status protected by law or the company’s policies or guidelines. © Do not use designations or positions that are not yours and that you have not earned. ® Never use another organization's or person's crises, issues, and scandals to promote yourself or the Company. © If you are no longer connected with Sun Life, ensure that you have removed any mention of your current affiliation © Don't insult, use slurs or obscenities - they violate Sun Life's policies. © Choose appropriate social media networks when promoting yourself as a Financial Advisor. Social media networks that are created for dating and sexual encounters are inappropriate and are not allowed © Never offer personal promotions (i.e. sales incentives, discounts, tebates) to your clients offline and online. According to the Field Code of Market Conduct, “Advisors are prohibited from giving partial discounts or full rebate of premium to their clients. Advisors must also not offer any incentive (monetary or non-monetary) to induce any prospect or existing client to purchase a policy. This violation merits immediate termination of Agent's Contract.” - IC Circular 33-2013 Field Code of Market Conduct ¢ Comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, contractual obligations that protect restricted information such as personal data. © Do not share confidential information about our clients, products and services, business, operations, suppliers or other third parties including but not limited to clients’ personal information and policy details; and Sun Life's strategic plans and targets. © Do not use other people's images, experiences, challenges, stories, and/or any details of their lives to promote yourself or Sun Life without their written consent or if you are prohibited from doing so. This includes and is not limited to photos or videos taken at a private or company event. © Do not post pictures or images of client's accomplished application forms, checks, identification cards, and any other information that may be used to enable identity fraud © Keep personal information and business transactions offline and in private. e{ RESPECT EVERYONE e Never post any defamatory, offensive, and derogatory content that may refer to people of a particular race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual preference, and other groups. + © Always be kind, polite, considerate, and thoughtful. ©, IF UNSURE, BACK OUT @ Think twice before posting. If you think or feel that what you are about to post violates these principles and goes against generally accepted behavior, do not proceed rf asic a Navigating the world of social media can be tricky. Ask and seek advice from Sales Support-Digital Distribution and other concerned departments to guide you. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT... SEEK ADVISE FROM... Overall digital and social media guidelines and practice; Digital Distribution Approvals of digital and social media content PHIL-DigitalDistribution@sunlife.com Client-facing tools with needs-based analysis Sales Quality Management and product positioning content Phil-Sales-QM@sunlife.com Branding guidelines and media appearances/ Marketing endorsements PHIL-SocialMedia@sunlife.com VIOLATIONS Below is Sun Life's procedure in addressing violations against these guidelines and other related and relevant policies. Violations will be dealt with according to the nature and potential impact of the offense. Erring advisors will be contacted by designated company representatives from Agency Governance. Sun Life reserves the right to skip or combine steps depending on the facts, nature, and gravity of the violation REMINDER. Advisor and/or advisor's line manager receives an e-mail discussing the violations that the advisor has committed and the corrective actions that he/she has to take WARNING. Advisor and advisor’s branch manager receives an e-mail discussing the details of the advisor's violations and specific information regarding the advisors unacceptable behavior. This also includes a message that a repetition of a similar offense will subject the advisor to Compliance and Legal review. ESCALATION TO COMPLIANCE AND LEGAL. Ac\visor is reported to Compliance and Legal with details of the advisor's violations and the steps that have been taken to remind and warn the advisor regarding his/her violations. DISCIPLINARY ACTION AND/OR CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT. The Sun Life Compliance and Legal Departments evaluate the advisors violations and recommends the corresponding disciplinary actions for decision by the Compliance and Ethics Committee (CEC). Sanctions include written reminder, warning, suspension, demotion, termination and/or IC Negative List Reporting.

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