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Assessment 01. Essay.

Discuss the following answer to the questions below. Please refer to the rubrics before
answering the questions. 

1. What theory of personality do you think explains the development of our personalities
the best? Why?

Eric Erikson's eight-step theory of human development is one of the most well-
known theories in psychology and for me, this theory explains the development of our
personalities the best. Erikson focused on how social relationships affect personality
development. The theory also extends beyond childhood and sees lifelong
development. Eric Erikson was an ego psychologist trained by Anna Freud. His theory
of psychosocial stages explains how personality develops in the course of life. Like
Freud, some aspects of Erikson's theory are considered obsolete by modern scholars,
but his eight-step evolutionary theory remains popular and influential.

2. Do our personalities represent our whole self?

Our personality no longer constitutes our complete self. Personality is a trait

and sample that allows humans to think, experience, and behave or it's far the manner
how someone affords externally. On the other hand, self refers to how someone feels
and perceives themselves. Usually, the character and self have a difference. In our life,
we will display character primarily based totally on what we need or we will display
our contrary self. Sometimes there may be someone who acts in a different way due to
the fact a person needs it and sometimes, they need to electrify others. By converting
character in front of others, it cannot certainly give our complete self. As human
beings, we will disguise our complete selves from the world. We can display unique
selves due to our personalities. There are faux personalities carried with the aid of
using someone resulting from outdoor influence. For us to stay in this case and to
stand all of the demanding situations in our ordinary lives, we attempt to keep the
usage of faux personalities and we count on that this can be the important thing to
higher repute in society. In fact, we cannot certainly display ourselves due to the fact
that there are factors affecting our character beside the point moves and activities. The
manner someone sees every other individual can be unique from how someone
perceives themselves. Thus, this blanketed that the personality cannot definitely
display our personal self. 


Category 5 4-3 2-1

The arguments and The arguments and
The arguments and
thoughts of the student thoughts of the
thoughts of the student
Organization are somewhat students are not
are very well organized
and Structure organized and the organized and the
and the question was
question was mostly question was not
completely answered.
answered. answered.

The student moves from

The student moves The student lacks clear
Sentence one idea to the next
smoothly form one idea connections between
Fluency but there is little
to the next.  ideas. 

The student makes no The student makes 1-2 The student makes
Grammar and
errors in grammar or errors in grammar or more than 3 errors in
spelling. spelling. grammar and spelling.

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