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2nd Group members :

1. Rachmat Bagus Wibowo 8. Agustin Eka Saputri

2. Tunggal Vita 9. Roihana Asfiati
3. Latri Rahhayu Nur Sholehah 10. Tiyah Pungky
4. Dheti Septiana 11. Miftakhul Ramadhan
5. Bina Nisa Shabira 12. Yunita
6. Yuni Hendrawati 13. Wilan Triani
7. Fahmi Nur Alfiyan

Public Companies
Private companies
In the UK In the US
Can’t sell share on the Are called public limited companies Are called SEC-registered
open market or quoted companies. companies or listed
Produce interim reports. Produce quarterly reports.
Publish an Annual Report and hold an Annual General Meeting.
12.1 Complete the table. Look at A and B opposite to help you.

12.2 Find words in A and B opposite with the following meanings.

1. Behaviour that breaks the law.  misconduct.

2. Sales revenue minus the cost of sales, before deductions for administration expenses,
interest charges, etc.  gross profit.
3. Sales revenue minus the cost of making and selling the goods, and deductions for
administration expenses, interest charges, etc.  net profit.
4. The total amount of money a company receives from selling goods or services  turnover.

12.3 Match the two parts of the sentences. Look at A and B opposite to help you.

1. Only quoted or listed companies.

 about their sales and profits every three months.
2. American corporations publish details.
 can have their shares traded on a stock exchange.
3. Companies’ financial statements, and the auditor’s report.
 are contained in their annual reports.
4. Quarterly and six-monthly reports.
 are not checked by external auditors.
5. Shareholders can ask company directors questions.
 at an annual meeting.
6. Companies can hold an emergency general meeting.
 if there is a crisis.
12.4 Over to you

We never been to AGM, so we don’t know about any disagreement between the shareholders
and the directors. But, we think that in AGM have any disagreement between them, such as the
decision of the directors that won’t to share the profit called dividend to the shareholder
because the directors want to upgrade the company, like to make an expansion. We think that
usually the shareholder is more powerful against directors, because the director is recruit by the
shareholder with 50 % plus one share of company who is the real owner.

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