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Blanco, Jenny Marie J.

Teaching English In Philippine Literature (TEELIT)

A Detailed Lesson Plan about Myth

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
- Answer specific question after the story read.
- Compare the characters and traits from the story to the Filipino people.
- Identify the moral lessons found from the story through reading.


Topic: The Myth of Malakas and Maganda

Reference: https://its
Materials:Visual aids, pen and paper


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Daily Routine

1. Greetings
Good Morning, Class! Good Morning, Ma’am!

2. Prayer
Let us pray first, before we do anything Let us all stand, close our eyes and bow our
else. heads.
Please lead the prayer, Class President. ‘’Dear Lord and father of all. Thank you for
today. Thank you for ways in which you provide
for us, for you protection and love. Guide us by
your eternal light as we discover more about the
world around us. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.’’

3. Checking of Attendance
Who is not present today? (Students will tell who is not present today.)

4. Classroom Management
Class, kindly align your chairs properly (Students align their chairs and then pick up all
and pick up the pieces of paper under it. the pieces of papers/trash)

5. Review
Class before we proceed to our lesson, let It was about Myth, ma’am!
us have a recapitulation of our past
lesson. Our past lesson was all about?

Alright, can anyone give me some points Ma’am, Myth is a folklore genre consisting of
about Myth? narratives that play a fundamental role in a
society, such as foundational tales or origin

Very good! Can anyone tell me more?

The main character in myths are usually gods,
demigods, or supernatural humans, ma’am!

Alright! Since you clearly remembered

our past lesson. Let us now proceed to
our lesson for today.

B. Motivation

Teacher will show different pictures like

birds, bamboos, man and woman, etc. Let the (Some students will tell something about the
students tell something on what they thing picture the teacher have shown.)
about those. If they have seen or encountered
something like that.

C. Lesson Proper

1. Presentation

Our lesson for today is about The Myth of

Malakas and Maganda. Have you Yes, Ma’am. I think it is the story of the first
encountered this story before, class? Have woman and man on earth. Ma’am, those two are
you heard something about this? born out of a bamboo stalk that was cracked
open by a bird.
Very well! Class, who has another idea?
I think this story is just a version of Filipinos,
Ma’am! It is almost the same with Adam and
Eve from the Bible.
Wow! What a clever mind!

Class, listen while I read this story, okay?

You can get some moral lessons on this one. Yes, ma’am!

2. Discussion

The Myth of Malakas and Maganda

A long time ago, the house of God was a
fathomless vast of emptiness.

He was saddened because he can’t see nor

hear anything.

The sun rose, bright as a gold and the heavens

were embellished with clear blue skies. In a
distance the full moon peeked amidst the
darkness with thousands of sparkling and
twinkling stars.

God gracefully lifted His powerful hands and

in just a snap, the earth was created. Trees
and grasses sprouted from the lands and
fragrant flowers came into bloom.

Oceans waved and surged; rivers

outrageously flowed. Birds flew freely in the
skies and they rest to sing for a while.

God then created the world. It was such a

beautiful and pleasure paradise to behold!

One day, the king of birds flew and explored

the wild blue yonder. He proudly spread his
sturdy massive wings and flew to the forest

From a distance, he saw a lofty bamboo

bending from its waist as a gentle blow of
wind touched it.

He hurried through the bamboo stopped for a

short rest.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He felt a resounding knock of coming from

the tall bamboo. He was sure he heard a
‘’Set me free, o, stalwart king of birds!’’.
‘’Peck harder! I can’t breathe. It’s a

‘’It might be a trap!’’, the bird thought. After

a while, a lizard crawled up to the bamboo.
The starving bird tried to grab the crawling

He hardly pecked the bamboo in his attempt

to catch the Lizard.
All of a sudden, the tall bamboo broke. To
the bird’s surprise, a handsome man emerged
from the bamboo.

‘’Thanks, O, great king of the birds! My

name is Malakas. Please continue pecking the
bamboo. Release my partner with your grace
and power!’’

Once again, the bird pecked the bamboo.

A modest and beautiful woman came out

from the bamboo. ‘’She is my wife. Her name
is Maganda. You freed us, O, King of the
birds! You must live with us forever!’’

‘’I can’t”, replied the bird. ‘’I am but one

bird and my home is the immense blue skies.
I travel with the wind. My wings were
intended for flight. But, I would always sing
for you. Even if when I’m gone, my nestlings
would also sing for you. With their rhythmic
voices, they would sing the song I sang for
the both of you!’’

‘’Come! Ride in my massive wings. I would

bring you to the Land of the Morning. There
you must live and stay!’’

Malakas and Maganda reached the land of

green islands. It shone with the brightness of
golden sun. The whole land was a vast of
glistening pearls of the east!

There, in the Land of the Morning, Malakas

and Maganda lived together – the first parents
of the Filipino race.

And that’s that story of Malakas and


Class, did you know that in the Chinese

Folklore, bamboo tree represents the balance No, it is not familiar to us but thanks to that,
between beauty and strength? ma’am. Now, we know.

It is also compared to us humans because it

has flexibility, endurance, and harmony with Yes, ma’am. Just like us Filipinos!
nature. It bends with the wind, but can
survive a storm. No matter how hard our
situation is, we always cope up and overcome
it. Wow! That was very interesting, ma’am.
So after pecking the bamboo, the king of the
birds saw something that surprised him.
Class, What did the bird see? Ma’am, the bird saw a man and a woman.

Correct! Those two humans have their own

name, what is it? The man is Malakas, and his wife is Maganda,
Very good!


Let us see if you remembered something

from the story. The story is about the first man and woman,
ma’am. In this story, it also describes Filipinos.
That story is about?
I think, we are like bamboos because we cannot
be defeated by sorrows. We always stand tall and
The Bamboo in the story symbolizes being face every trials like we are born for it. That’s
strong and doesn’t show weakness despite of why we are like bamboos, ma’am.
experiencing some storms, etc. How can you
compare that trait to us Filipinos?

Very good! The names of the first man and woman are
Malakas and Maganda, ma’am.
What are the names of the first man and
woman? The King of birds helped them to get out from
the bamboo, teacher.
Now, who helped them to get out from the
bamboo? The bird helped them by pecking the bamboo.

How did the bird help them? I think the moral lesson in this story is to always
lend your hands to someone who’s in need of
Now, what is the moral lesson? help. I noticed this when the bird helped the 2
human to get out from the bamboo.

Very nice! It seems like you listened very

well to the story, class.


It is always easy to work with a group, so I’ll

group you into 4. I want you to make a role (Student proceed to their group.)
play about the story we have just tackled.
You have 10 minutes to work for it. The play
should be 3-5 minutes long. You don’t need
to include all the happenings in the story.
You can just summarize it. Before role
playing, you need to do an oral presentation
about the overview of the characters, setting,
pilot, and moral or main idea or message of
the myth.

After 5 minutes…(The group will present

their work)

Okay let’s start with the group 1.

Direction:Below are sentences that show different traits. Write Y if you encountered the trait
from the Legend of Malakas and Maganda, N if not.
___1. Marcus is always patient when it comes to waiting for his girlfriend.
___2. Alea helped his brother on his homework because he asked for her help.
___3. Milky is always strong and feeling happy despite of her bad experiences.
___4. Honesty is the best policy.
___5. The President of the country helped some people who have been experiencing some
difficulties in life.


Which of the character do you like? Why?

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