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ft ft
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.JI ,_
Ht 9
Prose Secti_o11

The Holy Quran the last word of Allah swt that JJ, ¾ ,. .TjJ, ~~I ~T~ afl ~
was sent down to His messenger Mohammed ,, e .i': ,,
PBU~ through. the angel Gabriel in twenty three -"":" ij ~ jj.i ~L..A.J j L~~,
years 1n succession. · ,, , .,
~L ~..1-=-7 ;: 7 ( itJ;r.J (Ji;; 4!1, (-/i:Jr; ~ .:, ~ rr- UJ, J-;, IS •a i: c ~ i, '
. ~ij ~~~'~~le.~~ ~b ;'~:,
~. 1;/1t,iv! ~A SJ.l,.,,23-:.1JL (LJ)1~ ✓-p~),1
,IJ1J)c -~~i;~J.r-4,j~ ,,

The glorious Quran is the source of light, " , ,. ".- -: :. :. -- ,~ .Wt !Tj aft"
guidance, mercy and good news for all mankind. J ~..lA J ~l.t.? J .)_JJ -: \J
I • . • l

• u/}efufl(Li.1JI ,~.1,-.:-cl{ 'r~,Ci,.1~ ~1j ,~~J": ! j W.j

-~' ~

~~~ - the te_achi1urs

Fol1owin.~ ,,
. means success ., wlJ\
~ of Quran ., ,, ,, t ' ..,
. .. ')U J .,
,. ;J, 1 ., ~~
~ and triun1ph in both life and the Hereafter. J .. i.J. C J JJ! ~ Q • J ,
~ Aban~~ning Quran is ~iltimate loss and failure in j iJ~ 1 6: "l l 6·J, J,o_~~I
i~ both lite and the Hereatter. · ,, ., (,

~ .:::... (./ ,7 j~_dJ QJ:--' ( V- .=-}1J jiJ ~ /J:; 1,,/1.11I , j..)11!1 J 51 ;.ii
-f-~~.1Jl0.1~~C.:..,}i,~ J ) ~ )IJC,z.1J~ \
The Holy Quran consists of 114 chapters (surahs) . ~ ~ ,. ,

.l f J~- -,. ! ,~
1 ,, , ·

:~ starting with the Opening (Fatiha) and ending with

I 14 ~ ' ~ I I J, ~~
_,. t I ""'/, T.i--
~ the People (An-Nas). , :. ,. .,, ,. i., ,, ,
.~ . '✓l:,h Li~T J ~\All ~ju ,aj~ :,
;.5~0.1YLr; (v-i.:Jl, 7 ~vi.1r l I4~/~l}.1JI
~ .
r , -

~ ,·, 11 ,v ttt 9
Prose Se cti on

word of Allah swt that :, ,,, ,. ' , - , ' ,,.

_ , ,
The Holy Quran the last .\..lJ I ' ~ i\ • I " i. t I ~
was sent dow n to His mes seng er Mohamm
ed ,. e.N
"' 1 t!'
.r: )-A ~.; -- ~ .J-
' · I ,.

~ 't~ ~ 'tl-A.J,. L ~ ~ '.

PBU ~ through _the angel Gabriel in twenty three r.
; ~ i.s- J
years m success10n.
.,.,»"'L ~.. f..::.-7 .r. 'f-- rii()Jr., rJi;;4ll 1(-f1.:Jrj ~ .J ~ :i,u,Ji, ~ ,.. '.; h ;, ~ it '
,~ . ,;;I;;u! ..::, JJl--23 ~ J L ( JJ) I,,}, J-j,( {)' I ~')U .J, ~')(.:JI
..1, .1
4i .R;.; ~ h,,1Y; '

~ The Holy Quran consists of 114 chapters (surahs)

~ starting with the Opening (Fatiha) and
ending with
~ the People (An-Nas).

]uoJYLr; (v! ~' ''f -~ t..)}JY 114._JJ/~I}JJI

-~J 'Co JYJ }i;., t
-~ 2-4 ,/ ,r------
. i""'"~ Azhar ul Arabia 1
'[ he Opening Fatiha Surah is an int ro duction to the _ , , .,. , , .
, , '
IIoIy Q ura n and a s uPP licati on from h I I iJ 1~ ;;.;.u_; __,~ 1 ! • ·U .
worsh ipper to Almighty Allah. · ~
P ess • , • • , , '• ""'-! J
~ r.1.ia
· ' ti '.1J
w;-u,; j' /''r ......... ( (,:fi.:) T;..., CUI ::?ijJ' / ..,..~ AJ

' V .( ; ' 11 ~1 • '
J..;; 1/. 4i> I •' IJ e-,t r I
' . ' t: :, : '.1._;,:_:J1
',~ J1
-~ ~Lc.-).1.
. . . '
'[he remaining 113 surahs are answers to this

supplication. . · ..;,1y. i..J:,..:. 113 .Si J:,..:.

-'r ..,.Jd, I.,,..fl J'.::....t; J;.,,- 113 Jf;JI . µ,1 :,t, f ~iJ114l
• • ,, , • , , , ,, • ,, , , , ..
In this lessOn we shall study the Opening (Fatiha),
the Time (Asr), AI-Khawthar (Ati.undance) and
~"\all ).,.., ..r).U i.tJl)IIM J J
r-1 J r--1 . ~ J )_rlJ ~'"}_j J
,~·.ti , , _:.·~,•1 • , ,, ,, , t. · " ~,,
. .
. Ikhlas (Sincerity) surahs.
. . . .1
I! ;JI . ✓-~ if.;Y .;t IJij .,_,,-( if. ifiJI 1,I
• ' , ., ;
L • - .r( .~
...... ~11 .J
-v,!'v!JiVloJY'/jiloJY'r loJY ('--JY3)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Merciful.


Letters - 123
Words - 25
Verses - 7
All the praises and thanks be to Allah,the lord of
the worlds.
. . d1, LI jJ1,,c V) Lr.( Ii?. 0 ()'4V v!,!j-,.,-
J' 1
' "11 .' , "11,2
' .
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
r-:.r ~f

-f- u1~L Ljr~~~/-:.>.Li

The Only Owner (the Only Ruling Judge) of the .
Day of Judgement.
-~J ~i
~' : < ,,<'"'~\"
~~ . J~1.4
You (Alone) we worship, an<l You (Alone) we ask

for help (for.each and everything)

-v.! ?- ~.,,..:.- 01J.(.,AJ.l' Lf.;.,J\fLl'Ji((!JL- )


_ 25 : Azhar ul Arabia I -
Guide us to the Straight path.

The way of thos e on whom you have bestowed

your Grace.

Not (the way) of those who earned of Your Anger

nor of those who went astray.

_(tJ110 IJ' ),;JJl'f-vv~ { d-ui(tJfit:)I

Summary: .
The holy Qur'an has 114 chapters known as 'Surahs', some are big, the others are
,short. This Surah Al-Fatiha is the first Surah of the holy Qur'an which means the
opening. This is not only the opening of the book, but also the door 'to a happy life in
this world and in the hereafter.
Surah al-Fatihah. is the greatest Surah of the holy Qur'an. It is known by many
other names. The most famous name is 'Umm al-kitab' means "Mother, . the Book". No
other revealed book has a Surah like this. Surah al-Fatihah is a prayer given to us by
A :-- :- ,- -- - --
,- z iar ul .A ra1n·a -k~~ l
. · ,
. l have
A//:th ( S W
T). U I- I) . ~ e d . is S u r a h · All T ) says: I
( P B r m t th ( S W
I'' R a s u l.u l l
ah .
t o t w
,o us a b o
s t
h a l f o t: a l
f it . c r M e and th e s e c o n d h a lf is
. t lJS S u r a
h m
p a r t s . Th
ef ir is th.
o . . oiv h.1m.
diY1dc:d u p n t . W h a t e v e r MY servant ask s me for som m g ' I tAWJll be o en · yto.. 'M
{or My serv
c i t e s 'P r · . b t o All h ' L o r d o f .the w o rld s , lfab (SWT.). sa s. y
r v a n t re ' Wha1se .
e .a M
ious the lost Merc1f~l', Alla
lV/1en thhe s e
in e '
e n r e c..i t e s
servan)t a s 'M y s e r v a n t h a s oI .· f1ed me'. W h e n h e s
'T h e
M o s t G ra c
ays:'Tl . 0
h Y O w n e r o f th
e Da y
l e ' Wh ant
T says: T ) 0 ~t.1
v a n t ·,. es My G r e a t n e s s · . en the serv
(SW (S W e r z z h .
fjud g m e nt', A l l a h s aiys. Mdy s c (Alrea ·) we ask for hel A l. l ·a ( S W T ) says:
o l h
W o r s P, an You one , p d th e
• 'Y o u ( A o n e ) w e y s e r v a n t Th . r t pra1ses M e , a n
says . • et
n n 1 o n b Ween M e and
M . ~ pa
'Tl u·s v ~,. r s c I s c of1o r f th e on
t a s k s a y , T h e way o os
second p h a r . n t r e c i t e s 'G .d
th e S traigh t W
. . o f Y o u r A nge1.
W en the serva to ned
y o u . G ., ;UJ eot u(sthe w a y) ot· those w. ho e a r t
H e will get
t o w e d I r n c e n . s e r v a n
~ave bes 'Tl .
A ll al 1 ( S W T ) sa ys.. . l1s is all t o
r My quests
whom ylou w e n t a s t r ·t y '
) h · . t the p r n ise and re the
t. s e w h o ' SWT a,ccep ffer
nor o t l o k e d f o r '. Allah· ( s : : p r o m i s e ~ to f r o m th o s e who o
he has a
s lwa Du a
whatever (SWT) a e p ts this .
a h c
tomorr .
In con~;~t;i:
urah . A U . y u t
t h i s S e q u e s t
kno w a b o
made in his r
a r l y and say t te th ey do not the
salah r e g u l
i n g a r e illi te r a
in th e h ereafter,
h e huma
n be this worldo u r Du'a .
I n d e e d . t p p e n . in t · .,g Ud !.V
t w,11 ha c:>h , A l l a h a c c e p .~
;~.e~i:~ ur a , w e
w w

;t)~1• .11
n o t h k n s a y .!t means,
o a

1.n J J;t-.=.:;J~/'f V - ,
;c ..:: :: ,, £.. JlJ. ,:~ffJ:~ .
. , .. - :-
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- -~ / 6
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Jrl ? J~ ~ 1L J~ .w 1 ,u
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if 'i
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,,.. ( 11 , : ; ; ~1;.
o,Jt;11 Cf'I n-vv ,;.,,,,.,Ji;-flt;.,
,-4.11 L J;f",,.tilJ
1JJv1L Jtv iiw,;
~J..,, viJ'5
, J/;.,Y'~ V- ~
if-H)1 , 1.,,: ,,cJ.n
..,.,CU!iGJL) ~
.::...J A:,;; t J.,.:
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1 ~ V - V if.,: J '1A
, : Y'r
'i.1 V
, . 7
( J ( ~ Ji .; 1 k J
.. 1 z
-- e _? JJ ~.Wi~.::.. . _ ,
~ L v U U v.~ !A. L
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/IJ L ...#~vV- ~ .71 .J J

.J J w . ,. . . ; / J ' ~.: : ....A
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2 .. f.1L...r-,,.1
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ct 'i
1- fL ~--=--
t .. ,.
E. . .£f .::... 2 - I.1£. (:) /.?. .1J L
1 r v
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fv!}1L i .
~ - ( ./ -'..:.,j /,,JI J?m 0 ¥ ' \ ; ; ! i "
, , I (y.
.104 /ILI =v.r
~ , ,

- , --1
I (11-{E TI\1EJPER100) (.\UKK.-\N) J

I Verse~ - 3
By £he Time.
\Vords - 14
-v- ,/;
/' (
Letters - 68
) , , , ,

-~ i.J. l:)tpicJ 1,..:,t?- , . ~ :i..:.,;~, :-,, ,

Verily. man is in loss. _;-? ' , ,.) , ~--·
! ' J :, :;

Exct"pc those who belie\'ed (in islamic Montheism), and did J

~ ,~, ~..u, ~'-~ -- ,

, I
righteous good deeds,and enjoyed upon each other truth, and
, , .J ,
enjoyed upon each omer patience.
-fi(~'-;ir ) .,J,7 L.f.f-f ,,,,L 1L c.!l-£1?. L u/jt:,1; Lt,-- ~
• J
.1 , ,

/.'Y.~(~(Y', -/~,... i~~j:C:Jgc\",f---'°tfJl'--/-'J , ; J J

I -

~ Summary:
The Surah takes its name front the word AJ-Asr (The time) in the first verse. It

I was revealed in Makka in the early" stages of the Mission. This Surah in deed makes us
aware of the fact that the human carnvan is speedily advancing towards eternal ruin,
~ Only those people 's can be safe from this ruin, who are believers and who act '

righ teou.sly, and who fruitful the demands of faith . This Surnh consists of three small
\·erses. but in its meaning it is so deep and vast that it not only contains the entire
history of the rise and fail or humanity but it also acts as a lower of guidance, directing

the peo ple, nations and communities to the right path, so that they may reach the desired
de~tin.ation, and. may not fa~ into the pit of destruction by folJowing thew.ron.g path. ' ,
The evidence of time through ages has been presented in support of the
~ cont.ention that m. an cannot escape ruin if he does not develop in himself the qualities of ..
£ true faith and righteous conduct
bia 1 ~ •
A z h a r u l Ara
h ort ,·,
· , hc trut , to •"" PP ,
· d · :c ep tm g t to b e
,., m
- ~- - - r ' 2 8
o f d if l-,cL,lt,·es ure e x p e ri e n c e an kind s & p f su ff e ri n g s liave
V a ri o u s kinds A ll rne,
. to sp e a k
th th
e tr u a n d lo fo ll
e p a th o f truth
rough st o n n s
o f oppo si ti o n .
ss es
have to be bo
h a ve w it h tru
th ,
I endured ~md p
e o p le ha
h ~ v e to
v e
e o ff e re d . T h e re fo re it
is also
e . d e te rm
n e
c e
a ti o n a n d c o u ra g e.
In th e
and sa c n fi c e s e , fo rb e a ra n c e e x h o rt a ti o n

s s , to le ra n c th is re fe re n c
d fa s tn e ed, and
p a ti e n c e , s te a J th e se th in g s a re in c lu d
a ti e n c e aI
m e a n in g oref cpo n si d e re d n e c e ss a ry .
Jr . "J ;~v---/ . f ;;y::'
patience a
., .., r -~ _ 7 ~ . . : : - ! I i ° !f f
.;L;( ) y .L. J~.ti1.,t.;;y(.(i ;)~ .::.Ji-'f 1-{i
p / Lv17Ji.(( (.). ic i(..iLA,,,. 7
.( J'(
'4 V-.:.....1t.J.1,lcJi.;
' .1rlcJI.?..,/._
.:;,}&Jl~}y/ ~ v 1 J k .
-~ t) 'l c J ~ v -- :. ~ i}~4r -A.1r='
(Lle---?J LJ''f-~ ~ v;£. ~ U ~ J
U( :)IJI
~o.1r=1L)L ~t; _.';:_J(g..:✓.;,~' ..
. .

~ ) jS 'j i& j~
~ Or-_----1/~-:;L
_-:----::/~;- t
.r 7 p 1 ~itiJ.I
• L -ly-,--~WVe . have granted you _( 0 Muha m m e d ~JJ;_)
V e ri ise).
a r (a ri v t! r in Parad
A l- K a u th
---(V:~J_ffi) /"i"1Lf~ .
-~Jf'.:;.-y;t114 o rd and sacrifice (t
to y o u r L
' m . p ray e r
T h e re fo re tu rn ,., .
H im o n ly ).
,v!/ t e f
~ .1 ~ 1i. :r' 1 '0
c~A"",.,. A)J ~;J
(p, ; l i
)u : he wd1
.. 0 M U H A M M E D ~ ), in this
.. '. .. .. thing
- ' s y o u .( d e ry g o.o d
ho h a te n e v
F o r h eow m p o s.t e n ty a
be c u t ff (f ro
. ~ ,.,. .
1 ~,, ~
world a n d in H
, , d
.. $. ,

lf.11vi;jJrc4-.1,1J":-JiclS("i" ~
I ~~Q2~9G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Azharul Arabia 1 ~~
.,, J ,,: ~ [/,

-, , -' ., _, .J -J' ,,,, ., ., a ~.,..

-~~~I j L;;..UI ~~j ~~I .JA oj~ 5!~J

SUMMARY: . . ~

Surab Kauser was revealed in Makkah. This Surah talks about 3 things: ~
1. That Allah Most High has granted incalculable good of this world and the ~
' hereafter to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Kauser means bounties and !
excellence which will remain forever. One among them is the watering place -o f the Holy ~
Prophet (Sallal1ahu alaihi wa sallam) i.e the Hauze Kauser. !
2. The command of Salaat and the command of slaughtering animals is to thank Allah. ~
3.The glad tidings of help against his enemies for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi
'1 wa ~allam) and that his enemies will be debased and humiliated and their line will end. ;
~ The word ~~tar mean~ they are b~reft of all !ood, of this w~rl~ a~d of the hereafte:. ;
, -:..f.V: ..:.,.71.1,l~J-;U [!./~l(4UJ/L1,~).Y~)Jl,vJ W ,~ v-4.fl.1,l,'f--~;lo)Y' !
?/IJMJ-:--i0,,~JJ,,2r-.1>.::~°';f_lJ,_7 ~~~L ~,.fL/ tbYu~ M ~
_7 J,::,J!/.,;:.; J,.f..:;./1.1,1J/Jr,,),hJJ. ~
·-7rr(rL /J~}LJ1 LJi)1P (J1),,~ tJliv-~' J/,J)JI ~
.1,1~ J(/..f-?-'LJ',✓i,~ ,~fiL j~ ~-::.-7 L Jl_,j,.;lK4ii'✓-~ rJ}r 1
• f , 'i .,., ~
-f-('f~~ M;a;!,.; ;,.7' ~



Verses - 4 Words - 15 Letters - 47

' ., >,

Say (0 Muhammed Sanallahu aJaihi wa sallam)"Hc is Allah, (the) One. l;.14U1.J" Ji.I
-f-c(.?.,=-Jlu:~J~)";" i(!(/J '-1)
Allah the Self-Sufficient Masrer, Whom all creatures need.

. - ~ •/~/__.,-,1Jl,ol•~ (__....,,;l;'-
' V ,. . "Y'-)". • •

l He does not give birth, nor was He born.

~ -'r-!/0~u ()',.;J'''r- 1.11 I~ j/.:;.. V I.;

I And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him. . ., , ~
_7 ~Jf(v l~,.;)J I
l;. 11 '.;(' .iJ ~

<: ,J j .4
, ,
I' ,hhar ul Arobiu J ~
'- J

, I , !, , 11 ,, ., ,,.

.o;j.:Jl~~JW~I Jjli ,~ j lJ ~
' ~
~~ - ~ ,.:,, J<. ,~·--,.:_ i~ 'b~ ~, ,I! , '. J ,, ' 1_
r-'i ~IJ "'. J,, .r~~,, J.lll
;, ~

(I ,
IJ , ' ,\.:./J,t ','-l~ , , , J , . , r .r ~ ~ ~~ __ ~ )J""' oJr- ~~
, ~

. ~~~ ~\!~lj,~~ij J"J '~ ~Y J,~ J'~~ J"J~J~

-~J J!t~ ~j.<!11hj ,
<~ Ji ,~~,1~~1)1 j, ip ~~tlJ1, ,

."~,)JI~(,~ J~~Jj:ll!~~J';\J_" ~j~ilJI ~~I J~1JJ J

This Surah is one of the most important Surah of the holy Qur'an. It tcm:hcs us
'Towhee<l' Oneness of Allah. Rasulullah (PBUH) said: This Surah (lkhlas) is equivalent
to one third of the Quran. This greatness is according to its meaning, because in Qur'an
the subject of Oneness of Allah has been mentioned at so many .places as it comprises
its one-third part, and since in Surah Ikhlas this impo1tant and wide spread subject has
been concentrated in four short verses in such a way that it amounts to storing the whole
river into a single pot. For this reason it has been said to be equivalent to one-third of
the Qur'an. Allah (SWT) wants us to have faith in Tawheed with complete purity. We
must really believe in Tawheed. It is also narrated in a Hadith, "A person who recited in
the morriing and evening, the following Surahs three times, Qul huwallahu Ahad and
the two Muawwazatain (Surah Falaq and Small Naas), they will protect him from all
evil". And according to ·another source, they are sufficient for him.
It is Makkan, and appears to have been revealed during the early stage of the
1 Mission, because· during this period the basic teachings of the religion were presented in
short sentences, and their; explanation and elucidation was given in the later Surahs. One
I, evidenCce that ·~ead s _1 oal thehconclusion o~i. itbs. haKvhin gafbeendrtev~alekd n_ th e _eadrly st~ge his hthe
· B

event oncernmg 8 11• , w en Ommavy,u1 m a·1 use o ma ·e 11a111e own mt e ot

sun and place a big stone on his chest asking him to worship Lat and Uzza and to give up
belief in Allah and His messenger or else to die in that condition; in reply Bilal used to say:
Allah, Ahad" (the One). It appears that by that time "Surah lkhlas has been revealed and the
word "Ahad" was from that Surah and it had become quite popular.
In Verses Nos. I and 2 Allah's attributes are mentioned from the positive aspect
while in Verses Nos, 3 and 4 from the negative aspect, so that the paths, from which the
belief of polytheism entered into the practices of nations and Conununities, may be blocked.
}L.1)\fe-~fJ. LSJ.J4J'7~1v!~IJJtv,!~lj~v!v'''f-JJr:-:v~Vlo)Y

~!Jl~,,~...C,_,;l;!n,~JJ(~~sJ~Jl;JI~ iv!v'''f-VIJ~.,Ji.\,xo1Y:-
' .. ' '

'v:! JIJ L /~ G"!(VJJI ,i.Ji'~yfiJ-7 oJj l.:!1 OJJJl,7 UIJ L}l~/L,IJ,Z (V1Jl~oJJJlc ,Ji'
41Jr1,u.70aL~1tiv.:zu1'vv!~b:'(vl,'f-J~-=..L11l~;JI Lfi~Jl,,°i.,..;lr.'~I
· - -~.1.1.1. 41~J~.
;JL?--0t1~Jti. ~JYlf':1L)L 3

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